Forensics Test #1

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Common types of physical evidence

-blood, semen, and saliva, documents, drugs, explosives, fibers, fingerprints, firearms and ammunition, glass, hair, impressions, organs and physiological fluids, paint, petroleum products, plastic bags, plastic, rubber and other polymers, powder residues, serial numbers, soil and minerals, tool marks, vehicle lights, wood, and other vegetative matter

Types of Crime Labs

1) FBI: 2) DEA: drugs 3) ATF: alcohol. tobacco, firearms, 4) USPS: crime through mail

Edmond Locard

1) Locard's exchange principles : 2 objects come in contact, exchange of materials takes place 2) Gross's principles could be incorporated in a crime lab

Natural VS. Evidential Limits

1) Modern analytical techniques have become so sophisticated and sensitive that natural variations in objects become almost infinite 2) Carrying natural variations to the extreme, no two things in this world are alike in every detail 3) Evidential variations are not the same as natural variations 4) Distinguishing variations of evidential use from natural variations is not always an easy task


1) Take from different angles (overview, medium range, close-up, close-up with scale) 2) Unaltered condition 3) 12MP or more digital camera 4) Photograph in logical succession

Determining Admissibility of Evidence

1) Technique/Theory can be or has been tested 2) Technique/Theory has been subject to peer review 3) Potential Rate of Error 4) Existence of Standards 5) Frye Standard


1) begin with call to 911 ( identity of caller) 2) Lead Investigator records date/time of arrival 3)preliminary case info 4) Personnel info and those being contacted

CSI Effect

1) every crime scene yields forensic evidence 2) Prosecutors case should always be supported by forensic evidence


1) show layout of crime scene 2) Illustrate the relationship in space of all significant items and features 3) Clarify objects and features already described in notes or shown in photographs 4) Show measurements over long distances and topography of outdoor scenes 5) Depict possible paths of entry, exit, and movement through the scene

Recording crime scene (4 steps)

1. explain steps to be taken to fully record the crime scene 2. describe the proper format and content of crime scene notes 3. review basic features of film and digital cameras in order to produce examination quality 4. describe the process and importance of creating a rough and finished crime scene sketch

Securing and Isolating the Crime Scene

1st Responding Officer 1) provide medical assistance if victim needs it 2) Detain victims, witnesses, suspects 3) Secure the crime scene 4) start an accurate log of people who enter/exit crime scene and their time.

Final Sketch

A precise rendering of the crime scene, usually drawn to scale.

Quadrant/Zone Search Pattern

A search method in which the crime scene is divided into smaller sections (zones or quadrants) and team members are assigned to search each section. Each of these sections can be subdivided into smaller sections for smaller teams to search thoroughly.

Spiral search pattern

A search method in which the investigator moves in an inward spiral from the boundary to the center of the scene or in an outward spiral from the center to the boundary of a scene.

Buccal Swab

A swab of the inner portion of the cheek; cheek cells are usually collected to determine the DNA profile of an individual

A system of personal identification using a series of body measurements was first devised by _______.


The state of _____ is an excellent example of a geographical area in the US that has created a system of integrated regional and satellite labs.


The comparison microscope became an indispensable tool of firearm examination through the efforts of _______.

Calvin Goddard

Calvin Goddard

Comparison microscope for firearms examination

{Blank} programs provide an extensive symbol library and may create a 3D sketch .

Computer aid drafting

A Florida case that exemplifies the flexibility and wide discretion that a trial judge has in matters of scientific inquiry is ______.

Coppolino v State

In the case of ____________ the Supreme Court ruled that in assessing the admissibility of new and unique scientific tests, the trial judge did not have to rely solely on the concept of "general acceptance".

Dambert v Merrel Dow Pharm

One of the first functional crime labs was formed in Lyons, France under the direction of _________.

Edmond Locard

The transfer of evidence that occurs when two objects come in contact with one another was a concept first advocated by ______.

Edmond Locard

Four important federal agencies offering forensic services are the _____, ______, ______, and the ______.

FBI, DEA, ATF, Postal Service

T/F : A fingerprint can be positively identified through the IAFIS database.


T/F : An ordinary mailing envelop is considered a good general-purpose evidence container.


T/F : Charred debris recovered from the scene of an arson is best placed in a porous container.


T/F : Crime scene notes should be written from memory back at the lab.


T/F : Overview photographs should include only points of entry and points of exit.


T/F : Physical evidence cannot be used to exclude to exonerate a person from suspicion of committing a crime.


T/F : Scientific evaluation of crime-scene evidence can usually overcome the results of a poorly conducted criminal investigation.


T/F : The boundaries of the crime scene, denoted by crime-scene tape, rope, or traffic cones, should encompass only the center of the scene where the crime occurred.


T/F : The distinction between individual and class evidence is always easy to make.


T/F : The lead investigator will immediately proceed to gain an overview of the situation and develop a strategy for the systematic examination of the crime scene during the final survey.


T/F : The techniques of physical evidence collection require a highly skilled individual who must specialize in this area of investigation.


T/F : When an injured or deceased victim is present at the scene, the state of the body before being moved should be observed but not recorded.


T/F : if the investigator does not recognize physical evidence or does not properly preserve it for laboratory examination, sophisticated laboratory instruments or technical expertise can salvage the situation and attain the desired results.


TRUE OR FALSE: The US Supreme Court decision in Kumho Tire Co v Carmichael restricted the "gate-keeping" role of a rial judge only to scientific testimony.


TRUE OR FALSE: The testimony of an expert witness incorporates his or her personal opinion relating to a matter they have wither studied or examined.


Alphonse Bertillon

Father of Criminalistic Identification 1) Anthropology 2) 1st system of personal id

Mathieu Orfila

Father of Forensic Toxicology *published 1st scientific treatsie on detection of poisons and effects on animals

Forensic Science vs Criminalistics

Forensic Science: application of science to criminal and civil law Criminalistics: services available and performed at a crime laboratory

__________ is responsible for developing the first statistical study proving the uniqueness of fingerprints.

Francis Galton

The "general acceptance" principle, which serves as a criterion for the judicial admissibility of scientific evidence, was set forth in the case of _________.

Frye v US

The application of science to criminal investigation was advocated by the Austrian magistrate ________.

Hans Gross

Handling Physical Evidence

Investigators handle and process physical evidence in a way that prevents any change from taking place between time of evidence being removed and time it is received by crime lab

The Italian scientist _______ devised the first workable procedure for typing dried bloodstains.

Leone Lattes

The first forensic lab in the US was created in 1923 by the ________ police department.

Los Angeles

Francis Galton

Method for classifying fingerprints

The {blank} database allows firearms analysts to compare markings made by firearms on bullets that have been recovered from crime scenes.


CODIS (Combined DNA Index System)

National database of DNA data obtained from individuals convicted of sexual assaults or homicides

Early efforts at applying scientific principles to document examinations are associated with ________.


{Blank} is the frequency of occurrence of an event.


Class Characteristics

Properties of evidence that can be associated only with a group and never with a single source.

Collecting Physical Evidence

Search for physical evidence must extend beyond the crime scene 1) Vacuums with special filters to collect microscopic particles/fibers 2) Items wrapped separately to avoid loss of trace materials

Wheel/Ray search pattern

Several investigators search in straight lines from the center to the boundary (outward) or from the boundary to the center (inward).

Sir Arthur Doyle

Sherlock Holmes applied principles of serology, fingerprinting, firearm identification, and questioned document examination

The fiction exploits of __________ excited the imagination of an emerging generation of forensic sciences and criminal investigators.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes

Crime Scene Safety

Standard precautions, bloodborne pathogens - Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Bioterrorists attacks require special precautions. always wear latex gloves (change often) and chemically resistant clothing, mask/respirator, goggles, or face shields when infectious material is present, keep a red biohazard bag present

Comparison Analysis

Subjects a suspect specimen and a standard/reference specimen to the same tests and examinations for the ultimate purpose of determining whether or not they have a common origin

T/F : Each crime scene should be photographed as completely as possible in a logical succession, and the photographs should include the area in which the crime actually took place and all the adjacent area where important acts occurred.


T/F : Failure to protect a crime scene properly, may result in the destruction of evidence.


T/F : Given the potential weight if scientific evidence in a trial setting, failure to take proper safeguards may unfairly prejudice a case against the suspect.


T/F : One of the major deficiencies of forensic science is the inability of the examiner to assign exact or approximate probability values to the comparison of most class physical evidence,


T/F : The note taking process begins with the call to a crime to report to a scene.


T/F : The search patterns that may be used tot search a crime scene for evidence include the line pattern, grid pattern, polar coordinate pattern, and spiral pattern.


T/F : The value of a crime-scene photographs lies in their ability to show the layout of the scene, position of witnesses,


TRUE OR FALSE: The expert witness's courtroom demeanor may play an important role in deciding what weight the court will assign to their testimony.


Grid search pattern

Two or more investigators form a grid by searching in line patterns that overlap and are perpendicular to each other. Boundaries well established

Substrate Control

Uncontaminated surface material close to an area where physical evidence has been deposited


a determination left entirely to the trier of fact(usually a jury)

Rapid DNA

a process for developing DNA profiles from a buccal swab in 90 minutes or less that are compatible with a CODIS search

Besides the more obvious items of physical evidence, possible {blank} of trace evidence must be collected for detailed examination in the lab.


The possibility of future legal proceedings requires that a {blank} be established with respect to the possession and location of physical evidence.

chain of custody

Evidence associated with a group and not with a single source is said to posses {blank} characteristic.


Photographs of physical evidence must include overviews as well as {blank} to record the details of objects.

close ups

A database applicable to DNA profiling is {blank}.


CSI Unit

collect and preserve physical/crime scene evidence

A {blank} analysis subjects a suspect specimen and a standard/reference specimen to the same tests and examination in order to determine whether they have a common origin.


The value of class physical evidence lies in its ability to {blank} events with data in a manner that is, as nearly as possible, free of human error and bias.


Rough Sketch

created at the crime scene and contains an accurate depiction of the dimensions of the scene Include: 1) title block with case info, crime scene, illustrator 2) legend with identity/dimension of objects 3) compass showing North direction

The _________ unit dispatches trained personnel to the scene of a crime to retrieve evidence.

crime scene investigation

PDQ (International Forensic Automotive Paint Data Query)

database that contains chemical and color information pertaining to original automotive paints

Illegal Search and Seizure I(Mincey v. Tyler Case)

dealt with legality of a four-day search at a homicide scene-- repeated searches without warrants *When time and circumstance permit, obtain a search warrant before investigating and retrieving physical evidence at the scene 1)existence of emergency circumstances 2) need to prevent loss/destruction of immediate evidence 3) w/in immediate control of a person 4) w/ consent of a party involved

Leone Lattes

devised system for determining blood group of a dried blood stain

Each item collected at the crime scene must placed in a {blank} container.


The most commonly used camera for crime-scene photography is the {blank} camera, which can be film or digital.

digital single lens reflex

The increasing demand for ____ analysis has been the single-most important factor in the recent expansion of crime labs in the US.


The number and type of tests needed to identify a substance must be sufficient to {blank} all other substances from consideration.


Chain of Custody

every person who handled or examined the evidence and where it is at all times must be accounted for. The investigators who package evidence writes initials on tape seal, anyone who breaks seal makes a new seal with their initials

The crime scene search is undertaken to locate {blank}.



examine boy fluids and organs to determine presence/absence of drugs/poison

Voice Print Analysis Unit

examine voice of threats/messages to connect a suspect. *use a spectrograph: visual displaying of speech

Firearms Unit

examines firearms, discharged bullets, cartridge cases, shotgun shells, and ammo

Photography Unit

examines/records physical evidences and prepare photographic exhibition for court room

All unauthorized personnel must be {blank} from crime scenes.


Students studying forensic science must be cautioned that merely reading relevant textbooks and journals is no substitute for {blank} in this most practical of sciences.


A(n) _________ is a person who can demonstrate a particular skill or has knowledge in a trade or profession that will help the court determine the truth of the matter at issue.

expert witness

The ability of the investigator to recognize and collect crime-scene evidence properly depends on the amount of ______.

extent of training and relationship with lab

The believability of {blank} accounts, confessions, and informant testimony can all be disputed , maligned, and subjected to severe attack and skepticism in the courtroom.

eye witness

A decentralized system of crime labs currently exists in the US under the auspices of various government agencies in at the _____, _____, and _____ levels of government.

federal, state, local

Unlike the rough sketch, the {blank} is constructed with care and concern for aesthetic appearance and must be drawn to scale.

final sketch

The examination of bullets, cartridge cases, shotgun shells, and ammunition of all types in the _____ unit.


The {blank} arriving on the scene of a crime is responsible for taking steps to preserve and protect the area to the greatest extent possible, and this person must rely on his or her training to deal with any violent or hazardous circumstances.

first officer

The application of science to law describes ______.

forensic science

Albert S. Osborn

fundamental principles of document examination

The {blank} process determine's a substance's physical or chemical identity with as near absolute certainty as existing analytical techniques will permit.


Physical Science Unit

incorporates the principles of chemistry, physics, and geology to identify and compare physical evidence (drugs, glass, paint, explosives, soil)

Evidence that can be traced to a common source with an extremely high degree of probability is said to possess {blank} characteristics.


The crime scene notes should include a precise record of personnel movements in and out of the scene starting with the {blank}.


An airtight container {is, is not} recommended packaging material for bloodstained garments.

is not

Whenever possible, trace evidence {is, is not} to be removed from the object that bears it.

is not

Polygraph Unit

lie detector(tool), not admissible in court

Value of class evidence

lies in ability to corroborate events with data in a manner that is almost free of human error/bias

Even though no unauthorized personnel are admitted to the scene, an accurate {blank} must be kept of those who do enter and exit and the time that they do so.


At a crime scene, first priority should be given to obtaining {blank} for individuals in need of it and attempting to minimize disturbances of evidence.

medical assistance

A digital camera captures light on a light-sensitive {blank}.


Product Rule

multiplying together the frequencies of independently occurring genetic markers to obtain an overall frequency of occurrence for a genetic profile

IAFIS (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System)

national fingerprint and criminal history system maintained by the FBI

Modern analytical techniques have become so sensitive that the forensic examiner must be aware of the {blank} among materials when interpreting the significance of comparative data.

natural variations

Before located evidence is collected, it must be fully described in the investigator's {blank}.


Three methods for recording the crime scene are {blank}, {blank}, and {blank}.

notes, photography, and sketches

The success of photographs taken at a crime scene is {blank} photographs first and {blank} photographs last

overview; close up

The {blank} database contains chemical and color information pertaining to original automotive paints.


Although databases are consistently updated so that scientists can assign probabilities to class evidence, for the most part, forensic scientists must rely on {blank} when interpreting the significance of class physical evidence,

personal experience

The term {blank} encompasses all objects that can establish or disprove whether a crime has been committed or can link a crime and its victims or its perpetrator.

physical evidence

Standard/Reference Sample

physical evidence whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a suspect, that can be compared to crime-scene evidence

The application of chemistry, physics, and geology to the identification and comparison of crime-scene evidence is the function of the _________ unit.

physical science


search pattern usually used in a predetermined area by several people. The search area is divided into lanes that are searched by one or more people in both directions until the entire area has been examined.

To ensure that their digital images will be admissible, many jurisdictions have developed or are developing {blank} for the use of digital photography to avoid the possibility of enhancement or doctoring of crime scene photographs.

strict protocol

Document Examination

studies handwriting/typewriting on questioned documents to ascertain authenticity/source

A detailed search of the crime scene for physical evidence must be conducted in a {blank} manner.



the process of determining a substance's physical/chemical identity1) requires adoption of testing procedures that give characteristic results for specific standard materials2) requires # and type of test needed to id a substance and exclude all other substances

The examination of body fluids and organs for drugs and poisons is a function of the ________ unit.


The most important prerequisite for photography at a crime scene is to have it in an {blank} condition.


The process of {blank} the crime scene essentially combines notes and photography.


In the case of Mincey v. Arizona, the Supreme Court restricted the practice of conducting a {blank} search at a homicide scene.

warrant less

The {blank} accorded physical evidence during a trial is left entirely to the trier of fact.

weight significance

Hans Gross

wrote 1st scientific treatsie describing application of scientific discipline to field of criminal investigation

Walter McCrone

advocate of sophisticated analytical technology & microscopy

As a matter of routine, all items of clothing are to be {blank} before packaging.

air dried

NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistics Information Network)

allow firearms analyst to acquire, dignitize, and compare markings made by a firearm on bullets and cartridge casings recovered from crime scenes. maintained by ATF

Physical Evidence

any object that can establish that a crime has/has not been committed, and can link a victim/perpetrator to it

Biology Unit

applies the knowledge of biological sciences in order to investigate and profile DNA, blood samples, body fluids, hair, and fiber samples, and botanical materials (used for rapes, botanical material= biologic material)

In the case of Michigan v. Tyler, the Supreme Court dealt with the search and seizure procedures at an {blank} scene.


The examination of blood, hair, fibers, and botanical materials is conducted in the _____ unit.


Packaging Physical Evidence

place evidence in separate containers, packaging separately prevents damage through contact and cross-contamination. 1) Biological Materials: only disposable tools should be used to collect for packaging, airtight containers may produce mold, USE paper, manila envelopes, or bags for air circulation. 2) Small/trace evidence such as hair, glass, fibers: unbreakable plastic pill bottles with pressure lids, manila envelopes, glass vials, cardboard pillboxes*mailing envelopes should not be used for powders or other fine particles because the edges are not sealed. Use "druggist fold". 3) Arson Scenes: airtight metal or glass containers to prevent the loss of vapors

Frye Standard

procedure/technique must be commonly accepted by scientific community

Latent Fingerprint

processes/examines evidence for fingerprints

Individual Characteristics

properties of evidence that can be attributed to a common source with an extremely high degree of certainty

Most physical evidence collected at the crime scene will require the accompanying submission of {blank} material for comparison purposes.

reference sample

In contrast to the US, Britain's crime lab system is characterized by a national system of ______ labs.


An investigator need only draw a {blank} sketch at the crime scene to show its dimensions and pertinent objects.


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