Foster US History to 1876- midterm terms

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Declaration of Independence

1. All men are created equal 2. unalienable rights, 3. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness 4. that to secure those rights, governments are instituted among men, 5. government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it

The Headright system

Began in Jamestown in 1618 as an attempt to solve labor shortages due to the beginning of the tobacco economy, which required large plots of land with many workers. Used as a way to attract new settles to address labor shortage . . . 50 acres.

Middle Ground

The Ohio valley became caught up in a complex struggle for power involving the French, British, rival Indians, and settlers and land companies. Villages sprang up where members of numerous tribes lived side by side along with European traders and the occasional missionary.

Battle of Tippecanoe

US symbolic victory, sneak attack, rebuild confederacy- inspired to reorganize. American forces under William Henry Harrison destroyed Profitstown.

Sons of Liberty

Took the lead in enforcing boycott of British imports. Were the Boston Tea Party (enforcing opposition of tea act)


1607 English colonists landed at Jamestown. Disease and lack of food took a heavy toll. Established by the Virginia Company, John Smith ultimately imposed a regime of forced labor on company lands which alienated many of the colonists. The Virginia Company slowly realized that for the colony to survive it would have to abandon the search for gold, grow it's own food, and find a marketable commodity. (Tobacco)

Stamp Act

1764- required that colonists purchase stamps to validate documents (newspapers, wills, liquor licenses, borrowed money, playing cards).British tax colonists felt violated their liberty. crowds forced those involved to resign, and destroyed shipments of stamps.

Tea Act

1773- designed to save the East India Company from bankruptcy, gave monopoly over tea sales in America. Americans interpret as a subtle ploy to get them to consume taxed tea

Boston Massacre

A group of British soldiers fired on a Boston mob, killed 5 Americans

The First Great Awakening

A series of revivals- large meetings where many experience religious conversion in response to shifted preaching. Individuals could only attain salvation through recognition of sins and complete surrender to Gods will. Challenged traditional modes of thought, world divided into two groups, the saved, and the damned. Made Christianity intensely personal.

The Stono Rebellion

A slave rebellion in 1739 in South Carolina, the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies.


A society of people in the location that we now know as Mexico. They developed cities, roads, and irrigation systems, extensive trade networks. Created large structures such as the pyramid temples. Capital was one of world's largest cities at the time. -Violent warriors who engaged in ritual sacrifice of captives and others, were ultimately defeated by Cortes, and smallpox epidemic

Articles of Confederation

Actions of Congress required consent of all states. No taxing power could not demand revenues, lack of power to raise funds for militia . Central government unable to maintain peace and order. No central authority to resolve disputes between the states. States retained most of the power, each state had one vote could send 2-7 reps 1 vote. AOC severely limited. No coercive power over the states or its citizens

The Federalist Party

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. Were for strong national government. Emphasized commercial and diplomatic harmony with Britain following the signing of Jay's Treaty

Northwest Ordinance

An act of congress in 1787 which created the Northwest Territory, the first organized territory of the United States. Prohibition of slavery in the territory had the practical effect of establishing the Ohio river as the boundary between free and slave territory. Enacted the basic principle of the "empire of liberty" which rather than ruling over the West as a colonial power, the united states would admit the areas population as equal members of the political system.

Salem Witch Trials

Belief in, magic, astrology , and witchcraft was widespread in 17th century. Witches were usually women, accused of making a pact with the devil to obtain supernatural powers which they then used to harm others. Punishable by execution. In New England, witches hung sometimes, and were usually older past child bearing age, and estranged from husbands, outspoken, and economically independent. Several young girls suffered nightmares and attributed it to witchcraft, Only way to avoid prosecution was to name others and confess, leading to scapegoating and persecution. People accused their neighbors to save their own lives.

Shay's Rebellion

Crowds of debt-ridden farmers closed the courts in western Massachusetts to prevent the seizure of their land for failure to pay taxes

Indentured servitude

During the seventeenth century nearly 2/3 of English settlers voluntarily surrendered their freedom for a specified time (usually 5-7 years) in exchange for passage to America. Like slaves, servants could be bought and sold, could not marry without the permission of their owner, were subject to physical punishment, and saw their obligation to labor enforced by the courts. Unlike slaves, servants could look forward to a release from bondage and would receive a payment known as "freedom dues" and become free members of society. Though there was a high death rate before the end of their terms and freedom dues were often not enough to pay for land.

The Great Compromise

Each state given two delegates in the Senate, House of reps based on population, 3/5 of the slave population counted toward representation in house

Roger Williams

English protestant theologian who arrived in Massachusetts in 1631, and soon began to insist that it's congregations withdraw from the Church of England and that church and state be separated. England had no right to grant land occupied by Indians

The Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, right to bear arms/ militia, unreasonable searches and seizures, right to avoid self-incrimination


First Puritans to emigrate to America. They intended to go to Virginia but landed in Plymouth setting sail in 1620 on the Mayflower, among them many non-puritans. Half died during the first Winter, and the other half survived only through the help of local Indians in Autumn 1621, invited Indian allies to the first Thanksgiving. They hoped to establish a society based on the lives of the early Christian saints. Their government rested on the principle of consent and voting was not restricted to church members

Hernando Cortes

First explorer to encounter a major American civilization, arriving at Tenochtitlan in 1519 with only a few hundred European men he conquered the Aztec city, relying on superior military technology such as iron weapons and gun powder and enlisted the aid of some of the Aztecs who supplied him with thousands of warriors

French and Indian War

French and Indians allied together against the British. 1754-1763. Eventually spread to Europe, West Africa and Asia. Britain's victory fundamentally reshaped the world balance of power. The Peace of Paris which ended the war, left all of North America east of the Mississippi in British hands, ending the French presence on the continent.

Encomienda Sytem

In 1550 Spain abolished the system, under which the first settlers had been granted authority of conquered Indian lands with a right to extract forced labor from the native inhabitants. In it's place the government established the Repartimiento system whereby residents of Indian villages remained legally free and entitled to wages but were still required to perform a fixed amount of labor each year.

Navigation Acts

In 1651 Parliament passed the first act, which aimed to gain control of world trade from the Dutch whose merchants profited from free trade with all parts of the world. Stimulated the rise of New England's ship building industry by restricting the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and it's colonies and added income from taxes and gave the new government added income from taxes


Independent adventurers commissioned by the Spanish crown. Encomienda system rewards conquistadores large land grants, natives provide labor, or tribute. 1650, half a million Spaniards in New World. Unmarried males intermarry, mixed blood population (mestizo)

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson sends a mission to France to buy New Orleans. napoleon offers to sell all of Louisiana for 15 million. Jefferson denies them self rule- Governed from Washington- departure from republicanism

The Republican Party

Led by Madison and Jefferson, more sympathetic to France than the Federalists, had more faith in democratic self-government

War of 1812

Madison sends congress a declaration of war -Americans unprepared for war- just got out of revolution, in debt, no steady army or navy. -congress refused to raise wartime taxes -New England refuses to support war effort -US army small, state militias inadequate

Christopher Columbus

Sailed to the West Indies in 1492 and set in motion some of the most pivotal developments in human history. Made conquests for Portugal, was originally Italian.

Columbian Exchange

The transatlantic flow of goods and people including plants, animals, and cultures that had evolved independently on separate continents and were now thrown together but Europeans also carried germs previously unknown in the Americas.

Daughters of Liberty

Women who spun and wove at home to as not to purchase British goods. Young women from well-to-do families served as political instructors.

Jay's Treaty

favored treatment to British Imports. Did not address impressment or the rights of American shipping. Britain agreed to abandon all outposts on western frontier

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