Foundations Of Physical Education People Quiz

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Robert Roberts

Lewis's student; believed in applying sciences of physiology, anatomy, and hygiene to PT; leading director of the YMCA; his program helped strength and stretching

Charles Follen

a German teacher at Harvard created a German gymnastics program and made the first public gym in the USA

Thomas Cureton

application of research to fitness; developed fitness tests for cardiorespiratory endurance (including intensity guidelines necessary to improve fitness levels)

Clark Hetherington

created 4 concepts for PE in the new program that his teacher Thomas Wood created (organic, psychomotor, character, and intellectual); taught at Stanford University

Phil Lawler

created PE4Life

Thomas Wood

created a new form of gymnastics in his natural gymnastics program

Dr. Charles Corbin

created fitness for life; develop a fitness concepts approach called fitness for life; help students improve health related fitness but teach about exercise and be good fitness consumers

Dio Lewis

created the "new gymnastics system" which combined Beecher's and the Swedish gymnastics systems; his system focused on strength, flexibility, agility, and grace of movement; made exercises with beanbags (like medballs), wooden rings (like exercise bands and dumbbells), and clubs; created wooden dowels now used in PT (improves flexibility)

President Lydon B. Johnson

established the President's Physical Fitness Award program for student aged 10-17 where winner would get a physical fitness patch

John Dewey

had an influence on social education often called progressive education; he stressed the importance of social reform by following a child-centered educational approach allowing children to learn from doing and experiencing life helping children learn through sports, game, and play was an important component of progressive education and by extension the new physical education

Luther Gulick

helped bring people to do after school activities and recreational sports; established the playground association of America, the boy scouts of America, and the camp fire girls; helped developed PE within the YMCA

Jay B. Nash

helped kids become sportsy and outdoorsy due to all their free time by promoting the construction of parks, pools, etc; outdoor education and recreation; promoted the "new" physical education

Amy Morris Homans

helped teach teachers to teach the Swedish system at normal schools; director of the normal school of gymnastics which later became the department of hygiene and physical education at Wellesley College

Nils Posse

helped teach teachers to teach the Swedish system at normal schools; taught at the Boston normal school of gymnastics and started the Posse normal school

Dudley Sargent

helped to fight to rise the importance of PE; helped to create weight lifting machines; key speaker at the Boston Conference (made the purpose and scope of PE clear); his system: modified and developed exercise machines and included education, recreation, and individual remedial or corrective exercises; developed Harvard Summer School for PE; fought for recognition of physical education as an academic discipline; creator of the Sargent system; developed Harvard Summer School for PE; fought for PE to be recognized as an academic subject; MD; believed his eclectic system afforded the well-rounded development of muscular, respiratory, and circulatory functions; emphasized hygiene

Catherine Beecher

helped women and girls get physical activity; first woman physical education leader in the USA; developed a system for girls and women that concentrated on performing beautiful and strong movements to music to help produce good posture, strength, and grace; many of the exercises in her system involved holding a body position for a period of time similar to isometric exercises of today; modified the Swedish system to create her own system; concerns about inactivity and the poor health of women and children drove her; her system: calisthenics for girls and women to help develop good posture, strength, and grace and less rigorous without excessive use of apparatuses and movements to music;

Mabel Lee

helped women understand the importance of fitness for them; taught at the University of Nebraska; at University of Nebraska, battled for physical education for women using the statistics on poor fitness levels of female students

Dorothy Ainsworth

international advocate for physical education and sports for girls and women; president of AAHPERD in 1950

Dr. Hartwig Nissen

introduced the Swedish gymnastics system to Boston schools and was their director of physical training

Eleanor Metheny

leader of movement education; helps children develop and refine fundamental movement patterns; worked at the University of Southern California

R. Tait McKenzie

leader of the playground movement; international advocate; surgeon and famous sculptor; president of APEA in 1912

Charles Sterling

made a computerized fitness report card which was used in a Texas school system; the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research was further developed later into Fitnessgram

President Eisenhower

made a counsel to focus on the youth's health and that the counsel along with AAHPER created fitness tests for schools

Francis Lieber

opened the first swim school in the USA in conjunction with the first gym

Dr. William Anderson

organized a meeting of leading physical directors at Adelphi University in Brooklyn and AAHPERD was born there; initiated first meeting in 1885 that began the national association, taught at teachers training schools of physical education

Charles McCloy

researcher (measurement in motor skills, movement, and fitness); president of AAHPE in 1937; substantial research in physical education; impetus for future changes

Dr. Rosalind Cassidy

she continued the work of Clark Hetherington in her early career but then she joined UCLA where she became a leading advocate for movement education and was considered by many to be an expert in the science of movement principles for children and youth

Edward Hitchcock

teacher of PE and director of the department of hygiene and physical culture (this was the first department of its kind) at Amherst College; he is the one to thank for physical fitness tests; he personalized his hygiene program for each students by using anthropometric measurements; first president of AAHPERD (elected at the Adelphi Conference); his system: collected pre- and post-anthropometric measurements to develop an individualized program for each student

Charles Beck

the first PE teacher in the USA; taught German and Latin gymnastics at Round Hill School (a private school in Massachusetts in 1823)

Don Hellison

the responsibility model was created by him in order to help bad kids learn to respect and help others and to be independent; created the responsibility model in the 1980's; enhancement of personal and social responsibility skills; responsibility levels for students to achieve

Delphine Hanna

used her medical background to enhance PE; set the stage for college degrees in PE (worked at Oberlin College); broke the man dominance in PE; she was the first woman to use anthropometric measurements in PE; 35 years at Oberlin College, Ohio; first woman to use anthropometric measurements and corrective procedures in her PE program; first woman appointed full professor in PE; MD; used her medical background to enhance physical education; created the first college-level teacher preparation program for credit in the USA; by 1900 Oberlin College offered a two year certificate in physical education qith a bachelor's degree available in another field (this led to PE becoming a major); used anthropometric measurements and corrective procedures in her program (the first woman to do so); the first women appointed to the rank of full professor of PE (broke the male dominated barrier)

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

wanted physical education

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