French Culture 3

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Which of the following comic book characters best illustrates French nationalist pride, resourcefulness, and indomitable spirit in the presence of domination by a stronger power?

A. Astérix le Gaulois B. Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke is a Western bande dessinée series created by Belgian cartoonist Morris in 1946. Morris wrote and drew the series single-handedly until 1955, after which he started collaborating with French writer René Goscinny, who also created the Astérix series.) C. Gaston Lagaffe (Gaston is a gag-a-day comic strip created in 1957 by the Belgian cartoonist André Franquin in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou. The series focuses on the everyday life of Gaston Lagaffe, a lazy and accident-prone office junior who works at Spirou's office in Brussels.) D. Tintin A (The character Astérix le Gaulois appears in comic books ("bande dessinées") stories that are set in the period immediately after the Gallic wars when Gaul is under the domination of the Roman Empire. The adventures in which Astérix and his companions oppose resistance to the Roman Empire through their resourcefulness, courage, and the help of some magic from their druid, are humoristic and full of allusions and references to French history and culture.)

The English expression "Let's get together sometime!" after meeting someone for the first time corresponds best to which of the following French expression?

A. Au revoir ! B. On se voit à la pause-café ? C. À la prochaine ! D. On déjeune ensemble ? C. The French expression "À la prochaine!" conveys pleasant interest in a non- specific future meeting, so response C is the best equivalent. "Au revoir" (A) has a literal meaning of "until seeing again" but is used simply as the conventional parting with no implied interest or intention for a future meeting. Both B and D propose specific times or activities for the next meeting, and so are less open-ended than "À la prochaine!" and its English equivalent.

Selon vos connaissances culturelles, quel auteur français du 17e siècle a exercé une grande influence sur le genre du conte ?

A. Beaumarchais B. Maupassant C. Balzac D. Perrault D (Option D is correct because Perrault is a seventeenth-century author who had great influence on the story as a genre. Option A is incorrect because Beaumarchais was an eighteenth-century author primarily known for his dramatic works. Option B is incorrect because, although Maupassant wrote many stories, he is a writer of the nineteenth-century, not the seventeenth. Option C is incorrect because it, too, mentions a nineteenth-century writer of stories, Balzac.)

Tagine is a regional dish of

A. Belgium B. Morocco C. Quebec D. Martinique B A tajine or tagine is a Berber dish, named after the earthenware pot in which it is cooked. It is also called maraq or marqa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya)

Perspectives on the lifestyle and activities of the eighteenth-century French aristocracy could best be gained from viewing paintings created by:

A. Camille Corot and Jean-François Millet of the Barbizon school. B. rococo artists Jean-Antoine Watteau and Jean-Honoré Fragonard. C. Marc Chagall and Maurice Boitel of the Ecole de Paris. D. romantic artists Eugène Delacroix and Théodore Chassériau. B

The music career of the French singer and actor whose stage name is Johnny Hallyday most reflects the influence of which of the following musical forms on late 20th century French popular music?

A. Caribbean zouk and rhythm and blues B. US and British rock music C. the chansons françaises of early music halls D. traditional French folk music B. Born Jean-Philippe Smet in Paris, Johnny Hallyday is known as the French Elvis Presley. He began his iconic career in the 1960s, singing rock and roll in French. He entertained large French and international audiences until his retirement in the early 21st century.

In general, French hosts welcoming visitors to their home for a dinner party or other event are much less likely than hosts in the United States to offer guests a tour of the entire house because:

A. French homes are generally utilitarian rather than expressions of personal identity. B. showing off a home and possessions would violate the French sense of the importance of humility. C. the French maintain strong distinctions between what they view in life as public and private. D. norms of formality create a preference for exhibiting only the most elegant room in the house. C (Generally, the French value privacy highly. Visitors to a French home are usually restricted to one room or area that may be prepared in advance for the activity in question.)

The Red River sash and infinity flag are cultural identifiers of which of the following groups of French speaking people?

A. Haitians B. Belgian Walloons C. Senegalese D. Canadian Métis D. In Canada, the Metis are the descendants of Europeans and Native Americans. The Métis sash is perhaps the most recognizable part of Metis dress. Its use originated during the fur trade and served many functions for the travelers. Over time, the Metis produced their own sashes in their communities in the Red River area and the sashes have become cultural icons, still worn in community celebrations. The flag was first used by resistance fighters in Canada in the early 1800s. The infinity symbol was drawn from the mark made by missionaries in birth and baptismal church records and symbolizes the coming together of European and native cultures.

Hector Hyppolite is a representative of which of the following artistic movements?

A. Impressionist B. Surrealist C. Naive D. Abstract C

Which of the following expressions would French-speaking people use to say that they were feeling down or blue?

A. J'ai le trac. (nervous) B. J'ai de la chance. C. J'ai du pain sur la planche. (have a lot on your plate) D. J'ai le cafard. (cockroach, feel blue)

Which of the following French political figures was the first socialist president of France?

A. Jacques Chirac B. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing C. Charles de Gaulle D. François Mitterand

Who was the architect of the liberation of Haiti from France?

A. Jean-Bertrand Aristide B. Toussaint-Louverture C. Léopold Senghor D. Papa Doc Duvalier (François Duvalier, also known as Papa Doc, was a Haitian politician who served as the President of Haiti from 1957 to 1971. He was elected president in 1957 on a populist and black nationalist platform. After thwarting a military coup d'état in 1958, his regime rapidly became totalitarian and despotic.) B

Which of the following French works is considered a breakthrough in feminist literature?

A. L'Amant by Marguerite Duras B. Les Lettres de Madame de Sévigné C. Le Deuxième Sexe by Simone de Beauvoir D. La Petite Fadette by George Sand C

Which of the following monuments was built for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris as a symbol and a demonstration of French technical, architectural, and engineering capabilities?

A. La Grande Arche de la Défense B. La pyramide de verre de Pei C. L'arc de triomphe de l'Etoile D. La tour Eiffel D

Selon vos connaissances culturelles, quel monument parisien, figurant dans la photo, autrefois église et maintenant lieu de commémoration, abrite les tombeaux de plusieurs personnages historiques très connus, y compris ceux de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, de Victor Hugo, et de Pierre et Marie Curie ?

A. La Sorbonne B. Le Panthéon C. Le Théâtre de l'Odéon D. Les Invalides B (Option B is correct because the Pantheon is the Parisian monument that contains the tombs of people such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Victor Hugo, and Pierre and Marie Curie, who are famous in the history of France. Option A is incorrect because the Sorbonne is an institution of higher education and not a monument containing the tombs of people famous in French history. Option C is incorrect because it names a Parisian theater and not a monument containing tombs of the famous. Option D is incorrect because it names the official museum of the French army, which does not contain tombs of the French historical figures mentioned.)

Laquelle des publications françaises suivantes utilise beaucoup les caricatures, jeux de mots et satires dans ses articles couvrant les événements politiques courants ?

A. Le Canard enchaîné B. L'Express C. Le Figaro-Magazine D. Le Point A. Le Canard enchainé is a weekly satirical newspaper (A). L'Express and Le Point are weekly newsmagazines (B and D). Le Figaro-Magazine is a weekly supplement to the Friday edition of the newspaper Le Figaro (C).

At the beginning of July, which sports activity would receive the most media coverage in France?

A. Le Championnat de Rugby B. Le Championnat de tennis Roland Garros (French Open, late May - early June) C. Le Tour de France D. La Course de Voile d'Oléron C

Romanticism as a literary movement in France is best exemplified by which of the following works?

A. Le mariage de Figaro B. Phèdre C. A la recherche du temps perdu D. Le rouge et le noir D. Le Rouge et le noir, by Stendhal, was published in 1830 following a cultural clash between the critics and artists who defended the established neoclassical tradition and those who would propose a literature closer to the romantic tradition that had been flourishing in Germany and England during the turn of the previous century. In this vein, Stendhal adapts romantic elements such as the pursuit of freedom, an interest in nature and the natural, and the internal angst of the main protagonist, Julien, to comment on the cultural and social upheavals following the French Revolution and the social mobility that followed.

Which of the following literary works best reflects a critique of gender roles and relationships in the context of the modern bourgeoisie of 19th century France?

A. Les Misérables, by Victor Hugo B. Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert C. Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas D. Le Père Goriot, by Honoré de Balzac B (Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary is a pioneering landmark in the tradition of European realistic novel of bourgeois life. Focused on the middle class institution of marriage, the novel provides an emotionally intense account of the clash between romantic ideals of love and intimacy, and the dull, thoughtless, and materialistic life of the bourgeoisie.)

Which of the following options matches a region of France with a non-French language traditionally spoken in portions of that region?

A. Lorraine: German B. Normandy: Basque C. Burgundy: Flemish D. Aquitaine: Breton A

In which of the following European countries is French an official language?

A. Netherlands B. Russia C. Luxembourg D. Liechtenstein

Which of the following historical conditions best explains why American artists visited Paris during the period between the two world wars?

A. Paris turned into a worldwide center of cultural innovation. B. The living cost in Paris was lower than in large American cities. C. Paris was considered the gateway to international fame. D. The local government in Paris encouraged American tourism. A (Despite the economic hardships in the aftermath of World War I, Paris was considered a worldwide center of intellectual and cultural ferment, especially in music, literature, the visual arts, and film. Many American artists came to Paris to take part in the cultural experience of exuberant diversity and innovation.)

The French ruling dynasty that ended with the execution of Louis XVI in 1793 originated with which of the following rulers?

A. Philip VI in 1328 B. Charlemagne in 800 C. Pepin the Short in 751 D. Hugh Capet in 987 D

L'adjectif numérique « septante », synonyme de soixante-dix, est utilisé surtout par les francophones de quelle origine parmi les pays suivants ?

A. Sénégal B. Algérie C. Madagascar D. Belgique D. In Belgium and Switzerland, and in former Belgian colonies in Africa, including Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo, the one-word numbers septante and nonante often replace the compound numbers soixante-dix and quatre-vingt-dix used elsewhere in the French- speaking world (D). In some parts of Switzerland, octante or huitante replaces quatre vingts. In Sénégal, Algérie, and Madagascar, standard French usage is followed (A, B, C).

In Quebec during the 1960s, considered l'âge d'or de la chanson Québécoise, the music of singer-songwriters such as Félix Leclerc, Raymond Lévesque, and Gilles Vigneault gained popularity because many of the songs reflected Quebec's changing cultural perspectives in which of the following ways?

A. They recognized and celebrated Quebec's multicultural roots. B. They questioned the traditions and perspectives of the Roman Catholic Church. C. They encouraged the expression of a strong Québécois national identity. D. They combined English and French in support of bilingual cultural development. C

Which of the following statements best reflects the major theme of Edith Piaf's cabaret songs?

A. Trust is the foundation of intimate relationships. B. Life is worth living even in the face of adversity. C. Friendship is the source of the good in life. D. Peace can only be achieved by compassion. B (Edith Piaf's cabaret songs and singing style reflect her personal tenacity as she faced the difficulties in her own life. She is especially renowned for her ability to move audiences with her passionate performance of songs about loss and love.)

On which of the following occasions are bunches of lilies of the valley sold in the streets and given as presents in £France?

A. Valentine's Day B. Bastille Day C. Labor Day D. All Saints' Day C. The practice of selling and giving lilies of the valley, which bloom in May and traditionally symbolize the spring and happiness, comes from ancient pagan celebrations welcoming the return of spring. With the rise of the labor movement during the late 19th century, this tradition was integrated into the fête du travail.

A business lunch or dinner in France is most likely to involve:

A. a brief meal with impersonal conversation and no discussion of business matters until returning to the office. B. an informal discussion of the general topics of business under consideration during cocktails and a three-course meal. C. a serious discussion of the matter at hand during the first course or two, followed by more relaxed, casual conversation over cheese, dessert, and coffee. D. an elaborate meal accompanied by wine and wide-ranging conversation to build relationships before discussing business matters. D

Which of the following would a Parisian adult most likely eat for le petit déjeuner?

A. a piece of baguette with jam and butter and café au lait B. eggs and boudin blanc, toast, and café crème C. an omelette made with ham and cheese and a cup of chocolat chaud D. crêpes with yaourt, fruit, and a glass of juice A

In 1975, Paul Bocuse was awarded the French Légion d'Honneur to acknowledge his contributions as:

A. a pioneer researcher in particle physics. B. the inventor of Minitel and early telecommunications. C. the father of modern French cuisine. D. an entrepreneur in the French automobile industry. C. A student of Eugénie Brazier, he was one of the most prominent chefs associated with the nouvelle cuisine, which is less opulent and calorific than the traditional cuisine classique, and stresses the importance of fresh ingredients of the highest quality. Paul Bocuse claimed that Henri Gault first used the term, nouvelle cuisine, to describe food prepared by Bocuse and other top chefs for the maiden flight of the Concorde airliner in 1969. Nouvelle cuisine is an approach to cooking and food presentation in French cuisine. In contrast to cuisine classique, an older form of haute cuisine, nouvelle cuisine is characterized by lighter, more delicate dishes and an increased emphasis on presentation. It was popularized in the 1960s by the food critic Henri Gault, who invented the phrase, and his colleagues André Gayot and Christian Millau in a new restaurant guide, the Gault-Millau, or Le Nouveau Guide.

As part of a campaign to reduce food waste in France, a 2016 law mandated that restaurants recycle unused food. The law includes a provision encouraging restaurants to provide a "to go" box to diners who wish to take home uneaten food, a practice that was rarely seen before in French restaurants. Many French restaurants and diners have been slow to adopt the practice. Their resistance to the idea of taking home leftover food can best be explained as:

A. an effect of social opposition to changing traditions and adopting practices from other cultures. B. a reflection of cultural values and etiquette related to restaurant dining and food consumption. C. a demonstration of political perspectives that oppose government control of individual behavior. D. an economic concern that restaurant patrons who take home leftover food will eat out less often. B

En France, les étudiants qui réussissent le baccalauréat sont qualifiés pour s'inscrire :

A. au premier cycle à l'université. B. au collège. C. à un programme doctoral. D. au lycée A. The baccalauréat is a qualification that students earn by taking a series of examinations at the end of the final year of secondary education. Students who achieve an overall passing grade (10/20) have the right to enroll at a university in a field related to the type of baccalauréat they have prepared (A). The collège in France is the first level of secondary education, for students aged 11 to 15 (B) and the lycée (D) provides the final three years of secondary education, the last two devoted to preparation for a specific baccaluréat. In order to enter a doctoral program, students must succeed in the first and second cycles of higher education which usually requires four to five years of university-level study (C).

Certains établissements vinicoles des États-Unis produisent des vins qui ont des désignations telles que « Champagne américain, » ou « Bourgogne américain. » Ces désignations indiquent que :

A. ces vins sont d'un type semblables aux vins produits dans des régions spécifiques de la France. B. ces vins sont tous produits avec des raisins provenant de France. C. ces vins sont approuvés et enregistrés par l'Institut national des appellations d'origine de France. D. ces vins sont produits à partir d'une variété particulière de raisins. A. An American champagne or burgundy wine is produced to resemble the wine from (and perhaps by following the methods used in) the corresponding region of France (A). Outside of France, use of the terms "Champagne" and "Bourgogne/Burgundy" is not regulated (C). The grapes that are used to produce these wines, in France and elsewhere, may be of several different varieties (D). American winemakers may purchase grapes from other American growers, but they do not import wine grapes from France (B).

Which of the following factors was most significant in the origins of the Hundred Years' War?

A. conflict with Spain over territorial claims in North Africa B. a border dispute with German princes over the region of Alsace C. conflict with Rome over Church-owned lands in France D. a dispute with the English king over the succession to the French throne D. Actually a series of wars that began in 1337, it was fought by France and England for control of the French throne. When the king of France, Charles IV died without a male heir, Edward III, King of England, asserted his right to the throne through his mother, the late king's sister. The war began when the grandson of Philip III, Philip VI, assumed the throne and confiscated Aquitaine, which was claimed by the English.

La Comédie humaine d'Honoré de Balzac consiste en un ensemble de

A. contes cruels ayant pour principal sujet la haute société parisienne au tournant du dix-neuvième siècle. B. nouvelles racontant le quotidien burlesque de paysans et petits-bourgeois au dix- neuvième siècle. C. romans peignant un portrait complexe de la société, de la Révolution à la monarchie de Juillet. D. contes philosophiques mettant en relief avec ironie les conflits de classe au siècle des Lumières. C. In 1842, Honoré de Balzac published the catalogue of his Comédie humaine, a series of 26 volumes grouping about 100 of his previously published (and some planned) stories and novels into three parts (C). The publication of the volumes continued until 1848. Responses A and B describe the short stories of Guy de Maupassant, and response D refers to the works of Voltaire.

The Paris Commune of 1871 most influenced the development of France because it

A. contributed to the downfall of the Second Empire B. strengthened the importance of local and regional identities C. served as a model for socialist government through the following century D. established a foreign policy of neutrality and nonintervention C. Following France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, resistance to treaty terms prompted Paris city residents to throw up the blockades and elect their own municipal government, which they proclaimed a Commune, in the tradition of the Revolution. The involvement of the city's large working class population brought a proletarian tone to the new government's agenda, which, despite the Commune's short existence, left its legacy as the first government of a working class. Socialist reformers since have idealized aspects of the Commune as a prefiguration of the liberated state that would feature the dictatorship of the proletariat.

French euro coins, postage stamps, and many other French products bear the image of Marianne, a young woman usually wearing a pointed "Phrygian" cap. Also historically the subject of statues and paintings, Marianne most symbolizes the:

A. contributions of women to the history and development of France B. history, land and culture of the French nation C. ideals of liberty and equality and nationalism of the French republic D. justice and the authority of the citizen in France C. Although the true origins of the image are unclear, a young woman, most often wearing a pointed red felt cap that is also known as the cap of liberty, has for two centuries been used to symbolize the triumph of the republic in France. Artwork portraying Marianne often decorates town halls and law courts, and appears on numerous postage stamps and patriotic memorabilia.

Quebec's natural resources have enabled it to become a major producer of:

A. cotton and woolen goods. B. oil and natural gas. C. paper and forest products. D. copper and uranium. C (Quebec's natural resources include forests, hydroelectricity, minerals, agricultural land, rivers, lakes, wind energy, fish and wildlife. Quebec's natural resources include forests, hydroelectricity, minerals, agricultural land, rivers, lakes, wind energy, fish and wildlife. Maple Syrup)

Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle correspond le mieux à l'objectif principal du Parti Québécois, le parti politique québécois fondé par René Lévesque en 1968 au Canada ?

A. former une association économique et militaire entre le Québec et la France B. obtenir l'indépendance politique du Québec vis-à-vis du Canada C. séparer le Québec de la fédération canadienne et l'intégrer aux États-Unis D. créer une alliance avec Cuba afin de promouvoir le socialisme au Québec B. The main goal of the Parti Québécois (PQ) is national sovereignty for the province of Québec (B). The PQ has been the ruling party of a majority government in Québec four times since 1976, and was part of a minority government beginning in 2012. During most of that period, the PQ has been the official opposition, falling to the role of Third Party only twice. Although the PQ lost the 1995 referendum on independence for Québec, the vote was close enough (over 49% in favor of independence) and support for the party strong enough (averaging 40% of the population of Québec) that significant concessions on the federal level give Québec more autonomy than the other provinces of Canada. Response A refers to the "relation directe et privilégiée" between France and the province of Québec and the various forms of cooperation and collaboration that both governments support. Military cooperation is not included. The PQ wishes to establish Québec as a sovereign nation, so it does not seek to make Québec part of the United States (C). In the 1960s some Québec separatists, notably those in the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), had a close ideological relationship with Cuba, but that was most significant before the creation of the PQ (D).

As a geographic feature, the Rhone River has most contributed to the:

A. global importance of France as a premier producer of wine B. emergence of Grasse as the capital of the fragrance and perfume industry (near Cannes, Marseille, French Riviera) C. development of Lyon as a major center of transportation and commerce D. establishment of major portions of France's western boundaries C. One of the major rivers in Europe, the Rhone originates in Switzerland and flows through southeastern France to the Mediterranean. Until the development of railroads and highways, the Rhone was an important inland trade and transportation route connecting several French cities, including Lyon, with each other and Mediterranean and global ports. Lyon is located at the juncture of the Rhone and the Saone, which connects regions of northern France to the city.

Napoleon Bonaparte is considered one of the most important state builders of modern France primarily because:

A. he was emperor of the first French Republic after the monarchy was deposed. B. his rise to power from his Corsican origins embodied the values of equality that were at the heart of the French Revolution. C. he developed a national administrative structure and code of laws that remain the foundation of contemporary French society. D. his military victories placed France in a dominant position in Europe. C (On March 21, 1804, Napoleon instituted the "Napoleonic Code" of French civil law, forbidding privileges based on birth, allowing freedom of religion, and promoting clarity and accessibility to the law. This code of laws has served as the foundation for the laws in France and several other countries since its establishment.)

The poetry of the troubadours of medieval Provence best reflects the development of French:

A. ideas about individual rights. B. traditions of courtly love. C. ideas about family togetherness. D. traditions of social harmony. B

On June 6, 2009, United States President Barack Obama joined French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a commemoration of the anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. President Obama's presence at the event was most likely intended to symbolize the:

A. interest of the United States in strengthening economic ties with the European Union. B. assistance of the United States in ending the German occupation of France during World War II. C. cultural ties between the countries that are a legacy of French immigration to the United States. D. interest of France in strengthening its position as a member of the United Nations Security Council. B (Commemorating the anniversary of D-Day in Normandy is a celebration held to remember the people who gave their life during the Second World War. D-Day was a joint effort of several countries, including the French resistance, the British with General De Gaulle who was living in exile in Great Britain at the time, and the United States. The presence of representatives from France and the United States for the commemoration is a symbol of this joint effort and of the support that the United States provided during this war.)

Les poètes et écrivains de langue française à l'origine de la Négritude concentraient leurs écrits surtout sur des thèmes qui :

A. interrogeaient la capacité de la nation française à maintenir son statut de leader mondial à l'aube de la décolonisation. B. exaltaient les vertus de la classe ouvrière comme unique fondation possible d'une société future établie sur des principes socialistes. C. rejetaient toute possibilité de valeurs morales absolues et insistaient sur le fait que seuls les choix individuels définiront la société moderne. D. célébraient la culture, les valeurs et la dignité des peuples africains en protestation contre les objectifs français d'assimilation coloniale. D. Response D accurately summarizes ideas expressed by Aimé Césaire and Léopold Sédar Senghor and their circle in the 1930s at the time when the literary movement now called la Négritude was evolving. Césaire used the term "négritude" in his Cahier d'un retour au pays natal (1937). Although colonization was necessarily a subject for these writers, their concern was not the destiny of France (A), and they did not espouse a specific political philosophy (B). Response C summarizes the philosophy of Existentialism, often associated with the work of writers Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Camus in the 1940s.

L'un des aspects les plus significatifs de l'indépendance haïtienne (1804) fut :

A. l'élan que l'événement donna aux efforts d'abolition de la traite des esclaves dans les Antilles. B. le rôle prépondérant des Africains qui avaient été déportés sur l'île comme esclaves. C. la reconnaissance immédiate par les États-Unis de la légitimité de la nouvelle république. D. l'effet déstabilisateur de l'événement sur le pouvoir de Napoléon. B

Les immigrants venus du Québec à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle contribuèrent de façon significative à la croissance de la population canadienne-française dans quelle partie des États-Unis parmi les régions suivantes ?

A. la Nouvelle-Angleterre B. la Géorgie et la Floride C. le sud de la Louisianne D. le nord du Midwest A. At the end of the nineteenth century, a scarcity of agricultural and industrial employment led hundreds of thousands of people to leave Québec for work in the thriving textile mills in New England (A). Major immigration from Québec to the Midwest occurred in the 1600s (D), and significant numbers of immigrants from both France and Québec settled in Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana in the 1700s (B and C).

Parmi les monuments suivants, lequel illustre le mieux l'art classique français?

A. la cathédrale Notre-Dame B. le château de Versailles C. la tour Eiffel D. le centre Georges-Pompidou B

Parmi les raisons suivantes, laquelle contribua le plus à l'éclatement de la Révolution française ?

A. la participation de soldats français alliés à la Révolution américaine B. les principes républicains exprimés au siècle des Lumières C. la proclamation de l'abolition des privilèges et droits féodaux D. les abus de pouvoirs commis par Robespierre et ses partisans B. The events cited in responses C and D occurred in August of 1789 and after 1793, respectively, too late to contribute to the beginning of the revolution, usually considered to have taken place in June of 1789. Most accounts of the French Revolution cite the influence of Enlightenment philosophers such as Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau as crucial precursors to the Revolution (B) with the French support of the American Revolution (A) seen as an extension of France's rivalry with Great Britain and, on the part of individual soldiers, a manifestation of the influence of Enlightenment philosophy rather than a cause of the French Revolution.

Parmi les mouvements artistiques européens suivants, lequel fut considérablement influencé par les traditions artistiques des pays d'Afrique de l'ouest ?

A. le symbolisme B. l'impressionnisme C. le surréalisme D. le cubisme D. Cubism (D) is an artistic movement of the early 20th century, with Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque widely considered to be its founders. Picasso amassed a significant collection of African art, and his painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon from 1907, in which two figures have faces highly reminiscent of African masks, is often called the first Cubist painting. Inspiration for symbolism in art came from Symbolist and Romantic literature (A); surrealism (C) also began as a literary movement influenced by psychology. Impressionist art is considered to have been influenced by developments in photography and color theory (B).

Quelle chaîne de montagnes constitue une frontière entre la France et l'Espagne ?

A. les Vosges B. le Massif Central C. les Pyrénées D. le Jura C. The Pyrenees are a range of mountains extending most of the distance from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and they form the southern land border of France and the northern border of Spain (C). The Massif Central is in the interior of southern France (B), and the Vosges and Jura mountains are in eastern France, near Germany and Switzerland (A and D).

Parmi les groupes de monuments suivants, lequel illustre le mieux l'influence de l'architecture de la Renaissance italienne en France ?

A. les grandes cathédrales telles que Notre-Dame de Paris et Chartres B. les châteaux de la Loire tels que Chambord et Chenonceaux C. les premières universités telles que Montpellier et la Sorbonne D. les villes fortifiées telles que Carcassone et Provins B. The monuments in responses A, C, and D were all built during the Medieval period, before the Italian Renaissance era. Many of the châteaux in the Loire Valley were built during and after the Italian Renaissance, including Chambord, Chenonceaux, and Amboise where Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519 (B).

À l'origine, la colonie française d'Amérique du Nord s'établit surtout le long d'un corridor étroit qui forme aujourd'hui le sud du Québec parce que :

A. les larges chaînes de montagnes rendaient l'exploration au nord et à l'ouest difficile. B. le fleuve Saint-Laurent était la principale voie de transport pour la colonie. C. les riches plaines fournissaient une terre idéale pour le développement agricole. D. l'accès aux Grands Lacs était essentiel pour la survie économique de la colonie. B. Although French exploration in North America included attempted settlements along the Atlantic coast, successful colonization began with the establishment of the city of Québec on the St. Lawrence River in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain. The economic basis, and indeed the raison d'être, of the colony was fur trapping and trading, and the St. Lawrence provided the crucial link between the forests of Québec and the European fur market (B). Access to the Great Lakes was not a significant concern at the time (D). After Louis XIV made New France into a royal province in 1663, population growth and colonial policy made large-scale agriculture and expansion to the north and west more appealing (A and C).

When French historians refer to the Third Estate, they are discussing the:

A. member of the press and other writers who influenced society through their writings B. large majority of prerevolutionary society composed of urban and rural commoners C. ranks of nobility who were property owners but not participants in governing French society D. extensive properties and territories owned by the Catholic Church in France B. First Estate refers to the clergy, Second to the nobility

As compared to France under Louis XIV, the government of France in the Middle Ages was:

A. more influential in European regional politics B. less politically unified and centralized C. more autocratic and militaristic D. less influenced by the Catholic Church B. The feudal society of medieval France was characterized by the rule of a king who acknowledged the administrative authority of his nobles within their own territories. The nobility in turn pledged loyalty and military support to the king. For centuries, the king had little real authority over land outside his immediate domain. French Langs were in flux, with borders shifting in response to changing alliances and wars. By the 17th century, with nationalism a rising force throughout Europe and the efforts of chief minister Cardinal Richelieu to centralize the authority of the monarchy, the aristocracy became increasingly subordinate to an absolute monarchy.

Early French settlement in New France was most influenced by which of the following geographic factors?

A. proximity to trade networks in the British colonies B. the importance of the St. Lawrence River as a transportation corridor C. the locations of Native American villages and territories D. access to fish resources as an economic base B (Jacques Cartier's exploration of the St. Lawrence River was influential in convincing French settlers to come to New France. Upon arriving in New France, these settlers established towns along the St. Lawrence River. The river served as a major transportation route for people and goods, as the French settlers established trade with the indigenous First Nations peoples of the area.)

En mai 1968, les étudiants et les travailleurs français s'unirent dans un mouvement de protestation dans lequel ils demandaient un :

A. retrait immédiat de la France des colonies de l'Indochine et de l'Afrique. B. changement fondamental du système politique et des hiérarchies sociales. C. retour à l'ordre, aux lois et aux valeurs traditionnelles de la société française. D. contrôle gouvernemental du secteur industriel basé sur des principes marxistes. B. Often called "the second French Revolution," the events of May 1968 differed from the protest movements of the '60s in the U.S. by expanding far beyond university campuses and by demanding an overhaul of French social and political life as well as education (B). Consequences included a reform of the university system, improved wages and working conditions, the end of the political career of Charles De Gaulle, and the revival of the Parti Socialiste. Response C is the opposite of the goals and effects of Mai '68. Although significant changes were demanded and occurred in the industrial sector, government takeover of industry was not a goal (D). France's colonial regime in Vietnam ended in 1954 and Algeria became independent in 1962 (A).

When arriving at work in the morning, Americans usually greet coworkers with "good morning." Upon arrival at work, French people usually:

A. say "bonjour" not expecting a greeting in return. B. wait until the coffee break to exchange morning greetings. C. kiss all their coworkers on both cheeks rapidly. D. acknowledge their coworkers and say "Bonjour, ça va ?" D. In French-speaking cultures, it is customary for the person entering a space to greet the other people present with "bonjour" (A and D) immediately upon arriving. This is often followed by "monsieur," "madame" or a name as well as "Ça va?" or the formal "Comment allez-vous?" (D). An acknowledgment of the greeting is expected, so A is not correct. In some workplaces, more friendly greetings (C) might occur, but this is not standard professional etiquette. Omitting the greeting upon arrival is not appropriate, and it is not customary in many workplaces to have a shared coffee break (B).

During the twelfth century, the regions of Aquitaine and Brittany came under the control of the English monarchy as a result of:

A. shifting feudal loyalties. B. nearly a century of war. C. a papal edict. D. dynastic marriages. D

In addition to influencing political thought in the French Revolution, Geneva citizen Rousseau most contributed to the development of:

A. socialist political theory B. beliefs in the equality of women C. a sense of unified nationalism D. the establishment of free public education A. Rousseau's works such as Discourse on the origin of inequality and Social Contract, are cornerstones of modern political and social thought. The Discourse traces the emergence of inequality as man forms societies and develops various technologies. His ideas influenced socialist thinkers like Karl Marx in the 19th century.

Founded by André Breton and others, the French artistic and intellectual movement that sought new forms of artistic expression through tapping the unconscious in dreams, automatic writing and free association is known as:

A. surrealism B. Dadaism C. cubism D. impressionism A. André Breton believed that surrealism could revolutionize human experience by freeing people from false rationality and restrictive customs. Inspired by the ideas of Sigmund Freud on the role of the unconscious, surrealists strove to liberate the imagination through new forms of artistic expression, which often included startling juxtapositions of thoughts or images. Their effort to explore the workings of the unconscious mind was a major force in experimental writing and artwork until WWII, though their influence continues to shape writers and artists to the present.

Couscous and tajine are dishes that have become popular in France due to the growing number of immigrants from which of the following areas?

A. the Caribbean (colombo, curry chicken, masala) B. North Africa (couscous, spices) C. Southeast Asia D. sub-Saharan Africa (ugali, which is a stiff maize porridge eaten with leafy vegetables (sometimes kale or spinach, sometimes local plants) cooked in lots of oil) B. Couscous is a North African dish made of cooked semolina pasta traditionally served with a meat or vegetable stew. Tajine, or tagine, is a North African stew of meat or fish slowly cooked in an earthenware pot also called a tagine.

The era known as the Belle Epoque in France was most characterized by:

A. the expansion of egalitarian perspectives and social welfare B. a growing multiculturalism in social perspectives resulting from expanding global trade C. an increasing sense of nationalism and unity among all social classes D. the rise of new forms of mass entertainment, consumerism and communication D. the turn of the 20th century was an era of prosperity, particularly for the middle and upper classes, fueled by industrial development and expansion. As part of this innovation, rapid scientific and technological advancements included the telephone, telegraph and electricity; new manufacturing processes for mass production; and the development of department stories for marketing goods. This provided the prosperity and leisure time for many to enjoy theater, music halls and art exhibitions.

Following World War II, political crises in French colonies in Indochina and North Africa most contributed to which of the following developments in France?

A. the fall of the Fourth Republic and establishment of the current political system B. high levels of immigration from overseas territories C. growing support for socialist and communist policies in government D. the country's withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization A (This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of major historical events related to the French cultures and their influence on the development of the French cultures. The Fourth Republic had been weak since its establishment in 1946, and it collapsed following the Algiers crisis in 1958 and decolonization movements taking place in other French colonies. Charles de Gaulle came back to politics to lead the government and a new constitution was drafted which gave executive power to a president who would be elected for a seven-year term. The new constitution was approved by a majority of voters in the referendum of September 28, 1958. This new constitution established France's Fifth Republic.)

The islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique are overseas departments of France primarily because:

A. the islands provided military base for France during WWII B. France won control of the islands following war with Spain in the late 16th century (part of French Wars of Religion) C. France colonized the islands in the 17th century D. the islands' governments sought to establish economic ties with the EU C. The islands were settled by the French during the 17th century. Despite a number of invasions by the English that caused control of the islands to change hands, French sovereignty over the islands was ultimately recognized in the early 19th century. In 1946, the French National Assembly voted to transform Martinique and Guadeloupe from colonies to overseas departments. As part of France, the islands are also part of the EU and use euro.

Which of the following events is portrayed in the French films Au revoir les infants (Louis Malle, 1987) and Le Dernier Metro (François Truffaut, 1980)?

A. the occupation of France during WWII B. the repatriation of French citizens after Algerian War C. the decolonization of French Indochina D. the transportation strikes in France during the 1990s A. Malle's film portrays the lives of French boarding school students during the occupation of France while Truffaut's film depicts the experiences of a small theater group during the occupation.

The perspective expressed in American hip-hop music have most influenced which of the following forms of French popular music?

A. the rai music of Khaled and Rachid Taha B. the French house music of Daft Punk and Cassius C. the ye-ye music of Sylvie Vartan and France Gall D. the variété music of Laurent Voulzy and Jean-Jacques Goldman A. The musical genre of rai developed from traditional music in Algeria and was brought to France by Algerian singers who immigrated to the country. in the late 20th century, several of these singers were influenced by American hip-hop as well as French culture in the style and lyrics of their music.

The influence of terroir on French cuisine is most reflect in which of the following practices?

A. the tradition of enjoying a three-hour meal with a well-paired wine B. the preference for a large multi course meal at midday and smaller meal in the evening C. the inclusion of bread and cheese as part of nearly every meal D. the preponderance of cream and butter in traditional dishes of Normandy and olive oil in those of Provence D. Terroir embraces the differences in land, climate, and culture that contribute to the production of France's varied regional and traditional foods and wines. It conveys a sense of the appreciation of the quality of local foods and traditional cuisine.

As a colony, the region that is now Haiti most contributed to the French economy in which of the following ways?

A. through the production and processing of tobacco B. through the production of sugar on large plantations C. as a market for French manufactured goods D. as a source of raw materials for French manufacturing B

Which of the following French-language writers used poetry and drama to explore the impact of French colonization on African and Caribbean peoples?

A. Aimé Césaire B. Simone de Beauvoir C. André Breton D. Jean Anouilh (Jean Marie Lucien Pierre Anouilh was a French dramatist whose career spanned five decades. Though his work ranged from high drama to absurdist farce, Anouilh is best known for his 1944 play Antigone, an adaptation of Sophocles' classical drama, that was seen as an attack on Marshal Pétain's Vichy government.) A (Aimé Césaire was an influential poet born in Martinique. He studied in Paris before starting a career as a teacher, activist, and poet. His work focused on the experience and cultural identity of black Africans in the French colonial setting. His most well-known work is the book-length poem Cahier d'un retour au pays natal.)

La conscience de l'absurdité du destin est un des thèmes principaux de l'œuvre duquel des écrivains suivants ?

A. Albert Camus B. Colette C. André Breton D. Marguerite Duras A. The early works of Camus, L'Étranger, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, Le Malentendu, and Caligula are grouped as his "cycle de l'absurde" because their style and content express Camus's conclusion that life is absurd (A) and reflect his study of philosophy. In her wide-ranging life and work, Colette sought to explore and expand the possibilities for women and words (B). André Breton was a leader of the Surrealist movement (C), and Marguerite Duras created novels and films that employed innovative narrative and visual techniques (D).

Which of the following French filmmakers most contributed to technical developments and innovations in special effects as a pioneer of science fiction films and horror cinema in the early twentieth century?

A. Jean-Luc Goddard B. Georges Méliès C. Alice Guy Blaché D. Auguste Lumière B (Georges Méliès was an illusionist and filmmaker who developed a number of cinematographic techniques. He was one of the first filmmakers to use hand-painted color, time-lapse photography, and multiple exposures in films. He is most well-known for his work in science fiction, including A Trip to the Moon in 1902, and The Impossible Voyage in 1904.)

Selon vos connaissances culturelles, quel explorateur de la Nouvelle-France a fondé la ville de Québec ?

A. René Robert Cavelier de La Salle B. Samuel de Champlain C. Louis Jolliet D. Père Jacques Marquette B (Option B is correct because Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City. Option A is incorrect because René Robert Cavelier de La Salle was not the founder of Quebec City but an explorer of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. Option C is incorrect because Louis Jolliet, like La Salle, was an explorer of the Mississippi River and not the founder of Quebec City. Option D is incorrect because Père Jacques Marquette explored the north central area of the United States and was not the founder of Quebec City.)

Quelle proposition parmi les suivantes correspond le mieux au rôle du navigateur français Jacques Cartier dans l'histoire du Canada français ?

A. Ses talents d'organisateur permirent l'établissement de la première colonie française durable au Canada. B. Son soutien de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson fut critique pour le commerce français de la fourrure en Amérique du Nord. C. Ses voyages d'exploration furent à l'origine de la revendication par la France de larges territoires au Canada. D. Sa défaite à Québec força la France à céder à l'Angleterre une majeure partie des ses possessions en Amérique du Nord. C. Between 1534 and 1542, Jacques Cartier sailed as far as Montreal and reported his discoveries to François 1er. However, the first successful French colony in North America (A) was established by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. The Hudson's Bay Company was founded in 1670 by King Charles II (B) and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, at which the French General Montcalm lost to the English General Wolfe, occurred in 1759 (D).

L'ancienne tradition de la célébration du Mardi Gras qui survit dans plusieurs villes de la Louisianne tire son origine de :

A. coutumes gauloises provenant de la région de France d'où venaient les pionniers qui s'établirent en Louisiane. B. fêtes religieuses amenées par les protestants français qui émigrèrent en Louisiane pour pratiquer leur culte en toute liberté. C. coutumes d'agriculteurs venus de France à l'époque de la Louisiane française et qui célébraient l'arrivée du printemps. D. fêtes liées au culte catholique français qui eurent une influence sur les traditions culturelles de la Louisiane. D. Mardi Gras—literally, Fat Tuesday—is the day preceding the first day (le mercredi des Cendres, Ash Wednesday) of Lent (le Carême) in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church (D). During Lent, the 40 days preceding the week leading up to Easter (Pâques), Catholics engage in fasting or abstention and penitential rites to varying degrees, so Mardi Gras marks the end of all sorts of celebratory, hedonistic behavior for a time. In agricultural communities in France, it was a time to eat any meat and rich foods remaining from the fall harvest. Reponses A and B are incorrect in attributing Mardi Gras to Gauls and protestants, respectively, and although Mardi Gras traditions have their origin in France, they are not a celebration of spring (C).

The French reliance on nuclear power for more than 70 percent of the country's electric power in the early 21st century most reflects:

A. cultural perspectives that value technological progress and innovation B. a low level of energy fuels in the country's natural resource base C. supply and demand factors related to participation in the EU D. the pressure of environmental groups to reduce levels of air pollution B. France has no petroleum resources and very limited gas and coal resources. By the 1970s, the country was largely dependent on imported oil for electricity generation. When the energy crisis of the early 1970s led to a quadrupling in the price of oil, French policymakers decided to focus on developing the country's nuclear energy generating capacity. Over 15 years, France installed 56 nuclear reactors, which today provide for the country's energy needs.

Le succès compétitif de l'équipe nationale de football de France depuis la fin du vingtième siècle a contribué de façon positive à l'émergence :

A. d'un sentiment populaire en faveur du soutien par l'État des équipes sportives qui contribuent beaucoup à la fierté nationale. B. d'une identité nationale plus représentative symbolisée par la formation d'équipes de joueurs d'origines diverses. C. d'un mouvement populaire en faveur de l'intégration de sports compétitifs individuels ou d'équipes au programme scolaire. D. d'une compétition serrée entre les régions françaises pour obtenir le statut de domicile de la prestigieuse équipe nationale. B. From 1998 to 2006, the French national soccer team was considered the best in the world, beginning with France's first ever victory in the World Cup, held in France in 1998. After that victory, which was followed two years later by victory in the European Cup, much of the celebration and commentary concluded that the success of its racially and ethnically diverse team symbolized the success of French society at building strength through diversity (B). The events mentioned in responses A, C, and D were not associated with this period in the history of the French national team.

In 2010, the gastronomic meal of the French was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list of significant cultural activities. The traditions of this French practice most importantly include:

A. elaborate recipes that have been handed down through generations of family. B. elegant restaurant settings with formal service and a progression of several courses. C. a gathering of family and friends to share a multi-course meal prepared and served in traditional ways. D. an appetizer followed by a main course served with the traditional baguette and a glass of wine. C

Dans laquelle des régions suivantes retrouve-t-on des influences allemandes dans les spécialités culinaires ?

A. en Normandie B. en Auvergne C. en Alsace D. en Savoie C. The region of Alsace is located at the current border with Germany, and was under German rule for significant periods of its history. There is a close connection between Alsatian and German cooking, with la choucroute garnie (sauerkraut with sausages) being the best-known Alsatian specialty (C). Apples and dairy products are central to the cuisine of Normandy (A); blue and other cheeses, lentils, cabbage and potato dishes, and cured meats are common in Auvergne (B), and the region of Savoie is known for cheese-based dishes such as fondue and tartiflette (D).

In the nineteenth century, French-Canadian immigrants most contributed to the development of which of the following economic sectors in the United States?

A. farming and agriculture in the Upper Midwest B. the construction of the first transcontinental railroad system C. fishing and shipping industries along the Louisiana coast D. the growth of manufacturing industries in New England D (Throughout the nineteenth century, a number of French-Canadians migrated to the United States from Canada seeking work in New England's textile and manufacturing industries, as rapid population growth in Quebec displaced many who could not secure land to farm in their country.)

The designer Coco Chanel (Gabrielle Chasnel) revolutionized the world of fashion by introducing which of the following styles for women?

A. faux fur coats B. high heeled sandals C. pants and suits D. mini skirts C

The development of the French national language from the historical language spoken in the Paris region rather than the dialect or language of another region of France most reflects the:

A. geographical central location of Paris within France's national boundaries. B. use of French as the international language of diplomacy throughout Europe for several centuries. C. agenda of the Académie Française in documenting and standardizing the language. D. historical importance of Paris as the king's territory as power and culture centralized under the monarchy. D (While it was the Académie Française that established the grammar and accepted use of what it deemed "Standard French," this "Standard French" itself is the historical product of the centralization of political and cultural power around the royal seat in Paris. Other dialects, such as the langues d'ocand the other langue d'oil dialects from which Standard French is derived, lost their influence over time. Nevertheless, their characteristics persist in various regions of France.)

À l'occasion de laquelle des fêtes suivantes certains Français se rendent-ils au cimetière pour y déposer des chrysanthèmes sur la tombe d'êtres chers ?

A. le Premier Mai B. l'Épiphanie C. la Toussaint D. le Mardi Gras C. La Toussaint (All Saints' Day) is November 1, a day in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church on which the dead are remembered. In France, it is traditionally a day when extended families gather to visit cemeteries and place pots of chrysanthemums on their family graves (C). Le Premier Mai (A) is at once a day to celebrate spring with lily of the valley flowers (des muguets) and a day to honor workers. L'Épiphanie, January 6, marks the end of Christmas (B), and Mardi Gras (D) is the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent (le Carême) on Ash Wednesday (le mercredi des Cendres).

By 2008 French media estimated that between three and four million French citizens had online blogs. The popularity of this activity reflects cultural interest most similar to those expressed in which of the following more traditional activities?

A. the art of written correspondence in letter writing B. the use of strikes to prompt social change C. the practice of meeting in cafés for conversation D. the composition and performance of chansons littéraires C. A vibrant part of French life is a love of intellectual discussion and debate. This perspective was traditionally expressed in the café culture that developed as a center of both urban and rural community life from the time of the Revolution to WWII. This passion for discussion is today reflected in the popularity of online blogs.

The term "French paradox" is generally used to refer to the contrast between:

A. the country's dwindling global presence and continued strong international influence. B. the food and lifestyle choices of French individuals and their overall good health and longevity. C. the national belief in individual freedoms and the popular support for a strong central government. D. the French attachment to regional identities and their strong sense of nationalism. B (The "French paradox" generally refers to the apparent contradiction between a French diet that is traditionally high in saturated fats and the relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease in French people. It has been hypothesized that moderate red wine consumption in the population may have a positive effect in preventing heart disease.)

The French acquisition of Corsica from Italy in 1768 was most significant to later French development because:

A. the cultivation of grapes for wine began in Corsica in the sixth century. B. Corsicans waged a successful revolution and gained independence in 1729. C. the island of Corsica occupies a strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea. D. Napoléon Bonaparte was born in Corsica as a French citizen. D

The expulsion of French colonists and farmers from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick between 1755 and 1763 most contributed to:

A. the establishment of a French-speaking merchant class in Haitian society. B. the presence of francophone métis communities in Alberta. C. the emergence of demands for language-based sovereignty in Québec. D. the development of the unique Cajun cultural region in southern Louisiana. D (This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of ways in which the French cultures have influenced cultures of the United States. Following the 1763 Treaty of Paris, which ceded the former French colonies of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, also referred to as Acadia, to Great Britain, groups of Acadians continued to be deported (deportation actually started earlier) and migrated to Louisiana, still a French territory at the time. The word "Cajun" is an American English adaptation of the word "Acadian," referring to this specific group.)

Parmi les raisons suivantes, laquelle explique le mieux la popularité de la cuisine du terroir dans la France moderne ?

A. une appréciation pour l'art culinaire traditionnel et les origines rustiques des différents plats régionaux B. un intérêt pour une nouvelle cuisine intégrant des plats français avec des mets traditionnels d'autres pays C. une préoccupation grandissante pour la santé qui se traduit par la recherche de mets plus légers D. un désir de préserver le savoir-faire, l'art, et les plats célèbres de grands chefs tels qu'Auguste Escoffier (Georges Auguste Escoffier was a French chef, restaurateur and culinary writer who popularized and updated traditional French cooking methods., 1846-1935) A. The word "terroir" refers to a place with geological and meteorological features that affect the agricultural products of the place. "La cuisine du terroir" is a style of cooking that uses local products and the methods favored in their place of origin (A). Response B describes "la cuisine fusion" and response C refers to la Nouvelle cuisine, a style of cooking developed in the 1970s and 1980s by young chefs in reaction to their training in the traditional style of Auguste Escoffier (D).

Toussaint Louverture influenced political and economic relations between France and which of the following nations?

Haiti, national hero for his organization of and involvement in the early campaigns that would lead to the Haitian Revolution in 1804.

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