FSE-210-0901 Embalming Theory I Midterm

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Which of the following is not considered to be a property of Phenol?

Hydrating Agent

The first step in preparing an unautopised body for viewing without embalming would be

disinfect the bag and surfaces before opening

Translocation of microorganisms usually starts:

from colon bacteria

properties of hypertonic solutions

if a solution contains a greater quantity of a dissolved substance than is found in the blood

properties of hypotonic solutions

if a solution of contains less of a dissolved substance than is found in the blood

Protein decomposition is called _______________ and requires _____________ embalming fluid

puterifaction; stronger

Using a cavity pack to treat a bed sore is called

surface embalming

The minimum door opening for a preparation room should be how large?

three feet

I'm designing a funeral home, and expect around 100 calls per year. How many embalming tables should I have?

1 should be sufficient

Take me through the steps, start to finish, of embalming an autopsied body. Assume that there has been a full autopsy, including cranial cavity. Make sure to include any special treatments you would use. Answers should be in list form.

1. Disinfect body and evaluate autopsy 2. clap and seal any lose open vessels 3. raise 6 point injections sites 4. inject fluids 5. hypo treat chest cavity and open areas 6. seal and treat the cranial cavity 7. sew incision8. wash and disinfect the body

This type of embalming utilizes the blood vascular system to deliver preservative solutions to all areas of the body at once.

Arterial Embalming

Which of the following is not a classification of embalming?

Autopsy Embalming


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The consideration given to the dead body before, during, and after the embalming procedure is completed

Embalming Analysis

The discoloration that can generally be cleared through vascular injection resulting from settling of blood into the lower, dependent parts of the body

Livor Mortis

Which governing agency regulates the furnishing of personal protective equipment to employees at risk of coming in contact with contaminants?



Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment

A chemical that reduces the molecular cohesion and surface tension of a liquid, allowing it to flow through smaller spaces would be considered a:


The cleaning of the body, instruments, and the embalming room following embalming of the body is called:

Terminal Disinfection

85% of human blood is contained where?


How much phenol is in your standard cautery chemicals?

2-5%, sold through embalming manufacturers

What is the 15 minute Short Term Exposure Limit?

2.0 ppm

Karen went to work last night, and there was a deceased in the preparation room in full rigor. When she returned in the morning, the rigor had passed. What is the most likely amount of time that the deceased has been dead?

36-72 hours

Rigor mortis passes in approximately

36-72 hours after death

Where should a contaminated sheet be disposed of?

A marked medical and biological waste container

Carrie is injecting a body through 6 different points, and is becoming frustrated because she has to go back to the machine to shut it of every time she completes the injection in one area. What instrument could make things a little easier on her?

A stopcock, to stop the flow of fluid while she changes locations

Decedent care reports should describe:

A. The condition of the body before preparation B. The manner and methods of preparation C. Any post-embalming or post-care treatments D. All of the above D. All of the Above

The Decedent Care Report, or Embalming Report, documents the process of embalming. This is important in case:

A. The family questions the condition of the remains B. A legal case is filed about the care of the remains C. A receiving funeral home questions the quality of care of the remains D. All of the above could be correct

The weight of the deceased could affect which of the following decisions in embalming?

A. solution strength B. pressure and weight of flow C. vessel site selection D. All of the above D. All of the Above

According to the OSHA formaldehyde standard, the specific point at which an 8 hour exposure is considered unsafe is called:

Action Level

The cooling or decrease in temperature prior to death is called

Agonal algor

An increase in the amount of moisture in the tissues and body cavities before death is

Agonal edema

After death, the soft proteins in the body begin to break down due to

An acid build-up due to a shift in pH

Pronouncement of death has to come from

Any Medical Professional

The withdrawal of gas, fluids, and semisolids from body cavities and hollow viscera by means of suction is called:


This form gives necessary permission when extensive or operative restoration work may be necessary in the preparation of the body

Authorization for Restorative and Cosmetic Care

Prior to beginning the embalming process, this should be obtained to ensure the wishes of the next of kin are known and followed

Authorization or Declination to Embalm the deceased

An unwanted reverse flow of water or waste in a piping system is called


A mental image we have of other people, their characteristics and their mannerisms is called:

Body Image

What does cavity fluid do to the body cavity?

Concentrated embalming chemical injected into the cavities of the body following the aspiration of the body; can also be used in hypodermic and surface embalming. deodorant. stiffens the abdominal cavity.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a postmortem physical change?


How does western culture view death compare to other cultures?


This reading indicates the amount of resistance in the body, in the arterial tube, and in the delivery hose running from the embalming machine to the arterial tube.

Differential Pressure

What is secondary dilution?

Dilution of the embalming fluid by the fluids on the body, both vascular and interstitial


Federal Trade Commission. Protects consumers from misleading and fraudulent advertising. Funeral Rule: consumers have right to receive a general price list when asking about funeral arrangements.

An aqueous solution containing 37% formaldehyde gas by mass in water, or in water and methyl alcohol would be called:


The four divisions of OSHA include all of the following except:

Funeral Safety Rule

The power went out in my funeral home. and I can't run my embalming machine. To embalm the body, I cut the bottom off of a 2 liter pop (soda, coke) bottle, fill the bottle with embalming solution, attach a hose to the mouth of the bottle on one end, and a canula (arterial tube) on the other end. I hang the pop bottle from the ceiling, and use that to inject solution into the body. What did I just create??

Gravity Embalming Machine

Mary has just opened the vein of the deceased for drainage, but can't seem to get a drain tube or angular forceps into the vein. What instrument can help her with this task?

Grooved Director

When using high index solutions, or embalming an emaciated body, this chemical may be used to restore hydration to tissues:


Using a needle or trocar to inject the embalming fluid directly into the tissues is called

Hypodermic Embalming

Inactive dye serves what purpose in arterial fluid?

Inactive dye serves no purpose in the solution other than adding color to the bottle

Is microbial influence an intrinsic or extrinsic factor?


John had a rough night in the prep room. He left work and went directly to the bar where he met up with several friends. While he drinks, John goes into great detail about the case he just had, and all of the issues he ran into with the case. What has John done?

John has made an ethical violation by discussing the case with others in a public area

Which of the following is an example of an ethical violation in the preparation room?

Joking with another director about the size and appearance of the deceased

This is a hospital-borne microbe that can infect the urinary tract, gut, and bloodstream.

Klebsiella pneumoniae

A drawback of a basement location for the preparation room would be

Possible issues with ventilation, mold and plumbing

The release of heme into extravascular spaces following the rupture of red blood cells is called:

Postmortem Stain

These documents contain critical information related to the hazards, exposure levels, and symptoms associated with the materials and hazardous substances.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

From a historical standpoint, which of the following is true? Please choose the best answer

Since the time of Neanderthals, the body has been a treasured possession that is cared for after death

In 1963, this book was published, showing the funeral profession in an unpleasant light, and triggering backlashes from the funeral profession.

The American Way of Death

The increase in moisture resulting in edema can cause which of the following complications during embalming?

The pressure from the excess weight of fluid can result in pressure on the vascular system causing distribution issues

Desirae is working on a case that has been deceased for three weeks. As she is massaging the tissues to allow for better diffusion, the skin from the decedent's leg comes off in her hand. What condition is the decedent suffering from? Choose the best answer

The process of desquamation, also known as skin slip

Who is the father of modern embalming?

Thomas Holmes

Cavity embalming and hypodermic embalming require the use of this instrument to inject embalming chemicals into the body cavities and tissue.


You have a case with severe edema throughout the entire body, and you're worried about leakage once the deceased is in the casket. Which of the following plastic garments would be the BEST choice to cover the full body?


Funeral Rule

______________ requires you to give consumers accurate, itemized price information and various other disclosures about funeral goods and services

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