FSHN 480 Exam 1 (Chapters 1-6)

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Matching 1. ___ RDA 2.___ EAR 3.___ AI 4.___ UL 5.___ AMDR A. Set when an EAR cannot be determined B. An EAR value is required to set this value C. Meets the needs of the average person in a group D. Nutrient intake amount that is safe but not recommended E. Applies only to macronutrient

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. E

Glucose is the most important energy source during exercise because 1. it is the only energy source that can be used for anaerobic energy production 2. it is the most concentrated energy storage form in the body 3. it provides more energy per liter of oxygen consumed than fat does 4. it produces more ATP per gram than fat does A. 1 and 3 B. 2, 3, and 4 C. 1, 2, and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4 E. none are correct

1. correct 2. incorrect 3. correct 4. not sure answer is probably A (but 1,3,4 isn't an answer)

The maximal amount of energy that may be derived from exogenous carbohydrate is approximately grams per minute. A. 1-2 B. 2-3 C. 3-4 D. 4-5

A. 1-2

The recommended protein intake for an individual trying to gain muscle mass through strength training is __________ grams of protein per kilogram body weight. A. 1.6-1.7 B. 1.2-1.4 C. 1.0-0.8 D. 0.5-0.7

A. 1.6-1.7

In order to improve your serum lipid profile you should limit your total intake of saturated and trans fat to less than percent of dietary Calories. A. 10 B. 12 C. 15 D. 30

A. 10

Which of the following represents the type of units used to express the nutrient density of a food? A. 120 mg/100 kcal B. 250 kcal/100 grams C. 300 mg/100 grams D. 110 kcal/400 mg

A. 120 mg/100kcal

Each gram of carbohydrate contains approximately Calories. A. 4 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9

A. 4

A Sports Nutritionist recommends that Gwen consume 60 percent of kcal from carbohydrate. If she consumes 3000 kcals per day, about how many grams of carbohydrate should she consume in a day? A. 450 B. 900 C. 1400 D. 1800

A. 450

One hundred grams of carbohydrate would provide the energy needed to support exercise at a rate of total energy expenditure of 5 METs in the average person for about how long? A. 80 minutes B. 120 minutes C. 240 minutes D. 400 minutes

A. 80 minutes -- 100 g x 4 cal/gm = 400 cal / 5 = 80

How many Calories does one gram of fat yield? A. 9 B. 7 C. 5 D. 4

A. 9

Which energy system has the greatest POWER generating ability, i.e., speed? A. ATP-PC B. lactic acid C. anaerobic glycolysis D. aerobic glycolysis E. aerobic lipolysis


Which energy system would predominate in an all-out, high-intensity, 100-meter dash in track? A. ATP-PC (phosphagen) B. Lactic acid (anaerobic glycolysis) C. Aerobic glycolysis D. Aerobic lipolysis E. Aerobic proteolysis

A. ATP-PC (phosphagen)

If you were to stand up during this exam, and sprint down the hall and out of the building (about 10 seconds of activity), what fuel sources would allow you to do this? A. All stored ATP and phosphocreatine B. All stored carbohydrate C. All stored fat D. Mostly stored ATP and phosphocreatine, but also some glycogen and fat

A. All stored ATP and phosphocreatine

Dietary fiber is classified as a(n): A. carbohydrate B. lipid C. protein D. vitamin E. mineral

A. Carbohydrate

Of the following, vegetarian diets normally are least likely to contain inadequate amounts of A. fiber. B. vitamin B-12. C. calcium. D. iron.

A. Fiber

Which of the following would be considered a component of health-related fitness? A. Flexibility B. Speed C. Power D. Skill

A. Flexibility

Research involving creatine supplementation has shown it to have a positive ergogenic effect on all but which of the following? A. Gains in either total body mass or lean body mass B. Energy metabolism when treadmill running at 50-90 percent of VO2 max C. Anaerobic endurance tests such as running performance in 300 meters D. Tasks characterized by repetitive high-intensity exercise bouts with brief recovery periods

A. Gains in either total body mass or lean body mass

The current USDA MyPlate Guide is based on the following food groups: A. Grains, vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy B. Grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, proteins, sweets C. Grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, proteins D. Vegetables, fruit, oils, dairy

A. Grains, vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy

Which of the following statements is true? A. Insulin levels usually drop in the blood during exercise. B. Epinephrine levels in the blood generally decrease during exercise. C. Glucagon levels always fall during exercise. D. Cortisol and Epinephrine levels in the blood generally are not affected by exercise.

A. Insulin levels usually drop in the blood during exercise.

Which of the following is true of fructose? A. It is absorbed more slowly than glucose B. It is absorbed more quickly than glucose C. provides more carbohydrate per gram than glucose D. Recommendations are for consumption of a 8-10% solution during exercise

A. It is absorbed more slowly than glucose

Which of the following foods would make a good choice to include in a precompetition meal? A. Oatmeal B. Beans C. Bran products D. Spicy shrimp casserole

A. Oatmeal

Match the type of exercise with the predominant source of energy used to regenerate ATP in working muscles during that type of exercise. Answers may be used only once. vertical jump test (finished in about 10 seconds) A. Phosphocreatine B. Anaerobic use of glucose (lactic acid system) C. Anaerobic use of fatty acids (fatic acid system) D. Aerobic use of glucose E. Aerobic use of glucose and fatty acids

A. Phosphocreatine

The acronym RDA stands for ___________________________. A. Recommended Dietary Allowance B. Recommended Daily Allowance C. Registered Dietary Analyst D. Recognized Dietary Acceptance

A. Recommended Dietary Allowance

Which lipid dietary component appears to be most likely to cause an increase in serum cholesterol and the development of atherosclerosis? A. Saturated and trans fats B. polyunsaturated and linolenic fatty acids C. monounsaturated and oleic fats D. omega-3 and eicosapentanoeic fatty acids E. phospholipids and triglycerides

A. Saturated and trans fats

When considering the functions of protein in human nutrition, which of the following is true? A. The branched-chain amino acids constitute a significant amount of muscle tissue B. The potential energy contained in protein can not be used in the human body C. Protein is a major energy source for humans at rest D. Tissue building takes precedence over energy production during periods of semistarvation

A. The branched-chain amino acids constitute a significant amount of muscle tissue

Which of the following factors does NOT support the concept that sports nutrition is becoming increasingly important for optimal athletic performance? A. The published literature about nutrition for sports is limited to information from sports magazines and books B. An organization known as SCAN was created due to concern about sports nutrition C. National and international food product corporations are manufacturing food products specifically for the athlete D. Courses in sports nutrition have been developed at many colleges

A. The published literature about nutrition for sports is limited to information from sports magazines and books

Body lipids serve which of the following functions? A. They form body structures, help regulate metabolism, and provide a source of energy. B. Cholesterol is a component of thyroxine and oxytocin, which have diverse effects in the regulation of human metabolism. C. The majority of the phospholipids in the body are used by the liver to produce bile salts. D. All of the answers are correct.

A. They form body structures, help regulate metabolism, and provide a source of energy.

Which of the following statements regarding Omega-3 fatty acids is correct? A. They may be metabolized to produce prostaglandin E, which may stimulate the release of human growth hormone B. They may be incorporated in the membrane of the red blood cell, making the RBC more resistant to flow C. They have been theorized to be ergogenic for endurance athletes only D. There is sufficient scientific support for them to be classified as an ergogenic agent

A. They may be metabolized to produce prostaglandin E, which may stimulate the release of human growth hormone

The greatest amount of energy stored in our body is in the form of: A. Triglycerides in our muscles and in our adipose B. Glycogen in our liver and in our muscles C. Triglycerides in our liver D. ATP

A. Triglycerides in our muscles and in our adipose

During glycolysis, one six carbon sugar (glucose) is broken down to: A. Two 3 carbon molecules of pyruvate B. One 3 carbon molecule of pyruvate C. Six four carbon citrates D. 3 NADH and 4 FADH2

A. Two 3 carbon molecules of pyruvate

Which key nutrient is not usually found in substantial amounts in the meat group? A. vitamin C B. iron C. protein D. niacin E. thiamin

A. Vitamin C

The main ingredient (by weight) in a product whose label contains an ingredient list which reads, in order, "Whole wheat, dextrose, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and salt" is: A. whole wheat B. sugar C. added fat D. salt E. impossible to tell

A. Whole Wheat

If your resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured and found to be equal to 4.2 kilojoules/min, which of the following would be true? A. Your 24-hour REE would be about 1440 kcal. B. 4.2 kj per minute is much too high for anyone's REE. C. 4.2 kj per minute is much too low for anyone's REE. D. 1 MET would equal 42 kj/minute. E. None of the above answers are correct

A. Your 24-hour REE would be about 1440 kcal.

Which of the following statements concerning the interrelationships between various forms of energy is FALSE? A. a kilocalorie of energy is less than a kilojoule of energy B. a liter of oxygen can help produce about five kilocalories when metabolizing carbohydrate C. a gram of fat has more Calories than two grams of carbohydrate D. a gram of fat has more Calories than a gram of protein E. none of these statements is false; all are true

A. a kilocalorie of energy is less than a kilojoule of energy (1 kcal = 4.2 kj)

Which of the following energy systems has the greatest CAPACITY for energy production, i.e., endurance? A. aerobic glycolysis B. lactic acid C. anaerobic glycolysis D. anaerobic lipolysis E. phosphagen (ATP-PC)

A. aerobic glycolysis

Which of the following is not an essential amino acid? A. alanine B. leucine C. isoleucine D. valine E. tryptophan

A. alanine

Which of the following statements relative to cholesterol is false? A. all healthy diets should contain no cholesterol at all B. your body will manufacture most of the cholesterol that it needs C. cholesterol is a vital part of the structure of most body cells D. cholesterol is involved in the formation of certain compounds in the body, such as several hormones and bile salts E. excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the blood may pose a high risk for the development of coronary heart disease

A. all healthy diets should contain no cholesterol at all

Type IIa muscle fibers A. are known as fast-twitch red fibers. B. can produce energy by aerobic processes only. C. can produce energy by the lactic acid system only. D. are also referred to as FG.

A. are known as fast-twitch red fibers.

During exercise, the intake of which of the following nutrients will provide the most significant protein sparing effect, i. e., decrease the use of protein as an energy source? A. carbohydrate B. medium chain triglycerides C. carnitine D. thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin E. caffeine

A. carbohydrate

The major energy food for high intensity aerobic endurance sport performance is: A. carbohydrate B. fat C. protein D. water E. alcohol

A. carbohydrate

Which is most likely to be a complete, high-quality protein food? A. cheddar cheese B. peanut butter C. green peas D. corn E. macaroni

A. cheddar cheese

Which of the following is not an example of complementary proteins? A. corn tortilla and wheat bread B. whole wheat bread and beans C. Spanish rice and refried beans D. Peanut butter and whole wheat bread E. Corn and lima beans (Succotash)

A. corn tortilla and wheat bread

The central fatigue hypothesis proposes that endurance exercise can lead to _______________________. A. decreased blood levels of BCAA; increased brain tryptophan; increased brain serotonin B. decreased blood levels of BCAA; decreased brain tryptophan; increased brain serotonin C. increased blood levels of BCAA; increased brain tryptophan; increased brain serotonin D. increased blood levels of BCAA; decreased brain tryptophan; decreased brain serotonin

A. decreased blood levels of BCAA; increased brain tryptophan; increased brain serotonin

Nutrients that the body needs, but cannot produce in adequate quantities are called A. essential nutrients. B. dispensable nutrients. C. nonessential nutrients D. nondispensable nutrients.

A. essential nutrients.

Which of the following terms is most appropriate to describe an adverse reaction of the immune system when food that contains specific types of proteins is consumed? A. food allergy B. food intolerance C. food additivity D. food processing E. food poisoning

A. food allergy

Which hormone is released from the pancreas and generally increases the rate of gluconeogenesis in the liver? A. glucagon B. cortisol C. epinephrine D. human growth hormone E. adrenalin

A. glucagon

The form by which cholesterol is transported in your blood may be related to the development of atherosclerosis. In general, A. high levels of high-density lipoproteins, which act in a process known as reverse cholesterol transport, appear to lower the chances of developing atherosclerosis. B. a high ratio of low-density lipoproteins to total cholesterol indicates a very low risk for developing coronary heart disease. C. high levels of high-density lipoproteins are associated with the formation of plaque because they are prone to oxidation by macrophages. D. None of the answers are correct.

A. high levels of high-density lipoproteins, which act in a process known as reverse cholesterol transport, appear to lower the chances of developing atherosclerosis.

Linoleic acid A. is an essential fatty acid that must be supplied in the diet. B. daily requirements range from 6-7 grams per day. C. is hard to obtain in adequate amounts on a vegetarian diet. D. is a saturated fatty acid that must be supplied in the diet.

A. is an essential fatty acid that must be supplied in the diet.

A type I muscle fiber A. is called a slow-twitch red fiber. B. can produce energy primarily by anaerobic processes. C. is also referred to as FOG. D. All of these statements apply to type I muscle fibers.

A. is called a slow-twitch red fiber.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the resting metabolic rate (RMR)? A. it is lower than the metabolic rate when sleeping B. it is higher in men than in women C. it generally declines with age D. it is increased somewhat for 30 minutes or more following a bout of intense exercise E. it may be higher following the ingestion of caffeine-containing coffee

A. it is lower than the metabolic rate when sleeping

The level of serum triglyceride that is considered desirable is milligrams per deciliter of blood. A. less than 150 B. 200-300 C. 300-400 D. more than 400

A. less than 150

Supplementation with some amino acids has been theorized to decrease the formation of serotonin in the brain and possibly help delay the onset of central nervous system fatigue in prolonged aerobic endurance exercise. Which amino acids are theorized to do this? A. leucine, isoleucine, and valine B. arginine, ornithine, and inosine C. tryptophan, arginine, and creatine D. inosine, creatine, and alanine E. asparagine, aspartic acid, and glutamine

A. leucine, isoleucine, and valine

Which of the following is NOT good advice in attempts to reduce SERUM cholesterol? A. limit whole egg consumption to about 2-4 per week B. eat fish and white poultry meat in place of saturated fat meat C. drink skim milk instead of whole milk D. use butter instead of soft tub, non-trans fatty acid margarine E. eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grain products

A. limit whole egg consumption to about 2-4 per week

Which essential fatty acids are needed in the diet? (Hint: An AI has been set for both.) A. linoleic and alpha-linolenic B. oleic and canoleic C. stearic and linoleic D. palmitic and stearic E. palmitic and palmitoleic

A. linoleic and alpha-linolenic

Which of the following represents the approximate amount(s) of carbohydrate stored in the body of the typical normally fed sedentary adult. A. liver glycogen - 100 grams B. muscle glycogen - 1200 grams C. liver glycogen - 100 kcals D. muscle glycogen - 400 kcals

A. liver glycogen - 100 grams

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide? A. maltose B. glucose C. fructose D. galactose

A. maltose

The oxygen system A. produces ATP in rather large quantities from other energy sources in the body. B. involves aerobic processing of carbohydrates to some extent, with major utilization of protein. C. is used primarily in sports that demand strenuous exercise. D. depends upon reactions that occur in the nucleus of the cell.

A. produces ATP in rather large quantities from other energy sources in the body.

Nitrate supplementation has been shown to: A. reduce blood pressures B. stimulate muscle tissue growth C. buffer lactic acid D. increase fat oxidation

A. reduce blood pressures

Which of the following foods would not be consumed by a lacto-vegetarian? A. scrambled eggs B. skim milk C. cheese D. yogurt E. ice cream

A. scrambled eggs

Which food exchange is the best (in terms of highest content) source of calcium? A. skim milk B. lean meat C. starch/bread D. fruit E. vegetable

A. skim milk

Complex carbohydrates are primarily found in A. starchy vegetables and whole grains. B. fresh, but not frozen, fruits and vegetables. C. green, leafy vegetables and fruits. D. whole grains and citrus fruits.

A. starchy vegetables and whole grains.

The metabolic production of glucose from amino acids is greatest during. A. the later stages of a long endurance event B. supramaximal exercise such as power lifting C. carbohydrate loading D. The human body cannot produce carbohydrates from amino acids.

A. the later stages of a long endurance event

Glycemic index is a measure of the effect a particular food has upon . A. the rate and amount of increase in blood glucose levels B. the rate of glycolytic utilization of glucose C. the rate of glycogen storage D. the rate of glucose conversion to fatty acids

A. the rate and amount of increase in blood glucose levels

What body cells are highly dependent on a steady supply of glucose for normal function? A. those in the brain B. those in the liver C. those in the intestinal mucosa D. those in the heart muscle

A. those in the brain

The most practical way to determine if muscles have increased their glycogen stores would be A. to keep an accurate record of your body weight. B. to have a muscle biopsy taken. C. to keep an accurate record of carbohydrates ingested and convert this to caloric intake. D. to strictly follow the classic program and assume that the stores have increased.

A. to keep an accurate record of your body weight.

Fats are stored in the body as . A. triglycerides in muscle B. monoglycerides in liver C. diglycerides in adipose tissue D. Both A and B E. Both A and C

A. triglycerides in muscle

What is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein? A. 6-10 percent of daily caloric intake B. 10-35 percent of daily caloric intake C. 20-45 percent of daily caloric intake D. 45-65 percent of daily caloric intake E. 70-80 percent of daily caloric intake

B. 10-35 percent of daily caloric intake

Two people have their resting metabolic rate measured. One weighs 100 pounds and has an REE of 0.8 kcal/min. The other person weighs 200 pounds and has an REE of 1.6 kcal/min. If both individuals are exercising at an intensity that expends 6.4 kcal/min, how many METs are being expended by each individual? A. 100 pound person: 4 METs -- 200 pound person: 8 METs B. 100 pound person: 8 METs -- 200 pound person: 4 METs C. The two individuals are expending the same amount of METs. D. It is necessary to know if the two individuals are male or female.

B. 100 pound person: 8 METs -- 200 pound person: 4 METs

A sports nutritionist recommends that Arnold consume 25 percent of kcal from fat. If he consumes 4000 Calories per day, about how many grams of fat should he consume in a day? (pick the closest number) A. 65 B. 110 C. 320 D. 640 E. 1000

B. 110

What is the AMDR for daily total fat intake, as a percentage of daily calories? A. 10-20 B. 20-35 C. 30-45 D. 45-65 E. 55-75

B. 20-35

What is the Adequate Intake (AI) for total fiber for young adult females and males, respectively? A. 12 grams, 15 grams B. 25 grams, 38 grams C. 45 grams, 65 grams D. 80 grams, 130 grams E. 130 grams, 160 grams

B. 25 grams, 38 grams

The Acceptable Macronutritent Distribution Range recommends a dietary carbohydrate intake of percent of the total daily caloric intake. A. 65-70 B. 45-65 C. 45-55 D. None of the answers are correct

B. 45-65

One liter of oxygen is the equivalent of approximately how many Calories when oxidizing carbohydrate and fat? A. 2 B. 5 C. 8 D. 12 E. 20

B. 5

For the past few days, Matt has not been eating enough carbohydrate. As a result, the carbohydrate stores in his body are low. During the last half hour of a hard 2-hour run, what percent of energy expenditure might be derived from protein? A. None (0%) B. 5 to 15% C. 30 to 50% D. Almost 100%

B. 5 to 15% (check)

After a 2 hour strenuous training session, about how much CHO should be consumed in order to replenish muscle glycogen in a 20-24 hour period? A. 50-60 grams B. 500-600 grams C. 5000-6000 grams D. 200 grams at most

B. 500-600 grams

For athletes involved in preparation for prolonged heavy exercise, it is recommended that percent of their Calories should be obtained from carbohydrates. A. 40-50 B. 60-70 C. 20-30 D. 80-90

B. 60-70

Which of the following is the best recommendation for the amount of daily carbohydrate consumption for endurance athletes? A. 1.5 to 2 grams/kg body weight B. 7 to 10 grams/kg body weight C. 40% of kcal D. 70% of kcal

B. 7 to 10 grams/kg body weight

How many Calories are in a Whopper sandwich, a large order of French fries, and a medium soft drink if this meal contains 25 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbohydrate, and 40 grams of fat? A. 686 B. 780 C. 911 D. 1,066 E. 1,140

B. 780

For adults, how many essential amino acids are there? A. 6 B. 9 C. 12 D. 14 E. 20

B. 9

Using the term "essential" in the nutrition sense, how many essential amino acids are required by the average adult? A. 4 B. 9 C. 12 D. 16 E. 20

B. 9

Match the type of exercise with the predominant source of energy used to regenerate ATP in working muscles during that type of exercise. Answers may be used only once. 12-15 bench press reps (finished in 45 to 60 seconds) A. Phosphocreatine B. Anaerobic use of glucose (lactic acid system) C. Anaerobic use of fatty acids (fatic acid system) D. Aerobic use of glucose E. Aerobic use of glucose and fatty acids

B. Anaerobic use of glucose (lactic acid system)

match the indicated intensity of exercise with the major source(s) of energy supply. Assume the athlete is well nourished and has been exercising for about 30 minutes. Intensity: 65% of VO2max A. muscle triglycerides B. Approximately equal amounts of muscle glycogen,muscle triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids C. muscle glycogen D. plasma free fatty acids E. plasma glucose and muscle triglycerides

B. Approximately equal amounts of muscle glycogen,muscle triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids

Which of the following statements about energy expenditure is INCORRECT? A. The cost of running a given distance does not depend on the speed of movement B. Hand weights seem to increase energy expenditure only when used at slower speeds C. Swimming a given distance takes about four times as much energy as running that distance D. The use of hand weights may exaggerate the blood pressure response

B. Hand weights seem to increase energy expenditure only when used at slower speeds

Which of the following statements regarding dietary supplements is FALSE? A. Dietary supplements may be harmful if individuals use them as substitutes for a healthy diet B. Health claims listed on the label have been substantiated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) C. Dietary supplements of the same product, such as ginseng, may vary greatly in quality D. Dietary supplements may actually impair one's health, and may even be fatal, when used improperly E. In some countries, dietary supplements are regulated as drugs

B. Health claims listed on the label have been substantiated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Which of the following statements is not true? A. The lactic acid energy system utilizes glucose for ATP production. B. High levels of lactic acid accumulate in muscle during submaximal endurance exercise. C.The O2 system can use a variety of different energy sources including protein, although CHO and fat are the primary sources. D. At high levels of exercise intensity, working muscles utilize a higher proportion of energy from carbohydrate.

B. High levels of lactic acid accumulate in muscle during submaximal endurance exercise.

When considering the key-nutrient concept, which of the following is NOT true? A. The theory is based on the eight nutrients central to human nutrition B. Highly processed foods to which some vitamins have been added are acceptable to this concept C. If the key nutrients are adequate in your diet, you will probably receive an ample supply of all nutrients essential to humans D. The Food Exchange Lists can be a useful guide to securing the key nutrients, if one keeps in mind that there is some variation in the proportion of the nutrients within each food exchange

B. Highly processed foods to which some vitamins have been added are acceptable to this concept (p. 45)

An increase in which lipoprotein is theorized to be a major contributing factor to the development of atherosclerosis? A. VLDL B. LDL C. IDL D. HDL E. Chylomicron


Dietary fats are absorbed into the body in which of the following ways? A. Medium-chain triglycerides are converted to chylomicron and then transported directly to the liver B. Lipids are hydrolyzed into fatty acids, glycerol, cholesterol, and phospholipids with the aid of the emulsifying action of the bile salts C. Long-chain fatty acids are absorbed directly into the blood D. A chylomicron is formed in the liver and then transported to the cells via the blood

B. Lipids are hydrolyzed into fatty acids, glycerol, cholesterol, and phospholipids with the aid of the emulsifying action of the bile salts

Which of the following is the key principle underlying the adaptations to exercise that may provide a wide array of health benefits, and incorporates the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise? A. Overload B. Progression C. Reversibility D. Overuse E. Specificity

B. Progression

Which of the following food exchanges is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D? A. lean meat B. skim milk C. starch/bread D. fruit

B. Skim milk

Which of the following beverages has the greatest nutrient density for calcium? (Based on 1 cup servings) A. Whole milk - 150 kcal & 350 mg calcium B. Skim milk - 90 kcal & 350 mg calcium C. So Good brand soy drink (calcium fortified) - 160 kcal & 300 mg calcium D. Orange juice (calcium fortified)

B. Skim milk - 90 kcal & 350 mg calcium

Why is it important to consume high to moderate glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates immediately after exercise? A. Provides more carbohydrate per gram than low GI carbohydrates B. Stimulates a more rapid insulin response C. Prevents the athlete from going to sleep immediately after exercise D. They stimulate the thirst mechanism

B. Stimulates a more rapid insulin response

In humans, the majority of glucose is: A. Stored in the liver as glycogen B. Stored in the muscles as glycogen C. Carried in the blood as blood sugar D. Stored in the fat as monosaccharides

B. Stored in the muscles as glycogen

Which of the key nutrients does not need to be listed (not mandatory) on a food label? A. protein B. thiamin C. calcium D. vitamin C E. iron

B. Thiamin

A young woman has decided to forsake the consumption of all animal products and become a vegan vegetarian. However, a possible negative aspect of eating this way could be due to the fact that: A. Many vegetables are high in saturated fats B. Vitamin B12 is only naturally found in animal products C. Fruits are low in fiber and minerals D. It is not possible to obtain enough protein with this type of eating

B. Vitamin B12 is only naturally found in animal products

Which of the following cannot be used as a source of energy in the form of Calories in the human body? A. carbohydrate B. vitamin C C. fat D. alcohol E. protein

B. Vitamin C

During endurance exercise, which of the following can happen to muscle protein? A. Muscle protein is conserved for muscle fiber structure and will not be catabolized for energy production. B. When muscle protein is utilized for energy production, amino acid nitrogen is removed from the muscle primarily by alanine. C. Protein in type 1 red slow twitch muscle fibers cannot be utilized for energy. D. Muscle protein will only be used when the supply of energy from fat sources is low.

B. When muscle protein is utilized for energy production, amino acid nitrogen is removed from the muscle primarily by alanine.

The immediate source of energy for all body processes, including muscle contraction, is A. muscle glycogen. B. adenosine triphosphate. C. phosphocreatine. D. both ATP and PC.

B. adenosine triphosphate. (in class Dr. T. said answer was D. both ATP and PC. but other sources say B)

Because the human body cannot store excess nitrogen, A. deamination removes it from the amino acid, leaving a substrate known as acetyl CoA. B. ammonia is formed from the excess nitrogen and the liver converts it into urea, which is eventually eliminated by the kidneys. C. the possible energy content of excess amino acids is wasted. D. All of the answers are correct.

B. ammonia is formed from the excess nitrogen and the liver converts it into urea, which is eventually eliminated by the kidneys.

The Food and Drug Administration, Consumer Union and other researchers have concluded that artificial sweeteners A. are a definitive risk for cancer. B. appear to be safe to use in small amounts. C. are not very effective in weight-control programs. D. All of the answers are correct.

B. appear to be safe to use in small amounts.

In general, a solid precompetition meal should A. be eaten about two hours prior to competition. B. be high in carbohydrate and low in fat and protein, providing for easy digestibility. C. restrict fluid intake in order to prevent body water retention. D. contribute to a reverse osmotic effect.

B. be high in carbohydrate and low in fat and protein, providing for easy digestibility.

Why are Omega-3 fatty acids theorized to be ergogenic? A. because of their high energy content B. because they may make RBCs less viscous and less resistant to flow C. because they may increase blood triglycerides D. B and C E. none of the above

B. because they may make RBCs less viscous and less resistant to flow

As you perform mild to moderate exercise (up to 50 % of your VO2 max), you will use: A. only carbohydrate energy sources. B. blood glucose and fat. C. 80 percent carbohydrate energy sources. D. 95 percent carbohydrate energy sources.

B. blood glucose and fat.

A carrier system that facilitates the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation involves the compound. Some sports products include this substance in dietary supplements. A. glycerol B. carnitine C. wheat germ oil D. lecithin

B. carnitine

A HIGH QUALITY protein is best described as one that: A. contains 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of food B. contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper amounts and ratio C. contains all of the nonessential amino acids D. contains adequate amounts of glucose for protein sparing E. contains the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine

B. contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper amounts and ratio

If blood glucose levels decrease, gluconeogenesis is a process in the body that produces glucose internally by A. converting fatty acids to glucose. B. converting amino acids to glucose during the glucose-alanine cycle. C. chemical reactions that occur in the villi of the small intestine. D. utilizing substrates obtained only from glycerol.

B. converting amino acids to glucose during the glucose-alanine cycle.

Which of the following foods is likely to contain the least amount of saturated fats? A. hard stick margarine with hydrogenated corn oil B. cooking oil made of 100% olive oil C. butter D. sirloin steak E. artificial coffee whitener made with palm oil

B. cooking oil made of 100% olive oil

Endurance exercise training is most likely to_____ LDL and_____ HDL. A. increase; decrease B. decrease; increase C. increase; increase D. decrease; decrease E. none of the above

B. decrease; increase

At the present time, scientific data support a relationship between refined sugar and only one health problem: A. obesity. B. dental caries. C. diabetes. D. cardiovascular disease.

B. dental caries.

An ergogenic aid is something that is A. added to a food to increase its nutrient value. B. designed to increase potential for work output, such as in sport. C. used to restore nutrients removed in processing. D. a legal term used by the FDA to designate nutritional supplements that may enhance health status. E. a device used to facilitate the measurement of energy in a food.

B. designed to increase potential for work output, such as in sport.

A total cholesterol level of 185 milligrams/deciliter is classified as what category by the National Cholesterol Education Program? A. too low B. desirable C. borderline high D. high E. very high

B. desirable

Which hormone secreted during exercise, particularly intense exercise, is the key hormone for mobilizing glucose from the liver and fatty acids from the adipose tissue to provide blood sources of energy to the muscle? A. insulin B. epinephrine C. cortisol D. thyroxin E. testosterone

B. epinephrine

The GRAS list contains: (generally regarded as safe) A. carcinogenic food additives B. food additives believed to be safe C. researchers qualified to test food additives D. governmental regulations for pesticide use E. a list of drug-food interactions

B. food additives believed to be safe

Triglycerides are released from the adipose cells as: A. glucose and free fatty acids B. glycerol and free fatty acids C. glycogen and free fatty acids D. gluconate and free fatty acids E. glycocol and free fatty acids

B. glycerol and free fatty acids

Research suggests that creatine supplementation is MOST likely to enhance performance in which of the following types of physical performance tasks? A. an all-out power lift in one second B. high intensity exercise lasting 6-30 seconds C. 10 kilometer race lasting about 30 minutes D. marathon running (26.2 miles) E. ultramarathons, such as Ironman-type triathlons

B. high intensity exercise lasting 6-30 seconds

The resting energy expenditure is A. increased when the ratio of body surface area to body weight is decreased. B. higher during adolescence than during adulthood. C. decreased when an individual is exposed to the cold. D. 25 percent lower for a female when compared to that of a male.

B. higher during adolescence than during adulthood.

Following a meal high in simple carbohydrate which of the following is most likely to occur in the next 1-2 hours? A. suppression of insulin with a resultant hyperglycemia B. hyperglycemia which stimulates insulin secretion followed by a possible hypoglycemia C. hypoglycemia which stimulates insulin secretion and a return to normal blood glucose levels D. hyperglycemia with a suppression of insulin secretion and movement of blood glucose into the liver and muscle tissues E. no change in blood glucose level

B. hyperglycemia which stimulates insulin secretion followed by a possible hypoglycemia

One reason why carbohydrate is the most important energy food for exercise is that A. it is the only food that can be used for aerobic energy production. B. it is a more efficient fuel than fat. C. it produces ATP for muscle contraction more slowly than fat, but for a longer period of time. D. All of the answers are correct.

B. it is a more efficient fuel than fat.

Which of the following is the least likely metabolic fate of glucose intake following a prolonged aerobic exercise task? A. it is taken into the muscles to help reform muscle glycogen B. it is taken into the adipose cells to help form body fat C. it is taken into the liver to help restore liver glycogen D. it helps to restore the blood glucose levels, if low, to normal

B. it is taken into the adipose cells to help form body fat

Under typical conditions and when consuming a normal diet, which of the following does NOT serve as a significant precursor for production of glucose. A. glycerol B. lactic acid C. most fatty acids D. most amino acids E. all serve as significant precursors of glucose

B. lactic acid

Which food exchange has the greatest percentage of its calories derived from fat? A. skim milk B. lean meat C. starch/bread D. vegetable E. fruit

B. lean meat

Which food exchange is the best (in terms of content and bioavailability) source of iron? A. skim milk B. lean meat C. starch/bread D. fruit E. vegetable

B. lean meat

The consumption of individual amino acids A. may lead to an increase in appetite. B. may interfere with the absorption of other essential amino acids. C. may lead to a cardiopulmonary disorder known as eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. D. is recommended as safe by the FDA.

B. may interfere with the absorption of other essential amino acids.

One example of a micronutrient is A. water. B. minerals. C. carbohydrates D. fat.

B. minerals.

The three key words to a healthful diet are balance, variety, and A. availability. B. moderation. C. quality. D. complementarity.

B. moderation.

Antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals that may provide a medical or health benefit are referred to, collectively, as A. pharmaceuticals. B. nutraceuticals. C. saturated fats. D. enzymes.

B. nutraceuticals.

The most prevalent ergogenic aids used to increase sport performance are those classified as A. physiological. B. nutritional. C. pharmacological. D. mechanical.

B. nutritional.

Which of the following is classified as a starch exchange rather than a vegetable exchange? A. broccoli B. potato C. tomato D. spinach E. celery

B. potato

Type IIb muscle fibers A. are also known as fast-twitch red fibers. B. produce energy primarily by anaerobic processes. C. use the ATP-PC system at a slower rate than Type I. D. are also referred to as FOG.

B. produce energy primarily by anaerobic processes.

The nutrients that are primarily responsible for helping to regulate bodily processes are A. carbohydrates and fat. B. vitamins, minerals, and protein. C. carbohydrate, fat, and minerals. D. fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

B. vitamins, minerals, and protein.

If John eats a balanced meal that contains 1200 kcals, approximately how much is the thermic effect of the food in this meal? A. 6 to 12 kcal B. 30 to 40 kcal C 60 to 120 kcal

C 60 to 120 kcal

The DV for calcium on food labels, which is lower than the RDA for teenagers and older adults, is: A. 200 mg B. 600 mg C. 1,000 mg D. 2,000 mg E. 4,000 mg

C. 1000 mg

One glucose molecule that is processed through the lactic acid system (sometimes called anaerobic/fast glycolysis) yields: A. 130 ATP B. 32 net ATP C. 2 net ATP D. 1 net ATP

C. 2 net ATP

The level of total cholesterol that represents the borderline/high risk category is milligrams per deciliter of blood. A. less than 180 B. 180-200 C. 200-239 D. 240-260

C. 200-239

How many average minutes per day of moderate exercise is recommended? A. 15 B. 20 C. 30 D. 45

C. 30

If you exercise at an intensity of 1 liter of oxygen per minute, about how many Calories would you burn in one hour? A. 50 B. 100 C. 300 D. 700 E. 1,000

C. 300

What is the ratio of protein to carbohydrate that should be consumed following endurance exercise in order to enhance glycogen synthesis? A. 1:1 B. 2:1 C. 3:1 D. 5:1

C. 3:1

One teaspoon of olive oil (about 5 grams) would provide the energy needed to support REE in the average person for about how long? A. 60 seconds B. 4.5 minutes C. 45 minutes D. 140 minutes

C. 45 minutes -- 1 tsp is about 40 calories

During exercise which of the following carbohydrate solutions is recommended for active individuals? A. 2-4 B. 4-6% C. 6-10% D. 10-18%

C. 6-10%

Reasonable estimates suggest that athletes who want to consume the maximal amount of exogenous carbohydrate that may be oxidized during exercise may use approximately how many grams per hour of the ingested glucose? A. 5-10 B. 20-25 C. 60-100 D. 200-250 E. 300-400

C. 60-100

Compared to skim milk, a glass of whole milk contains about an additional seven grams of fat. How many additional Calories does this represent? A. 16 B. 28 C. 63 D. 95 E. 120

C. 63

Which energy substance does the body use DIRECTLY to perform its multitude of functions, such as muscle contraction? A. glycogen B. phosphocreatine (PC) C. ATP D. glucose E. oxygen


What is the term used to describe the recommended daily nutrient intake level based on observed or experimentally determined approximations of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people? A. Tolerable Upper Limit (UL) B. Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) C. Adequate Intake (AI) D. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

C. Adequate Intake (AI)

Which of the following is true when discussing the possible ergogenic effect of specific amino acids? A. Arginine, lysine, and ornithine have been shown to enhance muscular development and strength B. Tryptophan appears to be ergogenic in short-term exercise tasks C. Although some early research indicated BCAA supplementation improved performance in marathon running performance of "slower" runners, most subsequent research it is not an effective ergogenic aid D. Most scientific research supports the fact that glutamine supplementation enhances immune function during intense, prolonged training

C. Although some early research indicated BCAA supplementation improved performance in marathon running performance of "slower" runners, most subsequent research it is not an effective ergogenic aid

Which of the following is an optional listing on a Nutrition Facts Label? A. Amount per serving of total fat B. Amount per serving of Calcium C. Amount per serving of all B vitamins D. Amount per serving of saturated fat

C. Amount per serving of all B vitamins

Dietary fat helps the body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins, which include all of the following EXCEPT: A. A B. K C. C D. D E. E

C. C

Which of the following foods has the highest cholesterol content? A. Ice cream B. French toast C. Eggs D. Lobster

C. Eggs

Why might endurance athletes have increased protein needs? A. Muscle bulking from endurance exercise is the major factor that can increase the protein needs of endurance athletes. B. Endurance athletes rely on a large proportion of fat for fuel, which results in an increased mobilization of protein from adipose cell membranes. C. Endurance athletes regularly deplete their body's carbohydrate stores, which can force the body to utilize amino acids for energy and to maintain normal levels of plasma glucose. D.Endurance athletes utilize large amounts of carbohydrate. Since each gram of glycogen is associated with 3 grams of protein, protein also is utilized. E. None of the above answers are correct.

C. Endurance athletes regularly deplete their body's carbohydrate stores, which can force the body to utilize amino acids for energy and to maintain normal levels of plasma glucose.

Which of the following is true of lipids? A. Lipids are a class of inorganic substances that are insoluble in water B. Glycerol is obtained only from one's diet, with cholesterol as the major source C. Fatty acids are classified according to the number of carbon atoms each contains and the number of complete chemical bonds that each molecule has D. Omega-3 fatty acids are a special class of monounsaturated fatty acids found mainly in fish oils

C. Fatty acids are classified according to the number of carbon atoms each contains and the number of complete chemical bonds that each molecule has

Escherichia and Salmonella are associated with A. food allergy B. food sensitivity C. food poisoning D. food intolerance E. food reactivity

C. Food poisoning

Which of the following is true concerning the functions of lipids in the body? A. The majority of the triglycerides are stored within and between the muscle cells B. The FFA are reduced to acetyl CoA and produce energy via the lactic acid system C. Ketones are metabolic byproducts of excess fatty acid metabolism and are an important energy source during fasting and starvation D. The FFAs are used by the liver to form other lipids or glucose

C. Ketones are metabolic byproducts of excess fatty acid metabolism and are an important energy source during fasting and starvation

Which of the following statements concerning the fates of blood glucose is FALSE? A. Blood glucose may be used as energy B. Liver glycogen may be reconverted directly to blood glucose C. Muscle glycogen may be reconverted directly to blood glucose D. Blood glucose may be converted to and stored as fat

C. Muscle glycogen may be reconverted directly to blood glucose

Success in sport is based primarily upon superior athletic ability, which in turn depends mostly on which of these two major factors? A. Mechanical and psychological coaching and training B. Biomechanical and physiological characteristics C. Natural genetic endowment and state of training D. Psychological and physiological genetic characteristics

C. Natural genetic endowment and state of training

Food rich in folic acid, or folate, may carry health claims because such foods may help prevent the development of A. Heart disease B. Cancer C. Neural tube defects D. Hypertension or high blood pressure E. Osteoporosis

C. Neural tube defects

Which of the following statements comparing animal and plant protein is INCORRECT? A. All natural, unprocessed animal and plant foods contain all twenty amino acids B. Animal protein is considered to be a complete or high-quality protein C. Proteins usually exist in smaller concentrations in plant foods, thus the quality of amino acids found in plants is inferior to those obtained from animals D. Most plant proteins have insufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids

C. Proteins usually exist in smaller concentrations in plant foods, thus the quality of amino acids found in plants is inferior to those obtained from animals

Respiratory exchange is measured in an untrained individual while jogging on a treadmill at 60% of her VO2max. It is determined that her RER is 0.88 and her carbohydrate/fat ratio for energy utilization is about 60/40. The same measurement is made on this individual after 3 months of endurance training. How are these values most likely to change after training? A. RER would increase and carb/fat ratio would decrease B. RER would increase and carb/fat ratio would increase C. RER would decrease and carb/fat ratio would decrease D. RER would decrease and carb/fat ratio would increase

C. RER would decrease and carb/fat ratio would decrease

Which of the following are considered to be the bad fats? A. Polyunsaturated fatty acids B. Olive oil and canola oil C. Saturated and trans fatty acids D. Monounsaturated fatty acids E. Omega-3 fatty acids

C. Saturated and trans fatty acids

Which basic principle of exercise training is associated with the concept that cardiovascular-respiratory training will enhance adaptations primarily in the heart whereas resistance training will enhance adaptations primarily in the skeletal muscles? A. Overuse B. Overload C. Specificity D. Progression E. Reversibility

C. Specificity

Which of the following is not a health-related fitness component? A. Body composition B. Cardiovascular fitness C. Speed D. Flexibility E. Muscular strength

C. Speed

Which of the following sport events would rely on the lactic acid system for most of the energy production? A. Competitive weight lifting B. The 100 meter dash C. The 800 meter run D. A 5 kilometer run

C. The 800 meter run

Which of the following is an example of catabolism? A. Increased muscle mass gained through weight training B. Constructive metabolism C. The changing of muscle glycogen to muscle glucose D. The better use of oxygen following endurance training

C. The changing of muscle glycogen to muscle glucose

In general, the most appropriate meal for an athlete after competition is __________________. A. a primarily protein based meal B. a primarily carbohydrate based meal C. a balanced meal D. nothing; athletes should not consume anything after competition due to an increase risk of dumping syndrome

C. a balanced meal

Which of the following statements relative to exercise and metabolic rate is FALSE? A. the intensity of the exercise is the most important factor to increase the metabolic rate B. increased efficiency for swimming a set distance will decrease the energy cost C. a heavier, inefficient runner will burn fewer Calories running a mile than a lighter runner D. oxygen consumption and heart rate are two ways to monitor the metabolic rate E. walking a mile slowly uses fewer Calories than running a mile

C. a heavier, inefficient runner will burn fewer Calories running a mile than a lighter runner

Which food is highest in both carbohydrate and protein? A. bread B. potato C. baked beans D. banana E. crackers

C. baked beans

If foods are not selected carefully, strict vegetarians may incur nutritional deficiencies involving A. vitamin A. B. vitamin C. C. calcium. D. potassium.

C. calcium.

The main energy source for the lactic acid system during exercise is A. protein. B. phosphocreatine. C. carbohydrates. D. triglycerides.

C. carbohydrates.

Which compound is not found in plant foods? A. saturated fats B. polyunsaturated fats C. cholesterol D. iron E. complex carbohydrates

C. cholesterol

Which of the following is NOT a common food that may cause a susceptible individual to experience a food allergy or food intolerance reaction? A. eggs B. milk C. citrus fruits like oranges D. nuts E. seafood like clams

C. citrus fruits like oranges

Which of the following does not increase the resting metabolic rate for an average adult? A. caffeine B. environmental temperature changes above and below normal comfortable temperatures C. decreasing energy intake to less than 800 kcal/day D. smoking cigarettes E. the thermic effect of food from a mixed meal of carbohydrate, fat, and protein

C. decreasing energy intake to less than 800 kcal/day

Which of the following statements relative to protein metabolism is false? A. excess protein may be converted to glucose in the body B. the liver is a critical center for the control of amino acid metabolism C. essential amino acids can be formed in the liver from carbohydrate and nitrogen from non- essential amino acids D. excess protein may be converted to fat in the body E. urea is a waste product of protein metabolism

C. essential amino acids can be formed in the liver from carbohydrate and nitrogen from non- essential amino acids

Which of the following cannot be used to form new glucose in the body? A. amino acids B. pyruvate C. fatty acids D. protein E. glycerol

C. fatty acids

Fats may be a significant source of energy during exercise of low intensity and long duration. What is the main form of fats that are used for energy production during low- intensity exercise? A. phospholipids derived from the cell membrane B. chylomicrons from the liver C. free fatty acids from the adipose cells and muscle cells D. VLDL from the liver E. cholesterol from the kidney

C. free fatty acids from the adipose cells and muscle cells

Per serving, which of the following food exchanges contains the greatest amount of carbohydrate IN GRAMS? A. lean meat B. skim milk C. fruit D. vegetable E. fat

C. fruit

The AMDR for carbohydrate in a 2000 kcal diet is set at a level that is ___________. A. less than the RDA for carbohydrate B. equivalent to the RDA for carbohydrate C. greater than the RDA for carbohydrate

C. greater than the RDA for carbohydrate

Studies have shown that endurance trained athletes A. derive more energy from carbohydrate at the same level of exercise than they did prior to training. B. rely less on ketones as an energy source. C. have an increased muscle triglyceride content. D. exhibit a decreased sensitivity of the adipose cells to epinephrine.

C. have an increased muscle triglyceride content.

Macronutrients A. may provide energy but do not support growth and development of body tissues. B. have a daily requirement that is less than a few grams. C. include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as water. D. contain no Calories.

C. include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as water.

Compared to untrained muscle tissue, in aerobically trained skeletal muscle, you typically find . A. an increase in slow twitch fiber size, greater glycogen storage capacity, decreased triglyceride stores, and increased myoglobin content B. increase in glycogen and triglyceride stores, increase in mitochondria, and decrease in myoglobin content C. increase in myoglobin content, oxidative enzymes, glycogen and triglyceride stores, and an increased number of mitochondria D. increased utilization of glucose and decreased utilization of fat during exercise

C. increase in myoglobin content, oxidative enzymes, glycogen and triglyceride stores, and an increased number of mitochondria

Nutrient density A. is an important concept based on food processing and fortification. B. will automatically increase simply by increasing the amount of dietary fat and sugar. C. is when a food possesses a significant amount of specific nutrients per serving relative to its caloric content. D. is an indicator of food irradiation.

C. is when a food possesses a significant amount of specific nutrients per serving relative to its caloric content.

All of the following are true physiological functions exhibited by protein EXCEPT A. it forms the structural basis of muscle tissue. B. it is the major component of most enzymes in the muscle. C. it is the major energy source during exercise. D. All of the answers are correct.

C. it is the major energy source during exercise.

What two tissues in the body store the most carbohydrate? A. adipose and kidney B. kidney and liver C. liver and muscles D. muscles and kidney E. adipose and muscles

C. liver and muscles

All of the following are laboratory techniques used to measure the role of the lactic acid system in exercise EXCEPT A. the anaerobic threshold. B. the steady-state threshold. C. maximal oxygen uptake. D. onset of blood lactic acid.

C. maximal oxygen uptake.

Which of the following food exchanges is least likely to be high in dietary fiber? A. vegetable B. starch/bread C. milk D. fruit E. meat (including legumes)

C. milk

Which of the following statements concerning carbohydrate use as an energy source is FALSE? A. it supplies about 40 percent of the body's energy at rest B. it is the main fuel during exercise of high intensity C. most athletes should consume large amounts just prior to performance for quick energy D. intake during performance may help to prolong endurance capacity in very prterm-32olonged events E. the major source of carbohydrate energy during exercise is muscle glycogen and a well-fed athlete will have enough for over an hour of exercise

C. most athletes should consume large amounts just prior to performance for quick energy

match the indicated intensity of exercise with the major source(s) of energy supply. Assume the athlete is well nourished and has been exercising for about 30 minutes. Intensity: 85% of VO2max A. muscle triglycerides B. Approximately equal amounts of muscle glycogen,muscle triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids C. muscle glycogen D. plasma free fatty acids E. plasma glucose and muscle triglycerides

C. muscle glycogen

The greatest total amount of carbohydrate stored in the body is in the form of A. blood glucose. B. liver glycogen. C. muscle glycogen. D. both liver and muscle glycogen of about equal amounts.

C. muscle glycogen.

When glycogen stores are low in the body, dietary carbohydrate is . A. not readily absorbed B. preferentially converted into fat C. preferentially stored as glycogen D. preferentially converted into protein

C. preferentially stored as glycogen

The elevation of the metabolic rate that occurs after ingestion of a meal is A. increased significantly by the ingestion of fat. B. accountable for less than 3 percent of the total daily energy expenditure. C. referred to as dietary-induced thermogenesis or thermic effect of food. D. significantly higher in obese subjects when compared to lean subjects.

C. referred to as dietary-induced thermogenesis or thermic effect of food.

The GLYCEMIC INDEX represents: A. the degree to which an athlete suffers from hypoglycemia B. the amount of glucose released into the blood in response to exercise C. the effect a particular food has on the rate and amount of increase in the blood glucose level D. the amount of stored glycogen in the muscle and liver E. the total amount of insulin released in response to food intake

C. the effect a particular food has on the rate and amount of increase in the blood glucose level

Studies investigating the metabolic aftereffects of exercise indicate that A. exercise will keep the REE elevated during the recovery period at levels 20 to 25 percent higher than the pre-exercise REE. B. hormones will influence metabolic processes in such a way that circulation and respiration will remain elevated for 6-8 hours. C. the effect is dependent on the intensity and duration of the exercise bout. D. the additional energy expenditure ranged from 50-100 Calories.

C. the effect is dependent on the intensity and duration of the exercise bout.

Research suggests that protein may be a significant source of energy during A. strenuous weight training and accounts for up to 15 percent of the total energy cost. B. brief sessions of high-intensity exercise. C. the latter stage of prolonged endurance exercise, when protein could contribute up to 15 percent of the total energy cost. D. times when the body stores of glycogen and glucose are adequate.

C. the latter stage of prolonged endurance exercise, when protein could contribute up to 15 percent of the total energy cost.

The tolerable upper limit refers to: A. the most exercise a person can do in a day B. the most exercise a person can do in a week C. the maximum intake unlikely to pose health risks D. the ingested amount of a nutrient that promotes health

C. the maximum intake unlikely to pose health risks

During several months of endurance training, all of the following have been noted to occur EXCEPT A. you may be able to perform at 70 percent or higher of your VO2 max, without excess lactic acid accumulation. B. the enzymes that metabolize carbohydrates in muscle cells will increase. C. there is more reliance on carbohydrate oxidation during submaximal exercise. D. you will be able to work at a greater percentage of your VO2 max without fatigue.

C. there is more reliance on carbohydrate oxidation during submaximal exercise.

HMB supplementation appears to offer the greatest benefit to: A. resistance trained individuals B. endurance trained individuals C. untrained individuals D. elderly individuals

C. untrained individuals

Which of the following classifications of physical activity is rated as light, mild aerobic exercise because it is likely to burn less than 5 Calories per minute? A. competitive racquetball B. running at a speed of 7 miles per hour C. walking at a speed of 2.0 miles per hour D. competitive singles tennis E. bicycling at a speed of 18 miles per hour

C. walking at a speed of 2.0 miles per hour

Carbohydrate supplementation is beneficial to performance A. when the continuous exercise work bouts last 60 minutes or less. B. in high-intensity exercise bouts lasting less than 30 minutes. C. when substantial amounts of the carbohydrates are consumed a day or two prior to the event. D. when taken less than one hour prior to the event for individuals who are prone to reactive hypoglycemia.

C. when substantial amounts of the carbohydrates are consumed a day or two prior to the event.

Fat is a very efficient, compact means to store energy A. because fat has more than three times the Calories per gram than do carbohydrates and protein. B. as there is very little water in a gram of protein, compared to the 3-4 grams of water stored with each gram of fat. C. with approximately 80,000-100,000 Calories stored in the adipose tissue of the average adult male. D. None of the answers are correct.

C. with approximately 80,000-100,000 Calories stored in the adipose tissue of the average adult male.

In which of the following athletic events would fat assume a more important role as an energy source for the muscles? A. 800 meter run (2 minutes) B. 25 mile bicycle race (1 hour) C. 10 kilometer run (30 minutes) D. 10 mile swim (4.5 hours) E. soccer game (90 minutes)

D. 10 mile swim (4.5 hours)

The RDA for "Total Digestible Carbohydrate" is _____ and is based on __________. A.45 to 65% of calories; amount of carbohydrate needed to replenish liver glycogen stores daily B. 45 to 65% of calories; amount of carbohydrate needed to replenish muscle glycogen stores daily C. 130 grams/day; the amount of carbohydrate used daily by the heart D. 130 grams/day; the amount of carbohydrate used daily by the brain E. None of the above are correct

D. 130 grams/day; the amount of carbohydrate used daily by the brain

According to the recent American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand on physical activity and weight loss, how many minutes of exercise per week has been associated with clinically significant weight loss. A. 30 B. 60 C. 100 D. 150 E. More than 250

D. 150

Which of the following amounts or rates of energy expenditure are approximately equal? 1. 4200 kcal and 1000 kJ 2. 1000 kcal and 4180 kJ 3. one kcal/min and 3.5 ml oxygen/kg body weight/min 4. One MET and 3.5 ml oxygen/kg body weight/min 5. one liter of oxygen and 5 kcal A. 1, 3, 4 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,3,4,5 D. 2,3,4,5 E. 3,4,5

D. 2,3,4,5

To improve your serum lipid profile, it is recommended that you reduce your cholesterol intake to milligrams per day or less. A. 150 B. 200 C. 250 D. 300

D. 300

During rest, carbohydrate supplies approximately percent of the body's energy needs. A. 85 B. 70 C. 60 D. 40

D. 40

An order of Chicken McNuggets has 314 Calories and 19 grams of fat. What percentage of this meal is composed of fat Calories? A. 26 B. 35 C. 44 D. 54 E. 66

D. 54

The DV for vitamin C is lower than the current RDA; the current DV on food labels is A. 15 mg B. 30 mg C. 45 mg D. 60 mg E. 75 mg

D. 60 mg

One gram of fat yields ______ Calories. A. 4 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9

D. 9

Match the type of exercise with the predominant source of energy used to regenerate ATP in working muscles during that type of exercise. Answers may be used only once. 1500 meter swim (finished in about 40 minutes) A. Phosphocreatine B. Anaerobic use of glucose (lactic acid system) C. Anaerobic use of fatty acids (fatic acid system) D. Aerobic use of glucose E. Aerobic use of glucose and fatty acids

D. Aerobic use of glucose

Which of the following statements concerning protein metabolism and exercise is NOT true? A. Weight training promotes synthesis of the contractile muscle proteins B. The effect of training in producing a positive protein balance during the recovery period depends on an adequate supply of protein and Calories C. Aerobic exercise stimulates synthesis of oxidative and mitochondria enzymes D. After exercise, protein balance is at the very most maintained, but is usually negative

D. After exercise, protein balance is at the very most maintained, but is usually negative

Scientific research has shown that individual amino acid supplements may A. induce the formation of certain chemicals in the brain needed for nerve impulse transmission. B. lead to nutritional imbalances, as an overload of one amino acid may inhibit the absorption of others into the body. C. induce the secretion of hormones. D. All answers are correct.

D. All answers are correct.

Which of the following is true of ergogenic aids? A. They may only be classified as mechanical or nutritional B. There are a number of theoretical nutritional aids, but they are limited to the vitamin and mineral supplements C. Supplementation is necessary for most athletes to improve their performance D. All essential nutrients are considered to be legal for use in conjunction with athletic competition

D. All essential nutrients are considered to be legal for use in conjunction with athletic competition

Vegetarian athletes are at an increased risk of deficiency of which of the following nutrient A. iron B. zinc C. vitamin B12 D. all of the above E. none of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is true for exercise when fat is the energy source? A. During rest, most of the energy needs of the body are met by the supply of plasma FFA to the cells. B. Hormones, such as epinephrine, are secreted during exercise, activate HSL, and these stimulate the release of FFA into the blood. C. During high-intensity exercise, 75 percent of the total energy cost is derived from carbohydrates, while the other 25 percent or less is derived from fat. D. All of the answers are correct.

D. All of the answers are correct.

When participating in very mild aerobic activities, which of the following will lead to fatigue in very prolonged bouts? A. Diminishing carbohydrate levels. B. Low blood-sugar levels. C. Low stores of fat. D. All of these answers will lead to fatigue.

D. All of these answers will lead to fatigue.

Dietary supplements may contain A. essential vitamins and minerals. B. herbal products such as gingko. C. various amino acids. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

Malnutrition may exist A. when an individual does not receive an adequate intake of nutrients. B. when an individual consumes excessive amounts of single or multiple nutrients. C. to such an extent that insufficient energy may impair athletic performance. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

When glycogen stores are full, excess ingested carbohydrates are most likely . A. not readily absorbed B. converted into fat C. converted into protein D. Both A and B E. Both A and C

D. Both A and B

Brian learns in his favorite nutrition class that he gets a larger percentage of energy from fat when he is sleeping than when he runs intensely for 3 miles. He decides that the best way for him to reduce his body fat is by sleeping all day. What is going to happen to Brian? A. Brian will lose the most fat if he sleeps all day. B. Brian will only lose weight if he exercises at exercise intensities low enough to get him in his "fat burning zone." C. Brian will burn mostly phosphocreatine and lactic acid as he sleeps, so this makes no sense. D. Brian will not lose weight sleeping, it matters how many total calories of fat he will expend, not what percent of his expended calories come from fat.

D. Brian will not lose weight sleeping, it matters how many total calories of fat he will expend, not what percent of his expended calories come from fat.

Which of the following statements best reflects the research on fat loading? A. Consumption of a high-fat meal several hours prior to performance will enhance performance B. The 40-30-30 diet will enhance athletic performance C. Fasting for 24 hours will improve endurance exercise performance D. Current scientific literature does not support the notion that fat loading will enhance performance

D. Current scientific literature does not support the notion that fat loading will enhance performance

Why might endurance athletes have increased protein needs? A. Muscle bulking from endurance exercise is the major factor that can increase the protein needs of endurance athletes B. Endurance athletes rely on a large proportion of fat for fuel which results in an increased mobilization of protein from adipose cell membranes. C. Endurance athletes utilize large amounts of carbohydrate. Since each gram of glycogen is associated with 3 grams of protein, protein also is utilized. D. Endurance athletes regularly deplete their body's carbohydrate stores, which can force muscles to utilize some amino acids to maintain energy and glucose production. E. None of the above answers are correct.

D. Endurance athletes regularly deplete their body's carbohydrate stores, which can force muscles to utilize some amino acids to maintain energy and glucose production.

According to research, which of the following athletic groups appear to be obtaining adequate nutrition? A. Gymnasts B. Runners C. Ballet dancers D. Football players

D. Football players

The addition of a nutrient to a food that did not originally contain that nutrient makes it what type of food? A. imitation B. engineered C. fabricated D. fortified E. artificial

D. Fortified

Which lipoprotein is theorized to transport cholesterol from the periphery to the liver for excretion (reverse cholesterol transport)? A. beta lipoprotein B. LDL C. IDL D. HDL E. Chylomicron


The most popularly known method of classification of the major lipoproteins is based on the density of the lipoprotein particle. Which of the following statements is correct based on this method? A. Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) consist primarily of triglycerides from exogenous sources B. VLDL and IDL are both associated with apoprotein A C. LDL or low-density lipoproteins contain a high proportion of triglycerides D. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) contain 45-50 percent protein and are associated with apoprotein A

D. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) contain 45-50 percent protein and are associated with apoprotein A

Foods rich in potassium and low in sodium may carry health claims because such foods may help prevent the development of A. Dental caries B. Cancer C. Neural tube defects D. Hypertension or high blood pressure E. Osteoporosis

D. Hypertension

Which of the following training adaptations would be of MOST use to an athlete competing in the 100-meter dash (less than 10 seconds)? A. Increased number of mitochondria B. Increased fat burning capacity C. Increased efficiency of the electron transport system D. Increased stores of phosphocreatine

D. Increased stores of phosphocreatine

Which of the following statements regarding protein and related health effects is FALSE? A. Diets rich in protein do not appear to increase the risk of coronary heart disease, although eating high-fat meats may increase risks B. Animal foods provide about 70 percent of daily protein intake in the typical American diet, and one recommendation is to reduce animal protein intake to 30 percent, while deriving the remaining 70 percent from plant foods C. Meat that has been charred may produce heterocyclic amines (HCAs); excessive consumption of HCAs may be associated with increased risk of colon cancer D. Individuals who are worried about the development of osteoporosis should reduce their protein intake to levels about 50 percent of the RDA or less E. Individuals who want to obtain the benefits of phytochemicals in soy products should incorporate soy foods in their diet rather than consuming phytochemicals dietary supplements

D. Individuals who are worried about the development of osteoporosis should reduce their protein intake to levels about 50 percent of the RDA or less

Which of the following is true of experimental research? A. The results of a single study are sufficient to prove a theory B. It is essential to establishing a cause and effect relationship C. It is an easy task to control risk factors in free-living humans D. It involves studying large populations to find relationships between two or more variables

D. It involves studying large populations to find relationships between two or more variables

The ingestion of which sugar has been associated with gas, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea in about 10 percent Americans? A. Glucose B. Sucrose C. Maltose D. Lactose E. Dextrose

D. Lactose

Which of the following can happen to muscle protein? A. Muscle protein is conserved for muscle fiber structure and never serves as an energy source. B. Muscle protein can be utilized for energy production and the nitrogen is removed from the muscle primarily by lactate. C. Protein in type 1 red slow twitch muscle fibers cannot be utilized for energy. D. Muscle protein is used in significant amounts for energy production when muscle glycogen is low.

D. Muscle protein is used in significant amounts for energy production when muscle glycogen is low.

Your total daily energy expenditure is the sum of your A. BMR, REE, and TEF. B. BMR, EMR, and TEF. C. REE, RMR, and TEE. D. REE, TEF, and TEE.

D. REE, TEF, and TEE.

What is the term used to describe the average daily dietary intake that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals? A. Tolerable Upper Intake Limit (UL) B. Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) C. Adequate Intake (AI) D. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

D. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Sound nutritional research involving exercise performance is best performed using placebo controls, crossover designs, and double-blinded use of nutritional ergogenics. In which of the following publications would you be LEAST likely to find such a study? A. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism B. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise C. Journal of the American Dietetics Association D. Runner's World E. Journal of Applied Physiology

D. Runner's World

The protein isolated from which of the following plant foods is most comparable to animal protein? A. Oats B. Wheat C. Peas D. Soybeans

D. Soybeans

Which one of the following statements about fatigue is true? A. Fatigue may only be physiological in nature B. The site of fatigue is classified solely in the central nervous system C. Fatigue is always due to an insufficient supply of the optimal energy source D. The most important factor in the prevention of fatigue during exercise is training

D. The most important factor in the prevention of fatigue during exercise is training

Which of the following is true concerning diet and competition? (p. 79) A. There is no need to consume anything during most types of athletic competition with the possible exception of electrolytes and water B. On the day following competition, carbohydrate loading is prudent so muscle glycogen will be replaced more quickly C. Those individuals involved in daily physical activity of a prolonged nature should stress complex carbohydrate foods in their daily diet D. Those individuals involved in athletic competition or prolonged daily physical activity have no need to consume anything except electrolytes and water during competition, but do need to stress complex carbohydrate foods in a daily diet

D. Those individuals involved in athletic competition or prolonged daily physical activity have no need to consume anything except electrolytes and water during competition, but do need to stress complex carbohydrate foods in a daily diet

The best food exchange from which to obtain good to excellent sources of both vitamin C and vitamin A (beta-carotene) is the A. Milk exchange B. Meat exchange C. Starch/bread exchange D. Vegetable exchange E. Fat exchange

D. Vegetable exchange

Which of the following is most conducive to the development of atherosclerosis? A. a total cholesterol of 190 milligrams B. a low level of very low density lipoprotein cholesterol C. a high density lipoprotein cholesterol of 70 milligrams D. a low density lipoprotein cholesterol of 170 milligrams E. a total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio of less than 3.5

D. a low density lipoprotein cholesterol of 170 milligrams

Each of the following methods is used to measure resting energy expenditure except ______________. A. indirect calorimetry B. direct calorimetry C. doubly labeled water technique D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Which of the following are important considerations for a precompetition meal for an endurance athlete? The meal should _________________________________ . A. be timed so that the stomach is moderately full at the start of exercise B. provide adequate fuel supplies, primarily fatty acids, in the blood and muscles C. provide substantial amounts of protein to minimize muscle catabolism during exercise D. allow for the stomach to be relatively empty at the start of competition

D. allow for the stomach to be relatively empty at the start of competition

Which of the following does not contain cholesterol? A. milk B. beef C. white fish D. beans E. chicken

D. beans

Nutrients perform three major functions in the human body. Among these is A. providing energy, with protein being the prime source. B. regulating body processes with fat being the prime contributor. C. building and repairing body tissues with vitamins and minerals being the prime source. D. building and repairing body tissues with protein being the prime source.

D. building and repairing body tissues with protein being the prime source.

A review of research supports that there may be an ergogenic effect associated with the use of _________________ supplementation. A. glutamine B. tryptophan C. glycine D. creatine

D. creatine

A good example of a nonessential nutrient is A. fiber. B. calcium. C. niacin. D. creatine.

D. creatine.

The leading cause of death in the United States is A. infectious diseases. B. cancer. C. stroke. D. diseases of the heart.

D. diseases of the heart.

In very high-intensity exercise, lasting only one or two minutes, the probable cause of fatigue is A. a depletion of phosphocreatine. B. a depletion of carbohydrate stores. C. loss of lipid reserves. D. disruption of cellular metabolism caused by the accumulation of hydrogen ions.

D. disruption of cellular metabolism caused by the accumulation of hydrogen ions.

A typical Supersize fast-food meal of a triple burger, French fries and a cola-type drink is usually high in: A. calcium, folate, and iron B. calcium, folate, and protein C. vitamin C, riboflavin, and vitamin A D. fat, sodium, and sugar E. vitamins C, vitamin D, and vitamin B12

D. fat, sodium, and sugar

Which of the following foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA? A. beans B. oats C. meat D. fish E. milk

D. fish

When the body cannot properly digest a portion of food resulting in gastrointestinal distress, you are most likely suffering from A. food poisoning. B. food allergy C. foodborne illness. . D. food intolerance.

D. food intolerance.

The process involving the formation of glucose from protein in the body is known as: A. glycolysis B. glucolysis C. glycogenolysis D. gluconeogenesis E. aminogenesis

D. gluconeogenesis

The dietary technique designed to increase the glycogen content in both the liver and the muscles in an attempt to delay the onset of fatigue is referred to as all of the following EXCEPT A. carbohydrate loading. B. glycogen loading. C. glycogen super compensation. D. glucose loading.

D. glucose loading.

The three major monosaccharides are A. glucose, fructose, and glycogen. B. glucose, glycogen, and sucrose. C. glucose, fructose, and sucrose. D. glucose, fructose, and galactose.

D. glucose, fructose, and galactose.

Which of the following is not classified as a lipid? A. lipoprotein B. cholesterol C. phospholipid D. glycoprotein E. triglyceride F. all are classified as lipids

D. glycoprotein

Which two key nutrients should be stressed in the diets of women and children because they are often consumed in less than desired amounts in the United States? A. protein and calcium B. thiamin and riboflavin C. vitamins A and C D. iron and calcium E. protein and vitamin C

D. iron and calcium

The unit of measure equal to the energy needed to raise one kilogram of water one degree Celsius is: A. a gram B. calorie C. tesla D. kilocalories

D. kilocalories

In Europe, the energy value of food is expressed in: A. milligrams B. ounces C. Calories D. kilojoules E. micrograms

D. kilojoules

Nitrate may be found in: A. oranges B. pork C. beef D. leafy greens

D. leafy greens

Expressed as a PERCENTAGE of its total caloric value, which food exchange has the highest protein content? A. starch/bread B. whole milk C. vegetables D. lean meat E. fruit

D. lean meat

The essential element in protein that is not possessed by either carbohydrate or fat is A. carbon. B. hydrogen. C. oxygen. D. nitrogen.

D. nitrogen.

What is the most appropriate method for determining the protein needs of an endurance or strength athlete? A. use the AMDR of 10-35% of kcals B. use the RDA of 0.8 grams/kg C. both A and B are acceptable methods D. none of the above are appropriate for athletes

D. none of the above are appropriate for athletes

Which of the following has the least amount of dietary protein? A. one ounce of chicken breast B. one-half cup of baked beans C. one slice of whole wheat bread D. one orange E. one-half glass of skim milk

D. one orange

Which organ secretes the major digestive enzymes into the small intestine? A. liver B. gall bladder C. kidney D. pancreas E. jejunum

D. pancreas

match the indicated intensity of exercise with the major source(s) of energy supply. Assume the athlete is well nourished and has been exercising for about 30 minutes. Intensity: 25% of VO2max A. muscle triglycerides B. Approximately equal amounts of muscle glycogen,muscle triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids C. muscle glycogen D. plasma free fatty acids E. plasma glucose and muscle triglycerides

D. plasma free fatty acids

Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of physical activity? A. reduced levels of depression and anxiety B. improved control of body weight and body fatness C. reduced risk of developing diabetes D. prevention of skin cancer E. reduced risk of osteoporosis, or frail bones

D. prevention of skin cancer

Which of the following statements relative to protein and exercise is FALSE? A. protein may be catabolized during exercise and used as an energy source, but the contribution generally is about 5-6 percent or less B. carbohydrate intake may exert a protein-sparing effect during exercise C. very low levels of protein intake during training may lead to the development of a condition known as sports anemia D. research has shown that individuals who are training to gain weight need about 6 to 8 grams of protein per kilogram body weight E. in general, research has shown that protein supplementation above the RDA will not improve physiological performance capacity during exercise

D. research has shown that individuals who are training to gain weight need about 6 to 8 grams of protein per kilogram body weight

Common table sugar is: A. glucose B. dextrose C. fructose D. sucrose E. maltose

D. sucrose

Which of the following is most clearly an ergogenic aid for endurance exercise performance? A. creatine B. HMB C. protein D. taurine E. glucose

D. taurine

Which of the following statements relative to carbohydrate loading is false? A. it is beneficial primarily for athletes involved in prolonged endurance events, such as the typical marathon (26.2 miles) B. it involves the intake of about 500-600 grams of carbohydrate each day for several days prior to competition C. although some, but not all, research generally supports its effectiveness as a means to help delay the onset of fatigue in the latter stages of prolonged exercise tasks, its use by endurance athletes, such as marathoners, appears to be prudent D. the major advantage of carbohydrate loading is the increased storage of glycogen in the adipose cells for use during exercise E. the increase in carbohydrate stores in the body may be detected by the increased body weight attributed to the water-binding effect of stored glycogen

D. the major advantage of carbohydrate loading is the increased storage of glycogen in the adipose cells for use during exercise

The major dietary source of lipids are A. phospholipids. B. cholesterol. C. sterols. D. triglycerides.

D. triglycerides.

A food may claim to be a HIGH SOURCE of a nutrient if it provides at least _____ percent of Daily Reference Value of that nutrient in a single serving. A. 2-4 B. 6-8 C. 10-12 D. 15 E. 20

E. 20

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for carbohydrate, as a percentage of the daily Calories, is approximately A. 10-20 B. 10-35 C. 20-35 D. 30-45 E. 45-65

E. 45-65

Match the type of exercise with the predominant source of energy used to regenerate ATP in working muscles during that type of exercise. Answers may be used only once. 50 mile run (finished in about 9 hours) A. Phosphocreatine B. Anaerobic use of glucose (lactic acid system) C. Anaerobic use of fatty acids (fatic acid system) D. Aerobic use of glucose E. Aerobic use of glucose and fatty acids

E. Aerobic use of glucose and fatty acids

Although exercise may confer many health benefits, excessive exercise may actually impair health. Which of the following is a potential health problem associated with excessive exercise? A. Orthopedic problems. B. Impaired immune functions. C. Heat illness and kidney failure. D. Heart attack. E. All of these choices are correct.

E. All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following types of foods has the lowest glycemic index? A. White bread B. Orange juice C. Table sugar D. Legumes E. Apple

E. Apple

Which of the following is not a sound dietary strategy to help reduce serum cholesterol levels? A. Reduce the total amount of fats in the diet by eating more plant foods B. Substitute monounsaturated fats for saturated fats C. Eat more fish, particularly fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids D. Consume less refined sugars and more complex carbohydrates with fiber E. Consume more trans fats, which help increase HDL cholesterol

E. Consume more trans fats, which help increase HDL cholesterol

Which of the following statements regarding creatine or creatine supplementation is FALSE? A. Creatine is found naturally in some foods, particularly meat B. Creatine is not an essential nutrient as it may be synthesized in the body from several amino acids C. Research has shown that creatine supplementation may increase the amount of both free creatine and phosphocreatine in skeletal muscle D. Research indicates that creatine supplementation may be an effective ergogenic, particularly as a means to increase muscle mass and muscular strength when supplemented in concert with resistance training E. Currently creatine use by athletes has been prohibited by WADA

E. Currently creatine use by athletes has been prohibited by WADA

Charlie is a serious middle distance triathlete who requires 4000 kcal per day for his training program. He plans to eat the "40/30/30 diet" (40% CHO, 30% fat, and 30% protein, as a % of energy intake) to meet his energy needs for training. What are the potential effects of this plan? A. This type of diet is needed to help him meet the increased protein needs of triathletes. B. Carbohydrate intake will be somewhat high. C. Fluid accumulation in body tissues will decrease water needs during exercise. D. The high protein intake will decrease water needs due to increased metabolic water production. E. His existing kidney problem could be aggravated.

E. His existing kidney problem could be aggravated. (This is the answer because his kidney problem is existing. If he had normal kidney function, the high protein wouldn't be a problem)

Which key nutrient is not usually found in substantial amounts in the milk group (fortified milk)? A. protein B. vitamin A C. riboflavin D. calcium E. iron

E. Iron

Based on recent recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association relative to exercise and health benefits for adults, which of the following statements is false? A. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise should be done for a minimum of 30 minutes daily on 5 days each week B. Vigorous-intensity exercise may be done for a minimum of 20 minutes on 3 days each week C. Each daily exercise bout of aerobic exercise may be done continuously or in smaller segments, such as three 10-minute bouts D. In general, more is better as exceeding the minimum recommended amounts of exercise may provide additional health benefits E. Resistance exercise, including exercises for the major muscle groups in the body, is recommended at least 5, and preferably 7 days per week

E. Resistance exercise, including exercises for the major muscle groups in the body, is recommended at least 5, and preferably 7 days per week

What compound in the diet cannot be used to form fat if it is consumed in excess? A. fat B. complex carbohydrate C. simple carbohydrate D. protein E. alcohol F. all are capable of forming fat

E. alcohol

Endurance-trained athletes use more fat for energy production than untrained individuals during a standardized endurance exercise task due to: A. increased blood flow and capillarization of muscle tissue B. increased muscle triglyceride content C. increased sensitivity of muscle and adipose cells to epinephrine D. improved ability to use ketones as an energy source E. all of the above

E. all of the above

Which of the following groups of athletes may be susceptible to a nutrient deficiency due to inadequate or sporadic caloric intake? A. gymnasts and ballet dancers B. endurance athletes attempting to improve efficiency through weight loss C. wrestlers attempting to make a low weight class D. bodybuilders trying to attain a low body fat percentage E. all of these groups may be susceptible to a nutrient deficiency

E. all of these groups may be susceptible to a nutrient deficiency

Which of the following energy sources found in the human body represents the LOWEST storage of potential energy in the form of total Calories? A. muscle protein B. liver glycogen C. muscle glycogen D. adipose tissue triglycerides E. blood glucose

E. blood glucose

Which of the following substances has been advertised for endurance athletes because, theoretically, it would enhance the oxidation of free fatty acids by facilitating their transfer into the mitochondria? A. creatine B. inosine C. coenzyme Q10 D. alanine E. carnitine

E. carnitine

Which food is missing one or more of the essential amino acids? A. chicken B. bread C. yogurt D. beans E. gelatin

E. gelatin

Which of the following dietary supplements are theorized to help promote healthy joints in the body, and have received some research support as a means to reduce joint pain and improve mobility? A. branched-chain amino acids B. creatine and carnitine C. glutamine and glycine D. tryptophan and inosine E. glucosamine and chondroitin

E. glucosamine and chondroitin

In the average sedentary individual, approximately what percentage of the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is determined by the basal energy expenditure (BEE)? A. less than 10 B. 10-20 C. 30-40 D. 40-50 E. greater than 50

E. greater than 50

The three principal risk factors associated with coronary artery disease are: A. age, obesity, and high blood pressure B. diabetes, high blood pressure, and gender C. cigarette smoking, heredity, and high blood pressure D. physical inactivity, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol E. high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and high blood cholesterol

E. high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and high blood cholesterol

The apoproteins A (apo A) are associated with which type lipoprotein? A. chylomicron B. very low density C. intermediate density D. low density E. high density

E. high density

Which of the following statements relative to the intake of carbohydrates and physical performance is FALSE? A. if an individual has normal glycogen levels in the muscle and liver, carbohydrate feedings are usually not necessary if the exercise task is only about 30-60 minutes B. the intake of concentrated sugar solutions may actually impair performance if it leads to osmosis of fluids into the intestines and precipitates gastrointestinal distress C. carbohydrate intake may help delay the onset of fatigue in prolonged exercise by either preventing the early onset of hypoglycemia or delaying the depletion of muscle glycogen levels D. carbohydrate intake prior to and during endurance exercise tasks lasting more than two hours may be helpful as a means to enhance performance E. if consumed during exercise, it takes approximately 60-90 minutes for the carbohydrate to find its way into the muscle and be used as an energy source

E. if consumed during exercise, it takes approximately 60-90 minutes for the carbohydrate to find its way into the muscle and be used as an energy source

Which of the following hormones is involved in reducing the amount of glucose in the blood in reaction to hyperglycemia? A. epinephrine B. thyroxin C. cortisol D. glucagon E. insulin

E. insulin

Which of the following is NOT one of the potential health benefits of dietary fiber? A. it may increase the bulk in the large intestine and dilute possible carcinogens B. it may increase the bulk in the large intestine and help speed up intestinal transit C. it may bind with carcinogens and help to excrete them D. it may help excrete bile salts and reduce serum cholesterol levels E. it may bind with certain minerals such as zinc and help to excrete them

E. it may bind with certain minerals such as zinc and help to excrete them

The disaccharide found in milk is: A. fructose B. galactose C. glucose D. maltose E. lactose

E. lactose

The technique of carbohydrate loading is effective primarily for which type of athletic events? A. power events like weight lifting B. speed events like sprinting C. anaerobic endurance events like the 400 meter run D. short aerobic endurance events like a 5K (3.1 mile) run E. long endurance events like marathons and long triathlons

E. long endurance events like marathons and long triathlons

Which body fuel can be utilized for both aerobic and anaerobic energy production? A. blood free fatty acids B. fat C. protein D. muscle triglycerides E. muscle glycogen

E. muscle glycogen

Which system produces ATP via the Krebs cycle? A. ATP-PC B. phosphagen C. anaerobic glcolysis D. lactic acid E. oxygen

E. oxygen

Which of the following statements involving the interaction of protein and exercise training is false? A. small amounts of protein may be used as an energy source during endurance exercise, but usually account for less than 5 percent of the energy cost of the exercise B. small amounts of protein may be lost in the urine and sweat during exercise C. resistance weight training programs usually result in the development of a positive nitrogen balance in most athletes who are attempting to gain body weight in the form of muscle mass D. although weight lifters and endurance athletes may need slightly more protein than accounted for by the RDA, such increased protein may be obtained readily and more economically through a planned diet E. research has shown conclusively that amino acid supplements and other protein supplements will enhance performance in sports

E. research has shown conclusively that amino acid supplements and other protein supplements will enhance performance in sports

Which of the following statements relative to fats is FALSE? A. hydrogenation of fats makes them more saturated B. saturated fats are found primarily in animal foods C. vegetable fats are primarily unsaturated fats D. polyunsaturated fats are theorized to be more healthful than saturated fats E. saturated fats appear to help lower blood cholesterol levels

E. saturated fats appear to help lower blood cholesterol levels

T/F A chylomicron contains large amounts of phospholipids and smaller amounts of triglycerides.


T/F All fatty acids needed by the body may be synthesized in the body.


T/F An enzyme known as hormone-sensitive lipase is necessary to transport the fatty acids into the mitochondria.


T/F As you exceed 50 percent of your VO2 max, you begin to rely more and more on fat as an energy source.


T/F Carbohydrate loading is necessary for the vast majority of athletes.


T/F Carbohydrates are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in various combinations.


T/F Glycerol has shown ergogenic effects because it prevents hypoglycemia and increases body water stores.


T/F On a per-calorie basis, trans fats appear to increase the risk of coronary heart disease no more than any other macronutrient.


T/F Plant foods contain small amounts of cholesterol.


T/F Products that advertise they are 95 percent fat free will have 5 percent of their Calories as fat.


T/F There appears to be a performance benefit associated with the consumption of a high-fat meal several hours prior to performance.


T/F 1 kilojoule is equal to approximately 4.2 Calories.


T/F A nonessential amino acid that is in short supply in a particular food is called a limiting amino acid.


T/F Although illegal in competition, ethyl alcohol in small amounts can enhance short duration, high intensity exercise performance since it is a rapidly absorbed energy source with 7 kcal/g.


T/F Arteriosclerosis, one form of atherosclerosis, is characterized by deposits of various fatty substances, cells, and debris on the arterial walls.


T/F As a person goes through his/her life cycle, the amount of protein per unit body weight remains at a constant ratio.


T/F As you exceed 50 percent of your VO2 max, you begin to rely more and more on fat as an energy source.


T/F Aspartates, in dosages of approximately 5 grams, have been reported to increase blood levels of free fatty acids and decrease levels of blood ammonia, which have been associated with improved performance.


T/F Available research supports the ability of protein supplements to improve physical performance above and beyond the effects of the training program.


T/F Chondroitin and/or glucosamine supplements will prevent the development of joint pain or osteoarthritis in young, healthy athletes.


T/F Consuming sufficient amounts of fat will decrease reliance on protein during aerobic endurance exercise.


T/F Dietary fiber is the general term for the carbohydrate disaccharides in plant cells. They are resistant to digestive enzymes.


T/F Due to potential health hazards, dietary fat holds no real value in human nutrition.


T/F During exercise, a increase in the Respiratory Exchange Ratio from 0.80 to 0.90 would indicate an increased reliance on fat as an energy source.


T/F During the first half hour of long duration/moderate intensity exercise, the major source of energy for working muscles is muscle triglycerides.


T/F If an individual consumes an additional 14 g of protein per day with adequate kcals and a well-structured weight training program, it is certain that the individual will gain one pound of muscle.


T/F Infusing amino acids, such as arginine and lysine, has been shown to increase the secretion of human growth hormone and enhance muscular development and strength.


T/F Insulin facilitates the uptake and utilization of sucrose by various tissues in the body.


T/F It is relatively simple to predict your exact metabolic rate from your exercise heart rate, if a basic formula is followed.


T/F Laboratory tests are necessary to measure the contribution of the oxygen system during exercise, although this is the least commonly used technique for measuring exercise intensity.


T/F Liquid forms of carbohydrate are more effective at maintaining glucose levels and enhancing exercise performance than solid carbohydrates.


T/F Measurement of work is the same as measurement of energy expenditure.


T/F Most fatty acids are absorbed into the bloodstream and go directly to the liver, but medium- chain triglycerides enter the lymphatic system first.


T/F Of the three monosaccharides, galactose is of most importance to human physiology.


T/F Products that advertise they are 95 percent fat free will have 5 percent of their Calories as fat.


T/F Recent recommendations, based on reputable research, list the range for dietary protein to be from 10-30 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day.


T/F Recent recommendations, based on reputable research, list the recommended range for dietary protein intake to be from 10-35 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day.


T/F Recent research has demonstrated clearly that fat depletion during endurance exercise will decrease performance more than carbohydrate depletion.


T/F Recommended protein intake for Endurance-trained athletes is 1.6 - 1.7 g/kg body weight.


T/F Some scientists have proposed that low levels of serum-free tryptophan in conjunction with high levels of branched-chain amino acids may be a major factor in the origin of fatigue during prolonged endurance exercise.


T/F Some studies investigating the impact of chondroitin and/or glucosamine supplementation on symptoms of arthritic pain have shown that they do relieve pain and improve mobility.


T/F The ATP-PC system predominates during the longer sprints and middle distance runs.


T/F The International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends that athletes consume a 1:3-4 ratio of carbohydrates to protein within 30 minutes of exercise to enhance recovery.


T/F The MET is a unit that represents multiples of the thermal energy expenditure rate.


T/F The body can store excess amino acids for later use.


T/F The fact that alcohol and fat have about twice the amount of energy per gram as either carbohydrate or protein means that they are better energy sources for the active individual.


T/F The high-carbohydrate diet should contain about 15-20 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.


T/F The lactic acid system predominates in short, powerful bursts of muscular activity.


T/F The lactic acid system, like ATP, is a direct source of energy for muscular contraction.


T/F The major villain that may predispose an individual to coronary heart disease is high HDL cholesterol levels.


T/F The majority of the lipids we consume in our diet are in the form of phospholipids.


T/F The sole function of carbohydrates in the body is energy production.


T/F The total percentage of deaths due to coronary heart disease has been declining in recent years and thus is no longer the number one cause of death among Americans.


T/F There are thirteen amino acids that cannot be manufactured in the body.


T/F There is a great deal of scientific evidence to support the use of HMB supplementation as an anabolic agent for strength-trained individuals.


T/F There is a preponderance of research evidence indicating that high-protein diets confer an advantage in strength development.


T/F There is considerable scientific data to support that the 40-30-30 diet plan enhances athletic performance.


T/F To convert Calories to kilojoules, divide the number of Calories by 42.


T/F Under normal conditions, exercise duration is the key factor in determining whether carbohydrate or fat is used.


T/F When protein is consumed in excess of the body's needs for protein synthesis and energy, most of the amino acid nitrogen forms creatine and the α-ketoacids are lost in the urine.


T/F You can store a great amount of energy in the form of ATP in your body.


T/F Epidemiological research involves studying large populations to find a cause and effect relationship between two or more variables


T/F Moderate amounts of daily physical activity will benefit only middle age and older adults.


T/F More than 90 percent of American youth obtain an hour or more of vigorous physical activity daily.


T/F The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association note that participation in regular physical activity improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 1 diabetes


T/F Thirty minutes of walking accumulated throughout the day is not as beneficial as one uninterrupted walking session for achieving health benefits


T/F Unstructured physical activity includes many of the usual activities of daily life and does not provide any protection against the development of certain chronic diseases.


T/F Physical activity must be strenuous to achieve any significant health benefits.


T/F Studies reveal that athletes are knowledgeable about nutrition and, in general, they are consuming more than the RDA for all nutrients.


T/F The MET is a unit that represents multiples of the thermal energy expenditure rate.

FALSE - A MET is a numerical value that represents a multiple of the resting metabolic rate for a particular activity.

T/F Sports anemia has been shown to be prevalent in all subjects initiating a strenuous training program, and it is suggested that balanced diets be enhanced with protein supplements.

FALSE - because sports anemia is a false anemia and a beneficial adaptation, caused by expanded plasma volume that dilutes RBC. TRUE - because his lecture slides say "more dietary protein is recommended to help prevent sports anemia." ???

T/F Glycogenic amino acids are converted to carbohydrates by gluconeogenesis, and ketogenic amino acids may be metabolized to acetyl CoA, utilized in the Krebs cycle or converted to fats; thus, the energy content is not wasted.

FALSE - gluconeogenesis makes new glucose (not new carbs) - otherwise this answer would be true.

T/F Calorimeters were developed to measure chemical, as well as, mechanical energy.

FALSE -- Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a chemical reaction OR calorimetry: Measurement of the amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction, change of state, or formation of a solution -- don't think it measures mechanical energy

T/F Creatine supplementation increases the risk for muscle cramps.

FALSE -- however this is a poorly worded question because it is theoretically true (the increase in intramuscular water content could dilute electrolytes POSSIBLY leading to cramps). Research does not indicate an increase in cramping.

A food sensitivity or food allergy is caused almost exclusively by pesticide residues or synthetic additives


It is not possible to obtain a healthful diet at a fast-food restaurant due to the high-fat content of foods served there.


Male athletes need more dietary iron than adolescent and premenopausal females


Micronutrients help to regulate metabolic processes and are usually measured in grams.


Relative to sports participation, children are like little adults, experiencing the same responses to exercise under hot environmental conditions.


The acronym SUL stands for Special Upper Limit and is the highest amount of any given nutrient an individual with certain chronic diseases should consume.


T/F Carbohydrate is an important fuel for high-intensity aerobic events lasting over an hour or two.


T/F During the first half hour of long duration/moderate intensity exercise (65% VO2max), the major source of carbohydrate for working muscles is muscle glycogen.


T/F Eicosanoids possess hormone-like properties that influence a number of physiological functions.


T/F Genetic endowment sets the limits for sport performance in any given individual, but training programs have become more intense and individualized, and significant performance gains may occur in most individuals who undertake such training.


T/F Hyperglycemia may lead, in turn, to a reactive hypoglycemia.


T/F Starches are actually complex carbohydrates that generally form when three or more glucose molecules combine.


T/F The fat in most plant foods is mostly unsaturated.


T/F The onset of blood lactic acid (OBLA) occurs at an exercise intensity where blood free fatty acids and muscle triglycerides are the major sources of fuel.


T/F The onset of fatigue may be delayed by glucose ingestion, as this spares the liver glycogen and thus prevents hypoglycemia in susceptible individuals.


T/F Trained athletes use more fat than untrained athletes during a standardized exercise task.


T/F A decreased plasma glutamine level in over-trained athletes was hypothetically linked to impairment of the immune system. fatty acids.


T/F A sufficient amount of carbohydrate Calories must be present to provide a protein-sparing effect.


T/F According to the American College of Sports Medicine, endurance and resistance athletes should consume 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight per day.


T/F Although percentages vary, according to the most healthful dietary programs consulted, all concur that the majority of the total caloric intake should be in the form of complex carbohydrates.


T/F At high walking speeds, you may possibly expend more energy than if you jogged at the same speed.


T/F Both amino acids and carbohydrates may be converted to fat via acetyl CoA when caloric expenditure is less than caloric intake.


T/F Carbohydrate use is associated with the intensity level of the exercise and is an important fuel for high-intensity aerobic events lasting over an hour or two.


T/F Cholesterol is needed in the body but is not an essential nutrient.


T/F Common vegetable sources of protein like legumes and grains contain limited amounts of one or more essential amino acids but do not completely lack any of the essential amino acids.


T/F Endurance training appears to increase the capacity of the muscle to derive energy from protein.


T/F Epinephrine, glucagon, and cortisol are hormones that help to maintain and even increase blood glucose levels during exercise.


T/F Fat provides energy only by aerobic processes


T/F Galactose is found in milk, as part of lactose.


T/F High concentrations of fructose may draw water from the circulatory system into the intestines, thus creating physical problems to the athlete during competition.


T/F Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) is an adipocyte enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides into glycerol and free


T/F If 130 grams of carbohydrates is not consumed daily, the body will use primarily protein from the body to produce glucose


T/F If an adult female weighs 154 pounds, her RDA for protein is 56 grams.


T/F If even one of the twenty amino acids necessary for protein synthesis is in short supply, protein construction may be blocked.


T/F In negative nitrogen balance, more protein is excreted from the body than is ingested, and body tissues such as muscles may be lost, impairing performance.


T/F Insulin and hemoglobin are both proteins that have important roles in regulating metabolism during exercise.


T/F Low protein intake negatively affects bone health.


T/F Most well-controlled research involving acute BCCA supplementation has reported no significant ergogenic effects on exercise performance.


T/F Parts of each energy nutrient may be converted to the other two nutrients in the body under certain circumstances.


T/F Plants provide good sources of protein and may supply all the essential amino acids necessary for human nutrition when certain foods, such as grains and legumes, are eaten together.


T/F Proteinuria has been observed in a variety of sports, and research suggests that the greater the intensity of the exercise, the greater the loss of protein.


T/F Proteinuria is elevated levels of protein in the urine


T/F Purines are nonprotein nitrogen compounds that play an important role in energy metabolism.


T/F Pyruvate is theorized to accelerate the Krebs cycle.


T/F Regular training increases the ability of muscles to store and use carbohydrate for energy production


T/F Regulatory nutrients, such as water, vitamins, and minerals, are essential for proper utilization of body energy sources.


T/F Short-term protein deficiency is not likely to cause any serious health problems.


T/F Some plant foods, such as nuts, seeds, and avocados are very high in fat content.


T/F The Adequate Intake for fiber is 25g for women and 38g for men.


T/F The activities that may benefit from carbohydrate feedings are associated with long duration at moderate to high intensity levels or those that require intermittent bouts of intensive activity over a prolonged period.


T/F The central fatigue hypothesis proposes that an increase in blood levels of tryptophan relative the blood levels of the branched chain amino acids will increase the perception of fatigue.


T/F The intensity of our exercise is inversely related to the duration of our exercise.


T/F The longer you exercise, the less your intensity has to be, and the more you rely on your oxygen system for energy production.


T/F The most important factor affecting the metabolic rate is the intensity or speed of the exercise.


T/F The most important factor determining which energy system will be used is the intensity of the exercise.


T/F The oxygen system possesses a lower rate of ATP production, but its capacity for total ATP production is much greater.


T/F The primary carbohydrate source of energy for physical performance is muscle glycogen.


T/F The protein-sparing effect spares the utilization of protein as an energy source and allows it to be used for more important metabolic functions.


T/F The sun is the ultimate source of energy.


T/F The thermic effect (TEF) is greater for protein compared to carbohydrate and fat.


T/F To prevent the development of atherosclerosis or reverse its progress, an appropriate diet and exercise program are the two key elements recommended by health professionals.


T/F Vegetarian diets provide athletes with less creatine than omnivorous diets. This may decrease the muscle concentration of creatine in vegetarians.


T/F We need dietary fat for these 3 reasons: to provide energy, to provide essential fatty acids, and to allow for the absorption of essential fat-soluble vitamins.


T/F Work is one form of energy, often called mechanical energy.


T/F Your body can make all of the phospholipids it needs.


T/F According to studies, female athletes are more likely than males to incur inadequate nutrient intake.


T/F Although rather rare, exercise may cause sudden death in some susceptible individuals, such as individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


T/F Epidemiological research helps scientists identify important relationships between diet and health.


T/F Epidemiological research may provide a relative risk (RR), which represents the increase or decrease in risk that may be associated with specific dietary practices.


T/F Exercise can be used to help prevent and even treat many chronic diseases.


T/F Exercise programs, especially for older adults, should be individualized based on physical fitness level and health status.


T/F Health-related fitness includes a healthy body weight, cardiovascular-respiratory fitness, adequate muscular strength and muscular endurance, and sufficient flexibility.


T/F Heat shock proteins are produced by muscle cells during exercise and may have beneficial health effects.


T/F In general, most nutrition scientists recommend that the nutrients we need should be obtained from natural, wholesome foods, and the routine use of dietary supplements is not recommended for most individuals.


T/F Leisure walking may be adequate physical activity for elderly individuals with compromised health status or very low fitness levels.


T/F Physical inactivity may be dangerous to your health. Exercise, as a form of physical activity, is becoming increasingly important as a means to achieve health benefits, and even treat many chronic diseases.


T/F Sports performance is primarily determined by genetic characteristics and state of training, but nutritional strategies may be used to enhance performance in certain sports.


T/F The joint report of the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine indicates that although there are some health benefits from moderate intensity exercise, the report also recommends vigorous exercise several times weekly may confer some additional benefits


T/F The key to sound nutrition for the athletic individual is to eat a wide variety of healthful foods


T/F Anaerobic/glycolytic production of ATP in muscle cells yields pyruvate, which can be converted to lactate and leave the muscle cells.

TRUE - see the Cori cycle

T/F Dietary carbohydrates are considered to be important in preventing certain chronic diseases and as part of a proper diet to lose excess body fat.

TRUE - think complex carbs and fiber

A well-balanced diet containing animal products can be just as healthful as a vegetarian diet when obtaining the nutrients a physically active body needs.


Functional foods are food products designed to provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition.


Nonessential nutrients, or dispensable nutrients, may be formed in the body


Plant foods possess a high content of fiber and other nutrients that have been associated with reduced levels of serum cholesterol and help in the prevention of coronary heart disease


The FDA has no standards for health claims that are permitted on food labels.


The precompetition meal should allow for the stomach to be relatively empty at the start of competition.


The two most common plant foods that are combined to achieve protein complementarity are grains and legumes


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