fsn 319 final

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wine 2

- which statement is incorrect a. increases reisk of heart problems, b. california ships most wine in us c. manually harvesting is preferred over mechanical harveting and d. the oldest winery was founded in ancient america (ANSW A)

5 criteria of being a food additive

-intentional additives must perform their intended function -additives must not decieve the consumer or conceal faulty ingreingredients or manufacturing practices -additives can not considerably reduce a foods nutritional value -an additive can not be used in place of a GMP -an additive must have a method of analysis to monitor is use or incidental occurrence in food



pressure cooker

1950s speed up cooking by increasing waters boiling point 212-250 there is a pressure regulator to release steam, no matter how you look at it there are two slow processes involved in cooking; 1-heat transmission through food 2- development of cooked flavors and appearances- the chemical reactions that change the food from raw to cooked.

c Botulinum

;ive and grow in low oxygen, form spores to survive, toxic substance, linked to home canned foods, linked to foods such an unrefrigerated homemade salse, baked potatoes sealed in aluminum foil, honey, garlic in oil and traditionally prepared fish, neurotoxin, heat foods with a pressure cooker if high pH foods such as most meats and veggies

limitations of traditional plant breeding

DNA is a strand of genes, traditional plant breeding combines many genes at once.

endotoxin vs exotoxin

ENDOTOXINS differ in degree of toxicity, not secreted -release with disruption; heat stable harm many stems in the body EXOTOXINS most are destroyed by heating to 100 degrees C some like S aureus are resistant to boiling

microbes in food infection and food intoxication

INFECTION escherichia coli (O157:H7); salmonella species; shigella species; vibrio parahaemolyticus; high # of living microbes, a day, INTOXICATION clostridium botulinum; clostridium perfringens; staphylococcus aureus;microbes make toxins 3/4 hours (living or dead)

Delaney Clause (Food Additives Amendment of 1958)

The Delaney clause was a provision in the amendment which said that if a substance were found to cause cancer in man or animal, then it could not be used as a food additive.

What kind of radiation is used in food irradiation

There are three types of ionizing radiation that can potentially be used in food irradiation: electron beams (machine generated), X-rays - (machine generated), and gamma rays (occur naturally from radioactive decay of Cesium 137 or Cobalt 60).\\\\\\\\\ there are different types of radiation alpha particles, beta particles, gamma particles, less energetic photons, high intensity white light


Which organ responds to a spike in glucose in your system by creating insulin? PANCREAS


a healthy bowl of cereal should not exceed 10g of sugar per cereal, what does the average box of cereal contain per serving : 19.8g of sugar

food additives

additive may be reactive or inactive it may be nutritive or non-nutritive; it should be neither toxic nor hazardous; types of additives: nutrient additives, antioxidants, flavorings, flavor enhancers, acidulants, alkaline compounds, sweeteners, polyhydric alchohols


allow cycles for defrosting food to allow more time for heat to diffuse into the food melting more ice


allow water and oil to mix ac as an interface between conflicting parts of food such as water and oil

definition of biotechnology

application of living organisms to carry out function s or develop new products, it is usually reffered to as genetic engineering, rDNA recombinant DNA, genetic modification, all of these mean transfer of genetic information from one source to another.

temperature danger zone

between 40 and 140 degrees F

chemical versus physical HACCP

chemical is natural or introduced to food through agriculture handling or processing; physical is glass metal or wood fragments

food intoxication

clostridium botulinum; clostridium perfringens; staphylococcus aureus;microbes make toxins 3/4 hours (living or dead)

hard anodization of aluminum

converts aluminum metal surface into a porous aluminum oxide, more durable and weather resistance

what do you achieve in hard anodization of aluminm

converts aluminum metal surface into a porous aluminum oxide, more durable and weather resistance

microwave what kind of frequency

electromagnetic radiation

food infection

escherichia coli (O157:H7); salmonella species; shigella species; vibrio parahaemolyticus; high # of living microbes, a day,

how is ozone used in the food industry

food processing and preservation, cold sterilization nonthermal processes or electro technologies


form of radiation just is light and radio waves; shorter in wave llength than radio waves but higher in energy; electromagnetic radiation and can be generated with a kind of vaccum called a magnetron; magnetronsare rated by their microwave power output eg 1000 watts -power consumption by the appliance is higher

GRAS, what does it mean/ stand for

generally recognized as safe, any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excepted from the definition of a food additive.

sensitive foods

gluten sensitivity?? many foods are now labeled to clarify whether they contain gluten


hazards and analysis critical control points

canned foods 2

how are canned foods important to the food industry? a. provides large quantities of pre cooked food that are quick and easy to prepare b.the taxes and jobs produced by the canninig industry are significant c.they cost less than frozen or fresh versions d. all of the above e. none of the above ANSW (D)


how much milk fat does basic ice cream contain? C AT LEAST 10%

Different types of heat transfer

ideal frying pan will distribute heat uniformly over the surface of the pan; transfer heat quickly to the food; respond promptly to changes in heaat during cooking, thus pan thickness and metal with fast hear conduction is ideal; the more bulk to the metal the more heat it can hold, this eliminates hot spots in the pan and minimizes cooling when ingredients are added

who discovered DNA

in 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the code for the structure of DNA

food infection versus food intoxication

infection takes longer for symptoms to show than intoxication

super heated water

liquid water under pressure at temperatures between the usual boiling point 100C and the critical temperature 374C it is also known as subcritical water or pressurized hot water, stable bc of overpressure that raises the boiling point or by heating it in a sealed vessel with a headspace where the liquid water is in equil w vapor, used by pressure cookers

induction heating cook tops

magnetic induction heating; induction ranges generate heat my magnetic resistance of the metal of the cooking pan; electric ranges on the other hand heat by the electrical resistance of the metal in the burner coil

Regulations to food irradiation

microorganisms in the food are desroyed or inactivated by nuclear ionizzation rather than by heat or freezing; irradiated food does not become radioactive it is chemically changed but so is any processed or cooked food; food irradiation uses the equivalent of 1 billion chest x-rays which is enough radiation to kill a person 6000 times over, ionizing radiation can kill beneficial bacteria as well as pathogenic ones


non digestible oligosaccharides that support the growth of colonies of certain bacteria in the colon. They include derivatives of fructose and galactose and lead to the growth of bifidobacteria so changing and possibly improving the colonic flora. probiotics and probiotics are considered synbiotics they are considered to play a role as functional foods


not restoring maintaining and elemnating ecological balance


nutraceuticals term for compounds in foods that are not nutrients but have potential benefit effects; preparations of microbial culture added to food or animal feed claimed to be beneficial to health by restoring balance to the intestinal flora.


o3 is an energetic form of oxyen, able to release energy when coming in contact with ORGANIC MATERIAL (microorganisms), o3 is created using UV light (185nm) or via corona (silent electrical) discharge

base pairs (biotechnology)

pairs of chemicals that DNA is composed of; adenine A and thymine T; Guanine(G) and Cytosine (C)

Food Irradiation

preservation of foods by radiation; several reasons we might want to apply irradiation; kills harmful bacteria thus reducing the danger of foodborne illness -kills insects and parasites without use of chemicals -inhibits spoilage of the food thus extending the worlds food supply

what is golden rice

rice with higher levels of carotenes


sexual reproduction; to produce a cell with a complete set of cells

PEF pulse electric field method

sending in an electric current throught te food as pulses used primarily in fluid food products, fruit juices there is a problem with excess heat generated and scale up

Heat transfer and different metals; highest heat transfer ability- lowest

silver is the best, copper second (91% as effective), too much copper isnt healthy so the pans are copper clad with stainless stell or nickel on the inside, then aluminum which is cheap 30% as heavy as copper and coducts 55% as well as silver; aluminum pans are often lined with a stainless steel coating to protect the soft Al


simple cell division is used for tissue growth and maintenance

how to they generate heat

they do NOT make water molecules rub against eachother to create friction; water molecules are dipolar; the dipolar molecules line up with the direction of an applied electric field; the microwave oven generates electro magnetic waves at a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz or 2.45 billion cycles per second; this electric field reserves its direction 4.9 billion times per second

Infrared Radiation in oven with halogen lamps

through electrical resistance heating of metal; similar to the electric range; light ovens havnt been used since 1993; intensity of its radiations and the blend of wavelengths generated; specially designed long life 1500 watt halogen lamps. household halogen lamps produce visible light 10% infrared radiation 70% and heat 20%

how does a microwave work

water molecules are dipolar and line up with the direction of the applied electric field, electric field reverses its idrection 4.9 billion times per second, water molecules bump into one another speed up and thats heat;not very good at melting ice since water molecules are tied together in a crystalline lattice

wine 1

what is the dif between red and white wine; the sin is removed from the must in white wine, and red wines tend to go through 2 fermentations while white wines tend to do only one


which of the following are not true? a.postharvest handling like improper packaging and cross contamination can also cause microbiological contamination b. ji rodale quoted that DDT is what drove American farmers to pursue organics c.organic food can also have higher antioxidant activity higher vitamin c d.organic farming cannot include pesticides synthetic chemicals and antibiotics e. all of the above are correct ANSW(E)


which of the following new age technology increased the oroduction of ice cream? STEAM POWER MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION AND HOMOGENIZER ALL (ALL)

canned foods 1

which of the following statements is not true a. nicholas appert founded the first successful form of canning in 1810 b. low acid canned foods have a longer shelf life than high acid canned foods c. magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals found commonly in canned fish or shell fish are incredibly toxic d. canned corn is the most popular vegteble in America e. all of the above statements are true ANSW (C)


which of the following statements regarding mc donalds is true? a) mcdonalds was the first fast food chain b)the anti foaming agent used in their chicken nuggets is also found in putty and cosmetics c) one of the main health concerns with thier food is that it is high in sugars and low in nutritional value d) all of the above ANSW (B)


why do nutrients need to be added in the processing of cereal? a) whole wheat is not a good source of nutrients like vitamins and minerals b) nutrients are lost when the grain is heated in the pressure cooker c) adding nutrients makes the wheat cook faster in the pressure cooker d) none of the above (ANSW B)

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