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Which of the following is the correct order of formation of sea ice as it forms directly from seawater?

(START) Slush; Pancake Ice; Ice Floes; Sea Ice (FINISH)

Using this image of the waters adjacent to the East Coast of the United States, match the correct letter to each of the following.

1. A: Color for cold water 2. B: Cold core ring(s) 3. D: Warm core ring(s) 4. C: Color for warm water

The image below depicts several water molecules. Match the correct letter to each of the following features.

1. A: Hydrogen bond 2. D: Positively charged side of the water molecule 3. E: Negatively charged side of the water molecule 4. C: Hydrogen atom 5. B: Oxygen atom

In this perspective view of waves approaching shore, match the correct letter to each of the following items.

1. A: Surf zone 2. D: Depth equals one-half wavelength 3. E : Velocity decreases and wave height increases until wave breaks 4. B: Waves with constant wavelength 5. C: Wavelength decreases in nonbreaking waves

The map below shows climatic regions of the ocean with different colors. Match the climatic region with the appropriate letter.

1. A: Temperate 2. D: Subtropical 3. B: Equatorial 4. C: Subpolar 5. E: Tropical

The image below shows Earth's generalized atmospheric circulation pattern, including wind belts of the world. Match the correct letters to each of the following wind belts and boundary zones that are indicated in the Northern Hemisphere (note that they are mirrored in the Southern Hemisphere).

1. B: Boundary: horse latitudes 2. C: Wind belt: prevailing westerlies 3. D: Boundary: doldrums 4. E: Wind belt: polar easterlies 5. A: Wind belt: trade winds 6. F: Boundary: polar front

The diagram below shows selected components of the hydrologic cycle. Match the correct letter to each process (arrow) indicated.

1. B: Greatest amount of precipitation (worldwide) 2. F: Infiltration 3. A: Greatest amount of evaporation (worldwide) 4. E: Smaller amount of evaporation, including transpiration (worldwide) 5. C: Smaller amount of precipitation (worldwide) 6. D: Runoff

On this image of a storm area, match the correct letter to each of the following items.

1. B: Limit of the storm 2. A: Fetch 3. C: Wave fronts

This diagram illustrates the phenomenon of wave interference (results not shown). Correctly match the letter with each type of interference that would be produced by the overlapping of the sets of waves shown below.

1. B: Mixed interference 2. C: Constructive interference 3. A: Destructive interference

On the lower pie diagram shown below, match the abundance of each dissolved component in seawater with its correct slice of the pie.

1. B: Sodium 2. D: Calcium 3. F: Potassium 4. C: Chloride 5. A: Sulfate 6. E: Magnesium

Use the map of Pacific and Atlantic Ocean currents shown below to correctly identify the following ocean currents and gyres.

1. B: Subtropical gyre 2. C: Gulf Stream Current 3. A: Subpolar gyre 4. E: California Current 5. G: Peru Current 6. F: Canary Current 7. I: Brazil Current 8. D: Benguela Current 9. H: Antarctic Circumpolar Current (West Wind Drift)

This image shows Earth's orbit around the Sun. Correctly match the letters with the positions of Earth (Northern Hemisphere perspective).

1. B: Summer solstice 2. C: Winter solstice 3. D: Autumnal equinox 4. A: Vernal equinox

The following block diagram shows coastlines in the Northern Hemisphere that are influenced by coastal winds (not shown). Based on the flow of surface waters due to Ekman transport, identify the correct coastal wind direction in each diagram.

1. B: Wind blowing parallel to the coast and toward the bottom of the diagram 2. A: Wind blowing parallel to the coast and toward the top of the diagram

The map below shows global coastal wave energy resources. Using what you've learned about ocean waves, match the letters to the correct colors.

1. C: Color that represents a middle value of wave energy 2. B: Color that represents the lowest value of wave energy 3. A: Color that represents the highest value of wave energy

The image below depicts water in the three states of matter. Match the processes involved as water changes state with the correct letter.

1. C: Condensation 2. D: Freezing 3. A: Vaporization (evaporation/boiling) 4. B: Melting

Match the correct letter to each of the states of water listed below.

1. C: Gas 2. A: Liquid 3. B: Solid

The image below is a block diagram showing the Pacific Ocean during an El Niño event. Correctly match the letters with the corresponding features.

1. C: High atmospheric pressure 2. A: Thermocline 3. D: Low atmospheric pressure 4. E: Pacific Warm Pool 5. B: Walker Circulation Cell (reversed direction)

This diagram shows how seawater temperature varies with depth. Match the correct letter to the items indicated below.

1. C: Layer with the highest density 2. E: Curve for high latitudes 3. B: Mixed layer 4. A: Thermocline 5. D: Curve for low latitudes

The image below shows a cut-away perspective view of a hurricane. Match the correct letter to each of the following features.

1. C: Movement of cool dry air (arrow) 2. A: Inside the eye of the hurricane 3. D: Movement of spiral rain bands (arrow) 4. B: Movement of warm water vapor (arrow)

The diagram below shows a generalized cross-sectional view across the Atlantic Ocean. Correctly match the letters with the corresponding water masses and associated features.

1. D: Antarctic Bottom Water 2. G: Upwelling 3. E: Antarctic Intermediate Water 4. B: Warmest water 5. F: North Atlantic Deep Water 6. C: Seasonally warm water 7. A: Thermocline and pycnocline

The image below shows Earth's position during the Northern Hemisphere summer. Correctly match the following latitudes with the corresponding letters.

1. D: Arctic Circle 2. B: Tropic of Capricorn 3. C: Tropic of Cancer 4. A: Equator 5. E: Antarctic Circle

The diagram below shows a perspective view of a set of waves moving to the right. Match each letter with the correct feature of a wave.

1. D: Wave height 2. B: Still water level 3. E: Trough 4. F: Wave base 5. A: Wavelength 6. C: Crest

Deep-ocean currents are caused by changes in the density of seawater (referred to as thermohaline circulation), caused by changes in temperature or salinity. This causes a conveyor belt-like movement of water throughout the oceans. This conveyor belt of currents is a principal mechanism for the planet to distribute heat from the equator to the poles, which also influences climate patterns.

1. Palm trees associated with the subtropics can be found at the northern tip of the British Isles in Scotland. This is due to the transfer of heat from the North Atlantic current. 2. Thermohaline circulation is caused by density changes near the poles and equator. 3. Waters along the California coast are colder than those along the mid-Atlantic shore of the U.S. because coastal upwelling occurs as surface waters move away from the coast. 4. Freezing seawater at high latitudes leads to increases in salinity and density.

Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. Note that some terms may remain unused.

1. Water expands when it is heated, making the density decrease. 2. Water that is isothermal will be represented by a straight line on a graph showing variations in temperature with depth. 3. The Sun penetrates surface waters enough at low latitudes to create a thermocline. 4. We expect a water column to be isopycnal for density at high latitudes. 5. In lower latitudes where a thermocline exists, as we drop down from the surface through ocean water, water density will increase while water temperature will respond inversely. 6. Both the thermocline and pycnocline present a barrier to mixing between near surface waters and deep ocean depths.

What is the speed in meters per second of a deep water wave with a wavelength of 1.5 meters?

1.53 meters per second

A deep-water wave occurs when the water depth is equal to at least:

1/2 of the wavelength.

Ocean surface currents transfer about ________ of the total amount of heat from the tropics to the poles.


On average how many supertankers or containerships are reported missing each year without a trace?


Based on the graph, what is the approximate period of a deep-water wave with a speed of 15 meters per second?

10 seconds

You live on an island in the Pacific. An earthquake of magnitude 8.5 off the coast of Japan, 8000 km away, generates a tsunami with a wavelength of 200 km. The average water depth between your island and Japan is 4900 m. If a tsunami warning is issued for your island, how many hours will you have before the waves arrive?

10.14 hours

The Trade Winds are one type of prevailing wind pattern. How many other types of prevailing winds are there among earth's global wind patterns?


The westerlies wind belt is the area corresponding to number:


What is the speed in meters per second of a deep water wave with a wavelength of 3.5 meters?

2.34 meters per second

What is the speed in meters per second of a deep water wave with a wavelength of 5 meters?

2.8 meters per second

In the open ocean, 1 wave in ________ will be over twice the height of the wave average.


Sea surface salinity is greatest at which of the following latitudes?

25 degrees

Based on the graph, what is the approximate speed, in meters per second, of a deep-water wave with a wavelength of 400 meters?

25 meters per second

In the eastern Pacific of the Northern Hemisphere, which ocean temperatures are associated with the most hurricanes?

27° to 29° Celsius

Waves from separate sea areas move away as swell and produce an interference pattern when they come together. If Sea A has wave heights of 2 meters and Sea B has wave heights of 5 meters, what would be the height of waves resulting from destructive interference?

3 meters

The average salinity of typical seawater is:


The major deserts of the world occur in which of the following regions?

30 degrees

Storms are most common in which of the following regions?

30 to 60 degrees

The average albedo of Earth's surface is about:


In the open ocean, 1 wave in ________ will be four times as high as the height of the wave average.


In which direction does the surface current move in relation to the wind in the Southern Hemisphere?

45 degrees to the left

Waves from separate sea areas move away as swell and produce an interference pattern when they come together. If Sea A has wave heights of 1.5 meters and Sea B has wave heights of 3.5 meters, what would be the height of waves resulting from constructive interference?

5 meters

How big can the diameter of a hurricane become?

500 miles

Imagine you are swimming in the open ocean at a location near the equator. Based on the following data, can you determine how deep you would need to dive to reach a water temperature of 19°C? Seawater temperature at the surface: 24°C Thermocline at 300 and 1000 meters depths: 1°C decrease per 50 meters of depth

550 meters

Variable winds that result in generally clear, dry, and fair conditions with minimal precipitation are labeled number:


A boundary or belt characterized by variable winds and stormy, cloudy weather year round occurs in which of the following regions?

60 degrees

The polar front occurs in which of the following regions?

60 degrees

To produce a surface current of 1.6 knots in the open ocean, a steady wind of _____ knots would be required.


The organized, denser portion of Hurricane Katrina (not including the wispy outer spiral bands) was:

900 km in diameter on August 28 at 9 P.M.

Which of the following best describes the Electrolysis Method for desalination?

A current is run through positive and negative electrodes in freshwater separated by semipermeable membranes from seawater.

What results when two waves, in phase and with the same wavelength, interact?

A wave with an amplitude that is the sum of the amplitudes of the initial two waves.

Which of the following methods are used to measure ocean surface currents directly?

Accidental spills from container ships

Rogue waves are created along the "Wild Coast" off the southeast coast of ________, where the Agulhas Current flows directly against large Antarctic storm waves.


Why is warm, moist air considered the "fuel" for a hurricane?

Air cools as it rises. As air cools, water vapor will condense out as liquid water. Condensation releases heat, providing energy to the hurricane.

Look again at the map. Bear in mind that all the earthquake locations that are not inland are on a convergent plate boundary (subduction zone). Which of these statements is true?

All of the locations except 9 could produce tsunamis, because all are subduction zones involving at least one oceanic plate.

Western intensification causes:

All the above effects are the result of western intensification.

Compared to an eastern boundary current in a gyre, which of the following statements is true for a western boundary current?

All the above statements are true of western boundary currents.

Of the following statements about the tilt of Earth's axis, which one is true? Select only one answer.

An increase in Earth's tilt would cause colder winters and warmer summers.

Of the following statements about the density of seawater, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

An increase in salinity increases seawater density. A decrease in temperature increases seawater density. An increase in pressure with depth has a negligible effect on density.

Based on the graph, which of the following has the lowest temperature?

Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW)

Which of the following is the only current that completely circumscribes Earth?

Antarctic Circumpolar

Of the following statements about tsunami, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

At the coast, a tsunami looks like a suddenly occurring high or low tide, which is why they are misnamed "tidal waves." Tsunami have a very long wavelength, so they travel at very high speeds (equivalent to the speed of a jet airplane). Tsunami are undetectable by ships in the open ocean. The tsunami warning system uses seismic waves and deep-ocean pressure sensors to detect tsunami.

Which of the following hydrologic cycle reservoirs is the smallest?

Atmospheric water vapor

Match the term with the appropriate phrase.

Atoms− basic building blocks of all matter Hydrogen bonds− bonds that hold adjacent water molecules together Covalent bonds− bonds that involve the sharing of electrons between atoms Ions− charged atoms due to the gain or loss of one or more electrons Electrons− negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit an atomic nucleus

Hurricane Katrina moved 425 km during which of these time periods?

August 28 at 10 A.M. to August 29 at 10 A.M.

If you were an explorer stranded in the Arctic Ocean, what method(s) could you use for creating fresh drinking water? Choose all that apply.

Boil seawater; catch and condense the water vapor. Heat sea ice that formed a long time ago. Catch and melt fresh falling snow.

Which is the most abundant ion in seawater?


Greatest Temperature Range

Clear skies during the day and clear skies at night

Intermediate Temperature Range

Cloudy skies during the day and clear skies at night Clear skies during the day and cloudy skies at night

Smallest Temperature Range

Cloudy skies during the day and cloudy skies at night

Which of the following properties of pure water is different depending on the amount of water present?


Why does wind between the equator and 30 degrees south come out of the southeast?

Cooled air moves north toward the equator and is deflected toward the west by the Coriolis effect.

Why do the lengths of the arrows in the Ekman spiral get shorter and shorter as you move deeper into the water column?

Deeper water moves at a slower speed due to friction.

There is a general trend of decreasing pH with increasing water depth in the ocean. What is the cause of this pattern?

Deeper, colder ocean water contains more dissolved carbon dioxide, which causes the pH to be lower.

In the figure above, which shows a cross section of the Atlantic Ocean extending from Greenland (north) to Antarctica (south). Which labeled layer represents a cold-water mass mixing with warmer water to create a water mass with intermediate density?


Weather (short-term conditions of air temperature, wind speed/direction, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure) occurs because __________.

Earth's surface is heated unevenly by the Sun

The Benguela Current is an example of which of the following types of currents?

Eastern Boundary Current

The California Current is an example of which of the following types of currents?

Eastern Boundary Current

Coastal winds can cause upwelling or downwelling due to which of the following?

Ekman transport

The observation that ships and icebergs in the southern hemisphere float to the left of the wind direction is an example of which of the following?

Ekman transport

Of the following statements about the Ekman spiral and Ekman transport, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

Ekman transport is to the right of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere. Ekman transport can result in both upwelling and downwelling. In the deeper layers of the Ekman spiral, water can move in a direction opposite of the wind direction. The Coriolis effect causes surface waters to move at an angle relative to the wind direction.

The false-color map of sea surface temperatures shown below is an example of which of the following features?

El Nino conditions

The Doldrums occur in which of the following regions?

Equatorial (0 to 5 degrees)

Which current that flows along the equator is driven by a difference in sea level caused by ocean circulation patterns?

Equatorial Countercurrent in the Pacific Ocean

Why does air tend to rise in equatorial regions?

Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight than other areas.

Which of the following processes causes sea surface salinity to increase near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn?


In the figure above, which of the labeled currents are warm water currents?


Which of the following caused the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004?

Fault movement

Which of the following methods are used to measure deep ocean currents directly?

Free-drifting Argo floats

Which of the following occurs at the same temperature as the melting point?

Freezing point

The trade winds blow in which of the following directions in the Northern Hemisphere?

From northeast to southwest

The prevailing westerly winds blow in which of the following directions in the Southern Hemisphere?

From northwest to southeast

In the figure above, which shows a cross section of the Atlantic Ocean extending from Greenland (north) to Antarctica (south). Which labeled layer has the highest density?


One of the world's most powerful currents, located off the east coast of the United States, is the __________.

Gulf Stream

Which ocean current is the strongest and fastest ocean current in the world?

Gulf Stream

Which of the following currents contributes to the South Eastern United States being humid?

Gulf Stream

The ion in sea water that serves as a buffer is:


Which of the following surface seawater salinity conditions would you predict for the following location: Latitude: 20°N Longitude: 180°W

High surface seawater salinity due to evaporation

How would a 50 percent increase in Earth's albedo impact average surface temperatures?

Higher albedo would result in cooler temperatures on Earth. Ice sheets would advance, thereby increasing Earth's overall albedo and further cooling Earth's surface.

Which of the following currents is responsible for Peru becoming the largest producer of fish, from the sea, in the world?

Humboldt Current

Of the following locations, where would upwelling be expected to occur? Choose all that apply.

In areas of diverging surface currents Where seamounts or tablemounts are present Where there is a sharp bend in a coastline

Why does the wave height of a tsunami increase as the tsunami enters shallow water?

In shallow water, the energy of the tsunami must be contained within a smaller water column.

Which of the following statements regarding water density is correct?

Increasing the pressure decreases the temperature of maximum density for freshwater because the formation of bulky ice crystals is inhibited.

What happened when a new (green) water mass was introduced into the system?

It came to equilibrium in the middle of the tank.

Why is Antarctic Bottom Water so dense?

It is cold and salty.

What is the Walker Circulation Cell?

It is the path that air takes as it moves from high to low pressure, and back to high pressure, in the South Pacific under normal conditions.

A beaker contains a mixture of ice and pure liquid water at 0oC. What happens to the temperature of the liquid water as heat is added?

It remains constant until the ice melts, and then it begins to rise.

Of the following surface currents, which one(s) transport large volumes of warm water to higher latitudes? Choose all that apply.

Kuroshio Current Brazil Current the Gulf Stream

________ waves also known as push-pull waves.


Which of the following techniques can be used to measure the salinity of seawater? Choose all that apply.

Measure the chlorinity of the water. Pass electrical current through the water. Evaporate the water sample and weigh the amount of solids that precipitate out.

Based on the graph, which of the following has the highest salinity?

Mediterranean Intermediate Water (MIW)

Which of the following is the least frequent cause of a tsunami in recent centuries?

Meteorite impacts

What occurs more often, pure destructive, pure constructive, or mixed interference?

Mixed interference

Imagine an earthquake is about to occur at location 2 on the map (southern Alaska). Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Most of the people living at location 2 probably are aware that they live in a location where earthquakes are likely. All locations (except 9) could benefit from an alert that an earthquake occurred at location 2, because they are near the ocean and might experience a resultant tsunami.

In the figure above, which of the labeled currents are shallow, weak, and slow currents?


In the figure above, which of the labeled currents are eastern boundary currents?


Circulation in the atmosphere is influenced by whether the planetary body is rotating or nonrotating. Sort the following features by whether they apply to a rotating Earth, a nonrotating Earth, or neither.

Nonrotating Earth: all surface air flows toward the equator one pair of convection Rotating Earth: equatorial and subpolar air flows inward and upward presence of trade winds and westerlies three pairs of convection cells Neither: all surface air flows poleward air sinks at the equator

The Gulf Stream transports warm water into the __________.

North Atlantic

Based on the graph, which of the following has the lowest density?

North Atlantic Central Surface Water (NACSW)

Of the following gyres, which one(s) flow in a counterclockwise direction? Choose all that apply.

Northern Hemisphere Subpolar Gyres South Pacific Subtropical Gyre South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre

On an annual basis which of the following fluxes between reservoirs of the hydrologic cycle is the largest?

Ocean to atmosphere

Of the following statements about ocean waves, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

Ocean waves can be classified by the force that created them. Ocean waves can be classified by the depth of water in which they move. Ocean waves can be described by their period, wavelength, and height.

Which of the following methods cannot be used to desalinate water?


A vast majority of all large tsunami are generated in the ________ Ocean.


Which ocean is associated with most tsunamis?

Pacific Ocean

Which of the following features in illustrated in the photo?

Pancake Ice

Which type of breaker has a curling crest that moves over an air pocket?

Plunging breaker

A boundary or belt characterized by cold deserts occurs in which of the following regions?

Poles (90 degrees)

Which of the following statements provides a possible logical explanation for the increased number of tornadoes during the 1990s and 2000s compared to the 1950s and 1960s?

Population increases mean that more people could report tornadoes in more areas. Using Doppler radar more effectively allows scientists to detect more tornadoes than was previously possible.

Which of the following methods are used to measure ocean surface currents indirectly?

Pressure gradients

Which of the following methods are used to measure ocean surface currents directly?

Radio-transmitting float bottles

How are rain patterns different near warm and cold fronts?

Rain near a cold front occurs over a smaller spatial area and is more intense than near a warm front.

Where does rain occur in a cold front?

Rain occurs along and behind a cold front.

Where does rain occur in a warm front?

Rain occurs along and in front of a warm front.

The low pH layer in the ocean is due to which of the following processes?


Why does rain occur near a cold front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain.

Why does rain occur near a warm front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain.

Why is heavy rain associated with hurricane formation?

Rising, moist air cools. As air cools, water condenses and eventually falls.

Which of the following best describes the Distillation Method for desalination?

Saltwater is boiled and the water vapor is passed through a cooling condenser, where it condenses as freshwater.

Which of the following best describes how scientists help the public prepare for an earthquake event?

Scientists cannot predict when exactly an earthquake will occur, but they can identify tectonically active areas that are likely to produce earthquake activity and let the public know they are in an earthquake-prone area.

Which of the following statements regarding sea-surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico during the time period covered by the animation is correct?

Sea-surface temperature decreased after the passage of Hurricane Katrina due to the latent heat of condensation.

Which of the following best describes the Freeze Separation Method for desalination?

Seawater is frozen and thawed multiple times, with the salts washed from the ice between each thawing.

Of the following statements about seawater salinity, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

Seawater salinity averages 35 ppt. The two most common dissolved components in seawater are sodium and chloride. Seawater salinity averages 3.5%.

Which of the following is the most abundant positively charged component of seawater?


Between summer and winter, which of the following currents reverses its flow direction?

Somali Current

Which of the following Atlantic Subtropical gyre boundary currents is split into two by a large landmass?

South Equatorial Current

Which type of breaker is a turbulent mass of air and water that runs down the front slope of the wave as it breaks?

Spilling breaker

Match the term with the appropriate phrase.

Sublimation− change in state from solid to gas Condensation− change in state from gas to liquid Evaporation− change in state from liquid to gas Pycnocline− area of rapid change in density with slight change in depth Halocline− area of rapid change in salinity with slight change in depth

The observation of a hill of water within all subtropical gyres is an example of which of the following?

Subtropical convergence

Which of the following is the second most abundant negatively charged component of seawater?


Which of the following are names for large ocean waves that can be created by constructive interference?

Superwaves Freak waves Rogue waves

Which of the following statements is true of surface ocean currents?

Surface currents form circular patterns in the major ocean basins called "gyres."

Which type of breaker forms waves the present the greatest challenge to body surfers?

Surging breaker

Which type of breaker forms when the waves build up and break right at the shoreline?

Surging breaker

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Swell Surging breaker Plunging breaker Spilling breaker Surf


Of the following statements about the Coriolis effect in the Northern Hemisphere, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

The Coriolis effect causes air to move clockwise around high pressure. The Coriolis effect causes air to move counterclockwise around low pressure.

Recall that global winds impact the direction of surface ocean currents. Examine the following map showing the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Africa. The direction of the surface current and the prevailing wind do not coincide. What can explain this discrepancy?

The Coriolis effect deflects ocean currents in the Southern Hemisphere to the left due to Earth's rotation. Because the current is located in the Southern Hemisphere, the subtropical gyre pulls the current in a counterclockwise direction.

How does the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) change over time?

The ITCZ migrates south of the equator in Northern Hemisphere winter and north of the equator in Northern Hemisphere summer.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude BECAUSE it depends on the weight of the column of air above.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: India's Southwest Monsoon provides abundant precipitation BECAUSE the air brought in from the Indian Ocean is warm and full of moisture.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The Equatorial Countercurrent is much better developed in the Pacific Ocean than in the Atlantic BECAUSE the Pacific Ocean basin is larger and more unobstructed than the Atlantic Ocean.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The rate of sea ice formation slows as sea ice thickens BECAUSE the ice insulates the underlying water from freezing due to its poor heat conduction.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: The temperatures across the Atlantic at different latitudes are much higher in Europe than in North America BECAUSE of the effects of heat transfer from the Gulf Stream.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Transform faults do not generally generate tsunami BECAUSE the side-to-side movement of these faults does not change the volume of the ocean basin.

The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.

Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Many people call tsunami "tidal waves" BECAUSE they are related to the tides.

The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

What happened when the two slats were pulled out?

The blue water sank to the bottom and the red water rose to the top.

Of the following statements about the pH of seawater, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

The carbonate buffering system stabilizes the pH of seawater. The pH of seawater is higher than that of pure water. Dissolving carbon dioxide in seawater decreases the pH of seawater.

Which of the following statements about sea-surface temperatures during the time period covered by the animation is correct?

The coldest temperature in the Gulf of Mexico was 27°C.

Which of the following is an application of the principle of constant proportions?

The concentration of a single major constituent can be measured to determine the total salinity of a water sample.

What is the relationship between wave base and wavelength?

The depth of the wave base is one-half the wavelength of the waves.

What would you expect weather to be like on the eastern coast of Australia if the western coast of South America were experiencing unusually warm, wet weather?

The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually dry weather.

Why does wave height increase as waves enter shallow water?

The energy of the wave must be contained within a smaller water column in shallow water.

Which of the following best defines heat?

The energy transfer from one body to another due to a difference in temperature.

Which of the following statements about the Coriolis effect is correct?

The magnitude of the Coriolis effect depends on how long the object is in motion.

What causes wave refraction?

The part of a wave in shallow water slows down, causing the wave to bend and line up nearly parallel to the shore.

During a visit to the beach, you get in a small rubber raft and paddle out beyond the surf zone. You become tired, so you stop and take a rest. Describe the movement of your raft beyond the surf zone.

The raft's net movement is not toward the shore compared to the surf zone. The raft moves in a circle, and it returns to essentially the same place.

A jet stream generally diverges above a low-pressure (warm) center. However, at Earth's surface, air converges at a low-pressure center. If the divergence of the jet stream is greater than the convergence of air at the surface low-pressure center below it, what will happen to the surface winds?

The surface winds will likely get stronger.

Which of the following statements about water temperatures at 25° N, 84° W from August 25 to August 30 is correct?

The temperature decreased from 32°C to 27°C.

Imagine a researcher aboard an oceanographic vessel collects samples from the water column, extending from the surface to 3000 meters depth. Sample analyses shows that the water is isopycnal. Which of the following statements correctly define what this means and why?

The temperature of the water column is constant throughout its depth. The samples must have been taken from a location in the ocean at high latitude. The sample analyses show there is no pycnocline present.

What determines whether a front is called a cold front or a warm front?

The type of front is determined by which air mass is moving.

What triggers a wave traveling across the ocean to finally release its energy?

The wave begins to interact with the sea floor as it moves into shallower water.

What is an interference pattern?

The wave pattern produced when two or more waves interact.

Why do ocean waves bend around headlands?

The waves are moving more slowly just in front of the headland, causing the waves to bend.

What is the air that sinks at latitudes of 30 degrees north and south like?

This air is cool and dry.

Will Sumatra experience another tsunami like the destructive one of December 2004?

This is likely, because Sumatra is near many ocean trenches.

The image below shows the movement of water and sand along a beach.

Top 2: path of sand particles beach drift and net movement of sand grains Middle: incoming wave direction Bottom 2: upstream direction longshore drift

The accompanying image of the eastern portion of the United States illustrates the airflow conditions involved in the creation of cyclones and anticyclones. Match the labels to their correct location.

Top 3: south convergence aloft divergence aloft Bottom 3: north anticyclonic flow cyclonic flow

Why do ships at sea tend not to notice tsunamis?

Tsunamis in deep water have small wave height and long wavelength.

Which of the following is not one of the names associated with huge rotating masses of low pressure characterized by strong winds and torrential rain?


Which of the following statements best describes the general relationship between ocean currents and hurricanes?

Warm ocean currents and hurricane paths both broadly move from east to west between 10° and 20° degrees north latitude in the eastern Pacific.

Of the following properties of water, which is/are caused by the unusual geometry of water molecules? Choose all that apply.

Water has the ability to dissolve just about anything. Water has cohesion and surface tension. Water molecules have polarity. Water molecules form hydrogen bonds.

How does water move as waves pass?

Water moves in a circle in the same direction as wave movement.

Which of the following best describes the Reverse Osmosis Method for desalination?

Water on the salty side of a semipermeable membrane is pushed under high pressure through the membrane to the freshwater side.

Of the following statements about the transfer of heat on Earth, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

Water vapor in the air carries latent heat with it, which is released in other areas. Ocean currents move warm water from the tropics to higher latitudes. Air currents move warmer air from the tropics to higher latitudes.

How does wave amplitude change with depth in water?

Wave amplitude decreases as depth increases.

Which of the following statements about wave period is most accurate?

Wave period is the inverse of wave frequency.

How does wave refraction at headlands affect deposition and erosion?

Wave refraction at the headland increases erosion at the headland and causes deposition in adjacent bays.

What does the term "in phase" refer to?

Waves in phase have identical wavelengths and are aligned peak-to-peak and trough-to-trough

While you are playing Frisbee in the surf zone with another person, your friend watches while sitting on the beach nearby. After a while, you look up at the beach and realize you are no longer directly in front of your friend, who remained stationary on the beach all the while—you are still in the surf zone, but 30 to 40 yards from where you started. What is the correct reason for this movement?

Waves were coming at the shore at an angle. The longshore current moved downstream to that angle and pushed you in that direction.

How are wave period and wavelength related?

Waves with shorter periods have shorter wavelengths.

The Brazil Current is an example of which of the following types of currents?

Western Boundary Current

The Kuroshio (Japan) Current is an example of which of the following types of currents?

Western Boundary Current

Which of the following is not one of the reasons why water is considered a universal solvent?

When the ions separate, they become attracted to identically charged water molecules.

When will perfect destructive interference occur?

When two waves that are 180 degrees out-of-phase interfere.

Of the following statements about water's latent heat and changes in state, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

When water vapor condenses and forms a liquid, it releases heat to the environment. In the vapor state, there are no weak (hydrogen) bonds between water molecules. In the solid state, all water molecules are connected by weak (hydrogen) bonds. Latent heat allows water to transfer energy from one place to another. When water evaporates, its latent heat of evaporation absorbs heat.

When will perfect constructive interference occur for waves that are in phase and moving at the same velocity?

When waves with identical wavelengths interfere.

In which direction would winds move at the poles if Earth rotated in the opposite direction?

Wind near the north pole would move to the northeast, and the wind near the south pole would move to the southeast.

Why does upwelling occur along the west coast of South America under normal conditions?

Winds moving westward in the South Pacific drive ocean currents toward the west; deep water rises to replace water driven westward.

The atmospheric high-pressure cells over North America in the map suggest that the atmospheric patterns shown most likely represent which season for the northern hemisphere?


Of the following bathymetric conditions, which one(s) would likely produce spilling breakers? Choose all that apply.

a gently sloping, rocky bottom a gently sloping, sandy bottom

What is a tropical cyclone?

a low-pressure disturbance that develops over warm, tropical waters

What is a tsunami?

a series of water waves that travel away from a fault in all directions at high speed

The thermocline is _________________.

a steep temperature gradient in the ocean that separates deeper cold water from warmer upper water

The percentage of solar radiation reflected from the surface of Earth back into space is known as the __________.


Which of the following associations between hurricanes—also known as typhoons and cyclones—and wind direction is most accurate?

an east-to-west movement of hurricanes and easterly winds in the western Atlantic between 10° and 20° degrees north latitude

Warm ocean currents ___.

are warmer than the surrounding water

Which areas of Earth experience the most precipitation?

areas near the ITCZ

Ripple like clouds in the sky are an example of ________ waves.


Which of the following locations has/have the potential to reliably harness wind power as a renewable energy source? Choose all that apply.

between 5 and 30 degrees latitude between 30 and 60 degrees latitude

Which of the following temperature and humidity conditions are most likely to be experienced in eastern Iowa after the cold front passes?

cold and dry

Earth's polar regions (above 60° latitude) are classified as deserts because __________.

cold, dry sinking air in the polar high regions produces little precipitation

When a meander from the Gulf Stream pinches off into the warm water south of the current, the eddy is called a __________.

cold-core eddy or ring

What type of plate boundary are most tsunamis associated with?

convergent plate boundaries

Downwelling can result from __________.

converging surface currents

An increase in seawater density can be caused by a ________ in temperature or a/an ________ in salinity.

decrease; increase

The density curve for high latitudes shows ________ density at the surface and ________ density at depth.

decreased, increased

As a wave approaches shore, its characteristics change by _____________________.

decreasing speed, increasing steepness

Thermohaline circulation is driven by:

density differences.

As the salinity of seawater increases, its:

density increases.

Which force(s) drive(s) water circulation in the deep ocean?

differences in water salinity differences in water density differences in water temperature

Converging surface waters are areas of ________ and ________ productivity.

downwelling; low

When would you expect the low-pressure cell over the North Pole to be most developed?

during the Northern Hemisphere winter

Equatorial currents that are part of the subtropical gyres flow ___. Equatorial counter currents between the gyres flow ___ .

east to west; west to east

Which direction do ocean currents in the South Pacific move under El Niño conditions?


Ocean frontal systems that spin off from currents such as the Gulf Stream, akin to atmospheric storms, are known as __________.


We would expect the salinity of surface waters to be higher in regions where __________.

evaporation is much greater than precipitation

The majority of tsunami are caused by underwater ________.

fault movement

The height of a wave depends upon:

fetch, wind duration, and wind speed.

During winter months, monsoon winds over the Indian Ocean:

flow from land to sea and are dry.

Surface ocean currents ___.

form large rotating gyres in the major ocean basins are influenced by Coriolis effect are driven by winds

Which of the following best describes a plunging breaker?

forms on moderately sloped shorelines to create curling crests

Cool ocean currents ___.

generally flow from high latitudes towards the equator

Refraction causes headlands to be areas of ________ surfing and sites of ________.

good; erosion

In general the restoring force for wind-generated waves is:


Which of the following two factors cause geostrophic circulation within a gyre?

gravity and the Coriolis effect.

The intensity of solar radiation received at lower latitudes (near the equator) compared to higher latitudes (near the poles) is:


A layer of rapidly changing salinity with depth is called a ________.


What drives Hadley cell circulation?

heating from the Sun

Which property of water causes coastal communities to have only moderate differences in daily highs and lows when compared to inland communities?

high heat capacity

When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a:

higher salinity.

Which of the following names mean "tropical cyclone"?

hurricane typhoon cyclone

Which process causes downwelling off the coast of Antarctica?

ice formation

Where are Hadley cells found?

in the atmosphere near the equator

The salinity curve for low latitudes shows ________ salinity at the surface and ________ salinity at depth.

increased, decreased

As a wave begins to feel bottom near a shoreline, its wave height:

increases and its wavelength decreases

Tidal movement, turbidity currents, wind stress, and even passing ships at the surface create ________ waves.


Atoms that have lost or gained one or more electrons are called ________.


The surface tension of water:

is relatively high.

A disadvantage shared by wave, solar and wind energy is that ___________________________.

it is not available on demand, and there currently is no viable way to store the energy

Sound travels as ________ waves.


Where are tropical cyclones found?

lower and middle latitudes

What is the overall effect of the stronger than normal trade winds typical of La Niña conditions?

lowering of the South Pacific ocean temperature from normal conditions

Fluctuations in the flow of the Gulf Stream current result in curving loops of water known as __________.


A group of two or more atoms held together by mutually shared electrons are called ________.


Most of the year, and most of the time, the movement of sediment and water (longshore current) along the California coast is from __________.

north to south

We might expect to encounter brackish ocean surface water __________.

off the coast of Washington and Oregon

Ocean waves in motion are classified as ______waves.


Waves at the ocean surface are ________ waves.


Ocean surface waves are:

orbital waves

Which of the following statements regarding pH is true?

pH relates to relative acid-base ion balance in a solution.

The time between two successive waves is called the:


The subtropical gyres ___.

play a large role in climate

Waves that are breaking along the shore and are forming curling crests over air pockets are called:

plunging breakers.

A person experiences a popping feeling in their ears during the takeoff or landing of an airplane or while driving on steep mountain roads due to changes in the ________ of the atmosphere.


Submarines sometimes ride out heavy storms in deep water by submerging. That is a practical application of utilizing the ____________________.

principle of decreasing orbital motion with depth

A layer in the ocean where a rapid change in ocean density occurs with a change in depth is called a:


Earth's atmosphere is heated primarily by __________.

re-radiation of solar energy from Earth's surface back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation

Deep ocean currents ___.

result from changes in water density (due to temperature and salt content)

Air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a:

sea breeze.

A tsunami is considered to be a:

shallow water wave.

Records indicate that the ocean is warming faster in the Arctic polar regions than elsewhere. If that continues, a possible consequence could be __________.

slowing of deep ocean circulation, resulting in lower oxygen levels in deep water

Constructive interference results in larger waves whereas destructive interference produces:

smaller waves.

Which way would wind travel in the region between 30 and 60 degrees latitude if Earth stopped rotating?

south in the Southern Hemisphere and north in the Northern Hemisphere

Coastal upwelling along the coast of Chile is a result of winds from the ________ turning towards the ________ due to Ekman transport.

south; left

If a surfer wishes to have a really long ride, what type of wave should he or she look for?

spilling breakers

A wave will begin to break when:

steepness = 1:7.

What disturbing force is responsible for most ocean waves that eventually break on shore?

storm-generated winds that blow across the surface

What type of breaker would pose the most danger to people playing or swimming in the surf zone?

surging breakers

What common household item is used in this video to demonstrate how the ocean is layered based on density?

tap water, with a small amount of food coloring

The states of matter in which water exists is primarily determined by:


What are the two controlling factors that affect water density?

temperature and salinity

The two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are:

temperature and water vapor content.

What term is used to describe the effect on air movement produced by Earth's rotation?

the Coriolis effect

Wave refraction is __________.

the bending of waves

What is refraction?

the bending of waves due to a change in wave velocity

What is a front?

the boundary between two air masses of different temperatures

Of the three different colored waters separated by slats, which one has the highest density?

the cold (blue) water, which has the lowest temperature

What is the wavelength?

the distance between consecutive wave crests or troughs

What is the wave height?

the distance between the highest and lowest part of the wave

The primary difficulty that must be overcome in the use of desalination plants to provide fresh water is __________.

the high cost of energy involved

What is the crest of a wave?

the highest part of the wave

The thickness of sea ice is limited primarily by __________.

the insulating nature of the ice itself

Of the following statements about ocean waves, which one(s) describe wave period? Choose all that apply.

the inverse of wave frequency the time it takes for one full wavelength to pass a given point

What is the wave base?

the lower limit of wave-induced motion in the water

What is the trough of a wave?

the lowest part of the wave

Hurricanes frequently make landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but rarely, if ever, occur on the Pacific coast. The primary reason for the rarity of west coast hurricanes is that __________.

the ocean water does not get warm enough to supply the needed heat energy for hurricanes

Hydrogen bonds form between neighboring water molecules because of:

the polarity of water molecules.

The El Niño Southern Oscillation can best be described as: The El Niño Southern Oscillation can best be described as:

the relationship between sea surface temperature and changing atmospheric pressure.

The Principle of Constant Proportions states that:

the relative concentrations of the major ions in seawater does not change.

The Coriolis effect is caused by __________.

the rotation of Earth

What causes the three different types of breakers?

the steepness of the beach slope

What two features are many of Earth's deserts associated with?

the subtropical highs and cool ocean currents found along the west coasts of continents

What is the Southern Oscillation?

the swapping of high and low pressure zones in the South Pacific under El Niño conditions

What is the wave period?

the time it takes for one wavelength of a wave to pass a particular point

The Ekman spiral is caused by:

the wind and the Coriolis effect.

A rapid change in ocean temperature with a change in depth occurs in the:


Deep ocean current movement is also known as __________.

thermohaline flow

How are tsunamis generated?

through displacement of the seafloor under water

In the southern hemisphere, the direction of Ekman transport is always:

to the left of the wind direction.

As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds always are deflected:

to the right of their original direction.

Determine which line on the graph represents Urbana and which represents San Francisco and label each for the correct city. Indicate how you figured this out by answering the question below.

top to bottom: The ocean near San Fransisco limits its temperature variations Urbana San Fransisco

Can you determine where each sample was from? Use what you know about relative salinity and its global variation. Label the samples accordingly and complete the two sentences with labels that correctly describe seasonal sea ice melt and seawater freezing and the relationship to salinity. Samples were collected at the locations of the circles on the map.

top to bottom: increased salinity decreased salinity just east of the Bahamas off the west coast of Africa, near the equator from the Red Sea from the Baltic Sea

In the figure above, depicting a hypothetical wind direction in an ideal world. The iceberg broke off from the Greenland Ice Sheet and floated into the ocean. Under the prevailing wind conditions, in which direction would the iceberg be pushed?

toward D

Refer the figure above. In which direction would the entire surface current underneath the Greenland iceberg be expected to travel?

toward E

Equatorial currents are driven by the:

trade winds.

The wind belt(s) with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds is (are) the:

trade winds.

________ waves also known as side-to-side waves.


The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the:


About what percent of the wind's energy is transferred to the ocean surface?


Under which conditions are droughts and wildfires common in Australia?

under El Niño conditions

Surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water through:


The Coriolis effect is due to changes in the ________ of Earth with latitude.


All the following are true of the movement of Earth's atmosphere except :

warm air is less dense than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface.

The speed of a shallow-water wave is proportional to:

water depth

Which one of the following variables is necessary to determine the speed of shallow-water waves? Select only one answer.

water depth

The depth below the surface where the circular orbits become so small that movement is negligible is called the ________.

wave base

The number of wave crests passing a fixed location per unit of time is called the ________.

wave frequency

The time it takes one full wave to pass a fixed position is called the ________.

wave period

An unintended consequence of the jetty that protects the harbor entrance at Newport Harbor, California is a wave pattern that has crippled and killed many body surfers due to ________.

wave reflection

Waves converge on headlands due to:

wave refraction.

"Whitecaps" form when _____________________.

wave steepness reaches a ratio of 1:7

The horizontal distance between wave crest to crest is called the ________.


The speed of a deep-water wave is proportional to:


Wave speed is equal to:

wavelength divided by period.

The circular motion of water molecules extends to a depth that is equal to:


The largest wind-generated waves tend to be associated with the:


The majority of the world's tropical cyclones are formed in the waters north of the equator in the ________ Ocean.

western Pacific

Warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with __________.

western boundary currents

Conditions for the development of wave energy are most optimal along ________ shores in the ________ Hemisphere.

western; Southern

What factor(s) drive(s) Ekman transport?

wind Coriolis effect

Most ocean waves form as a result of:

winds blowing across the ocean surface

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