Furia by Yamile Saied Mendez

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ITB Furia, what was Camila's soccer jersey number?

7 (p. 13)

In the book Furia, in what country does the book take place?


ITB Furia, what team did Pablo play for?

Central (p. 37)

In the book Furia, what is Camila's nickname?

Furia (p. 17)

ITB Furia, what did Diego teach Camila on their date?

How to drive (p. 101)

ITB Furia, who was it that started calling Camila with the new name of Furia?

Mrs. Fong (Roxana's mom) - p. 17

In the book Furia, who gives Camila her nickname?

Mrs. Fong (p. 17)

ITB Furia, what is the name of Camila's dog?

Nico (p. 35, 47 and others)

In the book Furia, what is the name of Camila's city?

Rosario (p. 66)

ITB Furia, who didn't like Diego?

Roxana (p. 50)

ITB Furia, what did Camila say when her mom asked why she didn't ever study at their house?

Roxana had Wi-Fi (p. 131)

ITB Furia, what had happened a couple of months ago to Camila's phone?

it was stolen (p. 53)

ITB Furia, what color candy did Diego prefer?

pink candy (p. 87)

In the book Furia, how does Camila hurt her ankle?

she stepped in a hole

In the book Furia, what is the name of the team whose players joined Camila's team?

the Royals

In the book Furia, what is Pablo's nickname?

the Stallion (p. 40)

In the book Furia, what does the green handkerchief symbolize?

the feminist movement (p. 20)

ITB Furia, how did Camila score her second goal in the Rosaria Ladie's League Championship game?

with a scissor kick (off a rebound) p. 15

ITB Furia, what was the name of Camila's soccer coach?

Coach Alicia (p. 10, 11, 19, 31 and others)

ITB Furia, who was known as el Titan?

Diego (or Diego Ferrari) - p. 27

In the book Furia, where does Camila get an afterschool job?

El Buen Pastor (p. 91)

In the book Furia, what's the name of Camila's team?

Eva Maria Futbol Club (p. 19)

ITB Furia, who did Diego introduce Camila to for the English tutoring job?

Father Hugo (p. 92-94)

In the book Furia, What team beats Eva Maria in the Sudamericano tournament?

Itape (p. 336)

ITB Furia, what vehicle manufacturer was a sponsor of Diego's team?

Jeep (p. 105 - Diego has a white jeep with the darkest windows he was allowed to get...the players drive the newest model to show it off for Jeep as their team sponsor).

In the book Furia, what car does Diego keep in Italy?

Jeep (p. 105)

In the book Furia, what is the name of the saint Camila appeals to?

La Difunta Correa (p. 6)

ITB Furia, shrines to what woman from the mid-1800's dot Argentina's roads?

LaDifunta (p. 7)

ITB Furia, what was the name of Pablo's girlfriend?

Marisol (p. 31 and others)

ITB Furia, what did Camila see on posters as she was waiting at the bus stop?

Posters of missing girls (p. 131)

ITB Furia, why didn't Roxana like any male futbol players?

She claimed they were all narcissistic jerks (p. 25)

In the book Furia, what is the title of the book Diego loans to Camila?

The Shadow of the Wind (p. 57)

ITB Furia, what do soccer fans call Camila's brother, Pablo?

The Stallion (p. 21, and others)

ITB Furia, when Diego first came home from Italy, why didn't Camila join him when he called and waved to her at El Gigante?

The cameras were following Diego and she didn't want her parents to see it find out (that she was at El Gigante or that she played on a soccer/futbol team that won the Rosarinian League Cup). - p. 29

In the book Furia, what U.S. team does Camila join?

Utah Royals (p. 341)

ITB Furia, what did Coach Alicia hand Camila during warmups before the Rosaria Ladie's League Championship game?

a captains band (p. 11)

In the book Furia, what does Camila's mom want Camila to be when she grows up?

a doctor

ITB Furia, what item was associated with someone who supported the feminist movement or pro-choice politics?

a green handkerchief (p. 20 and others)

ITB Furia, what did Roxana show Camila that Diego had posted on social media?

a picture from when Diego and Camila were younger (ages 11 & 13) - she wore a blue one-piece swimsuit (they were sitting in a tree, Pablo had taken the photo with his first phone). p. 136

In the book Furia, what job does Father Hugo give Camila?

afterschool English tutor (p. 97)

In the book Furia, what is Diego's nickname?

el Titan

ITB Furia, what position did Roxana play on the soccer team?

goalie (p. 9)

In the book Furia, la Difunta is the patron saint of what?

impossible things (p. 7)

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