G&D Sherpath- Toddler

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Which report by a parent would indicate normal social development of the 2-year-old patient? "He doesn't care at all when I leave him." "He only talks to himself, and not to me." "I never really know what he is saying to me." "He will play next to another child and watch the child, but won't interact with the child."

"He will play next to another child and watch the child, but won't interact with the child." Playing beside other children, or parallel play, indicates normal social development of the toddler.

Match the activity with the age at which it is first exhibited. 15mo 18mo 24mo 36mo Stacking multiple blocks to build towers Walking independently Turning the pages as they are read to Dressing themselves

15 months Walking independently 18 months Turning the pages as they are read to 24 months Dressing themselves 36 months Stacking multiple blocks to build towers

Which head circumference measurement would be expected for a two-year-old whose head circumference was 18 inches at the 12-month checkup? 18in 17in 19.5in 21.5in

19.5 inches Head circumference increases approximately 1.5 inches from 12 months to 24 months.

A toddler who weighs 22 lbs at 1 year of age would be expected to weigh approximately_____ lbs by the third birthday.

32 The average weight gain is 5 lbs (2.26 kg) per year. Therefore, a toddler weighing 22 pounds at 1 year of age would be expected to weigh approximately 32 pounds (22 + 5 + 5) by the third birthday.

A toddler who was 33 inches in height on his or her second birthday would be expected to measure approximately ________ inches in height on his or her third birthday.

36 The average toddler grows approximately 3 in. (7.62 cm) each year. The toddler would therefore be expected to be 36 inches (33 + 3) on his or her third birthday.

Which would be the expected adult height for a toddler who is 34 inches tall at the 30-month checkup? __

68 Children attain half their adult height between ages 2 and 3 years. A child who was 34 inches tall at the 30-month checkup would be expected to be approximately 68 inches tall as an adult.

What anticipatory guidance can the nurse give parents of a toddler to support the toddler's need for increasing autonomy? Take the food away if the toddler spills it. Continue feeding the toddler during mealtime. Give the toddler finger foods to decrease messes. Allow the toddler to practice feeding with a spoon.

Allow the toddler to practice feeding with a spoon. Allowing the toddler to practice feeding with a spoon will help increase autonomy at mealtimes.

Identify the gross motor capability of the toddler. Select all that apply. Riding a bicycle Ascending the stairs Jumping over objects Hop on one foot Throwing a ball overhand

CORRECT: Ascending the stairs Learning to climb is a gross motor milestone of the toddler. Throwing a ball overhand Throwing a ball overhand is a gross motor skill capability of the toddler. INCORRECT: Riding a bicycle Riding a bicycle is not a gross motor milestone of the toddler, but of the school-age child. Jumping over objects Jumping in place, not over objects, is a gross motor capability of the toddler. Hop on one foot Hopping on one foot is not a gross motor capability of the toddler, but of the preschool child.

Identify fine motor capabilities for the toddler. Select all that apply. Drawing a circle Stacking blocks or toys Drinking from a sippy cup Using a spoon without difficulty Drawing a person with several body parts

CORRECT: Drawing a circle Drawing loops and lines (scribbling) is a fine motor skill capability of the toddler. Stacking blocks or toys Building a tower of blocks is a fine motor skill capability of the toddler. Drinking from a sippy cup By 12-18 months, the toddler should have mastered the use of a sippy cup and can use an adult cup without much spilling. INCORRECT: Using a spoon without difficulty Although most toddlers can use a spoon, they have not yet perfected this fine motor skill and will spill most of the food. Drawing a person with several body parts Drawing a person with several body parts is a fine motor skill of the preschool child, not the toddler.

Which characteristics are typical of the toddler's physical appearance? Select all that apply. Leaner Knees curved inward Flattened plantar arch Inward curve of the spine Mature abdominal muscles

CORRECT: Leaner Loss of adipose (fat) tissue as the toddler becomes more active is typical of a toddler's appearance. Flattened plantar arch Toddler's feet seem flat because of a plantar fat pad that disappears around 2 years of age. This is typical of a toddler's appearance. Inward curve of the spine An exaggerated lumbar curve is typical of a toddler's appearance. INCORRECT: Knees curved inward The toddler's legs are short and bowed outward. Knees curved inward are not typical of a toddler's appearance. Mature abdominal muscles Toddlers have immature abdominal muscles that are typical of a toddlers "potbellied" appearance.

Which toy is appropriate to encourage cognitive development in the toddler? Card game Board game Stacking cups One-hundred-piece puzzle

Stacking cups Stacking cups would encourage cognitive development. Cups are also safe and durable. This would be an appropriate toy.

Which physical changes are normally seen as an infant transitions into a toddler? Cherub appearance Protruding abdomen Increased adipose tissue Excessive curve of the back

Protruding abdomen A potbellied abdomen due to immature abdominal muscles is a normal physical change as an infant transitions into a toddler. Excessive curve of the back An exaggerated lumbar curve is a normal physical change as an infant transitions into a toddler. Wide gap between knees when standing erect A gap between the knees is the result of short, bowed legs, which are a normal physical change as an infant transitions into a toddler.

When caring for a toddler in the hospital, which nursing intervention is most developmentally appropriate? Not allowing the child to have a pacifier while in the hospital. Allowing the child to decide if the nurse can perform a procedure. Asking the parents to leave the room when performing an assessment. Scheduling evening medications to follow the toddler's bedtime routine.

Scheduling evening medications to follow the toddler's bedtime routine The toddler may experience distress when a routine is not followed. The nurse can provide care in the hospital that helps support routines, if possible.

Which cognitive advancements are expected between 19 and 24 months? Domestic mimicry Ability to relate to time of day Abstract thinking to solve problems Imitating an action only while another person is performing it

Domestic mimicry Domestic mimicry (imitating a parent of the same sex) and deferred imitation (imitating an action hours after the toddler watched the original action) are expected cognitive advancements of the toddler.


During the toddler years, children change rapidly. Changes occur in physical growth, motor-skill development, and cognitive/social development. The rapid changes in motor skills and the toddler's inability to make judgements about the safety of actions place the toddler at risk for unintentional injury. The importance of safety regarding the most common injuries of the toddler period, including aspiration, burns, drowning, and falls, should be communicated to parents of toddlers. The toddler years are characterized by a struggle for autonomy as the child develops a sense of self separate from the parent. Nurses should help parents understand that toddler behaviors, which include negativism, ritualism, temper tantrums, and separation anxiety, are normal processes of toddler development. Parents should be given information to help cope with these behaviors appropriately. During the well-child checkup, the nurse's role is to be a child advocate by providing parents of toddlers with anticipatory guidance related to growth, safety, and common age-related concerns. Nurses should also listen to any concerns that parents have about the development of their toddler because parental concerns provide a reliable indicator of possible developmental delay.

Which one of the following developmental characteristics explains why a toddler frequently uses the words me, I, and mine? Animism Ritualism Negativism Egocentrism

Egocentrism Egocentrism is when a toddler views everything in relation to self and is unable to consider another's point of view, and it explains why the predominant words in the toddler's language are me, I, and mine.

What important parental guidance advisory needs should caregivers be reminded of when discussing motor development in the toddler? Encourage the toddler to walk because he or she will fall down when running. Keep the toddler in a crib until 3 years of age, even if he or she tries to climb out. As motor development increases, allow the toddler to use a toothbrush unsupervised. Motor development in this age group is far ahead of development of judgment and perception.

Motor development in this age group is far ahead of development of judgment and perception. This difference in timing of the development of different skills increases the risk for injury.

How does the ability for a 24-month-old to build a two-block tower demonstrate a toddler's fine motor development? The ability to stack one block on top of another demonstrates an improvement in the toddler's balance. The ability to stack one block on top of another demonstrates an improvement in the toddler's autonomy. The ability to stack one block on top of another demonstrates an improvement in the toddler's visual acuity. The ability to stack one block on top of another demonstrates an improvement in a toddler's hand-eye coordination.

The ability to stack one block on top of another demonstrates an improvement in a toddler's hand-eye coordination. An improvement in a toddler's hand-eye coordination is typical at this stage and stacking blocks demonstrates development of fine motor skills.

Which behaviors are expected in the toddler? Select all that apply. Throwing tantrums Crying when the toddler's parent leaves for work Developing a sense that bad behavior is punished Insisting on same book being read every morning Feeling guilty when they steal a toy from another child

Throwing tantrums Negativism, or saying "no" to requests, is an expected behavior in toddlers and is a way that they can test their independence and boundaries. In extreme cases, it can lead to screaming, kicking, hitting, biting, or breath-holding. Crying when the toddler's parent leaves for work Crying when a parent leaves, or separation anxiety, is an expected behavior in the toddler. Developing a sense that bad behavior is punished Controlling behavior to avoid punishment is an expected behavior in the toddler. Insisting on same book being read every morning Reading the same book, or ritualism, is an expected behavior in the toddler.

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