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It should be established to afford all employees, regardless of their position and rank, the means to interact and communicate with their peers and senior leaders.

, lines of communication

A letter for a proposal for approval of a project or a raise in salary

. Letter of request

The average employee receives about?

190 communications a day

______of problems in the workplace are communication related


is the giving and receiving of feedback between individuals and/or groups for the purpose of exchanging information and altering performance in the workplace.

Business communication

refer to a formal letter expressed in a professional manner from a company or individual to another, or from a company to its customers, personnel and stakeholders.

Business letters

Once the message is completed, it should be delivered using the best possible medium and format

Choose yourmedium carefully

A manager should ensure that his/her message is clear and accessible to the intended recipients. Thus, it is important that a senior leader speak clearly and politely - to put his/her message across clearly avoiding confusion or offense.

Clearly deliver your message

It is the giving and receiving of feedback between individuals and/or groups for the purpose of exchanging information.


He suggest considering the following: a0 the objectives of your product; b) the problems you are addressing or the issues you are trying to resolve. It would be good to write your presentation goals at the beginning part of your notes.


They should involve the employees in formulating clear and achievable objectives, by defining clearly the requirement for any project, and ensuring that all the staffs are knowledgeable of the goals of the project, the unit and the instruction.

Define goals and expectations

is an important tool in achieving productivity and maintaining rapport at all levels of a company.

Effective communication

Is is now the dominant method of communicating in business. It is quick, inexpensive, flexible and convenient


is the coldest form of communication


it refers to the involvement or productivity of the employees in the improvement of the company or institution

Employee engagement

It Allows for immediate response to questions, misinterpretations, feedback, etc.

Face-to-Face comms

It refers to the form of communication that is set and there's a clear agenda such as conducting meetings, conferences, seminars, and trainings, etc.

Formal communication

It comprises of electronic or office memoranda, emails, training materials and documents

Formal written communication

development projects hinge much on strong communication among the workforce and all stakeholders.


the satisfaction of the workforce can be promoted, by ensuring that their voice are being listened to, both in terms of ideas or their concerns.

Increase employee engagement

this type of communication has become the source of all rumors and gossips in the workplace

Informal or Grapevine

this type of communication should be controlled effectively, or it may adversely affect the work culture of an organization and hamper its development.

Informal or Grapevine

It refersto a type of communication that does not follow the conventional rules and happens at any time in the office like small talk, chats, conversations, etc.

Informal or grapevine

It refers to the new ideas and creative display of knowledge shown by the employees which the company needs most


an atmosphere, in which the workforce is enabled to express their ideas openly in a non-threatening manner, encourages them to open up their ideas.


Participation in major decisions develops the feeling of ownership among the workforce

Keep everyone involved

refers to a formal letter to express something to the intended recipient which can be a proposal, salary raise, release of funds, and the like.

Letter of request

It is believed that no company or individual could succeed, if it does not listen to its workforce and encourage dialogue among them

Listen and show empathy

It refers to the means or ways to communicate such as using emails or other social platforms in order to communicate.


It contained in brief and formal letters, written in a business-like and serious manner.


· refer to a communication material usually used by companies to communicate important events, reminders, and updates.


refers to a record of what happened during the meeting.


It is a vital source of information for those who were unable to attend and helpful tools to remind employees of their responsibilities and the time frame for doing them.

Minutes of meetings

a record of what transpired in the meeting could keep the workforce updated on the recent and most important activities in the office.

Minutes of meetings

It refers to the different types of communication that occur in the workplace

Office communication

refers to the skilful presentation of a person or a company representative such as a salesman or manager/director to the client by promoting their product shown through their proposal or report.

Presentation of a product

· refers to an abbreviation for specific, measurable, attainable, reliable, and time bound.


a strong team is one whose team members communicate and collaborate together.

Team building

The most common form of communication in the workplace

Verbal Communication

It refers to an oral communication which can either be formal or informal

Verbal communication

is a form of communication, which depends on interaction and visual skills of employees.

Visual Communication

It comprises of presentations, display charts, figures and graphics posted on the bulletin board.

Visual communication

It refers to a type of office communication that makes use of power point presentation, figures, graphics, and other means so that the listeners or audience may keep track of the meeting.

Visual communication

is considered to be the most primitive form of communication in an office setting

Written Communication

It refers to a form of communication that is written such as letters, memoranda, emails, minutes, etc.

Written communication

within peers


management to employee


the best way to build trust among employees; however, it is not always applicable.

face-to-face communication

One of the more aspects of communication in the office is the?


This type of communication does not follow the conventional rules of communication in the office.


Its primary reason is to share or brainstorm information or to develop action steps toward accomplishing a goal.


It is composed of workforce that comes from different backgrounds, cultures, nationalities, traditions, and beliefs.


They should be effective communicators, for them to manage their teams.

senior leaders

employee to management


Conferences, meetings, seminars, address, training, etc. are the common formal?

verbal communication in the workplace

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