Gen Bio 2 - Ecology (Unit 4) --- QUESTIONS

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Giant clams synchronize their reproduction with the phases of the moon. During these reproductive bouts a single clam can release approximately 500 million eggs to be fertilized in the water column by sperm released from other clams. However, the population sizes of giant clams are very low because many of the fertilized eggs and larvae will be eaten by fish in the local area. Based on this information what can be said of the reproductive strategy of the giant clam? a. It is an r-strategist. b. It is a K-strategist.

Giant clams synchronize their reproduction with the phases of the moon. During these reproductive bouts a single clam can release approximately 500 million eggs to be fertilized in the water column by sperm released from other clams. However, the population sizes of giant clams are very low because many of the fertilized eggs and larvae will be eaten by fish in the local area. Based on this information what can be said of the reproductive strategy of the giant clam? *a. It is an r-strategist.* b. It is a K-strategist.

Biomagnification is the result of a _____ effect. a. top-down b. bottom-up

Biomagnification is the result of a _____ effect. a. top-down *b. bottom-up*

Competitive exclusion may lead to one species's survival and another's death. However, this can be avoided if a population evolves to make use of a different resource that is being competed for. This is called: a. niche maintenance b. commensalism c. resource partioning d. competitive exclusion

Competitive exclusion may lead to one species's survival and another's death. However, this can be avoided if a population evolves to make use of a different resource that is being competed for. This is called: a. niche maintenance b. commensalism *c. resource partioning* d. competitive exclusion

Connell's famous barnacle experiment was initiated to learn more about _____. a. desiccation resistance and barnacle species b. habitat preference in two different species of barnalces c. competitive exclusion and distribution of barnacle speices d. how sea-level changes affect barnacle distribution e. character displacement in the color of barnacles

Connell's famous barnacle experiment was initiated to learn more about _____. a. desiccation resistance and barnacle species b. habitat preference in two different species of barnalces *c. competitive exclusion and distribution of barnacle speices* d. how sea-level changes affect barnacle distribution e. character displacement in the color of barnacles

Consider a population undergoing logistic growth. When (K-N)/K = 0, what does that imply about the birth rate (b) and death rate (d)? a. b < d b. b > d c. b = d

Consider a population undergoing logistic growth. When (K-N)/K = 0, what does that imply about the birth rate (b) and death rate (d)? a. b < d b. b > d *c. b = d*

Cows have bacteria in their rumen that are able to digest cellulose. What type of relationship is this? a. parasitism b. commensalism c. predation d. mutualism e. antagonism

Cows have bacteria in their stomachs that are able to digest cellulose. What type of relationship is this? a. parasitism b. commensalism c. predation *d. mutualism* e. antagonism

Disturbances: a. include interactions such as competition and predation b. can influence the diversity of a species in a community c. are extremely rare d. usually only affect one particular species in a community

Disturbances: a. include interactions such as competition and predation *b. can influence the diversity of a species in a community* c. are extremely rare d. usually only affect one particular species in a community

Disturbances: a. involve interactions such a competition and predation. b. can influence the diversity of a species in a community c. are extremely rare d. usually only affect one particular species in a community

Disturbances: a. involve interactions such a competition and predation. *b. can influence the diversity of a species in a community* c. are extremely rare d. usually only affect one particular species in a community

Due to fitness trade-offs, individuals who reproduce the most tend to: a. have the largest body size b. have the lowest fecundity c. have the longest life span d. have the lowest survivorship

Due to fitness trade-offs, individuals who reproduce the most tend to: a. have the largest body size b. have the lowest fecundity c. have the longest life span *d. have the lowest survivorship*

During exponential growth, the number of individuals added per unit time increases, while the _____ stays the same. a. per capita growth rate b. carrying capacity c. death rate d. population size

During exponential growth, the number of individuals added per unit time increases, while the _____ stays the same. *a. per capita growth rate* b. carrying capacity c. death rate d. population size

Giant clams synchronize their reproduction with the phases of the moon. During these reproductive bouts a single clam can release approximately 500 million eggs to be fertilized in the water column by sperm released from other clams. However, the population sizes of giant clams are very low because many of the fertilized eggs and larvae will be eaten by fish in the local area. What type of survivorship curve would you expect to see in giant clams? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III

Giant clams synchronize their reproduction with the phases of the moon. During these reproductive bouts a single clam can release approximately 500 million eggs to be fertilized in the water column by sperm released from other clams. However, the population sizes of giant clams are very low because many of the fertilized eggs and larvae will be eaten by fish in the local area. What type of survivorship curve would you expect to see in giant clams? a. Type I b. Type II *c. Type III*

Identify the following as carbon pools and carbon fluxes: ocean, respiration, chemical weathering, fossil fuels. a. flux, flux, flux, flux b. pool, pool, pool, pool c. flux, pool, pool, flux d. pool, flux, flux, pool

Identify the following as carbon pools and carbon fluxes: ocean, respiration, chemical weathering, fossil fuels. a. flux, flux, flux, flux b. pool, pool, pool, pool c. flux, pool, pool, flux *d. pool, flux, flux, pool*

If 5,000 kilograms of biomass are available at the primary consumer level, on average how many kilograms of biomass would be available to the tertiary consumers? a. 5,000 b. 450 c. 500 d. 50 e. 4,500

If 5,000 kilograms of biomass are available at the primary consumer level, on average how many kilograms of biomass would be available to the tertiary consumers? a. 5,000 b. 450 c. 500 *d. 50* e. 4,500

If food is a limiting factor for a population (undergoing logistic growth), then the addition of food will ... a. lower K b. raise K c. have no effect d. change the curve from exponential to logistic e. change the curve from logistic to exponential

If food is a limiting factor for a population (undergoing logistic growth), then the addition of food will ... a. lower K *b. raise K* c. have no effect d. change the curve from exponential to logistic e. change the curve from logistic to exponential

If plants consume CO2 during photosynthesis, why hasn't all the atmospheric CO2 been used up? a. Photosynthesis also produces CO2 as a product. b. Respiration produces CO2 as a product. c. Both photosynthesis and respiration produce CO2 as products. d. Plants actually don't use CO2 during photosynthesis. They use O2.

If plants consume CO2 during photosynthesis, why hasn't all the atmospheric CO2 been used up? a. Photosynthesis also produces CO2 as a product. *b. Respiration produces CO2 as a product.* c. Both photosynthesis and respiration produce CO2 as products. d. Plants actually don't use CO2 during photosynthesis. They use O2.

If space is a limiting factor for a population (undergoing logistic growth), then the addition of food will ... a. lower K b. change the curve from logistic to exponential c. raise K d. have no effect e. change the curve from exponential to logistic

If space is a limiting factor for a population (undergoing logistic growth), then the addition of food will ... a. lower K b. change the curve from logistic to exponential c. raise K *d. have no effect* e. change the curve from exponential to logistic

Where would you expect to find the most photosynthesis in an ocean biome? a. aphotic zone b. abyssal zone c. photic zone d. benthic realm

Where would you expect to find the most photosynthesis in an ocean biome? a. aphotic zone b. abyssal zone *c. photic zone* d. benthic realm

Which answer choice describes how the burning of fossil fuels affects global biogeochemical cycles? a. Nitrogen runoff leads to increased algal blooms. b. Closed aquifers are unable to recharge efficiently. c. Carbon moves from a buried reservoir to the atmosphere. d. Decomposition rates are altered and soils no longer accumulate. e. Nitrogen is added to the ecosystem by nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Which answer choice describes how the burning of fossil fuels affects global biogeochemical cycles? a. Nitrogen runoff leads to increased algal blooms. b. Closed aquifers are unable to recharge efficiently. *c. Carbon moves from a buried reservoir to the atmosphere.* d. Decomposition rates are altered and soils no longer accumulate. e. Nitrogen is added to the ecosystem by nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Which biological process accounts for maximum CO2 levels observed in spring and for lowest CO2 levels observed in fall? a. fertilizer application b. respiration c. photosynthesis d. acid rain

Which biological process accounts for maximum CO2 levels observed in spring and for lowest CO2 levels observed in fall? a. fertilizer application b. respiration *c. photosynthesis* d. acid rain

Which group in a food web is responsible for returning organic compounds back to the environment? a. tertiary consumers b. decomposers c. primary producers d. primary consumers e. secondary consumers

Which group in a food web is responsible for returning organic compounds back to the environment? a. tertiary consumers *b. decomposers* c. primary producers d. primary consumers e. secondary consumers

Which level of ecological study focuses the most on abiotic factors? a. organismal ecology b. population ecology c. community ecology d. ecosystem ecology

Which level of ecological study focuses the most on abiotic factors? a. organismal ecology b. population ecology c. community ecology *d. ecosystem ecology*

Which of the following are "usable" forms of nitrogen and sulfur that plants can use to build proteins? a. NO3 and SO4 b. N2 and NO3 c. NH3 and H2S d. N2 and SO4

Which of the following are "usable" forms of nitrogen and sulfur that plants can use to build proteins? *a. NO3 and SO4* b. N2 and NO3 c. NH3 and H2S d. N2 and SO4

Which of the following are important BIOTIC FACTORS that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities? a. light intensity, seasonality b. nutrient availability, soil pH c. temperature, water d. predation, competition e. precipitation, wind

Which of the following are important BIOTIC FACTORS that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities? a. light intensity, seasonality b. nutrient availability, soil pH c. temperature, water *d. predation, competition* e. precipitation, wind

Which of the following best describes a species' niche? a. with whom it reproduces b. all of the climatic conditions to which it is adapted c. where it lives d. what it eats e. its habitat and how it uses its available resources in that habitat

Which of the following best describes a species' niche? a. with whom it reproduces b. all of the climatic conditions to which it is adapted c. where it lives d. what it eats *e. its habitat and how it uses its available resources in that habitat*

Which of the following could be a biotic factor limiting songbird distribution in Hawaii to alpine habitats? a. temperature b. oxygen content c. moisture d. insects causing fatal diseases in songbirds at lower altitudes

Which of the following could be a biotic factor limiting songbird distribution in Hawaii to alpine habitats? a. temperature b. oxygen content c. moisture *d. insects causing fatal diseases in songbirds at lower altitudes*

Which of the following is TRUE regarding a feature shared among these nutrient cycles? a. All nutrients have a gaseous form. b. All nutrients are of an unlimited abundance in any ecosystem. c. All nutrients are incorporated into animal bodies when they drink the nutrients in water. d. All nutrients rely on microbes for their cycling.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding a feature shared among these nutrient cycles? a. All nutrients have a gaseous form. b. All nutrients are of an unlimited abundance in any ecosystem. c. All nutrients are incorporated into animal bodies when they drink the nutrients in water. *d. All nutrients rely on microbes for their cycling.*

Which of the following is most likely to lead to resource partitioning? a. mutualism b. predation c. parasitism d. commensalism e. niche overlap

Which of the following is most likely to lead to resource partitioning? a. mutualism b. predation c. parasitism d. commensalism *e. niche overlap*

Which of the following is true about a keystone species? a. A keystone species has little interaction with other species in an environment. b. Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces diversity. c. Adding a keystone species to a community will make it more diverse. d. Removing a keystone species from the community will eventually allow for the invasion of a new species.

Which of the following is true about a keystone species? a. A keystone species has little interaction with other species in an environment. *b. Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces diversity.* c. Adding a keystone species to a community will make it more diverse. d. Removing a keystone species from the community will eventually allow for the invasion of a new species.

Which of the following organisms would likely be an r-strategist? a. humans b. owls c. kangaroos d. whales e. pine trees

Which of the following organisms would likely be an r-strategist? a. humans b. owls c. kangaroos d. whales *e. pine trees*

Which of the following processes are typically associated with the carbon cycle? Select all that apply. a. photosynthesis b. chemical weathering c. respiration d. plate tectonics

Which of the following processes are typically associated with the carbon cycle? Select all that apply. *a. photosynthesis* b. chemical weathering *c. respiration* d. plate tectonics

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the movement of carbon between organisms in a food web and the transfer of energy between organisms in different trophic levels? a. Both energy and carbon can be continuously cycled. b. Neither energy nor carbon can be continuously cycled. c. Energy can be continuously cycled, but carbon cannot. d. Carbon can be continuously cycled, but energy cannot.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the movement of carbon between organisms in a food web and the transfer of energy between organisms in different trophic levels? a. Both energy and carbon can be continuously cycled. b. Neither energy nor carbon can be continuously cycled. c. Energy can be continuously cycled, but carbon cannot. *d. Carbon can be continuously cycled, but energy cannot.*

Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion? a. The random distribution of one competing species will have a positive impact on the population growth of the other competing species. b. Two species with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competiting species. c. Even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of two competing species. d. Natural selection tends to increase competition between related species.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion? a. The random distribution of one competing species will have a positive impact on the population growth of the other competing species. b. Two species with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competiting species. *c. Even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of two competing species.* d. Natural selection tends to increase competition between related species.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the process of eutrophication? a. It is the result of natural accumulation of nitrogen in bodies of water. b. It increases the species diversity and health of bodies of water. c. It can result in "dead zones" devoid of aquatic animal life. d. It increases the oxygen content of water by promoting bacterial growth. e. All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the process of eutrophication? a. It is the result of natural accumulation of nitrogen in bodies of water. b. It increases the species diversity and health of bodies of water. *c. It can result in "dead zones" devoid of aquatic animal life.* d. It increases the oxygen content of water by promoting bacterial growth. e. All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following statements regarding altitude and climate are TRUE? I. Species composition on different sides of a mountain range are often different from each other. II. Rain shadows may appear on one side of a mountain range. III. The higher the altitude, the warmer the climate. IV. Both sides of a mountain range generally receive equal amounts of precipitation. a. only I and II b. only III and IV c. only I, II, and IV d. only II, III, and IV e. only I, II, and III

Which of the following statements regarding altitude and climate are TRUE? I. Species composition on different sides of a mountain range are often different from each other. II. Rain shadows may appear on one side of a mountain range. III. The higher the altitude, the warmer the climate. IV. Both sides of a mountain range generally receive equal amounts of precipitation. *a. only I and II* b. only III and IV c. only I, II, and IV d. only II, III, and IV e. only I, II, and III

Which of the following would NOT be expected to affect gross primary productivity of an ecosystem? a. sunlight b. biomass of primary consumers c. nutrients d. water e. biomass of producers

Which of the following would NOT be expected to affect gross primary productivity of an ecosystem? a. sunlight b. biomass of primary consumers c. nutrients d. water *e. biomass of producers*

Which of the following would be considered a density-independent factor that could affect the growth of a population? a. predation b. droughts c. parasitism d. resources e. disease

Which of the following would be considered a density-independent factor that could affect the growth of a population? a. predation *b. droughts* c. parasitism d. resources e. disease

Which of these biomes receives the least amount of rainfall, and therefore has low primary production, nutrient-poor soil, and plant species adapted for water-storage? a. temperate forest b. desert c. temperate grassland d. tundra

Which of these biomes receives the least amount of rainfall, and therefore has low primary production, nutrient-poor soil, and plant species adapted for water-storage? a. temperate forest *b. desert* c. temperate grassland d. tundra

Which type of interaction is NOT antagonistic (where at least one party has a fitness loss)? a. predation b. competition c. parasitism d. commensalism

Which type of interaction is NOT antagonistic (where at least one party has a fitness loss)? a. predation b. competition c. parasitism *d. commensalism*

Why do the arrows point up in a food web? a. to depict which organisms is eating which other organism, where the arrows point to the prey b. to depict the flow of energy and nutrients from consumers to producers c. to depict the flow of energy and nutrients from producers to consumers

Why do the arrows point up in a food web? a. to depict which organisms is eating which other organism, where the arrows point to the prey b. to depict the flow of energy and nutrients from consumers to producers *c. to depict the flow of energy and nutrients from producers to consumers*

Why do we experience seasons on the Earth? a. because of the Coriolis effect b. because Hadley cells bring warmer and colder air at different times of year c. because the Earth's distance from the sun changes d. because the Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees and there is seasonal variation of more direct sun

Why do we experience seasons on the Earth? a. because of the Coriolis effect b. because Hadley cells bring warmer and colder air at different times of year c. because the Earth's distance from the sun changes *d. because the Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees and there is seasonal variation of more direct sun*

You decide to plant a garden in your backyard. You dig up a strip of grass in a sunny spot. When you have finished digging up the grass, but you haven't planted anything, you have created a(n) _____ in the lawn. a. ecological disturbance b. climax community c. new community

You decide to plant a garden in your backyard. You dig up a strip of grass in a sunny spot. When you have finished digging up the grass, but you haven't planted anything, you have created a(n) _____ in the lawn. *a. ecological disturbance* b. climax community c. new community

You study a population of fish and create a life table to summarize your findings of your years-long study. You find the net reproductive rate to be .87. What does this mean? a. the population is stable b. the population is shrinking c. the population is growing d. the 2 year old fish have the most offspring

You study a population of fish and create a life table to summarize your findings of your years-long study. You find the net reproductive rate to be .87. What does this mean? a. the population is stable *b. the population is shrinking* c. the population is growing d. the 2 year old fish have the most offspring

_____ are close interactions between species that have evolves over long periods of time. When these interactions enhance the reproduction and population growth of both species, they are called _____. a. consumptions; mutualisms b. mutualisms; consumptions c. symbioses; consumptions d. symbioses; mutualisms e. consumptions; symbioses

_____ are close interactions between species that have evolves over long periods of time. When these interactions enhance the reproduction and population growth of both species, they are called _____. a. consumptions; mutualisms b. mutualisms; consumptions c. symbioses; consumptions *d. symbioses; mutualisms* e. consumptions; symbioses

If the major food source of a group of seals declines due to overfishing, which of the following would likely occur? a. The carrying capacity of the seals would remain the same, but the population of seals would decrease. b. The carrying capacity of the seals would decrease, but the seal population would remain the same. c. The number of seal deaths would increase but the number of births would also increase so the population size would remain the same. d. The carrying capacity of the seals would decrease, as would the seal population.

If the major food source of a group of seals declines due to overfishing, which of the following would likely occur? a. The carrying capacity of the seals would remain the same, but the population of seals would decrease. b. The carrying capacity of the seals would decrease, but the seal population would remain the same. c. The number of seal deaths would increase but the number of births would also increase so the population size would remain the same. *d. The carrying capacity of the seals would decrease, as would the seal population.*

Imagine a population with 10 individuals. If this population triples in one year (∆t = 1), what is the per capita growth rate? a. 3 b. 2 c. 1 d. .5

Imagine a population with 10 individuals. If this population triples in one year (∆t = 1), what is the per capita growth rate? a. 3 *b. 2* c. 1 d. .5

In 1987, 18 black-footed ferrets, the last known individuals of this species, were captured and brought into a captive breeding program in Wyoming. In 1989, the total ferret population, still in captivity, was 120 animals. These 120 animals in 1989 represented: a. N, the total population size b. ∆N, the change in population size from 1987 to 1989 c. ∆N/∆t, the rate of change in population size d. r, the per capita change in population size e. r, the exponential rate of growth of the population

In 1987, 18 black-footed ferrets, the last known individuals of this species, were captured and brought into a captive breeding program in Wyoming. In 1989, the total ferret population, still in captivity, was 120 animals. These 120 animals in 1989 represented: *a. N, the total population size* b. ∆N, the change in population size from 1987 to 1989 c. ∆N/∆t, the rate of change in population size d. r, the per capita change in population size e. r, the exponential rate of growth of the population

In 1987, 18 black-footed ferrets, the last known individuals of this species, were captured and brought into a captive breeding program in Wyoming. In 1989, the total ferret population, still in captivity, was 120 animals. What is r? a. (120-18)/120 b. (120-18)/18 c. (120-18) d. [(120-18)/2]/18 e. [(120-18)/2]/120

In 1987, 18 black-footed ferrets, the last known individuals of this species, were captured and brought into a captive breeding program in Wyoming. In 1989, the total ferret population, still in captivity, was 120 animals. What is r? a. (120-18)/120 b. (120-18)/18 c. (120-18) *d. [(120-18)/2]/18* e. [(120-18)/2]/120

In Glacier Bay, one of the first species to colonize a newly exposed area of glacial till is fireweed. You would predict that fireweed is a(n) _____ selected species. a. r b. k

In Glacier Bay, one of the first species to colonize a newly exposed area of glacial till is fireweed. You would predict that fireweed is a(n) _____ selected species. *a. r* b. k

In a drought year, there is much less grass biomass produced. This leads to a decrease in the number of owls. This is an example of: a. a top-down effect b. a bottom-up effect c. biomagnification

In a drought year, there is much less grass biomass produced. This leads to a decrease in the number of owls. This is an example of: a. a top-down effect *b. a bottom-up effect* c. biomagnification

In a drought year, there is much less grass biomass produced. What would you expect to happen to the number of owls (tertiary consumers)? a. increase b. decrease c. stay the same

In a drought year, there is much less grass biomass produced. What would you expect to happen to the number of owls (tertiary consumers)? a. increase *b. decrease* c. stay the same

In a pond, tadpoles eat algae and fish eat tadpoles. Around the pond, grasshoppers eat grass, and at night are preyed upon by bats. Other bats eat the fish that eat the tadpoles. Both types of bats may be eaten by hawks. In this community the fish-eating bats are: a. secondary consumers b. tertiary consumers c. primary producers d. primary consumers e. apex consumers

In a pond, tadpoles eat algae and fish eat tadpoles. Around the pond, grasshoppers eat grass, and at night are preyed upon by bats. Other bats eat the fish that eat the tadpoles. Both types of bats may be eaten by hawks. In this community the fish-eating bats are: a. secondary consumers *b. tertiary consumers* c. primary producers d. primary consumers e. apex consumers

In a rain shadow where the moisture travels to the right, in which direction would you find a desert biome? a. south b. east c. north d. west

In a rain shadow where the moisture travels to the right, in which direction would you find a desert biome? a. south *b. east* c. north d. west

In general, a larger biomass in primary producers for a trophic pyramid: a. can support more biomass at higher trophic levels because more energy is available between the level of primary producer and primary consumer b. doesn't affect the amount of biomass that can be supported at the level of primary producer c. can support less biomass at higher levels because more energy is lost between the level of primary producer and primary consumer

In general, a larger biomass in primary producers for a trophic pyramid: *a. can support more biomass at higher trophic levels because more energy is available between the level of primary producer and primary consumer* b. doesn't affect the amount of biomass that can be supported at the level of primary producer c. can support less biomass at higher levels because more energy is lost between the level of primary producer and primary consumer

Select the pattern that describes the following scenario: Food is most abundant near waterholes in the desert. a. uniform b. clumped c. random

Select the pattern that describes the following scenario: Food is most abundant near waterholes in the desert. a. uniform *b. clumped* c. random

TRUE OR FALSE -- Predator/prey relationships are always linear, with one species affecting only one other in the community. a. True b. False

TRUE OR FALSE -- Predator/prey relationships are always linear, with one species affecting only one other in the community. a. True *b. False*

TRUE/FALSE -- At its earliest stages, a logistic growth curve closely resembles an exponential growth curve. a. True b. False

TRUE/FALSE -- At its earliest stages, a logistic growth curve closely resembles an exponential growth curve. *a. True* b. False

TRUE/FALSE -- Cellular respiration is a process unique to animals, and is not undertaken by plants. a. true b. false

TRUE/FALSE -- Cellular respiration is a process unique to animals, and is not undertaken by plants. a. true *b. false*

TRUE/FALSE -- If the biomass that can be supported in higher trophic levels is dependent on the number of primary producers, then the diversity should increase as latitude decreases. a. True b. False

TRUE/FALSE -- If the biomass that can be supported in higher trophic levels is dependent on the number of primary producers, then the diversity should increase as latitude decreases. *a. True* b. False

The _____ of a species is usually the result of predation, competition, and other types of interaction between species. a. habitat b. abiotic environment c. fundamental niche d. resource partioning e. realized niche

The _____ of a species is usually the result of predation, competition, and other types of interaction between species. a. habitat b. abiotic environment c. fundamental niche d. resource partioning *e. realized niche*

Measuring its costs and benefits in terms of energy spent and/or gained, consumption: a. is a lose-lose interaction b. results in a gain for both individuals c. results in a gain for one individual and a loss for the other d. results in a gain for one individual and neither a gain or a loss for the other e. none of these

Measuring its costs and benefits in terms of energy spent and/or gained, consumption: a. is a lose-lose interaction b. results in a gain for both individuals *c. results in a gain for one individual and a loss for the other* d. results in a gain for one individual and neither a gain or a loss for the other e. none of these

Moderate temperatures and precipitation, as well as nutrient-rich soil due to annual rainfall, characterize this biome. a. boreal forest b. temperate Grassland c. tundra d. temperate forest

Moderate temperatures and precipitation, as well as nutrient-rich soil due to annual rainfall, characterize this biome. a. boreal forest b. temperate Grassland c. tundra *d. temperate forest*

Most populations demonstrate _____ growth, in which the population size increases exponentially until it levels off near the K value of the habitat for that species. a. instrinsic b. logarithmic c. logistic d. extrinsic e. exponential

Most populations demonstrate _____ growth, in which the population size increases exponentially until it levels off near the K value of the habitat for that species. a. instrinsic b. logarithmic *c. logistic* d. extrinsic e. exponential

Organisms in an ecosystem are linked to their physical environment through the cycling of _____ and the transfer of _____. a. nutrients, energy b. water, sunlight c. sunlight, water d. energy, nutrients e. nutrients, water

Organisms in an ecosystem are linked to their physical environment through the cycling of _____ and the transfer of _____. *a. nutrients, energy* b. water, sunlight c. sunlight, water d. energy, nutrients e. nutrients, water

Organisms that take up inorganic nutrients and convert them to organic molecules such as carbohydrates and proteins are called: a. predators b. herbivores c. heterotrophs d. consumers e. primary producers

Organisms that take up inorganic nutrients and convert them to organic molecules such as carbohydrates and proteins are called: a. predators b. herbivores c. heterotrophs d. consumers *e. primary producers*

Populations growing exponentially: a. have a constant r b. are under density-dependent control c. add the same number of individuals to a population every generation d. can continue growing exponentially indefinitely

Populations growing exponentially: *a. have a constant r* b. are under density-dependent control c. add the same number of individuals to a population every generation d. can continue growing exponentially indefinitely

Run-off of fertilizers can lead to _____, where algal blooms lead to oxygen-free dead zones and die-off marine species. a. biogeochemical cycling b. assimilation c. eutrophication d. mineralization

Run-off of fertilizers can lead to _____, where algal blooms lead to oxygen-free dead zones and die-off marine species. a. biogeochemical cycling b. assimilation *c. eutrophication* d. mineralization

The age structure histogram for the population of India is shaped like a pyramid. What does this tell you about India's population? a. It is growing. b. It is currently growing, but will decrease over the next few years. c. It is shrinking. d. It is relatively constant. e. It is currently shrinking, but will increase over the next few years.

The age structure histogram for the population of India is shaped like a pyramid. What does this tell you about India's population? *a. It is growing.* b. It is currently growing, but will decrease over the next few years. c. It is shrinking. d. It is relatively constant. e. It is currently shrinking, but will increase over the next few years.

The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) occurs naturally in a strip of habitat about 450 miles long and 5-35 miles wide from southwest Oregon along the coast to just south of Monterey, California. What aspect of the population ecology of the coast redwood does this statement describe? a. geographic range b. population growth rate c. population density d. population size

The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) occurs naturally in a strip of habitat about 450 miles long and 5-35 miles wide from southwest Oregon along the coast to just south of Monterey, California. What aspect of the population ecology of the coast redwood does this statement describe? *a. geographic range* b. population growth rate c. population density d. population size

The majority of water found on earth is in: a. freshwater b. water vapor c. ice caps d. saltwater

The majority of water found on earth is in: a. freshwater b. water vapor c. ice caps *d. saltwater*

The maximum number of individuals of a given population the environment can support is the environment's _____ for that population. a. per capita growth rate b. birth rate c. carrying capacity d. biotic potential

The maximum number of individuals of a given population the environment can support is the environment's _____ for that population. a. per capita growth rate b. birth rate *c. carrying capacity* d. biotic potential

The movement of mineral nutrients through organisms and their environment is called a: a. biogeochemical cycle b. bioaccumulation cycle c. predator prey relationship d. trophic cascade

The movement of mineral nutrients through organisms and their environment is called a: *a. biogeochemical cycle* b. bioaccumulation cycle c. predator prey relationship d. trophic cascade

The succession after the Mount St. Helens eruption is categorized as _____ succession [ash covered the soil]. a. primary b. secondary

The succession after the Mount St. Helens eruption is categorized as _____ succession [ash covered the soil]. a. primary *b. secondary*

The volcanic oceanic island of Krakatoa is located in Indonesia. In 1883, this island experienced a massive volcanic explosion that killed most of the plants and animals living on the island. After recovery from the eruption, which group of organisms would we expect to re-colonize the island first? a. lizards b. birds c. beetles

The volcanic oceanic island of Krakatoa is located in Indonesia. In 1883, this island experienced a massive volcanic explosion that killed most of the plants and animals living on the island. After recovery from the eruption, which group of organisms would we expect to re-colonize the island first? a. lizards b. birds *c. beetles*

This biome is situated around the equator and boasts the greatest biodiversity of any biome. a. temperate grassland b. boreal forest c. temperate forest d. tropical wet forest

This biome is situated around the equator and boasts the greatest biodiversity of any biome. a. temperate grassland b. boreal forest c. temperate forest *d. tropical wet forest*

This biome is the coldest, with the lowest biodiversity and a permanent layer of ice beneath the soil. a. tundra b. temperate forest c. boreal forest d. temperate grassland

This biome is the coldest, with the lowest biodiversity and a permanent layer of ice beneath the soil. *a. tundra* b. temperate forest c. boreal forest d. temperate grassland

What did the results of Connell's barnacle research demonstrate? a. Chthalamus had a broader realized niche than fundamental niche. b. Chthalamus had a broader fundamental niche than realized niche. c. Semibalanus had a broader realized niche than fundamental niche. d. Semibalanus had a broader fundamental niche than realized niche.

What did the results of Connell's barnacle research demonstrate? a. Chthalamus had a broader realized niche than fundamental niche. *b. Chthalamus had a broader fundamental niche than realized niche.* c. Semibalanus had a broader realized niche than fundamental niche. d. Semibalanus had a broader fundamental niche than realized niche.

What is generally true about biomass and energy as we move on from one trophic level to the next? a. biomass increases and energy decreases b. organisms at one trophic level always consume all of the resources from the level below them c. not all energy is transferred to the next trophic level d. they both increase e. all of the energy stored initially in organic molecules by the primary producers will be available to the secondary consumers

What is generally true about biomass and energy as we move on from one trophic level to the next? a. biomass increases and energy decreases b. organisms at one trophic level always consume all of the resources from the level below them *c. not all energy is transferred to the next trophic level* d. they both increase e. all of the energy stored initially in organic molecules by the primary producers will be available to the secondary consumers

What is the largest pool of carbon on our planet? a. living organisms b. sedimentary rocks c. atmosphere d. oceans

What is the largest pool of carbon on our planet? a. living organisms b. sedimentary rocks c. atmosphere *d. oceans*

What should policy makers know about sources and sinks of CO2 in the global carbon cycle? a. Fossil fuel burning is the only source of human-caused CO2 emissions. b. CO2 emissions from a range of human activities are causing the increase in the atmosphere as well as acidifying the oceans. c. The increase of CO2 in the atmosphere results from natural processes in the biosphere. d. Scientists don't know how much CO2 is emitted or where it goes.

What should policy makers know about sources and sinks of CO2 in the global carbon cycle? a. Fossil fuel burning is the only source of human-caused CO2 emissions. *b. CO2 emissions from a range of human activities are causing the increase in the atmosphere as well as acidifying the oceans.* c. The increase of CO2 in the atmosphere results from natural processes in the biosphere. d. Scientists don't know how much CO2 is emitted or where it goes.

What should policy makers know about the effect of atmospheric levels of CO2 on global climate? a. In the past, changes in CO2 have been associated with large swings in Earth's climate. b. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are correlated with increased temperature. c. The greenhouse effect explains why climate can be affected by CO2. d. All of the above.

What should policy makers know about the effect of atmospheric levels of CO2 on global climate? a. In the past, changes in CO2 have been associated with large swings in Earth's climate. b. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are correlated with increased temperature. c. The greenhouse effect explains why climate can be affected by CO2. *d. All of the above.*

What should policy makers know about the role of CO2 as a cause of recent warming? a. Although CO2 has been increasing, other greenhouse gases have not been. b. Levels of CO2 and other GHG have been increasing steadily over thousands of years. c. All GHGs began to increase in the last 200 years but don't yet exceed normal interglacial levels. d. Levels of CO2 and other GHG began to increase more rapidly about 200 years ago and are now higher than they have been in hundreds of thousands of years.

What should policy makers know about the role of CO2 as a cause of recent warming? a. Although CO2 has been increasing, other greenhouse gases have not been. b. Levels of CO2 and other GHG have been increasing steadily over thousands of years. c. All GHGs began to increase in the last 200 years but don't yet exceed normal interglacial levels. *d. Levels of CO2 and other GHG began to increase more rapidly about 200 years ago and are now higher than they have been in hundreds of thousands of years.*

What type of survivorship curve would you expect for a typical r-strategist? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III

What type of survivorship curve would you expect for a typical r-strategist? a. Type I b. Type II *c. Type III*

What would you predict about annual precipitation and temperature in parts of the world with highest NPP? a. Low precipitation and cold temperatures b. High precipitation and cold temperatures c. Low precipitation and warm temperature d. High precipitation and warm temperatures

What would you predict about annual precipitation and temperature in parts of the world with highest NPP? a. Low precipitation and cold temperatures b. High precipitation and cold temperatures c. Low precipitation and warm temperature *d. High precipitation and warm temperatures*

When a population is small relative to its carrying capacity, its growth will be: a. geometric b. exponential c. logistic d. both geometric and exponential e. both geometric and logistic

When a population is small relative to its carrying capacity, its growth will be: a. geomteric *b. exponential* c. logistic d. both geometric and exponential e. both geometric and logistic

A K-strategist would be more likely to live in a _____ environment. a. unstable b. patchy c. stable d. limiting

A K-strategist would be more likely to live in a _____ environment. a. unstable b. patchy *c. stable* d. limiting

A _____ species affects other members of the community in ways that are disproportionate to its abundance or biomass. a. keystone b. primary producer c. top-down d. dominant

A _____ species affects other members of the community in ways that are disproportionate to its abundance or biomass. *a. keystone* b. primary producer c. top-down d. dominant

A hiker may notice different biomes while hiking up a mountain due to changes in all of the following except: a. latitude b. rainfall c. elevation d. temperature

A hiker may notice different biomes while hiking up a mountain due to changes in all of the following except: *a. latitude* b. rainfall c. elevation d. temperature

A major constituent of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2), making up 79% of the air we breathe. Primary producers such as plants and algae cannot assimilate this form of nitrogen into biomolecules. Instead they rely on bacteria and archaea to convert N2 to ammonia (NH3). This important biological reaction is called: a. respiration b. dentrification c. nitrogen fixation d. eutrophication

A major constituent of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2), making up 79% of the air we breathe. Primary producers such as plants and algae cannot assimilate this form of nitrogen into biomolecules. Instead they rely on bacteria and archaea to convert N2 to ammonia (NH3). This important biological reaction is called: a. respiration b. dentrification *c. nitrogen fixation* d. eutrophication

A population can decrease in size as a result of which of the following processes? a. an increase in birth rate b. an increase in death rate c. a decrease in emmigration d. an increase in immigration

A population can decrease in size as a result of which of the following processes? a. an increase in birth rate *b. an increase in death rate* c. a decrease in emmigration d. an increase in immigration

A population of 20 butterflies colonizes a new area with no predators and a number of flower species large enough to support a butterfly population of 20,000 individuals. In the first year in this new area, the growth curve for this butterfly population will show: a. logistic growth because they will reach maximum population size immediately after colonization b. exponential growth because the colonizing population size is far below the carrying capacity c. exponential growth because only a few individuals will have offspring d. logistic growth because there is a carrying capacity in the newly colonized area

A population of 20 butterflies colonizes a new area with no predators and a number of flower species large enough to support a butterfly population of 20,000 individuals. In the first year in this new area, the growth curve for this butterfly popoulation will show: a. logistic growth because they will reach maximum population size immediately after colonization *b. exponential growth because the colonizing population size is far below the carrying capacity* c. exponential growth because only a few individuals will have offspring d. logistic growth because there is a carrying capacity in the newly colonized area

A population that is decreasing in size will have an age-structure histogram shaped like a(n): a. rectangle, with a (roughly) equal number of individuals in each age group b. inverted pyramid, with a narrow base representing a small number of young individuals c. diamond, with a wide center depicting a large number of individuals that have reached reproductive fertility d. pyramid, with a wide base at the bottom representing a large number of young individuals

A population that is decreasing in size will have an age-structure histogram shaped like a(n): a. rectangle, with a (roughly) equal number of individuals in each age group *b. inverted pyramid, with a narrow base representing a small number of young individuals* c. diamond, with a wide center depicting a large number of individuals that have reached reproductive fertility d. pyramid, with a wide base at the bottom representing a large number of young individuals

A severe drought is an example of a density-_____ factor that can influence population size. The availability of nest sites is an example of a density-_____ factor. a. dependent; independent b. dependent; dependent c. independent; dependent d. independent; independent

A severe drought is an example of a density-_____ factor that can influence population size. The availability of nest sites is an example of a density-_____ factor. a. dependent; independent b. dependent; dependen *c. independent; dependent* d. independent; independent

After tearing up soil for your garden, you become so busy you completely forget about planting the garden. When you remember a few weeks later, you go back to see a bunch of small plants have started growing. This is an example of _____ succession, and these plants are likely _____-selected species. a. primary; K b. secondary; K c. secondary; r d. primary; K

After tearing up soil for your garden, you become so busy you completely forget about planting the garden. When you remember a few weeks later, you go back to see a bunch of small plants have started growing. This is an example of _____ succession, and these plants are likely _____-selected species. a. primary; K b. secondary; K *c. secondary; r* d. primary; K

Aphids are small insects that suck sugars from the phloem of plants; aphids can damage and sometimes kill the plant. The ecological relationship between plants and aphids is: a. mutualism b. parasitism c. competition d. commensalism

Aphids are small insects that suck sugars from the phloem of plants; aphids can damage and sometimes kill the plant. The ecological relationship between plants and aphids is: a. mutualism *b. parasitism* c. competition d. commensalism

As a population approaches its carrying capacity, its growth rate (dn/dt): a. increases b. decreases c. stays the same d. stops

As a population approaches its carrying capacity, its growth rate (dn/dt): a. increases *b. decreases* c. stays the same d. stops

As human mortality is greatest during later life states (and most children survive into adulthood), humans demonstrate a _____ survival curve. a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III

As human mortality is greatest during later life states (and most children survive into adulthood), humans demonstrate a _____ survival curve. *a. Type I* b. Type II c. Type III

As mice produce several offspring that do not normally survive into adulthood (and mortality rates are the highest during the first few months of life), these animals would exhibit a _____ survivorship curve. a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III

As mice produce several offspring that do not normally survive into adulthood (and mortality rates are the highest during the first few months of life), these animals would exhibit a _____ survivorship curve. a. Type I b. Type II *c. Type III*

Glacier Bay in Alaska is a fjord whose lowlands were covered by glacial ice until around 230 years ago. As the glacier retreated, glacial till was exposed to plant colonization; remarkably (and fortunately for generations of ecologists), the location of the tip of the retreating glacier has been frequently documented since the late 1700's. This means that scientists have been able to develop a detailed timeline of the changes in the plant community, or _____ in Glacier Bay over time. a. ecological succession b. competitive exlusion c. niche diversification d. niche divergence

Glacier Bay in Alaska is a fjord whose lowlands were covered by glacial ice until around 230 years ago. As the glacier retreated, glacial till was exposed to plant colonization; remarkably (and fortunately for generations of ecologists), the location of the tip of the retreating glacier has been frequently documented since the late 1700's. This means that scientists have been able to develop a detailed timeline of the changes in the plant community, or _____ in Glacier Bay over time. *a. ecological succession* b. competitive exlusion c. niche diversification d. niche divergence

Global warming is taking place at the fastest rate ever recorded. What is (area) the most likely implications for most species and ecosystems? a. It is a problem because natural selection operates over the course of several generations of a population. b. It is a problem because the environment is changing faster than most populations can evolve in response to it. c. It is not a problem because individuals in populations can change their phenotypes to adapt to their environment. d. both a. and b.

Global warming is taking place at the fastest rate ever recorded. What is (area) the most likely implications for most species and ecosystems? a. It is a problem because natural selection operates over the course of several generations of a population. b. It is a problem because the environment is changing faster than most populations can evolve in response to it. c. It is not a problem because individuals in populations can change their phenotypes to adapt to their environment. *d. both a. and b.*

Herbivores belong to which group in a food web? a. decomposers b. secondary consumers c. primary consumers d. tertiary consumers e. primary producers

Herbivores belong to which group in a food web? a. decomposers b. secondary consumers *c. primary consumers* d. tertiary consumers e. primary producers

High precipitation and high temperatures lead to higher NPP, which leads to _____ species richness. a. higher b. lower

High precipitation and high temperatures lead to higher NPP, which leads to _____ species richness. *a. higher* b. lower

Human population growth right now is: a. exponential b. logistic

Human population growth right now is: *a. exponential* b. logistic

In some rocky intertidal habitats, the barnacle Chthamalus can survive across the same depths as can the barnacle Balanus. However, where the two occur together, Chthamalus adults are found only in the more stressful upper portions of the habitat where they are more prone to desiccation. This is an example of: a. competitive exclusion reducing the size of Chthamalus' fundamental niche to a smaller realized niche b. intraspecific competition reducing the size of Chtamalus' fundamental niche to a smaller realized niche c. mutualism reducing the size of Balanus' realized niche to a smaller fundamental niche d. competitive exclusion expansing the size of Balanus' realized niche to a larger fundamental niche e. the mutualistic form of symbiosis

In some rocky intertidal habitats, the barnacle Chthamalus can survive across the same depths as can the barnacle Balanus. However, where the two occur together, Chthamalus adults are found only in the more stressful upper portions of the habitat where they are more prone to desiccation. This is an example of: *a. competitive exclusion reducing the size of Chthamalus' fundamental niche to a smaller realized niche* b. intraspecific competition reducing the size of Chtamalus' fundamental niche to a smaller realized niche c. mutualism reducing the size of Balanus' realized niche to a smaller fundamental niche d. competitive exclusion expansing the size of Balanus' realized niche to a larger fundamental niche e. the mutualistic form of symbiosis

In what northern hemisphere season would you expect oxygen levels to be the highest? a. spring b. fall c. winter d. summer

In what northern hemisphere season would you expect oxygen levels to be the highest? a. spring *b. fall* c. winter d. summer

Many endangered species of birds in Hawaii are in danger of contracting avian malaria from mosquito bites. Many of these bird species live in the higher elevations of mountains in Hawaii, where it is too cold for the mosquitoes to exist. If global warming continues at the current estimated pace, what would you expect to happen to the distribution of these bird species? a. Their distribution will spread to areas of even higher elevation and affect even more bird species. b. Their distribution will remain the same, but their population size will decrease. c. Their distribution will increase because mosquitoes will die in the warmer regions.

Many endangered species of birds in Hawaii are in danger of contracting avian malaria from mosquito bites. Many of these bird species live in the higher elevations of mountains in Hawaii, where it is too cold for the mosquitoes to exist. If global warming continues at the current estimated pace, what would you expect to happen to the distribution of these bird species? *a. Their distribution will spread to areas of even higher elevation and affect even more bird species.* b. Their distribution will remain the same, but their population size will decrease. c. Their distribution will increase because mosquitoes will die in the warmer regions.

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