Gender Pay Gap

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Sheryl Sandberg(CEO of Facbook) - Book Lean In

1. Sit at the table 2. Make your partner your partner 3. Don't Leave before you leave

Fatherhood premium:

Fathers are paid more than men without children, and have less difficulty finding work.

Equal Pay Policies

• Equal Pay Act (1963) • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964) • Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) • Paycheck Fairness Act

Sources of the Gender Pay Gap?

- More women have college degrees than men. - More women work part-time than men, and more men "overwork" than women. - Men's typical jobs tend to pay better than women's typical jobs. -Worker characteristics like education, kind of job, working hours, marriage & children explain only a portionof the gender pay gap.

An example of how we learn gender:

-From early on we assign colors and certain toys to children from a young age

Gender differences in work/family balance (Pew)

-Women's careers are interrupted more than men's for family obligations. -Women face more pressure to "opt out" of work for family obligations

"Men work" (Most common jobs for men):

1. Manager 2. Truck driver 3. Sales supervisor 4. Sales person 5. Computer scientist 6. Construction laborer 7. Computer software developer 8. Cook 9. Janitor 10.Carpenter 11.Chief Executive/ Administrator

"Women Works" (Most common jobs for women):

1. Secretary 2. Primary school teacher 3. Nurse 4. Manager 5. Nurse's aide 6. Sales supervisor 7. Customer service 8. Accountant 9. Office supervisor 10. Misc. teacher 11.Book keeper


Advocating for social, political, legal, and economic equality for women and men. "Simply put, feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression." - bell hooks

Gender at work:

Gender norms and stereotypes affect nearly all aspects of work: • Gender roles affect the kinds of work people do. • How much and how well people are able to work. • How their work is evaluated.

Motherhood penalty:

Mothers are paid less than women without children, and also have more difficulty finding work.

Gender and evaluations of work performance

Reasons for success: • Men attribute own success to ability • Women attribute own success to hard work, help, luck Evaluations of performance: • Gender differences in perceived competence • Gender differences in "likability"

Gender and work performance

Stereotype threat: knowledge of negative stereotypes increases anxiety, and undermines performance Example: experiment with math tests


biologically based categories ("male" and "female")


social meanings attached to sex categories ("man" and "woman", "boy" and "girl")

Claimsmaking about the Gender Pay Gap

• "American women who work full time, year round are paid only 79 cents for every dollar paid to men — and for women of color, the wage gap is even larger. It's long past time to close the gap." (National Women's Law Center) • "Women still are not receiving equal pay for equal work, let alone equal pay for work of equal value." (National Organization for Women) • "Why do I make less than my male co-stars?" (Jennifer Lawrence, covered by CNN) -"You know, today, women make up about half our workforce, but they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it's an embarrassment. Women deserve equal pay for equal work." (Obama SotU 2014)

Potential Solutions to the Gender Pay Gap

• Anti-discrimination laws do not target all the sources of the pay gap. • Strategies like "Lean In" provide practical results for many women, but put the burden of change on women themselves. • Changing social structure more generally could resolve the gap, but how to implement such a change?

What are the sources of the gender wage gap?

• Education/qualifications? -Well as of 2000, more women than men held college degrees • Amount of work? -Well more women work part time jobs then men, however more men overwork than females • Types of jobs? -Women hold "Better" jobs than men • Processes within jobs?

Women's occupations:

• Low/medium-wage white-collar jobs

Men's occupations:

• Professional/technical white-collar jobs • Relatively high-wage blue-collar jobs *white-collar worker is a person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work. *Blue-collar is a working class person who performs manual labour.

bell hooks - "Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In"

• Sandberg's recommendations are targeted toward White, middle-class women • The burden of change is put completely on women themselves.

What Is the Gender Wage Gap?

• The difference between men's and women's average earnings • Often measured as female/male wage ratio (cents/dollar) • Can refer both to the total difference, and the difference between otherwise comparable male and female workers

Anne-Marie Slaughter - "Why Women Still Can't Have It All"

• The top jobs are incompatible with family responsibilities. • Women are still evaluated by men's standards. • The kinds of work women are channeled into still aren't valued.

Shriver Report - Women on the Brink

• Women are disproportionately employed in low-wage work • Combination of care duties and work barriers make women particularly vulnerable.

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