General Psychology (PY21051) - Chapter 6,7, and 8 Exam

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What does human intelligence permit us to do?

- challenge our physical limitations - think about abstractions - adapt to a great variety of living conditions (all of these)

Several factors can affect one's effectiveness at solving problems. These include:

- your insight into the problem - your memory for elements of the problem - your level of expertise

The average Wechsler scale test result at a given age is defined as:


Which psychologist first developed modern intelligence-testing methods?

Alfred Binet

Who pioneered the classic studies that first made use of nonsense syllables in the study of forgetting and memory?

Hermann Ebbinghaus

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale yields a score called:


Children who answer more items correctly on the IQ test than the average for children of the same age attain:

IQ scores above 100

Creative people are able to overcome problem solving interference caused by:

a and by only

We often base our estimates of the likelihood of events on how easily information is accessed. This describes the __________ heuristic.


Which of the following is an example of processing new information "deeply"?

both a and b

Why might European American children outperform African American children on "culture-free" tests?

both a and b

The evolutionary perspective describes behaviors that:

come naturally to a species

Individuals who take chances, try to do the impossible, make unique things, challenge social norms, and probe ideas fit the personality characteristics of the ________ person.


Where do the storage bins for long-term memories appear to be located?

different brain areas

One's ability to share our past and talk about our future goals involves the _________ capacity of language.


Needs give rise to ____________.


The process of changing information so that we can place it in memory is called:


_______________ are viewed as electrical circuits in the brain that correspond to memory traces.


Christopher excels in many areas of problem solving and reasoning ability. According to Spearman, Christopher's ability is indicative of:

factor ''g''

Which of these is NOT measured in modern polygraph testing?

finger nail biting

Tests of creativity often measure _______________ in a person's thinking.


Mitch is attracted to, and interested in forming romantic relationships with other males. Psychologists would say that Mitch is a ________________ and he has a ______________ sexual orientation.

gay male; homosexual

Algorithms are usually time-consuming whereas ________ provide a more rapid solution, when they work.


Rules of thumb that help simplify and solve problems are called:


The concept of __________ describes the body's tendency to maintain a steady state or to act to restore balance in response to deprivation.


Physiological needs must be met:

in order to survive

William McDougall (1908) compiled a list of 12 human _________ that included hunger, sex, and self-assertion.


Which of the following is NOT an example of an abstract concept?


Psychologists define hypothetical states that activate behavior and propel one towards goals as:


During orgasm, Laura experienced muscle spasms. What were these caused by?


Simple prototypes can be taught by means of exemplars, or pointing out examples that fit and those that do not. What are these examples referred to as?

positive or negative instances

Once we have learned the multiplication tables, the recall of 6 times 6 is relatively automatic due to:


Examples that best match the essential features of categories are called:


A regular television viewer finds the need to snack while watching his programs because of all the commercials for food. This demonstrates the influence of ________ on eating behavior.

psychological factors

Nonsense syllables are sometimes arranged as paired associates, such that the first item serves as a stimulus to cue the second item. The memory task is:


The paired associates task is used to measure the _____________ memory task.


Learning theories of language development emphasize the role of:

reinforcement and imitation

The concept of "method of savings" was developed by Ebbinghaus to study the efficiency of:


Feeding behavior is a(n) ______________ to a primary drive.


Hyperphagic animals fail to experience:


What do stimulus motives lead organisms to do?

seek stimulation

Maslow argued that humans differ from other animals in that humans have a self-initiated striving for:


What is the stage of memory called that first encounters stimuli called:


A group of research participants are placed alone in quiet cubicles where their arms are bandaged and they hear nothing but the sound of a dull, continuous hum. This method is used to study the effects of:

sensory deprivation

Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her grocery list. What is this an example of?

serial-position effect

Paul can only remember the conclusions of his speech. This is an example of the:

serial-position effect

Which factor helps to explain the reason for ethnic differences in intelligence test scores?

social class

The fact that IQ scores have gone up from 1947 to 2002 is called:

the Flynn Effect

Dr. Whorf believes that language structures the way we perceive the world. Therefore, people who speak various languages conceptualize the world in different ways. What is this called?

the linguistic relativity hypothesis

The mental activity involved in understanding, processing, and communicating information is called:


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