Genetics, Biology - Semester 2 Unit 1

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In a pack of wolves located in Yellowstone National Park, Black paws are dominant over white paws. A hybrid black-pawed wolf is crossed with a homozygous white- pawed wolf. What is the homozygous dominant : heterozygous : homozygous recessive genotypic ratio?

0 : 2 : 2 OR (0% - 50% - 50%)

A man with blood type AB married a women with blood type O and they had a baby. What is the chance that their baby will have blood type O?


Nickname for incomplete dominance


Therapeutic Cloning

Creating a genetically identical embryo of the donor by inserting their DNA into an egg and growing it in a petri dish in a lab to be used as a source of embryonic stem cells.

What is Mendel's principle of segregation?

The members of each pair of genes (alleles) separate (segregate) during gamete formation.​

PCR Primers

Primers are created to match the beginning and end sequence of certain sections These are short DNA sections that set the boundaries for what will be copied

During Gamete formation, genes for different traits separate without influencing each other's inheritance

Principle of Independent Assortment

What do you think would be some ethical concerns associated with DNA fingerprinting?

Privacy rights, human error, and human bias

crossing over

Process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis.

Type O blood

i i

The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a method used to _______

make large amounts of DNA copies from a small portion of DNA

What principle states that during gamete formation genes for different traits separate without influencing each other's inheritance... i.e. no two traits will always appear together?

principle of independent assortment

Which of the following represents a homozygous recessive genotype?


A farmer is presented with two options. One option is to use a genetically modified tomato plant and the other option is to use a non-genetically modified tomato plant. Which of the following non-ecological questions would a farmer ask to decide which tomato plant to use?

"Will I be able to sell my tomatoes for a higher price to earn a higher profit because it is a GMO corn?"

In a pack of wolves located in Yellowstone National Park, Black paws are dominant over white paws. A hybrid black-pawed wolf is crossed with another hybrid wolf What is the homozygous dominant : heterozygous : homozygous recessive genotypic ratio?

1 : 2 : 1 OR (25% - 50% - 25%)

The major components and considerations for electrophoresis:

1. DNA carries a negative charge 2. The PCR fragments are separated by size 3. Smaller piece move further

Mendel principle in order

1. Dominant 2. Segregation 3. Independent Assortment

PCR Components needed

1. Isolated and Extracted DNA (Think back to wheat germ/strawberry) 2. Primers 3. Taq Polymerase 4. Free nucleotides

Approx. ____ of our DNA is "functional" for a protein. This was a huge surprise!

1.5% - 2%

Thomas Hunt Morgan

1910, Sex linked traits is a trait determined by alleles carried on the X chromosome

What is the expected genotypic ratio in a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous tall plants as shown in the lab?


The Human Genome Project was completed in ___________, and was compared to this major scientific event.

2003, the moon-landing project

The first human chromosome to be completely sequenced was chosen due to its relatively small size and its association with several diseases. The first fully sequenced chromosome was # _________.


Which pair is the sex chromosomes?


In golden retrievers, straight fur (F) is dominant over curly fur. If two heterozygous retrievers crossed, determine the genotype percentages of their off spring.

25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, and 25% homozygous recessive

Our genome contains approx

25,000 genes

How many base pairs are found in the human genome?

3 billion

The most common form of the CFTR mutation involves a _____________ base-pair ________________ resulting in one missing _________________.

3, deletion, amino acid

A pea plant heterozygous for height and seed color (TtYy) is crossed with a pea plant heterozygous for height but homozygous recessive for seed color (Ttyy). If 80 offspring are produced, how many are expected to be tall and have yellow seeds?


According to Figure 5, if two pink-flowered snapdragons are crossed, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to be pink-flowered? Question


The Cystic Fibrosis gene is found on chromosome # ______ and is called the __________________.

7, CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene

The CFTR gene is located on chromosome # _______________ and this mutation causes and increased buildup/production of _________________ in the lungs and digestive tract.

7, mucus


A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.


A condition in which both alleles for a gene are fully expressed

monohybrid cross

A cross between individuals that involves one pair of contrasting traits

Pedigree =

A diagram of ancestry

Gene definition

A discrete section of DNA

What is gene?

A discrete section of DNA that codes for a protein...which plays a role in metabolic function

incomplete dominance

A pattern of inheritance in which two alleles, inherited from the parents, are neither dominant nor recessive. The resulting offspring have a phenotype that is a blending of the parental traits.

Shaded means

A trait

The black line is pointing at a(n) ______. This is the variation in a gene that determines a trait. This is the small part that it is referring to


recessive allele

An allele that is masked when a dominant allele is present


An alternative form of a gene.

Incomplete dominance

An inheritance pattern that produces a "blending" of traits in the phenotype


An organism that always produces offspring with the same form of a trait as the parent.


An organism's genetic makeup, or allele combinations.


An organism's physical appearance, or visible traits.

A GMO is defined as ________________.

An organisms with its DNA changed in a way to produce a protein specified by humans.

Based upon the pedigree in section 2 and your knowledge of Cystic Fibrosis, is CF an autosomal disease or sex-linked.


In a pack of wolves located in Yellowstone National Park, Black paws are dominant over white paws. What is the genotype of the hybrid?


Restrictions are

Biological scissors

The CFTR protein is involved with movement of ______________ ions outside of the cell and into the mucus layer. The mutation causes the mucus layer to ___________ leading to ______________.

Chloride ions, become thick and sticky, infection


Chromosomal abnormality consisting of the absence of one chromosome from the normal diploid number

The structure shown above carries heredity information. There are 46 in human somatic cells.



Chromosomes that are not directly involved in determining the sex of an individual.

What is cloning?

Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. Every single bit of a cloned organism's DNA is identical.

When the heterozygote (or hybrid) offspring shows both phenotypes of the parental generation equally.


Reproductive Cloning

Creating a genetically identical embryo of the donor by inserting their DNA into an egg and then inserting the embryo into a surrogate's uterus to grow and develop leading to a new individual.

Genetic engineering has been used to produce the following;

Crops that are herbicide resistant Crops that grow faster Crops that grow larger Crops resistant to insects

dihybrid cross

Cross or mating between organisms involving two pairs of contrasting traits

A circle or square that is not shaded means the person ____ the trait

Does not have

A large amount of DNA is needed to successful perform PCR in a lab.


Scientists believe GMO's are dangerous for humans.


To make Dolly, researchers isolated a reproductive cell from an adult female sheep.


In 1994 the first GMO crop sold to consumers in the USA was the _________

Favr Savr tomato

Circle in pedigree means


Use the pedigree below to answer the following question; Use the diagram below to answer the following question; Color blindness is a sex-linked trait. According to the pedigree, why are there no colorblind females? Question

Females have a dominant allele on one of their X chromosomes which prevents colorblindess from being expressed even though they may have a recessive allele on their other X chromosome


Fusion of an egg and sperm cell

Combinations of alleles represented by different letters


What economical concerns should scientists have when considering the effects of cloning?

Health effects, social and physiological risks.

An organism with the genotype Tt would be described as


When looking at the DNA marker for a specific allele in the elephants, if you only see one line, that is the result of the allele being...


An organism with the genotype TT would be described as

Homozygous dominant

The first genetic disease named _________________ was mapped in ____________ (year) and is found on chromosome # ________.

Huntington's, 1983, 4

Type A blood

I^A I^A or I^A i

Type AB blood


Type B blood

I^B I^B or I^B i

Which of the following is not an example of a use of biotechnology?

Identifying the sex of a child using a sonogram

Electrophoresis DNA fingerprint analyzisis

If DNA can be collected from the scene and then compared to a number of suspects. the banding pattern (separated pieces of DNA) would have to match

Identify four ways in which biotechnology plays a role in people's lives.

Improve yields, cut costs, and reduce pesticide applications.

When the heterozygote (or hybrid) shows a blend of the parents' phenotypes

Incomplete dominance

independent assortment

Independent segregation of genes during the formation of gametes

The electrophoresis of PCR products can be used for the following;

Insert DNA into other organisms Match criminals to crime scenes

Improvements in biotechnology have helped advance the fields of medicine, agriculture, and forensics. Many people are concerned with the ethical limits that should be placed on much of the research for future advances. An example can be seen when discussing the human cloning. There are two types of cloning, reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive Cloning Creating a genetically identical embryo of the donor by inserting their DNA into an egg and then inserting the embryo into a surrogate's uterus to grow and develop leading to a new individual. Therapeutic Cloning Creating a genetically identical embryo of the donor by inserting their DNA into an egg and growing it in a petri dish in a lab to be used as a source of embryonic stem cells. Reproductive cloning is considered unethical and there are laws preventing it. However, human therapeutic cloning is not considered as unethical. Which of the following questions is a likely to address the difference of opinion in many people concerning cloning?

Is cloning beneficial to produce stem cells that lead to medical benefits for many?

What is true of a trait that is considered to be a hybrid?

It contains one of each allele (i.e. One tall & one short allele)

If they're no numbers than you will label them from _______ and it would be _______

Left to right, 1,2,3,4

Polymerase Chain Reaction...PCR:

Machine can take a small piece of DNA and replicate multiple copies Used in crime labs where small amounts of DNA are found at crime scenes

Square in pedigree means


Crosses/ horizontal line between two means


Gametes are produced by the process of


One allele (gene) in a pair can prevent the other from being expressed is defined as...

Mendel's Principle of Dominance

principle of dominance

Mendel's second conclusion, which states that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive

More than two alleles for a single trait. An example of this is human blood types.

Multiple Allele

DNA Fingerprinting is reliable because

No two people, except identical twins, have exactly the same DNA

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Facts

Nobel Prize won for invention in 1983 by Dr. Kary Mullis A means to make multiple copies of a targeted section of DNA This could be a particular gene that is being studied but for forensic purposes the section is usually taken from within the 98% of the non-coding DNA

Unshaded means

Normal, no trait

. What is Mendel's principle of dominance?

One allele or gene in a pair can prevent the other from being expressed

Cystic Fibrosis affects all of the following parts of the body

Pancreas Lungs Small intestines


Passing of traits from parents to offspring

You can also use electrophoresis for ___

Paternity testing

A dog breeder is looking into purchasing a 3 year old male dog for her business. A breeder online is advertising purebred males for $700. What would you suggest the breeder do before she purchases this dog?

Perform a test cross and cross the male dog with a homozygous recessive female.

Physical appearance resulting from the combination of alleles


What ethical concerns should scientists have before releasing genetically engineered products?

Potential harm to human health, potential damage to the environment, negative impact on traditional farming practice, excessive corporate dominance

Purple (P) is dominant to white and Tall (T) is dominant to short. What is the phenotype of a plant that has the genotype PPTt.

Purple and Tall

Dihybrid cross fact

Rather than using 2 factors, you use 4

Gene Therapy:

Replacing defective genes with healthy genes and inserting them into a person using a virus or other vector. • Virus must be altered to not be harmful • French Anderson....1992 • RNA interference is being researched also - RNAi silences genes that cause disease (i.e. hemophilia & cancer) by targeting mRNA molecules

Which of Mendels Principles explains why short plants show up in his F2 cross?


Electrophoresis/DNA fingerprinting:

Separates DNA by size to identify/create a DNA profile. DNA is run through a gel and is separated by electrical charges Uses introns...specific to person. Exons are the same!


Separation of alleles during gamete formation

Students A makes a claim that the genotype determines the phenotype of an organism, while student B makes the claim that the phenotype determines the genotype of an allele. Which student is correct and why?

Student A, because the combinations of alleles in an organism determine the expression of physical characteristics.

PCR & electrophoresis. What to do with the products?

The PCR products (the copies of the targeted sections) are analyzed using a process known as electrophoresis where the DNA is moved through a gel substance and separated by size


The electrophoresis process is what is used for DNA analysis and the product is often called a DNA fingerprint because of its unique pattern for each person. This might be a misnomer because the DAN fingerprint is actually much more unique than an actual fingerprint.

10 coin flips into the lab, a group has 2 TT, 8 Tt, and 0 tt genotypes. After 100 coin flips, what is most likely to happen the the numbers in the table?

The numbers are most likely to shift toward the 1:2:1 ratio due to the larger sample size.

Mendel first principle is

The principle of dominance

PCR - Copying the sections

The whole process is carried out in a machine called a thermocycles that flatulates temperature up and down The free nucleotides that were added are matched to the template DNA by the enzyme Taq polymerase The process functions in a very similar (semi conservative) manner to how normal DNA replication occurs in our body

In 1996, the Bermuda Principle was formulated to do what?

To be sure all human genomic sequence information was made freely available and in the public domain within 24 hours after generation.

In separating DNA by electrophoresis, the smallest pieces will move further through the gel during the process.


Most GMO's can also be considered genetically engineered or transgenic organisms.


The Human Genome Project began in 1990.


The corrected gene is given to CF patients using an inhaler filled with a viral vector that has been genetically engineered.


The most common vector used in gene therapy are viruses.


A dihybrid is a cross between ____

Two traits

PCR and DNA Electrophoresis purpose

Typically used for forensic purposes and also used for study of particular genes

Study the immune deficiency gene therapy diagram. What type of vector was genetically engineered to deliver the corrected gene to the patient.


dominant allele

an allele that is always expressed in the phenotype of an organism

Electrophoresis Forensics

When analyzing DNA for forensic purposes the FBI and other government agencies store information in a database known as CODIS. There are 20 loci analyzed by PCR and then electrophoresis The 20 loci are Short Tandem Repeats, (STR's) in the non-coding section In other words, they're repetitions and everybody's DNA repeats these sections a different number of times so there are shorter and longer sections for every body that can be separated by the go!

An example of a dihybrid is

When crossing height with color


When some offspring are white and some are black. Both traits are expressed equally

When counting males and females in a pedigree it would refer to the..

Whole thing, including parents

What is the WORST question for a farmer to ask when determining whether or not to grow transgenic plants?

Will the transgenic plant offer any information in studying human genes?


a condition in which an extra copy of a chromosome is present in the cell nuclei, causing developmental abnormalities.

The DNA polymerase that's most often used in PCR comes from

a strain of bacteria called Thermus aquaticus that live in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park.

An example of incomplete dominance is

a white allele and a red allele in a plant producing pink flowers

If an individual has one recessive allele for a trait, the person is a _____. This is shown with a half shaded square or circle


A cross of a red cow (RR) with a white bull (WW) produces all roan offspring where each trait is equally expressed. (RRWW). Roan cows actually have red hairs and white hairs! This type of inheritance is known as


Punnett Square

diagram that can be used to predict the genotype and phenotype combinations of a genetic cross

Gregor Mendel

father of modern genetics

Recombinant Gene Technology (RGT) or Molecular Genetics:

g DNA using restriction enzymes and inserting a "desired" gene • Example - Insulin manufactured in bacterial cells

Which process produces gametes?


GMO is an acronym for _______.

genetically modified organism

A circle or square that is shaded means the person ___ the trait


Heterozygous (hybrid)

having two different alleles for a trait


having two identical alleles for a trait

Nonfunctional DNA??

ogenes or "junk" DNA... today the so-called "junk" DNA is being heavily studied • Remnants of our evolutionary past! • 98.5% of our DNA is used in turning genes "on" or "off"... Gene Expression! • Humans are only .1% different from each other. 80% of those differences are due to SNP's (single nucleotide polymorphisms). 20% due to large scale nucleotide differences

A Punnett square shows all of the following EXCEPT

the actual results of a genetic cross

In the P generation, a pure tall plant was crossed with a pure short plant. Short plants reappeared in the F2 generation because

the allele for shortness and the allele for tallness segregated when the F1 plants produced gametes.

phenotypic ratio

the ratio of phenotypes produced by a cross TT is 1, Tt is 2, tt is 1 that means the ratio is 3:1 because it is comparing between tall and shortr

genotypic ratio

the ratio of the genotypes that appear in offspring for example TT is 1, Tt is 2, tt is 1 that means the ratio is 1:2:1

Gene Therapy __________

uses a vector to deliver a correct copy of a defective gene to the cells where it's needed.

A _________ connect the parents to their children. Children are placed from ______

vertical line and a bracket, oldest to youngest

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