Genetics Final (test 3)

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Which of the following is the site for the start of transcription? -Promoter -Terminator -Regulation sequences -Transcription factors -All may start transcription


The malaria parasite is a eukaryote: True or False


Which of the following will alter the frequency of alleles in the population the least? -Mutation -Natural selection -Genetic drift -Migration -All are equal


Based on rRNA analysis, all of life on earth can be grouped into how many major branches? -1 -3 -5 -6


DNA polymerases are unable to bind to what areas of the chromose? -Centromeres -3' end of telomeres -Origins of replication

3' end of telomeres

Which of the following provides for a higher level of stability in the mRNA? -Alternative splicing -RNA editing -5' capping -3' polyA tailing -Trimming

3' polyA tailing

The proofreading of the DNA occurs in the -5' to 3' direction -3' to 5' direction -Both directions

3' to 5' direction

After screening a colony of bacteria for a given gene, you discover 100 mutant colonies out of 3 million total colonies. What is the mutation frequency for this gene in the population? - 1.0E5 - 1.0E-5 - 3.0E5 - 3.3E-5


Allosteric regulation is accomplished by: -A small molecule that fits into an enzyme's active site -A large protein that blocks an enzyme's active site -A small molecule that fits into a site on the enzyme that is not the active site. -A small molecule that covalently modifies a site on the enzyme that is not the active site.

A small molecule that fits into a site on the enzyme that is not the active site

The most common mechanism of speciation. -Parapatric speciation -Allopatric speciation -Sympatric speciation -All are correct

Allopatric speciation

DNA polymerase III is the main replication enzymes in prokaryotes. What is it in eukaryotes? -DNA pol a -DNA pol d -DNA pol b -DNA pol g

DNA pol a

Fills in small regions of DNA where the RNA primers were located. -DNA ligase -DNA polymerase -Topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III

DNA polymerase I

Responsible for the majority of DNA replication. -DNA ligase -DNA primase -Topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III

DNA polymerase III

Synthesizes the lagging strand of DNA. -DNA ligase -DNA primase -Topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III

DNA polymerase III

Manufactures a 10-12 base segment of RNA. -DNA ligase -DNA primase -Topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III

DNA primase

Enzymes involved in metabolism are most likely regulated via ____ ? -Feedback inhibition -Acetylation -Methylation -none are correct

Feedback inhibition

Migration of a random few individuals from one population to a new area to establish a new population is an example of ____. -Bottleneck effect -Mutation -Founder effect -Selection

Founder effect

Which of the following is not a prezygotic isolating isolating mechanism? -Temporal isolation -Habitat isolation -Mechanical isolation -Hybrid inviability -Sexual isolation

Hybrid inviability

In eukaryotic organisms the processing of the 45S rRNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S rRNA occurs where? -In the cytoplasm -In the nucleolus -In the endoplasmic reticulum -In the golgi body -Throughout the cell

In the nucleolus

Which of the following is incorrect concerning quantitative traits? -Individuals fall into distinct classes for comparison -The phenotypic variation for the trait is continuous -The frequency distribution follows a bell-shaped curve -All of the answers are correct

Individuals fall into distinct classes for comparison

The biological species concept was introduced by what individual? -Dobzhansky -Darwin -Mayr -Paterson -Wallace


Which of the following is not part of the basal transcription apparatus? -DA -TFIID -RNA polymerase II -Mediator -TFIIB


Molecular clocks are based on ___ mutations -Advantageous -Lethal -Deleterious -Neutral -All are correct


Where are the ribosomal subunits assembled? -Nucleus -Nucleoid -Nucleolus -Nuclear Envelope


Which of the following terms represents homologous genes that are found in different species? -Paralogs -Orthologs -Gene families -None are correct


What site on the ribosome is primarily responsible for holding the growing polypeptide? -A -E -P


Hybrid zones are a characteristic of the model. -Parapatric speciation -Allopatric speciation -Sympatric speciation -All are correct

Parapatric speciation

Differences in sexual attraction between males and females based on bahvior, physiology, or morphology is an example of a ___ isolation mechanism. -Prezygotic -Postzygotic


A gene is inducible and under negative control. Which of the following pairs will allow expression of this gene? -Activator + repressor -Activator + inhibitor -Repressor + inducer -Repressor + co-repressor

Repressor + inducer

Genetic drift has a greater influence on ____ populations. -Small -Large -Effects both equally


The square root of the variance is called the ___. -Mean -Standard deviation -Standard error -Covariance -None are correct

Standard deviation

In eukaryotic systems, which of the following typically stops the process of translation? -Rho proteins -Aminoacyl tRNA synthase -rRNA -Stop codons -Introns

Stop codons

The formation of polyploids in plants is an example of this model. -Parapatric speciation -Allopatric speciation -Sympatric speciation -All of the above

Sympatric speciation

A mutation in which of the following would result in a failure of the RNA polymerase to maintain an open complex? -TFIIB -TFIID -TFIIE -TFIIH -TFIIF


A heritability value of 0.997 indicates which of the following? -The majority of the phenotypic variation has a genetic basis -The majority of the phenotypic variation has an environmental basis -The trait is polygenic -There is a significant difference between the two strains -None are correct

The majority of the phenotypic variation has a genetic basis.

The peptidyltransferase complex is a componet of which of the following? -DNA -tRNA -The ribosome -The functional protein -mRNA

The ribosome

Which of the following is nottrue regarding the experiments of Beadle and Tatum? -They used neurospora as a model organism -They isolated strains that could not grow on minimal media -They established the link between a gene and an enzyme or protein -They were able to create loss-of-function mutations in any enzyme they chose.

They were able to create loss-of-function mutations in any enzyme they chose

If CAP could not bind to its site, that what would bye the result? Assume lactose is present in each scenario. -Transcription would be difficult to repress in the presence of glucose -Transcription would be difficult to activate in the presence of glucose -Transcription would be difficult to activate in the absence of glucose -Transcription would be difficult to repress in the presence of glucose

Transcription would be difficult to activate in the absence of glucose.

Which of the following is not a stop codon? -UGA -UUA -UAG -UAA


Which of the following is not an example of a spontaneous mutation? -DNA replication errors -Tautomeric shifts -Aberrant recombination -UV light -Transposable elements

UV light

In the nucleotide excision repair system, which of the following proteins is responsible for recognizing a thymine dimer to be repaired? -UvrAB -UvrC -UvrD -None are correct


The concept of adaptive peaks to symbolically represent selection of genotypes was first introduced by ___. -Dobzhanksy -Darwin -Mayr -Wright -Wallace


A temporary change in the structure of a nitrogenous base is called ____ -Depurination -A tautomeric shift -Deamination -None are correct

a tautomeric shift

Which of the following integrate into the double-helix of DNA, inhibiting DNA replication? -EMS -Nitrous acid -5BU -2-amino purine -Acridine dyes

acridine dyes

Which of the following encode polycistronic mRNA? -Lac operon -Ara operon -Trp operon -All are correct

all are correct

A tRNA that has an amino acid attached is called ____. -rRNA -Degenerate tRNA -Coding tRNA -Charged tRNA

charged tRNA

Inducible operons usually encode anabolic enzymes: true or false


cDNA contains introns. true or false


Inbreeding reduces which of the following variances to near zero? -Genetic variance -Environmental variance -Both -Neither

genetic variance

If a bacteria is placed in an environment that contains both glucose and lactose, the regulation of the lac operon will allow which nutrient to be processed first? -Glucose -Lactose -Both will be processed equally -Neither will be processed


A temperate pgae would be associated with which of the following viral life cycles? -Lytic -Lysogenic -Both -Neither


You extract DNA from an E.coli cell and observe it is hemi-methylated. Which strand of DNA is older? -Methylated Strand -Strand that is not methylated -Neither, they are the same age

methylated strand

The changing composition of a gene pool with regard to a particular allele over a measurable period of time is called _____. -Microevolution -Macroevolution -Molecular evolution -None are correct


Which of the following types of selection favors the survival of individuals with the intermediate phenotype? -Disruptive selection -Stabilizing selection -Directional selection -non are correct

stabilizing selection

The process of replica plating is designed to test of advatageous mutations result in response to the selective agent or were naturally present in the population before selection. true or false


The trp operon is an anabolic operon: true or false


There is no evolution in Hardy Weinberg equilibrim: true or false


What region in eukaryotic genes contains the majority of regulatory elements? - 0 to 50 - -50 to 0 - -50 to -100 - -100 to -150

-50 to -100

A population is found that has the incidence of color blindness in females as .0001, what is the incidence in males? -.0001 -.1 -.033 -.01


Given that the frequency of children homozygous for the recessive allele for cystic fibrosis is about .0016. What is the frequency of heterzygotes in the population? -.077 -.040 -.96 -none of these


Given that 100 individuals of the most fit genotype produce 1000 offspring, then the relative fitness of a genotype for which 100 individuals produce 150 offspring is: -1.00 -.85 -.15 -.30


In a sample from a population there were 65 individuals with the "BB" genotype, 30 individuals with the "Bb" genotype, and 15 individuals with the "bb" genotype. The frequency of the "b" allele was: -.41 -.27 -.59 -.73


Consider a locus with alleles "A" and "a" at which "A" mutates to "a" at the rate of 6E-5 and "a" mutates to "A" at the rate of 7E-6. What is the equilibrium value of q? .896 .883 .104 .117


Bacterial DNA has how many origins of replication? -0 -1 -10 -Depends on size of the DNA


How many promoters are in an operon? -1 -2 -3 -Depends on how many genes there are in the operon


The smaller the population, the more effective is genetic drift: true or false


How many DNA polymerases are found in prokaryotes? -5 -7 -9 -12


How many basal transcription factors are there? -3 -4 -5 -6


Which of the following processes is important for the initiation of translation? -Alternative splicing -RNA editing -5' capping -3' polyA tailing -Trimming

5' capping

DNA helicase enzymes move in what direction along the DNA during DNA replication? -5' to 3' -3' to 5' -they remain stationary

5' to 3'

DNA polymerases add new nucleotides in what direction? -5' to 3' -3' to 5' -Both directions

5' to 3'

eIF5 recruits what during the initiation stage? -40S subunit -50S subunit -60S subunit -70S subunit

60S subunit

In eukaryotes, which of the following is similiar to the oriC region of prokaryotes? -Dma -ARS elements -Promoters -Telomeres

ARS elements

Quantitative traits usually have which of the following characteristics? -Environmental influence -Polygenic basis -Continuous distribution -All are correct

All are correct

How does the positron effect influence gene expression? -the movement of the genetic material on the chromose by inversions or translocations may place a coding sequence near a new regulatory region, thus activating the expression of the gene. -The movement of the gene may place it into a region that is highly condensed (heterochromatin). -The movement of a gene may remove it from its normal promoter, thus silencing the gene. -All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following are examples of supressor mutations? -An intragenic mutation that restores protein structure -An intergenic mutation that increases the activity of a protein performing the same function as the mutated protein -An intergenic mutation that activates a transcription factor that dramatically upregulates expression of the mutant protein -All are correct

An intergenic mutation that activates a transcription factor...

The prevalence of the allele for sickle cell anemia in some populations is an example of: -Heterogeneous environments -Balancing Selection -Inverted Selection -Non-Darwinian Selection -Nonrandom mating

Balancing Selection

Antisense RNA does which of the following? -Inhibits the formation of the open complex in transcription -Occupies the A and P sites of the ribosome -Binds to the mRNA and prevents translation -Prevents the correct folding of a newly formed peptide

Binds to the mRNA and prevents translation

Alternative splicing allows an organism to _______. -Carry fewer genes -Carry more genes -Produce fewer gene products -More than one of the answers

Carry fewer genes

Mutations that change the configuration of a protein at a specific temperature are called ___ mutations. -Neutral -Beneficial -Deleterious -Conditional - None are correct


The first generation of replication in the Meselson and Stahl experiment disproved which theory of replication? -Semiconservative -Conservative -Dispersive -None- it took more than one generation to disprove this theory


Which of the following best describes the mechanism of DNA replication in which both parental strands remain together following replication? -Dispersive -Semi-conservative -Conservative -All of the above


Attaches adjacent Okazaki fragments, forming a continuous DNA strand. -DNA ligase -DNA primase -Topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III

DNA ligase

You have isolated what appears to be alien DNA. While studying its replication, you performed the exact experiment Meselson and Stahl did. After three generation, the DNA is subjected to a CsCl gradient and only on band appears. What type of replication does this DNA undergo? -Semiconservative -Conservative -Dispersive


Which type of selection would lead to two distinct phenotypes? -Stabilizing selection -Phenotype selection -Fitness selection -Disruptive selection -Directional selection

Disruptive selection

Who was the first to propose that species were the result of isolating mechanisms? -Darwin -Wallace -Dobzhansky -Morgan


Darwin's theory of natural selection supported the directed mutation theory: True or False


A functional protein would contain the info contained within which of the following regions of DNA? -Exons -Introns -Enhancers -Promoters -All are correct


Identifies daughter strands by methylation -Recombinational repair -Direct repair -Base excision repair -Mismatch repair -Nucleotide excision repair -Nonhomolous end joining (NHEJ)

mismatch pair

Utilizes MutL, MutH, MutS proteins in E. coli. -Recombinational repair -Direct repair -Base excision repair -Mismatch repair -Nucleotide excision repair -Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)

mismatch repair

a-helices and b-sheets are examples of what level of protein structure? -Primary -Secondary -Tertiary -Quanternary


the closed promoter complex consists of all of the following, except ____. -RNA polymerase -trascription factors -Double helix DNA -Single-stranded DNA

single-stranded DNA

An anticodon is located on which of the following? -DNA -mRNA -rRNA -tRNA -snRNA


Which of the following is true according to the adaptor hypothesis? -The anticodon and amino acid have no relationship -A given tRNA can carry any of the twenty amino acids -tRNA binds to mRNA at the ribosome -An amino acid recognizes the codon in mRNA

tRNA binds to mRNA at the ribosome

The degree of relatedness of two members of a pedigree is calculated using ____. -The calculation of average heterozygosity -The Hardy-Weinerg rule -The coefficient of inbreeding -The chi-square test -None of the above

the coefficient of inbreeding

The primary structure of a protein is directly associated with ____. -Regular repeating shapes, such as beta-sheets -The 3D shape of the protein -The linear sequence of the amino acids -The interaction of two or more peptide chains

the linear sequence of the amino acids

Following transcription, the RNA has a complementary sequence of which of the following? -Regulatory sequences -Termination sequences -The coding strand of DNA -The template strand of DNA -None are correct

the template strand of DNA

prevents supercoiling ahead of the replication fork -DNA ligase -DNA primase -topoisomerase -DNA polymerase I -DNA polymerase III


In prokaryotes, a holozyme is formed when which of the following is added to the core enzyme? -Start codons -b -b' -σ (sigma) -a

σ (sigma)

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