GEO 150 - Kyoto Protocol & Paris Agreement
3 reduction mechanisms under Kyoto
1. emissions trading 2. joint implementation 3. clean development mechanism
as of 2015, only ___ have binding commitments to Kyoto, only ___ ratified commitments
137 7
Kyoto Protocol
1997, extends UNFCC developed legally binding obligations for developed countries heaviest burden on industrialized nations reduce to 1990 levels took effect 2005
Doha Amendment
Paris Agreement
2015; goals to limit global warming to less than 2, build resilience, phase out GHGs to net zero emphasis on processes not mitigation
True or False: USA and China are a part of Kyoto Protocol
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation developed countries will pay for developing countries not to destroy rainforest 18% of anthropogenic emissions comes from forest destruction
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992: goal to stabilize CO2 at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system non-binding limits on emissions no enforcement mechanism protocols that could be negotiated
Dates of Key Agreements
UNFCC adopted 1992, force 1995 Kyoto adopted 1997, force 2005, commitment period 2008-2012 Paris adopted 2015, force 2016