GEO 200 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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Like faults, a ________ is a separation in a rock body. joint slump dike sill graben


A ________ develops along a streambed containing bedrock of differential resistance.


The Black Hills, South Dakota, is a dome-shaped mass which is built over a ________. vein dike batholith laccolith stock


A volcanic mudflow is known as a(n) ________.


Currently, the rate of sea-floor spreading in the Atlantic is thought to be less than 1 centimeter per year. 1 kilometer per year. 10 meters per year. 100 meters per year. 0 centimeters per year (stopped).

less than 1 centimeter per year.

Mt. St. Helen's is ________. scheduled to erupt in the year 2050 the world's best example of intrusive vulcanism the largest volcano in the world likely to vigorously erupt again dead

likely to vigorously erupt again

The "plates" in plate tectonics are in the ________. outer core crust asthenosphere inner core lithosphere


Death Valley is below sea level. Therefore, in Death Valley, base level is ________ ultimate base level.

lower than

Soil creep is unimportant in arid regions since lack of water removes the primary ________. catalyst cement binder lubricant none of the above


Molten ________ extruded onto the surface of the Earth, where it cools and solidifies, is known as lava.


An inner segment of the Earth which is rigid, dense, and solid and lies directly beneath the Moho is called the ________. mantle crust inner core outer core magma


The thickest of Earth's interior layers is the ________. mantle crust outer core inner core Moho


The single most important mechanism of transport for weathered overburden in the subarctic zones is ________. exfoliation oxidation none of the above frost wedging mass wasting

mass wasting

A large joint extending long horizontal distances and through considerable thickness of rock is a ________ joint.


Which of the following is out of order if we are considering the Earth from the atmosphere to the center? mantle moho crust inner core outer core


A ________ is a one-sided fold connecting horizontal or gently inclined strate. anticline syncline symmetrical fold monocline overthrust


________ are mass movement flows that occur on slopes in arid and semiarid regions.

mudflows debris flows mudflows and debris flows

A(n) ________ fault results from tensional forces and the upthrown and downthrown sides are separated by a steep fault scarp.


The basic classification of rock types is based on their ________. pH crystal structure petrology origin color


On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the ________.

outer edge of the meanders

Structurally, the most complicated of the list below is the ________. reverse fault overthrust fault normal fault fault scarp transform fault

overthrust fault

Volcanic activity that takes place deep under the crust is termed ________. metamorphic subduction pyroclastic plutonic intrusive


The totality of materials ejected from a volcano, including liquid material, ashes and dust is termed ________. lava pyroclastic material magma silica granite

pyroclastic material

A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be ________.


A(n) ________ fault results from compressional forces and is frequently associated with landslides.


A lengthy complex of grabens forms a ________ valley.


In mountain areas, when large amounts of rock fragments move downslope of their own weight, they are called ________. dikes veins slumps rock glaciers laccolith

rock glaciers

Water collected in small bodies along a recently active fault line forms ________. sag ponds sills dikes playas reservoirs

sag ponds

The most widely distributed type of metamorphic rock is ________. schist quartz opal granite sandstone


The best example of a product of mass wasting is ________. limestone exfoliation domes faults scree sandstone monoliths


Joints existing in series of parallel fractures are known as ________.


The most common sedimentary rock is ________. limestone basalt shale sandstone marble


Which of the following is most closely associated with a mantle plume? A) the Hawaiian Islands B) southern California C) the lower Mississippi River Valley D) the Florida peninsula E) none of the above

the Hawaiian Islands

Relatively cooler magma in an erupting volcano is apparently the result of ________. position of astronomical bodies the relatively high amount of silica present surface salinity depth of magma formation the amount of water present

the relatively high amount of silica present

The Glomar Challenger proved ________. the seafloors are spreading mountains exist under the sea the poles reverse their polarities continental drift has stopped the Earth is round

the seafloors are spreading

A ________ plate boundary is associated with lateral slippage, conservation of existing crust, and the San Andreas fault system? subducting convergent transform divergent fault scarp


The drainage pattern common in ridge and valley landscapes is ________.


The process of creep works ________. only in the tropics only in deserts only in the tundra universally only in the mountains


The smallest feature in the list below is the ________. A) batholith B) dike C) vein D) sill E) laccolith


Most processes which shape topography are ________. unknown very slow quite abrupt no longer active very rapid

very slow

Compared to Earth's crust as a whole, the sedimentary rocks beneath the ocean bottoms are ________. laid down vertically instead of horizontally found almost as deep as is the Moho very thin not commonly found much sandier

very thin

A lava ________ is a small hole which develops in cooling lava when gas is unable to escape as the lava solidifies. pore space cavern cavity chamber vesicle


In frost wedging, the principal force is exerted against the ________ of the confining rock. walls outside bottom microscopic openings top


FIB It is ________ acting in conjunction with erosion that created the spectacular canyon of the Colorado River.


A steep walled defile with a V-shaped profile and narrow valley floor would, according to the geomorphic cycle, be in the ________ stage.


Where would one find a convergent plate boundary? A) along the Pacific coast of South America B) at the midocean ridge of the Atlantic Ocean C) in the middle of Antarctica D) in the middle of North America E) along a transform plate boundary

A) along the Pacific coast of South America

A tsunami is ________. A) another term for a seismic sea wave B) the glowing blast of an exploded volcano C) a large earthquake which kills humans D) unknown in tropical places like Hawaii E) a common occurrence in the central United States

A) another term for a seismic sea wave

Which material, accumulated from the remains of plants and animals, can produce limestone? A) calcium carbonate B) slate C) carbon dioxide D) clay E) carbon

A) calcium carbonate

These rock-forming minerals are light-colored or colorless. They are common components of sedimentary rock and frequently combine with oxygen. A) carbonates B) native elements C) sulfates D) oxides E) halides

A) carbonates

Research since the 1970s has identified the cause of plate tectonics to be ________. A) convection B) uniformitarianism C) sun spots D) warping E) diastrophism

A) convection

Weathering and mass wasting can be classified as ________ processes. A) denudational B) tectonic C) mountain building D) quick E) constructive

A) denudational

With the passage of time, all talus migrates ________. A) downslope B) upslope C) very quickly D) only when there are earthquakes E) out of the ravine

A) downslope

Which of the following is NOT associated with biological weathering? A) formation of rock joints B) disintegration of rock by burrowing animals C) expansion of rock cracks by tree roots D) flaking of rock particles because of lichens present E) leaching of nutrient minerals from rocks

A) formation of rock joints

Mass movements are likely to happen after ________. A) heavy rains B) denudation C) material has been moved to the talus cone D) summer E) erosion is finished

A) heavy rains

Which of the following can occur far below the surface in the tropics? A) hydrolysis B) soil formation C) oxidation D) differential weathering E) carbonation

A) hydrolysis

Rhyolite, andesite, basalt, and obsidian are all rocks that are classified as ________. A) igneous and extrusive B) metamorphic and unfoliated C) metamorphic and foliated D) igneous and intrusive E) sedimentary and clastic

A) igneous and extrusive

A volcanic mud flow is known as a(n) ________. A) lahar B) mafic form of lava C) tsunami D) mantle plume E) horst

A) lahar

Which of the following processes is most closely associated with "rusting"? A) oxidation B) carbonation C) hydrolysis D) hydration E) nivation

A) oxidation

Which of the following processes is NOT associated with the biological weathering of the landscape? A) photosynthesis B) wedging by roots C) ion exchange by lichens D) the burrowing of animals E) wetting and drying of lichens

A) photosynthesis

Sandstone is usually metamorphosed into ________. A) quartzite B) magma C) slate D) limestone E) chalcedony

A) quartzite

The altitudinal difference between the highest and lowest points in an area is known as ________. A) relief B) regolith C) the strata D) landscape E) topography

A) relief

In dry climates, ________ is a (are) prevalent process(es). A) salt wedging B) landslides C) carbonation D) hydrolysis E) frost wedging

A) salt wedging

Erosion, compaction, and sedimentation are most closely associated with ________ rocks. A) sedimentary B) basaltic C) intrusive D) metamorphic E) igneous

A) sedimentary

The map of rock distribution in the United States clearly shows ________ rocks are the most extensive type. A) sedimentary B) big C) igneous extrusive D) igneous intrusive E) metamorphic

A) sedimentary

Which of the following describes the vast majority of rock exposed on Earth's land surface? A) sedimentary B) granite C) metamorphic D) foliated E) igneous

A) sedimentary

Shale, sandstone, breccia, and limestone are all rocks that are classified as ________. A) sedimentary and clastic B) metamorphic and foliated C) metamorphic and unfoliated D) igneous and extrusive E) igneous and intrusive

A) sedimentary and clastic

The vast majority of all sedimentary rocks are sandstones, limestones and ________. A) shales B) diamonds C) magmas D) detritus E) schists

A) shales

The mass-wasting type characterized by a crescent-shaped scarp face is the ________. A) slump B) solifluction C) rock glacier D) debris flow E) primary joint

A) slump

Carbonate rock is closely associated with ________. A) solution cavities B) exfoliation C) vesicles D) hydration E) granular disintegration

A) solution cavities

The mechanism of formation of the Hawaiian Islands is directly responsible for the ________ island being the youngest and having current volcanic activity. A) southeastern-most B) smallest C) northwestern-most D) center E) terrane-covered

A) southeastern-most

"The angle of repose" is a term most closely associated with ________. A) talus B) exfoliation C) chemical weathering D) mudflows E) mechanical weathering

A) talus

The following is found at the base of Earth's crust: A) the Moho B) the mesosophere C) the geosphere D) the outer core E) the inner core

A) the Moho

In the section "An Example of Scale," it is apparent that ________. A) the smallest scale is related to the view from farthest away B) ordinary human experience transcends all the scales C) landform scale has precise definitions in kilometers D) scale is meaningless in landform study E) the largest scale would consider the North American continent

A) the smallest scale is related to the view from farthest away

Where is the daily temperature change the most significant in rock weathering? A) the humid tropics B) mountain summits C) the Arctic region D) the subtropical deserts E) midlatitude valleys

B) mountain summits

A strongly metamorphosed rock with narrow foliation is ________. A) basalt B) schist C) gneiss D) limestone E) tufa

B) schist

Which of the following represents the largest and most important group of rock-forming minerals? The bulk of the crust of the Earth is composed of these minerals. A) oxides B) silicates C) native elements D) sulfates E) carbonates

B) silicates

Shale is usually metamorphosed into ________. A) gneiss B) slate C) tufa D) marble E) basalt

B) slate

When magma cools rapidly, it results in ________. A) large crystals B) small crystals C) detritus D) foliation E) earthquakes

B) small crystals

Sedimentary deposits built into relatively regular layers are known as ________. A) intrusive exfoliation B) strata C) granite D) detrital striations E) clastic inclusions

B) strata

A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that ________. A) joints are a feature of cold climates exclusively B) there is no movement along joints C) there is wider separation between two sides D) joints are not found in metamorphic rocks E) there is no difference between joints and faults

B) there is no movement along joints

A(n) ________ detects swelling and possible eruption in a volcano. A) frightened graduate student B) tiltmeter C) anemometer D) ceilometer E) seismograph

B) tiltmeter

In rock, ________ is another term for pressure release. A) rusting B) unloading C) slumping D) creep E) oxidation

B) unloading

Foliation refers to this characteristic of rocks: A) small crystals B) wavy, banded lines C) large crystals D) hollow cores E) numerous joints

B) wavy, banded lines

In the Precambrian, muds and sands were washed into a shallow inland sea now occupied by the Rocky Mountains. The limestones, shales, and sandstones which accumulated into six distinct formations, each with a conspicuous color variation, are known collectively as the ________.

Belt series

Which of the following is NOT closely related to jointing? A) contraction of sediments after they dry out B) ease of percolation of water into rock C) horizontal and vertical orientation D) vesicles E) Zion Canyon National Park, Utah

D) vesicles

Salt wedging is most closely associated with ________. A) chemical weathering B) plant roots C) capillary action D) freeze/thaw cycles E) humid climates

C) capillary action

Some sedimentary rocks are formed chemically and known as ________. A) magma B) igneous intrusive rocks C) chemical sedimentary rocks D) granites E) basalts

C) chemical sedimentary rocks

The plate boundaries which are ________ are likely to make island arcs. A) divergent between continental plates B) convergent between continental plates C) convergent between oceanic plates D) transducive boundaries between oceanic and continental plates E) divergent between oceanic plates

C) convergent between oceanic plates

A chain of mountains encompassing many ranges is known as a(n) ________. A) mantle plume B) first-order landform C) cordillera D) hot spot E) island arc

C) cordillera

Which of the following is NOT an external geomorphic process? A) deposition B) weathering C) diastrophism D) mass wasting E) erosion

C) diastrophism

Radial walls extending outward from a volcano are ________. A) veins B) clay pans C) dikes D) plugs E) sills

C) dikes

Hot, plastic material of the asthenosphere is most conspicuous at ________. A) the centers of the continents B) areas in which mountains are being built C) divergent plate boundaries D) oceanic trenches E) subduction zones

C) divergent plate boundaries

Which of the following is the SHORTEST amount of time? A) period B) Earth history C) epoch D) the Precambrian E) era

C) epoch

Which of the following is NOT associated with sedimentary rocks? A) fragmented parts of preexisting rocks B) cementation C) extrusion of magma D) skeletal remains of coral E) stratification

C) extrusion of magma

Rapid cooling in molten, extrusive materials makes the resulting materials ________. A) dense B) hard C) fine-grained D) large-grained E) soft

C) fine-grained

Frost wedging is associated with ________ in coarse-grained rocks. A) hydrolysis B) slumping C) granular disintegration D) solution cavities E) faults

C) granular disintegration

An uplift of a block of land between two parallel faults is a ________. A) rift valley B) mesa C) horst D) caldera E) graben

C) horst

Which of the following is NOT associated with volcanoes? A) magma B) plutonic activity C) horsts D) Nutrients are provided for plant growth. E) pyroclastic material

C) horsts

Exfoliation is probably the result of unloading and ________. A) jointing B) glaciation C) hydration D) salt wedging E) mechanical weathering

C) hydration

Gravity is the main force impelling movement in all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) slide B) creep C) hydrolysis D) solifluction E) fall

C) hydrolysis

Granite, diorite, gabbro, and peridotite are ________ rocks. A) metamorphic foliated B) igneous extrusive C) igneous intrusive D) sedimentary clastic E) sedimentary chemical and organic

C) igneous intrusive

The concept of plate tectonics ________. A) shows the astenosphere is floating on top of plates B) is a theory with few proofs C) is related to faulting and volcanic activity D) would definitely be true if the Earth were far older E) was proven hundreds of years ago

C) is related to faulting and volcanic activity

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with the large system of ridges on the ocean floors? A) upwelling of magma B) rift zones C) island arcs D) seafloor spreading E) transform faults

C) island arcs

An earthflow is most conspicuous in ________ where a bulging lobe of material pushes out onto a valley floor. A) its center B) landslide zones C) its lower reaches D) its upper reaches E) rock glacier zones

C) its lower reaches

Marble is metamorphosed ________. A) shale B) gneiss C) limestone D) slate E) schist

C) limestone

The process of solifluction works ________. A) universally B) mainly in the tropical rainforest C) mainly in the tundra D) underwater E) mainly in the midlatitudes

C) mainly in the tundra

Slate, schist, and gneiss are all rocks which are classified as ________. A) metamorphic and unfoliated B) igneous and intrusive C) metamorphic and foliated D) sedimentary and clastic E) igneous and extrusive

C) metamorphic and foliated

If no water is involved, rocks can mechanically weather if they undergo ________ temperature change cycles. A) a dozen B) two C) millions of D) hundreds of E) thousands of

C) millions of

Which of the following form of mass wasting is relatively fast and wet compared to the others? A) solifluction B) slump C) mudflow D) rock glacier E) creep

C) mudflow

The basic elements for an analytical approach to landform development do NOT include which of the following? A) structure B) slope C) normality D) drainage E) process

C) normality

Mechanically formed sedimentary rocks are those formed from ________. A) granite B) oxygen C) pieces of other rocks D) silt E) magma

C) pieces of other rocks

Which material is most resistant to chemical weathering? A) limestone B) gypsum C) quartz D) dolomite E) iron-bearing rocks

C) quartz

Clays which change to a near-liquid state as a result of sudden disturbance are ________ clays. A) sandy B) scree C) quick D) talus E) mudflow

C) quick

Which of the following is postulated as the ultimate source of energy causing continental drift? A) gravity B) volcanism C) radioactive decay D) the Sun E) diastrophism

C) radioactive decay

Oxidation of aluminum causes which of the following colors on the surfaces of rocks? A) light purple B) grayish-blue C) reddish brown D) black E) lime green

C) reddish brown

The Appalachian Mountains are famous for their ________ structure. A) volcanic B) rift valley C) ridge and valley D) faulted E) graben

C) ridge and valley

Which of the following is not a form of folding? A) syncline B) anticline C) rift valley D) monocline E) overturned fold

C) rift valley

A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT ________. A) digging mines B) studying seismic waves C) sampling rocks from Earth's core D) studying Earth's magnetism E) drilling wells

C) sampling rocks from Earth's core

In a section of the chapter "Introduction to Landform Study," the authors write about Horseshoe Park in the Colorado Rockies and about looking back at North America from a spacecraft. The point of this is to understand more about ________ and the landscape. A) local relief B) folding C) scale D) volcanoes E) rocks

C) scale

The inferential knowledge concerning the nature of the interior of the Earth has been accumulated by ________. A) gravity studies B) lunar cycles C) seismic wave analysis D) computer modeling E) astronomy

C) seismic wave analysis

Earth's crust appears to be composed of ________ major plates and an equally number of intermediate ones. A) two B) a dozen C) seven D) over one hundred E) about seventy five

C) seven

Caverns are most closely associated with ________. A) joints B) lava vesicles C) solution cavities D) microscopic open spaces E) faults

C) solution cavities

Invariably, hydrolysis makes a mineral ________. A) redder B) denser C) take up more volume D) more acidic E) more beautiful

C) take up more volume

The relief we see today is best thought of as ________. A) not very diverse B) everlasting in terms of Earth history C) temporary D) unexplainable E) a product of internal, rather than external, processes

C) temporary

What is the term for a piece of crust which has been in a collision along a convergent crustal boundary and become accreted to another crustal plate? A) midoceanic ridge B) terracette C) terrane D) loxodrome E) none of the above

C) terrane

There is a prominent oceanic trench off of ________. A) the coast of Lake Michigan B) the east coast of the continental United States C) the coast of Alaska's Aleutian Islands D) the west coast of the continental United States E) the Gulf Coast of the continental United States

C) the coast of Alaska's Aleutian Islands

Which of the following illustrates the concept of "relief"? A) uplift of sediments after erosion of overlying sediments B) the substitution of one subaerial process for another C) the vertical distance between lowest and highest points in an area D) altitude E) the cessation of volcanic activity

C) the vertical distance between lowest and highest points in an area

Which of the following are waves generated by earthquakes? A) plutons B) lahars C) tsunamis D) monoclines E) pyroclastic flows

C) tsunamis

The viewpoint that past processes are the same as the present ones which created our present land surface is known as ________. A) foliation B) diastrophism C) uniformitarianism D) plate tectonics E) volcanism

C) uniformitarianism

Which of the following is NOT a form of tectonism? A) faulting B) broad warping C) volcanism D) folding E) downwarping

C) volcanism

________ is an expression of the total load a stream can transport.


The most recent Era on the Earth is ________. Cenozoic Eocene Precambrian Permian Miocene


________ is a facilitator of mass wasting. Clay Friction Talus Calcium carbonate Gravel


The outer and inner cores together make up approximately ________ of the mass of the Earth. A) 1/3,000 B) 1/30,000 C) 1/300 D) 1/3 E) 1/30 E) 1/30

D) 1/3

The world system of interconnected ocean bottom ridges comes to a total of about ________ kilometers. A) 6,000 B) 60 C) 6 D) 60,000 E) 600,000

D) 60,000

The Great Rift Valley is on the continent of ________. A) Asia B) Europe C) Antarctica D) Africa E) North America

D) Africa

In terms of plate tectonics, Indian is a part of the ________ plate. A) Arabian B) African C) Eurasian D) Indo-Australian E) Tasmanian

D) Indo-Australian

The Unzen volcanic complex is a composite of overlapping composite volcanoes and has had recent pyroclastic flows, lazars, and loss of life. This complex is in the country of ________. A) Russia B) Australia C) Canada D) Japan E) South Africa

D) Japan

The island of Krakatau disappeared in a volcanic explosion. Krakatau was located in the ________. A) Arctic Ocean B) ocean off of California C) Gulf of Alaska D) Java Sea E) Mediterranean Sea

D) Java Sea

The original large continental mass containing all of the present continents prior to separation millions of years ago has been named ________. A) Laurasia B) Transcurrent C) Subduction D) Pangaea E) Gondwanaland

D) Pangaea

________ is the detailed knowledge of characteristics of different kinds of rock. A) Tectonics B) Geology C) Seismology D) Petrology E) Metamorphism

D) Petrology

________ and amount of moisture present can be used to classify types of mass wasting. A) Amount of mechanical weathering B) Gravity C) Temperature D) Speed of movement E) Amount of chemical weathering

D) Speed of movement

________ is an area of extensive flood basalts. A) New England B) The Amazon River watershed C) Western Europe D) The Columbia Plateau E) The South Carolina Coastal Plain

D) The Columbia Plateau

The term "exfoliation dome" is best applied to ________. A) Bryce National Park, Utah B) unweathered parent material C) subarctic hillslopes D) Yosemite National Park E) Bunker Hill, Massachusetts

D) Yosemite National Park

Undercutting of a bank by its stream may trigger ________. A) solifluction B) movement of a rock glacier C) soil creep D) a landslide E) an earthquake

D) a landslide

Clays are sometimes instrumental in mass movements because of their ability to ________. A) move uphill B) capture sunlight C) become translucent D) absorb water E) become smaller over time

D) absorb water

A simple symmetrical upfold is called a(n) ________. A) syncline B) monocline C) inselberg D) anticline E) None of the answer choices is correct.

D) anticline

Which of the following is NOT an intrusive volcanic landform? A) sill B) batholith C) vein D) caldera E) dike

D) caldera

The nature of a volcanic eruption is determined largely by the ________ of the magma. A) color B) pressure C) temperature D) chemistry E) density

D) chemistry

The main types of erosion processes do NOT include ________. A) solution B) glacial C) aeolian D) diastrophism E) fluvial

D) diastrophism

Wegener's early proposal of continental drift was not taken seriously because of his ________. A) lack of scientific research B) training as a meteorologist C) lack of attention to Earth's species distribution D) failure to provide a plausible cause E) inability to read and write

D) failure to provide a plausible cause

Weathering may reach as far as ________ below Earth's surface. A) a few meters B) the outer core C) the bottom of the crust D) hundreds of meters E) a few centimeters

D) hundreds of meters

Weathering is deepest ________. A) at high latitudes B) on ocean floors C) in the middle latitudes D) in the humid tropics E) at high altitudes

D) in the humid tropics

Earthquake forecasting ________. A) will never be possible B) would not be useful C) is not possible D) is being studied E) has been quite successful

D) is being studied

Calcium bicarbonate produced in the chemical weathering process of carbonation ________. A) is rare B) eventually transforms into diamonds C) is difficult to remove from the spot where it was formed D) is very soluble E) is very resistant to erosion

D) is very soluble

Landslides are often responsible for the formation of ________. A) hydrolysis B) reverse faults C) basins D) lakes E) jointing

D) lakes

A massive pile of highly irregular debris in the form of a low-lying ridge or cone on a valley bottom is a topographic result of a ________. A) rock glacier B) fault C) joint D) landslide E) rock fall

D) landslide

Loose, water-saturated sediments may undergo ________ during an earthquake. A) fibrillation B) estivation C) dessication D) liquefaction E) metamorphism

D) liquefaction

The Moho is the boundary between the crust and the ________. A) outer core B) inner core C) ocean basins D) mantle E) continents

D) mantle

Consider the location of New York City. In terms of crustal plates, New York City is ________. A) on a divergent boundary B) on a convergent boundary C) not on a plate D) not on a plate boundary E) on a transform boundary

D) not on a plate boundary

During sedimentation, materials are often sorted by ________. A) shape B) color C) porosity D) size E) atomic weight

D) size

The slight displacement of human-built structures such as fence posts and telephone poles is subtle evidence that ________ has(have) occurred. A) rock glaciers B) landslides C) rockfalls D) soil creep E) mudflows

D) soil creep

Which of the following is the slowest of all types of mass movement? A) landslide B) slump C) rockfall D) solifluction E) earthflow

D) solifluction

Which openings in rocks are associated with calcareous rocks? A) joints B) faults C) microscopic openings D) solution cavities E) lava vesicles

D) solution cavities

In folded terrain, a simple symmetrical down fold is termed a(n) ________. A) overthrust fold B) anticline C) monocline D) syncline E) magma pool

D) syncline

Crustal movements of various kinds in the Earth's crust is collectively called ________ activity. A) detrital B) clastic C) metamorphic D) tectonic E) 1st order

D) tectonic

Deformation of the Earth's crust is called ________. A) folding B) faulting C) broad warping D) tectonism E) plate tectonics

D) tectonism

The term "landforms" is synonymous with ________. A) relief B) physical geography C) local relief D) topography E) geology

D) topography

Where UNDER the surface of the Earth would one expect a convection current directed towards the surface? A) under plates B) under subduction zones C) under continents D) under midocean ridges E) in the core

D) under midocean ridges

The main chemical weathering processes all take place more or less simultaneously because they all require the presence of ________. A) plants B) air C) hydrogen D) water E) salt crystal growth

D) water

The single most important weathering agent is ________. A) nitrogen B) water vapor C) oxygen D) water E) carbon dioxide

D) water

Which of the following concepts does not belong with the others? A) continental drift B) plate tectonics C) plasticity D) midocean ridge E) a rigid crust with fixed continents

E) a rigid crust with fixed continents

Which of the following is termed "conservative"? A) a convergent plate boundary B) a divergent plate boundary C) an oceanic ridge D) an oceanic trench E) a transform plate boundary

E) a transform plate boundary

Mass wasting is associated with which speed of movement? A) imperceptibly slow B) a few centimeters per day C) 100 kilometers per hour D) a few meters per year E) a wide variety of speeds

E) a wide variety of speeds

In terms of Earth history, life appeared ________. A) before the first true "landscapes" B) after 99% of the time had elapsed C) after the continents started to drift D) almost directly after the beginning E) before the Grand Canyon began

E) before the Grand Canyon began

Typically, solifluction lobes move a few ________ per year. A) kilometers (miles) B) meters (feet) C) tens of meters (tens of feet) D) tens of kilometers (tens of miles) E) centimeters (inches)

E) centimeters (inches)

The Himalayas were formed by crumpling of plate edges in a ________ zone. A) transcurrent B) divergent C) rift D) basalt E) convergent

E) convergent

The La Conchita landslides are most closely associated with ________. A) problems in Mexico B) an earthquake C) causes that are no longer active D) an unsafe dam E) cracks underneath cliff houses

E) cracks underneath cliff houses

Which of the following refers to the surface of the Earth directly above the center of an earthquake? A) hot spot B) nadir C) seismic zone D) focus E) epicenter

E) epicenter

The peeling of thin layers of stone off a large rock is ________. A) explosion B) carbonation C) hydrolysis D) scree E) exfoliation

E) exfoliation

A sag pond is caused by collection of water from springs or runoff after movement along ________. A) flood basalts B) volcanoes C) synclines D) anticlines E) fault lines

E) fault lines

The east face of the Sierra Nevadas presents an excellent example of a(n) ________. A) syncline B) transform fault C) sag pond D) overthrust E) fault scarp

E) fault scarp

Which is formed on top of Earth's crust? A) batholith B) vein C) sill D) dike E) flood basalt

E) flood basalt

Which of the following is most effective in weathering rock? A) salt wedging B) daily heating and cooling C) fire D) plant roots E) freeze/thaw cycles

E) freeze/thaw cycles

Granular disintegration is most closely associated with ________. A) biological weathering B) mass wasting C) landslides D) hydrolysis E) frost wedging

E) frost wedging

A crustal block which is down thrown with a steep fault scarp on either side is a ________. A) horst B) fault block mountain C) syncline D) rift valley E) graben

E) graben

Chemical weathering is speeded because mechanical weathering tends to ________. A) make coarse-grained materials decompose more rapidly than fine-grained materials B) stop when chemical weathering starts C) deliver rocks to where chemical processes are dominant D) prevent moisture from washing away the chemicals E) greatly increase the surface area to be weathered

E) greatly increase the surface area to be weathered

Which sort of rocks are most susceptible to hydrolysis? A) metamorphic B) sedimentary C) plutonic D) unjointed E) igneous

E) igneous

Denudation is NOT closely related to ________. A) erosion B) biologic weathering C) atmospheric weathering D) mass wasting E) internal processes

E) internal processes

The initial formation of Earth involved the solidification and cooling of ________. A) strata B) sediments C) metamorphic rocks D) ice E) magma

E) magma

Over the past 100 million years of Earth history, it is known that the magnetic poles have reversed themselves ________ times. A) 10 B) 0 C) 2 D) 25 E) many

E) many

When subjected to metamorphism, limestone usually becomes ________. A) basalt B) sandstone C) schist D) gneiss E) marble

E) marble

The location of features, such as cliffs and valleys might be strongly influenced by the position of ________. A) talus slopes B) rocks which can be exfoliated C) systems of microspaces D) scree E) master joints

E) master joints

________ and nickel are thought to comprise significant portions of Earth's inner and outer cores. Titanium Aluminum Basalt Iron Quartz


The Unzen volcanic complex is composite of overlapping composite volcanoes and has had recent pyroclastic flows, lahars, and loss of life. This complex is in the country of ________.


________ are the most common structural features of rocks. Fractures Solution cavities Lava vesicles Joints Faults


Which of the following are fault-block mountains? Cascades Ozarks Sierra Nevada Appalachians Rockies

Sierra Nevada

________ minerals are the most abundant material making up the rocks of Earth's crust.


________ are the layers in sedimentary rock.


________ is an area of extensive flood basalts.

The Columbia Plateau The Deccan Plateau

A foreshock sometimes comes before a major earthquake. True False


A minor volcanic eruption releases the energy equivalent to a cluster of atomic bombs. True/False


A simple symmetrical upfold in topography is an anticline. True False


A talus slope has a characteristic angle of repose of about 35 degrees. True False


A volcano is "active" if it has had at least one eruption in recorded history. True/False


According to Wegener, all the continents were once joined together in one continent. True/False


According to the concepts of plate tectonics, the continents of Africa and South America are gradually changing their distance from each other. True False


Angular rocks and boulders on high mountain peaks were produced by frost shattering. True False


Any downward movement of broken rocks owing to gravity is called mass wasting. True False


Brush fires and forest fires speed the process of mechanical weathering. True/False


Burrowing animals, earthquakes, and thunder are all significant contributors to soil creep. True/False


Clayey soils or clayey subsoils greatly facilitate mass movement. True/False


Complex geologic structures in North Africa, North America, and Europe correlate very well with one another in terms of continental drift. True False


Current theory likens the world's sea floors to conveyor belts moving ever outward from the oceanic ridges. True/False


Debris flows are mass movements that occur on slopes in arid regions. True/False


Deep fault zones apparently serve as conduits allowing water and heat to approach the surface. True False


Diastrophism is considered a set of internal geomorphic processes. True/False


Diastrophism is considered an internal geomorphic process. True False


During subduction, oceanic crust melts as it is pushed down into the hot mantle. True/False


Earth's topography is more varied than that of any known planet. True/False


Exfoliation appears to involve both mechanical and chemical weathering agents. True False


External geomorphic processes are mainly subaerial. True/False


Faulting can take place many kilometers below the surface. True/False


Fragmented mineral material is called sediment. True False


Granite is a type of rock which has cooled from magma. True False


Gravity is the energizing force in mass wasting. True/False


Huge mountain ranges and shallow-focus earthquakes are common along convergent boundaries between pairs of continental plates. True/False


Humans have drilled less than one-thousandth of the distance from the surface to the center of the Earth. True/False


Igneous rocks apparently make up the bulk of Earth's entire crust. True False


Igneous rocks can be directly derived from the deformation of metamorphic rocks. True/False


In general, the slow cooling of molten rock leads to formation of large crystals. True/False


In the 1920s, Alfred Wegener assembled much scientific evidence suggesting that the continents drift. True/False


In the Cascade Range, there are many peaks larger or taller than Mount Saint Helens which exploded. True False


In the Earth system, internal and external geomorphic processes act more or less in direct opposition to each other. True/False


Isostasy can cause land lifting when groundwater dissolves limestone. True/False


Mafic lava is likely to be hotter and more fluid, causing non-explosive volcanic eruptions. True False


Many of the most important ore minerals are sulfides. True/False


Mass wasting is generally the second step in a three-step system of denudation True/False


Mechanical and chemical weathering usually act in concert with one another. True False


Mudflows are potentially more dangerous to humanity than earthflow True False


Mudflows tend to follow the local drainage network. True/False


Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. True/False


Offset streams are caused by strike-slip faults. True/False


Our understanding of the crust and upper mantle has fundamentally improved in the last few decades. True/False


Oxidation in rocks is often initiated by oxygen dissolved in water. True False


Oxidation produces compounds which are more easily eroded than the original rock. True/False


Paleomagnetism is used to show that the continents drifted apart. True/False


Parallel structure, also known as stratification, is a characteristic of most sedimentary rocks. True/False


Plant roots are agents of weathering. True/False


Plate tectonics is another term for lithospheric rearrangement. True/False


Plutonic rocks are the same thing as intrusive rocks. True False


Process refers to the analytical element of landscape study which considers the actions that have combined to produce the landform. True/False


Salt wedging is a weathering process which is unimportant in humid regions. True/False


Scale differences in landform studies are complex and of significance True/False


Sedimentary strata are always formed horizontally. True/False


Soil creep is generally faster on water-saturated slopes than on dry ones. True False


Sometimes, landslides come down into a valley and then race upslope on the other side. True/False


Strata are the layers in sedimentary rock. True/False


T/F In physical geography, comprehending the dynamics of topographic development is more important than any amount of detailed landform distribution study.


Talus slopes are normally gently concave upward, with the steepest angle near the apex of the cone. True/False


The Andesite Line refers to the numerous volcanoes which dot the rim of the Pacific Ocean. True False


The Deccan Plateau of India is associated with flood basalts. True/False


The Earth's crust is rigid as compared to the mantle directly underneath. True False


The Haiti earthquake was so devastating because of poor construction of buildings. True/False


The Lewis Overthrust in Glacier National Park in Montana is such a large thrust fault that sediments have been displaced horizontally as much as 30 kilometers. True/False


The asthenosphere is the portion of Earth's interior between the lithosphere and lower mantle. True/False


The crust under the ocean bottom is thinner than the crust under the continental surface. True/False


The largest recorded earthquake had a moment magnitude of 9.5 and occurred in Chile. True False


The mantle is located beneath the Moho. True False


The most widely distributed intrusive rock is granite True/False


The motive force behind continental drift appears to be convection. True/False


The slight difference in time of observation between the arrival of P and S waves at a seismographic station allows scientists to determine the distance to the focus of an earthquake. True/False


The southern portion of the "super continent" envisioned by Wegener is called Gondwanaland. True False


The steepest angle that can be assumed by loose fragments on a slope without downslope movement is the angle of repose. True False


The term "mountains without roots" is used to refer to mountains in overthrust fault zones. True/False


When water freezes, it decreases in density and expands in volume. True False


Whenever soil is present, it makes up the upper portion of the regolith. True/False


Where solifluction occurs, drainage channels are usually scarce. True/False


Rivers downcutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ________-shaped form.


The first comprehensive theory of continental drift was propounded by ________. Wallace Kppen Wegener Darwin Sagan


The major batholiths of North America occur on which part of the continent? Central Northern Western Eastern Southern


On the Modified Mercalli scale, the largest earthquakes would be assigned a value of ________. 10 8.5 1 XII 3


Crater Lake, Oregon, is an example of a volcanic ________. lava flow peak batholith caldera neck


From a chemical standpoint, the three reacting agents of greatest importance to weathering are ________. hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor water vapor, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide none of the above

carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor

The major end product of chemical weathering is(are) ________. sands talus airborne dust clays silts


The local deformation of Earth's crust because magma contacts surrounding rocks is called ________.

contact metamorphism

Water is a major agent of weathering because of its property that, when it freezes, it decreases in density and ________. expands in volume stays in liquid form below 0° Celsius evaporates turns white turns acidic

expands in volume

Igneous rocks deposited on the surface and then cooled are known as ________. clastic extrusive detrital core intrusive


Using the idea of "mantle plumes," it is obvious that the crust associated with the Hawaiian islands is moving from southwest to northeast. True False


In a flow, the center moves ________ than the outer edges.


Lava flows often create ________. dikes batholiths volcanic necks flattish plains volcanoes

flattish plains

Evidence of former surface volcanic activity is often found in the vast accumulations of lava called ________. hot spots magma flood basalts calderas pyroclastic

flood basalts

Which of the following mass movements involves the greatest amount of water? rockfall slide slump flow solifluction


The oldest continental rocks that have been discovered are on the order of ________ billion years old.


The most important type of mechanical weathering process is ________. hydrolysis oxidation frost shattering salt wedging uniformitarianism

frost shattering

In high altitude climates ________ is a (are) prevalent process(es).

frost wedging

Davisian theory is usually referred to as the ________.

geomorphic cycle

A crustal block which is downthrown with a steep fault scarp on either side is a ________. rift valley horst graben syncline fault block mountain


Exfoliation is most common in ________ and similar rocks.


Where the land is flat, ________ exerts a minimal influence on topographic development. chemical weathering mechanical weathering water biological weathering gravity


As they are created, sedimentary rock strata align ________. vertically horizontally along faults along folds with Earth's magnetic field


Grabens are commonly found in association with ________. anticlines batholiths horsts sag ponds concretions


Salt wedging is of slight consequence in ________. arid regions marshes regions above the treeline humid regions volcanic regions

humid regions

The rotting of rock by the various types of chemical weathering takes place best in ________. limestone regions upland montane forests arid lands polar regions humid regions

humid regions

The chemical union of water with another substance is called ________. magma oxidation hydrolysis solifluction talus


The original rocks which cooled on the surface of the Earth could be classified as ________.

igneous extrusive igneous

Density ________ with depth in the Earth's crust. remains largely the same decreases is insignificant increases is not described by any of the above


The land separating adjoining valleys is known as a(n) ________.


The ________ processes working on Earth's landscapes are energized by heat inside the Earth; they work without any regard to atmospheric influences.


The most widespread oxides are those that combine oxygen and ________. silver water calcite native elements iron


How long ago did Pangaea first begin to exist?

250 million years

Within 5%, the typical angle of repose on talus is ________%.


Earth's age is ________ billion years old. 4.6 .046 460 46 .46


It is clear that some rocks will never weather, waste, or erode. True/False


Joints and solution cavities are different names for the same feature. True/False


Landslides are the most common form of mass wasting. True/False


Like climate and vegetation, landforms have "predictable" worldwide distributions. True/False


Mass wasting and denudation are synonymous terms. True False


Mass wasting and weathering are synonymous terms. True False


Mechanical weathering is more effective than chemical weathering in the breakdown of the individual grains of a large rock. True False


Metamorphic rocks are probably the most common rock type found in the Earth's crust. True/False


Metamorphic rocks must be exposed to sunlight for cementation. True/False


Mid-oceanic ridges contain the oldest rocks in the ocean basins. True False


On the Richter scale, an earthquake number of 8 releases twice as much energy as an earthquake number of 4. True/False


Our understanding of the Earth's crust and upper mantle has remained virtually the same for a very long time (a couple of centuries). True False


Prior to Mt. St. Helens in 1980 there had never been an active volcano in the United States. True False


Rock glaciers form on flat surfaces. True/False


Salt wedging is a form of physical weathering especially prevalent in the humid tropics. True False


Sandstone is the most common metamorphic rock. True/False


Sedimentary rocks are the most common rock type found within the Earth's entire crust. True False


Several organic minerals are found in nature. True False


Shield volcanoes tend to be the most explosive of all volcanoes. True/False


Soil creep, because it is so common, produces a rich array of landforms. True/False


The "active layer" of permafrost must melt for solifluction to occur. True/False


The Black Hills of South Dakota provide an example of a structure formed by a dike. True/False


The Earth's crust is a layer of the lithosphere about 1,000 kilometers thick. True/False


The Haiti earthquake of 2010 was "surprising" because there were no major faults in the vicinity. True/False


Which of the following numbers is CLOSEST to the number of active volcanoes on Earth? A) 550 B) 55 C) 5 D) 55,000 E) 5,500


Each year, approximately ________ significant earthquakes cause damage and loss of life.

60 - 70

The Mississippi River delta's current position has been there for ________.

600 years

On the Richter scale, "very large" earthquakes are assigned a number of ________ or above.


The Alaskan earthquake of 1964 was extraordinarily violent and has been assigned a moment magnitude of ________. 47.5 2.3 5.7 21.6 9.2


Oceans are being created and removed from the Earth on a cycling time of about ________. A) 100 million years B) 1 million years C) 2.5 billion years D) 4.6 billion years E) 500 million years

A) 100 million years

Sedimentary rocks are the most common bedrock on the continents and comprise about ________ percent of the surface. A) 75 B) 55 C) 25 D) 5 E) 95

A) 75

________ is the part of the United States where one could see terranes. A) Alaska B) Maine C) Florida D) The Midwest E) Arizona

A) Alaska

Which of the following landscapes is most closely associated with jointing? A) Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah B) the folded Appalachian Mountains C) the Front Range of the Rockies D) Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park E) Chief Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana

A) Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Flood basalts cover much of the ocean floor, India, and in North America, the ________. A) Columbia Plateau B) Colorado Plateau C) Ozark area D) Newfoundland area E) Florida region

A) Columbia Plateau

Which of the following is NOT a landscape caused by faulting? A) Crater Lake, Oregon B) the Sierra Nevada C) grabens D) the Swiss Alps E) horsts

A) Crater Lake, Oregon

Which of the following is LEAST important in the weathering processes? A) Earthquakes B) Faults C) Joints D) Lava vesicles E) Microscopic open spaces

A) Earthquakes

The origins of which of the following are less well understood than the other features on the list? A) Mountains in the middle of plates B) Convergent plate boundaries C) Divergent plate boundaries D) Ocean ridges E) Ocean trenches

A) Mountains in the middle of plates

________ have the most extensive occurrence at the surface of the continental United States? A) Sedimentary rocks B) Metamorphic rocks C) Basaltic rocks D) Intrusive rocks E) Igneous rocks

A) Sedimentary rocks

________ often initiates mass wasting in subarctic and high latitudes. A) The heaving of frozen groundwater B) Short day lengths C) Heavy snow D) Cold temperatures E) Greater gravity nearer the poles

A) The heaving of frozen groundwater

Which of the following is NOT true of the terranes of North America? A) They are the largest of the crustal plate types. B) They are associated with accretion. C) Some of them have origins south of the Equator. D) They have rocks that were too buoyant to be subducted. E) Several dozen exist.

A) They are the largest of the crustal plate types

Which of the following is NOT a property of minerals? A) They can be human-made. B) They all are composed of crystals. C) Each has a regular pattern of atoms. D) They are totally inorganic. E) Each always has the same chemical composition.

A) They can be human-made.

minerals and rocks of the crust? A) a quarter of them B) all of them C) none of them D) three quarters of them E) half of them

A) a quarter of them

The ________ Mountains are an example of symmetrical folding over a large area.


The deepest drill core into the Earth's crust is approximately ________ kilometers deep. A) 6,702 B) 12 C) 360 D) 0.5 E) 31

B) 12

The approximate LAND surface of the Earth totals more than ________ square kilometers. A) 15 thousand B) 150 million C) 1.5 billion D) 15 trillion E) 1.5 thousand

B) 150 million

________ is a dark, fine-grained extrusive rock. A) Granite B) Basalt C) Tufa D) Shale E) Conglomerate

B) Basalt

________ is an "internal" process. A) Weathering B) Diastrophism C) Aeolian D) Fluvial E) Mass wasting

B) Diastrophism

________ might happen directly as the result of the removal of an overlying weight from the landscape. A) Hydrolysis B) Exfoliation C) A slump D) Soil creep E) Mass wasting

B) Exfoliation

Which of the following associations is generally TRUE? A) Internal processes: wearing-down and destructive B) External processes: decrease local relief C) External processes: creative and uplifting D) Internal processes: well understood E) External processes: poorly understood

B) External processes: decrease local relief

________ is(are) the most obvious result of weathering. A) Slumps B) Fragmentation of bedrock C) Earthquakes D) Joints E) Landslides

B) Fragmentation of bedrock

________ is an example of a native element. A) Lead B) Gold C) Calcite D) Halite E) Iron

B) Gold

Which of the following does NOT fit the requirement to be a mineral? A) It must be made up of inorganic substances. B) It must have economic value. C) It must have the same chemical composition wherever found. D) It must form a regular pattern of crystals. E) It must be found in nature.

B) It must have economic value.

________ move downslope as much as 160 kilometers per hour. A) Solifluction lobes B) Landslides C) Slump blocks D) Rock glaciers E) Debris flows

B) Landslides

________ is a sedimentary rock formed mechanically from fine silt and clay particles. A) Sandstone B) Shale C) Basalt D) Limestone E) Granite

B) Shale

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with large landslides? A) Earthquakes B) Solifluction C) Fault zones D) Heavy rains E) Large joints

B) Solifluction

The state having the greatest extent of flood basalts is ________. A) Arkansas B) Washington C) Idaho D) California E) Arizona

B) Washington

Clay is a facilitator for mass wasting because clay ________. A) dissolves when wet B) absorbs water C) particles are larger than sand D) has solution cavities E) particles are so small

B) absorbs water

The Lewis Overthrust is a well known feature in the Appalachian Mountains. True/False


The Swiss Alps are noteworthy in that they demonstrate simple and symmetrical folding. True False


The U.S. Government is developing an Earthquake Early Warning System (EEW) True/False


The angle of repose is the same for all materials. True/False


The internal processes working on Earth's landscapes are energized by heat inside the Earth; they work without any regard to atmospheric influences. True/False


Topography is a synonym for geomorphology. True/False


Uniformitarianism is another term for the theory of massive crustal deformation. True/False


Uniformitarianism is the study of the interior of the Earth. True False


Using the idea of "mantle plumes," it is obvious that the crust associated with the Hawaiian islands is moving from southwest to northeast. True/False


Usually, the number of faults in an area is a much greater number than the number of joints. True False


Water is the energizing force in mass wasting. True/False


Internal forces of the Earth tend to be better understood and more predictable than the external forces of the Earth. True False

False Internal forces are somewhat of a mystery

Most Common silicate?

Feldspars and quartz

In earthquakes, P waves________. arrive more slowly than surface waves are faster than S waves are absent are also known as surface waves travel towards the focus

are faster than S waves

Where would one find a convergent plate boundary? A) in the middle of North America B) along a transform plate boundary C)at the midocean ridge of the Atlantic Ocean D) at all of the above locations E) at none of the above locations

at none of the above locations

Presently, the North American and Eurasian plates are moving ________. nowhere toward the North Pole away from each other toward each other toward the Equator

away from each other

A slump is a downslope movement with a ________. sag pond plateau formation tsunami backwards rotation lava vesicle

backwards rotation

The Sierra Nevada and Sawtooth mountain ranges were caused by a huge intrusion type known as a ________.


The ________ is an igneous intrusion which has a surface area of at least 100 square kilometers. butte laccolith batholith stock vein


The most massive form of igneous intrusion is a ________. none of the above batholith stock laccolith sill


In freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions in soil creep, an individual soil particle tends to ________. slide downhill and then be lifted vertically slide downhill be lifted vertically be lifted vertically from the ground surface and placed slightly downhill be lifted vertically and placed at the same spot

be lifted vertically from the ground surface and placed slightly downhill

Residual rock that has not experienced erosion is termed ________. talus bedrock block basalt dome


The ________ is usually covered by a layer of broken and partly decomposed rock particles.


Under most of the Earth's land surface, solid rock exists as a buried layer known as ________. soil sediments regolith an outcrop bedrock


The Age of Dinosaurs persisted for some ________ years. 160 thousand 160 million 160 billion 1.60 billion 160

160 million

Earth's inner core is thought to consist of ________. A) a rigid mass B) superheated water C) sulfur D) magma E) hydrogen/helium gas

A) a rigid mass

The current interest in continental drift, was started with the notion of sea-floor spreading which was propounded by Hess and Dietz in the 1890s. 1960s. 1990s. 1700s. 1850s.


"Shortly" BEFORE the existence of Pangaea, ________. A) the supercontinent Rodinia had existed B) there was a single continent called "Micronesia" C) the Atlantic Ocean formed D) there was no continental drift E) Earth had formed

A) the supercontinent Rodinia had existed

The vast majority of North America is moving ________, A) to the west B) to the east C) down D) up E) so slowly that the direction is unknown

A) to the west

The Pacific "ring of fire" refers to the ________. A) volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean B) the Hawaiian Islands C) flood basalts D) subduction zones on the ocean floor E) Azores Island

A) volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean

Which process must take place FIRST during the denudation of a landscape? A) weathering B) mass wasting C) erosion D) They must occur simultaneously. E) None of them must necessarily occur first.

A) weathering

Shield volcanoes are ________ than composite volcanoes. A) wider B) more widespread C) taller D) more explosive E) steeper

A) wider

By Earth history standards, the Grand Canyon is ________. A) young B) as old as the Earth C) not important D) very old E) becoming a first-order landform

A) young

The Great Rift Valley is on the continent of ________


Life appeared on Earth ________. A) the day before yesterday B) as one-celled organisms and remained so over most of Earth's history C) after most of Earth's history was already over D) within the last one million years E) very early in Earth's history

B) as one-celled organisms and remained so over most of Earth's history

One sub-surface material which intensifies the process of earthquakes and mass movement is ________. A) batholiths B) clay C) calcium carbonate D) boulders E) scree

B) clay

A mudflow including numerous larger blocks of material is a(n) ________. A) slump B) debris flow C) earth slide D) earth flow E) rock glacier

B) debris flow

The most widespread of all intrusive forms is the ________. A) stock B) dike C) volcano D) lava flow E) batholith

B) dike

Which two terms are usually used to refer to the SAME plate boundary? A) terrane, trench B) divergent, constructive C) convergent, constructive D) subduction, constructive E) divergent, destructive

B) divergent, constructive

Frost wedging is NOT a significant agent in producing ________. A) sand B) dust C) mechanical weathering effects D) clay E) large boulders

B) dust

Jointing is most regularly patterned in ________. A) soil B) fine-grained rocks C) coarse-grained rocks D) exfoliated rocks E) faulted rocks

B) fine-grained rocks

The banding characteristic of metamorphic rocks is ________. A) relief B) foliation C) stratification D) uniformitarianism E) magma

B) foliation

Mass wasting is most likely during ________. A) the perihelion of Earth to the Sun B) heavy rain C) joint formation D) freezing temperatures E) daytime

B) heavy rain

If you travel away from a midocean ridge you will find ________. A) increasingly younger rocks B) increasingly older rocks C) more and more earthquakes D) the seafloor is drifting opposite to your direction of motion E) little evidence of paleomagnetic reversals of the poles

B) increasingly older rocks

A ________ is another name for a volcanic mudflow. A) laccolith B) lahar C) landslide D) pyroclastic flow E) bornhardt

B) lahar

Within the Earth is molten mineral matter called ________. A) extrusive material B) magma C) bedrock D) rock E) soil

B) magma

The ________ is NOT a portion of Earth's interior. A) asthenosphere B) magnetosphere C) lithosphere D) Moho E) outer core

B) magnetosphere

Large ________ extend for considerable distances and depths through rock. Below the surface, there is minimal separation between the blocks on either side. A) faults B) master joints C) solution cavities D) glory holes E) vesicles

B) master joints

Crustal plates are on the order of ________ kilometer(s) thick. A) 10 B) 10,000 C) 100 D) 1 E) 1,000

C) 100

How long ago did the Atlantic start to form as Pangaea started to rift apart? A) 20 million years B) 2.0 billion years C) 200 million years D) 1 million years E) 4.6 billion years

C) 200 million years

It has been deduced the mantle is composed of ________ concentric layers of various composition and density. A) 9 B) 51 C) 3 D) 153 E) 27

C) 3

The Rocky Mountains started to be uplifted ________ years ago. A) 6.5 billion B) 0.65 million C) 65 million D) 650 million E) 6.5 million

C) 65 million

________ is NOT a direct cause of sedimentary deposits forming into rock. A) Chemical cementation B) Pressure C) Erosion D) Weight of the overburden E) Precipitation of materials from water

C) Erosion

Which is a fundamental question at the heart of any geographic inquiry? A) How often? B) What? C) If so? D) Why? E) So what?

C) If so?

Mount Saint Helens exploded in 1980. Which of the following is NOT true? A) It is a volcano. B) It caused salmon to change their spawning habits. C) It is quite unlike the other mountains near it. D) It is in the State of Washington. E) It had been dormant for over 100 years.

C) It is quite unlike the other mountains near it.

The earliest era in the geologic time scale is ________. A) Archaeozoic B) Mesozoic C) Precambrian D) Cenozoic E) Paleozoic

C) Precambrian

________ refers to the analytical element of landscape study concerned with the nature, arrangement, and orientation of the materials comprising the observed feature(s). A) Isostasy B) Drainage C) Structure D) Slope E) Process

C) Structure

"The present is the key to the past" is the summarization of the doctrine of ________. A) Fundamentalism B) Earth history C) Uniformitarianism D) Precambrian time E) Analogy

C) Uniformitarianism

Where is one plate being subducted under another plate? A) the middle of the Arctic Ocean B) the middle of the Atlantic Ocean C) along the Aleutian Trench D) the middle of North America E) along the Hawaiian Islands

C) along the Aleutian Trench

Which of the following is NOT a type of opening along which weathering agents attack bedrock? A) joints B) solution cavities C) batholiths D) lava vesicles E) faults

C) batholiths

Limestone is composed primarily of ________. A) cations B) igneous material C) calcite D) tufa E) silt

C) calcite

The chemical binder for many sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, is ________. A) phosphorous B) boron C) calcium carbonate D) basalt E) nitrogen

C) calcium carbonate

As water freezes it expands almost ________ percent and is able to mechanically weather rock. A) 1 B) 75 C) 100 D) 50 E) 10

E) 10

The maximum world relief is CLOSEST to ________. A) 1 meter B) 50 kilometers C) 40,000 kilometers D) 1 kilometer E) 20 kilometers

E) 20 kilometers

Approximately ________ different minerals are known. A) 440,000 B) 440 C) 4,400,000 D) 44 E) 4,400

E) 4,400

The present estimate of the Earth's age is about ________ years. A) 2.8 trillion B) 500 million C) 50 million D) 2.8 billion E) 4.6 billion

E) 4.6 billion

Of the states below, which has the greatest number of volcanoes (active or inactive)? A) New York B) Louisiana C) Florida D) Arizona E) Alaska

E) Alaska

Which of the following doesn't belong with the others? A) Rift valley B) Overthrust C) Graben D) Horst E) Dike

E) Dike

The Indian subcontinent was originally attached to ________. A) Laurasia B) Sima C) Tasmania D) Sial E) Gondwanaland

E) Gondwanaland

Crater Lake, Oregon, is a remnant of a larger volcano named ________. A) Mt. St. Helens B) Paricutin C) Mt. Whitney D) Mt. McKinley E) Mt. Mazama

E) Mt. Mazama

"Fracking" is associated with all but the ________. A) making of small earthquakes B) pollution of groundwater C) rock formations known as plays D) fracturing of rocks E) most oil production from Saudi Arabia

E) most oil production from Saudi Arabia

Worldwide, volcanic eruptions are ________. A) a thing of the past B) mostly explosive C) rare D) rarely fatal to those around them E) mostly underwater

E) mostly underwater

"Fracking" is most closely associated with ________. A) conventional extraction B) an environmentally safe extraction method C) fossil fuels in sandstones D) oil E) natural gas

E) natural gas

In Hawaii, the direction of movement of the "hot spot" means that the ________ is the oldest part of the island chain. A) largest island B) center islands C) southeastern islands D) rainiest island E) northwestern islands

E) northwestern islands

A(n)________ is the same thing as a pyroclastic flow. A) earthquake B) landslide C) flood basalt D) steam explosion E) nuée ardente

E) nuée ardente

Which of the following is thought to be liquid? A) mantle B) crust C) inner core D) asthenosphere E) outer core

E) outer core

The Glacier Park, Montana area, provides a classic example of large scale ________. A) flood basalts B) graben structure C) transcurrent faulting D) horsts E) overthrust faulting

E) overthrust faulting

Which of the following is NOT one of the principal categories of rock-forming minerals? A) halides B) sulfides C) oxides D) native elements E) peptides

E) peptides

Which of the following is thought to transfer materials WITHOUT the lubricating effect of water? A) mudflow B) landslides C) solifluction D) debris flows E) rock glaciers

E) rock glaciers

The most common oxidation effect in the lithosphere is ________. A) talus B) hydrolysis C) scree D) exfoliation E) rusting

E) rusting

The most commonly occurring type of metamorphic rocks are gneiss and ________. A) shale B) coal C) limestone D) magma E) schist

E) schist

The new substances made through oxidation of existing minerals are ________ than the original minerals. A) less oxygen rich B) less voluminous C) less easily eroded D) more organic E) softer

E) softer

Instead of the vertical displacement of other faults, a ________ fault has horizontal displacement between the two sides A) normal B) reverse C) overthrust D) graben E) strike-slip

E) strike-slip

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons scientists strongly believe in plate tectonics? A) the ability to explain oceanic trenches B) the ability to explain many earthquake zones C) the ability to explain many volcanic zones D) the ability to explain midoceanic ridges E) the ability to explain Earth's crust is rigid

E) the ability to explain Earth's crust is rigid

Which of the following was NOT associated with the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens? A) the filling in of the River shipping channel B) the destruction of many lakes C) the deaths of 70 people D) the change of rivers to which salmon come to spawn E) the end of life in the local ecosystem for at least 1,000 years

E) the end of life in the local ecosystem for at least 1,000 years

Frost shattering is also called frost ________. A) weathering B) exfoliation C) creep D) slump E) wedging

E) wedging

The geographer's concern with Earth's interior is restricted primarily to its influence on________. Earth surface features oxidation foliation magnet fields magma intrusions

Earth surface features

"Hot spots" in the Earth's crust are so rare that only 3 of them have been documented. True False


A batholith is an igneous extrusive landform. True False


A common maximum speed for landslides is about 500 kilometers per hour. True False


A crescent-shaped scarp on a high slope often appears above a rock glacier. True/False


A fault is a break in the Earth's surface or crust without horizontal or vertical displacement. True/False


A fault is any break in the Earth's surface or crust. True False


A mudflow is a slope collapse with a backward rotation. True False


A normal fault results from compressional forces. True/False


A rock is defined as a mixture of elements True/False


According to our best estimates, humans (Homo sapiens) have been on Earth for about half of Earth's history. True/False


Aeolian processes are a subdivision of the internal geomorphic processes. True False


All surface expressions of faults are on a north-south axis. True/False


An example of a large syncline is the Sierra Nevada. True/False


Basalt is an example of a rock type with very large crystals. True/False


Chemical weathering is at its peak in high northern latitudes. True False


Continental crust is recycled "quickly" while oceanic crust tends to be conserved for much greater times. True/False


Earth is probably 14.6 billion years old. True False


Exfoliation is a type of weathering which is produced by hydrolysis. True/False


Fault lines tend to block magma from reaching the surface. True/False


Foliation occurs when rock composed of a single material is subjected to heat and pressure. True/False


Generally, joints do not exist below 1 meter from Earth's surface. True False


Generally, joints do not exist below one meter from Earth's surface. True/False


Hutton was the scientist who discovered catastrophism. True/False


Igneous rocks are directly derived from the deformation of metamorphic rocks. True False


In extreme cases, soil creep can carry materials as much as a kilometer downhill in a single year. True/False


With respect to minerals, which of the following is TRUE? Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust. "Mineral" is a synonym for "rock". All minerals crystals are too small to be seen. All minerals have probably been discovered. Over 500,000 minerals exist.

Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust.

________ is the counterpart of "scouring".


In the rock cycle, sedimentary rocks can become metamorphic rocks through ________.

Heat or melting

________ are formed from skeletal remains of coral and other lime-secreting sea animals. Shales Schists none of the above Sandstones Limestones


The ________ discontinuity separates the crust from the mantle.


Which scale is now the most commonly used to measure the size of LARGE earthquakes? Fujita Richter Moment magnitude Saffir-Simpson Mercalli

Moment magnitude

The first person to write about the possibility of continental drift was ________. Aristotle Einstein Hess Ortelius Wegener


FIB Silica and ________ are the two most abundant elements in the lithosphere.


Which of the following was the single, "supercontinent" which existed before individual continents broke apart from it a quarter of a billion years ago? India Pangaea Laurasia Gondwanaland Asia


Which of the following scientists is closely associated with the theory of crustal change and slope development? A) Davis B) Penck C) Bacon D) Richter E) Wegener


________ refers to the analytical element of landscape study which considers the actions that have combined to produce the landform.


The Pleistocene is a part of the ________ period. Permian Quaternary Cambrian Silurian Tertiary


Which earthquake wave type travels the slowest? Q S R P T


Which of the following would be most likely to develop a radial drainage pattern? A) mountain ridges caused by faulting B) a cone-shaped volcano C) folded, ridge-and-valley topography D) flat-lying, sedimentary rocks E) none of the above

a cone-shaped volcano

Earth's crust is composed of at least ________ major plates and a number of smaller ones. one hundred a dozen fifty two seventy five

a dozen

In ________ there is a rough sorting of particles, with larger pieces farther downslope. a mudslide soil creep a rockfall faulting a flow

a rockfall

Creep associated with animals and resembling a faint network of trails is called ________. a seiche solifluction oxidation hydrolysis a terracette

a terracette

A result of soil creep might be ________. a sinking land surface a landslide an earthquake along a fault a tilted fence post a house engulfed in mud

a tilted fence post

Water penetrating into soil promotes chemical weathering by acting as a weak ________. saline solution neutral agent base catalyst acid


Which of the following is associated with large landslides? A) large joints B) heavy rains C) earthquakes D) fault zones E) all of the above

all of the above

The proof for the long-doubted idea of drifting continents came in the form of ________. observation of coastlines animal distributions understanding of mountains analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns glacial ice

analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns

When fragments deposited by mass movement are at the ________, they are in a fine balance between the pull of gravity and the cohesion and friction of the rock material.

angle of repose

No matter where you go, which of the following is almost certainly acting on the landscape around you? creep rock glaciers landslides solifluction mudflow


The most widespread form of mass wasting is ________.


The slowest and least perceptible form of mass wasting is ________. solifluction exfoliation landslide mudflow creep


Isostasy refers to the recognition that the ________ floats on the denser mantle. atmosphere aluminium crust inner core outer core


The ________ is a layer comprising less than 1% radius and 0.4% of Earth's mass.


The ________ is the thinnest layer. mantle crust asthenosphere outer core inner core


The lithosphere is sometimes defined as the: lower mantle and outer core. crust and upper mantle. asthenosphere and mesosphere. upper and lower mantle. outer and inner core. crust and upper mantle.

crust and upper mantle.

This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf:


When tectonic plates subduct it is because ocean crust is ________ than continental crust.


The general term signifying the overall lowering of the rock material on the Earth's crust is ________. mass wasting weathering denudation slumping jointing


The most widespread of all the intrusive forms in this list is the A) volcano B) dike C) stock D) lava flow E) batholith


Radial walls extending outward from a volcano are ________. veins clay pans plugs sills dikes


Which of the below is the major concept to which all the others are part of? A) valley bottom B) interfluve C) drainage basin D) valley side E) drainage divide

drainage basin

In percolating rainwater, dissolved gases and the decay products of local vegetation increases the water's capacity to ________. undergo mechanical weathering condense evaporate drive chemical reactions freeze

drive chemical reactions

A(n) ________ is an abrupt movement of the Earth's crust usually associated with a fault zone.


Mass movements are likely to occur after _______.

earthquakes heavy rains

About 100 chemical ________ are found in the Earth's crust.


When a meandering stream is incised into a gradually rising crust or bedrock the result is a(n)________.

entrenched meander

The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as ________.


A weathering type associated with curved and concentric sets of joints break away in successive layers is called ________. creep exfoliation solifluction hydrolysis landslide


The largest and most important mineral family consists of the ________. sulfides halides bromides silicates oxides


The rock type which results from metamorphosed shale is ________. marble limestone slate quartz gneiss


In the formation of igneous rocks, large crystal size is closely related to ________. fast cooling percentage of silica slow cooling percentage of oxygen absence of light

slow cooling

A slope collapse with a backward rotation is a ________. rock glacier rock slide talus slope slump debris flow


The main downslope movement of subarctic and arctic landscapes is ________. mass wasting mud slide solifluction rock glacier permafrost


Calcareous rock is closely associated with ________.

solution cavities

Similar in nature to a batholith but much smaller in size is a ________. stock sill dike vein all of the above


Which of the following is uncommon along streams? A) natural levee B) thalweg C) alluvium D) straight channel E) floodplain

strait channel

Instead of the vertical displacement of other faults, a ________ fault has horizontal displacement between the two sides.


The rock debris which accumulates at the base of steep slopes by gravitational action is called ________. exfoliation creep slump vesicles talus


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