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Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Great Lakes and climate?

Areas near the lakes tend to have slightly cooler summers and warmer winters.

The best example of Maine's agriculture that capitalizes on the region's unique natural endowment (climate and soils) is:


Cities of the Pacific Northwest, such as Portland, Oregon, developed and expanded later than many of the big cities in other regions. How was this an advantage?

Both urban planning and public awareness of the environment had more time to evolve.

At one time south Florida was the top destination for retirees looking to move south, but in the 1980s that began to change. Why?

Demand drove up property values and the cost of living.

In the United States, the crest of the Rocky Mountains is the ______ that separates the water that eventually ends up in the Pacific Ocean from that which flows into the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico.

Drainage divide

Which of the following is most true of the region's forests?

Early on they were logged extensively, but today many parts of the region are reforested.

Farming was not possible in the Intermontane West and MexAmerica until the arrival of American settlers who brought irrigated farming to the region.


In Spanish Florida, the Catholic population was morally opposed to slavery and, therefore, slavery was prohibited there.


In terms of rock type, the piedmont classified as crystalline rock and contains the region's coal deposits.


Many of America's first national parks were located in the Intermontane West and MexAmerica.


The Native American populations living in the Intermontane West and MexAmerica today are not native to that region; rather, they were all removed from prime land areas in the east and resettled on marginal lands in the west.


The most successful post-industrial cities of the Great Lakes and Corn Belt have continued to focus on manufacturing and agriculture-related activities, but have shifted their economies away from growing crops and more toward the processing of crops and manufacture of agriculture-related equipment.


Today, most people that claim Caribbean descent and live in Florida are immigrants.


Unlike cities that developed later in America's history, the cities of Megalopolis developed haphazardly with no policies or goals to direct growth.


The present-day United States border with Mexico was finalized by the:

Gadsden Purchase.

Why is so much of California's agricultural output exported to other parts of the United States?

It has a natural endowment unlike any other region in the United States.

A Spanish influence dominates the cultural landscape of many parts of the Coastal South with the exception of _____________, which exhibits a greater French influence.


Which of the following statements about the overmountain people is FALSE?

Most were of German or Irish descent with a strong independent spirit.

Cities in Megalopolis are commonly known for having a dominant industry. Which of the following city-industry pairs is incorrect?

Philadelphia - international shipping

In contrast to the valleys, the ridges of the Blue Ridge are:

densely forested.

The discontinuous settlement pattern of the Intermontane West is made evident by the:

disproportionate number of people living in its largest metropolitan areas.

Which of the following combinations of features of the physical setting make apple production so profitable in central-eastern Washington and northeastern Oregon?

dry summers and bountiful snowmelt

In the Rocky Mountain region, local climate and vegetation patterns are most often determined by:


Penn deemed Philadelphia the city of brotherly love mostly due to its:

embodiment of religious values.

Which of the following locational factors best describes why the Megalopolis region emerged to play a central role in America's economy and history?

excellent natural harbors, serving as gateways to the interior

All of the following have contributed to the sustained nature of Appalachia's rural landscape among a largely urban America, EXCEPT:

extreme religious beliefs and practices.

The Mormons who settled Utah were primarily:


Despite intense logging in the 1700s, New England is today heavily forested. A primary reason for this forest recovery is:

farmland abandonment when agriculture shifted west.

Historically, and still today, the coastal communities of southern Alaska have economies built around:


There is a significant population of French-speaking residents in living in New England states, a large number of whom are:

from Quebec and came in search of employment.

Appalachia has a distinctly rural culture that has failed to become highly urbanized and densely populated like many other parts of the United States. A major reason for this is:

general isolation and lack of mobility.

Of the following industries, which would be considered least important to the city of New York's cultural and economic landscape today?

heavy machinery manufacturing

Moving from east to west across the state, which of the following describes the pattern of California's major topographic features?

high mountains, valleys, mountains, coastline

Boston's history and culture have led to its prominence in:

high technology fields.

At the beginning of the 19th century, what nation or nations officially had the right to territorial claims in the Pacific Northwest region south of Canadian territory?

Spain and Great Britain

The Great Plains is commonly known as Tornado Alley. All of the following characteristics contribute to this, EXCEPT:

hot, dry air masses creating atmospheric instability.

What is one reason dairy farms would replace cash-grain farms in southwestern Wisconsin?

The hilly terrain in that part of Wisconsin are less suited for growing crops.

California's most densely populated areas are found:

in southern, coastal California.

Politically, the areas of California that tend to be red, or republican dominated, are found:

in the more rural, agricultural areas.

In the latter half of the 20th century, agricultural productivity ______________ and the price of agricultural products, such as corn and soybeans _____________.

increased; decreased

Wetland loss in the Coastal South has been attributed to all of the following, EXCEPT:

invasive animal species.

In the context of early city growth in Megalopolis, Philadelphia is unique because it:

is one of the first planned cities.

Which of the following descriptions of southeast Alaska is FALSE?

it is one of the few parts of the state without oil and gas reserves

The Connecticut Valley is significant on the cultural landscape because:

it is the general dividing line for Boston and New York sports teams and fans.

Which of the following statements about the Deepwater Horizon oil-well blowout is FALSE?

it took British Petroleum nearly a month to cap the well and stop the flow of oil

The climate of New England is largely the result of:

its higher latitude location.

Florida has a unique advantage over other growing areas in the United States when it comes to citrus fruits due to the peninsula's:

low risk of frost.

Historically what has attracted economic investment in the Inland South?

low wages, a large labor pool, and lack of unionization

Which of the following statements about the Gold Rush is FALSE?

many miners became wealthy overnight

The recent population boom in towns across the northern Great Plains, such as those in the Dakotas, has been the result of:

natural gas extraction.

New England is lacking in all of the following EXCEPT:

natural resources.

While Disneyland in Anaheim, California, was the first Disney theme park to open, Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida, became the larger and more profitable of the two largely because:

of a shortsighted decision made when buying the land to build Disneyland in Anaheim, California.

The volcanoes of northern California are the result of:

plate subduction.

The settlement of towns in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain region was most related to:

rail lines and mining.

New England is in close proximity to the heavily urbanized Megalopolis region. This geography has raised concerns over all of the following, EXCEPT:

rising unemployment rates and home foreclosures.

During the Antebellum period, large plantations were common across the Deep South, while agriculture in the Appalachians and Piedmont was primarily:

small independent and subsistence farms.

Which of the following is a true statement about the difference between Creole and Cajun people?

the Creole do not share a common origin, the Cajun share a common origin

Of the following which explains why industries like aluminum smelting and pulp & paper manufacturing developed and prospered in the Pacific Northwest?

the availability of water and cheap hydro power

The catalyst for the growth of Las Vegas was:

the building of the Hoover Dam.

Why did land holdings awarded by the Homestead Act eventually expand to 320 acres?

the climate made anything smaller unprofitable for farming

Chinatown buses are a good example of _____________ in the region.

the connectedness of cities

Which of the following best explains why United States Secretary of State William H. Seward was criticized for purchasing Alaska?

the ignorance of many at the time

Which of the following manufacturing activities in the Great Lakes & Corn Belt most directly benefitted from the presence of the Great Lakes and other waterways in the region?

the iron-steel industry

Why are the forests of the Pacific Northwest heavily harvested for lumber?

the large tree stature

What was the statement, "to provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long run" said in reference to?

the management of National Lands

Across the Great Plains, the region's vast groundwater reserves are a product of:

the presence of sands and gravels ideal for water storage.

An implication of the 50/10 rule in the South is:

the prevalence of soil erosion and infertility.

For the United States, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in:

the purchase of several western states.

Why are truck farming (fruits and vegetables) and dairy farming still viable industries in Megalopolis?

they are both in demand by a large, local markets

Similar to California, Washington is characterized by:

topography that includes coastal and inland mountains with an intervening valley.

In early New England towns, the meeting house was:

used for religious worship and conducting town business.

Upon arrival in the Great Lakes region, the Europeans:

valued the forests for their furs and wood.

Compared to locations further inland, in California's coastal cities you can expect:

warmer winter temperatures and cooler summer temperatures.

Moving across the Great Plains toward the Rocky Mountains, the location of early settlements was strongly correlated with the location of:

water and mineral deposits.

Early manufacturing in New England emphasized all of the following, EXCEPT:


Native populations in California:

were large given the state's resources.

Soils across much of the Inland south are heavily weathered and infertile, and today agriculture is concentrated on pockets of more fertile soil.


Unlike the adjacent Great Lakes and Corn Belt region, the Great Plains was left largely untouched by continental ice sheets during the Pleistocene.


With a climate similar to that of France and California, Oregon has many vineyards and a successful wine industry.


Unlike other cities in the region, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, continued to prosper in spite of the deindustrialization that took place over the past few decades. According to your lesson, why?

When it first began to experience deindustrialization leaders came up with a plan to diversify the economy.

From which of the following has the Bay Area's high-tech industry most benefitted from?

a large, educated labor pool

Which of the following best describes the general geology of the Coastal Plain?

a series of alternating bands of sedimentary rock

Early French settlement in the region known as Acadia was driven primarily by:

an abundance of animals for fur trapping.

Loess deposits in parts of the Great Lakes and Corn Belt are significant because they:

are associated with fertile soils.

California agriculture is beset with challenges moving forward, the most important of which is likely to be:

competition for land and water from non-farm users.

As early settlers pushed west from the Midwest region into the interior, what would they experience in terms of vegetation?

A decrease in forest cover and an increase in prairie grass.

Agriculture in Intermontane West is most associated with:

alluvial fans.

A city that was at one time considered to be a Rust Belt city, but has overcome the Rust Belt label due to diversification and the development of industries such as healthcare and education is:

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Which of the following statements best describes the general population trend of the Great Plains over time?

Population loss intensified during the Dust Bowl period of the 1930s and the trend of loss has basically continued since that time.

The missions founded by the Franciscans in Alta California were primarily:

agricultural communities worked by natives.

Throughout the mid- to late- twentieth century, large areas of Florida's coastal wetlands were drained to make way for:


Chinook winds and aridity experienced in the Great Plains are both related to the region's:

location relative to a mountain range.

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