Geo Chap 10

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principle of Continuity

allows us to assume that similar layers of rock or sediment that are separated by a valley or other erosional feature were once continuos

Relative dating

cannot tell us how long ago something took place, only that is followed one event and preceded another

William Smith

created the first geological map in 1793


each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in relative atomic mass but not in chemical properties; in particular, a radioactive form of an element.

national parks with shared strata

grand canyon national park,

numerical dating

how long ago something took place or specifically how old something or someone is.


material that undergoes decay


measurement of decay from parent to daughter/ time for 1/2 of unstable parent to decay

principle of superposition

oldest layers are always on bottom for sedimentary rocks

Principles of relative dating

principle of superposition, original horozontiality, lateral continuity, cross-cutting, inclusions, fossil successions,


product of the decay

James Hutton

proposed idea of uniformitrianism

principle of inclusions

relatively dates objects based on their placement within other earth materials

principle of cross cutting

states that any geologic feature that crosses other layers or rock must be younger then the material it cuts across.

principal of original horozontiality

states that due to the influence of gravity all sediment is originally deposited horizontally.

principle of fossil succession

states that groups of fossils (called fossil assemblages) proceed one another in a regular and determinable manner.

geologic time

the span of time since earths formation



lithologic correlation

A correlation based on similarities in rock type

fossil correlation

A determination of the stratigraphic relation between two sedimentary rock units, reached by studying fossils.

angular conformity

An unconformity in which the strata below were tilted or folded before the unconformity developed; strata below the unconformity therefore have a different tilt than strata above.


An unconformity parallel to the two sedimentary sequences it separates.

fossil succession

The principle of fossil succession states that groups of fossils appear in a chronological order through their vertical placement in sedimentary rocks


Uniformitarianism is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. "present is key to the past"

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