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A pegmatite is a course-grained igneous rock that forms primarily because the melt

is water-rich

Two common metamorphic rocks that typically lack foliation are ________ and ________.

quartzite; marble

Which of the following describes the progression of rock types through increasing metamorphic grade from left to right?

shale --> slate --> phyllite --> schist

Which of the following is a type of physical weathering?

thermal expansion

Igneous rocks are formed

through the freezing or crystallization of a melt.

Sea level rises locally, and marine sediments are deposited on top of terrestrial sediments during events termed


Grains become rounded primarily during


Chemically precipitated limestone that forms in caves or around hot springs is termed


Why does differential weathering occur?

Different minerals have different resistances to weathering

________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of marble.


Which of the following is a primary difference between phyllite and schist?

Mica crystals within schist are larger than those within phyllite

Why does physical weathering speed up the processes of chemical weathering?

Physical weathering produces more surface area for chemical weathering to attack

________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of quartzite.


________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of phyllite


________ commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of slate.


Which of the following is true about regressions?

They occur when the land is uplifted by tectonic processes

The image below of Death Valley, CA, shows a road that curves around a(n)

alluvial fan

Dissolution occurs when minerals

are dissolved into water.

Most commonly, felsic igneous rocks

are lighter in color than mafic rocks

Consult the figure below. The region of thermally metamorphosed rock surrounding a cooled pluton is called a (n)


A vast, composite intrusive igneous body that covers hundreds of square kilometers (in a map view) is called a


Cemented shells of marine organisms form which kind of sedimentary rock?


Broadly, metamorphism involves

changes in mineralogy and texture in response to heat and stress

Precipitation of gypsum due to evaporation of seawater produces which kind of sedimentary rock?


Lithified detritus (breakdown products of preexisting rocks) forms which kind of sedimentary rock?


What type of sediment is typically found in lake bottoms?


As compared to aphanitic igneous rocks, phaneritic rocks are

coarser grained

Which of the following processes does NOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock?

complete remelting of the rock, followed by solidification to form a new rock

The image below shows an outcrop of coarse-grained sedimentary rock. Note the rock hammer for scale. What is the name of this rock type?


Consult the figure below. Here, distinct internal laminations are inclined at an angle to the boundary of the main sedimentary layers. These are termed

cross beds

A body of rock starts at location A in the graph below. The rock, over a period of time, moves to location B and begins to melt. This is an example of melting due to


If the volatile content of magma is increased, its viscosity will


Vesicles in an igneous rock are evidence for which of the following?

degassing of volatiles

Topset, foreset, and bottomset beds are indicative of ________ environments


The mineral assemblage within metamorphic rock is

dependent on both the mineral assemblage of its protolith and the temperature and pressure of formation

The application of ________ during metamorphism causes elongated crystals to align parallel with each other. When this happens, the rock develops ________.

differential stress; foliation

In the figure provided below, what type of igneous intrusion is the vertical rock unit shown by letter A?


Salt water is the end product of this weathering process.


The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was created by which phenomenon?


Differential stress will cause crystals to align in a preferred orientation unless the crystals are


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content?


Large igneous provinces are formed by ________, which can flow tens to hundreds of kilometers.

flood basalts

As compared to mafic igneous rocks, felsic igneous rocks

have a higher proportion of silica relative to Mg oxide and Fe oxide

Which transport medium carries the largest particles?

ice in glaciers

If a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will


Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of material due to

interaction with water or air

Shiprock, New Mexico, seen in the photo below is a

intrusion that represents the eroded remnant of an extinct volcano

When magma solidifies below the surface of the Earth, ________ are formed.

intrusive igneous rocks

Within a single mountain range,

it is possible to find a variety of metamorphic rocks produced in distinct facies, including high-, intermediate-, and low-grade rocks

Differential weathering occurs when

layers of rock weather at different rates

Compaction and cementation of grains occurs during


The difference between magma and lava is

magma is melt underground, whereas lava is melt that has emerged from the surface

A protolith

may belong to any of the three primary rock types.

Injecting hot fudge into ice cream and causing the ice cream to melt is an appropriate analogy for which cause of magma melt?

melting due to heat transfer from rising magma

A buried body of shale is subjected to differential stress, causing clay minerals to realign and produce slate.


In general, when rock is partially melted, the chemistry of the melt is

more felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted.

During fractional crystallization of a magma body, the first rock that is expected to crystallize from the magma will be

more mafic than the magma

Sedimentary rocks are most likely to form

near the Earth's surface

In the discontinuous series of Bowen's reaction series, the first mineral to crystallize from a mafic melt is


Two major sources of energy, coal and oil shale, are considered ________ sedimentary rocks.


Which type of weathering process is happening to materials when they rust?


Diagenesis refers to

physical and chemical alterations, including compaction and cementation, that occur as sediment is transformed into rock

The figure below shows mafic magma as it meets the seafloor, which cools to form an igneous rock called

pillow basalt

The continuous series in Bowen's reaction series describes the crystallization behavior of which mineral?


A _________ is an irregular or blob-shaped intrusive body; a ___________ is a blister-shaped intrusion

pluton; laccolith

Pegmatites, which often occur in dikes, are unusual among shallow intrusive rocks in that they

possess exceptionally coarse grains.

The preexisting rock that is subsequently altered to form a metamorphic rock is termed a


A felsic, highly-vesicular volcanic rock is termed


A fragmental, extrusive igneous rock is referred to as which of the following?


Granite, an intrusive igneous rock, is most similar in mineral composition to which extrusive equivalent?


A well-sorted sandstone with asymmetric ripples was most likely deposited as sand by a

river (far from source)

The majority of the rocks that form at the surface of the Earth are

sedimentary rocks

Which of the following are most likely to preserve conditions of ancient environments on the Earth?

sedimentary rocks

The figure below shows the application of

shear stress

Which list properly orders foliated metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade from left to right?

slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss

Flood basalts such as those found in the Columbia Plateau and the Deccan region are associated with


As compared with metamorphism, diagenesis

takes place at lower temperatures and pressures

The geotherm is the rate of change of

temperature with depth in the Earth's interior

Stratification refers to

the development of layering within sedimentary rocks

Viscosity does NOT depend on

the total volume of the magma body

If a geologist found preserved mud cracks, he or she could conclude that the environment in which they formed

was once covered in wet mud

Important volatiles in magmas include

water and carbon dioxide

Sediment formation is the result of __________ at the Earth's surface


It is unusual for ________ to carry grains larger than sand.


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