Geog 100-075 Compilation of Quizzes

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What is the lowest possible ANS for Miami FL ( 25.5 degrees N latitude)? (Hint:The sun is at its lowest for Miami on the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.)

41 degrees

What would the relative humidity be with a dry-bulb of 25ºC and a wet-bulb of 24ºC?


How would you report an air pressure of 997.2 on a weather model?


Select the only option below for a free point! Please select it, or the computer will mark it wrong!


What is the dew point in the figure? Left Top: 75 Left Bottom: 23 Right Top: 003 Right Bottom: ___________ Center: -------\


What is the declination during the Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice?

23.5 degrees North latitude

What is the declination during the Northern Hemisphere's winter solstice?

23.5 degrees South latitude

What is the ANS for Spokane, Washington (47.5º N latitude) on November 20th?


Using the figure below, what would the air mass temperature be after descending from point D (with a starting temperature of 10ºC (which is a new value and not the answer to the question above) to Point E? Hint: the total elevation change is 1300m (Point D is 1400m and Point E is 100m). Also, you are now descending, so the air will be compressing and warming according to the dry adiabatic lapse rate. D: 1400 m at 10ºC C: 1300 m B: 1200 m A: 1100 m Ending Point: 100 m


How many time zones are there going around the planet?


Earth rotates 360º every?

24 hours

According the quantitative precipitation forecast map above, portions of northern Louisiana may experience up to how much rainfall in the next 24 hours?

3 to 4 inches

What would the relative humidity be with a dry-bulb of 17ºC and a wet-bulb of 9ºC?


The elevation at the summit of Mt. Everest (the highest point in the world) is at 8,848 meters. Use Table 6.1 to estimate what the air pressure would be at the summit.

337 mb

How many jet streams circle the Earth? (Northern and Southern Hemisphere combined)


In recent decades, we have witnessed the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere ...

Continue to Increase

In the upper atmosphere, which of the following forces is absent (or near absent), contributing to the formation of geostrophic winds?


Which world region experiences the highest number of hurricanes (typhoons) each year?

East U.S. and Carribean

Longitude lines lines measure direction ____________ and ___________ of the equator. The range of measurement is from 0º to ______º?

East, West, 180

The reference point for lines of latitude is_______________. The reference point for longitude is_________________.

Equator, Prime Meridian

When relative humidity is 100%, all of the following is true with the exception of? (Which is false?)

Evaporation rates exceed condensation rates

Earth is farther from the sun when the Northern Hemisphere is in the winter season. (True or False?)


Evaporation rates exceed condensation rates


Tropical systems form in the same manner as Mid-latitude Cyclones, with the clashing of warm and cold air masses.


According to the figure above, which state has the highest air pressure?


According to the fire weather outlook on the map above, which state is at an elevated risk of wildfire?

New Mexico

Which way is the wind blowing from and how fast is it blowing? Left Top: 75 Left Bottom: 23 Right Top: 003 Right Bottom: ___________ Center: -------\

North, 10 knots

The temperature at which condensation occurs is referred to as?

dew-point temperature

Which percentage of the atmosphere is oxygen?


What is the relationship between global temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

There is a positive correlation, they rise and fall together

What is the relationship between altitude and atmospheric pressure?

There is an inverse relationship. As one increases, the other decreases. As one decreases, the other increases.

How have mountain glaciers helped scientists determine climatic conditions of the Pleistocene?

Todays massive U-shaped valleys and chiseled mountain tops are relics of past glaciations

Greenhouse gasses (absorb or transmit) solar radiation.


If there are 5mb of water vapor in the atmosphere and the saturation vapor pressure is 10mb, how do you calculate the relative humidity?

(5mb divided by 10mb) x 100% = 50% R.H.

Which of the following is true of the Antarctic ice melt? (A) The 2019 Antarctic sea ice extent was less that the 1981-2010 median but not as limited as the 2017 extent. (B) The 2019 Antarctic sea ice extent was greater than both the 1981-2010 median and the 2017 extent. (C) The 2019 Antarctic sea ice extent was less than both the 1981-2010 median and the 2017 extent.

(A) The 2019 Antarctic sea ice extent was less that the 1981-2010 median but not as limited as the 2017 extent.

Which of the following is true of the 2019 Greenland surface melt extent? (A) The melt extent is greater than the 1981-2010 median and 2001 extent, but not as great as the melt that took place in 2012. (B) The melt extent is greater than the 1981-2010 median, 2001 extent, and 2012 extent. (C) The melt extent is less than the 1981-2010 median, 2001 extent, and 2012 extent.

(A) The melt extent is greater than the 1981-2010 median and 2001 extent, but not as great as the melt that took place in 2012.

Which of the following is not a climate proxy? (A) Ice core analysis (B) Tree rings analysis (C) Weather balloon measurements (D) Pollen analysis

(C) Weather balloon measurements

What is the declination on the vernal equinox?

0 degrees latitude

Coriolis Force does not exist at which latitude(s)?

If the scale on a map reads 1:3,600, how could it be rewritten as a verbal scale?

1 inch = 300 feet

What is the wind speed and direction (direction wind is blowing from) for Reno, NV? (Wed. Sep. 19 2018)

10 knots, NW

What would be the solar intensity for 15 degrees South latitude on February 10th?


How would the pressure be converted to millibars in the figure? Left Top: 75 Left Bottom: 23 Right Top: 003 Right Bottom: ___________ Center: -------\

1000.3 mb

What is standard sea level pressure?

1013 mb

According to the figure above, what is the approximate air pressure over San Francisco?

1025 mb

At what altitude does 25% of the atmosphere lie above?

11.2 km

100 miles = ? km

160.9 Km

What would the dew point be with a dry-bulb of 10ºC and a wet-bulb of 6ºC?


At what altitude does 50% of the atmosphere lie above?

5.6 km

What would the relative humidity be with a dry-bulb of 90ºF and a wet-bulb of 76ºF?


What is the temperature in Spokane, WA according to the map below? (Wed. Sep. 19 2018)


What would the dew point be with a dry-bulb of 90ºF and a wet-bulb of 76ºF?

70ºF (Links to an external site.) Between 31 January and 5 March 2002, approximately 3,250 square kilometers of the Larsen B shattered, releasing how many billion tons of ice in the Weddell Sea?

720 billion tons

What is the temperature in the figure? Left Top: 75 Left Bottom: 23 Right Top: 003 Right Bottom: ___________ Center: -------\ (upwards)


A winter storm forms from?

A cyclone

In the image of North Dakota in the previous question, what is the range in air pressure across the state? (30.16 Hg- 29.68 Hg)

About a half inch of mercury

Wind is generated and driven by all of the following forces which which exception? (Which one does not belong?)

Air Force

Which of the following states is most likely to get a sever thunderstorm associated with an advancing front? (Thu. Mar. 23 2016)


The study of the advancing transition zone between the upper treeline and the alpine tundra in a mountain environment (transition between trees and no trees) over time would be an example of which proxy?

Changing Ecotone

The ITCZ is most associated with what type of weather?

Cloudy, warm, and rainy

Which type of front is approaching Mississippi? (Thu. Mar. 23 2016)


Which type of front is most associated with thunderstorms?

Cold Front

Use the appropriate adiabatic lapse rates and the figure below to answer the following question. If an air mass begins to rise from 100m with a starting temperature of 25ºC and begins to condense at 1200m, point B (switch to WALR), what is the temperature at point D? (Hint: Notice that the elevation change between points is not consistent. There is a 1000m change between the starting point and point A, but there is only a 100m change between points A and B, B and C, and C and D. If the dry adiabatic lapse rate is 10 degrees per 1000m, then it should be 1 degree for 100m. The wet adiabatic lapse rate will also need adjusting for the 100m change. Also, note that the air is ascending, which means it will be expanding and cooling in temperature). Starting Point: 100 m and 25ºC A: 1100 m B: 1200 m - switch to WALR C: 1300 m D: 1400 m

D is 13ºC

Humid Continental, mild summer (Dfb) climates are best suited for which type of agricultural activity?

Dairy Production

What is the term used to describe the temperature at which air becomes saturated?

Dew point

What are the two main properties of wind?

Direction and Speed

When air is descending, which is the most appropriate adiabatic lapse rate to use?


According to analysis of ocean cores from around the world, the hottest time in the last 70 million years was when?

During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)

The Coriolis effect is a result of which phenomenon?

Earth's Rotation

Which side of the Washington Cascade Mountains is in the rain shadow?

East (Spokane Side)

Days get longer between which two points in the year?

From the winter solstice to the summer solstice

Which two terms refer to the advance and retreat of Pleistocene glaciers and ice?

Glacial and interglacial period

Gasses that absorb outgoing terrestrial radiation are called?

Greenhouse Gases

Wind is driven from areas of _____________ pressure to areas of _______________ pressure.

High; low

All of Earth's water makes up which system?


The majority of the world's rainforests are found under which global pressure belt?

ITCZ (equatorial low) (Links to an external site.) What is a thick slab of ice, attached to a coastline and extending out over the ocean referred to as?

Ice Shelf

Assessing the image above, it is likely that clear skies will be forecasted for which state? (*Note this question is worth 2 points.)

Idaho (has NO isobars over it)

Since we have only directly measured atmospheric CO2 since 1959, where do we find evidence of this gas's presence for the past hundreds of thousands of years?

In ice cores around the world

In the Southern Hemisphere, wind in a cyclone (low pressure system) flows which way?

Inward, Clockwise

A midlatitude cyclone...

Is formed by the clashing of different air masses

Which of the following climate classification systems utilizes average monthly temperature and precipitation values?


(Latitude or Longitude) has a very strong influence on a location's temperature


After reviewing the diagrams above, which side of the mountain would be generally warmer and drier?


Which of the climographs below is the C-Type climate? (Left side: some seasonal change in temperature with temperatures staying above freezing and year-round precipitation. Right side: great seasonal temperature change with winter months averaging below freezing and year-round precipitation.)

Left Side

A midlatitude cyclone is a _______________ pressure system.


The Aleutian Islands stretching off of Alaska (around 60º N latitude) are subject to predominantly ___________ pressure.


Use the map below to answer this question. What type of pressure system is located in the center of the U.S.? (Isobars are far apart)


Which Mesothermal Climate is depicted by the climograph above? (Monthly precipitation is lowest in the summer months.)


Chaparral is a type of vegetation associated with which climate?

Mediterranean (Csa)

Which of the following climates has a dry summer?

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

What type of system is located near the Great Lakes, between the U.S. and Canada?

Mid-latitude cyclone

Use Google Earth to determine which city is located at the following coordinates: 64º 10' 29" N lat. by 51º 44' 21" W long.

Nuuk, Greenland

Milankovitch termed the variation in the tilt of Earth's axis?


Which type of front is depicted below?


Using the weather map from the last question, which of the following states is most likely to experience severe weather?


According to the spacing of the isobars on the figure above, which state would be experiencing the strongest winds?


First, fill in the values in Table 6.1 from this week's lab packet. Using graph paper (pencil and paper) or Microsoft Excel on your computer, create a graph showing the relationship between height above sea-level (y-axis) and atmospheric pressure (x-axis). Which of the following resembles your graph?

Option C. The graph sloping downwards. Not in a straight line.

Wind flow in a Southern Hemisphere anticyclone is...

Outward: counter-clockwise

Which climate proxy has helped climate scientists to create the longest climate record?

Oxygen-isotope analysis of ocean cores

The Laurentide Ice Sheet existed during which geologic period?


What tool is designed to allow you to determine dew point temperature and relative humidity?

Sling psychrometer

The image above is depicting air pressure in inches of mercury in a barometer. The same concepts apply as they would using a map of isobars in millibars (mb). Which area of North Dakota is experiencing the lowest pressure? (Tip: Lowest Number)


Which region of the United States experiences a greater number of annual thunderstorms?


Which hemisphere is the climograph below depicting? [In case it does not load, the temperature line starts high (January) goes low (June, July) and then goes high (December), in a U-shape].

Southern Hemisphere

Geography is primarily a _____________ science.


The spacing between isolines on an air pressure map, how far apart or close together they are, can be used to determine wind...


Which term is associated with the analysis of cave features?


If an air parcel resists displacement upward or, when disturbed, returns to is starting place, it is said to be?


Which of the following climates supports the boreal (taiga) forest?

Subarctic (Dfc)

The major deserts of the world are related to which global pressure belts?

Subtropical Highs

In class, we analyzed a graph that showed how saturation vapor pressure changes with which atmospheric variable?


The two weather variables used in the Köppen climate classification system are average monthly ___________ and ___________.

Temperature and precipitation

Use the map above to determine which state has the greatest chance of severe weather conditions.


Which country experiences the highest number of tornadoes every year?

The U.S. (Links to an external site.) What is the purpose of the figure showing a satellite image of the Jacobshavn Glacier?

The figure shows the Jacobshaven Glacier retreating over time

How has the most years of arctic ice melt compared to the average sea melt between 2001-2010 and 2011-2018?

The most recent year experienced greater melt than both the 2001-2010 and 2011-2018 averages.

When the dry-bulb and wet-bulb are close together...

The relative humidity will be higher

Of the Tropical climates, which is the driest?

Tropical savanna (Aw)

As temperature increases, saturation vapor pressure also increases.


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a smog of microplastics that will not biodegrade.


All of the following are names of the major Koppen climate classifications except for?

Type D Maritime

Storms traveling across the lower 48 U.S. states are driven by?


The polar jet streams are ___________________ winds forming around ______ N/S of the equator.

Westerly, 60º

Plants that are well adapted to arid climates are:


In the image below, the circle is depicting an area of .... Description: close lines and speed of 958 mb - 966 mb

a strong pressure gradient

As air rises and falls it undergoes a pressure change and will heat or cool at a specific rate. What process does this describe?

adiabatic lapse rate

The warmest month of Tundra climate is?

between 0º and 10ºC

When low humidity air rises, it will ________ by _______º C every 1000m.

cool, 10

When saturated air rises, it will ________ by _______º C every 1000m.

cool, 5 (Links to an external site.) What are the implications of the Ross Ice Shelf melting?

drastic since it could potentially raise global sea level up to 5 meters

What are foraminifera?

forams; have tests made of calcium carbonate; good indicators of underlying oil deposits

The vegetation most associated with Tropical Savannah is...

grasslands, scattered drought-resistant trees

According to the pressure gradient force, wind will blow from areas of _______ pressure to areas of _________ pressure.

high; low

The light rain moving eastward into the Washington is most likely associated with which type of air mass?


What type of air mass most influences Marine West Coast climates?


What is the main factor influencing winter rain, or lack there of, in Tropical climates?

the ITCZ

Visit this website for the answer to this quesiton: (Links to an external site.) Sea ice differs between the Arctic and Antarctic primarily because?

the different geography

How has the February sea ice extent trended in the arctic?

there has been a significant decrease in sea ice extent

When analyzing tree rings in climatology...

tiny air bubbles trapped inside the rings can be sampled to determine ancient atmospheric carbon dioxide. (Links to an external site.) Explain why ice shelves respond quicker to warming temperatures than do ice sheets or glaciers.

warm air above and warming ocean below lead to more rapid melting

Which type of front is moving across eastern Montana? Which direction is it moving? (Thu. Mar. 23 2016)

warm, west to east

Which latitude is receiving more hours of daylight on March 20th? (A) 45 degrees North latitude (B) 23.5 degrees North latitude (C) 10 degrees North (D) 15 degrees South (E) None of the above, all have equal day length

(A) 45 degrees North latitude

Of the following regions, which is the first to enter each new day? (A) East Asia (B) North America (C) Europe

(A) East Asia

Which day of the year would Cheney, WA (47.5º North latitude) receive maximum solar intensity? (A) June 20th (B) August 1st (C) July 15th (D) June 1st

(A) June 20th

Which of the following refers to obtaining information about something without having direct contact? (A) Remote Sensing (B) GIS (C) GPS

(A) Remote Sensing

A human geographer would be least likely to study which of the following topics? (A) sea surface temperatures associated with hurricanes (B) geopolitical tensions between neighboring states (C) economic costs of a natural disaster (D) cultural traditions of indigenous peoples

(A) sea surface temperatures associated with hurricanes

Which latitude is receiving more hours of daylight on May 31st? (A) 10 degrees North latitude (B) 45 degrees North latitude (C) 23.5 degrees North latitude (D) 15 degrees South (E) None of the above, all have equal day length

(B) 45 degrees North latitude

Which of the following is an example of active remote sensing? (A) the human eye (B) digital photographer (C) RADAR gun used by a highway patrol officer (D) night vision goggles

(C) RADAR gun used by a highway patrol officer

Which of the following pairs is most associated with determining whether a system is open or closed? (A) negative feedback and positive feedback within the system (B) latitude and longitude of a location (C) heat and pressure exerted on the system (D) inputs and outputs of matter and energy

(D) inputs and outputs of matter and energy

Geography is the science that studies the relationships among ... (A) natural systems (B) cultural activities (C) society (D) geographic areas (E) all answers are correct

(E) all answers are correct

Which of the following is a small scale map? (a) 1:110,000 (b) 1:63,260

(a) 1:110,000

Identify which of the following atmospheric gas is not a greenhouse gas. (a) Methan (b) Carbon Dioxide (c) Argon (d) Nitrous Oxide

(c) Argon

Which solar radiation process involves the assimilation of radiation by molecules of matter? (a) Scattering (b) Transmission (c) Reflection (d) Absorption

(d) Absorption

Which of the following least influences a location's temperature? (a) Latitude (b) Cloud Coverage (c) Altitude (d) Distance to an Ocean (e) All answers provided strongly influence surface temperatures

(e) All answers provided strongly influence surface temperatures

Which event takes place on or near December 21st?

Winter Solistice

A timezone to the east of a location will be one hour _________.


If the scale on a map reads, "1 in = 10 miles", how could it be rewritten as a representative fraction?


The current world population is approximately?

7.6 Billion

On or around the spring and fall equinoxes...

All latitudes around Earth experience roughly 12hr days and 12 hour nights

Using your own logic, where should the declination be closest to on November 22?

Around 20 degrees South latitude

Seasonal change is the result of all except which of the following?

Axial reversal

What is the solar radiation intensity for Pittsburgh, PA (use 40º N latitude for the LP) on the fall equinox?


What is the solar radiation intensity for Honolulu, Hawaii (LP = 21.3º N latitude) on the summer solstice (LS of 23.5ºN)? (You will first need to calculate the ANS. Use the ANS to find the solar intensity in Table 3.2.)


What is the relationship between the tilt of the Earth and the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer?

Both are 23.5 degrees. The Earth's tilt establishes the tropics.

In terms of matter, Earth is a ____________ system.


All of the world's water makes up which system?


Closed systems are rare in nature. (True or False?)


Convert the following from decimal degrees to minutes and seconds: 151.8045º W longitude.

151 degrees 48 minutes 16 seconds

The International Date Line runs primarily along which line of longitude (with some exceptions due to political boundaries wanting to be on the same day)?

180º longitude

Global human population grew from six to seven billion between which years?

1999 to 2011

If the scale on a map reads 1 cm = 10 km, what would the representative fraction read?

1: 1,000,000

Convert the following coordinates to decimal degrees: 29º 53' 23" N latitude by 97º 56' 21" W longitude.

29.88972; 97.93917

Convert the following from decimal degrees to minutes and seconds: 33.8733º S latitude

33 degrees 52 minutes 24 seconds

What is the solar radiation intensity for Spokane when the ANS = 20º?


56,900 m = ? miles

35.4 Miles

36,531 m = ? km

36.5 Km

Approximately how long does it take for Earth to make one full revolution around the Sun?

365 Days

Cheney, WA is located at approximately 47.5º North latitude. The circumference of Earth at this latitude is approximately 16,854 miles. If you were to travel along this line of latitude between the locations of 117° and 118° West longitude, how many miles would you travel?

47 Miles

100 miles = ? feet

528,000 feet

Using the information provided in the lab packet, what is the ANS for Jacksonville, AL (use 33.5º N latitude for LP) on March 10th (use packet for declination/LS)?


As previously mentioned, Cheney, WA is located at approximately 47.5º North latitude. If you were to travel from 47.5° to 48.5° North latitude, how many miles would you travel?

69 Miles

The ozone layer is essential for all terrestrial life because it...

Absorbs harmful UV radiation

If you travel over the Pacific Ocean from the United States to China, would you add or subtract a calendar day?


The latitude that experiences the subsolar point at solar noon is called?


Traveling from sea-level to higher altitudes, temperatures _________________ for several miles up.

Decrease steadily

Use Google Earth to determine which city is located at the following coordinates: 45º 52' 45" S lat. by 170º 30' 11" E long.

Dunedin, New Zealand

The tropics receive enough solar energy so that no locations in the tropics, even in the highest mountains, experience below freezing temperatures, snow, and ice. (True or False?)

False, mountains can have snow in the tropics

______ allows the user to overlay different layers of information onto their map.


The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere today is _____________ that it has been in hundreds of thousands of years.


The heat retention of water is (greater than, less than, or similar to) that of land.

Greater than

The Prime Meridian was established in which European city/town?

Greenwich, England

Use Google Earth to determine which city is located at the following coordinates: 51º 28' 37" N lat. by 0º 00' 00" long.

Greenwich, London, UK


Have high albedo and can cause cooler days

Temperatures in the low latitudes of the planet tend to be relatively...


Which of the following pairs of terms refers to the the atmospheric layers when classifying by function? In other words, these two layers are our natural protection from harmful solar energy.

Ionosphere and Ozonosphere

Continental climates experience (minimum or large) seasonal change in temperatures.


Since 1950, human population increased rapidly in ______ developed countries.

Less (India, Bangladesh, Nigeria)

A scientist interested in mountain formation and volcanoes would be studying which Earth system?


_____________ measures locational position east and west of the prime meridian.


Which international convention made the global decision to phase out the use of the harmful gasses responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer?

Montreal Protocol

The predator - prey relationship within ecosystems represents which type of feedback?


Latitude lines lines measure direction ____________ and ___________ of the equator. The range of measurement is from 0º to ______º?

North, South, 90

What is the chemical composition of ozone?


A natural lake could be studied as a(n) __________ system.


Which type of scale is unit-less? (Does not need to have a unit of measurement such as feet or meters.)

Representative Fraction

Use Google Earth to determine which city is located at the following coordinates: 24º 38' 00" N lat. by 46º 43' 01" E long.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The colors of the sky are a result of which atmospheric process?


The Sun emits ___________ wave energy and the Earth radiates ___________ wave energy.

Short; long

Are days getting shorter or longer between the 15th and 31st of July?


Some of the coldest winters on Earth are found where?

Siberia, Russia

Is this a small or large scale map of Atlanta?

Small Scale

The angle of the Sun above the horizon is referred to as?

Solar altitude

The ozone layer is found in which layer of the atmosphere?


The location on Earth's surface that receives direct, 90º overhead sun angle at solar noon is referred to as?

Subsolar point

After which day do days begin to grow shorter? Please note, this does not necessarily mean that day must be shorter than the night, but that the day is shorter than the day before.

Summer Solistice

In the Southern Hemisphere (south of the equator), which event takes place on or around December 20th?

Summer Solistice

Due to Earth's curvature, which latitude range experiences the greatest amount of solar energy throughout the year?

The Tropics

What do the parallels identified as the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle indicate?

The boundaries for areas that receive 24 hours of daylight on the summer solstice and 24 hours of night on the winter solstice

What do the parallels identified as the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer indicate?

The northern and southern most latitudes that will receive direct, 90 degree sunlight at solar noon at least once a year.

Which layer of the atmosphere is turbulent, near the surface, and is where "weather" takes place?


According to the extensive research conducted by the IPCC, humans, especially through the burning of fossils fuels, are the most responsible for the increasing global average surface temperatures recorded over the past century. (True or False?)


During the Northern Hemisphere winter, Earth is actually closer to the sun that it is in the summer. (True or False?)


The growing concern for climate change is strongly connected with an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gasses. (True or False?)


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