GEOG 2200 quiz 1-4

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Which statement provides a reason why governments restrict access to social media?

Citizen access to information on the Internet can threaten the stability of a government.

When examining interregional migration around the world, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Coastal areas of Brazil have net out-migration while interior areas have net in-migration.

By what method did Dr. John Snow discover that Soho's cholera victims were clustered around a pump?

He overlaid maps to reveal the relationship between victims' residences and the location of water pumps in Soho.

Iroquois: lacrosse

Iroquois: lacrosse

Which of the following cultural origin/folk sport associations is correct?

Iroquois: lacrosse

What would you infer about a country whose population pyramid has a narrow top and a wide base?

It must be in either stage 2 or stage 3 of the demographic transition.

Which of the following statements about geographic information systems (GISs) is correct?

It stores information in layers that can be used for many types of analyses.

Which of the following statements about the origin and diffusion of soccer is most accurate?

It was diffused by the British Empire.

Which statement about Malthus is correct?

Malthus claimed that population was growing more rapidly than Earth's food supply.

Which of the following statements reflects an accurate understanding of time zones and longitude?

Moving eastward from the Prime Meridian, you should turn your watch forward one hour for each 15° of longitude.

If a new global pandemic broke out, where would you expect the disease to first enter the United States?

New York, California, and Florida

Which statement best describes an effect of migrant workers?

Remittances from migrant workers transfer money from developed to developing countries.

Which of the following statements regarding the sales patterns of Coca-Cola and Pepsi is correct?

Russians now prefer Coke because Pepsi is associated with the communist government.

Which of the following statements about human interaction with the biosphere is most accurate?

The biosphere often interacts with elements of all three abiotic systems.

Which of the following statements about the geographic grid is correct?

The equator is the parallel with the largest circumference and the place where every day has 12 hours of daylight.

Which of the following statements regarding stage 4 of the demographic transition is correct?

There is increased access to birth control.

Which of the following is most characteristic of Latin American migrants?

They are more likely to move to North America than to South Asia.

Which of the following statements about spatial interaction is most accurate?

Typically, the farther away one group is from another, the less interaction there will be.

Which of the following data depictions makes a comparison without revealing a disparity?

a map of neighborhoods showing clusters of ethnic groups within the city

If you were to engage in a debate about unauthorized immigrants in the United States, it would be helpful to know that __________.

almost two-thirds of unauthorized immigrants have been in the United States for 10 years or more

The two basic categories of material culture are __________.

folk culture and popular culture

Housing clearly reflects characteristics of folk and popular cultures because __________.

folk housing had multiple hearths and diffused with the movement westward

A functional region __________.

has a central focus that diminishes in importance moving outward

Golf courses as a landscape of popular culture _______.

have grown in number and popularity due to increased leisure time and income

Expansion diffusion may result from which of the three following processes?

hierarchical diffusion, contagious diffusion, stimulus diffusion

Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have which combination of birth rates and death rates?

high crude birth rates and high crude death rates

Where are most of the people in the world's four major population clusters located?

in temperate climate zones

In reviewing the history of migration to the United States, it is accurate to say that ________.

in the twenty-first century, Mexico has surpassed Germany as the country that has sent the most immigrants to the United States

🌟Examining the diffusion of television reveals that __________.

in the twenty-first century, there is nearly universal access to television limited only by income and lack of electricity

Which of the following situations would result in a decline of new AIDS cases?

increased access to medications such as AZT

Which of the following social changes would be most likely to reduce the birth rate?

increased spending on education for women

A world map of political refugees would reveal that ________.

large numbers of refugees are found in sub-Saharan Africa

If you are part of the counterurbanization trend, it is most likely that you __________.

live in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States

What are the two concepts used by geographers to explain why every place is unique?

region and place

The physical character of a place is its _________, and its location relative to other places is its __________.

site; situation

The density and concentration of a given area __________.

vary depending on the distribution of the given feature

What are the characteristics of a country in stage 5 of the demographic transition?

very low CBR, increasing CDR, negative NIR

If you are part of a chain migration, it is most likely that _____________________.

you have relatives or at least people of the same nationality in the destination

Which of the following happens in stage 3 of the epidemiologic transition?

Chronic disorders among the elderly increase.

Which of the following map scales would most likely be used on a map to guide tourists on a walking tour of downtown Seattle?


Which of the following statements concerning gender and migration is correct?

A century ago, most long-distance migrants were males.

Which of the following areas has the highest infant mortality rate?


An advocate of environmental determinism ___________.

An advocate of environmental determinism ___________.

Which of the following statements about immigration to the United States is correct?

California is a major destination for immigrants.

Which of the following statements best describes European attitudes toward immigrants?

Declining rates of natural increase have fueled anti-immigrant sentiment.

Examining the diffusion of the Internet reveals that __________.

Examining the diffusion of the Internet reveals that __________.

Which of the following statements about food preferences is most accurate?

People in folk cultures are more likely to believe traits of animals transfer to humans.

🌟When comparing challenges to the sustainability of folk and popular culture, which statement is the most accurate?

Popular culture challenges subservient roles of women common in some folk cultures.

Which of the following is an important feature of the changing immigration laws in the United States?

Preferences are often given for family reunification.

Which of the following statements regarding medical services in the United States is correct?

Private individuals pay for most of the health-care costs in the United States.

Which of the following associations between a geographer and the geographer's accomplishment is correct?

Ptolemy wrote an eight-volume guide to geography.

When comparing economic, political, and environmental push and pull factors, which of the following statements is most accurate?

The most common environmental push factor is water.

Which of the following cultural features is an example of the globalization of culture?

a McDonald's hamburger

Which statement describes a reason for a sex ratio imbalance?

a cultural preference for sons in some heavily populated countries

If you were an intraregional migrant in a developed country, it is most likely that you would ________.

move from a city to a surrounding suburb

Which of the following folk clothing preference and cultural origin is matched correctly?

parka: Aleut

The changing location of the center of the U.S. population mostly reflects that ________.

people are increasingly moving southward

The total number of people supported by a unit of arable land is known as __________.

physiological density

Comparing popular culture with folk culture reveals that __________.

popular culture is more likely to vary from time to time in a given place

In understanding popular music, it is important to know that __________.

popular musicians often connect with similar artists around the world

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