Geography 101 final Thorngren

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A stream that is 20 meters wide, an average of 5 meters deep, and is flowing at the rate of 5 meters per second will have a discharge of ___________ cubic meters per second.



A line connecting the deepest parts of the stream channel

In the system of stream orders, the smallest unit in the network is at the ________. A) 1st order B) 2nd order C) 3rd order D) 4th order E) a variable number

A) 1st order

Niagara Falls tumbles over a massive bed of resistant limestone known as the Niagara ________. A) Escarpment B) Fault C) Anticline D) Syncline E) Basin

A) Escarpment

Which of the following DOES NOT describe a stream's capacity? A) It is always closely related to a stream's competence. B) It is the potential load a stream can transport. C) It is defined as a volume of sediment passing a given point during a given time. D) It varies tremendously from time to time. E) It depends mostly on fluctuations in the volume and velocity of flow.

A) It is always closely related to a stream's competence.

________ does not generally determine the erosive effectiveness of a stream. A) Saltiness B) Volume of flow C) Gradient of the stream bed D) Speed of flow E) Turbulence of flow

A) Saltiness

The elevation limit of a stream downcutting on a land mass is called ________. A) base level B) meandering C) ground zero D) a drainage anomaly E) talus

A) base level

A ________ stream has an interwoven network of small channels separated by much loose debris. A) braided B) meandering C) high-capacity D) thalweg-less E) competent

A) braided

Which of the following is NOT descriptive of hill slope form as found in nature? A) concave B) planar C) irregular D) convex E) steep

A) concave

All but one of the following would cause an increase in the erosive effectiveness of stream flow: ________. A) decrease of turbulence B) increase the flow speed C) decrease the resistance of the bedrock D) increase in channel roughness E) steepen the stream gradient

A) decrease of turbulence

Branching channels that cross a delta are known as ________. A) distributaries B) 3rd order streams C) graded streams D) youthful streams E) tributaries

A) distributaries

The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as ________. A) erosion B) leaching C) sedimentation D) diastrophism E) regolith stripping

A) erosion

The most numerous stream type on the landscape is the ________. A) first-order stream B) second-order stream C) third-order stream D) fourth-order stream E) fifth-order stream

A) first-order stream

Any stream may lengthen its valley by ________ and delta formation. A) headward erosion B) alluvial deposition C) saltation D) siltation E) delta erosion

A) headward erosion

A stream valley lengthens at the expense of the ________. A) interfluve B) peneplain C) levee D) delta E) alluvial fan

A) interfluve

A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be ________. A) radial B) centripetal C) dendritic D) trellis E) antecedent

A) radial

A yazoo stream is a type which ________. A) runs parallel to a larger stream for a long distance B) is named for a county in Croatia C) doesn't have natural levees D) flows quickly E) is usually very straight

A) runs parallel to a larger stream for a long distance

First order streams are the ________ of all streams. A) shortest B) deepest C) longest D) widest E) fastest

A) shortest

A valley bottom might be differentiated from valley sides in that valley if ________. A) sides commonly have "lips" or "rims" B) sides tend to take more area than valley bottoms C) sides have lesser slopes than valley bottoms D) bottoms are the sites of interfluves E) bottoms tend to be at a higher altitude

A) sides commonly have "lips" or "rims"

Uplift and rejuvenation are indicated by the presence of landforms known as ________. A) stream terraces B) peneplains C) floodplains D) meanders E) V-shaped valleys

A) stream terraces

Equilibrium theory has serious shortcomings in deserts and areas which are ________. A) tectonically stable B) at high altitudes C) at high latitudes D) within drainage basins E) mountainous

A) tectonically stable

The deepest part of a stream channel is known as the ________. A) thalweg B) valley bottom C) rill D) levee E) deepest part of the stream channel

A) thalweg

Downcutting is usually most prominent along the ________ part of a stream valley. A) upper B) widest C) lower D) delta E) interfluve

A) upper

Surface indicators of turbulence in stream flows include eddies and ________. A) whirlpools B) dissolved load C) meandering D) braided streams E) fluvial processes

A) whirlpools

________ is the counterpart of "scouring." A) Erosion B) Filling C) Turbulence D) Corrosion E) Degradation

B) Filling

Rivers downcutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ________-shaped form. A) U B) V C) groove D) flat bottomed E) delta

B) V

Which of the following would be most likely to develop a radial drainage pattern? A) flat-lying, sedimentary rocks B) a cone-shaped volcano C) a delta D) mountain ridges caused by faulting E) folded, ridge-and-valley topography

B) a cone-shaped volcano

Niagara Falls is a large waterfall on a river, so it can be considered as an example of ________. A) stream capture B) a knickpoint C) a rill D) a water gap E) lateral erosion

B) a knickpoint

The final result of the classical theory of the geomorphic cycle concept is ________. A) maturity B) a peneplain C) an initial surface D) old age E) youth

B) a peneplain

When a first-order stream joins a second-order stream, the result is always ________. A) a first-order stream B) a second-order stream C) a third-order stream D) a fourth-order stream E) a variable-order stream

B) a second-order stream

Of the following fluvial terms, which is most closely associated with stream capture? A) braided B) beheaded C) meander D) interfluve E) thalweg

B) beheaded

In the text, West Virginia is offered as a superb example of ________. A) annular and radial patterns B) contrasts between dendritic and trellis drainage C) drainage basins D) antecedent streams E) superimposed streams

B) contrasts between dendritic and trellis drainage

This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf: A) radial B) dendritic C) centripetal D) annular E) trellis

B) dendritic

Which is the most common type of drainage pattern? A) trellis B) dendritic C) centripetal D) annular E) radial

B) dendritic

Which of the following is the major concept which all the others are part of? A) drainage divide B) drainage basin C) valley bottom D) valley side E) interfluve

B) drainage basin

A(n) ________ forms when a stream has been beheaded by stream capture. 82) A) waterfall B) elbow C) floodplain D) trellis drainage pattern E) knickpoint

B) elbow

If a stream carries water only during and immediately after a rain, it is classified as ________. A) dendritic B) ephemeral C) perennial D) intermittent E) exotic

B) ephemeral

The land separating adjoining valleys is known as a(n) ________. A) rill B) interfluve C) gulley D) levee E) valley side

B) interfluve

Which of the following is LEAST affected by the action of channelized water? A) valley bottoms B) interfluves C) valley sides D) stream channels E) floodplains

B) interfluves

A flat alluvium-floored valley with fairly steep walls and a stream beginning to meander would be in the ________ stage of the erosion cycle. A) old age B) mature C) bajada D) peneplain E) youth

B) mature

Flow in a stream usually is fastest ________. A) near the mouth B) near the center and slightly below the surface C) near the sides D) during low-flow conditions E) near the bottom

B) near the center and slightly below the surface

On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the ________. A) inner edge of the meanders B) outer edge of the meanders C) bottom D) places with the slowest flow E) islands

B) outer edge of the meanders

An oxbow lake was formerly a ________. A) knickpoint B) river meander C) natural levee D) marsh E) stream terrace

B) river meander

The process in which small particles are moved along by streamflow or wind in a series of jumps or bounces is ________. A) traction B) saltation C) base level D) meandering E) turbulence

B) saltation

The direct collision of a raindrop with the ground, laterally shifting fine particles a few millimeters, is ________. A) valley cutting B) splash erosion C) plucking D) rill formation E) peds pushing

B) splash erosion

A(n) ________ pattern of drainage usually develops on alternating bands of hard and soft strata. A) dendritic B) trellis C) centripetal D) annular E) radial

B) trellis

A steep walled defile with a V-shaped profile and narrow valley floor would, according to the geomorphic cycle, be in the ________ stage. A) peneplain B) youthful C) old age D) mature E) equilibrium

B) youthful

Which of the following DECREASES with increasing stream order number? A) average watershed area B) average stream capacity C) average stream gradient D) average stream length E) average stream discharge

C) average stream gradient

Solution and hydrolysis combine to create ________ in streams. A) abrasion B) saltation C) corrosion D) stream load E) hydraulic head

C) corrosion

The chemical erosion of stream channels is known as ________. A) turbulence B) erosion C) corrosion D) competence E) abrasion

C) corrosion

The most prominent of all depositional landscapes is the ________. A) oxbow lake B) backswamps C) floodplain D) cut-off E) meander scar

C) floodplain

Which type of erosion involves the most sediment per square meter in the places where it occurs? A) splash erosion B) sheet erosion C) gully erosion D) erosion by raindrops E) rill erosion

C) gully erosion

Where is one unlikely find much alluvium deposited in a stream valley? A) at the bottom of the thalweg B) in overflow areas C) in places where velocity increases D) in the center of the stream E) along the stream sides

C) in places where velocity increases

A peneplain is the ________ of the classical geomorphic cycle of erosion. A) youthful stage B) end product C) old age stage D) beginning E) mature stage

C) old age stage

Which stream channels tend to be most turbulent? A) ones with smooth channel bottoms B) wide ones C) ones with high speeds of flow D) deep ones E) the ones having the slowest flow

C) ones with high speeds of flow

Which of the following is uncommon along streams? A) alluvium B) floodplains C) straight channels D) natural levees E) thalwegs

C) straight channels

The degree of turbulence in stream flow is determined by the velocity and the ________. A) tidal bore B) solar incidence C) stream channel roughness D) bedrock chemistry E) water density

C) stream channel roughness

An outstanding example of stream capture on a grand scale can be found along the ________. A) Red River in Oklahoma B) Yukon River in Alaska C) Amazon River in Brazil D) Mississippi River in Arkansas E) Niger River in Africa

E) Niger River in Africa

________ transport(s) materials directly after they are loosened by splash erosion. A) Earthquake slumps B) Stream flow C) Rill erosion D) Gully erosion E) Sheet erosion

E) Sheet erosion

The general term applied to stream-deposited debris is ________. A) bedload B) discharge C) refuse D) capacity E) alluvium

E) alluvium

Which of the following is NOT a component of stream load? A) dissolved load B) bedload C) sediments undergoing saltation D) suspended load E) alluvium

E) alluvium

The existence of a stream terrace is sure evidence of ________. A) rejuvenation B) volcanic activity C) knickpoint D) entrenched meanders E) delayed tributary junction

E) delayed tributary junction

As a stream-related measure, competence is expressed as a ________. A) velocity (meters per second) B) time (seconds) C) discharge (cubic meters per second) D) gradient (meters per kilometer) E) diameter (millimeters)

E) diameter (millimeters)

The idealized sequence of slope retreat, according to Davis, would result in ________. A) plate tectonics B) parallel retreat of slopes C) stream piracy D) parallel valleys E) diminishing slope angles

E) diminishing slope angles

The total volume of flow in streams is termed ________. A) overland flow B) turbulence C) the interfluve D) the delta coefficient E) discharge

E) discharge

In arid climates, most small streams are ________. A) without channels B) intermittent C) nonexistent D) perennial E) ephemeral

E) ephemeral

Running water is referred to as a(an) ________ process in terms of being a landform creator. A) aeolian B) localized C) insignificant D) weak E) fluvial

E) fluvial

Streams which flow for only a part of the year are ________. A) superimposed B) consequent C) antecedent D) dry E) intermittent

E) intermittent

________ develops along a streambed containing bedrock of differential resistance. A) scree B) fault C) distributary D) water gap E) knickpoint

E) knickpoint

The point of confluence of a tributary with a higher order stream is a(n) ________. A) knickpoint B) delta C) ultimate base level D) joint E) local base level

E) local base level

Death Valley is below sea level. Therefore, in Death Valley, base level is ________ ultimate base level. A) not related to B) unchanging with respect to C) equal to D) higher than E) lower than

E) lower than

Splash erosion does all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) moves eroded particles downhill B) is sometimes minimal because of vegetation C) moves eroded particles uphill D) blasts fine soil particles upward and outward E) occurring in channelized flow

E) occurring in channelized flow

Fluvial process includes both the stream flow within valleys as well as ________. A) underground solution B) groundwater C) rock glaciers D) hydrolysis E) overland flow

E) overland flow

In terms of erosion, a gulley is a larger example of a feature called a(n) ________. A) interfluve B) radial C) dendritic pattern D) alluvial fan E) rill

E) rill

A "birds foot" pattern is indicative of a ________. A) knickpoint B) downcutting stream C) peneplain D) captured stream E) river delta

E) river delta

Which of the following is NOT associated with streams over time? A) deposition of sediments B) erosion of sediments C) widening of valleys D) lengthening of valleys E) shortening of valleys

E) shortening of valleys

A(n) ________ stream has developed a channel along a zone of structural weakness. A) channelized B) superimposed C) consequent D) antecedent E) subsequent

E) subsequent

A prime example of the application of equilibrium theory can be seen in any hilly area where ________. A) terraces are found on hillsides B) floodplains dominate the valley bottoms C) tectonic plate boundaries are close by D) peneplains exist E) tectonic uplift and fluvial erosion are simultaneous

E) tectonic uplift and fluvial erosion are simultaneous

The drainage pattern common in ridge and valley landscapes is ________. A) centripetal B) disorganized C) dendritic D) annular E) trellis

E) trellis

The portion of the terrain in which a drainage system is most clearly established is known as a(n) ________. A) interfluve B) valley side C) drainage divide D) valley bottom E) valley

E) valley

The load carried by overland flow past a point is generally small in comparison to what a stream can transport past a point. True/False


The terms "drainage basin" and "watershed" are synonymous True/False


Turbulent flow in streams is a main means of dissipating energy into erosion True/False


Valleys lengthen at the expense of interfluves becoming smaller. True/False


Water is more important than wind in its role as a sculptor of terrain True/False


Water is the leading external shaper of landforms because of its ubiquity over the planet. True/False


Which of the following is correct of a floodplain a.)It is generally filled with layers of alluvium b.)It is an erosional feature located with a depositional feature c.)floodplains are not associated with deposition


Natural levees form when

alluvium is deposited on the banks of the river during a flood

The continental divide in the main part of the United States runs

along the Rocky Mountains

On the block diagram, which letter marks the point bars along the stream?

along the inside of the curves

On the block diagram, which letter marks places along the stream banks where the most erosion would be taking place?

along the outside of curves

Steep cliffs along a shoreline often indicate

an emergent coast

A characteristic cone-shaped depositional feature in the desert that usually forms at the mouth of a canyon is known as a(n) a.)alluvial fan b.)playa c.)bolson d.)bajada


A common crescent-shaped dune with horns pointed downwind is called a a.)barchan dune b.)longitudinal dune c.)seif dune d.)transverse dune


A drainage basin with a very high drainage density would be considered to be a.)highly dissected b.)moderately dissected c.)un-dissected


At which of the following locations is new ocean crust being formed? a.)oceanic rift zones b.)in oceanic trenches c.)along collision zones between two oceanic plates d.)along collision zones between two continents


Terranes refer to a.)displaced and migrating pieces of Earth's crust b.)the "lay of the land" c.)the continental shields within each continent d.)the topography of a tract of land


The appalachians are older than the Rockies a.)True b.)False


Water can be considered a "universal" solven a.)True b.)False


Water is a more effective agent of erosion in deserts than wind a.)True b.)False


Wave action works to straighten a coast as wave energy focuses around headlands and tends to disperse energy in coves and bays in a process called a.)wave refraction b.)tidal bore c.)longshore current d.)breakers


The _____________ of a stream includes materials carried by saltation and traction.


The largest sized materials that can be carried by a stream are carried in the stream(s

bedload: responsible for abrasion and scouring in a stream channel

A rock transformed from any other rock through extreme heat and or pressure is referred to as a.)sedimentary b.)igneous c.)metamorphic d.)ancient


After water itself, what are the primary elements which occur in sea water? a.)potassium and chlorine b.)hydrogen and sodium c.)chlorine and sodium d.)sodium and magnesium


The term eolian refers to a.)weathering and mass movement in humid regions b.)stream-related processes c.)erosion, transportation, and deposition by the wind d.)glacial processes in areas outside the polar regions


What type of rock forms from the solidification of molten materials? a.)metamorphic b.)sedimentary c.)igneous


Which of the following is correct regarding loess deposits? a.)they are principally composed of sands and gravels b.)they form only following glacial activity c.)they are formed of fine-grained clays and silts d.)They are found only in the United States


A desert pavement surface is associated with which of the following types of deserts? a.)polar desert b.)erg c.)reg d.)sand sea

c.) (reg)

Which of the following is correct regarding worldwide sea level? a.)it was about 130m lower 18,000 B.P., and about 10-20cm lower 100 y/ago b.)changes seem to occur without any relation to global average temperatures c.)over the long term, levels have been very constant d.)changes in sea level are usually unrelated to tectonic processes

a.)it was about 130m lower 18,000 B.P., and about 10-20cm lower 100 y/ago

Waves erode the coast by impact, hydraulic action, and _____________.


The sandblasting action of windblown sand particles is called


The zone of ______________ is the underground zone in which the pore spaces may contain either air or water.


A treelike, branching drainage pattern develops in a stream basin as shown. This type of pattern is called ____________ drainage. (looks like a tree branch)


Alluvial fans are primarily the result of

deposition by running water

Waves begin to "feel bottom" when the depth of water is ________.

equal to one-half the wavelength

Streams erode by ______________, abrasion, and corrosion.


When a wave moves into shallow water, the wave height _________ (decreases/increases).


Which of the following would make a landslide more likely? Choose all that apply.

removal of shrub vegetation from the slope adding fill to the top of the slope a road cut at the base of the slope building a house at the top of the slope irrigating a yard a the top of the slope

A stream that has water running in it for only part of the year is a/an __________ stream.


The slow downslope movement of individual particles of soil, under the influence of gravity, is called ___________ _______________.

soil creep

The bending of a wave when it reaches the shore is called wave


drainage basin

region drained by a single stream system

a picture that is pointing to what looks like an icicle is called a


Which of the following is the result of the deposition of calcium carbonate, rather than solution?



steepness of a stream channel


the grinding of rock surfaces by windblown sand


the steepness of a stream channel

A longitudinal dune system has ridges of sand parallel to the average wind direction. t or f


According to the coastal "field trip", during the middle part of the 20th century, when much of the development occurred on the San Diego coast, the climate was relatively benign, with few storms. t or f


According to the coastal "field trip", riprap disperses the energy of the waves, reducing the loss of sand. t or f


An iceberg on the ocean is composed of fresh water.t or f


Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form a weak carbonic acid. t or f


Caverns can form in marble bedrock.


Caverns can form in marble bedrock. t or f


Hilo Hawaii was hit by two disastrous tsunamis in the middle of the 20th century. t or f


In a meandering stream, the most erosion will take place on the outside of a meander. t or f


In the open sea, it is the wave form that moves forward, not the water itself. t or f


Limestone is resistant to weathering under arid climate conditions.


Loess deposits are often associated with fertile agricultural soil. t or f


Sea levels have been rising Sea levels have been rising on Earth since the end of the last ice age. t or f


Submergent coasts are more common than emergent coasts. t or f


Summer waves normally deposit sand on the beach. t or f


The most important agent of erosion in a desert is running water. t or f


The western sides of oceans are generally warmer than the eastern sides. t or f


Tsunami waves move very fast in the open ocean, then slow down as they reach the coast t or f


Water in hot springs often contains many dissolved minerals.


We are able to pump groundwater out faster than natural rainfall can replenish it. t or f


The removal and lifting of individual loose particles by the wind is termed a.)deposition b.)abrasion c.)saltation d.)deflation


Which country is likely to generate a high percentage of its energy from geothermal sources?


Which of the following correctly describes a dry stream bed that is intermittently filled with water? a.)wadi b.)wash c.)arroyo d.)all of these are correct


The Alps and alpine complex in Europe are an example of a third order of relief a.)True b.)False


The area at the surface directly above the subsurface location where seismic waves are initiated a.)focus, or hypocenter b.)epicenter c.)Richter zone d.)fault area


The atacam Desert is one the world's driest regions and is located on the SW coast of Africa a.)True b.)False


Which of the following grain sizes is most readily moved by the wind? a.)small b.)intermediate c.)large


Drainage density refers to a.)the thickness of the water in the stream b.)the number of channels in an area c.)the arrangement of channels in a given area d.)a measure determined by dividing the length of all the channels by the area of its drainage basin


Maximum velocity in a stream is found a.)at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the shallowest parts of the stream channel b.)near the inside of a meander c.)near the bottom d.)at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the deepest parts of the stream channel


Orogenesis refers to a.)the beginning of extensive faulting b.)the formation of mountains without faulting, folding, or the capture of migrating terranes c.)a general thinning of the crust d.)a general term for a mountain-building episode that thickens continental crust


The general term for clay, silt, and sand deposited by running water is a.)soil b.)debris c.)mud d.)alluvium


Vertical elevation differences in a local landscape are referred to as a.)topography b.)an order of relief c.)crust d.)relief


Which of the following is an endogenic process? a.)stream deposition b.)weathering c.)glacial erosion d.)volcanism


Which of the following is incorrectly matched? a.)Tension - stretching or faulting b.)strain - stress-induced c.)compression - shortening or folding d.)shearing - stretching or faulting


Which of the following supports the continental drift concept? a.)radiometric dating of rocks on either side of a spreading center b.)magnetic field patterns preserve in the rocks c.)plant and animal fossil records d.)All of the above e.)none of the above


The type of mass wasting shown in this photo is most likely to be (pic of a bunch of small and large rocks on green land next to a mountain)

rock fall

The underground zone in which all pore spaces are saturated with water is the ____________ zone.


The slowest and least noticeable form of mass wasting is ________.

soil creep

The type of mass wasting shown in this photo is most likely to be (picture of a fence that is really slanted on a hill)

soil creep

___________ _______________ is a very slow type of mass wasting, in which just the surface layer of soil moves downhill.

soil creep

Which type of mass wasting is most associated with a tundra landscape?


Match the name with the description.

stalactite: 2. limestone structure hanging from the ceiling of a cavern stalagmite: 4. limestone structure rising up from the floor of a cavern doline: 3. sinkhole in limestone bedrock travertine: 1. massive deposit of calcium carbonate around a hot spring

____________________ _______________ is a landscape with tall, steep-sided hills of limestone.

tower karst

Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form a weak carbonic acid.


Geothermal energy can cause water pollution.


There are many hydrothermal features in Yellowstone National Park. This is most likely because

Yellowstone is located over a mantle plume

A type of landslide in which the material moves downslope as a fairly coherent block of material, along a straight slip plane parallel to the ground surface, is called _______________.

a translational slide

A single groin can produce both sand erosion and deposition a.)True b.)False


An earthquake, a submarine landslide, or an eruption of an undersea volcano is capable of producing a a.)tsunami b.)slow-moving giant swell c.)wave in the open ocean of great height d.)tidal wave


Composite cones have steep slopes and experience ____ eruptions because they are composed of _____ magma a.)violent;felsic b.)violent;mafic c.)mild;felsic d.)mild;mafic


Continental shields, or cratons, are generally of low elevations and old in age a.)True b.)False


Coral bleaching refers to a.)the loss of algae from the coral b.)the killing of coral formations by chlorine bleach pollution c.)the replacement of normal, colored algae by white algae d.)all of these are included within the definition of coral bleaching


Which of the following is not usually an important feature of karst topography?

well-developed stream network

More than half of the hydrothermal features in the world are found in


The largest river in the world without a delta is the ________ River. A) Hwang Ho B) Nile C) Indus D) Mississippi E) Amazon

E) Amazon

According to the coastal "field trip", which is more prone to erosion, the Bay Point Formation, or the Torrey Sandstone?

Bay Point

Which of the following rivers has the largest delta in the world? A) Amazon B) Thames C) Indus D) Mississippi E) Ob

C) Indus

________ is the basic characteristic that occurs in overland flow and not in stream flow. A) Sediment transport B) Gravitational influence C) Non-channelized-channelized flow D) Erosion E) Traction

C) Non-channelized-channelized flow

Over time, which of the following has happened to Niagara Falls? A) They have migrated several kilometers downstream. B) They have become rapids. C) They have migrated several kilometers upstream. D) They have drained away most of Lake Ontario's water. E) They have evolved into the world's most famous example of stream capture.

C) They have migrated several kilometers upstream.

Which of the following is a feature associated with a yazoo stream? A) a V-shaped valley B) lack of a floodplain C) a flow parallel to a large stream D) mountainous terrain E) an escarpment

C) a flow parallel to a large stream

The eventual result of ________ is to reduce almost all stream-carried debris to very small silt particles. A) sheet erosion B) rill erosion C) abrasion D) splash erosion E) precipitation

C) abrasion

Niagara Falls were formed ________. A) during Precambrian time approximately a billion years ago B) after a series of spectacular earthquakes which are still helping the falls evolve C) after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets a few thousand years ago D) by humans as a result of the damming of the St. Lawrence River E) so long ago that the river's knickpoint is now gone

C) after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets a few thousand years ago

A(n) ________ stream flows over a landscape that has been lifted so slowly so that the stream is able to maintain its course (even through mountains). A) consequent B) subsequent C) antecedent D) channelized E) superimposed

C) antecedent

________ is an expression of the total load a stream can transport. A) Competence B) Corrosion C) Volume D) Capacity E) Bedload

D) Capacity

________ is a measure of the particle size a stream can transport. A) Capacity B) Gradient C) Force D) Competence E) Equilibrium

D) Competence

100) Which of the following scientists is closely associated with the theory of crustal change and development? A) Wegener B) Richter C) Davis D) Penck E) Bacon

D) Penck

During low water cycles, any channel bottom change is likely to undergo ________. A) nivation B) degradation C) saltation D) aggradation E) privation

D) aggradation

An imaginary surface extending beneath the continents which limits how deep streams may cut is ________. A) a knickpoint B) a trellis C) grade D) base level E) traction

D) base level

An interfluve can be found ________. A) in valley bottoms B) on valley sides C) in a delta D) between valleys E) in valleys

D) between valleys

Marking the outer edge of floodplains are landforms called ________. A) mesas B) meanders C) levees D) bluffs E) ox bow lakes

D) bluffs

Which of the following drainage patterns results when streams from all directions converge into a basin? A) trellis B) dendritic C) radial D) centripetal E) annular

D) centripetal

A stream's ________ is (are) chemically altered and transported. A) saltation materials B) bedload C) traction materials D) dissolved load E) suspended load

D) dissolved load

When a meandering stream is incised into a gradually rising crust or bedrock, the result is a(n) ________. A) delayed tributary junction B) cut off C) peneplain D) entrenched meander E) stream terrace

D) entrenched meander

Davis's theory is usually referred to as the ________. A) stream development theorem B) rejuvenation theory C) equilibrium theory D) geomorphic cycle E) idea of concave slopes

D) geomorphic cycle

The cycle of erosion is also know as ________. A) theory of crustal change and slope development B) floodplain theory C) equilibrium theory D) geomorphic cycle E) isostasy

D) geomorphic cycle

If a stream's velocity is doubled, its competence ________. A) doubles B) increases by half C) remains the same D) increases sixty-four times E) drops by half

D) increases sixty-four times

Niagara Falls is the most famous set of falls in North America because they ________. A) are the tallest falls in the world B) flow "backwards" from what would be expected C) are the widest falls in the word D) pass an enormous volume of water over them E) date from almost the beginning of Earth history

D) pass an enormous volume of water over them

The greatest amount of material transported by a stream is carried in its ________. A) traction B) dissolved load C) saltation D) suspended load E) bed load

D) suspended load

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with the former position of a river channel? A) cutoff meanders B) oxbow lakes C) meander scars D) yazoo stream E) oxbow swamps

D) yazoo stream

A braided stream is one which has become adjusted so that its flow is just able to carry its sediment load True/False


Aggradation occurs on geologically uplifted parts of Earth's crust. True/False


All natural deltas are in a triangular shape True/False


Deltas are built as sediments erode from near the mouth of a stream. True/False


Friction has little impact on the energy of water moving down a channel. True/False


In the "peneplain" stage of the geomorphic cycle, there are no hills on the landscape. True/False


It appears that the numbers of large dams will increase into the future. True/False


Most of a stream's transported material is classified as bedload. True/False


Oxbow lakes are an erosional feature characteristic of all stages of the geomorphic cycle. True/False


Perennial streams are closely identified with desert landscapes. True/False


Streams flowing into a structural basin form radial drainage patterns. True/False


The "signature" of an actively downcutting stream is a V-shaped valley. True/False


The Niger River in Africa has built the largest delta in the world. True/False


The amount of friction per cubic area in streamflow is maximized in wide, deep, smooth-bottomed rivers. True/False


The geographerWilliam M. Davis was the principal researcher who developed what we now know to be equilibrium theory. True/False


The lower course of a stream is dominated by landforms created by erosion. True/False


The use of hydropower seems to have impacts that are not "green." True/False


The world's largest streams are intermittent. True/False


Usually 4th order streams are more numerous than 1st order streams. True/False


Valley bluffs are remnants of previous knickpoints in a drainage basin. True/False


A block of land that has been raised up between two parallel normal faults is a/an _______________.


The drainage basin of a principal river encompasses the smaller drainage basins of all its tributaries. True/False


A centripetal drainage pattern is essentially the opposite of a radial pattern. True/False


A consequence of vegetation removal is accelerated stream erosion. True/False


A drop in sea level causes stream rejuvenation on land. True/False


A monadnock is an erosional remnant on a peneplain surface. True/False


A remnant of a previous valley floor is called a stream terrace. True/False


A stream may occupy all of its valley bottom. True/False


A yazoo stream is a tributary which is prevented by a natural levee from entering the main stream and runs for a considerable distance parallel to the main stream before finding an entrance. True/False


Considerable energy of a stream's action is used up by frictional retardation. True/False


Drainage patterns are most commonly a response to geologic structure. True/False


Equilibrium theory is the currently accepted explanation of landform development. True/False


Erosion is increased with increases in a stream's turbulent flow. True/False


Floodplains are caused by floods. True/False


Floodplains can grow by lateral erosion. True/False


Generally, a relatively small amount of material is transported by saltation as compared to other means of stream transport. True/False


In a stream, water erodes more on the outside of bends than on the inside of bends. True/False


Knickpoints are irregularities in otherwise graded channel profiles. True/False


Many streams have drainage patterns unrelated to the underlying geologic structure. True/False


Over long amounts of time, without tectonic activity, all local base levels would be eliminated. True/False


Rejuvenation results from the uplift of a regional landscape and creates new slope angles to be weathered. True/False


Sea level is the base level, or lower limit, of stream downcutting. True/False


Streams carving large valleys do most of their erosional work during flood stage. True/False



a circular coral island enclosing a lagoon

emergent coast

a coast that has risen

wave-cut platform

a horizontal bench on the shore resulting from wave erosion

Coral atolls are thought to have developed

around a volcanic island that has eroded or subsided into the ocean

__________ dunes have a crescent shape with the horns pointing downwind.


A/an ________________ reef is a coral reef that runs parallel to a coast and a little offshore, separated from the shore by a lagoon.


A ______________ stream has many interconnected channels.


Which type of stream channel is characterized by numerous sand and gravel bars, with the water flowing around the bars in several channels that keep dividing and then reuniting?

braided stream

fringing reef

coral growing on the shore of an island

The color in a hot spring is caused primarily by

different types of algae that grow at different temperatures

When the main channel of a river breaks into a series of smaller channels on a delta, these small channels are called:


The ridge separating two drainage basins is called a ______________.


A coast in which the land has risen is an _________________ coast.


In addition to limestone, another rock that may also have extensive caverns forming in it is


Adding fill to the top of a slope will make the slope more stable. t or f


Beaches generally have more sand on them in the winter than in the summer. t or f


Fifty feet is the height limit for a wind wave. t or f


Ice plant is always good for stabilizing slopes. t or f


Low rainfall is sufficient to classify a place as a desert. t or f


Ocean Beach in San Diego has more sand than it did several decades ago, because of breakwaters and seawalls that have been built to protect the beach.t or f


Seacliff erosion tends to occur at a greater rate during the summer. t or f


Tsunamis can reach heights of up to 100 feet on the open ocean. t or f



fine dust particles carried high above the ground for long distances

a _________________ reef is a coral reef that runs along the coast, and is connected to the shore, not separated from the shore by a lagoon.


A stream is flowing in a channel with a depth of 4 meters, and a width of 4 meters. If the discharge increases, but the depth and width of the stream do not change, what happens to the velocity of the stream?

it increases

In this photo of Death Valley, which letter marks a bajada?

it is along the base of the mountain where there are the alluvial fans

In this diagram of a basin and range landscape, which letter points to alluvial fans?

it is at the very base of the mountains and it looks like fans


limestone structure hanging from the ceiling of a cavern


limestone structure rising up from the floor of a cavern

base level

lowest point to which a stream can erode


massive deposit of calcium carbonate around a hot spring

The stream in the photo below would be considered a _________ stream. (it has lots of big curves)


drainage divide

ridge separating drainage basins

A lake in an interior drainage basin will most likely have water that is


Free flow of streams to the coast is important, because streams provide ___________ to the coastal environment.


continental divide

separates streams that flow into different oceans


sinkhole in limestone bedrock


stream-deposited material

In a dust storm, the fine particles are most likely to be carried along by



the lifting and removal of individual loose particles by wind


the maximum load a stream can carry

Waves refract around coastal irregularities such as a headland because

the part of the wave encountering shallow water first will slow down


the size of the largest particle a stream can carry


the skipping and bouncing action of particles moved by water or wind currents


the sliding and rolling of large particles moved by wind

Why does building a dam on a river sometimes contribute to coastal erosion?

the supply of sediment to the supply of sediment to beaches is cut off


the volume of water in a stream

dissolved load

this type of load may be present even when the water in the stream appears clear and no load is visible

suspended load

this type of load would make the stream appear muddy

water table

top of the ground water zone

Massive deposits of calcium carbonate, formed around a hot spring, are called ____________.


A __________________ drainage pattern often develops in areas with alternating parallel ridges and valleys.


zone of saturation

underground zone in which all pore spaces are full of water

zone of aeration

underground zone in which pore spaces may have water or air

What would you expect to find in the upper reach of a stream? Choose all that apply.

waterfalls rapids v-shaped valleys a steep gradient

Most ocean waves are caused by


At what time of year do beaches get smaller?


Which letter marks the windward face of the dune? one side is steep and one side is gentle

winward face: gentle slope


zone of permeable rock that contains water, and releases it easily to a well

Erosion of the walls of a channel normally occurs on the outside curve of a meander a.)True b.)False


Limestone is a type of ______ rock that forms when _____ a.)sedimentary;calcium carbonate precipitates, or organic material containing calcium carbonate accumulates in a water environment b.)igneous; lava cools c.)igneous; magma cools d.)sedimentary; broken fragments of rock are deposited in a water environment and are then cemented together


Rocks that appear pitted and grooved, and sometimes polished smooth by eolian processes, are termed a.)ventifacts b.)alluvium c.)yardangs d.)desert pavements


The Basin and Range Province of the interior western US is a type of horst-and-graben topography a.)True b.)False


The Colorado River system is experiencing a drought that is more severe than any in the historic record a.)True b.)False


The principle of isostasy refers to the vertical movement of Earth's crust in response to loading and unloading of weight, such as ice or sediment a.)True b.)False


The undulating form that gives Earth's surface its character and general configuration is called a.)topography b.)an order of relief c.)relief d.)crust


which of the following is an exogenic process? a.)weathering b.)flows of heat and materials in the mantle c.)earthquakes d.)volcanism


The sandblasting action of wind-blown particles is called a.)deflation b.)abrasion c.)grinding d.)saltation


A general term for the coastal environment is a.)shoreline b.)littoral zone c.)coastline d.)coast


A major drainage basin consists of a single watershed a.)True b.)False


An interruption in a stream's profile of equilibrium is called a a.)gradation b.)nickpoint c.)base level d.)longitudinal interruption


As the potential evapotranspiration increases, salinity decreases a.)True b.)False


Continental crust is basically _____, whereas oceanic crust is basically ______. a.)thin;thick b.)granite;basalt c.)basalt;granite d.)sima;sial


During the past ice age, landmasses were generally a.)more exposed to the atmosphere b.)pressed down into the asthenosphere by the load of ice c.)unaffected by the climactic conditions of the time d.)elevated, because ice is lighter than rock


Earthquake and volcanic occurrences do not correlate well with crustal plate boundaries a.)True b.)False


Given present global warming trends and predicted climate change for the next century, sea level is estimated to rise a.)in an amount unrelated to the temperature of the ocean b.)between .18-.59m c.)in a way that will not threaten coastal inhabitants d.)more than 30m


Limestone is lithified metamorphic rock; high in magnesium, whereas marble is a sedimentary form a.)True b.)False


Natural levees are created during a.)low flow conditions b.)floods c.)normal flow conditions d.)none of the above - levees are man made


Near the shore, waves of transition begin to "feel bottom" and, as a result, the orbits of the water molecules in the wave become more ____. This process eventually causes _____ to form. a.)elliptical;swells b.)elliptical;breakers c.)circular;swells d.)circular;breakers


Particles of sand, gravels, and shells that move along the shore form the a.)breakers b.)beach drift c.)longshore current d.)translation effects


Pulverized rock and clastic materials ejected violently during an eruption are called a.)cinders b.)tephra, or pyroclastics c.)volcanic ash d.)explosive debris


Rivers have played a relatively minor role in the geography of human history a.)True b.)False


An exotic stream is a.)any river that flows from an arid region to one of adequate precipitation b.)any river that arises in a humid region and then passes through an arid region c.)one involved in a particular historical event d.)one whose entire course is in a desert region


Uniformitarianism assumes that a.)mountains, plains, and canyons formed by catastrophic events b.)Earth is quite young and is shaped by dramatic events c.)the same physical processes we see today are a key to understanding the processes that have been operating throughout geologic time d.)catastrophic episodes have regularly occurred


Which of the following is an example of a first order of relief? a.)the Shenandoah Valley b.)the Tibetan Plateau c.)an ocean basin d.)the Alps and Rockies


The state of Georgia is principally within which major drainage basin a.)North Atlantic b.)Ohio c.)Tennessee d.)South Atlantic-Gulf


A desert is an area in which a.)actual evapotranspiration rates exceed potential evapotranspiration rates b.)actual and potential evapotranspiration rates are roughly equal c.)hot conditions exist throughout the year d.)potential evapotranspiration rates exceed actual evapotranspiration rates


An extensive area of sand and sand dunes is known as a(n) a.)lag desert b.)desert pavement c.)reg desert d.)erg desert, or sand sea


Stream transport involves all of the following except a.)bed load b.)saltation c.)traction d.)sheet flow


A cutoff on a meandering stream results in the formation of a.)a terrace b.)a levee c.)a point bar d.)a braided stream e.)an oxbow lake


Clay layers in a slope will reduce the possibility of mass wasting. t or f


A vent in the ground from which steam or other gasses escape is a _____________.


Match the name with the description

fumarole: 1. a vent from which steam escapes geyser: 2. an eruption of hot water and steam hot spring: 4. ground water has come into contact with hot rocks and risen to the surface travertine: 3. massive deposits of calcium carbonate around a hot spring

An eruption of hot water and steam forms a _________________.


Which of the following is correct a.)The age of the sea floor is the same in most areas of the ocean b.)The age of the sea floor increases with increasing distance from a midocean ridge c.)The age of the sea floor increases with increasing distance from a trench d.)The oldest sea floor material is several billion years in age e.)The age of the sea floor does not follow a discernable pattern


Consider the equation Q = wdv. According to the equation, if Q (discharge) remains constant, but w and d decrease (as when a channel becomes more narrow and shallow), the velocity will a.)decrease b.)remain constant c.)increase


Coral formations a.)tend to occur poleward of 30 degrees latitude b.)survive in a broad ecological range because they are tolerant of temperature, salinity, and depth variation c.)are made of animals living symbiotically with simple algae d.)require water that is high in sediment concentration


Regular patterns of smooth, rounded waves are called a.)wave ripples b.)breakers c.)swells d.)wave trains


Stream-related processes are termed a.)hydrological b.)erosion c.)fluvial d.)geomorphological


The belief that disasters have produced most the major features of Earth is called a.)metastable thresholds b.)isostasy c.)catastrophism d.)uniformitarianism


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