Geography Module 3: Chapters 8 - 11

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The correct order of the internal layers from the outside to the center of the earth is ____________.

1. Crust 2. Mantle 3. Liquid Core 4. Solid Core

What are the forces of geological change?

1. Endogenic 2. Exogenic

Give examples of nonclastic sedimentary rocks:

1. Salt 2. Limestone 3. Chalk 4. Gypsum 5. Forum 6. Coccolith

What is the most common type of learning disability?


Tertiary Paleogene

complex mammals


1. "The present is the key to the past" 2. Geological processes and natural laws operating currently to modify the Earth's crust have acted in the same regular manner and intensity throughout geological time 3. Past geological forces can be observed through phenomena and forces present today

What are the relief features of the continents:

1. Alpine Chains - narrow zones along the margins of lithospheric plates, grow from volcanism or tectonic activity 2. Volcanism - cascade range 3. Tectonic Activity - Himalayan range

What are the four types of plutons?

1. Batholiths 2. Sills 3. Dikes 4. Laccoliths

What are the four factors that put children at risk of an intellectual disability?

1. Biomedical Factors - malnutrition, chromosomes, brain injury 2. Social Factors - poverty and an impaired parent 3. Behavioral Factors - child neglect or domestic violence 4. Educational Factors - impaired parenting, inadequate special education services

To determine the age of rocks, scientists _____________.

1. Calculate magnetic pole reversal 2. Examine microscopic components 3. Determine radiometric timescales

What factors contribute to reading comprehension as children begin to read more?

1. Children's language skills improve, which allows them to understand words they've decoded 2. Children become more skilled at recognizing words, allowing more working memory capacity to be devoted to comprehension 3. Working memory capacity increases 4. Children acquire more knowledge of their physical, social, and psychological worlds 5. With experience, children use more appropriate reading strategies 6. With experience, children can better monitor their reading comprehension

What are the three types of sediment in strata:

1. Clastic - formed from rock and mineral fragments 2. Chemically Precipitated - solid minerals separated from seawater or salty inland lakes 3. Organic - formed from organic material

Give examples of clastic sediments:

1. Conglomerate 2. Sandstone, deposited in layers 3. Shale 4. Breccia

What are the two types of metamorphism?

1. Contact Metamorphism 2. Regional Metamorphism

List the major relief features of the continents

1. Continental Shields - very old low lying igneous and metamorphic rocks 2. Active mountain making belts 3. Mountain Roots - remains of older mountain belts which present as long, narrow ridges 4. Depressions 5. High Plateaus 6. Widely spaced mountains 7. Icesheets 8. Plains 9, Mountains

What is the Earth composed of?

1. Core 2. Mantle 3. Asthenosphere

What are the three time separation periods in the Timescale for Geological Change?

1. Eons 2. Eras 3. Periods


1. External Processes: 2. Weathering by wind and water, and work at Earth's surface 3. Moving and transporting matter through running water, waves, glacial ice, and wind

Describe felsic rock:

1. Feldspar and Quarts 2. Lighter and less dense

List the different textures of igneous rock:

1. Fine Grained 2. Medium Grained 3. Coarse Grained 4. Pegmatite

What are biomasses?

1. Form of hydrocarbon 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Hydrocarbons can be solid (coal), liquid (petroleum), or a gas (natural gas)

List some common igneous rock:

1. Granite 2. Andesite 3. Rhyolite 4. Basalt

Where are batholiths normally found?

1. Idaho 2. Sierra Nevada 3. Canadian Shield

What are the two categories of landforms?

1. Initial Landforms - freshly created 2. Sequential Landforms - shaped by weathering, erosion, or mass wasting

Describe Wegener's idea of continental drift.

1. It describes the motion and changes through time of the continents and ocean basins and the processes that fracture and fuse them together

What type of rocks are the continental crust made up of?

1. It is thicker than the oceanic crust 2. Made up of lower zone mafic rock and upper zone felsic rock

What skills contribute to improved writing as a child?

1. Knowledge About Topics 2. Organizing writing - they first use the knowledge-telling strategy (writing down information as it is retrieved from memory, a common practice for young writers) and then as they grow they start to use knowledge transforming strategy (deciding what information to include and how best to organize it to convey it) 3. Mechanical requirements of writing 4. Skill in revising (knowing when and how to fix writing)

What are the adaptive skills for successful adjustment?

1. Literacy 2. Social skills 3. Practical Skills

What are three categories of silicate minerals in igneous rock?

1. Mafic 2. Ultramafic 3. Felsic

Describe Mafic Rock

1. Magnesium and iron 2. Mafic Minerals 3. Dark-colored and more dense

What things do children with a LEARNING disability struggle with?

1. Mastering an academic subject 2. They do have normal intelligence 3. Do not experience other conditions that could explain poor performance such as sensory impairment or inadequate instruction 4. 5% of children in America are classified as learning disabled

What are the main three ways ADHD can be treated?

1. Medication 2. Parent training and social skills training 3. Classroom Accomodations

What two things do ocean basins have?

1. Mid-Oceanic Ridges - two continental plates are spreading apart 2. Active Continental Margins - deep offshore trenches with lots of volcanic activity

What did the continents look like 150 million years ago?

1. NAM (north american) drifted away from Gondwana 2. North America and Europe were slightly formed 3. The Atlantic opening was formed 4. South America drifted away from Africa 5. India was still a part of Gondwana

Describe the lithosphere of the Earth:

1. Outer shell of rigid, brittle rock, including the crust, and also the cooler upper part of the mantle 2. It rests on and moves over the asthenosphere

Describe the crust of the Earth:

1. Outermost, solid layer of the Earth, composed largely of silicate minerals 2.

List the time separations in Eras:

1. Paleozoic - dramatic change and diversification of life 2. Mesozoic - "Age of reptiles", tectonic activity 3. Cenozoic - "Age of mammals"

What are the four causes of metamorphism?

1. Pressure 2. Tectonic Stress 3. Temperature 4. Fluids

List the time separations in Eons:

1. Priscoan - the beginning (4.3 billion years ago) 2. Archaean - hot 3. Proterozoic - O2, early life (2.6 billion years ago) (photosynthetic bacteria found) 4. Phanerozoic - abundant life

Describe igneous rocks:

1. Rock formed from the cooling of magma 2. Magma - Rock in a mobile, high-temperature molten state

Describe the metamorphism of shale, sandstone, and limestone:

1. Shale - slate - schist - gneiss 2. Sandstone - quartzite 3. Limestone - marble

What is the 1st and 2nd most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust?

1. Silicates are the first and silicon are the second

How do scientists know about the structure of the Earth?

1. The study of seismology (Earthquakes) 2. Earthquakes cause seismic energy to flow through solids but not liquids 3. Some of the waves are reflected and some of the waves are refractions 4. The images of the waves give us information about the internal structure of the Earth

What things do gifted children have in common?

1. Their ability is substantially above average 2. They are passionate about their area of interest and desire to master it 3. They are creative in their thinking and come up with novel thoughts and actions 4. Exceptional talent requires nurturing (challenging curriculum, encouragement, and like-minded peers)

What are the essential skills needed for reading comprehension?

1. Word decoding 2. Language Comprehension

What was the old IQ score for being considered 'gifted'?


Extrapolating geologic time to a single 24-hour day, the proliferation of life on planet Earth began only ___________ before midnight.

2 hours and 50 minutes

When is it hypothesized that the Earth was created (how long ago)?

4.5 billion years ago

A rock that contained 50% U-238 and 50% lead-206 would be ____________ billion years old.

4.5 billion years old

How much do the tectonic plates move a year?

5 to 10 cm (2-4 inches) each year

Describe lithospheric plates:

Also known as tectonic plates which move as a unit and slide across the asthenosphere in contact with adjacent lithosphere plates along plate boundaries

Describe ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Characterized by impaired ability to focus, hyperactivity, and impulsivity 6% of all school aged children in the USA are diagnosed with ADHD

____ ______ provide a record of climate change.

Chalk cliffs


Early hominids in Africa

A new island created in the Hawaiian-Emperor Island chain by the volcano Kilauea would be known as a(n) ____________ landform.


______________ describes the rise of floating mountains over the soft asthenosphere as they erode.


What kind of rocks are the oceanic crust made of?

Mafic Rocks

500 million years ago what did the continents look like?

Mostly separated and were moving apart

How old is the oceanic and continental crusts?

Oceanic = 60 million years Continental = 1 billion years

What are the most abundant elements in the crust?

Oxygen (47%), Silicon (28%), aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium

All time older than 570 million years before the present is ___________ time.


Describe metamorphic rock:

Rock altered in physical or chemical composition by heat, pressure, or other endogenic processes taking place at a substantial depth below the surface

What was the supercontinent called 600 million years ago which was centered over the South Pole?



Specific Shapes of the Earth's surface

Describe the core of the Earth:

Spherical central mass of the Earth composed largely of iron: consists of an outer liquid zone, and an inner solid zone

What are plutons?

Structures that result from the cooling and hardening of magma beneath Earth's surface

List one successful program for teaching writing:

The Self-Regulated Strategy Development in Writing Program (POW 1 TREE)


The balancing of the downward force of the crust and the upward force of the mantle which causes a sort of equilibrium

What did the continents look like 370 million years ago?

The north American continent was about to collide with the Gondwanan supercontinent

Describe the mantle of the Earth:

The rock layer of the Earth beneath the crust and surrounding the core, composed of an ultramafic igneous rock of silicate minerals

Describe the asthenosphere of the Earth:

The softer, most fluid layer of the mantle

What did the continents look like 280 million years ago?

The supercontinent of Pangea was formed

How long is a half-life?

The time that it takes one half of a radioactive sample to decay

Rocks are composed of what?

Two or more minerals

Radiometric Dating

Using the rate of radioactive decay in the elements of rock to determine its ago

What are alluvial fans?

Wide, sloping deposits of sediment formed when a stream leaves a mountain range - due to weathering

Intellectual Disability

a condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to the demands of life; varies from mild to profound

What is Moho discontinuity?

boundary between crust and mantle

If a series of glaciers formed in this mountain range, the elevation of surface underneath the glacier would __________.


. Creativity is associated with __________ thinking, in which the goal is to think in novel and unusual directions.


Describe chemical processes:

existing minerals can grow larger or new minerals can form


glaciations and modern humans

What is an example of an intrusive igneous rock

granite outcrops

Look at photos of Mt. Rushmore on the Internet. What type of landform formation is this? Will the carvings of U.S. presidents last for a long time?

granitic mountains, and yes they will last for a very long time

Describe ultramafic rock:

heavy mafic minerals and very dense

What are the three rock classes?

igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic


internal processes such as volcanic and tectonic activity

Define topography:

major surface features of Earth's crust

Alpine Chains

narrow zones along the margins of lithospheric plates, grow from volcanism or tectonic activity

Define Minerals

naturally occurring inorganic crystalline chemical compounds

Describe physical changes:

objects, such as pebbles or crystals, can be deformed into new shapes and orientations

In developmental dyslexia, children have difficulty with phonological awareness (distinguishing language sounds)

phonological awareness (distinguishing language sounds)

The process whereby rocks are constantly being changed to recycle crustal minerals through physical, chemical, and biological processes is known as the ____________.

rock cycle

Extrusive Igneous Rock

rock formed from magma that cooled rapidly at the surface or under the ocean - microscopic mineral crystals - basalt

Intrusive Igneous Rock

rock formed from magma that solidifies below the Earth's surface - visible mineral crystals - granite


the process of extracting meaning from a sequence of words

Word Recognition

the process of identifying a unique pattern of letters


the study of the shape of the Earth's features and how they change over time

Divergent Thinking

thinking in novel and unusual directions where the aim is not to determine a single correct answer but fresh and unusual lines of thought

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