GeoGuessr Tips by Country

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- .id extension - equatorial - LHS driving - word endings: -i, -an, and -kan - Motorbikes commonly seen - many company signs say "PT" (unique) - 3 white sections on plates, mostly black


- .il extension - RHS driving - Arabic, Hebrew, and English writing - Yellow plates - Human hand on red octogonal stop sign - Red and white curbs


- Beautiful rolling hills like Switzerland - English as well as Catalan (Latin but process of elimination) - EU member - regular EU plates


- EU member - RHS driving - utca = street - taxis have yellow plates (regular are EU) - uses ő (unique) - í, é, ó are common - language isolate (unlike other European languages) - some winter pictures - has concrete /\ poles (also found in Romania and Poland)


- EU member - sun in south - .nl country extension - extremely cyclist friendly (many bikers) - language is dutch (also found in northern Belgium) - straat = street and weg = road - yellow license plates on BOTH front and back (along with Luxembourg) - high frequency of w, z, "ee", and "ij"


- German, French, Italian - Alpine geography, architecture - .ch extension - For German, they use ss instead of ß (found in Austria, Germany) - plates lack EU stripe on license plate - has wide, lower google view (same as Japan) - bollards are white cylinders w black stripe (rounded off)

South Africa

- LHS driving - .za extension - sun in north - Red and white road arrows - Yellow shoulder, white middle (sometimes triple) - Money is R (rand) - More hills than Botswana - English and Afrikaans - may show blue halo above car (only country in southern Africa that has this) - can have M## or R## highways - traffic lights on yellow poles - long, narrow white plates


- LHS driving - EU member - sun in south - Sandstone (desert vibe) - English used alongside Maltese - x is common in Maltese - triq = street - looks Mediterannean


- LHS driving - English-speaking - sometimes follow vehicle (Toyota truck) - can see car front and side bars - has rack on top of car (look at shadow) - black "snorkel" on google car - mostly square yellow rear plates - majority black pop - equatorial - has wider urban roads than Uganda


- LHS driving - Red soil (similar to Kenya) - Can see part of the car (front side mirrors) - White front plate, yellow rear plate - looks like Safari - equatorial (sun can be in north or south)


- LHS driving - Sun in south - coverage is often malls, universities, religious monuments - Indian attire - Hindi used (sometimes English) - regular vehicles have long, white plates whereas trucks have yellow plates - Hindi (unlike Bengali) has upside-down, backwards 'h' letter - has black-yellow striped curbs


- LHS driving - four official languages: English Malay, Tamil, Chinese - very tidy and rich - green + urban - equatorial - front/rear plates = white/yellow - can also have black plates - curbs can be black-white striped - traffic lights often arch over roads horizontally - regular stop signs but encompassed in white square


- LHS driving - latin-based malay - "Sdn Bhd" common on signs - .my extension - equatorial - 2 white sections on plates, mostly black - road numbers are in orange irregular hexagons (unique) -black/white poles are common - black and white guard rails are common - AWAS = acronym for road safety system - stop signs say "berhenti"


- LHS driving - sun in North - motorbikes and Rickshaws common - thai script is following and contains many circles at the end of symbols (contrasts Khmer used in Cambodia) - tropical feel - rice fields common - utility poles have small holes drilled into side (unique in region) - blue directional signs - posts holding up signs are thick painted-white wooden square with black-painted bottom - roads broken into concrete blocks (like Philippines)


- LHS driving - sun in north - English-speaking - .au extension - may have bad quality camera (along with US and NZ) - eucalyptus trees common - typically has white street signs - mainly all white road lines - white wooden bollards with red dot or rectangle - highways named C# in south west (ex: C245)

New Zealand

- LHS driving - sun in north - English-speaking - .nz extension - similar to Australia but greener and hillier - green or blue street signs (Australia has white signs) - white wooden bollards with red stripe (contrast Australia's dot or rectangle) - most utility poles have lone stripe of white/silver metal wrapped around them


- LHS driving - sun in north - Red and white road arrows (sometimes 2) - Yellow shoulder, white middle road lines - Yellow/black stripes on posts - English-speaking - flat desert/savannah feel - roads are named A### and B### - plates are commonly yellow rear and white front - bollards are blueish small obelisks


- LHS driving - sun in north - blue lettering on white plates - green and hilly - Highways sometimes named A## - Less trees = Lesotho (compared to Eswatini) - Yellow shoulder, white middle (sometimes triple)


- LHS driving - sun in north - green and hilly - generally has trees (compared to Lesotho) - ukriane-flag looking plate - .sz country extension - white car sometimes visible - Green signs with no main letters (Swazi) - highways named MR##

Sri Lanka

- LHS driving - sun in south - Rice farming common - .lk country extension - google car may resemble French flag - yellow rear plates and white front plates - Swirly circle letters


- LHS driving - sun in south - homes are asian-style are very "flat" - thick and red plates - Curvy, mountainous roads with stone bollards on the side (no dirt roads?)

United Kingdom

- LHS driving - sun in south - made up of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Single/double outside yellow lines - White front, yellow rear plates, but sometimes EU plates - British English spoken/written - Welsh and Scottish occasionally used - uses Miles, yards, pounds - (GB) extension - Roundabouts are common - often small rock walls in rural areas - Roads named M## and A##


- LHS writing - writing is similar to mandarin but curvier, simplified - unique ッ symbol - red post box - yellow license plates


- Mountains, jungle, and ghetto - stop signs say "alto" - Google car has bars on it - might see front side mirrors - sun in south - spanish-speaking


- RHS - french-speaking - sun in the south - majority black pop - Savannah w red soil - Rifts when looking up - google car has gray side bars - blue plates - Most roads have all white dashed lines - White dashed shoulder lines


- RHS driving - .cl extension - sun in north - Snow sometimes! - mountains are to the east (Andes) - some areas have ONLY white lines (unique to Americas except in Argentina) - Can see white on back of car - poles are indented but with no rungs


- RHS driving - .de extension - EU member - "blurmany" - ä often used - speaks German (lol)


- RHS driving - .ee extension - sun is in the south - EU member - has narrow, unpaved roads - alphabet looks like Finnish with double letters and ä, but also uses "õ" (tilda on top) - Baltic, but more heavily forested than Latvia and Lithuania - blue Km signs perpendicular to road


- RHS driving - .me extension - majority white pop - sun in south - Looks like Greece - majority of footage shows rift (like Albania, Senegal) - Antenna on car - both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets used


- RHS driving - .rs extension - Both Cyrillic and latin writing is used - speaks serbian, a slavic language -Ћ and Ђ are unique - Square poles with small holes


- RHS driving - .tn extension - Arabic + French - Follow Vehicle (dark green Toyota) - Almost all coverage is on the coast - Desert + Mediterranean vibe - plates are long and skinny


- RHS driving - EU member - .hr extension - similar to Slovenia - Latin-based slavic - uses ž, š and č - uses ć (unlike slovenian) - Ulica = street - often uses j, z, i - many plates are 100% white - Yellow signs


- RHS driving - EU member - .pl country extension - latin-based slavic language - rz, sz, cz, and w are common - ó, ł, ż, ś, ȩ, ń - flat grass fields common - yellow triangular warning signs with red outline (unique) - has concrete /\ poles (also found in Romania and Hungary)


- RHS driving - EU member - .si extension - latin-based slavic - lots of 'j's - uses ž, š and č - many forests and hills - Yellow signs - ulica = street


- RHS driving - EU member - EU license plate - latin-based slavic - uses á, é, ý, í, č, š, ž, - uses ě, ů and ř (unlike Slovak) - capital=Prague/Praha - street = ulice (unique) - .cz country extension


- RHS driving - EU member - Germanic language - uses "ö", "å", "ä" (ö and ä not found in Danish or Norwegian) - .se extension - street = gata - Dashed white side lines - Blue road signs with white text


- RHS driving - EU member - Greek alphabet (think Σ, Π and Λ etc.) Double white middle lines Blue circle around the car


- RHS driving - EU member - Scandinavian - street = katu - language isolate but sometimes Swedish is used - many double letters like aa, ii, and ää


- RHS driving - EU member - latin-alphabet slavic language - p and z are common - .sk extension - uses á, é, í, ý, č, š, ž - uses ä, ľ, ĺ, ŕ, ô, dz, dž (unlike Czechia) - no winter pics (unlike Czechia)


- RHS driving - EU member - some slavic cognates - unique "ė" letter - uses š, ž and č - words often end in and - green km signs (whereas Latvia and Estonia are blue) - car may have antenna


- RHS driving - EU member - sun in south - .at extension - German speaking - can use ss or ß - "einbahn" is commonly written on street signs - slanted, dark-terracotta roofs common


- RHS driving - EU member - sun in south - Yellow plates on BOTH front and back (also in Netherlands) - also has EU blue strip left of plates - speaks Luxembourgish (dutch with french, german influence) - usually gentle slopes whereas Netherlands is extremely flat - road signs are yellow (unlike Netherlands which has blue signs)


- RHS driving - EU member - sun in south - often edge of roads marked by long white dashes (unique length) - French-speaking - rue = street - some cars may have old yellow EU rear plates - have Romania-esque utility poles - Citroen, Renault, Peugeot cars are common - roads are named D### (ex: D392) - if you see fields of wheat in Europe, often in France


- RHS driving - EU member - sun in south - uses ļ ķ ņ ā, ē, ī, ō, ū - also uses š - wide, unpaved roads (unlike Estonia's narrow roads) - red/white warning but thicker red border than Estonia or Lithuania - blue Km signs parallel to road - both sides of bollards are black and white (unlike Lithuania)


- RHS driving - EU member - uses Cyrillic but use of ъ is frequent - sometimes seen in winter - poorly maintained roads - might include latin translations on signs - "Eiffel tower" structures common


- RHS driving - EU member - weird slavic-ish romance language - uses ş, ƫ, ă, and ȃ - words often end in u (centru means center) - has concrete /\ poles (also found in Hungary and Poland) - some poles have yellow markings on them (unique)


- RHS driving - English speaking - Escort Vehicle (Toyota truck or police car) behind google car - Green plates - curbs often painted with black/white stripes


- RHS driving - Portuguese speaking (use ç) - equatorial (can be either north or south) - if sun in north + Portuguese speaking, it's brazil - trucks + taxis often have red license plates - signs have very black backs - Petrobras = major gas station - highways are named BR-### (ex: BR-230)

Dominican Republic

- RHS driving - Sun in south - .do extension - spanish-speaking - white google car - has white side bars with black stripe in the middle (only LA country with side bars)


- RHS driving - Sun in south - Dutch speaking, some English - black car (front visible) with side bars - .cw extension - Utility pole bases commonly painted white - often brightly colored housing


- RHS driving - equatorial - spanish-speaking - mountainous - often thick foliage - taxis + buses have orange stripe on top of plates - taxis may have blurred sides - poles often hold up two signs at 90° angle - highways have similar shape to US interstate shields - high ways are E## (ex: E40)


- RHS driving - equatorial - spanish-speaking - much drier than Ecuador and Colombia - poles are striped black and white - highways can be named PE## - bollards look like cigarettes (lol fr tho) - some bollards are triangular prism MC torch-looking - houses are usually flat and made of brick


- RHS driving - google car has a side bars (one has black tape on the tip) - have N# named highways (ex: N12) - White or yellow plates - plates often elongated - English-speaking - majority black pop


- RHS driving - poles often striped yellow and black - spanish-speaking - Yellow plates (except taxis) - Can see back of white google car?


- RHS driving - sun i - .be extension - EU member - red lettering on regular EU plates - use either French or Dutch


- RHS driving - sun in north - Spanish-speaking - indigenous Andean clothing common - sometimes flat (unlike Peru) - Hilly, dirt roads, dense, small houses - Can see back of white google car - houses are usually flat and made of red brick - regular plates have blue color on white


- RHS driving - sun in north - script similar to thai but there are NO straight parts of symbols - yellow license plates

American Samoa

- RHS driving - sun in north - very tropical with white sands - mostly blue plates - some mountains (unique to other islands)


- RHS driving - sun in south - .is extension - Nordic language - unique Ð, ð letter - street = götu - Yellow bollards (flat sticks) with white reflectors - Mostly white, dashed lines on road - Yellow/black, red/white road signs - White highway signs

North Macedonia

- RHS driving - sun in south - .mk extension - EU member - cyrillic but also has Ѓ and Ќ (unique) - also uses latin translations - well maintained roads - mixture of standard EU plates and white, elongated plates


- RHS driving - sun in south - .ru Extension - car usually has antenna - Black and white curbs - Black and white guardrails - Blue road signs, some white road signs - Road signs can be black at the bottom of the post - Big red then white arrows - elongated, white plates (rare in EU)


- RHS driving - sun in south - Arabic script - flat desert - black google car (unlike UAE)


- RHS driving - sun in south - EU member - could have red license plates (along with EU plates) - has national N-### and AP-## highways - Catalan and Basque also spoken/written - for Canary Islands, each island has unique high ways (TF-## for Tenerife, GC-## for Gran Canarias, also LZ##, FV##, CV##, LP##, HI##)


- RHS driving - sun in south - EU member - italian-speaking - EU member - EU plate but with blue stripes on both sides - .it country extension


- RHS driving - sun in south - EU member - portuguese-speaking - EU license plate BUT with vertical yellow stripe on the right - CAN have rifts (like Montenegro, Albania, Senegal)


- RHS driving - sun in south - Eu license plates - "Dur" stop signs - ç, ğ, ş, ö, ü, ı (and i) letters - plural words end in ler, lar, lir - blue road signs


- RHS driving - sun in south - script is similar to thai but commonly has hooks at end of symbols - lots of dirt roads - roadside markers look like tombstones with red cap - Angkor beer is commonly advertised - white street view car used - bollards look like fat matches


- RHS driving - sun in south - similar to US in vibe - either French or English - red post box (unlike blue in US)

Costa Rica

- RHS driving - sun in south - spanish-speaking - "alto" stop signs


- RHS driving - sun in south - spanish-speaking - stop signs say "alto" - Mex city has pink taxi - Can have segmented asphalt (like Philippines) - "SA DE CV" common on billboards - commonly have octagonal utility poles (also in Colombia) - PEMEX is common gas station - some google cars are blue


- RHS driving - sun in south - uses å, ø, æ - Germanic cognates - blue street car (like Denmark) - Green commercial plates - EU member - can have dashed white side lines - narrow, winding roads common - Green road signs on a yellow background - same alphabet as Denmark - mountainy (unlike Denmark which is very flat) - veg, vei, veien = road - gate = street - yellow directional signs - red/white warning signs (unlike .se, .is, and .fi) but also found in Denmark

San Marino

- RHS driving - sun in south - white license plates with blue tinge, but Italian and EU plates common as well - Italian-speaking - Uses gen 2 cameras (wide blur, circular sun halo) - colder and hillier than Italy - blue and white pedestrian markings - pedestrian crossing accompanied by pole splitting road in two (unique)

South Korea

- RHS driving - urban - majority asian pop - alphabet looks asian, but is divided into 2-3 shapes per letter and therefore looks more rigid - lots of square and circle shapes - sun in the South


- RHS driving - uses roman script - sun in south - flooded fields and rice paddies are common - google car is actually motorbike, so you often see a helmet or motorcycle outline - majority Asian pop


- RHS driving - uses ø, æ, å - street = gade, vej = road - EU member - blue street view car (like Norway) - very short dashed white side lines - same alphabet as norway - extremely flat (unlike Norway) - has red/white directional signs - can also include Greenland (white plates) and Faroe Islands (blue-stripe EU plates), which is like Iceland but there are side bars


- RHS driving (unlike other South African countries) - sun in north - majority African pop - mixture of Kenya and Indonesia vibes - tropic vegetation - utility poles have "waffle" dents (like France) - can include coverage from boats or oxen (lmao)


- Sun in north - french-speaking - White car with white side bars - can see front side mirrors


- Visible bars on google truck - RHS driving - sun in south - uses cyrillic, but has double vowels - special letter: Ң - White bollards with diagonal black lines - Red on left side of white license plate - majority desert


- equatorial - RHS driving - Tagalog with English + Spanish words - spanish colonial architecture - rickshaws are common - lots of political ads - roofs usually triangle, made from hand-woven reeds or corrugated iron - green or blue/white plates (unique to SE Asia) - roads divided into concrete blocks (like Thailand)


- gray side bars on google truck - sometimes can see camping equipment - can see white front and reddish front side mirrors - bowling-pin looking bollards - yurts can be found - White plates with red on the left side (sometimes) - .mn extension - mostly flat desert - uses cyrillic script - writes double vowels


- lots of rickshaws / bicycles - LHS driving writing has bars at the top of text - (usually) front side mirrors are red and visible - (usually) has gray side bars - often flooded


- rocky + mountainous - RHS driving - sun in south - ë, ç, and q commonly written - language isolate - water heaters found on rooves - Rifts appear in footage - European plates w blue on both sides - some have narrow white plates with red on side


- sun in north - RHS driving - spanish-speaking - Black google car - looks like a poorer Argentina - roads often have white dashes inside two yellow lines in middle of road (unique) - very flat compared to other L. A. countries - traffic lights mounted on black/white striped poles - black/yellow striped poles - primarily white plates


- sun in north - RHS driving - spanish-speaking - Black google car - white plates with black dot in the middle - YPF = major gas station - in relatively good condition (richer than other L. A. countries) - bottom of trees sometimes painted white


- sun in south - .ua extension - RHS driving - Cyrillic script but also uses i and ï - red hue (meta) - plates have small blue/yellow Ukrainian flag on the left

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

- sun in south - Arabic and some English - hot and flat desert - white google car - curbs sometimes painted black/white or black/yellow stripes


LHS English and Gaelic Green, white, brown signs: N .ie Blue on left, mostly white plates (UK has yellow rear) Metric system (UK uses miles) Signs are diamond shaped, yellow Green, lush, small rock walls Narrow, windy roads

EU Full White Plates

Switzerland, Iceland, Russia, most of the Croatian plates and some plates in North Macedonia are white.

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