GEOL 101 Final

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the iowa daily erosion project and research by iowa state agronomists suggests that

iowa is losing soil at a rate thats much grater than the rate of formation of new soil

the water table

is the boundary between the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone

W x D x V

Big rivers have large discharges. Little streams have little discharges even if they are moving fast.

Seismic Waves

Body waves, surface waves.

How is Richter magnitude determined?

The difference between 1 and 2 is 10x.

Stage height

The height of a river surface itself.

What is a strike?

Intersect of layer with horizontal-amakes line

Brittle Deformation - Joints

Joint is a fracture with no movement

What is shear stress? What do you get?

Lateral movement side to side. It gives us strike slip faults

Effects of Earthquakes

Liquefaction, landslides, tsunami, material amplification

Strike Slip Faults- shear

"Movement along the fault is horizontal. Dip of fault plane is vertical. Can be right lateral or left lateral. Side to side movement.

Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation

Ductile is Compressional Stress


Volume of water per given time (cfs). Increases down stream. Changes over time.

which of the statements about groundwater pollution is correct?

as the contaminant plume moves away from the contaminant source, the pollutants decrease in concentration, but the area will get wider

what can happen if excessive nutrients run off in to a lake

algae blooms may develop, and when the algae dies and decomposes, dissolved oxygen in the water will be consumed

mine tailings

all of the above

sediment pollution

all of the above

to prepare a landslide hazard map for an area, you would ideally need to know something about

all of the above

what are the causes of shoreline erosion

all of the above

which of the following are methods used to reduce soil erosion in agricultural land

all of the above

how does water influence slope stability?

all the above

what are some of the reasons why land subsidence occurs?

all the above

the water resources in the colorado river basin

are stressed due to ongoing drought and continued population growth in this region

what are the following statements describing

bauxite processing

soil erosion in the loess soils in western Iowa

both a and b

the city of des moines gets its drinking water from the raccoon river and shallow groundwater recharged by the river. elevated nitrate levels in this water

both a and b

why did flint michigan have problems with lead in their water

both a and b

groundwater withdrawal

both a and c

which soil holds on to the most water and why

clay soil because pore spaces are very small and the clay surfaces are electrically charged

Reverse and thrust faults

compression. Hanging wall block moves up relative to the footwall block

how does soil erosion affect soil fertility

fertility is decreased due to the preferential loss of lighter clay and organic particles

how do falls and flows differ?

flows contain material mixed with water and move downslope like a fluid and falls involve the free fall of rock from a cliff face

which of the following statments about cation exchange in soils is CORRECT?

plant roots exchange hydrogen cations for cations such as potassium, calcium, that are attached to the surface of both clay particles and organic matter

which of the following statements about rare earth elements is CORRECT

rare earth elements are critical materials that are used in green energy technology, consumer electronics, and military applications


record seismic waves by producing a seismogram

Dip slip Faults

reverse of normal. Have up and down motion. Hanging wall and footwall. Diagonally upward always. Points to hanging wall. Diagonally down always points to footwall.

the movement on the UPPER PART ONLY of the hillside shown in the drawing below is a

rotational slide that is more common in soil and unconsolidated material than in rock

sedimentary processes are responsible for producing deposits of

salt, gypsum, limestone, and banded iron formation

which soil drains the most quickly

sandy soil becuase it has the largest pore spaces and they are interconnected

Cause of Tsunami

"1)generated on ocean floor 2)movement along dip slip fault 3) large earthquake displacing a large volume of water ->subduction zones"

Reservoirs of Water

"1)oceans 2)glaciers 3)groundwater"

Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest

"1700 Earthquake, Crustal Earthquakes - The Seattle Fault, Benioff Earthquakes. 1) Subduction zone earthquakes- shallow-tsunami producing 2)benioff earthquakes(juan de fuca)- deep earthquakes along subducting plate- more frequent 3) crustal plates- shallow- can be large- over

Crustal Earthquakes (Seattle Fault)

"Crustal Reverse fault. Lots of fault zones-has potential for damage"

Benioff Earthquakes

"Deep earthquakes from normal earthquakes Reaccurance 20-30 yrs. Depth- 50 km"

Hydrologic Cycle


Material Amplification

"Low amplification -------------- >high --- >Hard igneous, sed. Rocks, alluvium, silt/mud--- >"

Tsunami - DART

"Measures water pressure-Bottom pressure reader and tsunami goes over buoys. Pressure reader changes reading while wave passes overà measures change in water pressure which gives you the wave height"

Which of the following statments about slope stability and downslope movements is CORRECT?

when rivers are dammed, the increased water pressure in the resivoir behind the dam may weaken rocks with open fractures

Wave Length of Tsunami

*Deep Ocean* Long Wave Length, small aptitude, high velocity. Wave length = difference between crest. *Shallow WaterU Velocity slows, all of the water in long wavelength piles up to form high waves.

1700 Earthquake


Know the scale and difference in size between different increments of the scales


Domes and Basins

..., formed as a result of vertical crustal motion. Domes look like an overturned bowl and result from crustal upwarping. Basins look like a bowl and result from subsidence

Earthquake Requirements

1. Generated on the ocean floor 2. movement along a dip slip fault 3. a large earthquake displacing a larger volume water (magnitude 7 minimum). Shallow earthquakes -> Subduction zone

Where to measure average velocity

2/3 way down in the middle of the stream

What are the two kinds of folding?

Anticlines, syncilines.


Describe a flood by it's discharge.

What is tensional stress? What does it produce?

Coming apart, normal faults.

What is compressional stress? What does it give us?

Coming together. It gives us: folds, resverse and thrust faults.

What are the three stresses

Compression, tensional, shear.


Hawaii., a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff

Locating the epicenter of an earthquake

If we draw a circle with a radius of 2k KM then we know the earthquake is somewhere along the circle. If you make 3 circles and the place where the circles intersect, that's the epicenter.

Measuring the size of earthquakes

Magnitude scale, richter scale.

Strike and Dip

Measuring the orientation of planar surfaces

Body Waves

P and S waves

Reverse Faults

Reverse faults have dips greater than 45o

Normal faults

Tensional stress. Hanging wall block moves down relative to the footwall block. Accommodate lengthening or extension of the crust.

What is the dip?

The angle that is tilting

Stream flow and velocity

We can measure stream flow through velocity. Throw a marshmellow in a river and see how far it moves in a certain amount of time. Water will move quick if the slope is steep. Velocity is driven by the slope (gradient). The amount of drop over time.

Speed of Tsunami

When a tsunami is cruising through the pacific ocean, they travel as fast as an airplane flies. If we have an earthquake from cascade, it would take 15 mins to the coast of Washington. Slows down in Shallow water.


When we take cohesive sediment, usually finer grain, shake it and it turns into a liquid. It flows like a fluid.

Distribution of Velocity in a channel

You find the max velocity at surface in the middle. Slowest along the sides.

the figure below shows a cross sectional view of soil arching over a solution fracture in limestone. what has the potential to develop here?

a sinkhole

which of the following statements related to water resources is correct?

consumptive water uses describes irrigation water and water that is consumed by people and livestock that doesn't immediately return to the water resiviour from which it was taken

nonpoint source pollution

currently includes agricultural and residential runoff and acid mine drainage

pharmaceuticals and personal care products that go down the toilet, drain, or through the washing machine

end up in both surface water and groundwater

once heavy metals such as mercury are in surface waters, they

enter the food chain and become concentrated through biomagnification

what fuels tropical cyclones

evaporation of warm seawater

Thrust Faults

have dips less than 45o

beach nourishment

involves dredging sand from offshore and pumping it to a beach

what is happening to the ogallala aquifer

it is an example of groundwater mining, where in many places the amount of water pumped out greatly exceeds the natural recharge

which soil holds some water and allows some water to drain and why

loam becuase the pore spaces between larger particles help drain water, and the pore spaces between smaller particles help hold water

compacted soils

lose their ability to absorb water, so runoff increases

which mining method would most likely be used to mine a low grade disseminated gold deposit located close to the surface

open pit mining

why do fish die when large amounts of manure are spilled into a river

oxygen in the water is consumed by the bacteria that break down the concentrated organic matter in the manure


seismic sea wave that begins over an earthquake focus and can be highly destructive when it crashes on shore

what kind of mass movement is in the drawing below? (original position -(down slope) moving block?


what methods can be used to try and REDUCE the risk of mass wasting?

small retaining walls to provide support at the base of overstepped slopes

which of the following statements about soil is correct?

soil characteristics are a function of parent material, organisms. topography, climate, and time

which of the following statements about soil is CORRECT?

soils are weathering products that provide a record of past enviroments and climate

which of the following statemnts about mineral resources is correct

the enrichment fator is the number of times the average crustal concentration of a metal must be increased before the ore can be mined at a profit


the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)

approx 75 different chemical elements are used to make a smart phone. the more elements that are used in the consumer products

the harder they are to recycle


the location at the surface directly above the focus


the source of the earthquake at depth

how did the construction of levees along the Mississippi river in southern Louisiana contribute

they prevent flooding, no new sediment is getting deposited on either side of the river to help build up the land

what kind of aquifer do the following statements describe? the water level in a well is at the water table the aquifer is recharged directly from the infiltration of surface water and precipitation

unconfined aquifer

wastewater treatment plants

use a primary treatments process where grease and oils float to the top and solids settle to the bottom as sludge

which of the following statements about storm surge is CORRECT?

water is pushed farther inland when the shore is gently sloping

Run off

water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground

what is meant by virtual water

water that is embedded in traded agricultural and industrial commodities

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