Geol final

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Glacial ice covers what percent of the global land area? a. 10% b. 30% c. 40% d. 5%


When did the supercontinent Pangaea first start to break apart? a. 4.56 billion years ago b. 565 million years ago c. 180 million years ago d. 65 million years ago

180 million years ago

Hot spots are recorded by a. Extensive earthquake hazards b. Core rocks exposed on the Earth's surface c. Rock from the outer mantle included in volcanic rocks d. A sequence of volcanic centers that get younger toward the hot spot

A sequence of volcanic centers that get younger toward the hot spot

Smelter emissions often cause what type of adverse environmental degradation? a. Acid mine drainage b. acid rain c. asbestos deposition

Acid rain

Which soil horizon is known as the zone of accumulation? a. A horizon b. B horizon c. C horizon

B Horizon

The level of decaying organic matter in water is indicated by what measure? a. Nitrogen and phosphorus b. Fecal coliform c. Biochemical oxygen demand d. Eutrophication index

Biochemical oxygen demand

________ coal has the highest heat content. a. peat b. lignite c. Bituminous d. sub-bituminous


What is the principal social impact of mining operations? a. Death of workers in accidents b. Boom and bust cycles that impact local economies and social structure c. Effects of soil and water degradation on public health

Boom and bust cycles that impact local economies and social structure

Soil cohesion is enhanced by the presence of a. gravel and sand particles b. clay and silt particle c. subsurface water d. organic matter

Clay and silt particles

_________ is the long-term average of weather conditions over some area. a. weather b. low fronts c. high pressure d. climate


What is the predominant fossil- fuel resource in the US? a. solar b. oil c. coal


Why is coal usage likely to increase in the future? a. Coal is a relatively clean energy resource in terms of air pollution. b. Mining and processing of coal create minimal environmental impact. c. Coal is an abundant resource in relation to oil and gas. d. Coal is generally considered a renewable resource.

Coal is an abundant resource in relation to oil and gas.

________ is the ability of soil particles to stick together. a. erodibility b. cohesion c. collusion


Convergence of plates can cause _____forces that build mountain ranges a. Compressive b. Tensional c. Oblique


Yellowstone National Park lies atop a(n) a. Convergent plate boundary b. Divergent plate boundary c. Continental hot spot

Continental hot spot

________ works with the natural topography to reduce soil erosion. a. contour plowing b. no-plow gardening c. fallow ground

Contour plowing

The source of _____ is typically animal fecal waste. a. E. coli b. mercury c. phosphorus d. oxygen

E. coli

A(n) ____stream gains water from an aquifer. a. effluent b. influent c. confined d. unconfined


What is the principal cause of cultural eutrophication? a. Elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria b. Elevated biochemical oxygen demand c. Heavy metals in treated municipal water d. Elevated levels of phosphorus and nitrogen

Elevated levels of phosphorus and nitrogen

_______deposits form through the evaporation of marine basins or lakes. a. Hydrothermal b. evaporite c. silver


What phase of mining generally causes the least environmental degradation? a. Exploration and testing b. extraction c. processing

Exploration and testing

Expansive soils typically present minor, localized problems. a. true b. false


Soil scientists and engineers view soil in essentially the same way. a. true b. false


Tectonic plates moves about as fast as a. A Rebel point guard b. A butterfly flies c. Fingernails grow d. A Grove Oak grows

Fingernails grow

Why does acid rain result from fossil fuel consumption? a. Fossil fuels heat the atmosphere, making rain more acidic. b. Fossil fuel burning releases nitrogen and sulfur oxides. c. Particulates emitted from fossil fuel burning settle in lakes and acidifies them. d. Fossil fuel burning releases stored organic carbon.

Fossil fuel burning releases nitrogen and sulfur oxides.

How has glacial ice aided the study of climate change? a. Glacial ice contains trapped air bubbles that archive former atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. b. Glacial ice only exists where temperatures are exceedingly cold. c. Glacial ice flows only under its own weight, so studies of glacial ice reflect climatic conditions. d. Glacial ice stores water that would otherwise enter the oceans and cause sea level rise.

Glacial ice contains trapped air bubbles that archive former atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

A flowing artesian well is one that a. Has water that must be pumped b. Has water that does not require pumping c. Has water occasionally d. Only has water that flows after heavy rainfall

Has water that does not require pumping

Why was Alfred Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift not taken seriously by most geologists? a. His evidence for former joining of the continents was faulty b. Because it was and is still known that continents do not move c. His explanation for movement of the continents

His explanation for movement of the continents

Why was Erik the Red able to explore Greenland in the 10th century AD? a. He managed to sail the North Atlantic during a two-year period of minimal storms. b. His explorations took place during a particularly warm climatic period. c. There was no glacial ice in Greenland at the time. d. Sea temperatures were cooler, so there was less propensity for storms.

His explorations took place during a particularly warm climatic period.

________ systems are characterized by hot water circulation. a. solar b. hydraulic c. hydrothermal


Which of the following would be considered a point source of pollution? a. Industrial wastewater discharge b. street runoff c. yard runoff d. agricultural runoff

Industrial wastewater discharge

_____ and thermoelectric generators are the primary consumptive users of fresh water. a. Slaughter houses b. Irrigation c. industry d. cities


What happened to the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland that made news in 1969? a. toxic spill from pig farming b. Acid mine drainage dramatically lowered the pH level c. It was declared a National Heritage River d. it caught fire

It caught fire.

If sediment is from natural sources, why is it considered a water pollutant? a. it is toxic at its source b. it is an out-of-place resource c. it has high levels of mercury d. it is not a pollutant

It is an out-of-place resource

What does the Fossil Trace Gold Course in Golden, Colorado, have to do with mineral resources? a. Hazardous wastes from years of mining were dumped there b. It was constructed in a reclaimed limestone-clay quarry. c. The fossils contain concentrations of precious metals

It was constructed in a reclaimed limestone-clay quarry.

What climatic event followed the MWP? a. LIA b. CIA c. BMW d. DUI


________ is windblown silt that covers much of the upper Midwest, as well as other areas. a. clay b. silt c. Loess


The volcano called _______ is the youngest of the Hawaiian volcanoes. a. Pinatuba b. Etna c. Loihi d. Aloha


The ________ Warm Period coincided with a time of increased solar radiation. a. medieval b. holocene c. Mississippian


________ cycles control the amount of solar radiation received at important latitudes, and, therefore, control the temporal pattern of the ice ages. a. Milankovitch b. Carbon c. Lunar d. climate


The Cascade Mountains are part of a(n)_______convergent boundary a. Ocean-ocean b. Ocean-continent c. Continent-continent d. None of the above


Biochemical oxygen demand reflects the amount of _____ in water bodies. a. fecal coliform b. oxygen c. organic matter

Organic matter

Saltwater intrusion results from a. hurricane storm surges b. increased salinity of seawater c. over pumping of groundwater d. injection of brines wastes

Overpumping of groundwater

Which type of earthquake wave is fastest? a. P-wave b. S-wave c. L-wave d. R-wave


What is the principle cause of septic system failure? a. poor design b. plugging of sewage main c. poor soil drainage

Poor soil drainage

How do seismologist know the outer core is liquid? a. P-waves are refracted upon arrival in the outer core b. S-waves are absorbed upon arrival in the outer core c. Both S-waves and P-waves speed up in the outer core d. Both S-waves and P-waves slow down in the outer core

S-waves are absorbed upon arrival in the outer core

How did seafloor spreading revive Alfred Wegener's ideas about continental drift? a. Sea floor spreading relied on new fossil evidence documenting the former joining of the continents b. Sea floor spreading provided an explanation for the consumption of oceanic crust at plate boundaries c. The topography of the ocean floor demonstrated that mountain ranges on either side of the Atlantic Ocean were formerly joined d. Sea floor spreading provided a viable explanation for moving the continents

Sea floor spreading provided a viable explanation for moving the continents

Why is sediment yield an important consideration in the discussion of water supplies? a. Sediment is a common water pollutant b. Soil erosion restricts water flow to streams c. Sediment affects the amount of water available to humans

Sediment is a common water pollutant

What measures have largely eliminated waterborne diseases in the U.S.? a. Stringent pig farm regulations b. Separation of sewage and drinking water c. The Clean Water Act d. Water renovation and conservation

Separation of sewage and drinking water

How does glacial ice form? a. Frigid conditions cause direct freezing of atmospheric water vapor onto land surfaces. b. Melting snow accumulates in a basin and is refrozen as the climate cools. c. Sea ice becomes attached to land surfaces and develops into glacial ice. d. Snow is retained for many years and compacted into ice by overlying snow.

Snow is retained for many years and compacted into ice by overlying snow.

________ is the ability of a soil to resist deformation. a. soil strength b. resistance c. weathering

Soil strength

If surface mines tend to cause greater environmental impacts, why are they used? a. Surface mines don't require removal of overburden b. Cyanide is not required to process ore from a surface mine c. Surface mines are more economical to operate

Surface mines are more economical to operate

The Vadose Zone differs from the groundwater zone in what way? a. the Vadose zone is deeper b. The Vadose zone is unsaturated, while the groundwater zone is saturated. c. The Vadose Zone lies below the groundwater zone.

The Vadose zone is unsaturated, while the groundwater zone is saturated.

The biomagnifications of mercury occurs as mercury moves through a. the body of a fish b. the aquatic food chain c. tissues of aquatic algae d. insect swarms

The aquatic food chain

What is one big difference between the inner core and the outer core? a. The inner core is liquid and the outer core is solid b. The inner core is mainly silicate minerals, while the outer core is nickel and iron c. The inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid d. The inner core is mainly iron and nickel and the outer core is silicate minerals

The inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid

How does the lithosphere differ from the asthenosphere? a. The lithosphere is stronger than the asthenosphere b. The asthenosphere is stronger than the lithosphere c. The asthenosphere is part of the core, while the lithosphere is part of the mantle d. The asthenosphere is less dense than the lithosphere

The lithosphere is stronger than the asthenosphere

At the Curie Point, iron-bearing minerals always orient themselves toward a. The south pole b. The north pole c. The magnetic pole d. Santa Claus

The magnetic pole

What is the principal reason that iron and steel are recycled at such a high rate? a. Iron and steel are highly valuable on the precious metals market b. The market for steel is large and widespread c. All sources of iron ore have been basically exhausted

The market for steel is large and widespread

At convergent plate boundaries a. The plate of higher density subducts into the mantle b. The plate of lower density subducts into the mantle c. New oceanic crust is created

The plate of higher density subducts into the mantle

The ultimate source of the energy in fossil fuels is a. the sun b. the Earth's internal heat c. the energy of the plants and animals from which the fuel is formed d. biomass

The sun

Why are mathematical models important to the study of climate change? a. They have predictive capacity. b. Their mathematical character makes their conclusions and predictions completely accurate. c. They are easier to use and more reliable than geologic data. d. They make monitoring of climatic conditions obsolete.

They have predictive capacity.

In what ways are soil surveys useful for land-use planning? a. They provide the basis for rating limitations for specific land uses. b. They provide maps showing the shrink-swell potential of soils. c. They provide the basis for determining land valuation. d. They show where existing soils have been covered by urbanization.

They provide the basis for rating limitations for specific land uses.

How is biotechnology helping to reduce the environmental impacts of mining? a. Through efficient treatment of mine wastes and contaminated water b. Plant uptake of precious metals permits by mining plants rather than rocks c. Through the use of plants to revegetate mine waste piles

Through efficient treatment of mine wastes and contaminated water

The water table separates confined and unconfined aquifers. a. True b. False


Transform plate boundaries are marked by a. Volcanic island arcs b. Consumption of oceanic crust c. Creation of oceanic crust d. Two plates slide relative to one another

Two plates slide relative to one another

A(n) _____aquifer is largely isolated from the Earth's surface above it by aquatards/aqualudes a. systemic b. confined c. unconfined d. serious


Which of the following geologic features is not required for an oil or gas deposit to form? a. source rock b. cap rock c. reservoir rock d. volcanic rock

Volcanic rock

Most water pollution associated with mining operations has to do with a. Water passing through mine wastes b. Hazardous chemical spills c. Improper disposal of incinerator wastes d. failure of waste ponds

Water passing through mine wastes

If water is so abundant on Earth, why are water resources such a big concern? a. Most of the water is caught up in the hydrologic cycle and can't ever be used b. Water resources are not necessarily where humans need them and when they need them. c. Humans are not very good at exploiting water resources d. The majority of the water on earth is frozen in polar ice sheets

Water resources are not necessarily where humans need them and when they need them.

What is the dominant trend in water use in the United States? a. Use overall has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. b. Water use peaked in 1980 c. Water use has remained the same since 1950 d. Water use has seen no change

Water use peaked in 1980

________ is the physical and chemical breakdown of rocks. a. erosion b. eutrophication c. weathering


In what way is color an indicator of soil drainage? a. Well-drained soils tend to be well aerated and red in color. b. Poorly drained soils tend to be well oxidized and red in color. c. Moderately drained soils tend to be green in color. d. Colors of soils are more reflective of organic matter than of drainage.

Well-drained soils tend to be well aerated and red in color.

What is an interglacial? a. an area between glaciers b. a warm period when glacial ice volume is relatively low c. a cold period when glacial ice volume is relatively high d. the zone of a glacier in which flow occurs

a warm period when glacial ice volume is relatively low

_______mine drainage results from oxidation of sulfide-bearing deposits. a. mineral b. acid c. water


Weathering processes are generally responsible for the concentration of what type of ore? a. gold b. copper c. aluminum


The asthenosphere is ________ than the lithosphere a. stronger b. weaker c. more ductile d. b and c are correct

b and c are correct

Which of the following is(are) environmental impacts associated with mining? a. water pollution b. land disturbances c. both of these

both of these

The rock unit that provides a barrier to upward migration of oil is called the ________. a. reservoir b. source c. cap rock

cap rock

Air bubbles in the Antarctic ice sheet show that a. carbon dioxide is relatively high during cold periods b. carbon dioxide is relatively low during cold periods c. carbon dioxide and temperature show no relationship d. the Industrial Revolution substantially increased air temperatures

carbon dioxide is relatively low during cold periods

Which of the following would likely serve as an aquitard? a. gravel b. clay c. sand


The _________of a metal is a measure of its concentration necessary for profitable mining. a. destiny b. concentration factor c. depth

concentration factor

The ocean ________ is largely responsible for keeping northern Europe relatively warm. a. latitude models b. conveyor belt c. turnover

conveyor belt

What effect does a large volcanic eruptions typically have on the atmosphere? a. warming for several years b. cooling for one or two years c. cooling for several decades d. increases in CFCs

cooling for one or two years

The rocks of the ______ are more dense than the rocks of the mantle a. lithosphere b. core c. asthenosphere


______countries tend to consume the most mineral resources. a. developed b. undeveloped c. third-world


Kimberlite pipes are sources of what mineral? a. gold b. silver c. copper d. diamond


Sulfide deposits of copper and iron form through seawater circulation at ______plate boundaries. a. divergent b. transform c. continental/continental convergent


Drainage basins are separated by the ______. a. state lines b. river c. drainage divide d. irrigation system

drainage divide

Loess is deposited by a. glacial outwash b. dust storms c. sand dunes

dust storms

Affluent nations tend to be totally reliant on domestic mineral sources. a. true b. false


Air and water pollution are only of concern while a mine is operating. a. true b. false


Because it is isolated from the land surface, groundwater is rarely contaminated by mining. a. true b. false


Because of the low levels of energy involved, weathering and evaporative processes rarely produce valuable mineral concentrations. a. true b. false


Concerns over water resources focus on the lack of abundance of water on Earth. a. True b. False


Environmental regulation has largely failed to reduce pollution from mining. a. true b. false


The social impacts of mining have largely to do with its environmental impacts. a. true b. false


The concentration factor for gold is ______ the concentration factor for iron. a. less than b. greater than c. the same as

greater than

The ultimate source of geothermal energy is a. the sun b. heat generated in the Earth's interior c. hydroelectric d. deeply buried biomass

heat generated in the Earth's interior

The ability of an Earth material to transmit water is called its _____. a. porosity b. compactivity c. hydraulic conductivity

hydraulic conductivity

The global _______ involves the transfer of water between Earth's water reservoirs. a. escalation b. hydrologic cycle c. population growth d. warming

hydrologic cycle

________ mineral deposits form through the circulation of hot, chemically active waters. a. evaporite b. bauxite c. hydrothermal


Between the mid-1970s and the mid-1990s, energy consumption in the United States a. increased at a higher rate than previously b. increased, but at a slower rate c. decreased d. remained the same

increased, but at a slower rate

Vegetation decreases runoff by a. Photosynthesis b. absorbing water into leaves c. intercepting rainfall and slowing its fall to the ground

intercepting rainfall and slowing its fall to the ground

Surface water and groundwater are a. Completely separate systems b. interconnected systems c. effluent systems d. influent systems

interconnected systems

The element _______ represents the greatest amount of recycling by volume. a. steel b. silicon c. iron


The ocean conveyor belt is responsible for a. keeping the North Atlantic region cool enough to form sea ice b. keeping northern Europe relatively warm c. changing world climate on 100,000-year time scales d. the major adverse aspects of the Greenhouse Effect

keeping northern Europe relatively warm

Off-road vehicle use contributes to soil problems by a. loosening soil and changing the hydrology of a site b. polluting soil with vehicle emissions c. changing the local rainfall characteristics d. changing the classification of a soil

loosening soil and changing the hydrology of a site

The fact that mineral resources are formed slowly over time means that mineral resources are our ___________ heritage from the geologic past. a. renewable b. sustainable c. nonrenewable


What factor led to the drying up of streams and the intrusion of salty groundwater in the Long Island area? a. injection of stream water to recharge groundwater b. diversion of saltwater into dry stream beds c. overuse of surface water d. over pumping of groundwater

overpumping of groundwater.

________ are aggregates of soil particles that comprise soil structure. a. pods b. pod-people c. peds


Soil taxonomy is a classification system based on a. the processes that formed different soils b. physical and chemical properties of the soil profile c. divisions and subdivisions of soil texture d. the organic matter content of the B horizon

physical and chemical properties of the soil profile

________ deposits are the result of sedimentary concentrations of heavy minerals in streams a. deep pool b. iron c. placer


Groundwater mining is accomplished by a. Underground miners b. pumping that exceeds recharge c. high discharge of water to streams d. the state of Rhode Island

pumping that exceeds recharge

A(n) ________ is a resource that is currently available to be legally and economically mined. a. reserve b. vein c. overburden


It was constructed in a reclaimed limestone-clay quarry. a. resource b. reserve c. mineral deposit d. metal


Weathered material that remains in its place of formation is called a. residual soil b. transported soil c. expansive soil d. horizontal soil

residual soil

Placer deposits are expected in what type of rock? a. igneous b. metamorphic c. sedimentary d. hydrothermal


How do engineers define soil? a. solid Earth material that has been altered by physical, chemical, and biological processes b. solid Earth material strong enough to support structures c. solid Earth material that can be removed without blasting

solid Earth material that can be removed without blasting

What is hydraulic conductivity? a. the velocity at which water passes through soil b. the proportion of sand and gravel in a soil c. the number and sizes of pore spaces in a soil d. the ability of a porous material to transmit water

the ability of a porous material to transmit water

Coal type is based upon a. the carbon percentage and heat value b. the geographic location where it is mined c. the sulfur content d. the depth at which it is mined

the carbon percentage and heat value

Shrink-swell potential of a soil is dependent upon a. the hydraulic conductivity of the soil b. the proportion of clay in the soil c. the proportion of fine sand in the soil d. the chemistry and water content of the soil

the proportion of clay in the soil

The main difference between hard path and soft path energy policy is a. the reliance on fossil fuels and centralized power generation b. their contrasting economic viability c. their contrasting reliance on known energy sources d. their contrasting reliance on government subsidies

the reliance on fossil fuels and centralized power generation

Methane hydrates may be a viable future energy source because a. they are abundant and clean burning b. they are easily obtained from their deposits c. they are not fossil fuels and therefore will not contribute to the greenhouse effect d. they are renewable resources

they are abundant and clean burning

Hydrothermal mineral deposits would be least expected to form in what type of plate tectonic setting? a. Transform boundary b. oceanic divergent boundary c. continental subduction zone

transform boundary

The greenhouse effect represents a. anthropogenic global warming b. trapping of heat by atmospheric gases c. alteration of climatic patterns by global warming d. particularly intense solar radiation

trapping of heat by atmospheric gases

The difference between a resource and a reserve mostly has to do with the certainty that it can be mined. a. true b. false


Urbanization influences soil erosion processes primarily because of a. increased runoff from impermeable surfaces b. increased soil pollution from street runoff c. vegetation removal and soil disturbance at construction sites d. desiccation of soils through draining and pumping of water

vegetation removal and soil disturbance at construction sites

_____are areas that are either inundated by water or in which the ground is saturated to shallow depths at least a few days in most years. a. Alluvial fans b. floodplains c. wetlands


_____naturally contribute to improved water quality and assist in flood control. a. reservoirs b. sewage plants c. wetlands d. storm drains


What is the most important aspect of future oil supplies? a. when the supplies will be exhausted b. how much remains c. when oil production will peak

when oil production will peak

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