Git Terms

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Git Fetch

it gets all data related to branches from the remote repository and downloads it locally.

(Linux)What does ls do?

it lists all the files in your current directory.

Git push

it takes all the commits locally and pushes them to the same branch on the remote repository

(VI) What does W do?


What does :wq do?

command vi to write and then quit.

What is Git?

A distributed version control system.

Git Commit

Commits the staged snapshot to the project history. Committed snapshots can be thought of as "safe" versions of a project—Git will never change them unless you explicity ask it to.

Git Restore

Does the opposite of git add, and remove a file from saving preparation.

Git Clone

Downloads remote code onto my local machine.

(VI) What does i do?

Enters insert mode for writing

What is a control system?

How to relate versions to each other and make sure all saves ever made are still accessible.

What is Github?

Remote repository for git projects with tools to enable to communicate about those projects.

What is a terminal

a progrm designed to allow you to interact with the operating system of your computer.

(Linux)What does cd do?

changes directory

Git Status

checks the status of your projectand saves the state

Git Branch

like status, can be used to make a new branches but generally don't.

(Linux)What does mkdir do?

makes a new directory

(Linux)What does pwd do?

prints the working directory-where am I.

(VI)What does Q do?


What is a version(Git)?

some state of the files, everything we save we get a new version.

Git Merge <branchname>

takes a branch and merges the code into your current branch.

Git pull

takes all of the new commits from a remote repository and ads them to the local repository

(Linux)what is . ?

the current folder

(Linux)what is .. ?

the folder above our current folder.

Git Add <some path>

this command tells git what changes you want to prepare to save.

Git Checkout<branchname>

this is for swaaping between branches.

(VI)What does esc do?

this takes you back to command mode

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