glial cells of CNS and PNS

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function of myelin sheath

a single oligodendrocytes can form myelin sheath around portion of several axons

How satellite cells protect neuron from heavy metal poisons

absorbing and reducing the access to neuron cell bodies

what induce reactive astrocytosis

almost all the injury to CNS tissue

what astrocytes can do with K+ in interstitial after action potential occur

astrocytes remobe the k+during period of neuronal activity and releases it when neuronal activity decreases

how phatologist can identified the damage area in the CNS

autopsy and because of the large number of microglia are found in them

structure of white matter

bundles of parallel axons with their associated white myelin sheath


cells in CNS that become mobile and phagocytic in response to inflamation


cerebrospinal fluid

structure of grey matter

collection of neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelinated axons.

function of unmyelinated axons

conduct sction potential slowly

fuction of foot process in astrocytes

cover the surface of blood vessels and neurons

myelin sheath in oligodendrocytes (CNS)

cytoplasmic that extentions wrap many times around the axon

what is action potential

electric charge different across the PL M ( plasma membrane)

Astrocytes vital function

formation of functional synapses

structure of loligodendrocytes

have cytoplasmic extentions that can surround axons

result to neuron from astrocytes stimulate blood vessel dilation

increase neuron activity due to increase blood delivery

location for Ependymal cells

line in the venticle ( cavity ) of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord or line the space of CNS

what is myelin sheath made . by


numerous microglia

migrate to areas that damaged by infection, trama, or stroke

Astrocytes and process substance

mopping the leaked potassium and recycling neurontransmitters

myelin sheath in Schwann cells

myelin sheath around a portion of only one axon

what is the different in myelin sheath in oligodendrocytes and in Schwann cells

oligodendrocytes- glial cells in CNS that have myelin sheath wrap many time around the axon. Schwann cells- glial cells in PNS that have myeline sheath wrap around only one axon

glial supporting function in CN

participating in formation of pereability barrier bewteen the blood and the neuron, phagocytize foreign substances, produce cerebospinal fluid, and form myeline sheaths around axons.

Fucntion of Microglia

phagocyte necrotic (เศษ)tissue, microorganisms, and other foreign substances that invade the CNS ( monitor the health of neuron)

what is myelinates axons

plasma membrane of schwann cells or oligodendrocytes repeatedly wraps around a segment of an axon to form the myeline sheath

how astrocyte provid secondary energy source to neuron

producing latic acid from stored glycogen, the lactic transport to neurons, which use it to produce ATP

function of white matter

propagates(กระจาย) action potentials and form nerve tracts in the CNS and nerve in PNS

function of myelinates axons

protect the axon, electrically insulate fibers from one another,and increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission. (action potential travel in myelinates axons fater that in unmyelinated axons)

Astrocyte paticipate in walling off the injury site and limit the spred od inflamation to the surounding healty issue

reactive astrocytosis

how astrocytes help regulating the composition of interstitial fluid

removeing or adding to materials entering from the blood

Location of unmyelinated axons

rest in invaginations of schwann cells or oligodendrocytes

function of Choriod plexuses

secret the cerebrospinal fluid that circulayes through the ventricle (cavity) of the brain. (secret CSF and move CSF )

Structure of microglia

small, ovoid cells with spiny processes

stucture of astrocytes

star-shaped glial cells with processes the extend from the cell body to form foot processes

fuction of satellite of cells

support and nutrition to the neuron cell body and protect neuron from heavy metal poisons such as lead and murcury

location of satellite cells

suround neuron cell bodies

astrocytes function with synaptic activity

take up and release neurotransmitters and other substance which can decrease and enhances synaptic activity

structure of unmyelinated axons

the cell's plasma membeane suround each axon but does not wrap around it many times

structure of myelinates axons

whitish, fatty (protein-lipid), segmented sheath around most long axons

location of Choriod plexuses

within certain region of venticle ( cavity) in CNS

four types of glial cells in CNS

Astrocytes, Ependymal cells , Microglia, Oligodendrocytes

area that glial cells account over half of weight in CNS?


What are formed Choroid plexuses

Ependymal cells and blood vessels

function of grey matter

Form cortex and nuclei in the CNS and ganglia in the PNS

Node of Ranvier

Gaps in the myelin sheath ( bare area of axon )

major suporting in the CNS

Glial cells

nonneural cells

Glial cells or neuroglia

astrocyes response to tissue damage in CNS

Isolate damage tissue, limit the spread of inflamation and reactive scar-forming astrocytes also limit the generation the axzons of injured neuron.

Glial cells of PNS

Schwann cells and Satellite cells

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