Global Health Final Exam

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Clinton, Metropolitan area, leading primary destinations

-1998- President Clinton- Authorized entry of 78,000 refugees -Metropolitan areas with largest number of immigrants: 1. New York, 2. Los Angeles, 3. Miami -Leading 10 primary destinations for Immigrants: 1. California, 2. New York, 3. Florida, 4. Texas


-2000- 15.3% foreign-born people from Europe -See Table on page 281 for a description of Ancestry based upon the 1990 Census. -Median age of Whites is 37.7 years- oldest of all population groups -In many cities, the White alone population is now a minority- New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia.

More religious less heart disease, Menarche, Elderly osteoporosis

-Acculturation plays a key role in refugee's health -Researchers have found less heart disease among those who are more religious -Menarche is the time when a woman starts menstruating -Osteoporosis is a major health-related concern for the elderly

Highest prevalence of CVD, Major barrier is Poverty, Largest number of immigrants

-African American females have the highest prevalence of CVD in all age groups -"Personalismo" is a cultural value in the Hispanic/Latino community that relates to the trust and rapport with others -Today the major demographic barrier to health care is poverty -The largest number of immigrants that come to the U.S. are from Mexico

US population percentages

-Age: -72.3 million (26% of U.S. population) were under 18 -174.1 million (26%) were between 18-64 -35 million (12%) were age 65 or over- Greatest among White-Non Hispanics

American Indian Beliefs

-American Indian beliefs indicate that Witch hazel and sweet flag can be used to treat colds -The Indian population residing in the Indian Health Service are is younger than the U.S. population -The Indian Health Service reported that between 1992-1994, the age-adjusted rates for alcoholism, Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Mellitus, and Accidents were higher than those for the entire U.S. population

Mean Ages

-American Indian, Aleut, and Eskimo Populations : 0.9%- Mean age: 28 years -Asian/Pacific Islander populations: 3.6%- Mean age: 32.7 -Black populations: 12.3%- Mean age: 30.2 years -Hispanic populations: 12.5%- Mean age: 25.8 years -White populations: 75.1%- Mean age: 38.6years

Italian American causes of illness

-Causes of Illness: (1)winds and currents that bear diseases, (2)contagion or contamination, (3) heredity, (4) supernatural or human causes, and (5) psychosomatic interactions

Health Status of White populations:

-Crude birth rate per 1,000- Whites 14.5 -Women receiving prenatal care: 85.1% for Whites -Live births to teenage women: 3.7 for Whites -Infant Mortality rate per 1,000- Whites: 6.0

American Indian Culture and Yin Yang

-Duklij is an example of a charm (turquoise or green maliquite) used by American Indian cultures -Kusiut is a medicine man -The "yang" refers to the male, positive energy -The "yin" refers to the female, negative energy

White American population in US, highest foreign born percent, muslim, Central Americans

-European/White Americans currently comprise about 75% of the U.S. population -The city in the U.S. with one of the highest % of foreign-born residents is Miami -The concept of "family" (La familia) in the Hispanic/Latino culture involves the nuclear and extended family -In Arabic the word "Muslim" means the One who submits to God's Will -Among the most recent immigrant groups to the U.S, we find Central Americans

Foreign-born, visa categories

-Foreign-born are more likely to be unemployed, more likely to earn less than natives, more likely to live in poverty than natives. -There are over 20 classifications of immigrants (foreign government officials, visitors, students, temporary workers, etc) -There are over 70 visa categories (A-1,ambassador; B-1, temporary visitor for business, D-1; crew member, etc)

Asian-born householders

-Households with an Asian-born householder had an average of 3.18 people -Chinese beliefs suggest that there are six different pulses -Moxibustion is a practice based on the therapeutic value of heat

ILlness among navajos, leading cause of death, African american difficulty accessing healthcare

-Illness among Navajos- Displeasing the holy people, annoying the natural elements, disturbing animal and plant life -Leading causes of death for Asian/Pacific Islanders- 1. Malignant neoplasms 2. Diseases of heart 3. Cerebrovascular diseases 4. Unintentional injuries 5. Diabetes mellitus 6. Influenza and pneumonia 7. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 8. Alzheimer's disease 9.Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 10. Suicide -African-Americans have difficulty accessing the health care system because the health care system or provider is intentionally or unintentionally insulting, fear or resentment, and poverty

White population, Italian american

-Largest Cities in White population: (1) Phoenix, (2) San Antonio, (3)San Diego -Italian-Americans- Came from main Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and other Mediterranean Islands

Poverty, legal immigrants

-Leading 10 countries of origin for legal immigrants: 1. Mexico, People's Republic of China, 3. Philippines, 4. India -POVERTY: -2000- 16.2% of all children lived in poverty -Children in households headed by females had the highest rates of poverty - Highest for Black and Hispanic children


-Los Angeles has the second highest urban Mexican population after Mexico City -Mexican-Americans are the largest subgroup within Hispanic/Latinos -The U.S. is the 6th ranking Spanish-Speaking nation in the world -The mostly live in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. -Most live in urban areas

Major Determinants, Native Americans, Sickle Cell Anemia, Number of poor people

-Major determinants of the health status of a nation are Infant mortality and life expectancy -Native Americans do not like to be referred as minorities -Sickle Cell Anemia is a major health problem for the African American community -The number of poor people in the U.S. increased significantly between 1992 and 1993

hispanic religious rituals

-Making promises -Visiting shrines -Offering medals and candles -Offering prayers -Beliefs in "Nino Fidencio" -Milagros - miniature articles made from wax, wood, bone or metals

Italian American health related problems

-Malocchio-Evil Eye -Castiga- Curses -Health Relate problems: Favism (Severe hemolytic Anemia), and (2) Thalassemia, (3) Cooley's Anemia

Native American cause of death, Major morbidity and mortality

-One of the major causes of death in the Native-American community is Cancer (liver and lung cancer) -Most Hispanic/Latino people speak Spanish except for the people from Brazil because they speak Portuguese -Major morbidity and mortality concerns for the Native-American population are Tuberculosis, Alcoholism, and Accidents

Polish Americans

-Over 9 million people in the US claim Polish Ancestry -1921- Peak year for Polish Immigration- Economic and political reasons -Polish immigrants in Texas- Settled in Victoria, San Antonio, Houston, and Bandera -Definition of Illness: Something wrong with the mind, body, and spirit -Methods for preventing illness for Polish Americans: cleanliness, the wearing of scapulars, avoiding drafts, following the proper diet

Permanent resident, Immigrant, 2000 consensus

-Permanent Resident: An alien admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident -Immigrant: According to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)-- any alien in the U.S., except one legally admitted under specific nonimmigrant categories. -2000- 28.4 million foreign -born people (10.4%-- or 1 in 10 people)

Saint Health Problem

-Saint Barbara Violent Death -Saint Lazarus Sickness -Saint Christopher Infections -Saint Anthony Infertility -Our Lady of Regla Maternity

German Americans

-Since 1830- More than 7 million Germans have immigrated to the U.S. -2000- 58 million German Americans -Germans have contributed to 15% of the total immigrant population -Causes of Illness for German-Americans: Germ theory of infection and stress-related issues, drafts, environmental changes, evil eye, and punishment from God

Tuskegee, Horatio,Native American Population and largest Native Tribe

-The Tuskegee study is a particular encounter with the American medical system that has decreased African-American's trust of the medical system -Horatio Alger Myth—" Pulling oneself by your own bootstraps -Native American population is a composite of more than 400 tribes -The largest Native American tribe in the U.S. is Cherokee

Highest poverty, Cultural Competence (Continuum), Medicaid

-The state with the highest poverty rates in the nation is Louisiana -Cultural Competence- learning cultural issues such as distance requirements, the role of the family, learning a second language -Cultural Competence Continuum- Moving from Cultural Destructiveness to Cultural Proficiency -Medicaid- Government-based health insurance program for low-income and some disabled families

Isamic faith, PAHO, WHO, Alksen, Cesar Chavez

-There are five pillars in the Islamic Faith -PAHO- Panamerican Health Organization -WHO- World Health Organization -Alksen- Divided Illness experience into: Onset of the disease, diagnosis, patient status, and recovery -Cesar Chavez is an important figure in the Hispanic/Latino history because he initiated the farm workers union movement

For protection against evil eye:

-Troll- Finland -Bracelet from Armenia -Corno with a Gobo from Italy -Figa from Portugal -Blue bead and horseshoe from Armenia -Garlic with a blue bead from Greece -Saint Anthony medal from italy -Bankes from Russia- Fro bronchitis and pneumonia

US Citizen and Refugee

-U.S. Citizen: A native-born, foreign-born, or naturalized person who owes allegiance to the U.S. and who is entitled to its protection -Refugee: Any person who is outside his/her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution

UNICEF, Anamnesis, Divination, ASL

-UNICEF is an international organization that provides services for children -Health services must be made accessible to members of the emerging majority -Anamnesis- Diagnosis by asking questions -Divination is an American Indian practice of calling on spirits or other forces to determine a diagnosis -ASL (American Sign Language) is the language used by deaf people in the U.S.

Definition of Health, Arab, Folklore medicine, Mal De Ojo

-WHO- Definition of health- takes into account mental, social, and physical well-being -Arab Americans have low levels of urinary tract infections -Folklore medicine is medicine passed on from one person to another for specific reasons -"Mal de Ojo" is an illness typically found in the Hispanic/Latino group

Hispanic population?, Cesar chavez

-it is now the largest minority in the U.S. (12.5%-- 2001). -Cesar Chavez - Formed the farm worker union in Delano, CA in 1965

Arab Ancestry

1.25 million Americans were listed with an Arab ancestry in the 2000 census, (3.5 Arab ancestry in the 2000 census, (3.5 million total).million total).•• 41 percent of Arab Americans have at least a bachelor's degree as compared to 24 of all Americans. - 31.5% of Arab Americans contributed to a political candidate -23% volunteered for a campaign in 2000

American Indian and Alaskan Native

2000- 1.5% of the population in the U.S. were American Indian and Alaskan Native populations The states with the largest numbers of American Indian and Alaska Native populations are California, Oklahoma, and Arizona The Hopi Indians associate illness with Evil spirits

brujas and curanderos

Brujas - Witches -Malevolent magic Curanderos - Benevolent magic

Barriers for hispanics seeking healthcare, causes of death for hispanics

Languagen Poverty (Diseases of the Poor-Tuberculosis, Malnutrition, lead poisoning) -Time orientation -Leading causes of death for Hispanics: (1) Diseases of the heart, (2) Malignant Neoplasms, (3) Unintentional Injuries, (4) Cerebrovascular Diseases, (5) Diabetes Mellitus


§1997--Office of Management and Budget- Federal guidelines §White §Black or African American §American Indian and Alaska Native §Asian §Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Foreign-Born in the US by region

§Central America: 34% §Asia: 26% §Europe: 15% §Caribbean: 10% §South America: 7% §Other Regions: 8% * 39.9% (Most immigrants) tend to live in the West of the U.S.

Demographic issues

§White majority is aging and reducing in numbers §Black, Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian populations are young and growing §Census 2000- Changes in questions related to race

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