Global History: Chapter 23-French Revoltion

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(1) natural law

". . . Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good. . . ." —Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789 Which principle of the Enlightenment philosophers is expressed in this quotation from the French Revolution? (1) natural law (2) nationalism (3) free trade (4) socialism

1. reactions to the French Revolution

"Congress of Vienna Restores Monarchy to France" "Czar Nicholas I Limits Freedom of the Russian Press" "Reform Movements Crushed in Hungary, Italy, and the German States" These headlines could be described as 1. reactions to the French Revolution 2. movements to unify all of western Europe 3. efforts to improve the conditions of factory workers 4. attempts to promote trade between European nations

(1) reactions to the French Revolution

"Congress of Vienna Restores Monarchy to France" "Czar Nicholas I Limits Freedom of the Russian Press" "Reform Movements Crushed in Hungary, Italy, and the German States" These headlines could be described as (1) reactions to the French Revolution (2) movements to unify all of western Europe (3) efforts to improve the conditions of factory workers (4) attempts to promote trade between European nations

(3) French Revolution

"Estates General Meet for First Time in 175 Years" "National Assembly Issues Declarations of the Rights of Man" "Reign of Terror Ends; Robespierre Dies" Which event in European history is most closely associated with these headlines? (1) Puritan Revolution (2) Hundred Years War (3) French Revolution (4) signing of the Magna Carta

(4) bring radicals to power

A comparison of the actions of the Jacobins during the French Revolution and the actions of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution indicates that revolutions sometimes (1) occur in a peaceful manner (2) gain the support of wealthy landowners (3) ignore urban workers (4) bring radicals to power

(2) maintain a balance of power in Europe

A major goal of the Congress of Vienna was to (1) establish democratic governments in all European nations (2) maintain a balance of power in Europe (3) return Napoleon Bonaparte to power (4) create independent governments for Austria and Hungary

4. fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people

A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre-Revolutionary governments 1. are more concerned about human rights than the governments that replace them 2. refuse to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology 3. attempt to bring about the separation of government from religion 4. fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people

(B) became more conservative

After the Reign of Terror, French public opinion (A) remained the same as before (B) became more conservative (C) became more radical (D) shifted to other concerns

(C) punishing the government of France

All of the following were goals of the Congress of Vienna EXCEPT (A) restoring monarchy throughout Europe (B) preventing the future expansion of France (C) punishing the government of France (D) creating a balance of power among European nations

(1) restore old regimes to power

At the Congress of Vienna (1815), the governments of Europe reacted to the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon by attempting to (1) restore old regimes to power (2) spread the idea of democracy (3) encourage nationalist movements (4) promote the European free-trade zone

(1) French Revolution

Base your answers to the following two questions on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. "During the greater part of the day the guillotine had been kept busy at its ghastly work . . . . Every aristocrat was a traitor . . . . For two hundred years now the people had sweated, and toiled, and starved to keep a lustful court in lavish extravagance; now the descendants of those who had helped to make these courts brilliant had to hide for their lives." Which event is referred to in this passage? (1) French Revolution (2) Sepoy Mutiny (3) Protestant Reformation (4) Mexican Revolution

(3) social class

Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on their (1) education level (2) geographic region (3) social class (4) religious beliefs

(1) French

During which revolution did these executions occur? (1) French (2) Russian (3) Chinese (4) Cuban 806-47

(C) he had successfully restored order and peace to France

French voters supported Napoleon's decision to appoint himself emperor because (A) they supported expansion in the New World (B) the Pope had become less powerful (C) he had successfully restored order and peace to France (D) they wanted to restrict the new rights established during the Revolution

(2) The climate created obstacles to success.

How did geography affect both Napoleon's invasion and Hitler's invasion of Russia? (1) Deserts made invasion possible. (2) The climate created obstacles to success. (3) The tundra enabled the movements of troops. (4) Warm-water ports prevented the flow of supplies.

3. the middle class gained political influence

In France, which was a major result of the French Revolution? 1. the king was restored to unlimited power 2. the clergy dominated government 3. the middle class gained political influence 4. the tax burden was carried by the lower class

3. political power shifted to the bourgeoisie

One important result of the French Revolution was that 1. France enjoyed a lengthy period of peace and prosperity 2. the church was restored to its former role and power in the French government 3. political power shifted to the bourgeoisie 4. France lost its spirit of nationalism

(4) establish a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon

One of the main purposes of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to (1) promote the unification of Italy (2) preserve the German territories gained by Otto von Bismarck (3) restore the power of the Holy Roman Empire (4) establish a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon

(4) used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

One similarity between the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in China was that both (1) limited the power of absolute leaders (2) illustrated the power of public opinion in forming national policy (3) established social stability and economic growth (4) used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

(1) encouraged nationalism

One similarity in the actions of Simón Bolívar and Napoleon Bonaparte is that both leaders (1) encouraged nationalism (2) relied on diplomatic negotiations (3) established a representative form of government (4) rebelled against imperialism

(1) purged their nations of political opponents

One way in which Maximilien Robespierre, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Saddam Hussein are similar is that these leaders all (1) purged their nations of political opponents (2) followed the teachings of Karl Marx (3) supported the ideals of the European Enlightenment (4) obtained their goals through the use of passive resistance

(2) inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence

The American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the results of these revolutions (1) led to the abolition of slavery (2) inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence (3) marked the end of European influence in the Western Hemisphere (4) demonstrated the need for strong international peacekeeping organizations

(3) provide stability for the nation

The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would (1) adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation (2) restore Louis XVI to power (3) provide stability for the nation (4) end British control of France

3. provide stability for the nation

The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would 1. adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation 2. restore Louis XVI to power 3. provide stability for the nation 4. end British control of France

(C) the other two estates had privileges which were denied them

The bourgeois members of the Third Estate were unhappy with the Old Regime because (A) they did not like Marie Antoinette (B) they wanted to help the poor (C) the other two estates had privileges which were denied them (D) they supported the American Revolution

(B) to create a more democratic government

The major goal of the French Revolution was (A) to execute the king (B) to create a more democratic government (C) to liberate the peoples of Europe (D) the abolition of slavery

(2) French Revolution

This drawing illustrates conditions that contributed primarily to the beginning of the (1) Protestant Reformation (2) French Revolution (3) Napoleonic Wars (4) European Renaissance

(1) inequalities in the tax structure

What was a major cause of the French Revolution? (1) inequalities in the tax structure (2) economic success of mercantilism (3) failure of the Congress of Vienna (4) Continental System in Europe

(1) invading Russia with limited supply lines

Which action taken by both Hitler and Napoleon is considered by historians to be a strategic military error? (1) invading Russia with limited supply lines (2) introducing combined ground and naval assaults (3) invading Great Britain by land (4) using conquered peoples as slave laborers

(1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups.

Which conclusion can be drawn from this drawing? (1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups. (2) Hard work, prayer, and a good example allowed for a stable government in France. (3) Peasants and professionals in this society were gaining political and economic power. (4) French society emphasized the importance of natural law and social equality.

(1) the severe winters and large size of Russia

Which factors helped cause the defeat of Napoleon during his invasion of Russia? (1) the severe winters and large size of Russia (2) the many rivers and mountains of Russia (3) the coalition between the Russian czar and the democratic leaders (4) the well-trained and well-supplied Russian army

(3) geographic size and location

Which factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon's army? (1) religious and cultural similarities (2) industrialization and modernization (3) geographic size and location (4) political and economic instability

(4) Because of past abuses by the nobility, the common people staged a bloody revolt.

Which generalization best summarizes the views of the author of this passage? (1) The common people of the nation deserved to be punished for violating the country's laws. (2) The goals of fraternity, equality, and liberty were achieved in this period. (3) The nobility was being punished for bringing benefits to the nation. (4) Because of past abuses by the nobility, the common people staged a bloody revolt.

(4) harsh climate

Which geographic factor in Russia played a role in Napoleon's defeat in 1812 and Hitler's defeat at Stalingrad in 1943? (1) Siberian tundra (2) Caspian Sea (3) arid land (4) harsh climate

(3) Louis XVI→ Robespierre → Napoleon

Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order? (1) Louis XVI→ Napoleon → Robespierre (2) Robespierre → Napoleon → Louis XVI (3) Louis XVI→ Robespierre → Napoleon (4) Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre

(2) French (1789)

Which revolution resulted from the division of society shown in this diagram? (1) Puritan (1642) (2) French (1789) (3) Mexican (1910) (4) Russian (1917)

(2) Both revolutions were the result of government denial of basic human rights and stressful economic conditions.

Which statement describes a similarity between the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia? (1) The leaders in power before the revolutions favored changing the political system in their country. (2) Both revolutions were the result of government denial of basic human rights and stressful economic conditions. (3) Most of the revolutionary support was provided by radicals from other countries. (4) The new democracies created by the revolutions gave people greater representation in their governments.

4. the French middle class gained more power

Which statement is a valid generalization about the immediate results of the French Revolution of 1789? 1. the Roman Catholic Church increased its power and wealth 2. the revolution achieved its goal of establishing peace, democracy, and justice for all 3. the revolution had little impact outside France 4. the French middle class gained more power

(3) The Reign of Terror crossed social and economic boundaries.

Which statement is best supported by information found in this chart? (1) Clergy were spared from the Reign of Terror. (2) The Reign of Terror affected all classes equally. (3) The Reign of Terror crossed social and economic boundaries. (4) Peasants were the most frequent victims of the Reign of Terror.

(2) French and American

Which two revolutions most influenced 19th-century Latin American independence movements? (1) Agricultural and Industrial (2) French and American (3) English and Russian (4) Commercial and Green

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