Global Issues 2

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Winston Churchill described the political control of the Soviet Union over Eastern Europe as the:

"Iron Curtain"

What is the definition of "GDP Growth"? Note, definitions are found on the Maps, Country Profile, and Rank by Variable tabs by clicking on a variable name.

"The annual rate of change in nominal Gross Domestic Product (Constant Prices)"

Using the Charts Tab, recreate the Top 5 bar chart above or otherwise determine the difference between the output of the U.S. economy (#1) as opposed to the Indian economy (#5). Note, India divides its GDP among 1 billion more people than the United States!

$18,500,000,000,000 (i.e. $18.5 trillion)

Rank the countries from best to worst on the aggregate "Governance" indicator. All of the countries show major governance challenges, but do the rankings surprise you?

1. South Africa 2. India 3. Brazil 4. China 5. Russia

Many accuse China of pursuing mercantilist practices, or seeking to strengthen its economy at the expense of others. What is China's average tariff rate (found under Economics, "Market Access," "Trade Profile," "Barriers to Trade", "Trade Tariffs") and how many days does it take to get a construction permit (found under "Operations" and then "Business Transactions")?

11.12% and 496.25

Developing countries that have pursued the protectionist "Import Substitution" strategy for development have used tariffs, business regulations and licenses, quotas, and bars on some imports to protect their markets while they seek to build domestic industries. India, for example, was known as the "License Raj" for all the procedures and licenses/permits required to do business, and we see the legacies of this "License Raj" today. Using the "Business Transactions" sub-dimension under "Operations," match the data point for India to the listed variable.

129: What is the country's rank on "Registering Property"? 1445: How many "Days to Get a Construction Permit"? 57.93: How many "Days to Register Property"? 49.7: What is the country's "Total Tax Rate"? 10: How many "Procedures to Start a Business" (men or women)?

What percentage of people in India have "Access to Sanitation" (found under "Environmental Sustainability" and then "Water Access")?


The United States ranks as the worst country in the world (scoring 1) when it comes to overall substance abuse, and the odd shaped radar chart above shows that Americans abuse three specific substances more than any other country. Match the substance to the U.S.'s score.

1: Cannabis 56: Cocaine 208: Alcohol 437: Tobacco 612: Opiates

In the map above Venezuela stands out for its high inflation rate in 2019 ("Inflation" is defined as: "the annual percentage change in the price of goods and services"). What was Venezuela's inflation rate in 2019?


When deep recessions and depressions hit and there is sharply rising unemployment, "contemporary liberals" believe governments, as the only spender left standing to keep people on the job, should step in and start spending, even if they are already in debt. This step is exactly what occurred during the 1929 Great Depression and the 2008-2009 Great Recession. Match the United States "Total Public Debt (% of GDP)" to the appropriate year. What direction do you think the below longitudinal line went after the 2020 Covid-19 crisis?

2006- 64.17% 2008- 73.67% 2010- 95.40% 2012- 103.22% 2014- 104.41% 2016- 106.82% 2018- 104.26%

Match China's GDP Growth Rate to the year. This data is easily found by creating a raw data longitudinal or advanced bar chart and hovering above dot or bar. Do you notice a trend?

2010: 10.56% 2007: 14.25% 2019: 6.14% 2017: 6.76% 2013: 7.8%

Spain saw a major spike in its unemployment rate with the onset of the Great Recession in 2009 ("Total Unemployment Rate" is defined as "percentage of the civilian labor force that is without jobs"). Recreate the Advanced Bar chart of "Total Unemployment Rate" (raw data) below and match Spain's unemployment rate to the year. What do you think happened after the COVID-19 crisis emerged in 2020?

2017: 17.2% 2015: 22.1% 2019: 13.9 2009: 17.9% 2013: 26.1% 2011: 21.4%

"Public goods," ranging from clean air to infrastructure to public education, are goods equally available to everyone, and where the use by one person does not reduce the availability to another. They are often under produced in free markets, leading governments to take a role in their provision. What is the United States' RANK in "Basic Education Indicators" and "Education and Training," respectively?

24th and 10th

Match the country to its RCII RANK on "PISA Math Average," defined as "overall mathematical literacy, age 15 years by all students." Note, data is available for only 67 countries.

35: United States 2: Japan 3: China 37: Croatia 34: Slovakia

"Total Tax Rate (% profit)" is defined as "...the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions payable by the business in the second year of operation, expressed as a share of commercial profits." What is the U.S.'s Total Tax Rate (% profit)?

36.6%, ranked 62nd in the world

How many people were forcibly removed from Africa as slaves during the 300+ years of Triangular Trade:

9-15 million

As seen in the map above, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia face amongst the largest gender-based challenges in the world. Match Pakistan's RANK to the aggregate "Gender Inequality and Integrity" sub-dimension below.

95: Female/Male Political Empowerment 129: Female/Male Educational Attainment 134: Female/Male Health and Survival 136: Female Physical Integrity

This bar chart depicting "National Savings Rate (%GDP)" includes China, Ireland, South Korea, the United States, and Greece. Recreate the chart and list the countries in order of highest "National Savings Rate (%GDP)" to lowest "National Savings Rate (%GDP)". Does anything surprise you?

China Ireland South Korea U.S. Greece

A country's ability to establish rule of law is an important part of security, markets, and overall development. Recreate the histogram above using the Rank by Variable Tile/Tab and match the country to the letter pointing to where it fits in the histogram of "Reliability of Police Services," defined as "The extent that police services can be relied upon to enforce law and order (1 = cannot be relied upon at all; 7 = can be completely relied upon)." Does anything surprise you?

A- Mexico C- United States D- Canada

Countries need capital to develop and prosper, and one way they get capital is through Foreign Direct Investment (foreign investing in fixed assets like businesses or real estate). Use the Rank by Variable tab/tile to recreate the above histogram of "FDI Inflows (Mil USD)." Use the corresponding Rank by Variable table to rank in order the top three countries receiving the most total FDI inflows.

A- United States B- China C- Brazil D- Singapore

Which two thinkers are most closely associated with setting the roots of classical liberalism?

Adam Smith and David Ricardo

Non-tariff Barriers (NTBs) include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Administrative requirements, such as customs procedures Health and safety standards Voluntary Export Restraints

In 2015, the top recipient of both U.S. economic and military aid was:


Match the "products" that came out of each region during the Triangular Trade

Africa: Slaves, gold, ivory Americas: Primary products such as sugar and coffee Europe: Guns, alcohol

The first steps in opening the Chinese economy included (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Allowing farmers to sell excess produce on the market, once they had met local and national quotas Inviting foreign firms to form joint ventures with state-owned manufacturers to produce for export

Order the following countries from the country that exports the highest volume to the country that exports the lowest volume by recreating the chart above or using "Aggregate Exports (Bil USD)" on Rank by Variable.

China U.S. India Russia Brazil South Africa

Tied to the focus in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on better quality education is a belief that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Better education can lead to better participation in democracy A focus on education, especially of girls, leads to improved family health and individual productivity Better education leads to better use of higher technologies

The World Bank and the IMF are part of what post-World War II system?

Bretton Woods system

For people and countries to develop and prosper, they need:

Capital (goods, services, and money)

Below is a map of "Current Account Balance (% GDP)," whose path is ECONOMICS/Macro-Economic Indicators/Broad Economy/Current Account Balance (% GDP). Broadly, a country's current account balance is its "net trade in goods and services" (some countries run a trade surplus; some countries run a trade deficit). Please match the country below with its current account balance as a percentage of its Gross Domestic Product. This data is easy to find on the Maps, Rank by Variable, or Rankings Tile/Tab.

China: 1.05% Germany: 6.97% Ireland: 10.8% United States: -2.52% Singapore: 16.55%

The number of businesses registered to lobby in Washington has:

Coincided with intensified gerrymandering that protects incumbents

Whirlpool claims its foreign competitors engage in unfair competition. What are examples in the video of what "unfair competition" means (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Companies selling their washing machines at prices lower than what they're charging for the same washing machines back home Companies getting direct funding (subsidies) from the government Companies selling their washing machines at prices lower than their cost of production

The "animal spirits" are:

Confidence and optimism in the economy, which sparks economic growth

Infrastructure is an important part of a country being able to engage with global markets. Which country is blocked out in the clusters table below showing "Quality of Roads," ranking second to last among the "Emerging Markets," close to last in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 115th Overall?

Costa Rica

Recreate the table above or otherwise match the letter to the development challenge data point below (all the variables are found under the Society dimension):

D: 341 A: 62 E: 136 B: 262 C: 46.5

An example of an "export promotion" technique is:

Direct export subsidies, or paying local producers for their exports, helping them better compete with foreign firms

Using the Rank By Variable tab, recreate the histogram on "Air Quality" above and place the countries with the worst Air Quality in the correct order below (from worst to best). Why do you think so many of the countries scoring the lowest on "Air Quality" are in Asia?

E: Kazakhstan D: Nepal A + B: India and Bangladesh C: China

The two main forms of foreign aid include:

Economic assistance and military assistance

Losing a case through the WTO disputes settlement mechanism could lead a country to face:

Economic sanctions or a withdrawal of trade concessions by the winning state

The UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) is based on three factors, including (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Educational attainment Per capita purchasing power Life expectancy

Purchasing Power Parity:

Estimates the number of dollars needed to buy comparable goods in different countries, making comparisons more accurate

Arguments in favor of free trade often include each of the following:

Everyone benefits when countries produce and sell what they do most efficiently Free trade promotes interdependence among countries and helps maintain international peace Open trade fosters lower prices for consumers Free trade produces overall economic growth and jobs in sectors where the country has a comparative advantage

The difference between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) is that:

FDI is investing more in fixed assets (companies and real estate), as opposed stocks and bonds (which is portfolio investment)

As noted in the video, repeated studies have indicated that more generous people (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Feel more fulfilled Live longer

To stabilize currencies during the initial Post WWII era, countries:

Fixed (or pegged) the value of their currency to the U.S. dollar, which was fixed to the price of gold ($35 for 1oz. gold)

For developing countries that mainly produce raw (often called primary) products, such as mining and agricultural goods: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

For developing countries that mainly produce raw (often called primary) products, such as mining and agricultural goods: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers) Arguments for "comparative advantage" can be seen as developmental "dead ends" Persistently low export prices cannot generate the revenue for the expensive manufactured/high tech imports needed for development" Comparative advantage" is often based on just a few primary products Jobs are often low wage and low skilled

Those that caution against free trade generally argue:

Free trade leads to dislocations which can cost people their jobs

Arguments in favor of free trade often include each of the following: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

Free trade produces overall economic growth and jobs in sectors where the country has a comparative advantage Open trade fosters lower prices for consumers Everyone benefits when countries produce and sell what they do most efficiently Free trade promotes interdependence among countries and helps maintain international peace

Classic liberal trade theory holds the view that:

Free trade without governmental interference will eventually benefit all economies in the international system by ensuring efficiency in the production and distribution of goods and services

The map above shows that much of Europe scores well in "Customs Logistics", an important part of the trade process. (Customs Logistics is defined as "Efficiency in the clearance process--i.e., speed, simplicity, and predictability of formalities--by customs and other border control agencies"). Which country has the world's best customs logistics?


Which of the following statements is true?

Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 1.5 billion people) has more than three-quarters of the world's consumption (about $60 trillion), while the bottom one-fifth (roughly 1.4 billion people) has about $1 trillion in consumption

Mercantilists (economic nationalists) believe:

Governments should regulate trade to advance national interests and power

Since the 1980s, many "developing" countries have liberalized trade and investment, often because they have had to accept IMF Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) and open their economies. Many, however, still have considerable barriers. For example, "International Shipments Logistics" is defined as "Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments. " What are the two biggest outliers in the histogram above, with the poorest international shipping logistics? Do you know anything about the challenges these countries face?

Haiti, Zimbabwe, Liberia

The U.S.'s Smoot-Hawley Act:

Has been credited with triggering a spiral of restrictions on trade by other countries, helping spark the Great Depression

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):

Has led to some lower skilled jobs shifting to Mexico, where wages are lower

The United States:

Has run significant trade deficits since the 1970s

Market-oriented reforms in China:

Have been relatively gradual and strictly controlled by the state

Since the 1980s, middle class families have primarily maintained consumption by (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Having more two income families (with more women entering the workforce) Working longer hours Increasing their debts NOT: Moving to LDCs with cheaper standards of living Engaging more readily in the political process to offset the power of wealthy families

Which of the following was not part of the Millennium Development Goals, but is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Having peaceful and inclusive societies, justice, and accountable institutions (good governance)

Definitions are found on the "Maps," "Country Profile," and "Rank by Variable" tabs by clicking on a variable name. Using one of these tabs, drill into "Barriers to Trade" and click on "Prevalence of Non-Tariff Barriers" (here's the path: ECONOMICS/Market Access/Trade Profile/Barriers to Trade/Prevalence of Non-Tariff Barriers). Within the definition, what are listed as Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)?

Health and product standards, technical and labeling requirements, etc.

The primary role of IMF loans is to:

Help stabilize a country's economy when the country has severe budgetary imbalances

President George W. Bush's decision to impose a temporary 30 percent tariff on imported steel in 2002 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Helped the steel industry by allowing U.S steel producers to gain a larger share of the local market Was seen by some as a political move to help the president's reelection chances in key electoral states Hurt U.S. automakers, who had to pay higher prices for steel

Mexico and Brazil are noted for:

Introducing direct transfer payments to poor households, conditioned on families meeting requirements such as keeping their children in school

Common ways to measure poverty include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Income Consumption

The work of Thomas Picketty documents that, with the exception of the mid-20th century:

Income from capital (wealth, ownership, inheritance, etc.) nearly always exceeds income from wages, increasing inequality

Trends in income inequality include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Increases in global income going to the top 5 percent versus the bottom 5 percent Rapid increases in income inequality in the United States since the 1970s

The World Bank is considered which type of actor?

International Governmental Organization (IGO)

The stimulus spending during the "Great Recession" in the United States was based on the ideas of:

John Maynard Keynes

Keynes biographer (Robert Skidelsky) sums up Keynes with three ideas, including (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Large scale unemployment can develop in volatile markets Markets are inherently volatile Nothing can stop a downward spiral and growing unemployment is a depresses economy unless the government steps in with public spending to replace a lack of private spending NOT: Private spending needs to replace public spending to correct market imperfections in a depressed economy The volatility in markets is healthy for an economy and states should work against "aggregate demand" There are political downsides (even including revolution) if states take steps to address severe economic downslides Depressions show that bureaucrats rely on too much regulation and government spending

The "Gini Index," represented in the map above, "measures the extent to which the distribution of income (or, in some cases, consumption expenditure) among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution." What are the three most unequal countries in the world (i.e., scoring the lowest in the map above; consider using the Rank by Variable tab for accuracy)?

Lesotho, South Africa, Haiti

France protects its television and movie industries from U.S. competition because:

Of a fear of cultural imperialism

The Grameen Bank:

Offers loans to the poor in Bangladesh

European colonial economic policies can be described as:


In the United States (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Micro-lending has taken root through Grameen America and other organizations Micro-lending has been supplemented by NGOs that give out "micro-grants"

According to Keynes (as discussed by his biographer Robert Skidelsky), volatile markets can punish:

Millions in society, for the mistakes of a few, causing social unrest

Company costs can often be lower if (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Minimum wage and workplace safety regulations are cut Environmental regulations are weakened, allowing them to pollute more readily Age and gender discrimination laws are removed, allowing them to terminate employees at will Pensions, healthcare, and paid vacation rules are eliminated

What is Keynes' approach to stimulating a depressed economy?

More Government spending to increase aggregate demand


Often do not know the conditions in which foreign goods are made Have to grapple with whether to buy foreign goods that might have been made in sweatshops NOT: Can check mandatory labeling in the U.S., which notes if goods are made in sweatshops Generally, benefit from higher tariffs on foreign products Have shown an overwhelming propensity to buy goods made with sustainable practices Can at least be assured that business values are the same across all countries

Since the creation of the WTO in 1995:

Only one round of international trade negotiations has been initiated (the Doha Round), and it has gotten nowhere

In the PBS video, it is noted that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

People feel entitled even when games like Monopoly are obviously rigged in their favor People in expensive cars are more likely not to stop at pedestrian crosswalks More affluent people are more likely to take candy that they know has been left for a child NOT: Neo-liberalism has lessened global inequality Poor people are more likely to lie during negotiations because of desperation

Using the definition for the "Logistics" sub-dimension, determine what the "Logistics" data is based on (definitions are found on the Maps, Country Profile, and Rank By Variable tabs).

Perceptive surveys of operators on the ground (global freight forwarders and express carriers)

What policy changes under Franklin Roosevelt contributed to declining poverty and inequality in the United States? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Progressive income taxes, taxing the wealthy at higher percentages than the poor The establishment of Social Security and Medicare The creation of the GI Bill Laws setting minimum wages and overtime bonuses NOT: Deregulated labor markets, helping block union organizing Effective deregulation which significantly slowed private investment Cuts in government spending to free capital for private investment

Mercantilist approaches to establish desired trade balances and trade profiles include:

Promoting exports and protecting the economy by restricting imports

When the European Union placed restrictions on the importation of U.S. beef containing growth hormones because of the EU's concern for public health, the U.S. government considered this policy a form of:

Protectionism, sparking a case before the WTO

Where does China rank across each of the variables below (all found under Economics and then "Market Access"):

Ranks 3rd: Aggregate FDI Stocks (Mil USD) Ranks 2nd: FDI Inflows (Mil USD) Ranks 119th: Trade Tariffs Ranks 1st: Aggregate Exports (Bil USD)

What is the definition of "relative poverty"?

Relative poverty is based on a comparison with a defined group within a particular country

One key reason international trade negotiations have stalled is because:

Remaining tariff barriers are in areas where poorer countries often have an advantage, such as the politically sensitive agriculture sector

What percentage of its budget does the U.S. give in foreign aid?

Roughly 1%

As seen in the longitudinal chart of "Urbanization" above, how many of India's people live in rural areas (you can also drill down to the "Urbanization" variable under "Demographic Dynamic")?

Roughly two thirds

States use different types of trade strategies to try to improve economic outcomes, some are more "classic liberal," believing that freer trade will eventually benefit all economies, while others pursue more protectionist policies to try to guide the market and help local producers and populations. Recreate the bar chart of "Barriers to Trade" above and list the countries from more open (scoring highest) to more protected (scoring lowest).

Singapore Chile United States Ireland China India

As seen in the map of "HIV Prevalence" above, Southern Africa continues to face significant challenges tied to HIV/AIDS, with the prevalence as a percentage of adults aged 15-49 years over 10% in 8 countries. Four are identified in the histogram above and listed below. Match the letter to the country.

South Africa: A Swaziland: D Botswana: B Lesotho: C

To get Samsung and LG to invest in their states:

South Carolina and Tennessee have offered significant investment incentives, similar to the advantages the firms received in South Korea

Mercantilism is: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

States controlling trade, often protecting home markets while seeking to sell products abroad, so as to gain as much profit and power as possible

The idea of comparative advantage is that:

States should specialize in producing the goods which they produce best and trade for goods that other states produce best

South Korea and other East Asian states have pursued strategies that have included:

Strong investments in education and efforts to allow the poor to share in rapid growth

During the Cold War:

Superpower competition between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. led to proxy wars in many developing countries, helping bring real economic development to a standstill

The most traditional protectionist barriers to trade are:

Tariffs (taxes on imports), though they are no longer the main form of protectionism for most countries

Generally, the United States does very well in the "Operations" macro-dimension, ranking 6th (scoring 916) in the 2020 RCII. However, there are individual variables where the country ranks somewhat lower. Recreate the drill down table above using the Country Profile tab to answer the following question: What is the variable blocked out in which the U.S. ranks 126th? Food for thought: Why do you think the U.S. still scores 961 out of 1000?

Terrorism Incidence

A country's "Current Account Balance (% GDP)" is its "net trade in goods and services, plus net earnings from rents, interest, profits, dividends, and transfer payments (such as pension funds and worker remittances)" as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)." (A positive percentage means a surplus; a negative percentage means a deficit.) Given this definition, what does the chart above signify? Note, the chart has an adjusted scale.

That China's trade surpluses have lessened since the onset of the Great Recession, while the U.S.'s trade deficits have lessened since the onset of the Great Recession.

European economic integration was initiated with the creation of:

The European Coal and Steel Community, which integrated an industry key to war-making potential

What international organization did John Maynard Keynes help create in the aftermath of the Great Depression:


Which of the following is an example of a protectionist policy that had negative effects?

The Smoot-Hawley Act

"Overvaluations are expressed as negative percentages, indicating a need for the exchange rate to depreciate. Undervaluations are expressed as positive percentages, indicating a need for the exchange rate to appreciate. Neither a high level of undervaluation or overvaluation is desirable." Use the chart above of U.S. and China Currency Over/Under Valuation (raw data). In 2008-2009, with the onset of the Great Recession, which was true:

The U.S. currency was significantly overvalued, while the Chinese currency was significantly undervalued.

The decision to help Europe and Japan rebuild, such as with the Marshall Plan in Europe, showed that:

The U.S. needed rebounding markets for trade and investment

In his famous essay "The End of History?", Francis Fukuyama wrote that mankind may have reached "the end point of ... ideological evolution with the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government." This mindset was championed by:

The Washington Consensus (led by the U.S. and international financial institutions)

A challenge that has developed in recent years surrounding micro-lending in India has been:

The development of for-profit micro-lending and loan-sharks pushing more and more loans (followed by aggressive collection tactics)

Which radar chart below shows key developmental challenges in India across the variables identified?

The graph that looks like a kite

Which of the following statements is true?

The most dramatic gains in reducing hunger worldwide since 1990 have been in East and Southeast Asia (notably China) Most of the gains have been in two countries, China and India (especially China)

As seen in the chart (Figure 11.1; note the chart is based on the number of people living on less than $1.90 a day):

The number and percentage of extremely poor people worldwide has declined since 1990

While globally the number and percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day has dropped dramatically since 1990, what is also true (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

The number of people living on less than $3.10 a day has remained roughly the same (about 2 billion people) Most of the gains have been in two countries, China and India (especially China)

As a result of the trade conflict over washing machines:

The price of both foreign and domestically produced washers has gone up

In a socialist system: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

The state owns and controls key means of NOT: Countries try to become dependent on a few products Capitalism is found mostly in import substituting zones or rural areas Governments regulate through low tariffs, but often keep floating exchange rates Most of the economy is privately held, and the government is a weak watchdog

In the United States:

The top 1% has 23% of the income, up from 9% in the mid-1970s, and similar to the level during the Great Depression

When countries raise taxes to give export subsidies to newly established exporting companies:

Their current citizens sacrifice so that future generations may benefit as "infant industries" seek to transform into powerful businesses

Why is trade policy "inevitably politicized"?

There are winners and losers with trade policies, and groups pressure governments to adopt policies beneficial to them

In response to the criticism that their work was undertaken at the "famously liberal" University of California Berkeley, the researchers point out:

They have run 30 different studies across thousands of people all over the United States, and the results are the same for liberals and conservatives alike

Because Samsung and LG faced retaliatory tariffs placed on them by U.S. regulators:

They moved some production to China (and later Thailand, Vietnam, and the U.S.), which didn't face the tariffs placed on South Korea

In the game of monopoly seen on the video:

Those that have the game rigged in their favor are less generous and somewhat ruder

Which Millennium Development Goal was fully achieved?

To cut in half (from 1990 levels) the number of people living in extreme poverty (then defined as $1 a day, now $1.90)

Which of the following goals was NOT part of the Millennium Development Goals?

To dramatically reduce weapons sales worldwide

The Bretton Woods institutions were created after WWII:

To promote stability in international economics and, hence, strengthen international peace

Proponents of free trade argue:

Trade increases overall employment, and can shift jobs to where a country has comparative advantages

With respect to the charge that LG and Samsung take advantage of unfair trade practices as far as washing machines are concerned: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

U.S. regulators in the Obama and Trump administrations have repeatedly agreed that the companies are breaking international trade rules LG and Samsung have argued they follow the rules 100%, and simply have better products than Whirlpool

In total dollars, which country gives the most in economic aid?

United States

As seen in the chart above, the North American countries score very poorly when it comes to all kinds of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. What is the lowest score of any of the three countries on any variable within these aggregate variables (i.e., you will need to drill into Carbon Emissions and Other Greenhouse Gasses for each country to find the lowest score across all variables and countries).

United States on CO2 Emissions (KT), score of 76

Under colonialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Vast revenues and resources typically flowed out of the colonies, with relatively little capital flowing back in Colonies provided cheap labor and resources, and served as markets for the colonizers goods A core dominant country generally controlled the political and economic lives of foreign peoples NOT: Colonizing countries for centuries worked to develop local colonies, generally showing little progress because they lacked of political control The U.S. and Russia benefited because of their vast networks of colonies Asian dominance in the Triangular Trade led to the colonization of China Mercantilist trade policies by the colonized peoples frustrated the Triangular Trade

In recent years, a few countries, claiming to pursue socialist strategies because of the exploitative nature of capitalism, have made it exceedingly difficult for businesses to operate in their country. Other countries have pursued a strategy, often called democratic socialism, which includes significant government involvement in the economy, but also significant business competition. Which country in the radar chart above stands out as the worst in the world on each of the variables identified, and which country stands out for its ease of doing business?

Venezuela, Denmark

On which variable does China score the worst inside the "Governance" dimension?

Voice and Accountability

Because of the new tariffs placed on imported steel, aluminum, and other products by the Trump administration, the video points to which specific product the Canadians and Europeans area targeting for retaliation?

Washing machines

Colonies (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Were generally drained of commodities, human capital, and/or money Saw the introduction of key European ideas, such as nationalism, individualism, and justice Were often restructured by the dominant country to produce one particular crop or mineral resource Often saw the development of significant infrastructure that helped get commodities out of the areas NOT: Never saw the development of significant infrastructure to help get commodities out of the areas Are today the source of much of the portfolio investment in MDCs Saw little impact on local political governance from colonizers, despite the economic changes Were finally abolished after WWI by President Woodrow Wilson in 1923

A severe economic crisis like the Great Recession which hit in 2008-2009 is going to impact societies in many different ways, two key areas being unemployment and inflation. Using the charts on U.S. "Inflation Rate" and "Total Unemployment Rate" (raw data) above, determine which of the following statements is true. Do you know how high U.S. unemployment reached in 2020 with the Covid-19 crisis?

With the Great Recession, inflation in the United States dropped sharply and remains below pre-crisis levels.

Which statements about poverty around the world are true? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Women suffer more from poverty than men The largest number of poor people live in Asia The incidence of poverty is generally higher in rural than urban areas

Micro-lending tends to focus on:

Women, who studies show are more likely to repay loans and spend money on their children's welfare

On the Country Profile tab, drill down into the RCII structure under Operations and click on the "Business Transactions" sub-dimension name. What is the source of the data as noted in the definitions box?

World Bank - Doing Business

As seen in the chart above, the U.S.'s "Soundness of Banks" ranking plummeted during the heart of the Great Recession. This variable is defined as "In your country, how would you assess the soundness of banks? (1 = extremely low, banks may require recapitalization; 7 = extremely high, banks are generally healthy with sound balance sheets)." What is the original source of this survey data point?

World Economic Forum

Recreate the longitudinal chart below of the world's six largest economies to answer the following question: which country has gained the most in "Aggregate GDP" size since 2005?


Which image represents China's change in GDP per capita over the 2005-2019 period (note, each chart has an adjusted raw data scale; you must adjust the scale to recreate the charts accurately)?

graph that shows really low to high

Which Radar chart reflects the United States and its North American neighbors, Canada and Mexico, across the RCII's "Governance" variables?

orange middle scrunched up

Using the longitudinal charting function on the RCII's Charts tab, create a chart of the United States with the variables Total Trade (% of GDP) and Aggregate Total Trade (Bil USD). Which chart below reflects the large discrepancy between the United States score on these two variables?

really low chart

GDP Growth is defined as "The annual rate of change in nominal gross domestic product (Constant Prices)." Recreate the charts below to match the appropriate GDP Growth chart to the country. NOTE, each chart has an adjusted scale; you must adjust the scale to recreate the charts accurately.

united states- deep dip five India- even all top Germany- deepest dip five, six and seven equal Ireland- dip four and five

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