Global issues test 3

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What are some of the reasons why the world's population drastically increased over the past 70 years (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

- Improved food production and distribution - Reduced mortality rates - Major public health advances

When looking at Niger's population pyramid, which of the following are correct statements

- Less than 5% of Niger's population is over over the age of 65 - Niger has a youthful population -More than 35% of Niger's population are under 10 years of age

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

- Looks at the return and reintegration for failed asylum seekers and others who do not have a right to remain -Includes a focus on migrants' integration into new countries -Lays out guidelines for protecting migrants during the different stages of migration -Seeks to help mitigate the adverse drivers that fuel migration

Which of the following are correct statements about the world's population (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

- Over the next 30 years, the world's population is projected to increase by between 20% and 50%, or by between 1 Billion and 3.6 Billion people. - In 2050, India is projected to be the most populous country in the world. - Projections of the world's population in 2050 vary between 8.7 Billion and 10.8 Billion people, depending on the fertility rate.

The Cornucopian perspective rests on the following ideas (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

- Population growth is positive as it increases economic productivity and capacity for economic progress - Use of natural resources is best managed through market forces - Technological innovation can overcome problems of population growth

Which of the following are common themes connecting all models of thought on the question of how to address population growth (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

- Poverty reduction - Improvement in water quality

"Brain Drain" is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

- Sometimes not entirely negative, as those who emigrate can sometimes return home with new skills or capital -The loss of highly skilled persons, mostly from developing countries, as they migrate to, most often, developed countries

In his 1798 publication, Thomas Malthus argued that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

- The human desire to reproduce would lead to starvation, poverty and human misery - The "positive checks" of famine, war, and epidemics would bring populations back under control

Which of the following are correct statements about fertility rates (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

- The total fertility rate measures the average number of births per woman of childbearing age -The fertility rate in poorer (less or least developed) countries is higher, often significantly higher, than replacement level The fertility rate in more developed regions of the world is higher than the fertility rate in less developed regions. - The fertility rate in more developed countries is below replacement and stands at about 1.67 per woman - The fertility rate for the world as a whole is about 2.51 births per woman. - The fertility rate is a strong indicators of overall population growth

As discussed in the video, why is there so much violence in the Central American states? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

-Legacies of the 1980s the civil wars and the lack of full reconciliation - The prevalence of significant amounts of guns -The prevalence of power drug gangs, with many members trained in the U.S.

Which of the following is true about population and population growth?

-More than 80% of the world's population is located in the less-developed world - Nearly one-fifth of the world's population lives in China - Nearly 60% of the world's population lives in Asian countries - The world's population continues to grow but the rate of population growth is decreasing. - Patterns of population growth differ significantly between more- and less-developed regions of the world

Across the globe, urbanization has been caused by (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Technological developments, "pushing" people off the farm -Environmental decline, such as the overgrazing of land -Industrialization, "pulling" people into cities

Key "general tendencies" of international population movements in an age of globalization include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The involvement of an increasing number of countries, both as sending and receiving states -Ongoing changes in where people go and where they come from -The "feminization" of migration, as women are an increasing part of workforces -The increasing politicization of migration

"Brain Drain" is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The loss of highly skilled persons, mostly from developing countries, as they migrate to, most often, developed countries - Sometimes not entirely negative, as those who emigrate can sometimes return home with new skills or capital

Critics of the demographic transition model argue that:

-The model applies the record of population change and development in Europe and North America as the universal standard

In 2014, the number of people living as refugees or internally displaced people worldwide was estimated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at:

55 million

How many unaccompanied minors entered the U.S. during the 2014 crisis?


As noted in the introduction to this lesson, the world's population is currently at about

7.7 billion people

According to the UN Population Division's 2015 analyses, what is the medium variant projection for the world's population by 2050:

9.7 billion people by 2050

What has been the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS on those countries most highly affected by the disease?

A decline in life expectancy at birth from 62 to 52 between 1995 and 2005


A person who is outside their own countries of origin because of well-founded fears of being persecuted.

What do we call the graphical representation of the proportions of persons in different age groups in a population?

A population pyramid

Where do you find the majority of countries identified as the most severely impacted by HIV/AIDS?


Which region of the world has 24 of the top 25 countries with the highest birth rate?


What is replacement fertility (in births per woman)?

Approximately 2.1 births per woman

What is replacement fertility?

Approximately 2.1 births per woman

When did the world's population reach one billion people?

At the beginning of the 19th century

Which country has been known for its "one child policy"?


According to the UN's 2015 projections, the two countries with the largest populations will continue to see population growth, but where ___________ is projected to peak in size at 1.42 billion in 2030, _____________ is projected to soon overtake it, reaching an estimated 1.71 billion by the middle of the 21st century.

China / India

The analyst points to a 15-year, $10 billion U.S. effort in which country as a model for what's needed in Central America?


Population projections are not predictions but rather represent a calculation of future population size based on a set of assumptions or variants, including expected fertility rate. Which of the following variants project that the world's total population will surpass 9 Billion people by 2050 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Constant Fertility Variant

Which countries will continue to hold the largest share of the world's population?

Countries in Asia

The demographic transition model suggests that as societies industrialize and urbanize:

Death rates will fall, and when values shift from large to small families, fertility rates will decline

What do we call the "study of population change and characteristics"?


The video points to which country as having the highest homicide rates in the world?

El Salvador


Growth in sizes of cites, with an increasing percentage of the overall population

The role of women in population control:

Has been seen as central because women's empowerment tends to lead to smaller but healthier families

U.S. support for international family planning programs:

Has shifted with changing administrations, with Republicans barring fertility control programs that include legal access to abortion, and Democrats supporting such programs

The moderator interviews an economic immigrant from Mexico who builds homes. How much more can he make in the U.S. than in Mexico?

He can make in a day what he would in a week in Mexico

Population projections are not predictions but rather represent a calculation of future population size based on a set of assumptions or variants, including expected fertility rate. Which of the following variants project that the world's total population will surpass 9 Billion people by 2050 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

High Fertility Variant

The moderator interviews an 11-year old boy who fled to the U.S. by himself because of the extreme drug-gang violence in his country. What country was this boy from?



International migration into a country


International migration out of a country

What do we mean by the term "replacement fertility"?

It is the rate at which one generation of parents is replacing itself in the next generation

What regions hold what percentage of the world's population? The more developed countries (MDCs) hold _________________ of the world's population, whereas the less developed countries (LDCs) hold ______________ of the world's population.

Less than 20% / more than 80%

In general:

Many LDCs have enacted policies to reduce population growth, while many MDCs have enacted policies to increase population growth

Population projections are not predictions but rather represent a calculation of future population size based on a set of assumptions or variants, including expected fertility rate. Which of the following variants project that the world's total population will surpass 9 Billion people by 2050 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Medium Fertility Variant

Which of the following statements is true concerning urbanization?

More Developed Countries (MDCs) are more urbanized than Less Developed Countries (LDCs)

How is a country's population size (P) determined?

P= (+) births (-) deaths (+) in-migration (-) out-migration

Internally Displace Persons

People displaced within their own countries.

Those pointing out that we need to focus on the structural dimensions of social change, argue that:

Population growth, in particular high fertility, is a consequence rather than a cause of slow economic development

As discussed in the video, many of the immigrants coming into the United States are from:

The Northern Triangle of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador), the world's deadliest countries outside war zones

Which country accepts the largest total number of immigrants worldwide?

The United States

Which writer first proposed a negative relationship between human population growth and the supply of food and other resources?

Thomas Malthus

The majority of the world's refugees and internally displaced people are:

Women and children

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