Gov 310L Exam 1 Webtext Questions

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How is the county judge for each county chosen?

He or she is elected by all the voters in the county.

Which of the following offers the BEST description of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution?

It contains a variety of specific policy items, many of which could have been better placed in other parts of the constitution

Why did many ordinary white citizens dislike the constitution of 1869?

It had been created under pressure from Washington and the Radical Republicans

What conclusions can be drawn from the two charts above?

Republicans are more likely to approve of the federal government but disapprove of the state government

What do public opinion polls reveal about the attitudes of Texans toward their state government?

Texans generally approve of the job done by their state government, but they are more disapproving of the performance of their state legislature

What do public opinion polls reveal about Texans' attitudes toward the federal government?

Texans generally have an unfavorable view of the performance of the federal government

The United States government required which of the following in order for Texas to qualify for readmission to the Union?

Texas had to reject laws passed under the Confederacy

What event caused the creation of the Confederate Constitution of 1861?

Texas seceded from the United States

Why is the influence of watchdog groups limited?

The appointment of interest group members to state and local boards is not illegal under state law

Which of the following is a key power enjoyed by citizens of home rule cities?

They can determine the form their municipal government will take and how city officials will be elected

Which of the following is true of counties?

They cannot pass ordinances without the involvement of the state legislature.

What is an unfunded mandate?

a federal requirement that puts the burden of cost on the states

If you live in a city with a population of around 3,000, what type of city are you most likely in?

a general law city

What is a public interest group?

a group that promotes policies that produce widely distributed benefits

The Texas Constitution is the second-longest of the 50 state constitutions. What is on contributing factor to its length?

a high level of detail specified in the constitution, including policy matters such as the creation of hospital districts

What was the outcome of the constitutional convention of 1868-1869?

a long, detailed, and incomplete constitution published under military orders and ratified by popular vote

What was the "Missouri Plan" included in the 1975 proposed revision to the Texas Constitution?

a nonpartisan commission that reviews candidates for a judicial vacancy, then allows the governor to select appointees from an approved list

How are independent school districts formed?

a petition signed by at least 10 percent of the voters in the area

The powers and duties of the mayor of Houston include appointing city department heads, approving resolutions and ordinances passed by the city council, and presenting an annual budget for the city. This makes Houston which type of city government?

a strong mayor-council goverenment

What has been the result of the amendment process established by the Texas Constitution?

almost 700 amendments have been proposed, and over 500 of these have been ratified

The need to pass amendments in response to other amendments is called what?

amendment chaining

Who is responsible for governing a MUD?

an elected board of directors that reports to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Why is codification of crimes and punishments considered a concurrent power?

because the authority to do so is shared by both the national and state governments

Which grants allow for the greatest latitude in how states spend money?

block grants

What is unique about the political structure of commission governments?

both executive and legislative functions are vested in the city commission

What types of interest groups are often formed as nonprofits?

both public and private interest groups

Which interest groups are the most successful and influential in Texas?

business interests

How can interest groups be most effective at achieving their policy goals when attending public meetings?

by bringing a large number of members and articulating a clear and persuasive message

How does the Texas Constitution aim to limit the legislature's ability to classify objects for purposes of taxation?

by declaring in Article VIII's first sentence that "taxation shall be equal and uniform"

What is one way that Texas-based interest groups may attempt to influence national policy?

by filing lawsuits in federal court to challenge or shape national law

Which of the following is a way that interest groups commonly seek to get their members into government?

by making strategic campaign contributions

How might interest groups be involved in campaigns?

by sponsoring or funding public events for a candidate

Which of the following do interest groups use to show how two candidates compare in their support for issues that matter to the group?

candidate scorecards

Which local government entity, generally speaking, has the largest impact on the daily lives of Texans?


In which of the following ways does the ability to generate revenue differ between larger cities and smaller cities

cities with more than 5,000 residents can set higher property tax rates than cities with fewer than 5,000 residents

What are the four basic units of local government in Texas?

cities, counties, special districts, and councils of government

Which of the following was included among the educational public policies specified in the Radical Republican Constitution of 1869?

compulsory school attendance

Which of the following describes the relationship between Texas and the federal government during the Obama administration?

conflict and tension between Texas and the federal government greatly increased during the Obama administration

Which of the following courts did the constitution establish?

constitutional courts

Which of the following activities are interest groups prohibited by law from engaging in?

coordinating their campaign efforts on behalf of a candidate with that candidate's campaign

The Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas instructed the legislature to promote which of the following initiatives that has persisted into modern times?


What mode of selection for the judiciary does the constitution specify?


By prohibiting a single individual from exercising powers of more than one branch, the framers accomplished which of the following?

ensuring the separation of powers

What event made delegates rush to adopt the 1836 constitution?

fighting during the Battle of the Alamo

Why did the state of Texas sue the federal Department of Labor in 2015?

for allowing medical leave for same-sex couples

Why did Texas join six other states in suing the US Department of Health and Human Services?

for requiring religious organizations to subsidize contraception

The framers' support for government regulation of economic and social relationships and their fear of potential abuses of authority by holders of public office reflect which political leaning?

frontier populism

Which of the following is an example of "earned media coverage"?

gaining media attention by using events or by providing assistance with a story

In terms of their powers, counties most closely resemble which of the following?

general law cities

What change brought about by the New Deal allowed for the development of cooperative federalism?

greater federal funding

Which state function receives the largest portion of its funding from the federal government?

health and human services

In which of the following ways are home rule cities distinct from general law cities?

home rule cities are at liberty to adopt their own government charters

What is the key difference between a mayor-council government and a council-manager government?

in a council-manager government, the day-to-day functions of the city are overseen by an unelected city manager

What three types of lobbyists constitute "the lobby"?

in-house, contract, and public advocacy firm lobbyists

What is the distinction between and interest group and a group of people with common interests?

interest groups are politically active around particular topics, while people with common interests are not

Why might public officials listen to interest groups?

interest groups develop expertise on the policies they seek to influence and provide that expertise to public officials, thus reducing information costs

Sub-governments are often known by what other name?

iron triangles

What means do county commissioners have for raising revenue to support their numerous responsibilities?

issuing bonds and raising property taxes up to a certain limit

Why is annexation an important power exercised by Texas cities?

it allows a city to expand its tax base to generate more revenue

What happened to the document created during the constitutional convention of 1974?

it failed to receive enough legislative votes to go to the electorate for ratification

What is an important characteristic of a confederal system?

it has a weak central authority

How does "the lobby" in Texas compare to that of many other states?

it has relatively strong political power

According to the 2012 comptroller's report, what is the problem with over reliance on bonds to fund city and county government?

it passes the buck to future generations

Why does the Handbook of Texas Online say that the constitution of 1845 is the most respected of Texas's constitutions?

it was simple and direct

What are the three components that make up an iron triangle?

legislators, government bureaucrats, and interest groups

Why do critics of cooperative federalism want?

less federal involvement in state governance

Why might a group prefer a public demonstration to letter writing or petitions?

letters and petitions are comparatively discreet, while demonstrations may call broader public attention to issue

Whereas the federal constitution divides power into executive, judicial, and legislative branches, states often divide powers among multiple authorities. What is one result of this?

many lower-level officials have shared or overlapping responsibilities

The framers of the Texas Constitution of 1876 considered the formation of counties to be particularly important. What restriction did they place on the legislature's ability to create new counties?

new counties created had to be no smaller than 900 square miles and shaped in a square form unless located along the border

According to the text, what factor is important for a deep understanding of Texans' attitudes about efforts by the state government to resist policy created by the federal government?

partisan differences

Cities spend over half of their money on which of the following budget items?

police and emergency services

What has led to the proliferation of special districts in Texas?

population growth

All registered lobbyists must divulge the interests they are registered to represent. What does this allow the state to do?

prevent conflicts of interest arising for clients who employ contract lobbyists

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between public and private interest groups?

public and private interest groups are not necessarily adversarial, as their goals may directly overlap in some cases

Olin has gathered 1,000 signatures on a petition aiming to convince the city council to repeal a municipal ordinance that bans skateboarding downtown. Which of the following is this an example of?


Which tool allows citizens to vote on a law in a popular election?


The establishment of a new city or count is an example of which type of power?


How many executive offices does Article IV outline?


which of the following is an accurate comparison between state constitutions and national constitutions?

state constitutions are amended more frequently than national constitutions

What defines the powers of general law cities?

state laws

Which of the following statements BEST describes the attitude of state officials toward federal funding?

state officials want the money but dislike the conditions that come with it

What is the basic argument of the "states' rights" doctrine?

states have the autonomy to pass, enforce, and interpret their own laws

What contradiction do critics see in the position of supporters of "states' rights"?

supporters of states' rights agree to take federal money but resist federal direction on policy

Which was the first constitution in Texas that included language regarding public education?

the 1827 Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas

Prior to the 1930's, how did the US supreme court respond to conflicts between the national and state governments?

the Court generally supported dual federalism

What is the result of the extensive length and disorganization of the Texas Constitution, combined with the framers' refusal to hire a stenographer?

the Texas Constitution is extremely difficult to understand

The Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas was influenced by serval existing constitutions. The division of government powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches borrowed from which of the following?

the U.S Constitution

A proposal (with support from two-thirds of each chamber of the legislature) and ratification (with support of a majority of citizens) are necessary for which of the following?

the adoption of a constitutional amendment

Texas's becoming the 28th state in the Union caused which of the following events?

the adoption of the constitution of 1845

Why are sales taxes an unstable source of revenue for cities?

the amount of revenue brought in from sales taxes goes down when the economy is poor

What important event occurred in Texas in 1876?

the basis of the current constitution of Texas was first drafted

Which of the following was done in order to divide authority and disperse the executive branch's ability to actively govern?

the constitution mandated that most of the executive offices be filled through elections

Which of the following was triggered by the Democratic Party's return to statewide power in Texas?

the constitutional convention of 1875

Of the officials who are elected countywide, which one oversees elections for the county?

the county clerk

Who oversees the governance of special districts?

the county commissioners court

Which of the following scenarios would MOST likely lead to the creation of a special district?

the development of a new subdivision in a remote are with no utility services provided by the county or nearby cities

The constitution of 1845 gave the powers to appoint the attorney general and secretary of state to which of the following?

the governor

What significant change did the convention make in the constitution of 1866?

the governor's term was increased to four years

What does the marble cake symbolize in the context of federalism?

the intermingling of power among the national and state governments

What branch of the Texas Government was given primacy by the constitution's framers?

the legislative branch

What effect did the 1875 constitution have on the legislature?

the legislature was given less time in session to deliberate and react to events

What has led to the dramatic increase in borrowing by cities and counties?

the political preference of voters for issuing bonds and raising taxes

What is the "grassroots mobilization"?

the use of strategic efforts by ordinary citizens to organize political actions

In what way do counties function as an arm of state government?

they administer elections, maintain official records, and collect some taxes

What is one flaw of many constitutions?

they are deeply influenced by the historical and cultural context of the time in which they were written

How are local governments treated in the Texas Constitution?

they are scattered throughout various provisions and articles

Why is the expansion of power by the national government controversial for advocates of states' rights?

they believe the expansion of federal power violated the autonomy granted to stated by the Tenth Amendment

The framers of the 1876 Texas Constitution were reacting to the perceived abuses by both the national and state governments under the Radical Republicans. How is this reaction reflected in the bill of rights?

through a series of sweeping generalizations aimed at averting the perceived political dangers of the time

Why was the Necessary and Proper Clause written into the Constitution?

to allow the national government to create new laws necessary for carrying out its powers

Which of the following is a purpose of a constitution?

to establish procedures for making laws

Why would land developers seek to create a MUD for an undeveloped region of the county?

to provide services like water and power to the residents of the planned development

The General Provisions article of the constitution of 1845 concentrated on restricting legislative powers. Which of the following provisions was included in this section?

total accrued state debt could not exceed $100,000 except in cases of war, insurrection, or invasion

Which of the following lobbying activities is illegal?

trading a vote on public policy for money or other benefits

How many articles of the Texas Constitution are exclusively dedicated to the topic of local government?


What is one consequence of passing numerous proposed amendments during one election?

voters may feel both overwhelmed and uninformed

According to the text, Republican attitudes toward state government are dependent on what factor besides their general views on the balance of power in the federal system?

whether or not their party is in power

How did Rick Perry's role change in the conflict between the state of Texas and the federal government?

while Perry resisted federal influence as governor, he enforced federal regulations as secretary of energy

How many articles, not including the preamble, are included in the Texas Constitution?


When was the most recent attempt to propose a new constitution for the state of Texas?


How many lawsuits did the state of Texas file against the federal government between 2009 and 2016?


About what percentage of municipal revenue is made up of property taxes and sales taxes?

60 percent

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