Gov 312 Exam #3

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Attorney General William Barr and the Department of Justice took an expansive approach in their use of redactions on the Mueller report. More than 50% of the report was blackened out to remove information deemed too sensitive for the public to see. T/F?


According to lecture, the first major wave of democracy promotion as a centerpiece of American foreign policy came after the Cold War. T/F?


According to lecture, the level of emission reductions pledged by individual countries at the Paris Climate agreements are sufficient to prevent dramatic climate change according to many scientists. T/F?


According to lecture, the strategic interests of the United States in the Middle East have been left unchanged by increased oil production from the shale in the United States. T/F?


According to the Vox video, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has been going on for millennia. These groups have lived in constant state of conflict over control over the same land for more than a thousand years. T/F?


China's recent increase in naval and maritime activity in the South China Sea is supported by other states in the region because they recognize it will boost overall commerce and security in the region. T/F?


Family-based migration (also known as chain migration) is the process of migrating an entire family across international borders. T/F?


If interest rates in the United States increase, the value of the dollar relative to other currencies should fall. T/F?


NATO was create primarily to support free trade in Western Europe. T/F?


Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage suggests that specialization and international trade reduce the national income of an economy. T/F?


Globalization can activate tensions with national sovereignty by pressuring governments to delegate some control over economic policy to international organizations. T/F?


Hegemonic stability holds that the global concentration of economic and political power in one state tends to promote open international trade. T/F?


International migration benefits both high skill and low skill labor globally. T/F?


Israel uses a system of proportional representation to elect members of its national legislature, the Knesset. The type of electoral system favors smaller parties and thus tends to produce coalition governments in which the largest parties must find partners among smaller parties to form a government. T/F?


The functions of money include: A) As a store of value, which facilitates the accumulation of wealth and value over time B) Imperial control by wealthy countries over poor countries C) Leverage for international lenders to pressure countries to introduce economic reforms D) All of the above

A) As a store of value, which facilitates the accumulation of wealth and value over time

Which of the following individuals have been charged or have plead guilty to crimes as part of the Mueller investigation? A) Paul Manafort, former chairman of the Trump campaign B) Donald Trump Jr., President Trump's son C) Jared Kushner, advisor and son-in-law of President Trump

A) Paul Manafort, former chairman of the Trump campaign

Which was NOT discussed as a possible condition for a loan from the IMF? A) Lowering trade barriers B) Changing country name C) Cutting government spending D) Raising taxes

B) Changing country name

Oil is a key resource because: A) It never drops in price B) It makes up a large share of total global energy consumption C) It transfers wealth from oil exporters to oil importers D) All of the above

B) It makes up a large share of total global energy consumption

Which of the following is an international organization? A) Sovereignty B) World Trade Organization C) Reciprocity in trade negotiations D) All of the above

B) World Trade Organization

Financial tension may arise from large scale migration of low skilled labor into developed countries due to: A) Decreasing wages as supply of labor increases B) Net fiscal costs related to social welfare increase C) Both A & B are correct D) Neither A or B are correct

C) Both A & B are correct

President Trump has enacted which of the following changes in the U.S. policy toward Israel: A) Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem B) Offered official U.S. recognition for Israel's 1967 seizure of the Golan Heights bordering Syria C) Both A & B are correct

C) Both A & B are correct

Which of the following is an international institution? A) The United Nations B) The World Trade Organization C) Sovereignty D) All of the above

C) Sovereignty

Which is described as a major arena of immigration policy? A) Legality of admission B) Cultural and economic integration C) Migration control D) All of the above

D) All of the Above

How, might international economic organizations, like the WTO and the IMF, facilitate economic cooperation among states and higher levels of international trade? A) Provision of enforcement mechanisms to punish states for cheating on agreements B) Help monitor compliance to prevent cheating on agreements C) Reveal states' preferences and interest to reduce uncertainty and build trust D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Robert Dahl's "procedural minimal" preconditions for democracy include: A) Individual civil liberties like freedom of speech B) Universal adult suffrage (right to vote) C) Democratic sovereignty of elected bodies that posses real political power D) All of the above

D) All of the above

The creation of international organizations provokes principle-agent tensions with their member states. What factors worsen this principle-agent relationship? A) Multiple principals B) Agency slack C) Shirking D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following is an example of public goods that an international hegemon helps to provide? A) A currency that acts as a medium of exchange in international trade B) Safe shipping lines C) A market for distressed goods in the global economy D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following were cited as a cause of the peace among democracies? A) Elections B) Institutional checks and balances C) Shared democratic identity with the other democratic regimes D) All of the above

D) All of the above

The following countries are members of OPEC: A) Saudi Arabia B) Venezuela C) Russia D) Both A & B are correct

D) Both A & B are correct

Specialization improves states' domestic economies by giving them absolute advantage in producing a complex good or service, like the iPhone. Acquiring specialization means they can operate independently of all other states in the international system to produce this good. T/F?


The Mundell-Flemming Trilemma suggests that the United States could simultaneously pursue monetary policies that support fixed exchange rates, capital mobility, and monetary autonomy. T/F?


The Paris Climate Accord relies on strict, enforceable national limits on carbon dioxide emissions to address the environmental problem of climate change. T/F?


The Tragedy of the Commons suggests that people and states have a general set of incentives that encourage them to limit their consumption of public resources. T/F?


The United States supports China in the maritime disputes over access to the South China Sea. T/F?


The WTO preceded the GATT. T/F?


The dollar's reserve currency status limits the ability of the federal government of the United States to run large government budget deficits. T/F?


China is a member of the Trans Pacific Partnership. T/F?

False (the 12 members: U.S, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, and New Zealand)

According to the Mueller report, President Trump avoided crossing the line of criminal obstruction of justice in part because his aides refused to follow his orders. For example, White House counsel, Don McGhan, refused to follow Trump's directive to fire Robert Mueller. T/F?


According to the Urpelainen reading, one of the advantages of the Paris Climate agreement was the use of voluntary national targets for carbon emissions rather than binding imposed targets. T/F?


According to the logic of the democratic peace, we are more likely to see a war between the United States and Syria than we are to see a war between the United States and the United Kingdom. T/F?


An externality is a benefit or cost associated with an activity that accrues to some third party who is not a direct participant in the activity. T/F?


An increase in the value of the dollar relative to the Japanese yen should increase American imports from Japan. T/F?


Central banks help set monetary policy by influencing domestic interest rates. T/F?


Democracy can help promote peace among democratic states by solving the commitment problem. T/F?


During the twentieth century, the population of democratic regimes in the international system has been shocked upward in waves facilitated by diffusion. T/F?


Elections in democracies can help promote peace among democratic states by raising the domestic political cost of war. T/F?


Even though international trade increases national income at an aggregate level, some groups within an economy will see their real incomes decline from globalization. T/F?


Global oil consumption is inelastic in relation to price; that is, increases in the price of oil do little to affect global demand. T/F?


On average, democratic states tend to win the wars they enter because reelection incentives (namely, the fear of getting voted out of office for policy failures) push democratic leaders to be cautious when going to war. Consequently, democratic leaders generally fight only when they have a high probability of victory. T/F?


One of the reasons that Mueller and Barr did not decide to bring charges of obstruction of justice against President Trump is that they did not find any evidence of an underlying crime of conspiracy. Because there was no underlying crime - no conspiracy - then there was nothing to cover up. T/F?


Polarity influences coalition and alliance arrangements among great powers. T/F?


Preferential trade agreements are generally tolerated, despite violating non-discriminatory principles, because they are seen as boosting economic activity. T/F?


President Trump formally withdrew the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership in 2017. T/F?


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised, if re-elected, he would extend Israeli sovereignty over settlements in the West Bank. This could make it much harder for Israeli governments in the future to surrender these territories in any negotiated settlement to end the settlement with the Palestinians. T/F?


Remittances are monetary transfers from migrants to people, often family, in their home countries. T/F?


Saudi Arabia plays the role of swing producer within OPEC, using its large oil reserves to influence production levels set by the cartel. T/F?


Some international organizations can facilitate interstate cooperation by enforcing agreements that states reach among themselves. T/F


Some research suggests that securing U.N. approval for military action raises public support within the United States for that action. T/F?


The Chinese government has sought to facilitate exports to American consumers by financing the budget deficits of the American government. T/F?


The IMF possesses the power to influence the economic policies of its member countries through conditionality agreements. T/F?


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded to stabilize international currency markets and to prevent currency wars. T/F?


The Mueller team determined that contacts between Trump campaign officials and Russians did not meet the legal criteria for conspiracy because Trump election officials did not direct, request, or work with Russian entities to commit crimes. T/F?


The Paris Climate Accord operates through a series of monitoring arrangements that strengthen the ability of domestic groups to pressure their national governments to implement policies that reduce carbon emissions. T/F?


The political challenges associated with limiting carbon dioxide emissions can be illustrated with the logic of the collective action problem. T/F?


The trade deficit is associated with capital imports into the United States that help raise domestic investment. T/F?


While President Obama was sharply critical of the Netanyahu's government policy on settlements in the West Bank, President Trump has refrained from criticizing Israel on this issue. T/F?


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