Gov Final

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Which of the following is an accurate comparison of constitutional provisions? Enhance Federal PowerEnhance State Power (A)Supremacy clauseSeventeenth Amendment (B)Fifth AmendmentArticle V (C)Necessary and proper clauseFourteenth Amendment (D)Commerce clauseTenth Amendment

(D)Commerce clauseTenth Amendment

Which of the following may the president do to limit the Supreme Court's power? A) Fire and replace justices B) Refuse to enforce a ruling by the court C) Adopt new constitutional amendments D) Veto parts of the Court's decisions

B) Refuse to enforce a ruling by the court

What is executive privilege? the power to declare war or initiate a police action the ability to refuse to spend money appropriated by Congress the right to keep communications confidential to the presidency the right to direct the policy of federal agencies

the right to keep communications confidential to the presidency

To which of the following congressional committees would a proposal to reform the national income-tax system initially be sent? House Appropriations Committee House Ways and Means Committee Senate Budget Committee House Budget Committee

House Ways and Means Committee

The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? I. Incumbents receive more campaign contributions than do challengers. II. Incumbents are able to provide important services for individual voters, who are more familiar with the incumbent's name and record. III. The government provides campaign funds for incumbents. IV. The President usually endorses incumbents for reelection. V. Most American voters believe Congress does a good job. I and II only II, III, and V only I, IV, and V only III and IV only

I and II only

Under the Articles of Confederation, which of the following were true? I. Congress could not tax the states directly. II. The executive branch of government exercised more power than Congress.III. Congress was a unicameral body.IV. States were represented in Congress proportionally according to population. II and III I and II I and IV I and III

I and III

Which of the following is true of the seniority system of Congress in relation to committee leadership and committee staffing? Members of congressional committees are always the most senior members of the body's minority party. Members of Congress with the longest continuous service are assured the chairmanship of major congressional committees. The chairs of congressional committees tend to be members of the body's majority party who have served longest on the committee. The oldest members of Congress have the most seniority.

The chairs of congressional committees tend to be members of the body's majority party who have served longest on the committee.

Which of the following enumerated powers would permit Congress to stimulate the economy by hiring unemployed citizens? The power to create immigration policies The power to coin money The power of legislative oversight The power to pass a federal budget

The power to pass a federal budget

The outcome of a conflict between the Constitution and the states is determined by Federalist No. 10 judicial review the elastic clause the supremacy clause

the supremacy clause

Which of the following is the best definition of federalism? A constitutional arrangement by which sovereign states create a limited central government. A loose association of states constitutionally created by a strong central government. A constitutional arrangement by which power is distributed between a central government and state governments. A constitutional arrangement concentrating power in a central government.

A constitutional arrangement by which power is distributed between a central government and state governments.

How can a bill still be passed after it has been vetoed by the president? Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 vote. After "reconsidering" the bill, the sponsoring Congress members have the opportunity to convince the president to retract his veto. The Supreme Court must find the president's veto unconstitutional.

Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 vote.

Under the federal system, the type of federal grant-in-aid that causes states to spend less carefully is the Funding grant Treasury grant Categorical grant Block grant

Block grant

Which of the following ideological perspectives is most consistent with the passage? in Milton Friedman's Free to Choose (there's a whole passage but it won't let me copy and paste and im not typing it) A) Liberal B) Progressive C) Libertarian D) Socialist

C) Libertarian

The Connecticut (Great) Compromise provided for an electoral college and rules for the removal of the president the elimination of the importation of slaves all judicial appointments to be nominated by the president a bicameral legislature with one house's composition based upon state population and another's on equal state representation

a bicameral legislature with one house's composition based upon state population and another's on equal state representation

A nonprofit advocacy group seeks to block an expensive subsidy to what it believes is an environmentally destructive project. Which of the following accurately depicts the free-rider problem in this scenario? A) The public can expect to reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without making any contribution to the nonprofit group B) The public will recognize that the cost of the project greatly outweighs the benefit so they can expect their legislators to vote against the subsidy C) The advocacy group will be able to carry out activities at an unusually low cost because of discounts and tax breaks afforded to nonprofit organizations D) A company can purchase support from certain members of the public who will persuade their legislators to vote in favor of the subsidy.

A) The public can expect to reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without making any contribution to the nonprofit group

The president is most likely to use an executive order to make important policy when A) congress is dominated by the president's party B) A compromise cannot be reached with congress C) the Supreme Court is divided along ideological lines D) A negotiation with foreign heads of state reaches an impasse

B) A compromise cannot be reached with congress

Read the following passage, the answer the question below: "I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colourable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is not power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but is is evidence that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretence for claiming that power." —Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist paper number 84 Which of the following constitutional provisions limits the power of the nationalgovernment in Hamilton's argument? Enumerated powers in Article I Supremacy Clause in Article VI Faithful execution of the laws in Article II Judicial review in Article III

Enumerated powers in Article I

Based on the data shown in the table, which of the following statements is true aboutthe electoral college? It can work against the principle of popular sovereignty when a candidate wins without winning the most votes nationwide. It undermines the rights of states to determine their own method of electing the president. It encourages independents and third-party candidates to run for office. It creates a scenario in which electors frequently do not vote for the candidate they pledge to support.

It can work against the principle of popular sovereignty when a candidate wins without winning the most votes nationwide.

During his confirmation hearing, Chief Justice John Roberts stated that Roe v. Wade (1973) "is the settled law of the land." This statement suggests that in a future case that challenges the constitutionality of legislation restricting privacy and reproductive rights, which of the following should be a key factor in the court's ruling? Briefs submitted by interested parties The consensus of the other justices Contemporary societal norms Reliance on legal precedent

Reliance on legal precedent

Which of the following committees of the House of Representatives sets the conditions for debate and amendment of most legislation? Rules Government Operations Appropriations Ways and Means


Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a case being decided based on precedent? The Supreme Court overturns a lower court decision in a case dealing with voter identification laws. The chief justice of the Supreme Court disagrees with the majority of the other justices and decides to declare a law passed by Congress as unconstitutional. The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the commerce clause on one of its earlier decisions involving the commerce clause. A state passes a law which contradicts federal law, causing the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the federal government.

The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the commerce clause on one of its earlier decisions involving the commerce clause.

Which amendment outlines the process of presidential succession in cases where the president is disabled? Twenty-seventh Twenty-second Seventeenth Twenty-fifth


In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Supreme Court used the power of judicial review established in Marbury v. Madison (1803) to strike down a Georgia state law that regulated the relationship between citizens of Georgia and members of the Cherokee Nation. President Andrew Jackson opposed the decision and famously challenged the Supreme Court to enforce it. As the Supreme Court was not able to enforce the decision, the other branches of government ignored it. This example illustrates which of the following? Congress can prevent Supreme Court decisions from being enforced by appropriating money to the Department of Justice. The president can approve or veto decisions made by the Supreme Court. States have the power to nullify federal laws. Unpopular Supreme Court decisions can be avoided or ignored if other branches refuse to cooperate with the outcomes of those decisions.

Unpopular Supreme Court decisions can be avoided or ignored if other branches refuse to cooperate with the outcomes of those decisions.

Which type of federalism is characterized by a system of separate and distinct state and national governments? combined cooperative pure dual


Which of the following rows accurately compares the enumerated and implied powers of Congress? Enumerated Powers Implied Powers (A) examples include the power to tax, the power to declare war, and the power to regulate interstate commerce powers that come from the Necessary and Proper Clause (B) powers that are not written in the Constitution but are necessary to carry out other constitutional responsibilities powers that are explicitly written in the Constitution (C) examples include the power to command the military and veto legislation examples include the power of the bully pulpit and signing statements (D) powers that are written into the Constitution powers that are implied in the Federalist papers

(A) examples include the power to tax, the power to declare war, and the power to regulate interstate commerce powers that come from the Necessary and Proper Clause

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases? Baker v. Carr (1962) Shaw v. Reno (1993) (A) Congressional districts were challenged under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment/Congressional districts were challenged under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (B) Established the principle that congressional districts within a state should be roughly equal in population/Ruled that drawing congressional districts based on race is unconstitutional (C) Ruled that all instances of gerrymandering are unconstitutional/Established the "one person, one vote" principle (D) Ruled that race can be considered when drawing congressional districts, as long as the goal is to address historical wrongs/Ruled that partisan gerrymandering is not an issue within the Supreme Court's jurisdiction

(B) Established the principle that congressional districts within a state should be roughly equal in population/Ruled that drawing congressional districts based on race is unconstitutional

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of each type of government? Unitary Federalism Confederation (A) A written constitution protects the powers of the federal and state governments The federal government has very few responsibilities States retain most powers (B) The central government holds the power, and decides what state and local governments can and can't do Power is divided between the central government and state governments States are allied together under a weak central government (C) States retain most powers under a weak central government A central government holds all the power The federal and state governments share many powers (D) The powers of the federal and state governments are completely separate, like a layer cake The central government holds the power, and decides what state and local governments can and can't do The powers of the federal and state governments overlap in many areas, like a marble cake

(B) The central government holds the power, and decides what state and local governments can and can't do Power is divided between the central government and state governments States are allied together under a weak central government

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases? McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)United States v. Lopez (1995)(A) Declared an act of CongressunconstitutionalRecognized the importance of state sovereignty and local control(B) Decided that Congress had implied powersRuled that state laws were supreme to national laws(C)Led to an increase in power for the national governmentEstablished limits to Congress' power under the commerce clause(D)Decided that a state had the power to tax a national bankDeclared the Gun-Free School Zones Act unconstitutional

(C)Led to an increase in power for the national governmentEstablished limits to Congress' power under the commerce clause

Photo of map gerrymandering Which of the following is a consequence of the way the district is drawn on the map? A) It will likely lead to a less competitive general election, which could lead to increased partisanship. B) It will likely lead to a highly contentious and competitive election C) It will lead to a seat that will be occupied by a member of a third party. D) It will lead to a very high turnout in the election

A) It will likely lead to a less competitive general election, which could lead to increased partisanship.

Senator Smith votes her conscience on bills that her constituents care little about, but she votes according to the wishes of the majority of her constituents on other bills. Which model of representation do her actions embody? A) The politico model B) The trustee model C) The majoritarian model D) The delegate

A) The politico model

Appointments to the federal judiciary are often contentious for which of the following reasons? A) The House of Representatives can undermine presidential authority by overriding judicial appointments. B) Life terms for federal judges mean that the presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over C) The president selects nominees based on political orientation, while the Senate focuses on the academic credentials of nominees.

B) Life terms for federal judges mean that the presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over

Which of the following is contained in the 14th Amendment and was likely an inspiration for MLKJ's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"? A) The guarantee that citizens have the right to a speedy and public trial regardless of gender, race, or age B) The principle that all people should be equal under the law, as embodied in the equal protection clause C) The guarantee that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, have the right to free speech

B) The principle that all people should be equal under the law, as embodied in the equal protection clause

Which of the following best explains how the views presented in the above passage compare with the views presented in Federalist No. 51regarding separation of powers and checks and balances? The author of the passage views separation of powers as a limitation on the authority of government, whereas Federalist No. 51 argues in favor of using separation of powers as a means to expand the role of government. Both the author of the passage and Federalist No. 51 assert that the structure of government helps control ambitions among the branches in such a way as to promote effective government. The author of the passage above views the structure of government as providing a balance between the branches of government, whereas Federalist No. 51 supports the idea of a powerful executive branch. Both the author of the passage and Federalist No. 51 argue that elections are a sufficient means to ensure good government.

Both the author of the passage and Federalist No. 51 assert that the structure of government helps control ambitions among the branches in such a way as to promote effective government.

Based on previous court rulings, which of the following scenarios would most likely violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment? A) a police officer inspects the contents of a computer hard drive without a warrant B) A mayor refuses to allow an unpopular group to hold a political rally C) A public school system uses race-based segregation D) The federal government passes a law prohibiting assault rifles

C) A public school system uses race-based segregation

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an unconstitutional use of state power? A) A state passes a law that increases the pay of state legislators B) A state enacts a law prohibiting smoking in all public places C) A state places a tax on furniture made overseas. D) A state raises the drinking age to 25 years.

C) A state places a tax on furniture made overseas.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's argument in Milton Friedman's Free to Choose (there's a whole passage but it won't let me copy and paste and im not typing it) A) Equality is not an important outcome in society B) There should be more emphasis on governmental action to achieve equality. C) Undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality. D) Individual freedom and equality are not compatible values.

C) Undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality.

Which of the following accurately compares the formal and informal powers of the president (A)Using a pocket veto to prevent a bill from becoming law/Vetoing legislation to prevent a bill from becoming law (B)Using the bully pulpit to influence public opinions/Appointing ambassadors and receiving diplomats from other nations C)Acting as commander in chief of the military/Signing executive agreements with foreign nations D)Using the power of the purse to support government programs/Using signing statements to shape legislation

C)Acting as commander in chief of the military/Signing executive agreements with foreign nations

Based on previous rulings, the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning which of the following as a right-to-privacy case? A) A university whose admissions standards prevent women from attending the institution B) A person who is licensed to carry a handgun and brings one to a political rally C) A high school student who leaves class at a specified time during each school day for daily prayer D) A woman who is prevented from an abortion

D) A woman who is prevented from an abortion

Which of the following governmental policies would the author most likely support? in Milton Friedman's Free to Choose (there's a whole passage but it won't let me copy and paste and im not typing it) A) Restricting individuals from carrying guns in public B) Requiring individuals traveling in cars to wear seatbelts C)Establishing minimum age requirements to access adult social media sites D) Allowing individuals to purchase marijuana for recreational use

D) Allowing individuals to purchase marijuana for recreational use

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Federalist and Anti-Federalist views on government? Federalist Anti-Federalist(A)Favored a weak central government andstrong state governmentsFavored a strong central government andweak state governments(B)Believed the creation of a bill of rights wasnecessaryBelieved the creation of a bill of rights wasnot necessary(C)Favored the legislative branch having morepower than the executiveFavored increasing the power of thenational judiciary over the states(D) Believed a large republic ensured the bestprotection of individual freedomsBelieved only a small republic could bestensure protection of individual freedoms

D) Believed a large republic ensured the bestprotection of individual freedomsBelieved only a small republic could bestensure protection of individual freedoms

Which of the following is a consequence of candidate-centered campaigns? A) The electoral success of third-party candidates sharply increases. B) Parties tighten their control over candidate fund-raising to ensure compliance with regulations. C) Candidates have less accountability for their positions because the importance of the party platform increases. D) Candidates' ability to appeal to voters can outweigh the importance of experience and policy positions.

D) Candidates' ability to appeal to voters can outweigh the importance of experience and policy positions.

Photo of map gerrymandering Which of the following statements best explains the motivation behind the way in which it is drawn? A) It has been drawn by a political party to group together moderate voters B) It has been draw cooperatively by both political parties to ensure a fair election. C) It has been draw to group together diverse voters to foster highly competitive elections. D) It has likely been drawn to pack together voters who are registered with the same party.

D) It has likely been drawn to pack together voters who are registered with the same party.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the main arguments of the two documents? Federalist No. 10 Brutus No. 1 (A) A small republic will produce more diverse factions, which will compete to produce better policy. The danger of factions can best be controlled by giving decision-making powers to every citizen. (B) The danger of factions can best be controlled by giving power to a central government rather than state governments. Factions will inevitably form unless freedom is limited so that citizens cannot gather with others who have similar goals. (C) Representatives in a large republic will soon be uncontrollable by the people and will use their power for selfish and corrupt purposes. In a small republic, the representatives better understand the needs of their constituents and are less likely to create oppressive public policy. (D) Establishing a republic, rather than a pure democracy, helps protect against the rise of a tyrannical majority in society. In a large republic, the representatives that gather to create policy will have needs and goals so diverse that they will be constantly arguing and will achieve nothing.

Establishing a republic, rather than a pure democracy, helps protect against the rise of a tyrannical majority in society. In a large republic, the representatives that gather to create policy will have needs and goals so diverse that they will be constantly arguing and will achieve nothing.

Which of the following constitutional principles best explains why there is a variation among states on the use of capital punishment? Judicial review Checks and balances Federalism Separation of powers


Members of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Veterans Affairs are concerned about the quality of services at hospitals run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Which of the following is an action the committee can take to address the problem? Impounding funding for veterans hospitals until problems are resolved Holding a hearing and requiring high-level officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to testify Appointing a new secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs Placing a referendum on the ballot in each state to increase health-care funding for veterans

Holding a hearing and requiring high-level officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to testify

The author of Brutus No. 1 argues that which of the following problems will arise with representatives in a large republic? I. They will be distant from their constituents and thus unfamiliar with the needs and desires of those they represent. II. They will soon be uncontrollable by the people and will use their power for selfish and corrupt purposes. III. A small republic will produce more diverse factions, which will compete to produce better policy. IV. The interests they represent are so diverse that they will be constantly arguing and will achieve nothing. I, II, and IV II and IV I and III II, III, and IV

I, II, and IV

The data in the graph best illustrate which of the following common criticisms of the electoral college? Individuals in small-population states have a greater impact on the electoral college than individuals in large-population states. Small states have fewer electoral votes than large states and therefore have no impact on presidential elections. Candidates from states with a large number of electoral votes have a major advantage in the electoral college. Smaller states have more electoral votes than larger states, which distorts the popular vote. Small states have fewer electoral votes than large states and therefore have no impact on presidential elections. Candidates from states with a large number of electoral votes have a major advantage in the electoral college. Smaller states have more electoral votes than larger states, which distorts the popular vote.

Individuals in small-population states have a greater impact on the electoral college than individuals in large-population states.

The map shows the outline of a congressional district. Which of the followingstatements best explains the motivation behind the way in which it is drawn? It has been drawn by a political party to group together moderate voters. It has been drawn to group together diverse voters to foster highly competitive elections. It has likely been drawn to pack together voters who are registered with the same party. It has been drawn cooperatively by both political parties to ensure a fair election.

It has likely been drawn to pack together voters who are registered with the same party.

Which of the following is a consequence of the way the district is drawn on the map? It will lead to very high turnout in the election. It will likely lead to a highly contentious and competitive election. It will lead to a seat that will be occupied by a member of a third party. It will likely lead to a less competitive general election, which could lead to increased partisanship.

It will likely lead to a less competitive general election, which could lead to increased partisanship.

The primary power of the judicial branch allows it to Review the constitutionality of actions by the other branches and possibly strike them down Put the President or a member of Congress on trial for misconduct Create policy limiting the impact of actions taken by the President and Congress Analyze the actions of the President and of Congress

Review the constitutionality of actions by the other branches and possibly strike them down

Read the following passage, the answer the question below: "I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colourable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is not power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but is is evidence that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretence for claiming that power." —Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist paper number 84 Based on the text, which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with? The Bill of Rights could potentially be used to limit citizens' freedoms. The media ought to be held accountable for publishing untrue information about public figures. The amendment process would create confusion about the meaning of the United States Constitution.

The Bill of Rights could potentially be used to limit citizens' freedoms.

Which of the following did the Supreme Court establish in Marbury v. Madison? The Constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the House of Representatives. All the powers that are not explicitly given by the Constitution to Congress belong to the states. The Supreme Court can declare federal legislation invalid if the legislation violates the Constitution. Each state has the right to set up and run its own court system.

The Supreme Court can declare federal legislation invalid if the legislation violates the Constitution.

The procedure for formally amending the United States Constitution best illustrates which of the following? The U.S. government's system of federalism The Founding Fathers' desire to facilitate rapid constitutional revisions The dominance of the national government over the state governments The dominance of the state governments over the national government

The U.S. government's system of federalism

What process must a bill go through before it is sent to the President to be signed into law (or vetoed)? The bill must be marked up in committee then voted on in the floor debate in both the House and the Senate. The bill must be marked up in committee in the House, then voted on in the floor debate in the Senate. The bill must be pigeonholed by committees in the House and the Senate. The bill must be debated on the Senate floor, then amended by a conference committee.

The bill must be marked up in committee then voted on in the floor debate in both the House and the Senate.

"We are unanimously of the opinion, that the law passed by the legislature of Maryland, imposing a tax on the Bank of the United States, is unconstitutional and void...This is a tax on the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union to carry its powers into execution. Such a tax must be unconstitutional..." Which of the following resulted from this Supreme Court decision? Congress was given the power to coin money. Congress alone was given the power to charter banks. The power of the Supreme Court was weakened. The power of the national government was strengthened.

The power of the national government was strengthened.

Which of the following represents a reason that a president might use a signing statement to express displeasure with a bill as opposed to issuing a veto? Congress has severely curtailed the power of the president to withhold funds for bills that have been adopted. The president may have objections to provisions of a bill but does not want to risk Congress overriding a veto. The president wants to ensure executive agencies do not spend the money appropriated by Congress. The Supreme Court is hesitant to acknowledge the president's power to veto legislation.

The president may have objections to provisions of a bill but does not want to risk Congress overriding a veto.

Which of the following is true of most federal judges appointed by the president? They serve for life on good behavior unless removed by the president. They serve for life on good behavior unless impeached and convicted by Congress. They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. They serve ten-year terms.

They serve for life on good behavior unless impeached and convicted by Congress.

In The Federalist 70, Alexander Hamilton states that "energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government." In this statement, Hamilton is arguing in favor of the need for an electoral college in the selection of the president a president who is youthful and assertive a single executive who can respond quickly to crises a president who has a good understanding of public policy

a single executive who can respond quickly to crises

Use the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence to answer this question: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." This passage of the Declaration provides a foundation for popular sovereignty in American government by... listing all the freedoms that the people will agree give up in exchange for government protection. affirming the right of the people to disobey and end a government they have not agreed to and that does not recognize their rights. listing the tyrannical tendencies of the king so that he knows what behavior must change. declaring that all citizens have the right to own property, and a government which fails to protect this right must be abolished.

affirming the right of the people to disobey and end a government they have not agreed to and that does not recognize their rights.

The president can issue ________ to agencies, which carry the force of laws. initiatives appointments implementations executive orders

executive orders

The person who currently holds a position that is up for re-election is called the incumbent challenger politician


Those who believe that the Supreme Court in its rulings should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating judicial activism judicial restraint textualism Living Constitution

judicial restraint

The Three-Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention established the percentage of votes necessary for electors to be chosen under the original provisions of the Electoral College system. prescribe the proportion of states required to ratify a constitutional amendment. established the percentage of members of the House required to pass a bill raising revenue. provided a formula by which slaves would be counted for apportioning the House of Representatives

provided a formula by which slaves would be counted for apportioning the House of Representatives

In general, independent regulatory commissions are created primarily for the purpose of proposing policy alternatives during periods of crisis regulating certain industries to protect the public interest supporting and helping cabinet-level departments regulating the activities of other bureaucratic agencies to ensure that they act in a fair and objective manner

regulating certain industries to protect the public interest

What does the Twenty-Second Amendment do? requires the president to be a resident of the United States for two years requires that presidents serve only two terms requires the president to be at least thirty-five years old requires that presidents are natural born citizens

requires that presidents serve only two terms

Presidents today may use ____________________ to note parts of a law they disagree with or find unconstitutional. signing statements executive orders line-item vetoes senatorial courtesy

signing statements

What was intended to give Congress a greater voice in the introduction of American troops into hostilities? the Twenty-Fifth Amendment the Twenty-Second Amendment the War Powers Resolution

the War Powers Resolution

The word bureaucracy refers to ________. any organization engaged in attempting to influence the government the departments and agencies responsible for implementing the law any group of officials who act as intermediaries between citizens and government any inefficient set of processes or structures

the departments and agencies responsible for implementing the law

The Constitution differs from the Declaration of Independence in that it does not focus on ________________, but rather on ________________. the division of power in a federal system; the grievances of colonists' against Britain the danger of factions; the reduction of state government authority the individual rights of the governed; the structure and function of the government how to elect representatives to the legislature; the benefits of separating government power among three branches

the individual rights of the governed; the structure and function of the government

All of the following issues were decided at the national level and written into the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention EXCEPT representation in the legislature method of electing the President qualifications for members of the House and Senate voting qualifications of the electorate

voting qualifications of the electorate

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