Government Chapter 7

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What method of campaigning is the largest expenditure in a campaign budget?

Television ads

Define a Political Action Committee

The political extension of special interest groups which have a major stake in public policy. They raise funds, "non-connected committees are established, and Courts ruling in Citizens United

Currently, what is the nominating method used in most states?

direct primaries

Describe the differences between hard and soft money

hard money: Contributions that are given directly to candidates for their campaigns for Congress or the White House, are limited and must be reported. soft money: funds given to parties or to other political organizations, in unlimited amounts, to be used for such "party-building activities" such as voter registration or campaigns.

Define a open primary and caucus (essay)

open primary- nomination held for any registered voter despite their party caucus- a group of likeminded people who meet to select a candidate they will support in an upcoming election

Describe the differences between an open and closed primary.

open: held for any registered voter despite their party closed: held only for the people of the party being elected

Define a precinct and a polling place

precincts- smallest geographical unit for conduct of election, voting district polling places- voters who line in a precinct actually vote at a polling place

In which type of election is there the most campaign spending?

presidential election

Define nomination

the naming of those who will seek office. (self-announcement, caucus convention, direct primary, petition)

Describe the FEC. In which type of election does the FEC have the power to regulate the use of money?

-an independent agency in an executive branch and has 6 members who are appointed by the president -funded with public tax dollars -they regulate campaign finance in federal elections

Describe the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

-replaces all lever operated and punch card voting devices by 2006 -Upgraded their administration of elections especially through better training of local election officials -Centralize and computerize voter registration systems, helps to fraudulent voting -Provide for provisional voting - vote that is challenging can still be cast and counted if found to be ok

Describe a caucus

A group of likeminded people who meet to select a candidate that they support in the upcoming election.

describe the 2000 presidential election.

Bush vs. Gore, In a tight presidential election, they ruled Florida in favor of Gore when not all votes were casted. The supreme Court extended a recount under the 14th amendment. They then concluded Bush as the new president. Bush (R) Gore (D)

describe the ruling of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision

Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission ruled in a 5-4 decision to allow corporations and unions to use their general treasuries to pay for political advertisements that expressly call for the election or defeat of a candidate or independent expenders, limits the amount of money people can directly give to a candidate

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