Government Exam through Quizzes

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In the United States, at what age are citizens allowed to vote?


Who was responsible for initially questioning the effectiveness of affirmative action?

Allan Bakke

A Supreme Court justice who does not support the Court's verdict may write a


Why did the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise involve so much debate and discussion at the Constitutional Convention?

Each state was most concerned for its own interests and needs.

In an autocracy, what kind of power does the leader hold?

He holds all the power.

Do news entities provide only the facts? Why or why not?

No, news entities offer opinions, debate, and interpretations of events.

The process of approving the Constitution is best described as


The New Jersey Plan supported the idea of

equal representation.

The introduction of an informative essay should

offer a clear statement that describes what the essay will discuss.

What is the purpose of a political party? Select all that apply.

to gain political power to help promote shared principles and political ideology to endorse candidates who support a specific political philosophy

Jurisdiction gives federal courts the authority

to hear certain kinds of cases.

Compared with the executive and legislative branches, the main purpose of the judicial branch is

to interpret laws.

Read this sentence from an informative essay. After the Civil War, the amount of counterfeit money in circulation was a big problem for the government. The sources for this fact are an article entitled "Know Your Money" from the US Secret Service website and an encyclopedia article entitled "United States Secret Service" by Michael Ray. How should the sources be listed in a parenthetical citation?

(Know Your Money; Ray)

As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in


Look at the information in this bar graph. Based on this graph, what conclusion can someone draw?

2008 and 2012 were presidential election years.

How many members are there in the House of Representatives?


Which would the SEC most likely penalize for violating a regulation?

A bank

Which statement about the lawmaking process is accurate?

A bill can have a second chance after a veto.

The main purpose of a political campaign is either to get an issue passed or

A candidate elected

Read the excerpt from the US Constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting . . . religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Which example violates this portion of Amendment I?

A governor declares a new state religion.

Which scenario is allowed under the free-exercise clause?

A parent leads a prayer in a public park.

What is the best definition of a resident alien?

A resident alien is a person who lives in a country but is not a citizen of that country.

When the Supreme Court rules on a case, how many "agree" votes are needed to reach a verdict?

A simple majority is needed.

A dispute over a contract between two people in the same city would most likely be heard first in

A state trial court

The branches of state government are established by

A state's constitution

Which establishes the duties and responsibilities of state government?

A state's constitution

Which group was most affected by the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment?

African American males of voting age

In 1868, what was the most important reason to include the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment?

African Americans were not protected under the law.

Which statement best explains the Privileges and Immunities clause of Article IV of the Constitution?

All Americans have the same basic rights, no matter what state they live in or travel to.

In a direct democracy, who votes on government policy?

All citizens

Which of these statements accurately describes the Fifth Amendment?

All citizens are entitled to due process.

If the government under the Articles of Confederation was so ineffective, why were there no changes made to improve it?

All the states had to agree in order to pass an amendment to the Articles.

What factor do Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education, and Regents of California v. Bakke have in common?

All three cases went to the Supreme Court for ruling.

Why is NATO still relevant today?

Allied nations should always be ready to respond to threats.

Which event must take place first in order for the appeals process to take place?

An individual is found guilty during a trial.

Under which jurisdiction would further review of a federal court decision fall under?


Which of the following is the best argument for practicing internationalism in national security policy?

Bolstering Trade

How are the Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade cases similar?

Both challenged the constitutionality of state laws.

Which position, appointed by the president, advises the president on matters of national defense?

Cabinet Member

A meeting of party members to choose a nominee through debate is called a


The biggest reason the United States was criticized for sending military aid to Central America in the 1980s was

Central American countries were not democratic.

Which of the following would be the most immediate effect of sanctions on a country?

Citizens are unable to buy needed goods.

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy?

Citizens elect leaders who vote on the issues in a representative democracy, and citizens vote on the issues in a direct democracy.

Which pair of statements best compares the rights and requirements of US citizens?

Citizens have certain rights such as freedom of speech. Citizens also have certain requirements such as the need to obey laws.

The basic freedoms that are guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution are called

Civil Liberties

are the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights that cannot be taken away by law.

Civil Liberties

Which type of rights ensure equal treatment under the law?

Civil Rights

States mainly raise revenue by

Collecting taxes from citizens

Which statement about communism is the most accurate?

Communism gives control to party leaders.

Powers shared by the federal government and state governments are known as _______________.

Concurrent Powers

If a security threat is deemed drastic enough to declare war, which of the following is able to make that declaration?


Amendments to the Constitution can be proposed by

Congress and state legislatures

Read the excerpt from the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. This Fourteenth Amendment clause means that

Congress has the authority to make laws to apply the amendment.

What did Anti-Federalists fear would happen if the Constitution became law?

Congress would have too much power over states.

Read Justice John Paul Stevens's dissenting opinion in the Citizens United case. At bottom, the Court's opinion is thus a rejection of the common sense of the American people, who have recognized a need to prevent corporations from undermining self government since the founding, and who have fought against the distinctive corrupting potential of corporate electioneering since the days of Theodore Roosevelt. -Justice Stevens Dissenting Opinion Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission What does Justice Stevens say about the Court's ruling?

Corporate money will make elections less likely to reflect the public will.

Which of the following is the best example of a sanction?

Country A enacts trade restrictions against country B.

What was the impact of the Griswold v. Connecticut ruling?

Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private.

Which task is part of the president's role as commander in chief?

Deploying Troops

In multilateral interactions with other countries, the United States would most likely first attempt __________ as a national security strategy.


__________ involves countries negotiating with each other to settle their differences.


The graph compares support for candidates among prospective Hispanic voters leading up to the 2008 presidential election. This graph demonstrates the influence of on political ideology.


The executive branch under the president, including the cabinet, is called the

Federal Bureaucracy

is the governmental body that regulates political action committees (PACs).

Federal Election Committee

What do most left-wing voters tend to believe? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.

Federal regulation can protect citizens from corporate greed. The government may need to have a broad role within society. Social Security and other programs have helped improve society.

The division and sharing of power between state and national governments is the principle of


Which amendment to the Constitution gives people the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances?

First Amendment

Women who are strong supporters of women's rights are more likely to vote for a candidate who

Follows a liberal ideology

Which combination would the president most likely use to convince Congress to pass an economic stimulus bill?

Formal and Informal powers

According to the Constitution, the amount of time the president and vice president serve in office together for one term is

Four years

The final competition for elective office is called the

General election

Which best summarizes the social contract outlined in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence?

Government has the power to protect natural rights, but people can change their government if it fails to do so.

An oligarchy is best defined as

Government ruled by a small elite group

Which is an example of the difference between a responsibility and a duty of a US citizen who is an 18-year-old male?

He has a responsibility to vote and a duty to register for selective service.

Which best describes Patrick Henry?

He was an Anti-Federalist and opposed the Constitution.

Why is Fidel Castro an important historical figure?

He was the leader of Cuba's communist revolution.

A Democrat can vote in a Republican primary in states that

Hold open primaries

What idea was the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut based upon?

If the Constitution forbids unreasonable searches, there must be a reasonable right to privacy.

The Necessary and Proper Clause in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress ___________ powers.


What is the main difference between federal and confederal systems of government?

In a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.

American citizens must pay federal taxes, which are paid via

Income Taxes

Which statement about independent executive agencies is most accurate?

Independent executive agencies have a narrow focus.

Choosing to engage in military action to assist another country is an example of


Why did William Marbury most likely support the Judiciary Act of 1789?

It allowed Marbury to take his case to the Supreme Court.

What role does the House of Representative have in the impeachment process?

It brings charges against an official to remove the person from office.

What was the purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1789?

It created a federal court system.

Which statement about federalism is accurate?

It divides power between state and national governments.

What is true of a non-denominational activity?

It does not support a specific religion.

Why does Tinker v. Des Moines remain an important precedent-setting case?

It established speech rights for students.

Which is generally true of the lower house in a state legislative branch?

It has more members than the Senate.

Which is the best explanation for why media coverage of elections's important?

It is most people's only source of information on the issues and candidates.

What statement about the Necessary and Proper Clause is accurate?

It is the source of implied powers.

Why has social media affected political campaigns?

It is usually a quick and effective form of mass communication.

Which statement about the Great Compromise is accurate?

It merged the ideas of multiple delegates' plans.

Which best describes why making political allies is a key strategy for lobbyists?

It places more pressure on lawmakers to vote a certain way.

How did the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson affect the legalities of segregation?

It set "separate but equal" as a legal precedent.

What was the social impact of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

It strengthened the growing civil rights movement.

A school district in California held its graduation at a local church. Which statement best explains whether this action violated the establishment clause, and why?

It violated the establishment clause because it held a school function at a denominational church, which demonstrates support for a specific religion.

Which best describes the purpose of the Second Continental Congress?

It was the group of leaders who worked to create the Declaration of Independence.

Which statement correctly describes the Senate?

It's the upper chamber of Congress and has one hundred members.

State laws passed primarily in Southern states to restrict the voting rights of African Americans after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment came to be known collectively as

Jim Crow laws.

Read the verdict of the court in the case of Texas v. Johnson. [T]he Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. Which sentence best summarizes the verdict?

Just because an idea is offensive does not mean it can be prohibited.

Knowingly making a false statement in print about someone else is known as


How does lobbying negatively affect government?

Lobbying creates opportunities for corruption.

When Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, "A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn," what was he essentially stating?

Low self-esteem can have a negative impact on grades.

Whose power in the Senate is equal to the power of the Speaker of the House?

Majority Leader

How does modern-day Cuba an effect of national security policies against Cuba?

Modern American cars are not available due to trade restrictions.

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), William Furman appealed his death sentence for


Civil liberties are related to which fundamental kind of rights?

Natural Rights

How many of the thirteen states needed to approve a law before it could be passed, under the Articles of Confederation?


Why was it very difficult to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?

Nine of the states had to agree before a law was passed.

Read the scenario. An American journalist is being held in a foreign prison. The president is meeting with his administration to determine what to do. The president says, "I approve the use of $500,000 in defense funds to secure the release of the journalist and to ensure his safe return to the United States." Is the president able to make this declaration?

No because Congress needs to vote on foreign policy spending.

Was the Declaration of Independence intended to be a formal declaration of war? Why or why not?

No. The war started a year before the Declaration of Independence was written.

Look at the bar graph. What is the most accurate conclusion someone can draw from this graph?

Older women vote in higher percentages than younger men.

The Stolen Valor Act dealt with lies that were told about


In a closed primary, who selects a political party's nominees for office?

Only part members

The role of a campaign manager is to

Oversee a campaign organization

Which of these are true of political action committees (PACs) but not of interest groups? Select all that apply.

PACs provide financial support to political campaigns. PACs are regulated by the Federal Election Commission.

Read the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Which statement best summarizes the intent of the Eighth Amendment?

People accused of crimes have specific constitutional protections.

Read the excerpt from the Centinel. This hypothesis [separation of powers] supposes human wisdom competent [capable] to the task of instituting three co-equal orders in government...If such an organization of power were practicable [able to be used], how long would it continue? Not a day. —Centinel What is the Centinel's view of the three-party system?

People could not create a fair system with three separate powers.

What is an example of a civil service job?

Police Officer

Powerful and influential groups called _____________ committees have arisen to finance political campaigns, mostly on a national level.

Political Action

As commander in chief, the ____________ leads the armed forces.


Read the quote from President Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography. My view was that every executive officer . . . was a steward of the people. . . . I declined to adopt the view that what was imperatively necessary for the nation could not be done by the president unless he could find some specific authorization to do so. What did President Roosevelt believe about the powers of the president?

Presidential power can extend beyond the Constitution when it is best for the nation.

What is the difference between the responsibilities and the duties of US citizens?

Responsibilities are tasks that are expected of citizens, while duties are tasks that are required of citizens by law.

Read this outline for an informative essay about the role of the Food and Drug Administration. I. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) educates the public about food. A. The information the FDA provides helps consumers stay safe. B. The FDA educates consumers in different ways. II. The FDA labels processed foods. A. FDA labels identify the ingredients used to make products. B. FDA labels explain the nutrition content of food. C. FDA labels explain if the product might harm people who have allergies. III. The FDA warns the public about harmful food. A. The FDA issues a warning when a foodborne illness breaks out. B. The FDA tells consumers which foods to avoid. C. The FDA tells consumers what to do if they get sick. IV. The American public relies on the information the FDA provides. A. The FDA labels food and issues warnings about foodborne illnesses. B. This information helps protect consumers from harmful food. Which section of the outline is the conclusion?

Section IV

Which of these statements was implied by the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

Segregation could lead to feelings of inferiority.

Which describes a difference between the duties of House members and the duties of Senate members?

Senate members represent state interests while House members represent district interests.

Read the scenario. A woman is accused of a crime. She says that she was nowhere near the scene of the crime. Her friends who were with her at the time are afraid they will be accused as well, so they refuse to appear in court as witnesses. According to the Sixth Amendment, what can the woman do to support her court case?

She can require the witnesses to testify.

A landlord who sues a tenant for unpaid rent would most likely take the case to

Small claims court

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. -Constitution of the United States Article IV, Section 1 Which best explains the Full Faith and Credit clause within Article IV?

States must recognize all legal documents issued by another state, such as a driver's licence.

Look at the table, which shows that while some states allow same-day voter registration, others do not. What conclusion can best be drawn from the information in the table?

States with same-day registration had a higher voter turnout than states without same-day registration.

Why did the US Supreme Court rule against the state of Tennessee in Baker v. Carr?

Tennessee had not redistricted since 1901, keeping rural districts in power.

Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced with the Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation did not give strong power to the federal government.

If Chris is on trial and does not want to testify in court, which amendment protects her from testifying?

The Fifth Amendment

If the police arrive at Larry's office without probable cause or a warrant and demand to search the premises, which amendment protects him from this type of search?

The Fourth Amendment

Which group or individual within the Senate has the most power over what legislation is put on the agenda and whether it is passed?

The Majority Party

The leader of the Senate is the

The Majority Party Leader

Which amendment protects unenumerated rights such as voting rights?

The Ninth Amendment

Which is a true statement about the Privileges and Immunities Clause?

The Privileges and Immunities Clause deals with shared rights for citizens.

To become leaders of the executive bureaucracy, cabinet members are approved by

The Senate

Which best explains how the Senate affects the powers of the president?

The Senate must approve many presidential actions.

What is the hierarchy in the structure of the House?

The Speaker is at the top, and the members are at the bottom.

In the House, who has the power to lead the majority party caucus and control the agenda?

The Speaker of the House

How does the Tenth Amendment differ from the rest of the amendments in the Bill of Rights?

The Tenth Amendment reserves the rights of the states, whereas the others only reserve the rights of the people.

Which of the following is a domestic influence on foreign policy?

The US dollar rapidly declines in value.

In the American colonies, which document called for religious freedom and helped to create aspects of the First Amendment?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

For a piece of legislation to proceed to the Senate, it needs a certain number of votes. Whose job is it to organize votes by members within each party?

The Whip

What happens first when a bill is introduced in the House?

The bill is assigned to a committee, who looks into it and recommends changes.

Which of these is the next step in the lawmaking process after a bill is drafted?

The bill is introduced in Congress.

Why was freedom of religion added to the First Amendment?

The colonists suffered unfair treatment for their religious beliefs in the past.

Based on the foundations of federalism, why might health care continue to be a deeply debated issue?

The debate is over whether the issue should be under federal or state control.

Which statement best explains why the Tenth Amendment reserves some rights and powers to the states?

The framers believed in the principle of federalism.

Which statement best explains why Article III of the Constitution gives Congress the ability to create lower courts inferior to the Supreme Court "from time to time"?

The framers of the Constitution believed that as the country grew, more courts would be needed to meet its needs.

Based on the Schenck v. United States case, when might it be acceptable for the government to restrict information released by the press?

The government can only restrict information that could present an immediate threat to security or the public.

Which statement is true regarding the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

The government mandated that all youth over 18 were granted the right to vote.

Which statement best describes the media's role in informing the public on government affairs?

The media presents information, allowing the public to stay informed about current and proposed laws.

What is the first step in selecting US citizens to serve as members of a jury?

The names of possible jurors are chosen at random.

What was the national government's biggest concern if facing a war, under the Articles of Confederation?

The national government had no national military.

Read the preamble to the Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. According to the preamble, where does the power of government come from?

The people

In Engel v. Vitale, why did the courts rule that prayer in schools was unconstitutional?

The prayer was considered a religious activity.

Which best explains how the president selects a justice for the Supreme Court?

The president selects a judge whom he considers the most qualified and will most likely support his agenda.

Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff?

The president uses mass media to gain support for policies.

Which explains how mass media has changed the role of the presidency?

The president uses mass media to speak to people all over the world.

Which of the following is the best example of a tool used by the modern presidency to gain public support for his or her policy agenda?

The president uses mass media to support his policy agenda.

How might the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland make future Supreme Court decisions more complicated?

The principle of implied powers meant the Court might spend more time interpreting the Constitution rather than simply following it to the letter.

According to the Supreme Court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina?

The protestors supported an unpopular view.

What was the most significant result of the ruling in Marbury v. Madison?

The ruling determined that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional.

Read this excerpt from the body paragraphs of an informative essay. The Secret Service guards government leaders and protects money. The agency also investigates financial crimes. How could this excerpt be improved as the writer revises the essay?

The writer could include more details and factual support.

What led to the formation of political parties?

The writers of the Constitution disagreed on ideology.

What was the Federalists' view of the Constitution?

They approved of the Constitution.

They are elected within each party.

They are elected within each party.

How might opinion polls negatively affect voter behaviors?

They can motivate people to not vote.

Which best describes the impact of independent agencies on the executive branch?

They cause the executive branch to influence many aspects of life in the United States.

What is one effective strategy used by political campaigns?

They communicate information to the public about the candidate or issue.

Which statement describes joint committees?

They contain members from both major political parties.

Which statement is true about joint committees?

They contain members of both major political parties.

Why are third parties important in a political system?

They draw votes away from each party.

Which statement about the northern states in the 1780s is accurate?

They generally had less enslaved labor than the southern states.

Which are characteristics of nongovernmental organizations? Check all that apply.

They have volunteer workers. They function in multiple countries. They focus on humanitarian, environmental, and economic programs.

Which best describes why candidates and politicians use the Internet?

They must use the same media that citizens use.

What happens when voters are out of state on Election Day?

They must vote using an absentee ballot.

Which explains why Supreme Court justices are given lifetime appointments?

They protect justices from political pressure.

How do politicians most use the media to win elections and to perform better as policymakers?

They use the media to share their ideas and to sell their political messages and ideas to voters.

Why were taxes an ongoing source of conflict for the American colonists?

They were taxed without having representation in Parliament.

What is the purpose of checks and balances in the Constitution?

They would keep any one branch from having too much power.

As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts

Thomas Paine published Common Sense.

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution?


Read the quotation from the Declaration of Independence. "For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world." Which reason best explains why this grievance was included in the Declaration?

Trade focused on generating income for the Crown only.

Which piece of legislation increased the number of demographics eligible to vote by decreasing the required voting age to 18?

Twenty-sixth Amendment

Every __________ one-third of all Senate seats are up for election.

Two Years

Under the Articles of Confederation, if Virginia had ten thousand citizens and Delaware had five thousand citizens, how many votes would each state have in the legislature?

Virginia would have one, and Delaware would have one.

Look at the bar graph. Which would be the best title for this graph?

Voter Turnout, 2006-2012

Which of these was not a key difference between Northern and Southern states at the Constitutional Convention?

Wanting to protect states' interests vs. a government with strict rules

Freedom of speech can be limited or restricted in cases involving

Wartime actions

A man walking down the street appears to have an illegal weapon. What can a police officer do?

With reasonable cause, the officer can stop this individual and frisk him

Which statement best represents a result of the Nineteenth Amendment?

Women have been elected to government offices.

Nikita is upset that Amit scored higher on the ACT than she did. She decides to start telling people that she saw Amit go back and fill in answers on the test after time was called, making him out to be a cheater. Does Amit have a legal case against Nikita?

Yes, because Nikita is trying to defame Amit.

Read this citation for an informative essay. Davis, Victoria. Joining the Secret Service. Washington, D.C.: Free Print Press, 2013. This citation is for

a book.

Which would most likely fall under the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

a case between two states

What is a PAC?

a committee that provides support for a candidate

Central and state governments influence each other in

a federal system.

What is the best definition of bicameral?

a government made up of two parts or houses

Which best describes a political party?

a group with similar beliefs about government

What kind of person is most likely to hold a left-wing political ideology?

a liberal

Read this prompt for an informative essay. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides a number of services to the American public. These services protect consumers from harmful food, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals. Choose one of the services the FDA performs to discuss in an informative essay. Do outside research and write an essay about this service and the manner in which the agency provides this service to the public. What will be the topic of the essay?

a service provided by the FDA

The fact that there was no national military under the Articles of Confederation was a weakness in which area of government?


A delegate proposes amending the Articles of Confederation. How many states would have to agree in order for the amendment to pass?

all of them

Which process does Article V of the Constitution describe?

amending the Constitution

What type of writing educates readers about a topic?

an Informative Essay

Read the Oath of Allegiance of the United States. I hereby declare, on oath . . . that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms [weapons] on behalf of the United States when required by the law . . . so help me God. This oath is recited by

an immigrant who wants to become a US citizen.

A losing party in a federal trial court can

appeal to a higher federal court.

Accused persons have the right to request a witness to

appear in court.

In addition to the Supreme Court, the federal court system includes

appellate and trial courts.

Which steps make up the judicial process in the federal court system?

assigning jurisdiction, making a decision, appealing the case

Liberalism could best be described as a political ideology that

assumes government exists in order to improve society.

If the government wants to take land to build a highway, the Fifth Amendment says that the affected property owners must

be compensated for the land.

Why were some framers in favor of incorporating the Bill of Rights?

because then the Bill of Rights would cover both state and federal law

A qualification for president under Article II of the Constitution is

being born in the United States.

Members of military families who support a strong national defense are more likely to vote for a candidate who

belongs to the Republican Party.

How does the Speaker exercise power over a committee?

by appointing the chair and a majority of the members

Which of these is a way in which politicians, particularly on the state and national level, would most likely interact with citizens online?

by connecting on social media

How can the Senate limit the power of the House?

by not approving the House's bills

Which is the most likely way that a governor would raise revenue for a new state education program?

by proposing that the state legislature fund it in the budget

How does a monarch typically take power?

by taking over when the previous monarch dies or retires

A person who is not satisfied with an appellate court's decision

can take the case to a higher court.

The Fifth Amendment protects citizens against self-incrimination, which means that citizens

cannot be forced to testify against themselves.

Which best describes what social interest groups generally promote?

causes and values important to a community

The selection of federal judges by the executive branch is an example of

checks and balances.

When the Supreme Court makes a ruling on a case that serves to interpret a law passed by Congress, it is an example of

checks and balances.

What is another name for the governor of a state?

chief executive

US District Courts hear federal cases involving

civil and criminal issues.

One example of a civic responsibility that is not a requirement is

clearing litter from the street.

Which of these is considered a concurrent power?

collecting taxes

Article II of the Constitution states that the president is also

commander in chief.

When a Constitutional Amendment is ________ it is interpreted.


Read the following scenario. Jacob Smith is an African-American man in his fifties. He heads to a local restaurant for dinner and is told by the hostess that he is going to have to sit on "that side" of the establishment, as she gestures to a part of the restaurant where only other African-Americans are sitting. Mr. Smith feels offended and leaves the restaurant. Based on passage of the Civil Rights Act, what is Mr. Smith's best recourse?

contacting the Justice Department about a potential discrimination lawsuit.

Laws are passed to regulate the funding of political campaigns in an effort to ensure that

corporations and the wealthy cannot donate an excessive amount.

In Duckworth v. Eagan (1988), the Supreme Court held that the police

could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message.

According to Anti-Federalists, the Constitution

could give the president too much influence.

Congress has the expressed financial power to

create and collect new taxes.

The impact of Furman v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to

create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.

Which of these actions is forbidden by the Constitution?

creating a law ex post facto

Which of these powers is considered an implied power?

creating a national bank

What is considered the most important power Congress holds?

creating laws

What impact was affirmative action designed to have?

creating quotas for minority admissions or hiring

Which is an example of an expressed power Congress holds?

declaring war and maintaining a military

A man is sentenced to five years in prison for walking across his neighbor's lawn. In this example, we can say that the punishment is

disproportionate to the crime.

In addition to protection against self-incrimination, the Fifth Amendment ensures that people have

double jeopardy and grand jury rights.

Which responsibilities were assigned to the central government under the Articles of Confederation?

drawing up treaties

Which action would be considered an act of civil disobedience?

engaging in a sit-in, in which African Americans stay at a segregated business

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), the Supreme Court ruled in William Furman's favor, saying that Georgia had

established unclear standards for applying the death penalty.

A principal who leads a prayer at a graduation violates the First Amendment's

establishment clause.

Read this excerpt from the body paragraphs of an informative essay. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues a warning when a foodborne illness breaks out. The agency informs the public about foods to avoid on their website and in public statements. The FDA also tells consumers what to do if they become sick. Which detail would provide helpful, factual support to this excerpt?

examples of foodborne illnesses

Declaring war and coining money are considered

expressed powers

The freedoms in the First Amendment are collectively known as the freedom of


Which is a component of the modern Democratic Party's platform?

extending the role of government into industries that have been traditionally private, like healthcare

Read the excerpt from the Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 8. [Congress shall have power] to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. This excerpt reinforces the idea of

federal supremacy.

Debates are an important part of the election process, because they

focus on specific issues.

In a state's judicial branch, the supreme court hears appeals

from lower courts.

The body paragraphs of an informative essay should

give clear examples, offer supporting details, and cite all sources.

Which is an example of a presidential power that has no clear limitation?

granting pardons

James McCulloch most likely supported the idea that Congress could create banks because

he didn't want to pay state taxes on his bank.

The purpose of the office of the president is to

help run the government.

Which is the best definition of "supremacy"?

highest authority

According to the Federal Election Commission, what is one action that a national party committee must perform?

hold a national convention

Under which circumstances would protesters' right to assembly most likely be protected?

if protesters were marching on the statehouse in favor of marriage for all

Under what circumstances would the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines be deemed unprotected speech?

if their action had clearly threatened order and safety

In which ways can voters cast ballots? Check all that apply.

in person online by absentee ballot by mail

The Sixth Amendment states that someone accused of a crime must go to trial

in the state and area where the crime took place.

Which type of rights did the colonists who drafted the Declaration of Independence most want to protect?


To show how a new body paragraph relates to a previous topic, a writer should

include an effective transition.

Which had the greatest influence in prompting the Second Continental Congress to declare independence?

increased open public support for independence

What were affirmative action programs originally designed to encourage?

increasing diversity in public institutions and businesses

A sovereign group is one that is


Nongovernmental organizations operate

independent government

In the fictional Stolen Valor Act case of US v. Fields, the prosecution argued that Fields's lie was


Political action committees (PACs) are formed by

interest groups.

An implied power is one that

is suggested by the Constitution, but not specifically stated.

A result of the amendment process is that

it requires Congress and the states to work together.

A warrant, which specifies the location that can be searched and exactly what can be legally seized, must be issued by a


To which branch of the federal government did the National Rifle Association submit its brief in support of super PACs in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?


Lobbyists are required to follow strict

legal and ethical standards.

The publication of false and damaging information about a person is referred to as


The Democratic-Republican Party was based on the idea that the central government of a country should be____________ .


The idea that government is not above the law is an example of

limited government.

The Voting Rights Act ended

literacy tests.

Which two types of courts are found in a state's judicial branch?

local and appellate

Read the excerpt from the preamble to the Constitution. Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare. According to the excerpt, the responsibility of government is to

maintain internal peace, and support citizens and protect them from foreign threats.

Which part of a court ruling will be cited as precedent in future cases?

majority opinion

The enforcement clause of the Fourteenth Amendment states that Congress has the authority to

make laws to apply the amendment.

A state's legislative branch

makes laws and approves budgets.

Cabinet members are responsible for

making policies.

During the State of the Union address, the president is required to report to

members of Congress.

The US Republican Party mostly includes members who are

moderate, conservative, or Libertarian.

The US Democratic Party mostly includes members who are

moderate, progressive, or liberal.

The chart compares prospective voter support leading up to the 2012 presidential election. Voter Support by Gender, October 2012 This chart demonstrates that

more men were likely to be conservative voters.

According to the 1790 census, where did most enslaved people live?

mostly in the South

The best way for a country to implement foreign policy is


Read this quote from Article I of the Constitution. Congress shall have power . . . [t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers. Which part of this quote is the basis for implied powers?

necessary and proper

An enumerated power the president has is

nominating and appointing officials.

Which type of jurisdiction do federal trial courts have?


In terms of jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has

original and appellate

If a person has a right that is stated in the Constitution, that person has

other rights that are not mentioned.

A similarity between the ratification process in Article VII and the amendment process in Article V is that both involve

overcoming difficult barriers.

Congress checks on the power of the presidency by

overriding a presidential reversal or veto.

Before McCulloch v. Maryland went to court, the state of Maryland

passed a law that required federal banks to pay state taxes.

After the Civil War, the federal government began to extend civil rights to African Americans by

passing amendments to the Constitution.

People accused of crimes and awaiting trial may be released from custody if they agree to

pay bail.

Following the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, states attempted to limit voting rights of African Americans through

poll taxes and literacy tests.

According to the Constitution, the right of freedom of religion supports

practicing any religion that one chooses, or none at all.

The Constitution's creation of a national government with separation of powers

prevents the national government from being controlled by one branch.

The government tried to stop the New York Times from publishing classified material by using a concept known as

prior restraint.

What are policymakers trying to do by using the media to deliver specific messages to citizens?

promote policies

Look at the political cartoon. The cartoon shows an officer from the federal government

protecting freed African Americans.

The Constitution regulates government powers by

providing guides and limits to the government's power.

In New York v. Quarles (1983), the Supreme Court ruled that Miranda rights do not have to be read if a suspect

puts public safety at immediate risk.

In Regents v. Bakke, the Supreme Court struck down the use of racial _________ as a way to reduce inequality in schools or workplaces.


The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed a person's right to vote regardless of


The issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention was actually an issue about


What was the subject of the most debate between large and small states at the Constitutional Convention?


Which powers are given directly to the people or the states?


Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to

restrict the freedom of assembly.

What rights are specifically protected under the Ninth Amendment?

rights unlisted in the Constitution

A state's lieutenant governor

serves as second-in-command in the executive branch.

The president's role as chief executive is to

sign bills.

The practice of selective incorporation means that the Bill of Rights will

sometimes be applied to the states by the court.

A main difference between state and federal courts is

state courts try cases between citizens of a state, while federal courts try disputes between states.

Conservatism could best be described as a political ideology that

stresses traditional approaches to issues in government.

A faction is a group that

strongly disagrees with another group

Which type of rights are fundamental and belong to all citizens?

substantive rights

To volunteer for national service, US citizens can

take part in Teach for America.

In the case Gitlow v. New York, Gitlow argued

that his First Amendment rights were being violated.

Which executive agency would most likely investigate cases of espionage?

the Central Intelligence Agency

Which executive department would most likely try to stop a terrorist attack?

the Department of Homeland Security

The executive department that regulates airlines is

the Department of Transportation

Read the excerpt from the Publius. In republican government, the [lawmaking] authority necessarily [has the most power]. The remedy for to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render little connected with each other [as possible]. —Publius Which idea does this excerpt support?

the Federalist idea that lawmaking power should be divided among the different branches of government

One way the Fourteenth Amendment shows that the Constitution is superior to state law is

the Fourteenth Amendment applied to state law through incorporation.

In what part of the Great Compromise are the ideas of the Virginia Plan represented?

the House of Representatives

When trying officials who have been impeached by the House of Representatives,

the Senate conducts the impeachment trial.

What must occur after the president negotiates a treaty?

the Senate must approve the treaty

A limitation on the president's power to appoint ambassadors is that

the Senate must approve them.

The executive agency that provides people with retirement income is

the Social Security Administration

The final authority on legal questions in the United States is

the Supreme Court

Appellate jurisdiction refers to

the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case from a lower court.

The sources of powers reserved to the states are specifically outlined in

the Tenth Amendment.

When a judge analyzes law, what document is used to determine the law's validity?

the US Constitution

The House and Senate can only pass amendments to the Constitution if

the amendment receives a two-thirds vote.

The Supremacy Clause forms the root of what aspect of the country's government system?

the concept of federalism

Through which clause did state governments become bound by the Bill of Rights?

the due process clause

The Civil Rights Act expanded

the federal government's power.

In the term "due process," the word "process" refers to the way in which

the law is followed in trying a case.

Read the Preamble to the US Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. According to the Preamble, where does the power for government come from?

the people

The First Amendment's free-exercise clause gives

the people the right to choose their own set of religious beliefs

Look at the table. What information is missing from the table that could help someone draw the most accurate conclusion about voter turnout in primaries and general elections?

the percentage of Democratic primary voters

Unlike the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists believed

the president should have enough power to lead.

What does Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution explain?

the process for creating a law

What does the First Amendment's right to assemble refer to?

the right of a group to meet in groups

Which privacy right is protected by Supreme Court decisions in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade?

the right to be left alone

Which is a grand jury right?

the right to indictment before trial for a capital crime

Which right is implied by the Second Amendment's right to bear arms?

the right to protect oneself

The Declaration of Independence intended to end British rule in the colonies, and grant citizens

the right to self-govern

A student is praying alone in his public school cafeteria before lunch. This activity is acceptable according to the establishment clause because

the school is not asking the student to pray.

Read the passage. The regular distribution of power into distinct departments... the representation of the people in the legislature by deputies of their own election: these are... powerful means, by which the excellences of republican government may be retained. Whose viewpoint does this excerpt reflect?

the viewpoint of those who supported the Constitution

Which description best reflects military force as hard power?

the willingness to use a large standing, modern military as a show of strength

What are two types of oligarchies?

theocracy and communism

Why might the United States send military aid to countries that are controlled by military dictators?

to achieve a greater purpose, such as stopping a larger enemy

The role of the president pro tempore of the Senate is

to act as a ceremonial role within the Senate.

The Fourth Amendment implies privacy because it protects the right

to be secure in one's home.

Why would a nation most likely use military force? Check all that apply.

to defend territory to support allies to protect economic interests

Which was a main reason for creating the Articles of Confederation?

to determine the power of states and the federal government

Which best explains the purpose of the Ninth Amendment?

to ensure individual freedoms

Why do political parties most often try to gerrymander voting districts?

to gain a political advantage

Read the quote from a member of the House. In order to do our job well, we spend a lot of time meeting with people who live in our states to tell them about what is happening in government and to listen to their ideas about how to improve life in our country. —Representative Mike Honda California District 17 San Jose, CA To which duty of a House member does this quote most likely refer?

to meet with constituents in Washington D.C. and in the district

What is the purpose of a political party's platform?

to state the goals of the party and its position on issues

What do the media most provide the public with by covering policy and the lawmaking process?


Who was involved in the case of Gibbons v. Ogden?

two competing owners of steamboat companies

Which group is at the bottom of a political party's organizational structure and is most likely to be working within communities to reach voters and perform essential tasks?


The United States attempted to halt the communist revolution in Cuba by

weakening its economy to force cooperation.

An unanswered constitutional question about the judicial branch involves

what "good behavior" means, with regard to judicial terms.

In a democracy, government gets its power from

what the majority of the citizens want.

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