Government part 2

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Which quotation from the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence supports the idea that the United States is based on a social contract?

" Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

"Which of the following is the best example of populism?"

"A government allows its people to govern themselves."

"Which best describes Alexis de Tocqueville? "

"He was a French historian and political scientist who championed "uniquely American" values such as egalitarianism."

"Which statement best describes the Enlightenment? "

"The Enlightenment was a European movement that spread to the colonies."

"A social contract is an agreement between "

"a government and its citizens."

"Which statement best describes the republican form of government that the Founding Fathers envisioned?"

"a government run by people elected to lead the country"

"The Enlightenment idea of separation of powers led to"

"forming three branches of government in the United States."

Read the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed . . . and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have [the opportunity] for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense. What part of the Sixth Amendment suggests that accused persons will be able to hear the charges against them? "the right to a speedy and public trial" "confronted with the witnesses against him" "informed of the nature and cause of the accusation" "have the Assistance of Counsel"

"informed of the nature and cause of the accusation"

"The Enlightenment thinker Baron de Montesquieu came up with the idea of"

"the separation of the government's powers."

As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in 1760. 1768. 1773. 1774.


separates powers, keeping one body from gaining too much power

A benefit of a bicameral legislature is that it


A bicameral legislature is made up of how many bodies

Which of these statements best describes double jeopardy? A citizen cannot be indicted before being tried for a serious crime. A citizen cannot be forced to testify to a crime. A citizen cannot be forced to testify for more than one day in court. A citizen cannot be tried twice for the same crime.

A citizen cannot be tried twice for the same crime.


A country governed by a central party is best characterized as

vote on important decisions

A direct democracy is one in which all citizens

strongly disagrees with another group

A faction is a group that

Read the excerpt from the US Constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting . . . religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Which example violates this portion of Amendment I? A student is allowed to read the Bible in class. A woman is allowed to hold a religious meeting in a park. A mayor attends a different church than his employees. A governor declares a new state religion.

A governor declares a new state religion.


A key element of the Fourth Amendment is that searches and seizures must be

the Senate must approve them

A limitation on the president's power to appoint ambassadors is that

disproportionate to the crime.

A man is sentenced to five years in prison for walking across his neighbor's lawn. In this example, we can say that the punishment is

With reasonable cause, the officer can stop this individual and frisk him.

A man walking down the street appears to have an illegal weapon. What can a police officer do?

Which scenario is allowed under the free-exercise clause? A parent leads a prayer in a public park. A teacher gives out crosses at school. A doctor charges religious patients less money. A worker places a menorah in the lobby at city hall

A parent leads a prayer in a public park.

police officers

A public safety service the US government provides is

guarantee rights for citizens

A purpose of government in the United States is to

being born in the United States

A qualification for president under Article II of the Constitution is

How does a referendum give people more of a say in government?

A referendum allows people to vote to accept or reject a law.* A referendum allows people to remove an official from office. A referendum allows people to change laws or propose new ones. A referendum allows people to impeach an official for wrongdoing.

overcoming difficult barriers

A similarity between the ratification process in Article VII and the amendment process in Article V is that both involve

all of them

A state legislator wants to amend the Articles of Confederation. How many states would have to agree in order for the amendment to pass

the school is not asking the student to pray.

A student is praying alone in his public school cafeteria before lunch. This activity is acceptable according to the establishment clause because

She can require the witnesses to testify.

A woman is accused of a crime. She says that she was nowhere near the scene of the crime. Her friends who were with her at the time are afraid they will be accused as well, so they refuse to appear in court as witnesses. According to the Sixth Amendment, what can the woman do to support her court case?

could give the president too much influence

According to Anti-Federalists, the Constitution


According to John Locke, who must respect the rights of the citizens

in every single state

According to the 1790 census, where did enslaved people live within the United States

four years

According to the Constitution, the amount of time the president and vice president serve in office together for one term is

practicing any religion one chooses

According to the Constitution, the right of freedom of religion supports


According to the English Bill of Rights, who makes laws regarding taxation

supported an unpopular view.

According to the Supreme Court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina?

to prevent the government from abusing people's rights

According to the preamble to the Bill of Rights, what is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

the people

According to the preamble, where does the power of government come from?

unconstitutional, because the game is affiliated with the school.

According to the precedent, Santa Fe School District v. Doe, a teacher who allows a student to lead a prayer at a high school baseball game would most likely be ruled

appear in court

Accused persons have the right to request a witness to

In 1868, what was the most important reason to include the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment? Women's rights activists wanted equal protection. African Americans were not protected under the law. Southern whites were not protected under the law. Immigrants wanted equal protection.

African Americans were not protected under the law.

It is reviewed in committee

After a bill has been introduced, what happens next

Which of these statements accurately describes the Fifth Amendment? Searches and seizures must be reasonable. A search warrant based on probable cause is required. The police may not question citizens immediately if public safety is at risk. All citizens are entitled to due process.

All citizens are entitled to due process.

general assembly

All citizens in ancient Athens took part in government by voting in the

Which statement describes the majority party's power when it comes to Senate committees?

All sixteen chairpersons are members of the majority party.

Congress and state legislatures

Amendments to the Constitution can be proposed by

secular, neutral, and free of entanglement.

An activity passes the "Lemon Test" if it is

Which explains a difference between an original case and appellate case that the Supreme Court hears? An original case has been heard by a lower court, while an appellate case has not. An original case involves the executive branch, while an appellate case does not. An appellate case involves the legislative branch, while an original case does not. An appellate case has been heard by a lower court, while an original case has not.

An appellate case has been heard by a lower court, while an original case has not.

is suggested by the Constitution.

An implied power is one that

addressing Congress

An important duty of the president is

gave more power to the people and protected their rights

An important effect of the Magna Carta on English government was that it

a government ruled by a small, elite group

An oligarchy is best defined as

framers of the constitution and future generations

And secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. According to this excerpt of the preamble, who were freedoms and rights established for?

it was impossible to separate government into equal branches

Anti-Federalist argued

the president and the vice president

Article II of the Constitution defines the roles of

commander in chief

Article II of the Constitution states that the president is also

Which best explains how Article IV is connected to federalism? Article IV grants powers to states while limiting the powers of the federal government. Article IV grants powers to federal government while limiting the powers of the states. Article IV grants powers to states while limiting the powers of the executive branch. Article IV grants powers to federal government while limiting the powers of the judicial branch.

Article IV grants powers to states while limiting the powers of the federal government.


As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in

Thomas Paine published Common Sense

As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts

What was the biggest difference between government in ancient Athens and in ancient Rome?

Athens allowed all citizens to vote, while Rome was a republic.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the State of Maryland argue? Banks cannot be created by Congress. States can determine which institutions within its borders must pay taxes. A federal bank must pay taxes to the state in which it is located. Banks may only be created by Congress, not by individuals.

Banks cannot be created by Congress.

the Constitution

Based on the Supremacy Clause, which must US judges support?

passed a law that required federal banks to pay state taxes.

Before McCulloch v. Maryland went to court, the state of Maryland

some northern and southern states

Before the Fifteenth Amendment was passed, which states refused African-Americans the right to vote?

How are state and federal appellate courts similar?

Both hear cases from lower courts.

In what way are the commission system and council-manager system similar?

Both systems have mayors who do not have much power.* Both systems have a board of commissioners. Both systems include professionals called city managers. Both systems include city councils made of elected members.

Congress had the power to create a federal bank

By ruling in James McCulloch's favor in McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court agreed that

federal system

Central and state governments influence each other in

Judeo-Christian principles refer to the religious beliefs and values held in common by

Christians and Jews.

A person who is a member of a nation and is entitled to its protection is a(n) _______ .



Common law refers to laws determined through

Which of the following best describes the earliest battles of the Civil War? Union troops were outnumbered, and they usually lost. Union troops were outnumbered, but they usually won. Confederate troops were outnumbered, and they usually lost. Confederate troops were outnumbered, but they usually won.

Confederate troops were outnumbered, but they usually won.

Amendments to the Constitution can be proposed by the president and vice president. Congress and state legislatures. the president and the Supreme Court. Congress and the Supreme Court.

Congress and state legislatures.

Read the excerpt from the US Constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. According to the excerpt, what is the role of Congress regarding religion? -Congress cannot promote a religion. -Congress cannot make disrespectful laws. -Religious groups can only be formed by Congress. -Religious groups must be governed by Congress.

Congress cannot promote a religion.

overriding a presidential reversal or veto.

Congress checks on the power of the presidency by

By ruling in James McCulloch's favor in McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court agreed that Congress should not be involved in creating banks. McCulloch could continue to pay state, not federal, taxes. Congress had the power to create a federal bank. McCulloch could run a state bank under federal laws.

Congress had the power to create a federal bank.

To modify the Constitution, an amendment must first be proposed by the president. the Supreme Court. Congress or the states. the vice president.

Congress or the states.

implied powers, which are often difficult to interpret or understand.

Congress shall have power . . . [t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers. Which type of powers does this quote refer to, and why is this type often the source of debate

necessary and proper

Congress shall have power . . . to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers. Which part of this quote is the basis for implied powers?

federal supremacy.

Congress shall have power to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. This excerpt reinforces the idea of

What did Anti-Federalists fear would happen if the Constitution became law? Congress would have too much power over states. States would have too much freedom to make their own laws. Congress and states would have equal power. States would control which laws Congress made.

Congress would have too much power over states.

What did Anti-Federalists FEAR would happen if the Constitution became law?

Congress would have too much power over states.* States would have too much freedom to make their own laws. Congress and states would have equal power. States would control which laws Congress made.

expressed powers

Declaring war and coining money are considered

Yes. It outlines when it is appropriate to remove a government.

Does the preamble to the Declaration of Independence indicate reasons why the new independent government might be similarly removed or overthrown? Why or why not?

trials and juries

During criminal cases, which are guaranteed by the Constitution?

the right to peacefully assemble.

Edwards v. South Carolina focused on two issues: the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and

the right to petition the government for redress.

Edwards v. South Carolina is significant in terms of selective incorporation because it limited states' abilities to restrict

Which statement summarizes the Enslaved Persons Clause? Enslaved persons who escape must be given constitutional rights. Enslaved persons who escape must be given equal protection. Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states. Enslaved persons who escape must be granted their freedom.

Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states.

Which statement best describes a result of the Battle of Gettysburg?

Europe withdrew its financial support for the Confederate government. Europe would not recognize the Confederacy as an independent nation.* The Confederacy began to believe that it might win the Civil War. The Confederacy dealt a powerful blow to the Union military.

A duty of the president is to head -the executive branch. -the State Department. -the legislative branch. -the Department of Defense

Executive branch

What role did experts such as business leaders, labor leaders, and university professors play in the Wisconsin Idea reforms?

Experts conducted research to inform politicians about drafting bills.

specifically granted in the Constitution

Expressed powers are those that are

encourage states to work together

Federalists believed a strong government would

must separate government into branches

Federalists believed a workable government

The speech must present a clear and identifiable danger.

For prior restraint to apply, what must the government prove about the speech in question?


For which of these does the First Amendment offer no protection?

Which of the following was specifically permitted by the Emancipation Proclamation? Free African Americans were allowed to fight for the Confederacy. Free African Americans were allowed to enlist in the Union army and navy. Enslaved people in border states were allowed to move to the North. Enslaved people in border states were allowed to become Confederate citizens.

Free African Americans were allowed to enlist in the Union army and navy.

Which of the following was specifically permitted by the Emancipation Proclamation?

Free African Americans were allowed to fight for the Confederacy. Free African Americans were allowed to enlist in the Union army and navy.* Enslaved people in border states were allowed to move to the North. Enslaved people in border states were allowed to become Confederate citizens.

1st Amendment

Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution's ? Amendment.

wartime actions

Freedom of speech can be limited or restricted in cases involving

All citizens in ancient Athens took part in government by voting in the

General Assembly.

Which best describes the precedent set by the Supreme Court in New York Times v. United States regarding government censorship? Government censorship cannot be arbitrary. Government censorship is almost always unconstitutional. Government censorship must further national interests. Government censorship does not apply to opinions.

Government censorship is almost always unconstitutional.

Which best summarizes the social contract outlined in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence? Government has the power to protect natural rights, but states must also protect their rights. Government has the power to protect natural rights, but people must also protect their rights. Government has the power to protect natural rights, but people can change their government if it fails to do so. Government has the power to protect natural rights, but states can challenge the government if it fails to do so.

Government has the power to protect natural rights, but people can change their government if it fails to do so.


Have the bravery to use your own reason! - that sums up the meaning of enlightenment. According to the quote, the Enlightenment encourages people to do what for themselves.

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), why did Ernesto Miranda say his Fifth Amendment rights had been violated? He had been stopped and searched without a judge issuing a proper warrant. He had been tried for serious crimes without a grand jury issuing an indictment. He had confessed to crimes without being reminded of his right to avoid self-incrimination. He had been jailed without being informed of the charges against him.

He had confessed to crimes without being reminded of his right to avoid self-incrimination.

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), why did Ernesto Miranda say his Fifth Amendment rights had been violated? He had been stopped and searched without a judge issuing a proper warrant. He had been tried for serious crimes without a grand jury issuing an indictment. He had confessed to crimes without being reminded of his right to avoid self-incrimination. He had been jailed without being informed of the charges against him.

He had confessed to crimes without being reminded of his right to avoid self-incrimination.

Which is a true statement about James McCulloch of McCulloch v. Maryland? He ran a federal bank in Maryland. He refused to pay federal taxes. He paid state and federal taxes. He owned a state bank in Maryland.

He ran a federal bank in Maryland.

What was James Madison's position regarding the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison? He agreed that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was constitutional. He opposed the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison. He believed the Supreme Court should consider Marbury's case. He supported the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison.

He supported the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison.

Which best describes Alexis de Tocqueville?

He was a French historian and political scientist who championed "uniquely American" values such as egalitarianism

Patrick Henry

He was an Anti-Federalist and opposed the Constitution

Which best describes Patrick Henry? He agreed with Alexander Hamilton and opposed the Constitution. He was a Federalist and opposed the Constitution. He was an Anti-Federalist and opposed the Constitution. He disagreed with Alexander Hamilton and favored the Constitution.

He was an Anti-Federalist and opposed the Constitution.

Both were based on unconstitutional state laws.

How are the Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade cases similar?

It said that Congress has power to regulate trade between states.

How did Gibbons v. Ogden expand the idea of federal supremacy

as useful

How did the Enlightenment's theories of government view the role of government

It created balance by blending the Virginia and New Jersey plans

How did the Great Compromise resolve the dispute about representation

had been denied his rights.

How did the Supreme Court rule in the Miranda decision?

It set a new legal precedent on the issue of segregation.

How did the verdict in Brown v. Board of Education relate to the verdict in Plessy v. Ferguson?

applies to civil court proceedings.

How does the Seventh Amendment differ from the other amendments dealing with procedural rights in the Bill of Rights?

from the time of taking the throne to their death

How long is an individual monarch's term of rule


How many of the Ten Commandments can be found in the laws of the United States

nine of thirteen

How many states had to vote for the Constitution to approve it


How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution

The principle of implied powers meant the Court might spend more time interpreting the Constitution rather than simply following it to the letter.

How might the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland make future Supreme Court decisions more complicated?

They both opposed a strong federal government

How were Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson alike in their position on ratifying the Constitution

5th Amendment

If Chris is on trial and does not want to testify in court, which amendment protects her from testifying?

other rights that are not mentioned.

If a person has a right that is stated in the Constitution, that person has

the states

If a power was not specified under the Articles of Confederation, who would be responsible for it

In order for the Articles of Confederation to be more successful, all states must work together.

If the cartoon is interpreted with the Articles of Confederation in mind, what would it most likely be saying?

4th Amendment

If the police arrive at Larry's office without probable cause or a warrant and demand to search the premises, which amendment protects him from this type of search?

the principle of judicial review

If two laws conflict with each other, the Court must decide on the operation of each. . . . the Constitution . . . must govern the case to which they both apply. The excerpt describes

A bill of attainder

If you are declared guilty of a crime without being given a trial, you can state Congress has given you

could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message.

In Duckworth v. Eagan (1988), the Supreme Court held that the police

The prayer was considered a religious activity.

In Engel v. Vitale, why did the courts rule that prayer in schools was unconstitutional?


In Furman v. Georgia (1972), William Furman appealed his death sentence for

cruel and unusual

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), William Furman claimed his sentence was

established unclear standards for applying the death penalty

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), the Supreme Court ruled in William Furman's favor, saying that Georgia had

He had confessed to crimes without being reminded of his right to avoid self-incrimination.

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), why did Ernesto Miranda say his Fifth Amendment rights had been violated?


In Regents v. Bakke, the Supreme Court struck down the use of racial ? as a way to reduce inequality in schools or workplaces.

Their action was not disruptive.

In Tinker v. Des Moines, why was it considered protected speech for students to wear armbands?

all citizens

In a direct democracy, who votes on government policy

is the leader of the party that won the most seats

In a parliamentary system of representative democracy, the prime minister


In addition to Judeo-Christian principles, American government was influenced by principles first used in ancient Greece and in

he holds all of the power

In an autocracy, what kind of power does the leader hold

They would agree and be confident that the Constitution meets those goals.

In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. —Publius How would Federalists most likely respond to this?

the Federalist idea that lawmaking power should be divided among the different branches of government

In republican government, the [lawmaking] authority necessarily [has the most power]. The remedy for to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render little connected with each other [as possible]. —Publius Which idea does this excerpt support?

original and appellate

In terms of jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

In the American colonies, which document called for religious freedom?


In the United States, who elects the legislature

that his First Amendment rights were being violated.

In the case Gitlow v. New York, Gitlow argued

He was appointed as a federal judge.

In the case Marbury v. Madison, what was William Marbury's appointment?

violated Constitutional rights.

In the case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that state laws

the House of Representatives

In what part of the Great Compromise are the ideas of the Virginia Plan represented

The legislative branch in Athens had two main bodies

In what way did ancient Athens influence the framers of the United States Constitution


In which jurisdiction would further review of a federal court decision fall under?

the Preamble

In which section of the Declaration of Independence is the purpose of government described

Under one unified government, people will be robbed of their freedoms.

Instead of being thirteen republics, under a federal head, [the Federalists' plan] is clearly designed to make us one [unified] government. . . . Whether such a change can ever be [made] in any manner; whether it can be [made] without convulsions and civil wars; whether such a change will not totally destroy the liberties of this country—time only can determine. -The Federal Farmer What best summarizes the point of view the excerpt expresses?

Why did William Marbury support the Judiciary Act of 1789? It allowed Marbury to take his case to the Supreme Court. It overruled James Madison and confirmed Marbury's appointment. It said that James Madison's actions were unconstitutional. It limited the Constitution's power to affect Marbury's case.

It allowed Marbury to take his case to the Supreme Court.

Which statement about the Virginia Plan is accurate?

It called for a unicameral legislature. It supported the interests of the smaller states. It proposed an executive staff instead of a single executive. It inspired the creation of the New Jersey Plan. *

What was the purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1789? It created the state court system. It created a federal court system. It created the judicial branch. It created the Supreme Court.

It created a federal court system.

Why is the Supremacy Clause considered to be "the root of federalism"? It describes the relationship between federal and state power. It outlines the basic rights due to every American citizen. It lists the powers that are directly reserved for each of the states. It identifies the "supreme law of the land" as the US president.

It describes the relationship between federal and state power.

What is true of a non-denominational activity? It supports a particular religion. It does not support any religion. It operates on private property. It separates from religious traditions.

It does not support any religion.

Why does Tinker v. Des Moines remain an important precedent-setting case? It used symbolic speech in war protests. It applied prior restraint in schools. It established speech rights for students. It stopped students from stating unpopular opinions.

It established speech rights for students.

What does the Supremacy Clause do? It establishes a way to change the Constitution. It establishes rights for citizens in different states. It establishes a foundation for government. It establishes relationships between states.

It establishes a foundation for government.

Review this quote from the decision in Marbury v. Madison. It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is. How does this excerpt summarize the case? It explains why the Supreme Court ruled in favor of William Marbury in the case of Marbury v. Madison. It explains that the Supreme Court should decide whether a law or action is constitutional. It explains why the judicial department ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was constitutional. It explains that the judicial department has powers that go beyond the limits of the Constitution.

It explains that the Supreme Court should decide whether a law or action is constitutional.

x= denied z=abridged

It is Election Day. Group X appears at the polls, but each member of that group is turned away and not allowed to vote. Group Z appears as well; group Z's members are allowed to vote as long as they brought a utility bill validating their address. What has happened to each group?

Which statement about Congress is accurate? It is made up primarily of the House of Representatives. Its senate is based on population-driven representation. It is based on the Constitution's bicameral legislature. It establishes two houses that operate on equal representation.

It is based on the Constitution's bicameral legislature.

It explains that the Supreme Court should decide whether a law or action is constitutional.

It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is. How does this excerpt summarize the case?

After a bill has been introduced, what happens next? It is debated on the floor. It is sent to the other house. It is reviewed in committee. It is approved by a vote.

It is reviewed in committee.

What is true of a secular activity? It is compatible with all religious traditions. It is separate from all religious traditions. It is specific to Christian religious traditions. It is specific to Puritan religious traditions.

It is separate from all religious traditions.

What statement about the Necessary and Proper Clause is accurate? It is the source of implied powers. It is written so as not to be open to debate. It includes both financial and military powers. It is specifically reserved by other powers.

It is the source of implied powers.

Why does California have the most seats in the House?

It is the state with the largest population.

Why does California have the most seats in the House? -It is the state with the largest population. -It is the state with the largest land area. -Its smallest districts are the most populated. -Its major cities are the most populated.

It is the state with the largest population.

How might a victory at Gettysburg have benefited the Confederacy?

It might have convinced European nations to align with the South.* It might have helped the South gain control of the Mississippi River. It might have made the West more accessible to the Confederacy. It might have helped the South maintain vital ports and shipping routes.

In Schenck v. United States, what circumstance made this speech case special? It pertained to a foreign citizen. It involved events that occurred abroad. It occurred during wartime. It related to the commission of a crime.

It occurred during wartime.

What purpose did the introduction to the Declaration of Independence serve?

It outlined the principles behind the call for independence. It listed colonial grievances against the Crown. It indicated why independence was necessary.* It declared independence from Britain.

How did Regents v. Bakke change affirmative action policies? -It struck down the use of strict racial quotas. -It ruled race could not be factored into admissions. -It limited diversity and inequality in the workplace. -It changed the way applications could be written.

It struck down the use of strict racial quotas.

Which best describes why the Boston Tea Party is considered such a significant event in US history?

It was the first major act of defiance by the colonists.* It protested taxation without representation. It inhibited Britain's ability to collect taxes. It planted the seeds for the development of the Continental army.

contacting the Justice Department about a potential discrimination lawsuit.

Jacob Smith is an African-American man in his fifties. He heads to a local restaurant for dinner and is told by the hostess that he is going to have to sit on "that side" of the establishment, as she gestures to a part of the restaurant where only other African-Americans are sitting. Mr. Smith feels offended and leaves the restaurant. Based on passage of the Civil Rights Act, what is Mr. Smith's best recourse?

Only ten amendments were ratified by the states.

James Madison presented nineteen amendments to Congress. Why were only ten approved?

he didn't want to pay state taxes on his bank.

James McCulloch most likely supported the idea that Congress could create banks because

The concept of natural rights, which was later used in the Declaration of Independence, was first proposed by

John Locke

naturally reasonable

John Locke believed humans are

do not come from the government

John Locke believed that natural rights


John Locke helped develop the idea of a social contract between citizens and the

innately violent

John Locke thought that people were neither good nor bad innately. How did Hobbes's views differ from those of Locke's

They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

John Locke, an Enlightenment-era philosopher, influenced the American movement for independence. Locke believed that all people were entitled to natural rights. Which quotation from the preamble to the Declaration of Independence enshrines natural rights

Christians and Jews

Judeo-Christian principles refer to the religious beliefs and values held in common by

The judicial branch has the power to try criminal cases by ⇒ jury.


During the Civil War, Grant's capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson contributed to Union control of

Kentucky and Tennessee.* Kentucky and Missouri. the Ohio River. the Mississippi River.

protection against unusual punishment and the right to trial by jury

Key privileges included in both the English Bill of Rights and the US Bill of Rights include

to reduce liberty

Law was brought into the world for nothing else but to limit the natural liberty of particular men in such manner as they might not hurt but assist one another and join together against a common enemy. According to Hobbes, what is the primary purpose of the social contract?

life, liberty, and property

Locke argued that all humans are born with what natural rights

In what way did ancient Athens influence the framers of the United States Constitution?

NOT All Athenians were allowed to vote.

Which of these statements best describes the Greek city-states?

NOT Each city-state allowed all people to vote.

How many of the Ten Commandments can be found in the laws of the United States?

NOT all

The power to declare war belongs to -state and local governments. -national and state governments. -national government. -state governments.

National Government

The United States is facing a recent problem with an ally nation. The ally is refusing to support the United States in various human rights initiatives, saying it doesn't want to get involved in global situations. Which of the following foreign policy tactics should the United States employ first? -sanctions -military action -negotiation -sending aid


Which statement best describes the result of the Battle of Antietam?

Neither side won, but it was a victory for the South. Both sides had losses, but it was a victory for the North.* Confederate troops won the Battle of Antietam decisively. Union troops won the Battle of Antietam decisively.

Which best states the basis for Justice White's dissenting opinion in Roe v. Wade? Current privacy laws would become unconstitutional. State laws would have to be revised based on the decision. New rights beyond those in the Constitution would need to be created. Extensive changes would have to be made to the Bill of Rights.

New rights beyond those in the Constitution would need to be created.

due process

No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs. . . . To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice. This part of the document granted people the right to

Was the Declaration of Independence intended to be a formal declaration of war? Why or why not? Yes. Though fighting preceded the writing, it was intended to be a formal declaration of war. No. The war started a year before the Declaration of Independence was written. Yes. The Declaration of Independence formally united the militias of the individual colonies. No. There was no need to declare war, as this power had yet to be established.

No. The war started a year before the Declaration of Independence was written.

How are state and federal appellate courts similar? Both hear cases from lower courts. Both have judges and juries. Both hear civil cases only. Both send cases to higher courts.

Not Both send cases to higher courts.

Which is an example of federal supremacy? State banks must pay taxes to the more powerful federal government. The Supreme Court can decide whether a law or act is constitutional. Congress has powers that are not specifically outlined in the Constitution. A state is not allowed to tax federal money because federal law is superior.

Not The Supreme Court can decide whether a law or act is constitutional. Not State banks must pay taxes to the more powerful federal government.

Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment? The decision affirmed the protection of unpopular opinions. The decision affirmed the protection of symbolic speech. The decision affirmed the protection of all political speech. The decision affirmed the protection of minors' speech rights.

Not The decision affirmed the protection of all political speech. Not The decision affirmed the protection of unpopular opinions.

If a person in Idaho buys a faulty camera from a company in Texas, which court would most likely handle the case first? a state trial court in Idaho a state appellate court in Texas a federal trial court a federal appellate court

Not a state trial court in Idaho

The selection of federal judges by the executive branch is an example of checks and balances. original jurisdiction. advice and consent. appellate jurisdiction.

Not advice and consent.

What is the definition of "interstate commerce"? commerce between states commerce between state and federal governments commerce between steamboat operators commerce between different parts of the same state

Not commerce between steamboat operators Not commerce between state and federal governments

If a trash can were stolen from in front of a school, the case would most likely be heard by a juvenile court. superior court. family court. district court.

Not juvenile court. Not district court.

Which issue was at the heart of New York Times v. United States? libel symbolic speech civil disobedience prior restraint

Not libel Not symbolic speech

The diagram shows one way that cases reach the Supreme Court. The diagram is an example of original jurisdiction. appellate jurisdiction. executive jurisdiction. legislative jurisdiction.

Not original jurisdiction.

Which action would be the least likely to be considered protected speech or a protected action? talking loudly on a cell phone during a movie crossing against the light to protest getting a parking ticket banning a private firm's employees from wearing political t-shirts at work burning a fire in a public park as a political protest

Not talking loudly on a cell phone during a movie Not banning a private firm's employees from wearing political t-shirts at work

What does the First Amendment's right to assemble refer to? the right of a group to express unpopular opinions the right of a group to make false claims the right of a group to meet the right of a group to protest

Not the right of a group to protest

building bridges and roads

One responsibility of the government is to provide public works, which includes

James Madison presented nineteen amendments to Congress. Why were only ten approved? Only ten amendments were ratified by the states. Some of the amendments were deemed unconstitutional. Congress presented only ten amendments to the states. Only ten amendments were approved by Congress.

Only ten amendments were ratified by the states.

pay bail

People accused of crimes and awaiting trial may be released from custody if they agree to

Read the excerpt from the Centinel. This hypothesis [separation of powers] supposes human wisdom competent [capable] to the task of instituting three co-equal orders in government...If such an organization of power were practicable [able to be used], how long would it continue? Not a day. —Centinel What is the Centinel's view of the three-party system? People could not create a fair system with three separate powers. A three-branch system could last not just one day, but many years. Wise humans could make three equal powers in government. It would be foolish to have fewer than three branches of government.

People could not create a fair system with three separate powers.


People who make judgments in lower federal courts are called

treated all its people fairly regardless of class

Pericles claimed that the Athenian government, unlike other Greek city-states

Read the quote from the US Constitution. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people. Which type of powers is this describing? Powers shared by both state and federal levels. Powers implied within the Constitution. Powers held by the states alone. Powers clearly identified for the federal level.

Powers held by the states alone.

equal protection under the law.

Read the excerpt from the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall [take away] the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. This Fourteenth Amendment clause is about

In addition to Judeo-Christian principles, American government was influenced by principles first used in ancient Greece and in


Senator Kleinman is in violation because she took the money from a federally funded account.

Senator Quintero donates money to his local church from his personal checking account. Senator Kleinman donates money from a federally funded account to her church. Based on this scenario, which senator is in violation of the establishment clause?


State governments must follow which type of laws

An important part of Article VI in the Constitution is the -Full Faith and Credit Clause. -Supremacy Clause. -Privileges and Immunities Clause. -Enslaved Persons Clause.

Supremacy Clause.

communicate opinions and ideas

That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament. According to this excerpt, members of Parliament are allowed to

Why were delegates working to replace the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles created a central government that was too weak.* The Articles created a central government that was too strong. The Articles did not protect the rights of citizens. The Articles did not protect the rights of the states.


The Bill of Rights consists of the first ? amendments to the Constitution

Which explains why the Constitution gave Congress the power to create a system of federal courts? The Constitution wanted Congress to share power with the judicial branch. The Constitution anticipated the need for courts lower than the Supreme Court. The Constitution wanted Congress to share power with the appellate courts. The Constitution anticipated the need for courts equal to the Supreme Court.

The Constitution anticipated the need for courts lower than the Supreme Court.

Why did the Constitution grant the judicial branch the power to create "inferior courts"? The Constitution anticipated there would be many cases and issues that courts would need to decide. The Constitution feared the Supreme Court would become too powerful without other courts. The Constitution wanted other branches of government to have their own courts. The Constitution wanted federal and state courts to share power under the Supreme Court.

The Constitution anticipated there would be many cases and issues that courts would need to decide.

Which statement best explains why the Constitution limits the power of the executive branch? The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the vice president from overthrowing the president. The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from becoming too powerful. The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from interfering in the work of other branches. The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the vice president from interfering in the work of the president.

The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from becoming too powerful.

providing guides and limits to the government's power.

The Constitution regulates government powers by

the right to self-govern

The Declaration of Independence intended to end British rule in the colonies, and grant citizens

cannot be surrendered

The Declaration of Independence refers to rights as being unalienable. What does "unalienable" mean

Which best describes how the Electoral College affects the executive branch? The Electoral College chooses the president and vice president. The Electoral College chooses the vice president and the cabinet. The Electoral College chooses the president and the cabinet. The Electoral College chooses the president and some cabinet members.

The Electoral College chooses the president and vice president.

speak freely

The English Bill of Rights declared that each member of Parliament had the right to

the monarchy

The English Bill of Rights put limits on the power of

Commentaries on the Laws of England

The English document that laid the groundwork for judges in the US to rule based on precedent is known as the


The Enlightenment was an age of inquiry based on what, not religion


The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed a person's right to vote regardless of

free speech

The First Amendment protects the right to

Read part of an outline for an informative essay about the Food and Drug Administration. II. The FDA labels processed foods. A. FDA labels identify the ingredients used to make products. B. FDA labels explain the nutrition content of food. C. FDA labels explain if the product might harm people who have allergies. III. The FDA warns the public about harmful food. A. The FDA issues a warning when a foodborne illness breaks out. B. The FDA tells consumers which foods to avoid. C. The FDA tells consumers what to do if they get sick. Which statement would best connect the two sections?

The Food and Drug Administration's labels allow consumers to know exactly what is in the products they purchase. THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION NOT ONLY INFORMS CONSUMERS ABOUT FOOD CONTENT, IT ALSO WARNS THEM WHEN THEY ARE AT RISK FROM THE FOODS THEY EAT. The Food and Drug Administration was founded in 1906 to protect the public from foods that were branded incorrectly. The Food and Drug Administration also warns consumers when contaminated food leads to an outbreak of an illness.

Which of these statements accurately describes the Fourth Amendment? The Fourth Amendment gives citizens the right to refuse a search under any circumstances. A police officer with a warrant may seize anything he or she finds suspicious. The Fourth Amendment describes a fair process for searches and seizures. A police officer can search someone's home, so long as a judge is present.

The Fourth Amendment describes a fair process for searches and seizures.

include a warrant and be based on probable cause.

The Fourth Amendment states that a reasonable search and seizure must

search and seizure

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens' ? rights.

Which is a true statement about the Full Faith and Credit Clause? The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with legal proceedings between states. The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with enslaved persons in different states. The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with equal protection for citizens. The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with constitutional rights for citizens.

The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with legal proceedings between states.

power over the English monarchy3+

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 demonstrated that Parliament had

the amendment receives a two-thirds vote.

The House and Senate can only pass amendments to the Constitution if

legislative branch

The Magna Carta led to the creation of Parliament, England's


The Magna Carta placed clear limits on the power of the

were tired of his tyrannical rule

The Magna Carta was presented to King John in 1215 because people

Which describes how Congress affects the president's abilities to grant pardons and appoint cabinet members? The Senate approves pardons but not cabinet members. The House approves cabinet members but not pardons. The Senate approves cabinet members but not pardons. The House approves pardons but not cabinet members.

The Senate approves cabinet members but not pardons.

How is the lawmaking power of the House limited?

The Senate can oppose its bills.

have a fair trial

The Sixth Amendment ensures a citizen's right to


The State of the Union address requires the president to update the who on what is going on in the country

the concept of federalism

The Supremacy Clause forms the root of what aspect of the country's government system

an appellate court

The Supreme Court is best characterized as

gave a new definition to personal privacy.

The Supreme Court's decisions in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade were most important because they

search individuals or seize their property without a warrant.

The Supreme Court's decisions in Terry v. Ohio (1967) and Horton v. California (1990) both held that the police

living and worshiping

The Ten Commandments are a list of rules for

Why the Union was successful in the West during the Civil War?

The Union had effective leadership in the West.* The Union took a defensive stance in the West. The Union had more troops than the Confederacy in the West. The Union was fighting in very familiar territory in the West.

federal and state level powers

The United States system of government is based on

In the American colonies, which document called for religious freedom? The Mayflower Compact The US Constitution The Bill of Rights The Virginia Declaration of Rights

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

literacy tests

The Voting Rights Act ended

What was one reason why the Seventeenth Amendment passed?

The amendment lessened the power of political machines.

What was one reason why the Seventeenth Amendment passed?

The amendment lessened the power of political machines.* The amendment eliminated all political corruption. The amendment gave senators more power in office. The amendment gave each state more senators.

Which best describes what the government had to prove for its censorship of the New York Times to have been acceptable? The articles would have had to indisputably harm the nation. The articles would have had to potentially threaten national security. The articles would have had to reveal classified information. The articles would have had to support the enemy in wartime.

The articles would have had to indisputably harm the nation.

civil liberties

The basic freedoms that are guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution are called

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turning point in the Civil War?

The battle resulted in the final victory for the Union. The battle convinced Europe to become a Union ally. The battle weakened Lee and stopped his invasion.* The battle was the first major loss by the Confederacy.

large groups of voters would be difficult to manage

The best reason why direct democracy would not work well in the United States is that

protecting freed African Americans.

The cartoon shows an officer from the federal government

cruel and unusual punishment

The case of Furman v. Georgia (1972) resulted in a reinterpretation of the meaning of

must have the same rights to become a citizen as someone born in the US.

The citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment says a naturalized person

Why was freedom of religion added to the First Amendment? The colonists wanted prayer taken out of schools. The colonists suffered persecution for their religious beliefs. The colonists wanted Catholicism to be the country's main religion. The colonists thought the government needed to have religious control.

The colonists suffered persecution for their religious beliefs.

Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment? The decision affirmed the protection of unpopular opinions. The decision affirmed the protection of symbolic speech. The decision affirmed the protection of all political speech. The decision affirmed the protection of minors' speech rights.

The decision affirmed the protection of symbolic speech.

Which statement about the delegates at the Constitutional Convention is accurate?

The delegates all came to the convention from the same region. The delegates agreed on the same constitutional principles. The delegates disagreed on whether governmental changes were necessary. The delegates considered each one of their states to be independent.*

appellate jurisdiction

The diagram shows one way that cases reach the Supreme Court. The diagram is an example of

According to the establishment clause, how would displaying a "Happy Holidays" sign in class be viewed? -The display violates the clause because it celebrates Christianity. -The display does not violate the clause because it is secular. -The display does not violate the clause because it is store-bought. -The display violates the clause because holidays are forbidden in schools.

The display does not violate the clause because it is secular

According to the establishment clause, how would displaying a "Happy Holidays" sign in class be viewed? The display violates the clause because it celebrates Christianity. The display does not violate the clause because it is secular. The display does not violate the clause because it is store-bought. The display violates the clause because holidays are forbidden in schools.

The display does not violate the clause because it is secular.

separation of powers

The division of the US government into three branches is called

make laws to apply the amendment.

The enforcement clause of the Fourteenth Amendment states that Congress has the authority to

What is the difference between the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause? -The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion while the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion. -The establishment clause allows the government to favor a religion and the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion. -The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion and the free exercise clause stops people from expressing their religious beliefs. -The establishment clause allows the government to favor a religion and the free exercise clause stops people from being able to express their beliefs.

The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion while the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion.

What is the difference between the establishment clause and the free-exercise clause? The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion while the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion. The establishment clause allows the government to favor a religion and the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion. The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion and the free exercise clause stops people from expressing their religious beliefs. The establishment clause allows the government to favor a religion and the free exercise clause stops people from being able to express their beliefs.

The establishment clause stops the government from favoring a religion while the free exercise clause allows people to express their religion.

the mayor's office from displaying a cross

The establishment clause would prevent

The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply? The events involved symbolic speech without disruption. The First Amendment always applies to issues of speech. The events involved controversial issues. The protest was an act of civil disobedience.

The events involved symbolic speech without disruption.

The events involved symbolic speech without disruption.

The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?

Which best describes how the executive branch affects the power of the military? The executive branch shares power with the military. The executive branch checks the power of the military. The executive branch strengthens the power of the military. The executive branch gives power to the military.

The executive branch checks the power of the military.


The fact that there was no national military was a weakness in which area of government

What was the primary way that the economy in the South differed from the economy of the North?

The farms of the South did not rely on enslaved labor. The farms of the South raised agricultural products.* The factories of the South provided important exports. The factories of the South were far more advanced.

Which is the best example of how the Constitution made the federal government stronger in dealing with other countries? The federal government has the power to regulate state trade. The federal government has the power to maintain a military. The federal government has the power to make laws. The federal government has the power to collect taxes.

The federal government has the power to maintain a military.

Which statement reflects Thomas Gibbons's view of interstate commerce? State and federal governments should jointly negotiate interstate commerce. The federal government should have power over interstate commerce. Individual operators should negotiate interstate commerce. State governments have power over interstate commerce.

The federal government should have power over interstate commerce.

the Supreme Court

The final authority on legal questions in the United States is

different US states

The first two sections of Article IV of the Constitution focus on relationships between

Why did the Union struggle to take Vicksburg from the Confederacy?

The fort was located on top of a hill and surrounded by swamps.* The fort was far from water, which made it difficult to reach. The fort was only approachable from one direction by land. The fort could only be attacked from the Mississippi River.

Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common? The government has a heavy burden to prove harm. The government can limit speech that causes harm. The government has unlimited power to limit speech. The government must follow the First Amendment.

The government can limit speech that causes harm.

When can the government restrict information released by the press? The government can never restrict information released by the press. The government can only restrict information when it could be harmful to an individual's reputation. The government can only restrict information released when practicing prior restraint. The government can only restrict information that could present an immediate threat to security or the public.

The government can only restrict information that could present an immediate threat to security or the public.

What does separation of church and state mean? Churches cannot make laws that violate state laws. The government cannot make laws based on religion. Churches are built a certain distance from state buildings. The government has to make separate laws for churches.

The government cannot make laws based on religion.

as not in violation of the clause because they gave out money due to guidelines that gave all schools an equal chance to receive the funding.

The government gives public funds to low performing schools for new computers. They decide to give more money to the lowest performers which are religious schools. According to the establishment clause, how would a court rule on this case?

law enforcement

The government provides a number of public safety services, including

public education

The government provides a number of public welfare services, including

limited government

The idea that government is not above the law is an example of

create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.

The impact of Furman v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to


The issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention was actually an issue about


The judicial branch has the power to try criminal cases by


The key idea of John Locke's Enlightenment theory was to protect and enhance the freedoms and rights of

citizens to participate in government

The most important way in which the Greeks influenced American democracy was by allowing

judicial branch

The part of the US government that interprets laws is the

According to the establishment clause, how would a historical society's posting of the Ten Commandments along with the history of religion and its beliefs and practices be viewed? The posting would be in violation of the clause because religious items cannot be put in public places. The posting would be in violation of the clause because the items relate to a particular religion. The posting would not be in violation of the clause because people willingly go to the historical society. The posting would not be in violation of the clause because there is a learning purpose to the items.

The posting would not be in violation of the clause because there is a learning purpose to the items.


The power to create laws and to regulate taxes and commerce belong to which branch of government

powers held by the states alone

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people. Which type of powers does this quote describe?

sometimes be applied to the states by the court.

The practice of selective incorporation means that the Bill of Rights will

popular sovereignty

The preamble begins with "We the People of the United States," which establishes the idea of

a government based on a social contract

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence outlines the principles upon which the new government would be based. Which of these best describes one of those principles

Which best explains how the president selects a justice for the Supreme Court? The president selects a judge that is qualified but disagrees with him on issues. The president selects a judge whom he considers the most qualified and will most likely support his agenda. The president selects a qualified judge that Congress proposes. The president selects a qualified judge whom existing judges approve of.

The president selects a judge whom he considers the most qualified and will most likely support his agenda.

How might the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland make future Supreme Court decisions more complicated? The principle of federal supremacy meant the Court would more often rule in favor of federal powers over those of individual states. The principle of implied powers meant the Court could rule based on what it felt was right rather than basing its decisions on the Constitution. The principle of implied powers meant the Court might spend more time interpreting the Constitution rather than simply following it to the letter. The principle of federal supremacy meant the Court would have to determine new limits on the federal government's power.

The principle of implied powers meant the Court might spend more time interpreting the Constitution rather than simply following it to the letter.


The process of approving the Constitution is best described as

Which of the following was a direct result of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education? -Individual states were allowed to choose whether or not to segregate their public schools. -The Fourteenth Amendment was deemed outdated and revised to reflect the court's verdict. -The process of desegregation began in all public schools throughout the country. -The connection between self-esteem and learning was made a top national priority

The process of desegregation began in all public schools throughout the country.

According to the Supreme Court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina? The protestors supported an unpopular view. The protesters assembled in front of the statehouse. The protesters were a threat to public safety. The protesters marched without a permit.

The protestors supported an unpopular view.

introduce and explain the core ideas of the new government.

The purpose of the preamble of the Constitution is to


The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Which amendment is this?

Elmbrook School District, located in California, held graduations at a local church. How might this violate the establishment clause? The school cannot be associated with any particular religion. The school needed to go to a different church every year. The school was not promoting religion by just having a graduation. The school does not force people to attend graduation.

The school cannot be associated with any particular religion.

checks and balances

The selection of federal judges by the executive branch is an example of

the Tenth Amendment

The sources of state power are specifically outlined in

For prior restraint to apply, what must the government prove about the speech in question? The speech must be libelous. The speech must present a general threat. The speech must present a clear and identifiable danger. The speech must be offensive.

The speech must present a clear and identifiable danger.

The first step in approving the Constitution involved sending it to -the states. -Congress. -the judicial branch. -the executive branch.

The states

Why did the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise involve so much debate and discussion?

The states were not ready to give up all of their independence. The states believed the Articles of Confederation were adequate. Each state was looking out for its personal interests and needs.* Each state was certain that cooperation would lead to mutiny.

Which best describes how the structure of the judicial branch affects the judicial branch's interpretation of the Constitution? The system of federal courts and a Supreme Court give the judicial branch many opportunities to interpret the Constitution. The system of federal courts and a Supreme Court give the judicial branch few opportunities to interpret the Constitution. The system of federal courts and a Supreme Court force the judicial branch to answer to the executive branch. The system of federal courts and a Supreme Court force the judicial branch to answer to the legislative branch.

The system of federal courts and a Supreme Court give the judicial branch many opportunities to interpret the Constitution.

direct and representative

The two forms of democracy are

In Tinker v. Des Moines, why was it considered protected speech for students to wear armbands? Their action did not negatively influence other students. Their action was not disruptive. Their action occurred off school grounds. Their action was political speech.

Their action was not disruptive.

Which statement about the northern states in the 1780s is accurate?

Their economy was based on agriculture. They had far fewer large cities than the southern states. They generally had less enslaved labor than the southern states. * They had very large farms called plantations.

Which of the following would a nongovernmental organization most likely handle? -A persecuted citizen is seeking asylum in a different -country than her own. -There are not enough vaccines to supply a country's children with medicine. -A small nation has been attacked by a larger neighbor. -Developing countries are asking for assistance building roads and bridges.

There are not enough vaccines to supply a country's children with medicine.

Though the outcomes of Tinker and Schenck differed, which best describes what these court decisions have in common? They agreed that political expression could be restricted. They agreed that libel was not protected speech. They agreed that symbolic speech could be protected. They agreed that speech rights could be limited to protect safety.

They agreed that speech rights could be limited to protect safety.

What was the Federalists' view of the Constitution? They would approve of the Constitution only if Anti-Federalists favored it. They did not favor the Constitution. They would only favor the Constitution if major changes were made to it. They approved of the Constitution.

They approved of the Constitution.

What happens to accused persons who cannot afford to pay an attorney to represent them? They remain in jail until they can raise the money. They are freed from jail and their cases are dismissed. They are assigned an attorney by the court. They are found guilty without a trial being held.

They are assigned an attorney by the court.

How were Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson alike in their position on ratifying the Constitution?

They both opposed a strong federal government.* They both disagreed with Patrick Henry. They both favored ratifying the Constitution. They both sided with Alexander Hamilton.

Which statement applies to both senators and representatives? They serve four-year terms. They can be expelled for breaking rules. They must have a college education. They should be registered voters.

They can be expelled for breaking rules.

Which statement best describes the recall, referendum, and initiative provisions?

They give people the power over their laws and government officials.

What is the common purpose of the Ninth and Tenth amendments? They protect the rights of noncitizens. They protect rights not listed in the Constitution. They protect the federalist system. They protect the federal government from the states.

They protect rights not listed in the Constitution.

Prior to the enactment of the Seventeenth Amendment, why did some states not send two senators to Congress?

They thought senators could work from their states. They decided that one senator was enough. They could not find two deserving senators.* They could not decide who to elect.

Which is the most likely reason the framers of the Constitution did not tell the judicial branch how to interpret the document? They wanted the judicial branch to reach its own conclusions. They wanted the judicial branch to work with the executive branch. They wanted the judicial branch to work with the legislative branch. They wanted the judicial branch to change existing laws.

They wanted the judicial branch to reach its own conclusions.

In what way were the new forms of city government established during the Progressive Era different from those that preceded them?

They were better able to bring about positive change.

In what way were the new forms of city government established during the Progressive Era different from those that preceded them?

They were better able to bring about positive change.* They required all officials to be voted into office. They had less ability to affect positive change. They required all officials to be hired into office.

Read the excerpt from the Publius. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. —Publius How would Federalists most likely respond to this? They would agree but doubt the Constitution could make that happen. They would doubt that any central government could meet these goals. They would argue that the government does not need to control itself. They would agree and be confident that the Constitution meets those goals.

They would agree and be confident that the Constitution meets those goals.

What was a result of Gibbons v. Ogden? Aaron Ogden got permission to operate his steamboats in New York. Thomas Gibbons was allowed to operate his steamboats in New York. Thomas Gibbons won a federal license to operate his steamboats. Aaron Ogden maintained a monopoly on steamboat operation in New York.

Thomas Gibbons was allowed to operate his steamboats in New York.

The government can limit speech that causes harm.

Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common?

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution? One-quarter. One-half Three-fourths Five-eighths


due process clause

Through which clause did state governments become bound by the Bill of Rights?


To which branch of government does the power to interpret laws and apply the Constitution to the law belong

Read the quotation from the Declaration of Independence. "For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world." Which reason best explains why this grievance was included in the Declaration? The colonists could not get goods without the Crown's permission. The colonists could export goods only to Britain. The British closed ports to punish the colonies. Trade focused on generating income for the Crown only.

Trade focused on generating income for the Crown only.

Which statement best describes the contributions of Harriet Tubman during the Civil War? Tubman was an abolitionist who served the Union in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. Tubman was an abolitionist who worked as a spy for the Union Army to help the war effort. Tubman was an abolitionist who established the Tuskegee Airmen flying squadron. Tubman was an abolitionist who encouraged the Union to permit African Americans to enlist.

Tubman was an abolitionist who worked as a spy for the Union Army to help the war effort.

35 years old

Under Article II of the Constitution, the president needs to be at least

rules that are the same for everyone.

Under due process, all people accused of crimes are subject to

government violated social contract, it is okay

Under what circumstances did John Locke think it would be acceptable for the people to overthrow the government

if their action had clearly threatened order and safety

Under what circumstances would the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines be deemed unprotected speech?

marching on the statehouse in favor of marriage for all

Under which circumstances would protesters' right to assembly most likely be protected?

Which best describes how unenumerated rights differ from procedural and substantive rights? Unenumerated rights apply only to the states. Unenumerated rights are not listed in the Constitution. Unenumerated rights cannot ever be defined. Unenumerated rights combine procedural and substantive rights.

Unenumerated rights are not listed in the Constitution.

Which of the following best describes the First Battle of Bull Run?

Union forces staged a surprise attack but were forced to retreat.* Union forces staged a surprise attack and beat Confederate forces. Confederate forces staged a surprise attack and beat Union forces. Confederate forces staged a surprise attack but were forced to retreat.

the president should have enough power to lead

Unlike the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists believed

No. The war started a year before the Declaration of Independence was written.

Was the Declaration of Independence intended to be a formal declaration of war? Why or why not

refutes the doctrine of "separate but equal."

We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Compared with the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, this opinion

Read the excerpt from the Publius. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices [checks and balances] should be necessary to control the abuses of government... If men were angels, no government would be necessary. —Publius Which statement summarizes the publication's view of government? We need government so we have a means to control our leaders. We need government because people are flawed. We don't need government because people are well behaved. We don't need government because it has too many checks and balances.

We need government because people are flawed.

theocracy and communism

What are two types of oligarchies

The president's decision can be overridden by a majority of Congress.

What can happen if the president chooses to veto a law that has been passed?

Congress would have too much power over states

What did Anti-Federalists fear would happen if the Constitution became law

Separation does not necessarily imply any inequality.

What did Justice Brown's verdict in Plessy v. Ferguson state?

human reason

What did philosophers of the Enlightenment have faith in, believing it could answer questions and solve problems

the natural rights governing human behavior and society

What did the philosophers of the Enlightenment seek to understand

The government cannot make laws based on religion.

What does separation of church and state mean?

cruel and unusual punishment

What does the Eighth Amendment prohibit?

the right to a lawyer

What does the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel guarantee an accused criminal to?

establishes a foundation for government

What does the Supremacy Clause do

the economy

What does the US government help regulate

carry out the laws

What does the executive branch do

The Constitution should be interpreted based on the intention of the writers.

What idea was the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut based upon?

Basic human rights are protected.

What is a main idea in the Ninth Amendment?

People can make their own lawful decisions.

What is a main idea in the right to privacy?

creating laws

What is considered the most important power Congress holds?

a government made up of two parts or houses

What is the best definition of bicameral

They protect rights not listed in the Constitution.

What is the common purpose of the Ninth and Tenth amendments?

earning voting privileges

What is the correct definition of suffrage?

describing the powers of the legislative branch

What is the focus of Article I of the Constitution

Citizens elect leaders who vote on the issues in a representative democracy, and citizens vote on the issues in a direct democracy

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy

to describe the relationship between federal and state powers

What is the primary purpose of the Supremacy Clause?

They would keep any one branch from having too much power.

What is the purpose of checks and balances in the Constitution

to stop government from supporting one religion

What is the purpose of the establishment clause?

It is separate from all religious traditions.

What is true of a secular activity?

the right to protect yourself

What right is implied by the Second Amendment's right to bear arms?

rights unlisted in the Constitution

What rights are specifically protected under the Ninth Amendment?

It is the source of implied powers.

What statement about the Necessary and Proper Clause is accurate

represent himself

What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?

Thomas Gibbons was allowed to operate his steamboats in New York.

What was a result of Gibbons v. Ogden?

common laws became more accessible

What was an important effect of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England

They approved the Constitution

What was the Federalists' view of the Constitution

made the wrong decision

What was the Supreme Court in the Brown case saying to the Court of the Plessy case in 1896?

Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private.

What was the impact of the Griswold v. Connecticut ruling?

The national government didn't hold enough power.

What was the main failure of the Articles of Confederation that eventually led to the US Constitution

The ruling expanded the powers of the federal government.

What was the most significant result of the ruling in Marbury v. Madison?

The farms of the South raised agricultural products

What was the primary way the farms in the South differed from those in the North

It created a federal court system

What was the purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1789?

It strengthened the growing civil rights movement.

What was the social impact of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?


What were affirmative action programs originally designed to encourage?


What were the men who came to the Constitutional Convention referred to as

The federal government had no national army

What would be the federal government's biggest problem if a war was imminent

Women can vote and serve in government

What would most surprise an ancient Athenian about government in the United States today

Low self-esteem can have a negative impact on grades.

When Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, "A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn," what was he essentially stating?


When a Constitutional Amendment is ________ it is interpreted.

could present an immediate threat to security or the public.

When can the government restrict information released by the press?

checks and balances

When the Supreme Court declares a law that was created by Congress unconstitutional, it is an example of


When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner. According to the quote, what is lost if one person has too much power.


When was the Voting Rights Act passed?

Greek-city states

Where did democracy begin

explaining medical problems to a personal physician

Which action would be protected by the Ninth Amendment?

obtaining unauthorized personal information from a website

Which action would violate the Ninth Amendment?

3rd Amendment

Which amendment deals with property rights?

10th Amendment

Which amendment was designed to allay Anti-Federalist fears of a central government with too much power?

9th Amendment

Which amendment was meant to allay Federalist fears that by guaranteeing specific rights the Constitution would not protect other unspecified rights?

enforcing laws

Which best describes a role of the executive branch of the federal government

chooses the president and the vice president

Which best describes how the Electoral College affects the executive branch?

give the judicial branch many opportunities to interpret the Constitution

Which best describes how the structure of the judicial branch affects the judicial branch's interpretation of the Constitution

Unenumerated rights are not listed in the Constitution.

Which best describes how unenumerated rights differ from procedural and substantive rights?

almost always unconstitutional.

Which best describes the precedent set by the Supreme Court in New York Times v. United States regarding government censorship?

Government creates laws and provides leadership

Which best describes the two main functions of US government

guarantees them

Which best describes what the Bill of Rights does for citizens' rights?

Rights that were not listed would be unprotected.

Which best describes why some people such as James Madison thought that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary?

It was the first major act of defiance by the colonists

Which best describes why the Boston Tea Party is considered such a significant event in US history

to represent their interests in government

Which best describes why voters choose political candidates

Article IV grants powers to states while limiting the powers of the federal government.

Which best explains how Article IV is connected to federalism

must approve many presidential actions

Which best explains how the Senate affects the powers of the president

he considers the most qualified and will most likely support his agenda

Which best explains how the president selects a justice for the Supreme Court?

regardless of location, to have the same rights.

Which best explains why the Privileges and Immunities Clause forbids states from discriminating against citizens from other states?

In some countries, citizens do not have the right to vote

Which best states a difference between voting in the US and in other countries

New rights beyond those in the Constitution would need to be created.

Which best states the basis for Justice White's dissenting opinion in Roe v. Wade?

Government has the power to protect natural rights, but people can change their government if it fails to do so

Which best summarizes the social contract outlined in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

driving on the highway

Which could be considered an act indicating acceptance of the social contract

The Senate approves cabinet members but not pardons

Which describes how Congress affects the president's abilities to grant pardons and appoint cabinet members

stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause?

They protect justices from political pressure

Which explains why Supreme Court justices are given lifetime appointments

anticipated the need for courts lower than the Supreme Court

Which explains why the Constitution gave Congress the power to create a system of federal courts


Which form of government serves the interests of royal family members

Census Bureau

Which government agency analyzed data to ensure African-Americans were receiving fair treatment at the polls?

young adults

Which group has the lowest voter participation rate?

increased open public support for independence

Which had the greatest influence in prompting the Second Continental Congress to declare independence

the right to indictment before trial for a capital crime

Which is a grand jury right?

They serve lifetime terms

Which is a true statement about federal judges

legal proceedings between states

Which is a true statement about the Full Faith and Credit Clause

deals with shared rights for citizens

Which is a true statement about the Privileges and Immunities Clause

granting pardons

Which is an example of a presidential power that has no clear limitation?

declaring war and maintaining an army

Which is an example of an expressed power Congress holds?

drafting soldiers

Which is an implied power of the federal government

highest authority

Which is the best definition of "supremacy"?

to reach its own conclusions

Which is the most likely reason the framers of the Constitution did not tell the judicial branch how to interpret the document

prior restraint

Which issue was at the heart of New York Times v. United States?

Women serve in government but are still underrepresented.

Which occurred after women earned the right to vote?

ended public segregation

Which of the following did the Civil Rights Act accomplish?

poll workers having voters read the voting directions out loud before voting

Which of the following scenarios illustrates what might have taken place at a southern state polling center in the wake of the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment?


Which of these actions would be considered an act of civil disobedience?

common law

Which of these best completes the empty box to the right with limited government and rights for citizens

admitting new states

Which of these is an expressed power of Congress

collecting taxes

Which of these is considered a concurrent power

admitting new states

Which of these is considered a power of governance

creating a national bank

Which of these powers is considered an implied power

reasonable bail must be set

Which of these provisions is part of the Eighth Amendment?

All citizens are entitled to due process.

Which of these statements accurately describes the Fifth Amendment?

fair process for searches and seizures.

Which of these statements accurately describes the Fourth Amendment?

A warrant based on probable cause is required.

Which of these statements describes a Fourth Amendment protection?

Segregation could lead to feelings of inferiority.

Which of these statements was implied by the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

The bill passes in both houses

Which of these steps is second in the bill process?

the president can veto the bill

Which of these steps might happen after a bill is sent to the president?

the body

Which part of the Declaration of Independence acts as an implied plan of action, in that it lists laws and practices to be changed

collecting taxes

Which power does the federal government share with state governments


Which powers are given directly to the people

to be left alone

Which privacy right is protected by Supreme Court decisions in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade?

amending the Constitution

Which process does Article V of the Constitution describe

There was no national court system

Which reason most closely illustrates why the federal government was unable to maintain order in the new nation

drawing up treaties

Which responsibilities were assigned to the federal government under the Articles of Confederation

right to trial by jury, bear arms, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.

Which rights for citizens appear in the English Bill of Rights? Check all that apply

A parent leads a prayer in a public park.

Which scenario is allowed under the free-exercise clause?

It is based on the Constitution's bicameral legislature

Which statement about Congress is accurate

It divides power between state and national governments.

Which statement about federalism is accurate

A bill can have a second chance after a veto

Which statement about the bill process is accurate?

They generally had less enslaved labor than the southern states

Which statement about the northern states in the 1780s is accurate

The leader maintains power through force

Which statement best characterizes a dictatorship

A communist government is led by one political party

Which statement best defines a communist government

to keep the president from becoming too powerful

Which statement best explains why the Constitution limits the power of the executive branch

the rights that cannot, or should not, be taken away

Which statement describes a natural right

The federal and state governments share powers, but federal has the majority

Which statement is an accurate description of the American federal system

over 18 can vote

Which statement is true regarding the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

escape must be returned to their home states

Which statement summarizes the Enslaved Persons Clause


Which term defines a power equally shared by state and federal governments

universal rights

Which term is synonymous with "natural rights," according to Enlightenment philosophers


Which type of rights are fundamental and belong to all citizens?


Which type of rights did the colonists who drafted the Declaration of Independence most want to protect

civil rights

Which type of rights ensure equal treatment under the law?

natural rights

Which type of rights were most influential in the creation of the Bill of Rights?

to have a unified nation for times of war

Which was a main reason for creating the Articles of Confederation


Which word best describes the federal government that was created under the Articles of Confederation

Thomas Hobbes

Who supported the Enlightenment idea that people are naturally selfish

two competing owners of steamboat companies

Who was involved in the case of Gibbons v. Ogden?

to limit the power of any single group or person

Why did Montesquieu advocate the separation of powers

He believed the king would only approve laws that benefited Britain.

Why did Thomas Paine question British authority to rule the colonies in Common Sense

It allowed Marbury to take his case to the Supreme Court.

Why did William Marbury support the Judiciary Act of 1789

The Declaration of Independence outlined a relationship between individuals and the government but did not detail the power and control of that government

Why did colonists feel the Articles of Confederation were necessary even though the Declaration of Independence was already written

Athens had a small population

Why did direct democracy work for the ancient Greek city of Athens

to ensure equal treatment for all citizens

Why did the Supreme Court expand the incorporation of the Bill of Rights?

to discuss a better system of government

Why did the state delegates meet in 1787

Representation is based on population, and the US has grown steadily.

Why has the House of Representatives grown so much faster than the Senate

The clause deals with powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted.

Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate

The colonists suffered persecution for their religious beliefs.

Why was freedom of religion added to the First Amendment?

Nine of the states had to agree before a law was passed

Why was it very difficult to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation

to keep the government from abusing its authority

Why was the Fourth Amendment added to the Constitution?

to ensure individual freedoms

Why was the Ninth Amendment written?

because it used the due process law to interpret the issue of incorporation

Why was the Supreme Court's ruling important in Gitlow v. New York?

Both regions recognized that how enslaved people were counted would significantly affect representation

Why was the issue of slavery so important to the delegates of the Constitutional Convention

because then the Bill of Rights would cover both state and federal law

Why were some framers in favor of incorporating the Bill of Rights?

They were taxed without having representation in Parliament.

Why were taxes an ongoing source of conflict for the American colonists

The Articles of Confederation did not give strong power to the federal government

Why were the Articles of Confederation replaced with the Constitution

created a record of common law

William Blackstone was important because he

equality of all citizens

You shall not render an unjust judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great: with justice you shall judge your neighbor. Which principle of American government is reflected in this passage

How did the Supreme Court rule in the Miranda decision? Ernesto Miranda was found guilty on all counts. Ernesto Miranda had been denied his rights. Ernesto Miranda could not be tried twice for the same crime. Ernesto Miranda did not have the right to avoid self-incrimination.

[NOT] Ernesto Miranda was found guilty on all counts.

Does the preamble to the Declaration of Independence indicate reasons why the new independent government might be similarly removed or overthrown? Why or why not? No. It demands reconciliation between the government and the governed. Yes. It outlines when it is appropriate to remove a government. No. It states that governments cannot simply be changed. Yes. It indicates that the will of the people must be followed.

[NOT] No. It demands reconciliation between the government and the governed.

Which is an example of federal supremacy? State banks must pay taxes to the more powerful federal government. The Supreme Court can decide whether a law or act is constitutional. Congress has powers that are not specifically outlined in the Constitution. A state is not allowed to tax federal money because federal law is superior.

[NOT] The Supreme Court can decide whether a law or act is constitutional.

Read the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Which statement best summarizes the intent of the Eighth Amendment? People accused of crimes have no rights until there is a verdict in court. The government has specific ways in which it can punish criminals. People accused of crimes have specific constitutional protections. The government may choose to inflict any kinds of punishment it chooses.

[NOT] The government has specific ways in which it can punish criminals.

Elmbrook School District, located in California, held graduations at a local church. How might this violate the establishment clause? The school cannot be associated with any particular religion. The school needed to go to a different church every year. The school was not promoting religion by just having a graduation. The school does not force people to attend graduation.

[NOT] The school was not promoting religion by just having a graduation.

Congress checks on the power of the presidency by overriding a presidential reversal or veto. debating the bill in both of the houses. making laws without presidential review. sending the bill back to several committees.

[NOT] debating the bill in both of the houses.

Which of these is an expressed power of Congress? admitting new states creating a national banking system eliminating amendments to the Constitution determining what is cruel and unusual punishment

[NOT] eliminating amendments to the Constitution

A main purpose of the president's State of the Union address is to identify major policy issues. explain Supreme Court decisions. challenge congressional policies. defend executive branch decisions.

[NOT] explain Supreme Court decisions.

Which process does Article V of the Constitution describe? amending the Constitution granting powers to the states contradicting federal law returning enslaved persons

[NOT] granting powers to the states

Which is an implied power of the federal government? raising taxes regulating trade drafting soldiers declaring war

[NOT] raising taxes [NOT] regulating trade

A faction is a group that strongly disagrees with another group. strongly favors ratifying the Constitution. strongly agrees with another group. strongly opposes ratifying the Constitution.

[NOT] strongly agrees with another group.

The final authority on legal questions in the United States is the president. the vice president. the Senate. the Supreme Court

[NOT] the president.

Why was the Ninth Amendment written? to ensure individual freedoms to promote independent choices to protect personal properties to define specific personal rights

[NOT] to protect personal properties

During the Civil War, Grant's capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson contributed to Union control of


During the Civil War, key waterways in the South included


During the Civil War, what was one advantage the Confederacy had over the Union?


France and Britain responded to the Emancipation Proclamation by


How might a victory at Gettysburg have benefited the Confederacy?


If two people of different ethnic backgrounds were guilty of the same crime, but only one of them were accused and tried, this would be a violation of


In the early 1900s, the recall, referendum, and initiative provisions were all examples of


President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after


The South won every major Civil War battle until


The Union's control of the Mississippi River hurt the Confederacy's ability to


The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?


What impact did the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment have on American citizens?


Why did the Union struggle to take Vicksburg from the Confederacy?


When leaders use religious laws to govern, they most likely represent

a Theocracy

Who would the president most likely ask for advice about reforming labor practices?

a cabinet member

Which would most likely fall under appellate jurisdiction? a case involving state laws a case between two companies a case appealed from a lower court a case between two states

a case appealed from a lower court

Which would most likely fall under the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? a case involving the laws of a single state a case between two companies a case appealed from a lower court a case between two states

a case between two companies

Which would most likely fall under the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? a case involving the laws of a single state a case between two companies a case appealed from a lower court a case between two states

a case between two states

What is a landmark case? a case that is based on a dispute over land a case that is based on a previous court's decision. a case that sets a precedent for future court decisions a case that has been overturned from a previous court.

a case that sets a precedent for future court decisions

A divorce case would most likely be assigned to a court with which jurisdiction? a court of civil jurisdiction a court of original jurisdiction a court of limited jurisdiction a court of general jurisdiction

a court of limited jurisdiction

A social contract is an agreement between

a government and its citizens

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence outlines the principles upon which the new government would be based. Which of these best describes one of those principles? a government based on a social contract the end of taxation without representation the removal of the British military a need for equality regardless of race or gender

a government based on a social contract

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence outlines the principles upon which the new government would be based. Which of these best describes one of those principles?

a government based on a social contract* the end of taxation without representation the removal of the British military a need for equality regardless of race or gender

What is the best definition of federalism? a government in which power is given to Congress directly a government in which power is under the control of the states a government in which power is divided between state and national levels a government in which powers are directly stated in the Constitution

a government in which power is divided between state and national levels


a government in which power is divided between state and national levels

In state court, a losing party can appeal a case if

a higher court agrees to hear it.

In state court, a losing party can appeal a case if a jury is unable to make a decision. a judge disagrees with a jury's decision. a precedent does not exist. a higher court agrees to hear it.

a higher court agrees to hear it.

Courts of general jurisdiction typically have

a judge and jury.

Courts of general jurisdiction typically have a judge and jury. a judge only. a jury only. a panel of judges.

a judge and jury.

What is the best definition of bicameral?

a legislature based on size of the state an act of working as a lawmaker for a group a government made up of two parts or houses* an agreement reached after long debate

What is the Bill of Rights? a list of reasons supporting ratification of the Constitution a list of the civil liberties and rights of citizens of the United States a list of the fundamental rights held by the government a list of demands from the American colonies for independence

a list of the civil liberties and rights of citizens of the United States

Judges in federal appellate courts determine whether

a lower court made an error in a case.

Judges in federal appellate courts determine whether a case should be heard in federal court. a defendant is innocent or guilty. a lower court made an error in a case. a case should go to the Supreme Court.

a lower court made an error in a case.

Cases heard by appellate courts are decided by a judge. a judge and jury. a panel of judges. a jury.

a panel of judges.

Writing a state constitution is an example of an implied power. a reserved power. a concurrent power. an expressed power.

a reserved power.

A dispute over a contract between two people in the same city would most likely be heard first in

a state trial court.

A dispute over a contract between two people in the same city would most likely be heard first in a federal trial court. a federal appellate court. a state trial court. a state appellate court.

a state trial court.

The US Constitution structures the government by creating

a system that organizes power on federal, state, and local levels

Which best describes the European Union? -an economic policy that places tariffs on goods entering Europe -a trade agreement responsible for one of the world's largest economies -an economic policy that lowers tariffs on goods sent from Europe to the United States -a trade agreement that unites all European countries with a single trading goal

a trade agreement responsible for one of the world's largest economies

De Tocqueville's travels throughout the United States led him to conclude that it was

a unique country

How did the Great Compromise resolve the dispute about representation?

a. It sided completely with the unicameral legislature. b. It focused representation on the larger states, not the smaller states. c. It created balance by blending the Virginia and New Jersey plans. * d. It gave every state the same number of state representatives.

What is the purpose of checks and balances in the Constitution?

a. They would keep any one branch from having too much power.* b. They would give the president power over matters related to money. c. They would allow states to have equal power with the federal government. d. They would give Federalists and Anti-Federalists equal power.

The Emancipation Proclamation freed

a. most enslaved people in the South and those in the North. b.all enslaved people everywhere in the United States. c. most enslaved people in the North and those in border states. d. enslaved people in the South but not those in border states.*

from the Publius; In republican government, the [lawmaking] authority necessarily [has the most power]. The remedy for to DIVIDE the legislature into different branches; and to render little connected with each other [as possible]. —Publius

a. the Anti-Federalist idea that dividing the government into branches will not stop abuses of power b. the Federalist idea that lawmaking power should be divided among the different branches of government * c. the Anti-Federalist idea that lawmaking should be a matter for states, not the federal government d. the Federalist idea that branches of government should overlap so they can check on each other's activities

The regular distribution of power into distinct departments... the representation of the people in the legislature by deputies of their own election: these are... powerful means, by which the EXCELLENCES of republican government may be retained.

a. the viewpoint of those who supported the Constitution* b. the viewpoint of those who supported a bill of rights c. the viewpoint of those who supported the Anti-Federalists d. the viewpoint of those who supported more power for states

Which best defines the term jurisdiction?

aThis excerpt reinforces the idea of

Which of these powers are under the control of the state? administering elections regulating commerce coining money declaring war

administering elections

State governments are required to -create two separate legislative houses. -collect sales taxes from citizens. -allow citizens to choose representatives. -collect federal taxes from citizens.

allow citizens to choose representatives.

What is symbolic speech? an action that expresses an idea or opinion the act of peaceful protest the publication of an article despite prior restraint an idea or opinion expressed through metaphor

an action that expresses an idea or opinion

symbolic speech

an action that expresses an idea or opinion

In most cases, the US Supreme Court functions as

an appellate court.

In most cases, the US Supreme Court functions as a trial court. a circuit court. an appellate court. a superior court.

an appellate court.

The Supreme Court is best characterized as a federal court. an appellate court. a judicial court. a inferior court.

an appellate court.

A state court that sets a precedent makes a decision that

an authorize similar action in the future.

A losing party in a federal trial court can

appeal to a higher federal court.

A losing party in a federal trial court can appeal to the US Supreme Court. appeal to a higher federal court. ask for a retrial in the same court. ask for a different judge in the same court.

appeal to a higher federal court.

In which jurisdiction would further review of a federal court decision fall under? original appellate superior state


In addition to the Supreme Court, the federal court system includes appellate and trial courts. trial and district courts. appellate and superior courts. trial and superior courts.

appellate and trial courts.

The role of the Senate in regard to treaties is to

approve international treaties.

The act of formally approving something is known as

arbitration delegation. ratification.* representation.

International governmental organizations -have a "home base" in the country most in need of help. -are able to operate in every country that is part of the group. -send workers out from a singular location in a national capital. -allow struggling citizens to seek refuge in their headquarters.

are able to operate in every country that is part of the group.

A similarity between the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they

are all ways that the Constitution limits government power

civil liberties

are the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights that cannot be taken away by law.

The government gives public funds to low performing schools for new computers. They decide to give more money to the lowest performers which are religious schools. According to the establishment clause, how would a court rule on this case? as a violation of the clause because government institutions cannot support religious institutions. as a violation of the clause because the government gave more money to religious schools than public schools. as not in violation of the clause because they gave out money due to guidelines that gave all schools an equal chance to receive the funding. as not in violation of the clause because they gave money to fewer religious schools than public schools.

as not in violation of the clause because they gave out money due to guidelines that gave all schools an equal chance to receive the funding.

Which steps make up the judicial process in the federal court system?

assigning jurisdiction, making a decision, appealing the case

As a result of Union and Confederate casualties during the Battle of Gettysburg,


As the Civil War began, President Lincoln accepted the belief that


At the start of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union Army


De Tocqueville observed the laissez-faire government in the United States, which meant that the government


During the Civil War, New Orleans was significant because it was


During the Civil War, both sides wanted to control the Mississippi River because it was


Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to


How did the Supreme Court rule in the Miranda decision?


In 1863, African American involvement in the Civil War changed due to a new law that


In the term "due process," the word "process" refers to the way in which


Robert La Follette's set of state reforms known as the Wisconsin Idea favored


Rome became a ________ at the end of the 6th Century BCE.


The 1862 battle at Antietam put an end to


The Emancipation Proclamation affected the Union's Civil War efforts by


The First Amendment guarantees


The exclusionary rule states that if evidence is found during an illegal search, it


Where did democracy begin?


Which reform measure could people use if they wanted to change a law about taxes?


Why did the Constitution grant Congress the power to create "inferior courts"?


If the government wants to take land to build a highway, the Fifth Amendment says that the affected property owners must be compensated for the land. be imprisoned if they object. defend their land rights in court. surrender the land as part of their patriotic duty.

be compensated for the land.

Why were the reforms of the early 1900s, such as the recall, referendum, and initiative provisions, called "progressive"?

because the reforms represented the work of a single person because the reforms represented unpopular, unwanted changes because the reforms represented a return to traditions of the past because the reforms represented forward thinking about political changes*

A qualification for president under Article II of the Constitution is being born in the United States. being born in Washington DC. living for ten years in the United States. living for ten years in Washington DC.

being born in the United States.

During his trip to the United States, Alexis de Tocqueville observed that Americans

believed in the idea of populism

The New Jersey Plan supported the idea of:

bicameral legislation. equal representation.* multi-cameral legislation. parliamentary government.

Prior to the Seventeenth Amendment, how did some senatorial candidates attempt to get elected into office?

by buying votes

Judeo-Christian principles helped influence government in


The Enlightenment idea of separation of powers led to


The concept of checks and balances ensures that


Which battle resulted in both a Confederate victory and the death of General Stonewall Jackson?


Which statement best describes the contributions of Frederick Douglass during the Civil War?


Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turning point in the Civil War?


A state court that sets a precedent makes a decision that can authorize similar action in the future. can stop similar action in the future. assigns jurisdiction to an appeals court assigns jurisdiction to a trial court.

can authorize similar action in the future.

A person who is not satisfied with an appellate court's decision

can take the case to a higher court.

A person who is not satisfied with an appellate court's decision can take the case to another state's court. can take the case to a different trial court. can take the case to a higher court. can take the case to a federal court.

can take the case to a higher court.

The exclusionary rule states that if evidence is found during an illegal search, it must be destroyed immediately. cannot be admitted into consideration. can be admitted into court anyway. cannot be admitted into court unless a judge agrees.

cannot be admitted into consideration.

Which type of governmental power does a unitary system hold?

centralized power

Which of the following did Robert La Follette propose for election reform?

changing the voting requirements removing candidate age restrictions limiting campaign contributions* lowering the voting age

The selection of federal judges by the executive branch is an example of checks and balances. original jurisdiction. advice and consent. appellate jurisdiction.

checks and balances.

When the Supreme Court declares a law that was created by Congress unconstitutional, it is an example of presidential veto. popular sovereignty. checks and balances. habeas corpus.

checks and balances.

Protection of habeas corpus means that citizens cannot be punished without a trial. laws cannot apply to past situations. citizens cannot be held without legal action. laws cannot include cruel or unusual punishments.

citizens cannot be held without legal action.

US District Courts hear federal cases involving

civil and criminal issues.

US District Courts hear federal cases involving state and local issues. civil and state issues. civil and criminal issues. criminal and international issues.

civil and criminal issues.

The basic freedoms that are guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution are called civil liberties. rights of the accused. checks and balances. Miranda rights.

civil liberties.

Which of these is considered a concurrent power? establishing schools drafting soldiers coining money collecting taxes

collecting taxes

Which power does the federal government share with state governments? printing money collecting taxes setting up local governments conducting foreign affairs

collecting taxes

When a Constitutional Amendment is ________ it is interpreted. disparaged developed construed enumerated


In Duckworth v. Eagan (1988), the Supreme Court held that the police had been too harshly burdened by the Miranda decision and no longer had to follow it. could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message. did not need to read the Miranda warning if they considered a suspect to be dangerous. could create any warning they chose so long as they got a conviction.

could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message.

According to Anti-Federalists, the Constitution would make the president too weak. could make the president less powerful than Congress. could give the president too much influence. would make the president work closely with states.

could give the president too much influence.

Congress has the express financial power to establish a national banking system. create and collect new taxes. order the president to borrow money. seize property for government projects.

create and collect new taxes.

The impact of Furman v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to promise to use the death penalty only with approval from the Supreme Court. throw out the old Miranda warning and write a new one. agree to throw out all state laws regarding crime and impose national standards. create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.

create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.

Which of these actions is forbidden by the Constitution? creating a law ex post facto borrowing money from the government passing "necessary and proper" laws regulating trade with foreign countries

creating a law ex post facto

Which of these powers is considered an implied power? raising taxes regulating trade creating a national bank declaring war

creating a national bank

What is considered the most important power Congress holds? collecting taxes electing leaders creating laws determining citizenship

creating laws

During the siege of Vicksburg, the Union army


How did Enlightenment thinkers approach the study of government?


Prior to the enactment of the Seventeenth Amendment, why did some states not send two senators to Congress?


The capture of Vicksburg in 1863 contributed to the course of the Civil War by


The outcome of the First Battle of Bull Run


Which example best shows the contribution of African American troops during the Civil War?


Which is a true statement about federal judges?


Thomas Paine's Common Sense pushed for a more radical solution than the First Continental Congress did in resolving issues of British rule. What was Paine's solution?

declaring independence

What is the focus of Article I of the Constitution? describing the powers of the legislative branch defining bicameral and unicameral houses explaining the veto and override processes reviewing the executive branch of the government

describing the powers of the legislative branch

Which of Robert La Follette's proposals are still in place today?

direct primaries and income tax* the spoils system and political machines the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments support of monopolies and trusts

The outcome of the First Battle of Bull Run discouraged the Confederacy and gave the Union confidence. showed that the Civil War would probably be a short conflict. proved that the Union's military forces had superior firepower. discouraged the Union and gave the Confederacy confidence.

discouraged the Union and gave the Confederacy confidence.

A man is sentenced to five years in prison for walking across his neighbor's lawn. In this example, we can say that the punishment is disproportionate to the crime. appropriate to the crime. not severe enough for the crime. along the lines of what the Founders had in mind.

disproportionate to the crime.

In a confederal system of government, power is -given to the central government. -given to the president exclusively. -shared between the central and state governments. -distributed equally among the state governments

distributed equally among the state governments

If people in court say, "I plead the Fifth," that means they are probably guilty on all counts. do not want to be forced to testify against themselves. want to ask the judge to issue a warrant. have been denied due process.

do not want to be forced to testify against themselves.

If people in court say, "I plead the Fifth," that means they are probably guilty on all counts. do not want to be forced to testify against themselves. want to ask the judge to issue a warrant. have been denied due process.

do not want to be forced to testify against themselves.

In addition to protection against self-incrimination, the Fifth Amendment ensures that people have double jeopardy and grand jury rights. search and seizure and grand jury rights. Miranda warning and probable cause rights. just compensation and warrant rights.

double jeopardy and grand jury rights.

At the start of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Union Army

drove the Confederates out of Pennsylvania. was forced into a defensive position.* broke through the Confederate army's line. fought the Confederate Army to a stand-off.

Read the quotation from the Declaration of Independence. For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury. Which legal change after the American Revolution most likely resulted from this grievance?

due process of law was implemented

A public welfare service that the US government provides is


Which best describes a role of the executive branch of the federal government? governing commerce interpreting laws regulating taxes enforcing laws

enforcing laws

Which of the following groups often engaged in work slowdowns during the Civil War? Southern slaveholders enslaved African Americans African American soldiers Northern slaveholders

enslaved African Americans

In Furman v. Georgia (1972), the Supreme Court ruled in William Furman's favor, saying that Georgia had denied Furman the right to be represented by counsel. violated Furman's right to a quick and speedy trial. established unclear standards for applying the death penalty. exceeded the annual quota of death penalties it could impose.

established unclear standards for applying the death penalty.

A principal who leads a prayer at a graduation violates the First Amendment's establishment clause. freedom of religion clause. free-exercise clause. lemon test clause.

establishment clause.

Evidence collected during an illegal search cannot be used in court based on the

exclusionary rule

Robert La Follette's set of state reforms known as the Wisconsin Idea favored

expanded democracy.

Which action would be protected by the Ninth Amendment? refusing to pay sales tax on an automobile insisting on attending a city council meeting creating a personal page on a social media site explaining medical problems to a personal physician

explaining medical problems to a personal physician

Edwards v. South Carolina protected people's right to assemble and attempt to stop something from being printed. display unpopular views in a disruptive way. express unpopular views in a peaceful way. protest against something on private property.

express unpopular views in a peaceful way.

Declaring war and coining money are considered states' rights. implied powers. national rights. expressed powers.

expressed powers.

Read the excerpt from the Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 8. [Congress shall have power] to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. This excerpt reinforces the idea of federal supremacy. implied powers. balance of powers. judicial review.

federal supremacy.

Which key idea in the Constitution creates a division of power between national and state governments? habeas corpus individual rights federalism republicanism


The decision in Gibbons v. Ogden most likely resulted in more cases about state versus federal licenses. fewer applications for steamboat licenses in New York. fewer disputes about state monopolies. more challenges to federal supremacy.

fewer disputes about state monopolies.

According to the Constitution, the amount of time the president and vice president serve in office together for one term is four years. six years. seven years. ten years.

four years.

Read the excerpt from the preamble to the Constitution. . . . [A]nd secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. According to this excerpt of the preamble, who were freedoms and rights established for? federal and state elected officials executive and judicial officials leaders and past generations framers of the Constitution and future generations

framers of the Constitution and future generations

Which individual freedom is protected under the Constitution? freedom to speak about anything freedom to meet peacefully freedom from search and seizure freedom from being detained

freedom to meet peacefully

The Supreme Court's decisions in Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade were most important because they restricted state laws governing privacy. gave a new definition to personal privacy. limited privacy to the control of the body and of family life. included the right to the privacy of personal property.

gave a new definition to personal privacy.

Before a case can be heard in a state high court, it must

go through a selection process.

Enlightenment thinkers questioned

government authority.

The right to privacy protects citizens from personal searches. seizure of property. government intrusion. personal incrimination.

government intrusion.

Prior to the Seventeenth Amendment, who chose the members of the US Senate?

governors direct primaries state legislatures* members of Congress

Which is an example of a presidential power that has no clear limitation? selecting a cabinet making a treaty appointing ambassadors granting pardons

granting pardons

The Sixth Amendment ensures a citizen's right to worship freely. vote. have a fair trial. bear arms.

have a fair trial.

James McCulloch most likely supported the idea that Congress could create banks because he knew that Maryland law did not allow for state-run banks. he believed the Court should follow the implied powers of the Constitution. he supported the idea of federal supremacy. he didn't want to pay state taxes on his bank.

he didn't want to pay state taxes on his bank.

Within the hierarchy of the federal bureaucracy, the cabinet is

higher than independent agencies.

Which is the best definition of "supremacy"? highest authority limitless power superior judgment greater aptitude

highest authority

The Union's capture of New Orleans severely hurt the Confederacy by

hindering shipping and transportation.* ending hopes of a European alliance. weakening General Lee's troops. destroying the Confederate Army.

An unanswered Constitutional question about the judicial branch is who should approve judges and justices. how to create lower federal courts. how to create a Supreme Court. who should appoint judges and justices.

how to create lower federal courts.

Under which circumstances would protesters' right to assembly most likely be protected? if protesters were picketing on an alleged criminal's front lawn if protesters were marching on the statehouse in favor of marriage for all if protesters were inciting others to destroy restaurants serving unhealthy foods if protesters were throwing rocks at police to prevent arrest

if protesters were marching on the statehouse in favor of marriage for all

Under what circumstances would the protest of the students in Tinker v. Des Moines be deemed unprotected speech? if their action had clearly threatened order and safety if their action had supported an unpopular opinion if their action had not been political if their action had promoted an artistic endeavor

if their action had clearly threatened order and safety

The Sixth Amendment states that someone accused of a crime must go to trial wherever a jury thinks best. in a state and area different from where the crime took place. wherever the person accused of the crime chooses. in the state and area where the crime took place.

in the state and area where the crime took place.

Which had the greatest influence in prompting the Second Continental Congress to declare independence? the battles of Lexington and Concord King George III's rejection of peaceful reconciliation financial support from France and Spain increased open public support for independence

increased open public support for independence

What is the Senate's only defense to a filibuster?

invoking cloture

An implied power is one that is clearly outlined in the Constitution. gives the Supreme Court power to revise the Constitution. overrules the wording of the Constitution. is suggested by the Constitution.

is suggested by the Constitution.

Anti-Federalists argued that branches of government would keep each other in balance. it was impossible to separate government into equal branches. the Constitution would create a Republican government. a Republic should protect people from the government and from each other.

it was impossible to separate government into equal branches.

People who make judgments in lower federal courts are called justices. judges. officers. lawyers.


To which branch of government does the power to interpret laws and apply the Constitution to the law belong? federal executive judicial legislative


The judicial branch has the power to try criminal cases by


The Constitution was a result of multiple:

legislations. democracies. compromises.* populations.

What are the three branches of federal government set up by the Constitution?

legislative, executive, and judicial

The publication of false and damaging information about a person is referred to as libel. civil disobedience. an infringement. symbolic speech.


The idea that government is not above the law is an example of rule of law. federalism. limited government. guaranteed rights.

limited government.

A type of jurisdiction that state and local trial courts have is

limited jurisdiction.

The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to list the rights of citizens. describe the separation of powers. assert the authority of the federal government. outline the federal system.

list the rights of citizens.

The Ten Commandments are a list of rules for

living and worshiping.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to create federal courts lower than the Supreme Court. higher than the Supreme Court. equal to the Supreme Court. unaffected by the Supreme Court.

lower than the Supreme Court.

The outcome of the Second Battle of Bull Run

marked the unofficial end of the Civil War. placed the Confederate capital in danger. allowed the Union to recruit African Americans. placed the capital city Washington, DC, in danger.*

The Supreme Court's decisions in Terry v. Ohio (1967) and Horton v. California (1990) both held that the police may, in certain cases, search individuals or seize their property without a warrant. must never, even with reasonable cause, carry out a stop and frisk. must always have a warrant to seize evidence, even if it is in plain view. may never violate the Fourth Amendment protections concerning searches and seizures.

may, in certain cases, search individuals or seize their property without a warrant.

The commission system and the council-manager system were both new forms of

municipal government.

Federalists believed a workable government must separate government into branches. should centralize power under the president. cannot prevent abuses of power. could not be created under the Constitution

must separate government into branches.

Federalists believed a workable government

must separate government into branches.* should centralize power under the president. cannot prevent abuses of power. could not be created under the Constitution

The power to declare war belongs to state and local governments. national and state governments. national government. state governments.

national government.

Which type of rights were most influential in the creation of the Bill of Rights? substantive rights natural rights civil rights procedural rights

natural rights

Which action would violate the Ninth Amendment? speaking with a pharmacist about a prescription accusing a political opponent of dishonest behavior publishing a family recipe in a community cookbook obtaining unauthorized personal information from a website

obtaining unauthorized personal information from a website

According to the 1790 census, where did enslaved people live within the United States?

only in the South in every single state* in a small portion of the North only in the far West

Which type of jurisdiction do federal trial courts have?


Which type of jurisdiction do federal trial courts have? limited original appelate general


In terms of jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has executive and appellate. original and appellate. legislative and original. original and executive.

original and appellate.

If a person has a right that is stated in the Constitution, that person has only those limited rights. other rights that are not mentioned. more rights than the average person. some rights that should be confirmed by law.

other rights that are not mentioned.

Which is the term used for the legislative branch setting aside or reversing a decision? override reject veto table


Before McCulloch v. Maryland went to court, the state of Maryland argued that James McCulloch must pay federal taxes. created the first federal bank in the state. said that only state banks were allowed within Maryland's borders. passed a law that required federal banks to pay state taxes.

passed a law that required federal banks to pay state taxes.

In 1863, African American involvement in the Civil War changed due to a new law that required freed African Americans to join the military. permitted African Americans to enlist in the military. required enslaved African Americans to join the military. forbid African American from enlisting in the military.

permitted African Americans to enlist in the military.

Robert La Follette's set of state reforms known as the Wisconsin Idea favored

political machines. expanded democracy.* big business. limited voter participation.

The concept of voting rights is based on

popular sovereignty

Which of the following principles did the Founders use as part of the basis for the Constitution?

popular sovereignty

During the Constitutional Convention, small states did not want their representation based on


According to the Constitution, the right of freedom of religion supports practicing religions that are national and official. practicing religions approved by the government. practicing religion only in private settings. practicing any religion that one chooses.

practicing any religion that one chooses.

As part of the executive branch, the vice president -advises the Supreme Court. -advises Congress. -presides over the Senate. -presides over Congress.

presides over the Senate.

A state's responsibility for public safety includes maintaining


In New York v. Quarles (1983), the Supreme Court ruled that Miranda rights do not have to be read if a suspect already has a criminal record. puts public safety at immediate risk. looks as if he or she has just committed a crime. is someone the arresting officer already knows.

puts public safety at immediate risk.

During the siege of Vicksburg, the Union army

ran out of ammunition to fight. suffered from hunger and thirst. lost more troops than the Confederacy. prevented supplies from entering or leaving.*

According to Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, each state representative must have been living in the United States for one's entire life. citizenship in one of the fifty American states. reached a minimum age of twenty-five years old. at least a four-year degree from an accredited university

reached a minimum age of twenty-five years old.

A key element of the Fourth Amendment is that searches and seizures must be serious. merciful. practical. reasonable.


France and Britain responded to the Emancipation Proclamation by

refusing to recognize the Confederacy.* declaring their support for slavery in the South. forming a trade alliance with the Confederacy. sending ambassadors to settle the Civil War.

The Supreme Court ruled in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) that Gideon had been denied his rights because he had -hired an expensive lawyer he could not afford. -represented himself in court. -paid bail he could not afford. -been questioned without having his Miranda warning read.

represented himself in court.

Which powers are given directly to the people? implied reserved concurrent expressed


In the commission system, each commissioner runs one aspect of government. In the council-manager system, the city manager

runs the day-to-day operations of a city.

In the commission system, each commissioner runs one aspect of government. In the council-manager system, the city manager

runs the day-to-day operations of a city.* sets the budget for the entire city. oversees the city council meetings. hires the executive who runs the city.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects citizens'

search and seizure rights.

The Declaration of Independence is considered the first formal assertion by a people of their right to

self- government

What is the last step in the process of getting a bill passed into law? -reviewing it in committee -sending it to the other house -approving it by a vote -sending it to the president

sending it to the president

What is the last step in the process of getting a bill passed into law? reviewing it in committee sending it to the other house approving it by a vote sending it to the president

sending it to the president

Which term is defined as "a legal doctrine that permitted racial segregation in public facilities?" -mandate -affirmative action -desegregation -separate but equal

separate but equal

A benefit of a bicameral legislature is that it

separates powers, keeping one body from gaining too much power.

Which of these is most likely to be considered protected speech? -shouting "FIRE!" in a burning building -publishing an article specifying future terrorist attacks -wearing a political button to work at a private firm -hanging a sign promoting criminal behavior on a locker at a school

shouting "FIRE!" in a burning building

A landlord who sues a tenant for unpaid rent would most likely take the case to

small claims court.

Expressed powers are those that are specifically granted in the Constitution. held by both the federal government and the states. considered the basis for the "necessary and proper" clause. inferior compared to powers directly given by Congress.

specifically granted in the Constitution.

A main difference between state and federal courts is state courts try disputes between states, while federal courts try cases between citizens of a state. state courts try cases between citizens of a state, while federal courts try disputes between states. state courts consider the facts and law in making a decision, while federal courts consider the law, facts, and precedents. state courts consider the facts and precedents in a decision, while federal courts consider the law, facts, and precedents.

state courts try cases between citizens of a state, while federal courts try disputes between states.

The commission system and the council-manager system were both new forms of

state government. municipal government.* federal government. county government.

allow for a diversity of opinions

state which becomes progressively more and more a unity will cease to be a state at all. Plurality of numbers is natural in a state; and the further it moves away from plurality towards unity, the less of a state it becomes. Aristotle believed that the citizens of a successful state must

De Tocqueville observed the a laissez-faire government in the United States, which meant that the government

stayed out of people's affairs

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause? allowing a school to run weekly prayer sessions allowing a student to wear religious clothing stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawn stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause? allowing a school to run weekly prayer sessions allowing a student to wear religious clothing stopping a religious group from praying on the White House lawn stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faithWhat does separation of church and state mean?

stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

A faction is a group that

strongly disagrees with another group.* strongly favors ratifying the Constitution. strongly agrees with another group. strongly opposes ratifying the Constitution.

Federalists believed a strong government would

take too much power from the states. cause power struggles among states. encourage states to work together.* make state government unnecessary.

The Bill of Rights consists of the first _______amendments to the Constitution.


The South won every major Civil War battle until the Battle of Antietam. the Battle of Chancellorsville. the Second Battle of Bull Run. the First Battle of Bull Run.

the Battle of Antietam.

The South won every major Civil War battle until

the Battle of Antietam.* the Battle of Chancellorsville. the Second Battle of Bull Run. the First Battle of Bull Run.

The 1862 battle at Antietam put an end to the military career of Stonewall Jackson. the Confederate threat to the Union capital. the Civil War's early string of Union victories. the Union threat to the Confederate capital.

the Confederate threat to the Union capital.

Based on the Supremacy Clause, which must US judges support? state laws state and federal laws the Constitution the Bill of Rights

the Constitution

Which of the following was a Robert La Follette reform that changed the way candidates were chosen in an election?

the Eighteenth Amendment the indirect primary the paper ballot the direct primary*

If Chris is on trial and does not want to testify in court, which amendment protects her from testifying? the Fourth Amendment the Fifth Amendment the Sixth Amendment the Eighth Amendment

the Fifth Amendment

The Fourteenth Amendment made the Constitution superior to state law because states do not have to follow the Bill of Rights. the First Amendment applied to state law through incorporation. the due process law cannot be used to incorporate the Bill of Rights. the Fourteenth Amendment cannot be incorporated as needed.

the First Amendment applied to state law through incorporation.

Which example best shows the contribution of African American troops during the Civil War?

the First Battle of Bull Run the Second Battle of Bull Run the Battle at Chancellorsville the Battle at Fort Wagner*

If the police arrive at Larry's office without probable cause or a warrant and demand to search the premises, which amendment protects him from this type of search? the Fourth Amendment the Fifth Amendment the Sixth Amendment the Eighth Amendment

the Fourth Amendment

Once the delegates determined the Three-Fifths Compromise, what issue did they tackle next?

the New Jersey Plan the Virginia Plan the Great Compromise the presidential process*

In which section of the Declaration of Independence is the purpose of government described? the Preamble the body the conclusion the grievances

the Preamble

In what part of the Great Compromise are the ideas of the Virginia Plan represented?

the Senate the House of Representatives* the Office of the President the Unicameral Legislature

A limitation on the president's power to appoint ambassadors is that the Senate must approve them. the House must approve them. the House and Senate must approve them. the Supreme Court must approve them.

the Senate must approve them.

Supreme Court justices are approved by the president. the vice president. Congress. the Senate.

the Senate.

Who heads the judicial branch of government? Congress the Supreme Court the president the cabinet

the Supreme Court

Original jurisdiction refers to the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case for the first time. the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case from a lower court. a lower court's authority to hear a case from the executive branch. a lower court's authority to hear a case from the legislative branch.

the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case for the first time.

Appellate jurisdiction refers to the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case for the first time. the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case from a lower court. a lower court's authority to hear a case from the executive branch. a lower court's authority to hear a case from the legislative branch.

the Supreme Court's authority to hear a case from a lower court.

Which amendment was designed to allay Anti-Federalist fears of a central government with too much power? the First Amendment the Fourth Amendment the Ninth Amendment the Tenth Amendment

the Tenth Amendment

The sources of state power are specifically outlined in the Tenth Amendment. the Supremacy Clause. Article I. state constitutions.

the Tenth Amendment.

A trial court in the federal system is the US Supreme Court. the US Court of Appeals. the US Court of Common Pleas. the US Court of Claims.

the US Court of Claims.

After the first day of fighting at Gettysburg, the arrival of reinforcements allowed

the Union to avoid more casualties*. the Union to hold the line and win. the Confederacy to break the lines. the Confederacy time to regroup.

President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after the Union's effectiveness at the Battle of Antietam. the death of General Jackson at Chancellorsville. the nation had voted to decide the issue of slavery. the capture of Washington, DC, by Confederate forces.

the Union's effectiveness at the Battle of Antietam.

The House and Senate can only pass amendments to the Constitution if the amendment receives a majority vote. the president supports them. the amendment receives a two-thirds vote. the judiciary branch supports them.

the amendment receives a two-thirds vote.

Which had the greatest influence in prompting the Second Continental Congress to declare independence?

the battles of Lexington and Concord King George III's rejection of peaceful reconciliation financial support from France and Spain increased open public support for independence*

The Supremacy Clause forms the root of what aspect of the country's government system? the Constitution checks and balances the concept of federalism civil and independent rights

the concept of federalism

If leaders wanted to create a government that is more effective than the government under the Articles of Confederation, which is the most important idea that should be embraced?

the federal government cannot be weak

The Constitution limits the executive branch from declaring war by giving that power to -the judicial branch. -the legislative branch. -the leader of the Senate. -the leader of the House.

the legislative branch.

The establishment clause would prevent a church from being built in a Jewish area the mayor's office from displaying a cross a citizen from placing a religious scene in a business the president from having a Christmas party at home

the mayor's office from displaying a cross

The role of the president has evolved over time because

the needs of the nation have changed.

Read the Preamble to the US Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. According to the Preamble, where does the power for government come from? the welfare the leaders the defence the people

the people

Read the preamble to the Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. According to the preamble, where does the power of government come from? the order the union the defence the people

the people

The First Amendment's free-exercise clause gives the government the right to promote specific religions and faiths. the people the right to set up religious displays on public property. the government the right to create a national religion for all people. the people the right to choose their own set of religious beliefs.

the people the right to choose their own set of religious beliefs.

Unlike the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists believed

the president should be less powerful than the other two branches. the president should give more power to the states. the president should have unlimited power to govern the nation. the president should have enough power to lead.*

Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president. the vice president. the House. the Senate.

the president.

What is the last phase of writing an informative essay?

the revision phase

Which of these is a procedural right protected by the Bill of Rights? -the right to bear arms -freedom to petition -the right to call witnesses -freedom of assembly

the right to call witnesses

Which is a grand jury right? the right to the same treatment and rules that all citizens receive the right to avoid confessing to a crime the right to indictment before trial for a capital crime the right to avoid being tried twice for the same crime

the right to indictment before trial for a capital crime

Edwards v. South Carolina focused on two issues: the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and the right to symbolic speech. the freedom of the press. the freedom of religion. the right to peacefully assemble.

the right to peacefully assemble.

Edwards v. South Carolina is significant in terms of selective incorporation because it limited states' abilities to restrict the freedom of speech. the right to petition the government for redress. the right to peacefully assemble. the freedom of the press.

the right to petition the government for redress.

The Declaration of Independence intended to end British rule in the colonies, and grant citizens the right to freedom of speech the right to self-govern the ability to live without a government the ability to vote for a president

the right to self-govern

Which statement describes a natural right? the rights that are given under specific circumstances the rights that are granted to only certain citizens the rights that can be restricted by government the rights that cannot, or should not, be taken away

the rights that cannot, or should not, be taken away

A student is praying alone in his public school cafeteria before lunch. This activity is acceptable according to the establishment clause because prayer is not allowed in government places. other students might feel pressured to pray. the school is not asking the student to pray. daily prayer is held at some public schools.

the school is not asking the student to pray.

To which court system do city courts belong?

the state court system

Which statement about the Three-Fifths Compromise is accurate?

the three-fifths compromise was a temporary solution to a long term political issue

A similarity between the leaders of state executive and legislative branches is that -they serve four year terms of office. -they are usually elected by popular vote. -they are responsible for making state laws. -they have budget-approval responsibilities.

they are usually elected by popular vote.

What did the Three-Fifths Compromise rule about enslaved people?

they were partially counted

The Fourth Amendment implies privacy because it protects the right to own property. to have personal items. to be secure in one's home. to make one's own decisions.

to be secure in one's home.

Why did the state delegates meet in 1787?

to discuss a better system of government * to elect George Washington as president to write the Articles of Confederation to collect taxes to pay the nation's debt

Why was the Union determined to capture Vicksburg during the Civil War?

to end the war immediately to gain access to the West to support General Sherman to divide the Confederacy*

Jurisdiction gives federal courts the authority

to hear certain kinds of cases.

Jurisdiction gives federal courts the authority to hear certain kinds of cases. to make decisions based on the law. to hear arguments from different parties. to make decisions based on precedents.

to hear certain kinds of cases.

Compared with the executive and legislative branches, the main purpose of the judicial branch is to make laws. to execute laws. to interpret laws. to overrule laws.

to interpret laws.

Why was the Fourth Amendment added to the Constitution? to keep the government from abusing its authority to prove to citizens that the government would be tough on criminals to enable the government to find ways to assert its authority to show leniency to people who are accused of crimes

to keep the government from abusing its authority

According to the preamble to the Bill of Rights, what is the purpose of the Bill of Rights? to guarantee everyone's rights to stop people from depriving others of their rights to ensure equal rights for all to prevent the government from abusing people's rights

to prevent the government from abusing people's rights

What is the purpose of the establishment clause? to give citizens the right to form religious groups to stop government from supporting one religion to give government power to choose a state religion to stop citizens from practicing religion in public

to stop government from supporting one religion

What was the purpose of the New Jersey Plan?

to support the interest of smaller states

A similarity between the federal and state court systems is that both have

trial, appellate, and high courts.

During criminal cases, which are guaranteed by the Constitution? judges and lawyers trials and juries judges and trials justices and lawyers

trials and juries

In 1862 and early 1863, both the Union Navy and Army

tried and failed to capture Vicksburg.* tried and failed to capture New Orleans. were victorious at the Battle of Vicksburg. were victorious at the Battle of New Orleans.

Recalls, referendums, and initiatives were primarily designed to bring power to

trusts. political machines. voters.* monopolies.

A bicameral legislature is made up of how many bodies?


After the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment, how many senators were elected to serve each state?


According to the precedent, Santa Fe School District v. Doe, a teacher who allows a student to lead a prayer at a high school baseball game would most likely be ruled unconstitutional, because the game is affiliated with the school. unconstitutional, because a church didn't authorize the prayer. constitutional, because students have the right to practice religion. constitutional, because people pay taxes and fund the public schools.

unconstitutional, because the game is affiliated with the school.

Courts that use a landmark case as precedent for a decision are using an earlier case as a guide. changing the previous case's decision. using a third party to review the case. sending the case to a higher court for review.

using an earlier case as a guide.

In the case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that state laws were protected by federal laws. were protected by the Ninth Amendment. violated Constitutional rights. violated the Second Amendment.

violated Constitutional rights.

Recalls, referendums, and initiatives were primarily designed to bring power to


Which best describes an important civic responsibility?


Freedom of speech can be limited or restricted in cases involving_________

wartime action

The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave powers to the judicial branch that went beyond what the Constitution outlined. Because of this, the act was ruled unconstitutional. was an example of original jurisdiction. led to an amendment to the Constitution. overruled the Supreme Court.

was ruled unconstitutional.

The first African Americans who fought for the Union during the Civil War were told they would be freed after the war. were usually led by African American officers. had been recruited in border states. were paid less than white soldiers.

were paid less than white soldiers.

Before Gettysburg, most major Civil War battles in the East

were won by the Union military. involved General Robert E. Lee. were fought on Confederate soil.* involved General Ulysses S. Grant.

Who would benefit from worker's compensation, which was one aspect of Robert La Follette's Wisconsin Idea?

workers who were hurt on the job and couldn't work* workers who needed more money than they were making workers who weren't qualified for the jobs they held workers who wanted extra work and overtime pay

According to Anti-Federalists, the Constitution

would make the president too weak. could make the president less powerful than Congress. could give the president too much influence.* would make the president work closely with states.

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