Government Quiz - Chp. 4

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Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the early Supreme Court generally

increased national power.

In response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks​, Congress placed the _________ in charge of protecting the nation's ports.

Coast Guard

The __________ is the term researchers use to characterize the overall collection of national, state, and local governments in the United States.

intergovernmental system

In recent years, the Supreme Court has denied states the power to execute individuals who are

mentally disabled and/or seventeen years old.

According to John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the elastic clause might be interpreted to mean that Congress can take a particular action not specified in the Constitution if that action is

plainly adapted to achieving a legitimate constitutional end.

Development of the Common Core education standards was led by​ the

National Governors' Association

A proponent of states' rights and enumerated powers would be more likely to quote the _________ Amendment to the Constitution.


__________ requires foreigners who are not citizens living in the United States to register with the government and carry their registration papers.

U.S. Law

Federal government support for the Common Core was

a problem because it created an appearance that the standards threatened state authority.

According to the text, political liberals fear stronger states' rights because it

allowed inequality and supported racism.

Real ID, a federally mandated program that imposes security standards for states to issue driver's licenses, is an example of

an unfunded mandate.

Suppose Congress funds elementary education by giving states a grant. The states may then designate the specific educational programs to receive the funds. This is an example of a _________ grant.


The ___________ gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states.

commerce clause

The constitution ​expressly gives the federal government the power to _____________ within the states.

create a postal system

The controversial 1993 Brady bill

created a national system to check the background of gun buyers

The "necessary and proper" clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution is an example of a(n) "__________ clause."


States' rights supporters believe that Congress should restrict its ​activities to

enumerated powers

The vast majority of recent preemptions have focused on

environmental protection and homeland security.

A central question in the McCulloch case was whether or not Congress had the power to

establish a national bank

A notable trend in the backgrounds of recent presidents is experience as a


The lines that define congressional districts are usually drawn by

state legislatures.

Conflicts related to power-sharing between states and the national government​ are settled by

the Supreme Court

From the 1930s to the mid-1990s,

the Supreme Court tended to support expansion of national authority.

The power to coin money belongs to __________ and the power to grant divorces belongs to _________.

the federal government; the states

The Constitution explicitly recognizes

the national government and state governments.

Home rule is

the right of municipal governments to enact their own legislation in certain administrative areas.

The basic premise of federalism is that

two or more governments share power and authority over the same land and people.

A citizen, interest group member, or public official who champions a particular policy idea is called a

policy entrepreneur.

In Dred Scott, the Supreme Court decided that Congress had no power to

prohibit slavery

The national government has come to rely increasingly on its _______ power to shape state policies.


​The Printz v. United States decision was held to violate the constitutional principle of ___________ by transferring the president's executive authority to local sheriffs.

separation of powers

A government unit created to perform particular functions, such as fire protection and water purification and distribution is known as a(n)

special district

What metaphor BEST describes cooperative federalism?

A marble cake

In McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice Marshall employed the principle of

cooperative federalism.

Problems with establishing democracy in Iraq are, according to the text, chiefly a function of the fact that

"There is no meaningful Iraqi identity."

Based on 2012 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the United States is home to as many as __________ local governments of different sorts.


Which metaphor BEST describes dual federalism?

A layer cake

Which of the following is not a reason that states have improved their ability to govern capably over the last few decades?​

All of the above are reasons states have increased their capabilities.

Which of the following statements regarding the New Deal era is INCORRECT?

Congress temporarily claimed extra constitutional powers to meet the national emergency.

"Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate" is part of the broad Supreme Court interpretation of the elastic clause in the case of

McCulloch v. Maryland

The __________ pressed for legislation requiring cost estimates and analysis of the impact of agency regulations.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT description of the cooperative federalism model?

The functions and responsibilities of the national and state governments are clearly defined.

According to the theory of dual federalism, __________________ the nation and the states.

a rigid wall separates

Formula grants and project grants are both types of _________ grants.


The use of highway construction funds has been an effective means to promote

cooperative federalism

Someone who believes that the elastic clause of the Constitution should be narrowly interpreted is MOST likely to endorse the concept of ________ federalism.


The Great Depression represented a shift away from __________ and toward __________.

dual federalism; cooperative federalism

While always a part of the federal arsenal, federal grants-in-aid grew at an astonishing pace

during the 1960s.

Since 1995 the Supreme Court has frequently

favored states' rights

By 2013, __________ grants consumed more than 50 percent of national government grants to the states.


A power NOT specifically mentioned in the Constitution but necessary if another specific grant of power is to be carried out is called a(n) _________ power.


The Constitution did not give Congress the authority to establish the Internal Revenue Service. Congress did so, however, to implement its power to "lay and collect taxes." This is an example of the use of a(n) _________ power.


The power of Congress to enact laws by which the national government assumes complete or partial responsibility for a state government function is known as


The process of redrawing boundaries for electoral jurisdictions is known as


Preclearance is the process of

submitting redistricting plans to the Justice Department for approval.

Congressional redistricting occurs once every ____ years.


In 2012, the Supreme Court cited ____________ in upholding the "individual mandate" provision of the Affordable Care Act.

the Congress's taxing power

The general conclusion of the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez was that

there are limits of the national government's ability to regulate behavior based on the commerce clause

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