Government Test Review - Chapter 9

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Ronald Reagan

"The great communicator"


A formal agreement between the government of two or more countries


A group pardon to individuals for an offense against the government


A release from legal punishment

Executive order

A rule issued by the president that has the force of law

Diplomatic recognition

Acknowledge of another government

Executive agreement

An agreement made between the president and the head of state

Moods and fears of the people

Because of his failure to understand this, Herbert Hoover lost his bid for reelection


Congressional power

Secret activities

Covert operations

De Facto

Existing "in facts" rather then legally


Expressed will of the people

The president

Head of State

The president

Head of executive branch

Inherent Powers

Implied by article II

Hamdi V. Rumsfeld

In 2004, Supreme Court ruled in _______ that the president could not lock up foreigners without giving them a court hearing


In 2005, President Bush appointed two new justices to the Supreme Court, shifting it in a more ___ direction.

Public Opinion

Mass media and this support the checks and balances that limit the power of the president


Medium for discussion

Donald Reagan

Once called the de facto president

executive agreements

Pacts between the president and heads of foreign government are called....


Postponement of legal punishment

Political courage

Requirements of a successful leader

Executive Orders

Rule that has the force of law




Supporting the president and the party during the election may lead to ______.


The postponement of legal punishment


The practice of granting favors to reward party loyalty


The president's refusal to allow a federal department to spend money Congress has appropriated is called _____.


The president's refusal to spend money congress has voted to find a program

Executive Privilege

The right of the president and other high ranking executive officers to refuse to testify before congress or court

Ronald Reagan

This President did not tolerate serious dissension among his staff

Political support

This can give a president real leverage in influencing congress

Reduce a person's jail sentence

This is an example of presidential judicial power

Support of foreign countries

This is one of the greatest sources of power for a president

Franklin D. Roosavelt

This president was known for his fireside chats

line-item veto

This would allow the president to reject part of a bill

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