Government Unit 6

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How might technology improve opportunities for civic engagement in the United States?

Offering new and innovative ways for citizens to participate in politics and government.

Explain why the United States is involved in the international arena.

A brief review of U.S. history during the founding period demonstrates why involvement with other countries is an inescapable part of American life. World trade and the need for certain scarce natural resources have kept the United States actively involved with the rest of the world to present day

Identify ways in which Americans can participate in and have an effect on international relations.

Trade and commerce, worker migration, capital, and information

Why do you think federalism, an American invention, has proved especially popular in other countries?

Because everyone wants the new American inventions because we come up with better ideas then other countries. People like the ideas of federalism because it work and it's an efficient government system

Why has the civil rights act of 1964 been called the most far-reaching civil rights legislation in American history?

Because it outlawed both de jure and de facto segregation and many forms of discrimination

How was Citizenship defined in the United States before and after the fourteenth amendment?

Before the 14th Amendment was enacted, each State had the right to determine the citizenship of children born within its borders. Anyone who became a citizen of any state was automatically a citizen of the United States. Its citizenship clause provides a broad definition of citizenship that overruled the decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford which held that blacks could not be citizens of the United States.

How is the constitution through naturalization different from citizenship by birth?

Citizenship by naturalization is achieved and you have a long process of stuff to do before become a citizen, whereas citizenship by birth is where your born in that country so your automatically a citizen

Identify the three most important constitutional powers that congress and the president have in the area of international relations. How do checks and balances and the separation of powers affect the exercise of those powers?

Declare war, negotiate treaties and act as commander in chief of the army and navy. Checks and balances helps the affect the exercise of these powers because they evenly distribute the powers so the president doesn't have all the power

Explain what is meant by civil discourse. Why is it important? How might civil discourse be promoted in schools, the media, and political life?

Civil discourse is engagement in conversation intended to enhance understanding. It is important because you want someone to understand what your trying to say because communication is important. Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power.

How is civil disobedience different from merely breaking the law?

Civil disobedience is intentional breaking the law that you believe should not be there so you can bring attention to the problem so you can get the law removed.

What is the difference between de jure and de facto segregation

De Jure is segregation by law. De facto is segregation by practice.

What is the difference between de jure and de facto segregation

De Jure is segregation by law. De facto is segregation refers to racial separation caused by the actions of private individuals and groups

What is globalization? How does globalization affect America society and the U.S. economy?

Globalization is the global economy and the effects of worldwide economic interdependence on cultures, social relations, and politics. This affects the US economy and American society by us using our allies for resources and communicating with them and trading ideas.

Explain how jus soli, jus sanguines, and residency differ as principles for defining citizenship

Jus Soli is the right of the soil, Jus Sanguines is right of the blood, and residency is indefinite residence within a country despite not having citizenship

Should all Americans be required to demonstrate their knowledge of American government and history as naturalized citizens must do in order to become citizens? Explain

Permanent residents generally do not have the right to vote, the right to be elected in federal and state elections.

What are five most significant challenges posed by increasing social and cultural diversity in the United States?

Population, Immigration, Diversity, Racial lines blurring and cost of living. These opportunity changes presents the way we view society now, it also contributes to social interactions among citizens

Explain the difference between self-interest, enlightened self-interest, and the common good. Provide examples of each as related to civil engagement.

Self-interests are those to one's personal advantage. Enlightened self-interest is a philosophy which states that acting to further the interests of others also serves one's own self-interest.

Why was it necessary extend the voting rights act of 1965 in 2006?

So that the problems prevent from happening

Identify ways in which technology might or might not be consistent with the fundamental principles of American constitutional democracy.

Technology is always in line with an democracy, as it is empowering. The only time it is not is if technology is used by the few to rule the many.

How does the constitution define national and state citizenship?

The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

What are some important differences between the bill of rights and the universal declaration of human rights?

The bill of rights is the first ten amendments that guarantees you many things for freedom and privacy and your rights. The universal declaration is considered to be essential to the dignity of every person. It provides the right to life and equality.

Which aspects of American constitutional democracy have been particularly influenced in other countries? Which have not been influential? Why?

The influence of American constitutionalism abroad, self government, presidential governments, federalism, and judicial owed and human rights.

Describe opportunities for participation in civic life afforded by: Voluntary associations, Nongovernmental organizations, service and business organizations, voting

Voluntary associations - a group of individuals who enter into an agreement as volunteers to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose. • Nongovernmental organizations - a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government and a term usually used by governments to refer to entities that have no governmental status. • Service and business organizations - legally recognized organization designed to provide goods, services, or both to consumers or tertiary business in exchange for money. • Voting - a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action

How is civil disobedience different from merely breaking the law?

civil disobedience seeks to justify its actions by reference to higher moral laws

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