Governments Quiz Questions and Other Questions
True (Switzerland)
A democracy can have both representative and direct characteristics at the same time.
A dictatorship can also be a democracy.
Representative democracy and direct democracy
SWITZERLAND Citizens elect representatives to sit in two different lawmaking assemblies. But citizens also vote several times a year to decide on laws. Citizens can vote to propose their own laws or undo laws passed by their representatives. All citizens may vote directly on these laws.
The U.S. is a republic with a democracy system.
The group with power can be based on race or social class. A. Monarchy B. Oligarchy
Those in charge are military members who took over by force.
no one in charge
Which of the following would not contain theocracy? A. no one in charge B. one in charge C. few in charge D. Saudi Arabia
A "classless society" A. Direct democracy B. Fascism C. Socialism D. Marxism
False (dictatorship is complete power to one ruler)
A dictatorship can also be a democracy.
A federal republic could be seen as a type of government.
False (an anarchy is no government in place; can't co-exist with something else; monarchy and anarchy are opposites)
A government can be both a monarchy and an anarchy at the same time.
A government in which a single person, usually a king or queen, rules
A junta was a type of oligarchy.
A king or queen rules the country
True (example is Norway; have a king but government is democracy)
A monarchy can be like a dictatorship or it can be part of a democracy.
A small group of people has all the power
A small group rules the country. A. Oligarchy B. Democracy
A small group that rules a country after taking it over by force
A theocracy form of government could be found in countries such as Tibet and Vatican City.
A totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production.
True (instead of one person it can be one group in charge; under a junta citizens have few rights; however a dictatorship is just one leader)
An oligarchy can be like a dictatorship.
True (in south africa, some get to vote)
An oligarchy can include representative democracy.
An oligarchy can include representative government.
Anarchy and autocracy are the same forms of government.
Autocracy is a government in which a few people have all the power.
representative democracy
BRAZIL Brazil is led by a president who is elected by the citizens. Citizens in Brazil elect a new president every four years. Citizens also elect representatives to serve in two different legislative bodies.
Burundi today has a government system in which citizens have very few rights and do not get to make choices in their country. Which form of government best fits their country? A. Dictatorship B. Marxism C. Representative Democracy D. Socialism
Can exist with other forms of government. A. Dictatorship B. Theocracy
Citizens hold the political power
Citizens often have no rights. A. Democracy B. Dictatorship
Citizens vote to elect their leaders. A. Democracy B. Autocracy
Combines socialism, military dictatorship, and direct democracy within its ideals
Countries can have both a direct and representative government?
representative democracy and constitutional monarchy
DENMARK The people of Denmark elect representatives to sit in Parliament, a lawmaking body. The Queen of Denmark heads the country, but she only has a small role in government. The government is led by a Prime Minister, who is appointed from among the elected representatives.
Democracy where citizens elect others to serve in government. A. Direct B. Representative
Democracy where citizens participate in lawmaking themselves. A. Direct B. Representative
God and religious law are the government authority. A. Oligarchy B. Theocracy
Government in which a small group of citizens, usually wealthy, has political control.
Government in which absolute power and control are dictated by one leader.
Government that has a strong centralized government with social and economic control led by a charismatic dictator and fervent patriotism
In a representative democracy, people have a certain degree of power in the state or country.
republic and theocracy
Iraq today is able to vote for representatives while still following Islamic law. Which forms of government below best indicate what they follow? A. Dictatorship and Theocracy B. Socialism and Theocracy C. Representative Democracy and Direct Democracy D. Republic and Theocracy
Is not a form of government. A. Nazism B. Fascism
Leader often shares power with other parts of government. A. Monarchy B. Dictatorship
Led by a king or queen. A. Monarchy B. Oligarchy
NORTH KOREA- say it's a communist government One man leads North Korea and controls its government. He also controls its ruling political party. The ruling party chooses candidates for an Assembly, and citizens vote. The candidates do not have opponents, so citizens have no choices.
Nazism is a form of government.
Nobody is in charge. A. Monarchy B. Anarchy
One leader has absolute control over citizens' lives
One of the main differences between a direct democracy and a representative democracy is that in a direct democracy all free adults are to participate in the government whereas in a representative democracy people elect leaders to show their thoughts.
One person has all the power
One person is in charge. A. Autocracy B. Democracy
Out of the following options, which best fits with: This form of government includes means of production owned and controlled by the state? A. Monarchy B. Oligarchy C. Parliament D. Socialism
Out of the following types of governments, which one would be able to pass new laws the quickest? A. Dictatorship B. Direct Democracy C. Representative Democracy
People are not subject to any nation or government
People do not answer to any leader or government. A. Oligarchy B. Anarchy
Recognizes God as the ultimate authority in government and law
Monarchy and theocracy
SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabia is led by a king. The king appoints a Council of Ministers to help govern, but there are no elections. Saudi Arabia's Basic Law states that the country's constitution is the Islamic holy book the Qur'an and other religious traditions.
Oligarchy and Representative Democracy
SOUTH AFRICA From 1948-1994, official policy in South Africa gave white people all the political power. Even though the majority of South Africans were black, non-whites could not influence government. White South Africans elected representatives to sit in a lawmaking body.
True (theocracy can co-exist with anything; in Iran, citizens vote; Afghanistan)
Theocracy can co-exist with democracy.
True (theocracy can co-exist with anything; Saudi Arabia)
Theocracy can co-exist with monarchy.
There are two main types of autocracy: democracy and dictatorship.
Those in charge are military members who took over by force. A. Junta-oligarchy B. Democracy
Today, a constitutional monarchy can be seen in Japan.
Type of democracy where citizens are involved in day-to-day government
Type of democracy where citizens elect leaders to represent them in government
Under a constitutional monarchy, the leader will often share power with other parts of government.
Under a democracy, citizens have no rights.
No country today follows anarchy
Which country follows an anarchy form of government? A. Bolivia B. No country today follows anarchy C. Spain D. United States
United States
Which of the following would best represent a Representative Democracy? A. Cuba B. North Korea C. Saudi Arabia D. United States
on one is in control