Graphic Communications II Chapter 9 Vocab

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graphics tablet

(also known as digitizer), lets the user draw images, animations, and graphics by hand, much like you would use a pencil and paper

screen frequency

(also known as line screen, measured in lpi or lines per inch), refers to the number of halftone dots printed in a linear inch

flash drive

(also known as memory sticks) storage devices that use a USB interface, physically much smaller than other options and are relatively inexpensive

comparison proofing

(also known as one-person proofing) done primarily to find such major problems as copy deletion, incorrect sequence, or copy duplication, most suitable for small jobs with little copy, proofreader scans through the proof once to check for obvious errors or changes, the proof is then placed next to the manuscript and the proofreader traces along the lines of the proof with a pen while reading, to be consistent, the proofreader must always compare the proof with the copy, not vise versa.

tablet computer

(another type of tablet) utilize touchscreen display and options such as cameras, microphones, and ports for network connections (basically like a mobile computer)


(computers) include the elements necessary to create, assemble, and output data in the finished pages, major ones used in graphic communications are PC and Apple and Macintosh


(laptop, tablet, desktop) contains a processor, memory, storage, and an operating system. Common operating systems include: Microsoft, Windows, Mac OS X from Apple, Linux OS for standard computers and Apple iOS and Blackberry OS for mobile devices


(short for picture element) smallest amount of displayable information for a digital image

baseline grid

(sometimes called frame grid or page grid) a nonprinted set of guidelines on each layout page: margins, columns, gutters, and other basic page elements are included in the grid, important function is to align type horizontally when the page is arranged in two or more columns

vector graphics

(sometimes called object-oriented) represented as mathematical formulas or algorithms that define all the shapes in the image, as well as their placement in the document, resolution independent and can be scaled without any loss in quality


1000 gigabytes


1024 megabytes

retina display

Apple brand for a monitor with a higher pixel density

font set

The font list for a document. Font sets can be created for individual jobs and activate only the set needed.

effective resolution

The resolution of a placed image based on its size in the layout (ex. if the original image has a resolution of 200 ppi and you place it in your document at 50% of its original size, the result is twice the size or 400. if you place the same image at 200% the effective ppi is half the original, or 100 ppi)

nested style

a character style that is applied as part of a paragraph style


a computer program that initiates a specific function of the computer, includes word processing, page composition, and graphic programs


a computer program used with output devices that receive the PDL page descriptions and translates them into patterns of dots for a printer or pixels for monitor display

Job Definition Format (JDF)

a file format that automates the printing workflow, from design to production, and was developed through a partnership between Adobe, Agfa, Heidelberg, and Man Roland


a global brand that uses a formula-based system to provide specific ink colors for printing

tool palette

a modified form of menu that can be resized and positioned on the screen to suit the operator's preferences, can also be set to display or hidden, most often used because it allows the operator to perform many different layout functions


a monitor's ability to show fine detail and is stated in the number of pixels lined up across and down the screen (common resolution is 1920 x 1080)


a positively charged powder that is attracted only to the negatively charged areas on a page to create an image, when applied to paper, it passes through heated rollers that fuse the powder onto the paper and produce a permanent image


a process to utilize the algorithms for a more accurate display on the monitor


a software technique for diminishing jagged lines, or jaggies by using shading intermediate shades of gray or color, also makes them fuzzier or softer


a temporary holding area in RAM, only one thing can be on it at a time, replaces the previous item when you copy something else

Bezier curve

a vector graphic named after French mathematician Pierre Bezier, defined mathematically by two endpoints and two or more other points that control its shape, nearly all drawing programs support this

image resolution

all about the pixels; how many and how big, measured in ppi (pixels per inch), determined when the pixel is captured or created, determining factors should be quality requirements, enlargement or reduction requirements, and output requirements.

solid-state drive (SSD)

alternative type of storage device, perform the functions of booting your system and storing your applications and files, does not have moving parts and process and transfer data at faster speeds than other storage devices, more stable yet expensive than hard drives, often the choice of graphic communications professionals for their speed and durability


an electronic device that converts digital signals into a form that uses a 2-wire copper telephone line


any copy or art that is checked before going into print


arrangement of menus for your document and pasteboard area


bits combined into groups of eight digits (also known as a binary word), 256 possible combinations of 1s and 0s


can be created to incorporate all the master pages and other formatting attributes, increased productivity and less time spent recreating the same page information as well as protecting the original file

random-access memory (RAM)

certain amount of physical memory stored in a computer system, short-term or temporary, memory the computer uses to store information in process, requires power to store information


checking all of the components in the file, making sure the file does not have any errors that could cause problems at output, to make sure this process goes smoothly, discuss file format and preparation with the printer while the project is still in the design stage, knowing requirements ahead of time will save both time and money

hex colors

colors defined using a hexadecimal system for display on the Internet

portable document format (PDF)

common PDL


common PDL or page description language

output device

computer systems are connected to a variety of devices, including monitors, a wide range of printers, and external processing devices, some produce physical material such as hard copy

satellite Internet

connect via a small satellite dish with a Network Operations Center (NOC) that transmits and receives information with the orbiting geostationary satellite

raster image processer (RIP)

converts all elements of a page or image into a bitmapped image at the resolution of the selected output device, interprets the page composition information for the marking engine of the output device


created by placing an image, the original file includes a preview

subtractive color formation

cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) inks are combined to produce the printed image, full-color representations of images on a monitor and on a printed sheet are achieved through different principles

halftone dot

designed to simulate a continuous tone image, and is the dot you see when you look through a loupe, dot size is based on the grid created by the line screen mesh

TrueType font

developed by Apple and Microsoft to compete with PostScript fonts, do not always transfer well, unreliable at the printer

cable modem

devices that offer broadband connections that operate over radio frequency channels, provide faster access because of the greater bandwidth of the coaxial cable

out port

each text box has a small box at the bottom right of the frame, the boxes become linked with in port when selected and text threads from one to the next

in port

each text box has a small box at the top left of the frame, the boxes become linked with out port when selected and text threads from one to the next

soft proofs

electronic files that represent what the final printed page will look like, may be press-ready files created using the project composition files submitted to the printer, may be delivered via e-mail or accessed on the Internet, and are most saved as PDF files


file formats and devices that can operate or be used with different platforms (ex. the software functions for Apple are virtually the same on PC and Mac)

additive color formation

for color monitors, based on the combination of red, green, and blue (RGB) to form white light


held every four years in Germany, is the largest printing expo in the world


individual 1s and 0s (also known as binary digits), can be combined into groups of eight digits

color management system (CMS)

installed to provide a monitor display that is closer to a CMYK representation of the final product, software provides a wysiwyp display

printer resolution

known as dpi or dots per inch, only the printer or output device deals with dots, the resolution of the output device is a measure of how many printer dots are used to create the halftone dot, each halftone dot is made up of tiny printer dots, the more dots used to create the halftone dot, the smaller these printer dots can be and the crisper the edges in the output



character style

more specialized and is typically applied to single letters, words, or phrases, override paragraph styles, might be used to set off all illustration references in the text, for example, by specifying a type font and point size that is different from body text

cloud-based storage

offsite storage system maintained by a third party where you can save and access your data

contract proof

often replaced with ink-jet proofs, the agreement between the customer and the printer as the final proof before going to press, represents acceptable quality in color, text, images, and pagination, often no halftone dot so conventional screening problems cannot be predicted

color space

on a computer, a color can only be defined in one space at a time, if an image is in RGB format, a pixel in that image cannot be a combination of red and cyan, by definition, defined in different ways and have different gamuts, image can be converted from one space to another but they cannot coexist (ex. RGB, CMYK, LAB, Pantone, spot color, and hex colors)

PostScript Type 1 font

one of the basic font formats graphic designers deal with, the oldest form

QR code

optical label that uses a matrix barcode, codes can contain data that users access with a reader app on their smartphones, primarily used as inventory control or in advertising campaigns


panel that are selectable from the menu bar under Window


print lines matching a pattern

laser proof

printed onto paper using electronic files, produced by an industrial laser printer and may be in black and white or use process colors, inexpensive but quality is less than that of ink-jet proofs


process to detect and mark any typesetting errors

ink-jet proof

produced by a printing process that generates four-color proofs directly from the digital files, often used as a contact proof, replacing the press proof

augmented reality

real-world environment or item that has extended value from computer-generated sensory input, such as sound, video, graphics, and GPS data, through a marker or tag that is read by a device and proprietary software (ex. 360 degree views)

lossless compression algorithm

refers to a data compression process in which no data is lost

lossy compression algorithm

refers to a data compression techniques in which some data is lost


refers to a subset of colors within a color space

OpenType font

released in 1996 and was trademarked by Microsoft, utilize the best of TrueType and sophistication of Type 1 but add a huge array of flexibility, open-source technology and embrace many of the diverse behavior of all the world's different writing systems, support a much larger character set, including 65,536 glyphs, have the ability to use the same fonts on multiple platforms


representation of an image on a grid of pixels of predetermined size and depth and is, therefore, resolution dependent

two-person proofing

requires the reader to work with an assistant, most common proofreading method when accuracy and speed are important, frequency used with larger jobs, such as a textbook, the two people are referred to as the reader and the copyholder


same as linking

page description language (PDL)

serves as the interface between the page composition workstation and the RIP, used to identify all the elements to be placed on the page, their respective positions on the page, and the page's position within the larger document, in a manner that the output device can understand


settings of an application that can be changed by the user (if changed, it will be applied to any document you open from then on until it is changed again), ex. panel positions, display options, graphic and type options, and general settings

flash memory card

small, removable storage devices that have high storage capacity with fast access and retrieval speeds. Some examples include SD cards, microSD, SDHC, and CompactFlash, differ in size, physical format, speed, and compatibility among assorted devices

paragraph style

style sheet can include information such as alignment, idents, leading between lines, space before and after the paragraph, and such typeface information as font, point size, and kerning, different sheets are created to format specific elements of a document such as body text, main headings, subheadings, numbered lists, lists with bullets, or illustration captions


system used to process and store information in digital form, computer recognizes only two numbers: 1 (on) or 0 (off)

digital camera

takes an image or video and stores the information for later reproduction, available in a variety of options and quality, offer extensive zoom ranges, traditional controls, high-end features, and some are even waterproof


text boxes are linked together so the text will flow from one box to the next


the area within the application frame that is beyond the document edges, customizable

digital prepress system

the computer and associated devices in conjunction with the specialized graphics programs


the entire background of your monitor that is shown when your computer starts up (for PC, icons, stored folders and files, the Start menu, the task bar containing pinned applications, and the system tray, for Mac, menu bar across the top with the application menu, the Apple menu, the current user, the Spotlight menu, and icons for the connected hard drives)

operating system

the interface between the user and the computer, as well as the computer and the application

bit depth

the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel


the process by which smooth curves and other lines become jagged due to the reduced resolution of the graphic device or file

data center

third party sources build redundancy into their storage, making them very secure, data can be accessed at any time

print engine

translates the output of the computer into a bitmapped image for printing, a laser transfers the page to a light-sensitive drum that has a positive electrical charge, as the laser moves across the rotating drum, it emits the image drawn from printer memory

anchor points

two endpoints of the Bezier curve

graphical user interface (GUI)

type of user interface that allowed easy-to-understand, on-screen graphic representations of computing tasks

style sheet

used in page composition programs (and in some word processing programs), are formatting tools that combine a number of attributes, key to efficiency in page layout

master page

used to streamline your layout process and keep a consistency to your document, set up in the pages menu and will contain elements that repeat, such as page numbers, headers and footers, and logos, single document may have many of these

dye-sublimation printer

uses heat to transfer dye onto various substrates, such as plastics, cards, papers, or fabrics, often used on novelty items such as apparel, signs, and banners, process uses the combination of time, temperature, and pressure to produce nearly a permanent and high-resolution print


visual display device that connects to and transmits data from a computer to the viewer


what you see is what you print

overset text

when there is more text in a frame than will fit, the out port becomes a red square with an x (symbol)

proofreader's marks

widely used symbols that single out and explain copy changes or errors

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