GRE Psych Subject Test Prep Example questions

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If a person's score on the WAIS is 1 Sd below the mean, his IQ score would be at about what percentile? A) 2 B) 10 C) 16 D) 34 E)83


The main difference between the MMPI and CPI is that: A) CPI is more applicable to "normal" groups B) MMPI is more applicable to "normal" groups C) CPI is a projective test D) MMPI is a projective test E) CPI is based on DSM-5

A) CPI is more applicable to "normal" groups

It has been demonstrated that a tone of single frequency causes a wide area of the basilar membrane to vibrate. Whose theory of pitch perception was disconfirmed by this finding? A) Helmholtz B) von bekesy C) rutherford D) wever E) hertz

A) Helmholtz- place theory of pitch perception= pitch perception is linked to the region of the basilar membrane that vibrates. This theory would be disconfirmed by finding that a single tone causes the membrane to vibrate as a whole

The phenomenon of dark adaptation is primarily a function of the regeneration of A) rhodopsin B) retinal C) opsin D) lamellae E) chromatic pigments

A) Rhodopsin- pigment to associate with dark adaptation and visual perception and functioning of the rods.

The study of communication in honeybees is most closely associated with A) Karl Von Frisch B) Konrad Lorenz C) Niko Tinbergen D) E.O. Wilson E) G. Stanley Hall

A) Karl Von Frisch- thologist to associate with the study of communication in honeybees. Lorenz- birds, imprinting, ethology Tinbergen- study of fish (sticklebacks) E.O. Wilson- sociobiology

" I see a bear, my heart starts racing, I start trembling, and I begin to run. From these bodily responses, I understand that I am afraid." This understanding that emotion is consistent with: A) the James-Lange Theory B) the Cannon-Bard theory C) The opponent-process theory D) the encoding-specificity principle E) the availability heuristic

A) The James-Lange theory-emotional attributions are based on physiological sensations. Cannon-bard theory attempted to refute James-Lange theory, stating that physiological sensations and cognitions act in parallel during emotional processing.

Vygotsky is best known for his concept of A) zone of proximal development B) transformational grammar C) psychosocial crises D) strange situation E) object permanence

A) Zone of proximal development The infant/child develops in relation to its social environment, chiefly it's mother. The child will perform differently and better when in close proximity to its mother

Which of the following would probably acquire language the fastest? A) a girl exposed to only one language B) a boy exposed to only one language C) a girl exposed to two languages D)A boy exposed to two languages E) all children would acquire language at roughly the same rate

A) a girl exposed to only one language

Sandra Bem is most closely associated with which of the following terms? A) androgyny B) achievement C) persuasion D) aggression E) empathy

A) androgyny- studied gender roles

Which statement best summarizes current views on feature detectors in the auditory and visual systems? A) feature detectors have been clearly demonstrated by both modalities B) feature detectors are clearly evident in the visual system, and hypothesized to exist in the auditory system C) feature detectors are hypothesized to exist only in the visual system D) both systems were once thought to rely on feature detectors, but currently a signal detection theory prevails E) feature detectors are important only for relatively simple stimuli

A) feature detectors have been demonstrated in both modalities.

Damage to the ventromedial region of the hypothalamus would most likely result in which of the following? A) hyperphagia B) hypophagia C) agnosia D) apraxia E) aphasia

A) hyperphagia ventromedial hypothalamus= appetite regulation damage results in overeating agnosia=inability to perceive or recognize stimuli apraxia=inability to manipulate objects aphasia=inability to produce or comprehend speech

In Freudian thought, primary process thought a) refers to the attempt to satisfy needs irrationally, with no consideration of reality b) describes the same phenomenon as Piaget's concept of egocentric speech c) is dependent upon the successful development of the ego d) develops primarily as a response to superego demands

A) refers to the attempt to satisfy needs irrationally, with no consideration of reality

Which of the following treatment approaches would be the most dis-satisfactory in the eyes of Thomas Szasz? A) somatic-based therapy B) psychoanalysis C) client-centered therapy D) behavior modification E) cognitive therapy

A) somatic-based therapy View that mental illness is not physical or biochemical in nature, so somatic-based therapy is most in-congruent with this view

Conrad found that subjects had a fairly high error rate when asked to recall groups of 6 letters, even when letter were always drawn from a 10 letter pool that remained in view throughout the study. The error rate was found to be related to: A) sounds of letters involved B) order of letters involved C) whether the letters were upper/lowercase D) whether the letters were all vowels or consenants E)number of previous presentations

A) sounds of letters involved- letters that sounded similar were most likely to be confused with one another.

The after image of an object on a wall appears larger as the viewer moves further away from it because A) the size of the retinal image remains constant B) motion parallax tends to make objects appear larger C) the perceived size of the image changes inversely with perceived distance D) the size of the retinal image is increasing E) Emmert's law has no effect on afterimages

A) the size of the retinal image remains constant

Match founders to terms A)Franz Joseph Gall B) William Sheldon C) John Locke D) E.O. Wilson E) William James 1. stream of consciousness 2. Ectomorphism 3. Tabula Rasa 4. phrenology 5. Eugenics

A-4 B-2 C-3 D-5 E-1

True or false: differences between monozygotic twins are most likely the product of environmental factors?


The "blind spot" refers to:

the area where the optic nerve connects with the retina

A poll shows that people tend to believe that tornadoes kill more people than asthma, even though at least in the US asthma actually casuses about 20 times more deaths than tornadoes. Which of the following could best explain the poll results? A) Hawthorne effect B) availability heuristic C) divergent thinking D) representativeness heuristic E) social loafing

B) Availability heuristic- we make decisions based on how easily something can be imagined,

Which of the following is not classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder in DSM5 A) ADHD B) Enuresis C) Tourette's D) Autism spectrum E) Intellectual Disability

B) Enuresis

stability and introversion are two major dimensions of personality hypothesized by A) abraham maslow B) Hans eysenck C) erik erikson D) Sigmund Freud E) George Kelley

B) Hans Eysenck- dimensional approach to personality centering on variation along certain major traits. Stability-instability, introversion-extroversion

Convergent and Divergent thinking were first defined by A) Herbert Simon B) J.P. Guilford C) Martin Seligman D) Joseph Wolpe E) Raymond Cattell

B) J.P. Guilford Convergent- single solution to a problem Divergent- creative outcomes or solutions

Confabulation is often a symptom of: A) obsessive neurosis B) Korsakoff's syndrome C) schizophrenia D) bipolar disorder E) dissociative figure

B) Korsakoff's syndrome

The American Psychology Association was founded by: A) William James B) Stanley Hall C) John Dewey D) Francis Galton E) Wilhelm Wundt

B) Stanley Hall

A pollster wishes to know if there is any significant association between political affiliations and favorite sports teams. Which statistic should be employed to decide this question? A) correlation coefficient B) chi-square C) independent subjects t D) within subjects t E) analysis of variance

B) chi square- any time you are placing individuals into different nominal categories or groups you need to use the chi square to analyze data.

The MMPI was originally constructed by including items that discriminated between patient groups and "normals". Therefore it relied on the concept of A) predictive validity B) concurrent validity C) construct validity D) content validity E) alternative form reliability

B) concurrent validity

The period in which a female of the species is sexually receptive is known as: A) courting B) estrus C) gestation D) copulation E) menstruation

B) estrus

a fixed-action pattern differs from a conditioned response in that A) fixed action patterns are triggered by a conditioned stimulus B) fixed action patterns are triggered by releasing stimuli C) fixed action patterns are always aggressive D) fixed action patterns are easier to extinguish E) fixed action patterns are a form of imprinting

B) fixed action patterns are triggered by releasing stumuli- correspond to instinctual or innate behaviors

Walter Mischel's main criticism of personality test was that they A) fail to measure the most interesting aspects of personality B) focus on personality traits, which are less important than situational factors c) focus too heavily on positive personality traits D) focus too heavily on negative personality traits E) rely too heavily on introspection

B) focus on traits over situational factors

The volley principle can be considered an improvement on A) helmholt's place-resonance theory B) frequency theory C) the traveling wave D) opponent-process theory E) The duplexity theory

B) frequency theory- basilar membrane vibrates as a whole in response to incoming stimuli; rate of vibration= frequency of stimulus Volley principle= neurons working together to vibrate enough

Which of the following is an example of the brief storage of events at the sensory level? A) Eidetic memory B) Iconic memory C) transitory memory D) spontaneous memory E) elaborative memory

B) iconic (and echoic) memory refer to the brief storage of events at the sensory level prior to encoding on a deeper level

A dog that has been conditioned to scratch behind its ears by rubbing against a rough surface suddenly returns to scratching behind its ears with its paw. this is an example of A) spontaneous recovery B) instinctual drift C) homeostasis D) first order conditioning E) second order conditioning

B) instinctual drift- tendency for natural or instinctual behaviors to spontaneously reappear during conditioning trials.

Which of the following is not one of the four basic components of language? A) phonology B) morphology C) syntax D) semantics E) pragmatics

B) morphology phonology-sound syntax-structure semantics- meaning pragmatics- practical usage

If someone learns A and then B and then has to recall A but struggles, it is due to A) proactive inhibition b) retroactive inhibition

B) retroactive inhibition

Paramater: statistic :: population mean: A)standard deviation B) sample mean C) normal distribution D) observation E) theoretical advantage

B) sample mean A parameter relates to the mean of the population itself.

An experimenter accepts the null hypothesis when it is false. Which of the following is true? A) she made a type 1 error B) she made a type 2 error

B) she made a type 2 error

The reinforcement schedule that is most difficult to extinguish is: A) fixed-ratio schedule B) variable-ratio schedule C) fixed-interval schedule D) variable-interval schedule E) continuous schedule

B) variable-ratio

Which of the following figures is most closely associated with the concept of the inferiority complex? A) Victor Frankl B) Erik Erikson C) Alfred Adler D) Kurt Lewin E) Konrad Lorenz

C) Alfred Adler

`Which of the following is associated with an extra 21st chromosome? A) turners syndrome B) klinefelter's syndrome C) down's syndrome D) tourette's syndrome E) pickwickian syndrome

C) Down's Turner's= female has only one X chromosome Klinefelter's= a male has an extra X chromosome Tourette's= muscle tics and uncontrollable urge to utter obscenities pickwickian= obesity hypoventilation syndrome

Which of the following is the least accepted of Freud's ideas in current psychoanalytic theory ? A) The concept of reaction formation B) the theory of infantile sexuality C)the belief that humans have a death instinct D)the concept of repression E) the importance of unconscious conflict expression in dreams

C) Freud's concept of a death wish/thantos is the least accepted of these choices.

Which of the following terms refers to an approach to personality that focuses on individual case studies as opposed to groups? A) Individuated B) Nomothetic C) Idiographic D) Cardinal E) Field-independent

C) Idiographic-focuses on individual case studies (Gordon Allport: idiographic vs. nomothetic-group and societal norms)

Which of the following studied group decision making and groupthink? A) Solomon Asch B) Daryl Bem C) Irving Janis D) Muzafer Sherif E) William McGuire

C) Irving Janis Solomon Asch=conformity Bem=self perception, femininity Sherif= conformity McGuire= persuasion

Which of the following is not an important determinant when considering the effects of modeling on learning? A) Role of reinforcement B) Retention of material modeled C)Sex of the model D) Functional value of the model's behavior E) Nature of the material being modeled

C) Sex of the model

Two-point discrimination is assessed in the study of A) visual acuity B) auditory thresholds C) cutaneous sensitivity D) binocular depth perception E) the somatosensory strip

C) cutaneous sensitivity the ability to perceive two different tactile points as distinct from each other; touch percepton

Which of the following statements can be made about a 1 year old infant who responds to a sudden repositioning of his head by flinging out his arms and stretching out his fingers? A) the child is displaying appropriate behavior for his age B) the child appears fearful and may be developing an infantile phobia C)Further reflexive testing must be conducted to determine if the child is developmentally delayed D)the child may be developmentally delayed, but about 10% of all children display this behavior until age 2 E)the child is severely developmentally delayed and may never outgrow this primitive response

C) further reflexive testing must be conducted to determine if the child is developmentally delayed This is the Moro reflex. This response is inappropriate for a 1 year old, so further testing must be conducted

In order to perceive fine details of an object in full daylight, one should A) look off to one side of the object B) close one eye C) look so that the retinal image falls on the fovea D) first fully dark-adapt the eyes E) look slightly above the object

C) look so that the retinal image falls on the fovea Fova=area of retina with the highest concentration of cones In low light the activity of the rods is more important than that of cones (looking to the side can aid with detail perception in the dark)

Which is the "master gland"? A) thyroid B) adrenal C) pituitary D) sweat E) pineal

C) pituitary

Follicle stimulating hormone is secreted by the A) ovaries B) testes C) pituitary gland D) hypothalamus E) sensorimotor cortex

C) pituitary gland

Which of the following is based on the principles of classical conditioning? A) token economies B) differential reinforcement C) systematic desensitization D) contingency management E) unconditional positive regard

C) systematic desensitization

Two pins are placed so close to each other on a subject's finger that they are perceived as a single point. This is because the pins have not reached the: A) absolute threshold B) just noticeable difference C) two-point threshold D) action potential E) gate theory of pain

C) two point threshold - the amount of distance between two pins necessary for each to be perceived as a distinct sensation

Albert Ellis' rational-emotive therapy is an example of


A social psychologist finds that subjects who drink coffee before viewing a videotape of a comedian find her to be funnier than subjects who did not drink coffee. These results best support: A) James-Lange Theory B)inoculation theory C) cognitive-physiological theory of emotion D) social comparison theory E) social facilitation

Cognitive-physiological theory of emotion

Which theory of emotion are Schacter and Singer associated with?

Cognitive-physiological theory of emotion

According to Carl Rogers, the goal of therapy is to achieve:

Congruence between who one is and one's ego ideal

The dominant hemisphere of the brain

Controls the expression and comprehension of language

George sperling discovered that sensory memory could contain about how many pieces of information? A) 1 B) 4 C) 7 D) 9 E)30

D) 9

which of the following drugs would most likely be used to treat an acute schizophrenic episode? A) diphenylhydantoin B) MAOI C) L-dopa D) Chlorpromazine E) DIazepam

D) Chlorpromazine

Two hundred undergraduates were asked to choose their favorite vegetable from a list of 20 vegetables. What kind of data would be gathered in this study? A) Ordinal B) Ratio C) Interval D) Nominal E) Subliminial

D) Nominal- data that is grouped according to names of categories

Which sensory modality is most integrated with the limbic system? A) visual B) auditory C) Tactile D) Olfactory E) Kinesthetic

D) Olfactory (smell) modality is most integrated. Olfaction is liked with memory. Olfactory bulb= one of the oldest regions of the brain, locate near limbic system.

Which of the following is not a morpheme? A) the "s" in "dogs" B)the "dog" in "dogs" C)the "ed" in "learned" D) the "ou" in "soup" E)the "bio" in "biology"

D) The "ou" in soup

The first official laboratory for psychology was founded in Leipzig in 1879 by A) Rene Descartes B) Jean Piaget C) Edward Titchener D) Wilhelm Wundt E) Sigmund Freud

D) Wilhelm Wundt, "founder of psychology" used introspection to analyze the nature of consciousness

Lewin and his colleagues in their 1939 study of leadership styles found that A) laissez-faire groups had the greatest productivity B) the productivity of the democratic groups was greater than that of the autocratic groups C) autocratic leaders were better liked than democratic leaders D) autocratic leaders created more hostility than democratic leaders E) the personality traits of a leader had a greater effect than his leadership style

D) autocratic leaders created more hostility

An adult knows that bit and pit refer to two different things, but that bit said by a female and bit said by a male refer to the same thing. The evidences A) assimilation b) LAD C) formal operational thinking D) categorical perception E) proximal development

D) categorical perception

Regions and boundaries are central to the personality theory of a) george kelly B) karen horney C) john dollard D) kurt lewin E) david mcclelland

D) kurt lewin

Which stimulus does not trigger the start of a behavior? A) consummatory stimulus B) sign stimulus C) supernormal stimulus D) motivating stimulus E) releaser

D) motivating stimulus

ECT has found to be an effective intervention for A) eating disorders B) anxiety disorders C) schizophrenia D) severe depression E) dissociative fugues

D) severe depression

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between genotype and phenotype? A) phenotype determines genotype B) genotype determines phenotype C) the genotype and phenotype work in a complementary fashion during a child's development D) the genotype is the finite potential which interacts with the environment to form the phenotype E) the genotype reflects pure hereditary influences, while the phenotype reflects those of the environment

D) the genotype is the finite potential which interacts with the environment to form the phenotype Genotype=genetic blueprint Phenotype=how the genotype is expressed through interactions between the genes and the environment

Ablation of the lateral geniculate nucleus would most likely affect which sensory system? A) audition B) olfaction C) kinesthesis D) vision E) gustation

D) vision

If the mean IQ of Americans is 100 with a SD of 16, what percentage of Americans would you expect to score at or below a 132 on an IQ test? A) 34 percent B) 48 percent C) 68 percent D) 84 percent E) 98 percent

E) 98 percent

The belief that the analyst must serve as an object onto which hostile impulses are projected is most consistent with the work of: A) sigmund freud B) melanie klein C) anna freud D) margaret Mahler E) D.W. Winnicott

E) D.W. Winnicott A therapeutic approach that centers around the analyst or patient as an object is most aptly termed object-relations therapy. Foremost proponent: D.W. WInnicott

Which neurotransmitter is inhibitory? A)Epinephrine B) dopamine C)serotonin D) acetylcholine E) GABA


Which of the following statements is consistent with Walter Mischel's perspective on personality? A) personality traits are best studied using factor analysis B) only cardinal traits are worthy o study C) the majority of traits studied are based on the studies of mentally ill populations D) a nomothetic approach to personality is preferable to an ideographic approach E) trait theory is based on flawed assumptions about the consistency of human behavior across situations

E) Mischel was a critic of trait theories of personality because they placed too much emphasis on fixed, dispositional traits that did not vary across situations. Env't plays a significant role

The breeding of "maze bright" and "maze dull" rats is associated with which of the following? A) Harry Harlow B) Karl Von Frisch C) Eric Kandel D) Edward Thorndike E) R.C. Tryon

E) R.C. Tryon- maze rats Harlow-monkeys, contact comfort Von Frisch- honey bees Kandel- aplysia and neural learning Thorndike- learning theory and law of effect

Which of the following theorists is credited with first inferring the existence of synapses? A) Johannes Muller B) Franz GAll C) William JAmes D) Herman von Hemholtz E) Charles Sherrington

E) Sherrington

Which of the following tools provides the best analogy for DNA? A) mathematician's compass, used for drawing identical forms of various sizes B) painter's brush, use to put various elements of a composition together on a canvas C)Cobbler's last, which serves as the model for many styles of shoe, all the same size D) a photographers camera, which records exactly what occurs E) a draftsman's template, which produces copies of a given number of shapes or symbols

E) a draftsman's template DNA is a series of nucleic acids that serve as a template for proteins. Identically copies a given number of shapes or symbols.

Afferent pathways are involved in which of the following sensory systems? A) visual, tactile, kinesthetic, auditory B) visual, tactile, olfactory and kinesthetic, C) kinesthetic only D)kinesthetic and auditory only E) all sensory systems

E) all 4 sensory systems that appear in this question involve the action of afferent pathways. Afferent pathways ascend to the brain and are connected to any sensory system. Efferent pathways exit the brain and are more involved in motor skills and functioning

Galton's major contribution to psychology was his A) work toward making the institutional treatment of mentally ill more humane B) explanation of the phi phenomenon C) creation of standardized measures of intelligence D) theory of infantile sexuality E) focus on individual differences

E) focus on individual differences

Which of the following is associated with Henry Murray and the Thematic Apperception Test A) hierarchy of needs B) belief in a just world C) locus of control D) authoritarianism E) need to achieve

E) need to achieve Indicates which needs are most important to them

In most right-handed people, the left hemisphere is dominant for all of the following except: A) speech production B) perception of meaningful sounds C) perception of nonsense syllables D) application of syntactic rules E) perception of melody

E) perception of melody Left brain in right handed people=language comprehension and production Right brain= musical ability, spatial ability, mathematical and artistic ability

Piaget's approach to investigating the thought process underlying a given verbal response is described as: a) method of varied comparisons B) introspective analysis C) longitudinal study D) projective testing E) the clinical method

E) the clinical method

According to Helmholtz and Young, the neural basis for pitch perception is A) the frequency at which the ossicles vibrate B) the frequency at which the tympanic membrane vibrates as a whole C) the frequency at which the basilar membrane vibrates as a whole D) the location on the ossicles that vibrates E) the location on the basilar membrane that vibrates

E) the location on the basilar membrane that vibrates Place theory of pitch perception (location on the basilar membrane that vibrates determines the perceived pitch vs. frequency theory of pitch perception (frequency at which basilar membrane vibrates as a whole determines perceived pitch)

According to William Sheldon's system of somatotypes, which of the following body types would correspond to an inhibited, intellectual person A) somatomorph B) Mesomorph C) Endomorph D) Ectomorph E) Heliomorph


According to Julian Rotter, someone who credits her success to luck/fate is exhibiting a personality characteristic known as

External locus of control

What school with which is William James closely associated?

Functionalist Coined term "stream of consciousness"

Who is commonly referred to as the father of developmental psychology?

G. Stanley Hall

A perception must be studied in it's whole or molar form is consistent with which school of psychology?


A 2-year-old who wants her bottle simply says "bottle". This is an example of: A) schema B) holophrase C)neologism D) oversimplification E) heuristic

Holophrase- tendency of infants in early stages of language acquisition to use a single word to express themselves

Field theory was developed by A) solomon Asch B) leon festinger C) fritz heider D) carl hovland E) Kurt Lewin

Kurt Lewin

What is the best way to present a tone in order to enhance memory of quickly vanishing letters on a tachistoscopic display?

One second after the letters have vanished from the screen b/c it would still be in sensory memory at that time

An example of ordinal data would be: a) lining up a gym class from shortest to tallest b) measuring the weights of students in a gym class c) measuring the pulse of students before and after strenuous activity d) placing students into different groups based on the first letter of their last names e) measuring the time of day when students perform best on a given task

Ordinal data involves ordering/ranking items Weighing students/recording pulse are ratio variables

Describe the Zeignarik effect

People remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.

Franz Joseph Galls is most closely associated with:

Phrenology-attempts to associate lumps on the head with personality traits.

A researcher wants to study the effect of response bias and sensitivity on the perception of changes in frequency. She would most likely use

Signal detection theory

What does Ordinal data involve?

Sorting objects according to rank order

Ratio and Interval data refer to data that is more numerically based, T or F?


Author of The Myth of Mental Illness

Thomas Szasz- mental illness is a social construction, applied to people who are not sick in a medical sense , but deviate from societal norms

Weber's law

Weber-Fechner law refers to two related laws in the field of psychophysics, known as Weber's law and Fechner's law. Both laws relate to human perception; more specifically the relation between the actual change in a physical stimulus and the perceived change. This includes stimuli to all senses; vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

Social facilitation theory

When learning a relatively easy task, one's performance is enhanced in the presence of others Associated with Zajonc

When extremely excited, Marsha has a harder time throwing darts than when she is mildly excited. This behavior is consistent with which of the following? A) Zeigarnik effect B) Hawthorne effect C) Weber's law D) Yerkes-Dodson Law E) fundamental attribution error

Yerkes-Dodson law- individuals tend to perform best with a moderate level of arousal. Too much/little results in poorer performance

A type 2 error occurs when:

a false null hypothesis is accepted; significant results are not noticed

The method of loci is an example of

a mnemonic

A Type 1 Error Occurs when:

a true null hypothesis is rejected; when a study claims that a significant result exists but they don't

Which of the following measures is most sensitive to outlying observations? a) mean b) median c) mode d) variance e) sd

a) Mean

The uncovering and discharge of repressed emotion is called


The work of Paul Broca led him to conclude that

aphasia can have an organic basis Broca's area located in left frontal lobe

Stanley Milgram's classic experiment in social psychology is most closely associated with a) persuasion b) conformity c) leadership d) altruism e) attraction

b) conformity

Which of the following is a physical property of sound? A) loudness B) frequency C) pitch D) timbre E) hue

b) frequency

Which of the following theorists attempted to relate personality to perception? A) william sheldon B) herman witkin C) abraham maslow d) neal miller E) richard lazarus

b) herman witkin

Kandel's studies of the sea slug aplysia were used to support the hypothesis that

basic changes in neural pathways occur with changes in learning and memory

The use of lithium salts have been found to be an effective treatment for

bipolar disorder

Jeff made a list of classic movies he wanted to see. When asked to reconstruct the list he listed all the movies categorically. This is an example of A) chunking B) recency C) clustering D) primacy E) assimilation

clustering- enhanced recall associated with group terms into semantically linked clusters

The sound of a sizzling frying pan causes pt to salivate uncontrollably. The sound of the sizzling frying pan is a

conditioned stimulus

In social psychology, the autokinetic effect was used by sherif in his study of:


Gibson and Walk used a "visual cliff" experiment to study

depth perception in infants

When a child acquires the ability to represent the world internally through the use of symbols, she enters which of piagets stages of cognitive development? a) sensorimotor b) secondary circular reactions c) concrete operational d) preoperational e) formal operations

e) preoperational

The XO chromosome combination in females is primarily associated with a) PKU b) klinefelters syndrome c) downs syndrome d) aggressive antisocial behavior e) turner's syndrome

e) turner's syndrome

The main difference between the theory of color vision put forth by Young-Helmholz and that put forth by Hering is that Hering's theory

emphasizes the importance of three opposing pairs of color receptors: red/green, blue/yellow, black/white Hering=oponent process vs. Young-Helmholz= imporance of three types of color receptors: red/blue/green

If two individuals have the same phenotype, that means that they

have the same expressed traits for a particular trait (But may have different genotypes)

Konrad Lorenz is best known for


Whorf's hypothesis is that

language can influence perception; an adolescent raised in a culture with no word for snow refers to it instead as cold white rain

Ernst Weber introduced the notion of

just noticeable difference

One would expect an action potential to travel most quickly in

long, thick myelinated fiber

According to psychological thinking, children's earliest sentences are considered telegraphic in the sense that they

many words and word endings are missing

Equation for ratio IQ

mentalage/chronological age x 100 10.7/9.5

In the auditory system, transduction takes place at the

organ of Corti


quantified Weber's statement of the relationship between stimulus and sensation

Anterograde amnesia

refers to the inability to retrieve information that one was exposed to after a trauma (new events)

Dichotic listening tasks are used to study

selective attention

Correctly order Piaget's stages

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Autoshaping is important because it

shows that behaviors thought to be solely due to operant conditioning may have a classical conditioning component

A child's parents allow her to play video games only after completing her homework. This reward system is consistent with

the premack principle

In dim lighting object discrimination will be ____ in the fovea


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