Great American Speeches

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Nearly every line of King's speech is filled with powerful images, or "mental pictures," many created by using figures of speech. Give two examples of imagery from the speech.

"One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity." Paragraph 2 "the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." Paragraph 2

Find an example of a metaphor.

"This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. " Paragraph 1

What does Kennedy pledge to his "sister republics south of our border?

"to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty."

What rhetorical questions (there are five) does Henry say in paragraph five?

1. And what have we to oppose to them? 2.Shall we try argument? 3.Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? 4.Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? 5.What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted?

List four of the dangerous situations that Edwards uses to let his reader know the danger they are in.

1. Flood 2. The great furnace of wrath 3. a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath 4. God aiming with a bow and arrow 5. storm

How many times does Edwards use the word "nothing" in the paragraph beginning with "Oh sinner!"?


What great event took place at Gettysburg?

A battle and Abraham Lincoln giving his most famous address. The Battle of Gettysburg fought from July 1 to July 3, 1863, is considered the most important engagement of the American Civil War. After a great victory over Union forces at Chancellorsville, General Robert E. Lee marched his Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania in late June 1863. 51,000 people were killed. ⅓ of confederate troops injured. Turning point of war in union favor.

What gift has Lee's son given him?

A book by Everett's called Life of Washington

Call to Action

A call to do something in order to achieve an aim or deal with a problem.


A casual or indirect reference to a famous work.


A comparison between two things that are alike in some respects


A figure of speech in which opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed EX. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" C. Dickens

What is your definition of racism?

A group of persons excluded due to the color of their skin or race.


A list of three in a sentence in which there are three parts or clauses

Rhetorical Question- A question posed, but not meant to be answered.

A question posed, but not meant to be answered.

How is this piece an example of Puritan literature?

A strong focus on being saved by god

What remains to be accomplished?

All that is left to conquer is racism.


An everyone else is doing it attitude; peer pressure.

Paragraphs 15-18 begin with the words "Let both sides . . ." What rhetorical device is being used and how is it effective?

Anaphora because it says what they need to do in order to succeed

What literary device is being used in the following: "we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal as well as change."


Paragraph 25 contains the most famous line from the speech, "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." What rhetorical device is being used and why is it effective?

Antithesis because it compares what they can do and what they should do.

Who does Henry argue will be on the colonist's side in paragraph six?


What does Edwards seem to feel about those who maintain a "form of religion" or who seem "moral and strict"?

He believes that they are hypocrites, contemptible and think that they are disrespectful for thinking that they are the ones who keep themselves out of hell themselves

Read the background about General Lee on page 540. Why was Lee so committed to both the Union and to Virginia?

He did not want to go to war unless absolutely necessary and he strongly identified with slaveholding and his home state of Virginia.

In the opening paragraph, Kennedy expresses the main idea that the United States will go to any length to defend "the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago?" Explain what he means. What is he defending?

He is defending the success and survival of freedom that the forefathers started 175 years ago

What examples does he provide to support his position that compromise with the British is not a workable solution?

He says they have tried to resolve the issue in every peaceful way possible, but no progress has been made. He addresses that every time the colonists try to make a compromise, the British say they agree and stuff, but they are all talk and never follow through.

What was Lincoln's purpose during the address at Gettysburg?

He wanted to inspire a new birth of freedom and reiterate the importance of the union. To dedicate the land in honor of those who have died.

What course of action does Henry want the colonist to take?

He wants them to fight

In what ways does Patrick Henry's speech help define America?

Henry's "Liberty or Death" speech helped convince those in attendance to begin preparing Virginia troops for war against Great Britain.

In paragraph three, Henry talks about the lamp of experience. What does he mean?

Henry's feet are guided by one lamp and that is the lamp of experience. He connects this with the biblical verse because it shows that he knows what he is doing, and how it will guide him along the path

What do you think has become of King's dream? In what ways has the dream been fulfilled?

I believe that King's dream is still a work in progress. More people get out to vote, we can all stay at the same hotels, segregation is no more, black people are not forced to live in ghettos, no more whites only signs, and we all have equal rights.

Near the end of his speech, King names many different states. Why do you think he did this?

I believe that he does it in order to make his speech sound inclusive. When he mentions so many states, he sends the message that this is not a speech for a single part of the country. He means that it is a speech that is meant to apply to every part of America whether it is the North or the South.

Why do you think extreme organizations such as the Klan would chose violence as a means to fight against the civil rights movement, even though their actions enraged the rest of the country and gained sympathy for the cause of Southern Blacks?

I believe that the Klan wanted to keep blacks seperated from the rest. The Klan was probably scared of the change that would come along with desegrigation because many of the members were of high ranking in society and were scared of loosing it.

What did Henry mean when he said, "Give me liberty or give me death"? Explain.

If he is not free then he would rather die.

In the second paragraph, King says that "the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." What type of figure of speech is this?

It is a metaphor, imagery, personification.

Give an example of how Edwards uses analogy in this sermon.

Just like a spiders web cannot stop a falling rock, people's care of their own lives cannot keep them out of hell. God is holding us like we are holding a spider

Write a paragraph summarizing King's dream in your own words.

King wanted to see a country as well as a world where people were not divided by color or creed. Also known as a united America, where there was no racial hatred, or prejudice against others based on the color of their skin, or the sins of their ancestors, in the cases of the descendants of the slave owners, and former slaves. He wanted people to be judged on the type of character they were rather than the way they looked. He envisioned a country where human rights were of upmost importance, and where people were no longer oppressed just because of race or skin color. .


Language that appeals to the senses/emotions

What does Kennedy mean when he says, "For man hold in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and human life."?

Man holds in his hand the power to end all problems or to kill. They have the power to kill

According to Lee, what is the political state of the country?

Of anarchy and civil war

According to Edwards, what is "but thin air and empty shadows"?

Peace and safety


Repeating words or phrases throughout an argument; meant to reinforce an idea or concept


Repetition of the initial consonant sounds at beginning

List at least two possible effects upon King's audience of repeating the phrase, "I have a dream."

The crowd was inspired because of this repetitive phrase. This is because it was a common dream of most black people. They were also spiritually exhilarated because of its religious significance.

What words does Lincoln use to describe the war?

The great task/ unfinished work

What are the two Biblical allusions on page 101 (see footnotes)?

The lamp of experience and Judas betrayal, having eyes and ears but not hearing or seeing.


The repetition of a word or phrase at the BEGINNING of successive phrases or clauses.

In paragraph three, Kennedy states that the "torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." What does he mean by this statement?

The world is a lot different from when the first settlers came, however, they still believe in the ideas that they fought for in freedom and liberty.

Give an example of how Edwards uses antithesis in this sermon.

The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present... Feasting or dying of starvation

What measure does Henry say the colonist have already tried in their dealings with England?

They have tried petitions, remonstrate (argue), prostate (kneel down, beg, pay allegiance to), supplicate (requesting).

What does Lincoln mean when he says "that these dead shall not have died in vain..."?

They must not give up fighting for the Union cause because if they do then everyone who died died for no reason.

What does Kennedy pledge to his "old allies"? (paragraph six)

They together this is little that they cannot do. Divided there is a lot that they can do. Unification instead of division.

Why do you think the Black community withstood such violent attacks without responding with their own violent retaliations?

They were probably scared that it would make the violence worse and the way they are treated worse as they were already treated bad to begin with.

These words bring up strong images of slavery. Why would this be an effective method of moving his audience?

This is an effective method of moving his audience because it makes it still seem like they are enslaved even though the Emancipation Proclamation freed them.

What does the expression "those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside" mean?

Those who seek to much power will be devoured by it.

Look at the rhetorical questions in paragraph six. What is the purpose of those questions?

To explain they they can take Britain because they are not a week force. To counter argue that they are not strong enough. They have to fight now because they will one get weaker because they have less and less arms.

What is the "great task remaining before us" according to Lincoln?

To finish what they have started

What is the purpose of those rhetorical questions?

To prove his point and make the audience think.

What action does Edwards want his parishioners to do in paragraph 13 (beginning "How dreadful")?

To take advantage of not being in Hell and to give their souls to god

Another figure of speech is called an anaphora, or the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence, verse, or paragraph. Besides the famous "I have a dream" phrase, find two other examples of an anaphora.

Two examples of anaphora in I Have A Dream is With this faith in paragraph 25 and Let freedom, ring.

What does Lee hope to avoid?


What lines does he repeat at the end of paragraph five? What is the purpose of repeating this phrase?

We must fight sir. He is trying to rally them to fight instead of being placent.

Paragraph 23 contains the Call to Action. What is Kennedy asking his audience members to do?

a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" —a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war its

What words does Lee use to describe the war?

anarchy/calamity/these evils

In paragraph ten, to whom does Kennedy pledge his loyalty?

assembly of sovereign states aka the United Nations

After reading paragraph one, do you think that Henry agrees or disagrees with the people who have spoken before him? How do you know?

disagrees because he says that he has opinions of character very opposed to theirs

What do his parishioners believe is keeping them from falling into hell?

prudence and care to preserve their own lives" will prevent them from falling into hell. That they are good people

King's speech contains other allusions in addition to the one with which he opens his speech. Find an allusion to the Declaration of Independence and the Bible.

" I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together " This is an allusion to Isaiah 40:4-5 in the Bible. Paragraph 23 An allusion to the Declaration of Independence is when he says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal." Paragraph 16

"Five score years ago," the opening phrase of King's speech, is an allusion to what or whom? Why was this an appropriate and strong way for King to begin his speech?

"Five score years ago" is an allusion to President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. This is an appropriate and strong way for King to begin his speech because he is referring to Abraham Lincoln as a symbol of freedom.

Find an example of alliteration in King's speech.

"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation." Paragraph 1

Give an example of how Edwards uses bandwagon in this sermon.

"Many are daily coming from the east, west, north and south; many that were very lately in the same miserable condition that you are in, are now in a happy state..."

Find an example of a simile.

"No, no, we are not satisfied, and will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream." Paragraph 12


-The choice and use of words and phrases in a speech or writing

In paragraph twenty, Kennedy says, "All this will not be finished in the first 100 days." What is this? Why would he not want to put a time limit on his goal?

Because good work takes time. The mission is world peace.

Why did Lincoln connect the honoring of those who died at Gettysburg with the goal of continuing the war toward a Union victory?

Because if he did not continue on with the war then everyone who died, died for nothing

Why was Lee so opposed to secession?

Because many other states would succeed and have of the country would be against the other. He did not want to fight because he knew what it was like and knew the battles of war. But he was also a constitutionalist.

Towards the end of the sermon, Edwards wants his audience to obtain Salvation and Mercy. How does he say they can obtain these things?

Christain rebirth


Components of a sentence that are grammatically the same.

What would Henry prefer to the current situation (paragraph seven)?


Read the first two paragraphs of the sermon. What is the MOOD or feeling created in these paragraphs?

Deep, dark, depressing, scary

Of what does Edwards believe his congregation is not "sensible"?

Edwards believes the congregation has not sensed what it means to be a believer of the soul, spirit, and God's greatness before themselves, to humble themselves, and to realize that the church attendance, family traditions, and good moral behavior they exhibit is not enough to be saved or to go to Heaven. That god is keeping them out of trouble

What emotion is Edward trying to make his audience feel?

Fear and helplessness

Give an example of how Edwards uses imagery in this sermon.

Fire and brimstone, bow and arrow

What kind of diction is the opening "four score and seven years ago"?


What are some of the specific acts of injustice against African Americans which King cites in his speech?

Martin Luther King Jr. cites specific acts of injustice such as racism, segregation, lack of rights, police brutality, inequality in accessing motels and hotels, relegation of black people to ghettos, signs that specify whites only, and the inability of African Americans to vote.


Restating the same idea in different ways

How does Lee define secession?

Secession is nothing but revolution

What word(s) in the sermon's title suggest the emotional focus of Edwards's message?

Sinners and Angry

In paragraph two, Henry makes an allusion to mythology. Explain this allusion.

Sirens in the ocean singing to bring men to them in order to kill them or transform them into beasts of the ocean. The odyssey. The king is saying all the right things while preparing to war by leading the colonists to their demise.


Speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship

In paragraph eleven, Kennedy makes a request to his adversaries. What is the request?

That both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

In paragraph four, Kennedy calls out to all nations. What does he tell them? (Summarize)

That no matter of they like or hate the united states' liberty will survive and succeed. They are willing to do anything. Direct Jab at soviets.

How did Lee feel about the four states who declared themselves out of the union?

That they will cause have of the country to be arrayed against each other.

What inference was King making about the progress of African Americans to enter the mainstream of American life in the one hundred years which followed the end of slavery?

That while they have been free for one hundred years not much has changed other than them being allowed off of plantations and able to get certain jobs.

Besides the Declaration of Independence and the Bible, King cites "the American dream" as a source for his own dream. What is the American dream?

The American dream is for prosperity, freedom, wealth, or whatever they want most in the world.

What political document does Lincoln allude (refer) to in the Gettysburg Address?

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

What does Lincoln want to preserve at the end of his speech? Explain.

The Union to keep the country together

In paragraph 27, to whom does Kennedy believe the rights of man come from?


What message is Edwards conveying in this sermon?

mankind is inherently sinful and it is only through God's grace that Man is able to avoid eternal damnation and torment. Edwards's goal was to encourage people to turn towards God and away from sin before it was too late.

What is the alliteration in paragraph 27 ? How is it effective?

lead the land we love. It sticks in our heads.

What rhetorical devices does Patrick Henry use in this speech? List six.

rhetorical questions, allusion,, oxymoron, metaphor, and parallel structure, persuasion

Give an example of how Edwards uses repetition in this sermon.

the presence of an angry vision of God. He says nothing and the pleasure of god

According to the opening paragraph, what keeps sinners from falling into hell?

the sovereign pleasure of god

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