Great Decision Test

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Who did Jefferson appoint as Secretary of the treasury?

Albert Gallatin.

How good a speaker was Jefferson? With what famous phrase did Jefferson appeal to a broad nationalism?

Jefferson was not a particularly skilled orator, but he was a terrific writer, and he appealed to a broad nationalism, saying "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists"

What positions had Jefferson and Adams held in the Washington Administration?

Jefferson was secretary of state and Adams was vice president

Wh was the first President to move into "the President's House"?

John Adams

Who was "Old Bacon Face"?

Justice Samuel Chase

With what famous words did Richard Henry Lee eulogize George Washington?

"First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of our countrymen"

What words did John Adams write to Abigail when they moved into the President's House?

"May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof"

How did Jefferson refer to that period under the Alien and Sedition Acts?

"Reign of witches"

Historical inaccuracies on page xi

1. Constitutional Convention was in 1787. 2. Election of 1800, not 1801. 3. Supreme Court created by Judiciary Act of 1789, not at Constitutional Convention

Despite the bipartisan appeal of his inaugural address, in what four fundamental ways did Jefferson set out to change the nation?

1. He wanted to eliminate all traces of aristocratic and monarchical power in favor of an agricultural-rooted democracy. 2. He wanted to return power that Alexander Hamilton had centralized to the citizens and their states. 3. He wanted to transform the Judicial Branch of the government. 4. He wanted to get rid of a permanent army.

Marbury v. Madison can be viewed in the context of five different conflicts. Name them:

1. John Marshal vs. Thomas Jefferson 2. Federalists vs. Republicans 3. Chief Justice vs. President 4. Central Government vs. State Rights 5. Judicial Branch (courts) vs. Executive Branch (president)

In what sense was Marbury v. Madison a "triple bank shot?"

1. The Decision strengthened the court and proved its power 2. the decision avoided a pointless fight between the president and court 3. Decision gave the Federalist court a chance to embarrass the Republican president (Thomas Jefferson) in a situation in which he could not defend himself, as the president never testified.

What parties Adams and Jefferson represent?

Adams was a Federalist and Jefferson was a Republican

Define "judicial review"

A court's ability to examine an act of government and declare it unconstitutional (in this case the Supreme Court examining Congress)

What did Marshall keep on the table between himself and his Republican opponent?

A jug of whiskey.

Who was Jefferson's running mate in 1800?

Aaron Burr

What High Federalist stabbed Adams in the back just weeks before the election of 1800?

Alexander Hamilton published a paper which denounced Adams for various aspects of his character.

How did the capital come to be located on the Potomac?

Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the Treasury, wanted the federal government to assume debts that the states had accumulated whilst fighting the Revolutionary War, a plan that southern representatives opposed. James Madison, a congressman from Virginia, and Thomas Jefferson, the secretary of state, wanted the nation's capital to be located on the Potomac. A bargain was contrived. Hamilton would agree to have the capital located on the Potomac if Madison and Jefferson would convince the southern opposition to agree to Hamilton's financial plan.

What two towns war included in the capital's original boundaries?

Alexandria (from Virginia) and Georgetown (from Maryland)

In 1800 why did the losing party end up deciding the outcome of the presidential election?

Because Federalist were, at that point, the majority in congress. Their administration had not ended, and, while the new election had produced a Republican majority, the Federalists were the current majority in Congress, which decides the presidency in the case of an electoral tie, which occurred. The two politicians that tied in the number of electoral votes were both Republicans.

What color robes did he wear?

Black. Other justices wore academic gowns or brightly colored robes, while Marshall stuck to simple black.

What did George Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?

Dividing the country into political parties.

Why was Aaron Burr accused of frustrating the will of the people?

Burr, who was running for vice president as Jefferson's running mate, got as many electoral votes as Jefferson. Instead of stepping aside and being vice president, he took the matter to the House of Representatives to see if he could get the presidency.

By 1801, where would the Supreme Court be housed?

By 1801, the Supreme Court had not been allotted a space by the government in either the Capitol or the President's house, both of which were under construction. The Supreme Court could only hope that it would be allowed a spare room inside the Capitol once the building was completed.

in 1800, who were the two leading candidates for president?

Current President John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

In terms of foreign policy, what did he warn against?

Entangling alliances with other nations.

What kind of Man was William Marbury?

Extremely ambitious. His family lost everything when he was young and he did whatever he could to appear wealthy, prominent, and proper.

How was Jefferson's inauguration different from that of Washington and Adams?

Jefferson walked to the Capital, wearing a simple suit, no hat or wig, and without a sword, whereas Washington arrived in a spectacular carriage (which six white horses pulled), clad in his military uniform, strapped to his sword. Adams arrived in an elegant, but simple carriage and wore a nice suit, a hat, and had a sword.

What did the Alien Act state?

Greatly reduced the rights of non-citizens, including immigrants. The President cold apprehend or deport any noncitizen he saw as a menace to the US.

Why did Chief Justice John Jay dislike being chief judge of the Supreme Court?

He disliked the schedule. He met with other Supreme Court judges only twice a year and spent the rest of his time riding circuit, hearing cases across a large region, traveling primitively and staying in unpleasant inns.

In the December confusion of 1800,why did High Federalist Alexander Hamilton throw his support to Republican Thomas Jefferson?

He hated Burr, his old New York enemy, and wanted to make sure he didn't get the top job.

How did Marshall change the way Supreme Court justices dressed when court was in session?

He influenced the justices to dress more simply; they hung up their academic gowns in favor of simple black robes, like Marshall wore.

What did he do when he visited the State Department and discovered the undelivered commissions for federal justices of the peace?

He ordered that they not be delivered.

What did Jefferson do about the penalties assigned under the now expired Sedition Act of 1798?

He pardoned the two people imprisoned, excused the man awaiting trial, and demanded all fines be reimbursed.

Why did Madison lose his bid for reelection to the Virginia House of Delegates?

He refused to bribe voters with whiskey, as was the tradition, and insisted instead that he would win votes based on his politics.

How did Federalist Newspapers depict Jefferson?

Immoral and Godless

Who were the "midnight judges?"

In Adams' last weeks as president he appointed many Federalists to federal offices so he could be sure that Federalists would remain in the new Republican administration. The appointees were known as the "midnight judges".

Marbury v. Madison is a national treasure because it stands for the principle of:

Judicial Review. Overturning an act of congress.

How was the opinion rendered in the landmark case Talbot v. Seeman different from previous Supreme Court decisions?

It was the first time the Supreme Court's decision represented all the justices; previously, individual decisions had been made.

Who was Jefferson's closest adviser? Describe him?

James Madison was Jefferson's closest adviser. Physically small and extremely shy, Madison was very ambitious and had reached many milestones at young ages. He was well-like by other politicians, and was a true gentleman. He could calm opponents, as well as through them off guard with a disarming characteristic he had about him, a quality that also gained him many admirers.

Who did Jefferson appoint as his secretary of state?

James Madison.

Who else moved into the President's House with Thomas Jefferson?

James and Dolly Madison.

Why weren't all the commissions delivered?

James couldn't carry them all at the same time.

Where and why did Jefferson send a squadron of American warships in 1801?

Jefferson sent a squadron of American warships to the Mediterranean, because Pasha Yusuf Karamanli, who led Tripoli, a state in northern Africa, declared war on the US.

Who wrote The Federalist Papers?

John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison

Who was responsible for delivering the commissions to the new Washington County Justices of the Peace (including John Marbury)?

John Marshall enlisted his brother, James Marshall

What was ironic about the fact that Aaron Burr and John Marshal greeted him on the dais?

John Marshall was not shy about the fact that he hated his cousin, and Aaron Burr had attempted to steal the top job from Jefferson

Who administered Jefferson's oath of office to the presidency?

John Marshall, Jefferson's cousin.

On whom did Adams rely most heavily to help him with the logistics of the appointments and the deliveries of commissions of these new midnight judges?

John Marshall.

What did John Adams do until late into the last night of his presidency?

Make appointments to Federal offices

What role did Marshall play in ratifying Virginia's constitution?

Marshall played the part of the hospitable host for various drinks and dinners, both at his home, and at taverns and inns during the course of the debate. He also gave a very strong speech in favor of ratifying the Constitution, which he, along with James Madison, succeeded in having ratified.

At the time, why was John Marshall worried about the direction the country?

Marshall was afraid that Jefferson would fortify the state governments while hurting the nation as a whole and give too much of the power remaining with the Federal government to the House of Representatives.

Why did Martha Washington give John Marshall a footlocker of documents?

Marshall was working on the first biography of Martha Washington's husband, George Washington.

Where can the four greatest American documents be found?

National Archives

Was Jefferson violating the Constitution in sending the militia to Tripoli? Why?

No. While Congress has to make the decision to declare war, the president can order the military to defend the nation.

How much support did Marshall give to the Alien and Sedition Acts?

None. Marshall did not support the Alien and Sedition Acts.

What did the Constitution say about the Supreme Court?

Nothing. While the Constitution specified three branches of Congress, one of which was the Judiciary Branch, the Supreme Court was not created until the Judiciary Act of 1789

Who and when did John Adams nominate to be chief justice of the Supreme Court?

On Monday, January 19th, 1801, Adams nominated Secretary of State John Marshall to be chief justice of the Supreme Court.

What did the Sedition Act state?

Outlawed criticizing the Federal Government?

What Republican hero endorsed Marshall?

Patrick Henry

Who else bought a piece of real estate from Uriah Forrest?

Philip Barton Key

Who was the most controversial of the judicial nominations? To what post was he appointed? What had he done to make him so controversial?

Philip Barton Key was the most controversial of the judicial appointments. He was appointed to the post of chief judge in the new Fourth Circuit. Key had a long, controversial past; he had been a Loyalist during the Revolutionary War and had fought for the British, serving as a captain in the Maryland Loyalists Battalion. He had been convicted of treason in Maryland, where his property was seized. After going to England, studying, making high friends, and receiving compensation for his seized property, Key returned to the US, where he managed to rebuild his reputation, set up a successful practice in law, rise to a high position in society, and become a prominent Federalist figure.

Who was the noted French architect appointed to plan the city whom George Washington called "Lang Fang"?

Pierre Charles L'Enfant. A famous architect from France, L'Enfant was fired when he disagreed with the capital commissioners over every aspect of planning the city. When L'Enfant refused to do what the report to the commissioners, he was fired.

Ho did the collapse of 1797 lead to the construction of Woodley?

Uriah Forrest, a Revolutionary war veteran, became very wealthy through commerce and married Rebecca Plater, a plantation heiress. However, the collapse of 1797 forced Forrest to sell 250 acres of land to Philip Barton Key, Forrest's brother-in-law. Key later built Woodley on this land.

From whom did William Marbury buy a piece of real estate?

Uriah Forrest, the mayor of Georgetown

What did President John Adams hope for the Supreme Court?

President Adams wanted a Federalist Chief Justice to serve during the Jefferson (Republican) administration. He also wanted the chief justice to be a moderate Federalist, as extremists had been fighting with the moderates within the party. In essence, Adams wanted a chief justice who would represent Adams' own opinions even after Adams had left office.

What subjects couldn't be discussed in the "Quoits Club," the club that Marshall helped to found?

Religion, politics, and business were not allowed to be discussed.

How did a hickory cane and pair of fireplace tongs bring the House of Representatives to its feel with roars of cheering, profanity laced encouragement and bursts of laughter?

Republican Mathew Lyon often teased Federalists for being pompous. Federalist Roger Griswold made fun of Lyon with rumors of Lyon's cowardice during the Revolutionary war, and Lyon spat in his face. When Griswold was unable to have Lyon removed from the House, he waited for his chance and, two weeks later, walked serenely over to a solitary Lyon and began to violently beat Lyon with his hickory cane. Lyon grabbed a pair of fireplace tongs and used them to defend himself against Griswold. Other members of the House cheered and allowed the two men to fight before pulling them apart.

What principal did the decision of Marbury v. Madison lay the foundation for?

Rule of Law

What other office did John Marshall hold when he was confirmed as Chief Justice?

Secretary of State

How high could John Marshall jump when he was part of Washington's army?

Six feet

How would you describe Washington city in 1801, the year Woodley was completed?

Small, dirty, haggling, busy for its size, with things moving in. Washington was small, with a population of 3,210 people. With a diverse group of laborers, the city was filled with poor, rough dwellings. The city was dirty—it was built on swampland, and filled with wandering animals, which citizens fended off with walking sticks. Sales agents and traders were plentiful. Government officials were cramped—there was no president's house or Congress house.

What was Spain doing that might have evolved into the strangulation of the American West or even its eventual conquest?

Spain was bargaining with France—which was being run by Napoleon Bonaparte—to surrender the Louisiana Territory to France.

What was one of the rumors about the fire in the Treasury Department?

That the Federalists had set the fire to hide harmful secrets from the approaching Republicans.

What did the decision in Marbury v. Madison prove?

That the Supreme Court did have the authority to strike down an act of Congress as unconstitutional.

What two outrageous acts were passed into law in July of 1789 when Adams believed that the very survival of the new fragile little republic was at stake?

The Alien and Sedition Act

James Madison was given credit for being the father of what?

The Constitution.

WHere did Abigail Adams frequently hang her laundry?

The East Room of the President's house

Who was more upset about Marshall's nomination as Chief Justice, the High Federalists or the Republicans?

The High Federalists

Where was the election of 1800 decided? Why?

The House of Representatives, because both Thomas Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr, received the same number of electoral votes and Burr did not withdraw his name as he was expected to.

After the election of Thomas Jefferson, which was the weakest branch of government and the last bastion of Federalist power?

The Judicial Branch.

What act created the Supreme Court?

The Judiciary Act of 1789

What was stated in the Judiciary Act of 1801?

The Judiciary Act of 1801 downsized the Supreme Court; the number of judges would decrease from 6 to five at the next opening. The Act also eliminated the need for Supreme Court judges to ride circuit; this responsibility would be fulfilled by appellate (appeal) judges serving in the new system of appellate courts created by the Judiciary Act of 1801. The appellate courts were a level between the trial courts and Supreme Court.

What did party Jefferson and Madison organize?

The Republican Party.

Why were the Republican ladies of Cheshire, MA so grateful to Jefferson? What gift did they send him?

The Republican ladies of Cheshire, MA were very grateful to Jefferson because of his dedication to separating the church and state. They sent him a "Mammoth Cheese". It had a diameter of four feet and weighed 1,235 pounds.

What did Marshall arrange for the rooming and boarding of the Supreme Court Justices? Under what circumstances would the justices be served wine?

The Supreme Court Justices stayed at Conrad and McMunn's boardinghouse, which was located on Capitol Hill. The justices were only served wine in the event of rain.

Against whom and where did the United States fight the Quasi-War?

The United States fought the Quasi-War against France at sea

Why did Jefferson later in life refer to his election as "the revolution of 1800?"

The election was the first time in America's short independent history and the history of the world that power had peacefully changed hands between two political parties.

What was Marshall's background?

The oldest of fifteen children, Marshall's childhood was primitive. He lived in a wooden cabin at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Marshall received no formal education, but he learned reading from his father, who surrounded him in classic literature. Marshall enlisted during the Revolutionary War and served as George Washington's aid throughout the winter at Valley Forge. When the war was over, Marshall studied law at the new law school new school in William and Mary. After school, Marshall became a very successful lawyer and served on a state board. Marshall also played a key role in ratifying the federal constitution in Virginia. Under Adams, Marshall had served as part of a delegation that traveled to Paris to settle issues with the French government, a mission which became known as the "X, Y, Z Affair" when French officials refused to meet without monetary bribes and the American delegation returned home.

Under the Articles of Confederation, where had the national capital been located?

There had not been a set place for the capital. It had once been set in Philadelphia, but the occupants had had to flee when approached by angry mobs.

Why did the election of 1800 go to the House of Representatives?

There was an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr and Burr did not, as expected, step down.

How did Jefferson and Madison respond (secretly) to the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They teamed up to write the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.

What was the one exception to Marshall's almost constant affability with friend and foe alike?

Thomas Jefferson, Marshall's cousin.

How did the church manage to maintain its impartiality?

Two ministers arrived at the polling place together; one voted for each candidate, so their votes would cancel each other out.

Who were two former Woodley landowners who were appointed justices of the peace?

Uriah Forrest and Benjamin Stoddert

The District of Columbia included what four sections? *What is Boundary Street today, and what two sections of the District did it separate?

Washington County, Washington City, Alexandria and Georgetown. Boundary Street, now Florida Ave, separated Washington County and Washington City

How was George Washington able to "persuade" John Marshall to run for Congress as a Federalist?

Washington was waiting in the stable, where Marshall was headed to saddle his horse and leave Mount Vernon before Washington could try any more to persuade him to run for Congress. Washington, an imposing figure, pointed out to Marshall that, though he would have preferred not to, he, Washington had sacrificed private life in the interests of the country. Marshall grudgingly conceded and ran for Congress as a Federalist.

According to John Jay, what three qualities did the Supreme Court lack?

Weight, energy, and dignity

How did George Washington ensure that he wouldn't be buried alive?

he instructed his family not to bury him until three days after he died.

For what two reasons did the Republicans take a very dim view of the Judiciary Act of 1801?

• It gave the judiciary branch—the least democratic of the three branches of government—more power. • The appellate courts let the outgoing president exercise power after his term.

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