Green party
Green party
"a formally organized political party based on the principles of green politics, such as social justice, environmentalism and nonviolence. Greens believe that these issues are inherently related to one another as a foundation for world peace."
"the transfer of authority from central to local government."
Why did the green party form the non-GMO project?
Customers might be worried about the negative effects of genetically modified food.
The green party wants to eliminate background checks for fire arms.
Howie Hawkins
Green party founder
The green party believes permanent border passes should be given to all verified residents of Canada and Mexico.
Human consciousness and awareness
Two of the Green party's original beliefs
The green party's platform has had to...
adapt to more political ideas to stay relevant.
The Earth's physical resources are...
Cynthia McKinney
first African American women to represent Georgia in Congress
The GMO-project...
gives labels on food to show whether is has been genetically modified or not.
Human kind depends on...
the diversity of the natural world for it's existence
Green party believes abortion is...
women's choice