Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change

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Greenhouse Effect

Earth remains at constant 'perfect' temperature through the 'Greenhouse Effect.' Greenhouse effect: Sun gives of short wave radiation that have high energy (lots of quick waves), which can be damaging because of their high energy. Some of the short wave radiations are reflected by the ozone layer while others are absorbed by Earth, and converted into heat energy. Short wave radiation are remitted into the earth as infrared radiation or heat. Greenhouse gases are important in reflecting the short wave and the love wave radiation. Long wave radiation is re-emitted from the surface of the heat. Some of the remaining long wave radiation escapes to space, while others may be reflected by greenhouse gases.

Water cycle and the enhanced greenhouse effect

An increase in air temperature means that atmosphere can hold more water, which in turn acts as a greenhouse gas and leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases leads to an increase in the magnitude of the greenhouse effect

More droughts

As temperatures rise due to global climate change, more moisture evaporates from land and water, leaving less water behind

Human impact on the carbon cycle

Human activity such as industrialization (increase in burning of fossil fuel and increase in population) and deforestation has led to enhanced greenhouse effect. This is because of the increase CO2 in the atmosphere.

Carbon Cycle

All living things, their waste and dead things contain carbon in their DNA, carbohydrates, fats, protein, cells, and organs.

Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the typical or average weather of a region or a city. The enhanced greenhouse effect leads to global warming Global warming causes climate change It is change in the pattern of weather, change in the ocean currents, change in winds, and change in ice sheets.

Higher temperatures

Enhanced greenhouse gases are trapping more heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing average temperature rising all over the world

Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases are gases that contribute to the warming of the earth by absorbing infrared radiation. They include: Carbon Dioxide Water Nitrous Oxide Methane CFCs

Wilder weather

Hurricanes and other tropical storms get their energy from warm ocean water. As the top layer of the ocean gets warmer, hurricanes and other tropical storms grow stronger, with faster winds and heavier rain. Because of higher temperatures and increased evaporation, climate change causes other types of storms to get stronger, too.

Warmer oceans

If temperature of the air rises, then the oceans will absorb more heat and become warmer


Malaria is a life-threatening blood disease caused by parasites transmitted to humans through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Once an infected mosquito bites a human and transmits the parasites, those parasites multiply in the host's liver before infecting and destroying red blood cells.

Melting of permafrost

Permafrost is water under the ground that is frozen all year round. Permafrost can melt due to the higher temperatures created through climate change. When this permafrost melts the land above is sinks or changes shape. Permafrost has trapped carbon dioxide within it. When this permafrost melts this carbon dioxide is sent into the atmosphere in the form of methane which is a greenhouse gas. This process again leads to climate change.

Increased sea levels

Sea level rise is caused by two processes: thermal expansion (ocean water expanding as it heats up) and additional water flows into the oceans from ice that melts on land

Less snowpack

Snowpack refers to the total amount of snow and ice on the ground. The snowpack is melting earlier than usual, it usually melts in spring and summer, providing fresh water for rivers and streams. Global warming is causing this snow to melt. Salmon and other fishes rely on abundant, clean and cold water, since the snowpack is melting, thus a decline in number of fishes present in the ecosystem.

Water Cycle

The cycle: Water - Water Vapor- Atmosphere Transpiration is the evaporating of water into water vapor from leaves. Increase transpiration by increasing temperature and increase in wind. Precipitation- when air can't hold the water any longer, it rains. Water has to be recycled because it's limited (relatively constant) It changes states and one of the states is water vapor.

Increased ocean acidity

The increase of carbon dioxide results in the increase of acidity of the ocean. Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere whenever fossils fuels are burned and then dissolving into the ocean, forming carbonic acid. This results in inhibited shell growth in marine animals and is suspected to cause a reproductive disorder in some fish. It would also impact corals, making it harder to build skeletons and corals are particularly important because they provide homes for many other sea creatures.

Changing rain patterns

Too little or too much water can be a problem. In many places, people depend on rain and snow melt to fill lakes and streams and provide a source of water for drinking, watering crops, and other uses. However, heavy rain can cause flooding. This can effect agriculture, water supplies, plants, animals and ecosystems, forests and recreation.

Melting of glaciers

warmer temperatures cause glaciers to melt fast than they can accumulate new snow. As giant ice sheets melt, they add more water to the ocean, causing sea levels to rise.

Risk of climate change

affects everyone Climate change threatens health. Vector borne diseases like malaria and dengue virus will increase with more humidity and heat. Drought, floods and heat waves will increase. Hunger and famine will increase as food production is destabilised by drought. Pollution and pollen seasons will increase leading to more allergies and asthma. Warmer waters and flooding will increase exposures to diseases in drinking and recreational waters. Between 2030 and 2050 climate change is expected to cause 250 000 additional deaths per year.

Important terms for carbon cycle

respiration, photosynthesis, decomposition, fossil fuel formation, combustion, fossil fuel emissions, CaCO3, CO2, H20, methane

Decreased sea ice

sea ice is frozen ocean water. It forms, grows and melts in the ocean and is typically covered by snow for most of the year. Though due to climate change, there has been a decrease in the amount of sea ice.

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